HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-12-28, Page 1OL 1 EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, '1.893.
Theinolsons Bank.
(Chartered by Parliament, 1855.)
Paid up Capital... , ,... $2,000,000
Rest Fund.... 1,200 000
Head offiee Montreal.
Money advanced t.•., 4ocei Farmer's on their
' own notes w. ;14 one or more endorsers ci•t 7
per CeSt per annum.
Exeter Branch.
Open every lawful day frain 10 a. in. to 3 p.
ro., Saturdays/1.0 a, m. to 1 p, m
A.gederal bankil1g 131.10illeSS tin/18040d
CURRENT RATES allowedfor mon-
ey on Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at 3
Per cent.
Exeter, Jan 28, '88. Sub Manager
;s ju Thursday Morning,
at th'e Office,
--- By the --
Wanted on or about Feh. 1, a lite° oin ell-
ing house, convenient to the business part
of the town. Apply at this office at once
SATURPAYt BOO 30. --At 2, o'clock, pm,. at
the Trivitt Memorial Church sheds, Exeter,
Blood Home., •Carriagee, etc , the property
of Rev. F. II:Fat L lir. John Gill, Allot,
Lot 8, Concession 2, Stephen, dentainirlg
100 acres, This is one or the hest farms in
Stephen and is lactated just 2 miles from
Centralia four from Exeter and 14 mile from
a Soh ool, WaLmea HILL.
Centralia P.0
Respectfully solicited for A. Q. Dobler, the
people's Councillor for 15911 who will give
you wise and economical
Oiae Dollar per annum if paid in Advance.
31.50 if uot so paid.
.3.6.1r ti.airiz Mauteas or/ .Z..pplIca.-
No paper disco ntinued until all arreara ge
are paid. Advertisements without specific
directions will. be published till forbid and
eharged accordingly. Liberal discount ma de
for transcient advertisements inserted for
long periods. Every description of .1-qn
PRINTING turned out in the finest style,
and at raod.erate rates, Cheques, money ord-
ers, 8re . for advertising, subseriptiona, eta. to
be made payable to
Sanders 4.% Dyer
Church Directory.
Fatt, Reotor, Sunday Services, 11 a. ra
and7p.m. Sabbath School, 3 p,.m. Holy
Communion. lst Sunday of each month at
Morning Service. and in months of five Sun-
days after Evening Service of 41h Sunday of
the month, Holy Baptism. on 2nd Sunday
of eaoh month at morning service.
ORIIRCri--.Tames-st Rev.T. G.
TACESON Pastor.SuridayS ervices, 10.311 a .ra,
&n&6.80 p.m. Sabbath So3iool, 2.30 v. m
MAIN STREET ROY.IteDone.e, Past-
or. Sunday Services, 10 30 n. m. an 6.30 p.ni
abbath School 2.80 p.m.
s tor. Sunday Services, 11 a. m. and 6.90 p.
-abbath School, 9.46 a. m
Fakis on's Block
erth of Ge.4.1ing Store
ozt?XsTsit., extractai*,eetli
Away at Hensall n4et
Craig on. and and. 4th ;Tuesday
on last Thursday of ea& month
. INGRAM, DENTIST, Member Royal
College Dental Surgeons, successor to
. Billings. Office over •Post Office
Exeter) Ont. safe anaesthetic given for
the painlese extraction of teeth. Fine Geld
Filhnes as required. •
Drs. J. A.ROLLINS 8z T A. A.MOS.
• Residenees, same as formerly
• OFFICES, Speakman, building., Main St.
• Dr, Rollins' office; same as formerly—north
door. Dr. Amos' office, same building—south
door. • ' May isI. 1893
LI Rollins,. M. D. T. A. Amos, M. D
• the College of Physicians and Surgeons
Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Accouch-
eur. Office, Dashwood, Ont.
114. 011., ConveyancerNotary Public.
Oface—Over Bank, Exeter, Ontario,
Money to Loan.
of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con..
veYaneer, Commissioner, Lim Money to loan
'Offiee--.Fanson's Block,Exeer.
itonst Conveyancers. &c.
• Auctioneers
• ▪ 13ROWN,Winchelsea. Licensed Auct-
-LI • ioneer for the Counties of Perth and
Middlesex, also for the township of Usborne
Sales promptly attended to andterms res.-
• sonbale.Sales arranged. at Post office.
ohelsea. •
BOSS.ENBERRy, Hen/mil ontario.
Li e-
.11. ensed Auctioneer for the Counties of
Huron and. Perth. Charges moderate and
satisfaction griaranteed.
BD W FARNCOMB, Provinrial Land
XI 4. Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office,
Over Post Officeilrain-strears-Exeter.
40.1:1;ST. LLIOT.
The Western Fire Assurance Company,
of Toronto
The Phomix Fire Insurance Co`y.,
of Lon.don, England
• The Alliance Fire Assurance. Co'y.,
of London, England
Offi ee:—Main -street, Exeter, Ont.
(Changed every
Wheat per bushel
',Barley .
Oats ......
Peas . .
Butter . 41 • • • • .....
Tallow, ...
Chicken per lb
Ducks, per pair, s
00.56 to 0.58
35 to 37
27 to 28
. 50 to 51
....... 18 to 20
18 to 14
. 5 to 6
.. 5 to 6
50 to 60
Pork ...• • •* 00.40A., 5,90 to 6,00
Potatoes per DRS .... 35 to 40
Hay per ton ..., 6.00 to 7.50
Piro's Iternedy ler Catarrh Is the
Best; 'Easiest to ITER), Old Cheapest,
t401(1 by druggists or sent by mail.,
60e. Is, Ititizeltine. Warren, Pa.
Emperor Francis Joseph •of' Austria
1E18111(3ring with an aitaelc of influenza,
Me I
• LADIES AND OENTLEgnx,—I am a condi,
date for Reeve for 1894. I respeetfully ojloft
your votes- It is impossible for in o to see
you persenally. •.
Wishing every citizen a hap' and pros-
perous coming year,
I am your old servant,
OF- Tilt
to announce that T am ft car'dicla,te for, -the
office of Reeve for your•village for the ensil-
ing year. If elected m:44 earnest out-tea...tor
will be to promote the best interest of the
village in general, also to give ,earsful at-
tention to economy in expending the public
money. Bespectfully soliciting your sup -
I am respectfully yours,
'NliT114C. I3AWDEN
nominated for the position of Councillor of
your village for the year 1894, and having
acceptefi the nomination will therefore be
in tile field for election. I am not. as was
stated upon the nomination platform, a-
bove asking a roan for his vote; but 1 um,
however of the opinion electors should vote
for candidates only in whom they have
confidence, and should not be misled by
rnisre-presentations into voting for others.
ean only premise you careful, constant
and honest service, and if elected I will
give you this.
, Yours resveetfa,
After having served you as -First Deputy
Reeve of the Township for the.past 12 years,
I respectfully ask your vote and influence to
elect me next Monday.., and I assure you I
shall endeavor to do n the hit:fleas in the
past. • Yours _Respectfully •
TO hipil IP HAY
I wish to state that I am a, candidate
for First Deputy in your tannicipality and
solicit your suffrages, and if elected I will
endeavor to transact the business of the
Township in a manner that you will have
no reason to regret the confidence you have
placed in me.
Wishing you all a happy new veonl
/ am, are.
- -j,KKET
A prohibition discussion will be held
in the scheol house, Sodom, on Friday
eveeing next, 29th. A good attend-
ance is expected.
Vote for Eilber cied have the debt
of the township of Stephen wiped out,
Wet lifeCtsillivray.
• The cold hand of -death has again
laid itt grasp on ene of our most high
ly respected residents, in the person of
William Dauncey Jr Deceased had
been sick only a few weeks, Previous
to his illness he had to attend the bed -
Side of his wife, W be was eeriously ill
mid on her recovery he himself became
afflicted. He leaves a wife wad child
to mourn his demise.
The bridge known as Ford's bridge
is in a daegerous condition from the
•effects of the late freshet and traffic has
been suspended until; repairs are made.
--The Patrons of lorlustry, of. South
Huron have commenced the work of
niacin?: a candidate in 'the fields for the
Legislature The Reeve and Second
Deputy were elested by declamation on
Friday. There will be a contest be-
twe,en First Deputy and Councillors,
The TleNP Ctuididates to the field for
municipal honors Are 0, Christie, First
Deputy, Samuel Switzer, Councillor• .
Vote, for Either and be on •the win
ning side on the night of the ele.ctiou.
• To be cleared before mov-
ing into the premises now
occupied by R.Pickard&Son.
. Having leased the premises
referred to for a term of
years, which we intend to
move into in February 1894.
We will sell any ladies' jack-
ets at the following big cut
prices, viz:—
Were $1.0.00 now $7.00
Were $8.00 now $5,00
Were $5.00 now 83.00
Your choice of child-
ren's jaaets now only
82.75. Trtese prices are
for cash or produce only
Samwells Block, Exeter.
The U.S. }louse Committee on Ter.
ritories has authorized A favoreble re-
peat on the bill providing for the ad.
mission of Oklahotna as a state, •e•
We again have to record the sad
death of one of I3iddulph's highly re
speuted young gentlemen in the per
8011 of Mr. Westman eldest son of Mr.
James Westinan aged 27 years. Cause
was a severe cold which had settled
on his lungs. The family have the
Sympathy of the community.—On Sun
day 241h inst., Albert only son of Mi.
Franciq Ryan died, aged 12 years.—
Lucan's undertaker had a funeral to
attend every day last week and on Sat-
urday he had no less than three. A
number of the deaths are caused by la
grippe.—The literdry entertainment in
School, No 2, Biddulph took place' on
Friday 22nd °vying to the bad state 61
the roads the attendance was not as
large ae it might have been. They
had a large turn out on Xmas night at
Wesley church eutertainment.—Miss
Nellie Dagg and Mr. John Gilmore all
of Mooresville, were united in the
bonds of wedlock on Tuesday last. A
merry Christmas to all.
NO 330
Qn Monday last a. strutll 'stable be-
longing, to Mrt. Ribeeca Porte, situated
in rear of her promisee; took fire at 8
pan, and was burne,d down. ',I'here
were two horsee in the stable belong-
ing to Dr. Shaw, which were also burn.
ed There WAS tt small itisutance oTi
the building, but nothing ou the con-
Mr. J. A. Williams, our enterprising
miller, received a new eugine for his
mill last week. This engine has all the
latest arid best improvements and will
no doubt prove far superior to the old
cnie.—Our various churches held their
Christmas.tree entertainment on Mon-
day evening. The churches were
crowded in spite of the wet weather
and good lengthy programs were satis-
factorily carried out. --Some of our
sports attended the shooting match at
Blake on Tuesday and wei.e successful
in carrying off the gold medal.—The
following are the parties that spent
Christmas holidays with relatives and
friends in this village:—Mr and Mrs.
Sane Base, of London, the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. D. Steinbach, Mr. R H, Stele -
back, of Detroit College of Medicine;
Nicholas Deichert, of London, Henry
Deichert, harness maker, of New Haven
Mich.; Geo. Buchanan, of Toronto Uni
versity; Miss Laura Williams, of Alma
College, St. Thomas; Ben. Holtzman, of
Elkton, Michels at home having attend-
ed the funeral of his little brother. --Mr.
Gus Demuth, who was away from home
for the past four years has also returned.
IVIernittoNrats—On Christmas even-
ingi"a most gay and festive gathering.
atRose'Hill Cottage, the residence of
Mr. and Mrs James Sproat for the pur-
pose of celebrating the marriage of
their youngest daughter Miss Hannah,
one of Tucleersznith's most highly re-
spected youreg ladies to Mr C. MeAllis
ter a prominent and prosperous farm-
er of Hay. township. About the ap-
pointed time 5 p mthe parties took
their places and the bride, attired in
her beautiful dress of cream crootaum,
trimmed with cream lace and present-
ing a delightful appearance was at-
tended by Miss Carrie Wigley, of Lon.
don, similarly dressed, while Mr, J.
Forbes,of Seaforth,acted as groomsman
The marriage ceremony was sol,mniz
ed by Rev, J. 8, Henderson, of Hensall
This being done the guests after ex-
pressipg their well wishes towards the
newly married couplesat down to
dinner, and their palates had certainly
never before been 8tiasoned with more
luxurious viands. After this the eveti.
ing was spent rit divers manners viz:
vocal and instrumental music, &e, The
numerous •tind useftl preseets on the
OCCASION Were exceptionally valnable
manifestingthe high esteem rn which
both the, bride tend bridegroom are held.
After supper had been served and all
were eatisfied with the night's merri-
ment, Mr, and Mrs. McAllister left for
thole handemese new home on the Parr
aceorripatied by showers of con-
gratulatiOne flout their numerous
School Report.
The following is the December re-
port for S. S. No. 2, Hay. Names are
in order of merit. V: --C C Ross, 11, F
Chapman. IV:—:Maud Russell and F
OiRoss equal, Nellie O'Brien, Beatrice
Warren. Sen. III:—Nellie Gould, Mil
ton Russel, John Todd, Jun. TM--
VVillie Jackson, Melvin Gould, Edgar
O'Brien. ,II:—Bertie O'Brieu, Robert
O'Brien, Willie I3useh. II Pare.—John
Jackson, Ethel Northcott, Jas. North-
cott. Ist Part.—Eddie Gould, Willie
O'Brien, Lulie Munn. The 'best spel
lers in the . monthly ,,spelling match
weree—'\, R F Chipman; IV, Mead I
Russell; Sen III, Flora. M Northcott
Jun. 111, Willie Jackson; II, Jessie
Munn; II part, Freeborn Johnston ; 1st
Part, Epie Gould,
• Mr. Henry Kadin?: is tome on a vis-
it.—Mr. Weir and family, of Brown's
Corners, are visiting Mr. Henry Shanks
and other friends—Albert C. _Wilson
arrived hcane on' Saitirday 'fiem the
Guelph Agricultural College.—Miss
Lettia Foster and her brother William
arevisiting their brother George and
friends in this vioinity.—Mr. Walter
Patterson and sister Aggie spent
Christmas in our village.—The Christ-
mas entertaininenOin Boston Methodist
chuech Monday evening was a decided
success. Although a stormy night the
church was nearly filled. The recite,
'tions, dialogues, and music by the
choir, were ;well 'rendered, showing
careful training: The presents were
very numerous and Many hearts were
made glad with the thought that their
friends had not forgotten them. Pro-
ceeds $26.—Mr. Wm. Wickett is visit-
ing -friends in this vicinity.—Mr. T. A.
Stinson, of Bayfield, is Visiting friends
in this vicinity.
La Grippe and diptheria are in the
neighborhood.—Fish creek has risen
above its banks owing co recent heavy
iisns —There is a proposal to add to
the acceenodation in the public school
and to engage an assistant teacher.
The school roll exceeds eighty pupils—
too many for one man to do justice to.
—Mrs. Jamieson, who has been an in-
valid ior some tirne, id not expected to
recover.—tOur school teacher, • Mr.
Leigh, and family are spending their
holidays with friends in Goderich.—Mrs.
I. Ogden of the town line of Usborne
has been suffering from an attack of
pleurisy. -9 he brags band, lately or-
ga.nized in this village, are having a
weekly practice under the tuition of
Mr. Harry Brown of Winchelsea.—Pat
O'Brien has had another attack of par
alysis with la grippe, and may not re.
cover.—A sermon on "temperance"
will be given by the Incumbent of St.
Patrick's Church on Sunday, Dee 81st
at 11 a. m. All are cordially invited. --
Rumor says that Mr. R McGowan Is tO
extend his business by taking into
• partnership Mr. Nathan Doupe at the
beginning of the year.—Mr..Robt. Beat -
tie's palatial residence is fieished, but
nnocctipied 01v7/11g to the recent anci-
dent by which Mr. B. sustained a corn.
pound fracture of the thigh.—Mrs. R.
H. Robinson is laid aside from Conges-
tion of the liver, but is improving un-
der medical treatment:
Lucene'—Iteeve, Win. Ellwood and
Robinson Armitage. Couneillors, Robt
McLean, A. lhaithwate, W Gilfillan,
Gibson and Geo. Hodgins.
Miro-one Le—Mayor, W, R. Davis, J.
W Cull, Alden Burnitt and Isaac Hard.
Jas Doagherty and John White jr.
Deputy Reeve, E G Wood, M D, and
Abraham Den, Councillors, South
Ward, Wm, Ryan, John White jr, Jas.
Jones E G Wood, M. D., C. H Burnitt
M. D. Wm IVIartyn, and Wm. Honey,
West Ward, W. A. Elle, Jabez Jewell,
Fred Mitten, Jas. Wilson, Wm. Meehan
Alex, Murray, Thos., Skinner, Fred
Davis, •
• FARICIIILL —Mayor, Wm. Thonapson
[ace] Reeve, A. M. Miller [ace.]
Sneroaria—Mayor, D. D, Wilson
[ace.] Reeve. James Beattie, Wm. M.
Gray. •
• STEPHI1N —Reeve, V Ratz [ace] First
Deputy, H. Either and Christie. Second
Deputy, J Sherritt [ace] Councillors—
R Hicks,'F. Wuerth, S. Sweitzer.
For IViunielpal Honors.
Following are the results of Friday's
nominations in the yarious sections of
the country.
AILSA CRAIG—Reeve, Sohn Morgan
and Christopher Walker. Councillors,
Duncan McArthur. S. Gillis, James
Alexander, Johnoialexa,nder, J. E Mc-
Kay' and D. F. Stewurt. School Trus-
tees,John Chapman, W. Eastori, Dr.
Anderson, Geo. Alexander and J.
BuSsiers—Reeve, W,H Kerr [ace.]
Councillors, R. Williams, $, Wilton. R.
Graham, Wm. J. R -Gratiatea, W. II.
Mertican, J. R. Snaith, J. Wynn, J.
Harrison: .
Borru—Reeve, N4 H. YoUng (accal-
melon), Councillors, T. Ashbury, T,
W. Scott, F. W. Tanner, A. McNally J.
VVilford, F. Metcalf, J. McGee. •
Cerserox—Mayor, 11.11ohoes, J, Jack-
son, sen„ G., D. Mciaggatt, W. C. Searle
Reeye, A MeMarchy, D. Cantelon.
• Gonnarcii—Mayor, John Butler and
0, A, Humber, Reeve, Wm. Proudfoot
and Dr. j, 13. Whitby. Deputy -Reeve
Philip Holt, W. C. Goode a.nd McGilli-
euddy Councillors, St. Atdrew's 'Ward,
T. Naftel, D. C. Strnehata Cantelon,
J. A, Reed, 0 A. Nairn and A. 13. Cor-
nell, St. David's Ward, Rebt. Thomp•
son, R McLean, W. H. IVIeernev, M. O.
Johnston, J. W. Smith, St, Patriclea
Ward; Jas Yates, Aloe, Saunders, Jas,„
Wateon, George wt. Elliett, F. 3. Prid-
ham, St. Geoege's Wald, M. Nieholson.
Jos. Eichl, R. R. Sailows% 3. A, Reid, H.
Sr. MARS'S —Mayor, W. C. Moscrip,
acclamation, Couneillors—North Ward
T. D Stanley, W. Peens, W. Dunseity,
J S Pearin, S Little, F. MCCracken;
South Ward, 1, W. H. Graham, J. Bea-
vers, J. Clyde, 0 Richardson, R Treacy
T. Gardner, S. H. Mitchell; West Ward
T D Stanley, T. McGolrick, J. McLean,
W Seevens, G Lyons. School Trustees --
North ,Ward, J. C. Gilpin,, acciamatIon;
West Ward, J. W. Wood, W Cochrane.
South Ward, J. 13ea.yer, W. Webster.
• Tfroxielt SMITH.--Iteeve, Shepherd
[ace.] Deputy Reeve, McKay and Mc-
Lean. Councillors—Laton, McCloy,
McLean and Rankle.
USBORNE.—Reeve, Thos. M. Kay and
J. Cann, Couneillors—S. W Ward J.
Halls, Wm. Brownlee; la. W. Ward, W.
Kydd, Walt. Kethly; S. E. Ward, J.
Shier, W Delbridge; N E. Ward, Robt,
Gardner Jr., [ace.] -
WINGHAM—Mayor, J. Hanna, D. M
Gordon. Reeve, R C.Sparling [ace]
North Middlesex.
Liman, Dec. 20.—The -Liberal-Con-
serVative Association of North Middle-
sex met in conventioe at Ailsa Craig
this afternoon for the purpose of nonii-
nating.a candidate to represent their
interests in the Provincial Legislature.
The meeting was called to order • at
at 2.15 p.m. by Mr John Fox, presi-
dent of the association. The .meeting
was not up to the panel, attendance
upon such occasions, owing to the im-
passable state of the roads However,
70 members answered to the roll 'coal:
The firat business was a vote on the
question of admitting a London Ad-
vertiser reporter. The majority were
against his admittance. The following
parties were put in nomination: Mr.
John Fox, proposed by C. C. Hodgins,
reeve of Biddulph. Mr. Hodgins said
that he knew of no better man in our
midst to fill the position than Mr: Fox,
• and therefore took much pleasure in
bringing his naine forward as a can-
didate. Dr. Lang, of Granton, was
nominated by W. D. Stanley, seconded
by Mr. R. S.Hodgins, of Lucan. The
latter gentleman; in his remarks on
Dr. Lang's nomination, paid a glowlag
tribute to the leader ofthe Opposition
in the Ontario Legislature. Mr. Will-
iam R. Meredith, and the deeided feel-
ing of the whole meeting was no „mat-
ter who might be the chosen nominee
of the convention, he should be a true
supporter of Mr. Meredith's platform,
irrespective of Patrons of Industry,
Protestant Protective Association, or
any other org,anizations. Mi 0 C.
Hodgms, reeve d Biddulph, was nomi-
nated by air. James Stanley. Mr.
Hodgins, in declining the nomination,
gave Mr. Mowat and his Government
a scathing lebulee for the policy adopt-
ed by them in the matter of monopoliz-
ing the appointment of every county
officer, from registrars and sherriffs
down to a Diviston Court bailiff, and
the enormous fees allowed to his par-
tisans withoutaliowing the several.
counties which were obliged to foot
the bill a word to sa,v as to the appoint-
ments. Several other parties were al.
so put in nomination. Mr, John Fox,
in postponing the acceptance of the
nomination, at least for the present,
referred to the late victories against
the Mowat combination in North Bruce
and East Lambton, and believed that
the decision in those two ridings Was
only the forerunner of the result at the
next goderal election in Ontario. He
also referred to the P, P. A. and re-
marked that he was not a member
himself, and consequently knew tioth-
ing'about their platform; but if it was
equal rights to all men and privileges
to none, he wished them God speed. At
this stage of the proceedings it became
evidentbthat no choice of a candidate
could be arriyed at on this occasion,
and it was 'moved by Mr, jarnes Marr
fieconded by Mr, McGladdery, that the
meeting, adjourn until Wednesday
January 17, next, at the earn() hour
and place. The meetino•bthan closed
with loud cheers for the Queen and Mr.
W. R. IVIeredith.
Complete police returns show that
John B. Hopkins was ehosen 1\'layor of
Chleag•o on Tuesday by a plurality
of 1,141.
If you are sick take Eseljay's Liver
Lorzenges and get well.
James Brinkman, a well known sett-
ler Of Prince Albert district, committed
suicide by cutting a hole in the lee of
the Saskatchewan River and plunging
into Ulu water,
Additional Looals.
Since the fire in Mr, 5, Gidley's ftirit-
tture tore a number of the tools des-
troyed therein are missing, from the
remains and doubtless have been taireat
ttway by some email boys. Mr. Gidiev
does not consider the value of the arm,
cies in question but weuld like to have
them returned,
Mr Howard is prepared to put hit
water power in proper condition te
furnish the tswn with electrielight
the best and cheapest for the village
provided he gets sufficient encourage
ment from the eitizens and the couns
cil. It would be well if the people
would at once set about the matter ant
secure a much needed advantage. --
• [Mr. Redmond. of St. Thomas, paid,
us a short visit and from what he told
us we are of the opinion that the sug-
gestion of our correspondent should be
acted upon at once. Our town Canndt
afford to be in the wake of our sister
towns in this regard, possessing as we
do the very best means of .securing
this advantage. Let us hear from oth-
ers of our citizens, and ventilate the
matter ]—ED
It will be well for all municipal
councillors to remember that it is illeg-
al:henceforth to make any appoint-
ments to office by terder or applica-
tion of lowest remuneration. The mun-
icipal act thus declares that good nf-
ficials is thenest economy, This will
be rather raughpri some of the rural
legislatures who generally go in far
the cheapest at d leave efficiency to
take are of itself. '
Tistaannual school h;chool meating was held
at the Town Hall yesterday (Wed)
Ma M.Eacrett acted as.chairman; and
Ma John Grigg, secretary (pro tern)
After the usual routine of business, the
following gentlemen were duly elected
trustees: H. E. Huston [re-electedie
W. J. Carthage instead of • W. Treble,
[retired]; Peter Fray ne, instead of
D. Weekes fretiredl,
• reatuterits.
MCNEvix.—In Exeter, on the 271h inst
• the wife of Wm, MeNevin of a son.
on the 27th inst.., William Balkwill,
to Miss Ada Jane Fa,nson, both of
Exeter. '
Cottage, Tuckersmith, on the 25th
inst, Charlie McAllister; of • Hay
township, to Miss Hannah, daughter
'of Mr. James Sproat. • • • •
Ginuourt—DAufa—At Ailsa Craig, ow
• the 20th inst., by the Rev. Shaw, of
• that place, John Gilmour to Miss
Nellie, daughter of Mr. F:Dagg, aI
• of Mooresville.
HonGmTs--CampmEtn--At the resi-
dence of the bride's father, Mr. David
Campbell, on the 13th inst., by the
Rev. S. Sellery, R A., Mr. Ellison
Hodgins, of Ola.ndeboye, to Miss Mag-
• gie Campbell, of Toronto
BRINE-PitowsE—At the Rectory,Kirk-
• ton, by the Rev. H. Douglas Steele.
on. Motiday evening, Dec. 25th, Mr.
Wm. I. -Brine, of the 61h con. of Blan-
shard, to Jane, eldest daughter .
Mr. John Prowse, of Woodham.
STRONG— CALDWELL—At the residence
of the bride's father, Zurich Road,
Hay, on the 20th inst, by the Rev
• Mr Martin, Mr Henry Strong, elf
Tutkersmith, to lia,ry, daughter of
• Mr W Caldwell
Hon J A Ouinaet was given a recept-
ion by the French Conservative Club
in Montreal last eyening.
Our 2 -Week's sale was s, grand success.
People from far and near aee taking
aclvantatve of the low prices. We
sold a lo% of goods and pleased a great
many poople'bat aux stook 31.1.11St still
be reduced. 83000 by January lot,
we will therefore extend MIT great
sale another month. We bought too
heavy for fail and winter and must
now pay the penalty by saerificing out
profite, ' The mistake is ours but Ike
benefit will be yours, as we have said
good bye to profits all through
B1ack, Cashmere worth 81. 05 a yd. for tt
Black Cashmere worth 75c a yd. for X*
Blik Dashnicre Rose 1,vorth 501 a tn., for .,40
131ric ClaShin or° Rose worth 856 a pr. for .25
Factory Cotton worth 100 a yard for .08
5 Pieces Plannelletto worth toe a vi.
Pea ,Bmbroiclory worth 8564 pa, or .15
IbubrOidpry Lawn Ro kgs worth 25c for ..14
,10 Doti. Silk oligs worth tiootm to go. for .53
A line of nen's caps .tvorth 'Mots for .85
Overcoats W or th $13 00 eitch for 511.02
Overcoats worlh 5t0.80 each Or aati
Dross goods of all a•scriptioa8 at a sae/ellen.
Ono Ladies' Mantlea we can Save you at leaSt
52 0 each
We have bought too heavily (Lna roust
11o\v tit load Ott mistitlro wili bo votir gitin