HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-12-21, Page 8Merrie
To alL—Redempp-
to be
Dcce�nVer 1B1V
Can't do better than buy your boots
and shoes and groceries at the Big
Bankrupt Store.
A choice stock of new black silk and
henriettas just in at the Big Bankrupt
Store—See the values.
Mr, B, Aubry shipped a carload of
horses to Montreal on Monday and will
ship another on Saturday.
The remainder of Mr. A Walper's
Farm Stock, Implements, etc, will be
offered for sale on Tuesday next.
A Goderich correspondent says: -"J
A. Gregory, of Exeter, gave a temper-
ance address in the hall last Sunday
X-mas cards selling at one quarter
the price at the Exeter Bankrupt Store.
We sell cheap all the time,—J. W.
$1 will pay for the ADVOCATEfrom
now until Jan .1, 1895. Subscribe
now and get the balance of the year
free. Read our great offer on another
page. ,
Remember the choicest stock of dolls
and Xmas breeds in town at the Big
Bankrupt Store. Prices no object the
goods must go. before Xmas. Come for
X mas services—Trivitt Memorial
Church Sunday next (Xmas eve) 11
a. m. and 7, p. m. Rev. Fred Heliing
Fate. Monday (Xmas day) morning
prayer and Holy Communion, 11 a. m
The Advocate will be glad at all times
to publish items of local interest, but
any such sent by, mail except from
regular cerrespondents must be ac-
companied`by the name of the writer.
Yes,half price for your choice of over
one hundred ladies and childrens jac-
kets, half price for any over coat in the
Buse, fur coats and fur robes, for near-
ly half value, at the Big Bankrupt
Yes the Big Bankrupt • Store is the
spot where you get 4 pounds of candy
for 25c. China cup and saucer for 15c.
$5.50 china tea set $3.75 and the cheap-
est hanging and parlor lamps in the
The new 8 cent stamp issued by the
Dominion postal authorities is intended
to cover the ordinary postage of a.
letter as well as registration. It is a
time saver. One lick will do instead of
two, as formerly.
Word has been received to the ef-
fect that Mr. John Balkwill, sr., of Chi-
cago. formerly of Exeter, is lying in a
very low state of health, suffering from
inflammation of the lungs and it is not
expected that he will recover.
The hundred acre farm of the late
James Willis estate in the township of
4" stephen was sold by auction at the
Central Hotel on Saturday last and
was purchased by Mr. Robt Sanders for
the sum of $3100,00. The farm is con
sidered cheap.
Messrs. H, and W. D. Smith captured
1st prize for yearliing Durham steer
calf; and Messrs, Thos. Russell & Son, of
LTsborne, 3rd for aged Durham cow;
also 2nd for grade two year old steer,
at the Guelph Fat Stock show held
there recently.
Mr. Jerry Neaman, who resides a
little south of Exeter, while descending
from a G,T.R coach at Centralia on
Saturday last, had the misfortune to
break his arm at the wrist. Conse-
quently he will not have the use of it
it for some time.
Quite a number were present
at the wood -bee given by Mr. Charles
Isaac, 3rd concession of Stephen, on
Thursday last and consequently a
splendid supply of wood was cut, Af-
ter the completion of a faithful day's
work, all present indulged in a •social
Owing to the inclemency of the wea-
ther on Tuesday last Mr. A. Walper's
sale was not a suceess. Considerable
stuff was sold, but not -hear as much as
if the weather had been fine. About
half the things mentioned on the bill
were not offered. He has arranged for
another sale to take place on Tuesday
next, 26th inst', when it is hoped the
weather will prove more favorable. See
The G. T.11 will issue tickets for
the Christmas and NewYear holidays
as follows:--Christmas--Single first-,
(lees fare Dee. 92, 28, 24 and. 25, 18931
good to return leaving destination not
.later than Dec, 26th Single first-class
fere and one thrid Dec. 22, 23, 24 and
25, good to return leaving destination
tet later than Jan. 2nd, 1853, New
Year's, -Single first class fare, Dec. 29,
30 and 31 1803, good to return leaving
tlostination,,notlater than Jan, 2nd,
Do you want any sealette, the Big
Bankrupt Store has a snap in Soaiette.
All of the business houses in town
are now in holiday attire, and the show
windows are full of Xmas presents for
all classes of people Santa Claus is
certainly making a big effort in
behalf of the children this year.
The Public School Board are deeir-
lous of a full attendance of the rate
payers at the annual meeting to be
held on Wednesday, Dee, 27th, at 1'2
o'clock noon. Three trustees are to be
chosen and the usual financial and oth
er reports will be submitted,
This vicinity was counted in the
track of the recent storm, On Saturday
it looked as if we were going to have.
a green Christmas, but the .thermome•
ter gave a twist and Sunday, Monday
and Tuesday was once more , in the
arms of "old Daddy winter". The
weather is now just what people want
so that they can get out on Xmas pur-
chasing trips.
It is now the season of good sleigh
ing and the AbvOCATE once more
warns the school children of the dan-
ger of hanging on sleighs. Parents
should caution their children of the
dangerous practice. It is while going
and coming from school when a whole
crowd of small children try to' pile on"
that a little one will get under the run-
ners, resulting in a broken arm, leg, or
perhaps killed. Children be careful.
Don't forget Mr, ,A. Walper's sale of
farm stock, implements, etc, on Tues
day next. See posters.
There was a fair .attendance at the
entertainment in the Presbyterian
church last Tuesday evening Refresh-
ments were served free of charge. The
affair was under the auspices of the
Sunday School Scholars and their ef-
forts were well appreciated. There was
a good collection, proceeds of which
will be appropriated to the 'purchase
of new booksfor the S, S. Library,
Vestry meeting.
All members and adherents of the
Trivitt Memorial Church are earnestly
requested to attend a special vestry
meeting in the Church hall to -night
(Thursday) at 7.30 o'clock, Important
Goo Case ` Churchwardens
Dan Dyer }
masonic °racers.
At the regular meeting of Lebanon
Forest Lodge, No. 133, .A. F. & A. M.
held on Monday evg,, the following of
fivers were elected for the ensuing
Bro. C. H. Sanders, W, M.
J. J. Knight S. W.
" Jos Davis, J. W.
tit J. P. Ross, Chap.
" B. S. O'neil, Treas.
" M. Eacrett, Sec.
" Wm. Brooks, Tyler.
Business in Exeter, and no wonder. The stock
of Fancy X-mas Goods shown by them is simply
immense. On
_R11oar RID SVTllllllY
We will make an effort to clear our whole
stock of Fancy Crockery, Fancy Lamps,
Books, Dolls and all holiday goods. Away
they go.
The "At Home" and sale of work,
held in Trivict Memorial Church •Hall,
on Tuesday evening had a very fair
patronage; considering the severe snow
storm which was raging during the
day and part of the night. The work
exhibited for sale was very good in-
deed and most of what was soldAeesught
good prices. The program was a short
one but well received. Total amount
of proceeds was about $30.
.As a result of an 'extra canvass on
behalf of the aged and infirmministers'
fund of the Presbyterian church. the
subscribed capital is now about $115,
900. Of this sum $88,000 is paid. The
previous capital was $15 000. Thus a
grand total of $130,000, all paid up'lies
to the credit of the fund. When the
$200,000 is reached the committee have
the promise that the sum of $20,000
will be added to it. At the present
time there are 76 ministers on the re-
tired list. Many of these have only
received very small salaries, but it is.
now certain that men who gave their
life and strength for the service of
their church in days gone by will be
adequately rewarded.
Bankrupt Stock.
A rattling cheap sale now going on
at the Exeter Bankrupt Store in South-
ott's block. Merry Christmas to you
all.—J. W. Broderick.
Now is the time everybody wants
an almanac for the New Year. Num-
bers of these are published and scat•
tered throughout the country. The
one issued by the Centaur Company of
New York City is by far the most
beautiful and complete. They can ue
had free of our druggists.
A Mandy ;Manual. ,
Our thanks are due the Carswell Co.
of Toronto for a copy of ; "Jone's Con-
stable Manuel." It is carefully coin
piled in a portable form so that con-
stables may have it with them for ref-
erence, This is a handy .hook and no
constable can afford to be without ;one.
The price is very low, being $1 for calf
binding and 75e for cloth. Address 30
Adelaide St. E., Toronto.
Liquor in Camp.
An order issued by the Department
of Militia last week entii elv prohibits
the sale of intoxicating liquors in re-
gimental messes and canteens at camps
of instruction; Officers commanding
camps of instruction will be held re-
sponsible for the proper carrying out
of this order, and they, together with
officers commanding units of active
militia, will, in those districts where
the law so directs, be liable to prosecu-
tion in respect of any liquor Bald in
tents or, other premises subject to their
control, in addition td; such penalty as
May be inflicted for a breach of mills
tary discipline.
Reform Convention.
At the Reform Convention held at
Hensel' yesterday (Wed), .Mr. M. Y,
McLean, of the Seaforth Expositor, was
unaminously chosen standard bearer
of the convection.
Exeter Council Proceedings.
Council, met pursuant to adjourn-
ment at the Town Hall, , Exeter, 15th
Dee. 1893, all present. Minutes of
previous meeting read and confirmed
McCallum ---Spackman orders as fol-
lows.—Dr. Flyndman $1.50' examina-
tion re Wes Sutton; Mr. Moore $1.50 fix
ing pump; Jno. Evans, $1 stone; Jones
& Co. $2.70 blacksmithing; W. H. Par. -
sons $2,95 do; J. Creech $3 charity to
Mrs. Wilcox; Do $2 Mrs, McIntosh; the
Treasurer $35 salary; the Clerk $75
bal. of salary—$2.35 postage; Al. Mc
Donald $1 repair pump. Carling—Me-
Callum,that 100 copies of the treasurer's
yearly statement. be printed for distri-
bution—Carried. Mr. Pickard asked
that the sidewalk opposite his new
building be raised six inches. The
council to exar, ine and decide to -mor-
row. Mr, Kemp explained regarding
ringing bell and weighing satisfactor-
ily. Messrs, Hartnell and Frayne
asked the use of the Town Hall for a
temperance meeting on Monday next.
Granted. The council adjourned un-
til Friday the 29th inst., at 7.30 p. m.
Carried. M. KeonerT, Clerk.
The properties of Eseljay's Liver
Lezonges are tonic as Well as laxative.
Those remedies that are violently
purgative weaken fnstead of strength-
en the body. Fsel,jn,y's Liver Lozen-
ges ate pleasat1t, harthless and effec-
tive. 25 cents,
Advocate Premium.
With this issue our splendid superb
Christmas Number is being sent out.
We feel proud of its appearance, and
we feel satisfied that our subscribers
will appreciate it, Tne AnvocAT.o
never does things bv• halves; when it
undertakes to do something, that some-
thing is done well, and in this instance
our snhscribers are to get the benefit,
providing they take advantage of our
great offer, It is our desire that every
subscriber to the ADVOCATE gets. one
of these fine premiums, but unless they
accord with the terms elsewhere it
our columns we cannot send. it. There
still remaius another chance for
those who have 'not yet paid their
subscription, by which they may pro-
cure this elegant holiday number—and
that is by paying at once. We wish
to use all alike and we trust those in
arrears will grasp the last opportunity.
It is a comparatively easy thing for a
subscriber to set himself square on the
list for the ensueing term, and when
that is done •they are not haunted by a
label in arrears as each week passes
by. The solitary subscription is a small
item, but the aggregate totals up a
considerable amount of money and if
every subscriber would make up, his
mind to commence the new year *by
getting straight on our books, they
will not only procure this excellent
premium but will confer a great favor
ee the editor. Lool, at your label, it
will inform you how yeti stand and if
in arrears dq not legit remain so. Pos-
itivelV we gannet; nor will not send
this premium to those in arrears, so if
yeti wish to proeuro' it govern your-
selves accordingly. " Our thanks ' and
gratitude are due the many that have.
paid and also the many who have new-
ly subscribed.
1 Doz. bordered
h'd'k'fs 25 cents,
Japaneese silk
h'd'k'fs border-
ed 10 cts. Furs
of all descript-
ion reduced in
price • to clear.
Fur caps, a P. L.
beaver, nutria,
etc., fur sets
boas, muffs fur
mantles a n d
capes. Ladies'
mantles 50 per
cent. less than
regular prices to
clear. Men's o-
vercoats and
suits, all reduc-
ed in price. We
Is very appropriate to some of the advertisements
we read. We may tell you straight and just here
that we have no cobwebs. If we wanted to lie, we
would tell you that we were selling goods at half'
price, fifty per cent off for cash. Occassionally this
is done with a special article, as a job lot of , sam-
ples, or remnants; but, generally when you see such
statements, you can set it down as a strain-
ing of the conscienceorjugglingwith thetruth. We
don't wonder at the Patrons of Industry boycotting
the storekeepers, after reading such trash, -You
may depend when a merchant sells an article at or
below cost, he is bound to make it up on another.
They are not there to do business for nothing.
* 4
.Are like the Sun,—an every day affair and for,, ev-
erybody. "The Sun and the Windhad a controyers
says the old fable, and the Sun proved the vier
We think our sunshine will win in its strife ;.gains
windy words. We wish our many customers, "A
Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year.
P. S. We pay for Turkeys 9c, Geese 6?c, Ducks 7c, Chicken 5c,
per lb. D. Apples 60, Green do. 50 to 75c per bag, Butter 20 c,
Lard 13c, Tallow Cc and Eggs 17c.
have given up
looking for prof-
its on fur goods
for the balance
of • the season.
Boot and shoe
stock large and
complete. Rub-
bars overshoes,
rubbers and sox
for men & boys.
Highest market prices
pair all kinds of
Fd for
Proclu �,
attinzamnia Enos,
Now is the time to buy Stoves and Furnaces.
If you want either of these •articles, why not -
buy from us? We cercifete with%dealers .all
through the —0 -linty and defy trig to
meet our:•prices. We keep the largest as, k
menu"" We guarantee every stove ase'
furnace we sell.
Cobbledick & Folland.
Exeter Real tItu Agnoy
Buy or Sell a Farm
Buy or Sell Town Property
Borrow or Lencij1Vloney
Collections 1VIake
Call at Mr. Jno, Spackman's
Real Estate 'Agency,
Business Transactions strictly con-
fidential. Intending purchasers will
receive the best advice in selecting
land or town sites.
Also agent for Allan Line '
and State Line Steamships.
Office- Main Street, Exeter, Ont.
Box 44
This wonderful discovery is the bestkno vn remedy for
Biliousness and all Stomach and Liver Troubles, sttch
as Constipation, Headache, Dyspepsia Indigestion,
Impure Blood, etc. These Lozenges nre' pleasant
and harmless, and though powerful o promote a
healthy action of the bowels, do not weaken like pills.
If your tongue is coated you need Client. •
t ter:,
A, 4 n.f,,,!
Ear LuMber
The undersigned wishes
to inform the general public
that he keeps constantly in
stock all kinds of building
materia], dressed and un-
dressed lumber .
B. 0. Red, Ontario,
High Land and
Pine Shingles.
Special notice is drawr
to B. C. Red Cedar whic
is acknowledged -ti kms" t
most durable timber tha
grows; especially for shing-
36 to 40 years. .
It is •said by those who
know, that they will last
from 36 to 40 years in any
Under the guiding hand of the Principal of the
FORDST CITY Bi18IN1tss and SI10ItT11AND SCHOOL of LONDON who has had special
lmoparetion, fdi• his chosen lirfessioa, assures atteeess to eVery• student. , ,
flaying,spent fifteen, years in the Class ream and fivo years in business and °Mien practies5'.
he should know how' to prepare yOnt g poople for business,
It a s to attend a school that has a standing amen business hien. Collo o re -opens
, y i89 . : W.WESTERVE`LT, 1uz dr ..kt
Opposite Hawkshaw s Hotel I;Tuesth y 3aniiary� and,