The Exeter Advocate, 1893-12-21, Page 6Betty and elm.
DA. Sort of upsotha myiptut. b; Ini lethel of
wrought nP u »»r aqui,
I'm filled up with trouble, e tten, eir ; my heart
le the picture of dolg, .
gota weak boy for A 800, Sir. }I.m
WO Woe
es a feller eau be,
• But thee I've a daughter verse: stronger, I
'dunk, Fkor }me mother ner me.
Aod teat is the thing thee emote me --it fihis
Al• ',titer:artist et yam;
Mo Jim he hed oughter beeo Betsy, and Betsy
she'd ()lighter beeu Joe.
Why, jot), he ate' t good tor his salt, sir, Fie
Mime gives up to hie dreeme.
thiees eee a both Mr. Shatespero, aad
spoils gem), wiaite peper by reams."
tilub Betsy's as same as the keeper who looks
after folks what is med ' •
She's got solid sense, has toy Betsy, the solidest
ever was lied.
I have the slightest Idea sire:lest how the
tut:1g came ea beso,
But ;lee he had ()lighter been Betsy, and Bo bsy
shed °tighter Mem Joe. •
Thet gel sb.e will go to the naedder, me toss up
the has: 11Iro a man;
She'll whin the son me the sliadder as hard,
sir, as ever she an
Bui4db s he'll go out there and cleemile. At
dawdlite he's really A. olio
But that ain't the thing for a daughter, nor
• that ain't the thing fee a sen.
An' that's why I set here asigbite, and that's
• wile my pyre, overflow :
My Joe he had outrider been Betsy, and Betsy
se she'd °tighter been Joe.
I don't mina inhe yin' my home, sir, the home of
a -met at all • ,
$35,000,000 HEIRESSES.
Gornething About the Two Riohest Girl
in Amlries.
Aecorng to tile New "Yer. Work l the
two w,41thiast heiresoes in America are the
Beehefellee sero, Atte eina Elese, the un-
married deugheers of the tibeaderd 011
hiog. alone yoeng \esteem should their
fAtterdle to,reorrow, would omen have au
leheritanee 4 $35,000,000. jobn D,
Reekeieller's fortune is eetimeted at
000,000, oodi &ma the World, it is rcasing
at the rata of $15,000,000 every yeer.
The Sbi.ndardi oil mapmets 1144 four chil-
dren. The elites') ditiU;Ah rar, , liesele, le the
Wife of Peefeenoe Clietiee Strong, wito mem
plea the °hair of P,Nfeseor ef Egoist:logy in
the new Ceicap Univereley, to which John
D. Rookefeller bea given $2,600,000 in oath.
She is 27 years old. The yottageet of the
feu e le Jahn D.,, este., who halt joet reaolied
his 2 tit yetir, exid who is being prevered to
take his father's plasm and leek atm the
vase hitereat of the Reekefellisr natilions.
• Alta Rookofoller is not quite 24 yeers
and her sister Eel* lie two yeas younger.
The wleale lite ot throe two heiresses has
been devoted to faelf-eultare end traoir home.
I must say t like ior to listen to verses of spriug Wtaeir eductition lute been saul le taill closely
and °flail' ' p r ia 61 h their mother, who
But what I don't like foe to see, air, ate -what 64 esif --0 if
es the poetry writ by a, boy, sir, an' an the hay • neWse preen j'ems st. Rockefeller,
then a b000keeper on a email neittry, mar-
ried her. Mira Alta openb come time at
Mrs. Life's aemistary, at Rye, N. Y., and
Edith is now inkblot a epeolal edvanood
°emcee at Ogontz Seraistaey, neer Phliedeli
petite Mrs. Strong ie the poly one of the
sets my- beim' awhirl, wale a solsoo teioha in Oieveleed,
nosed. by a girl.
It moms to me sort of outrageous, a sortiof
terrible blow.
That Joe he should °lighter been Betsy, and
• Betse shoulci ought or been Joe;
Because I have always told. Mandy -my wife
en, a splendid one -
That work that was Bella' for women ain't elstera who went to Vassar.
ilitthe for num kind to do. 0 I Alta and Bettie are sosoinolishol noise
• Tve sort a totwitted the lady on weakness o
woman an that,
And hevite the Meng turned around, air, 's the
thing that'si a -knocking me :date
Aneif there's a atm in creation. for chs.ngin''em
Id like to know,
So's Joe, could be nude into Betsy, aud Betsy
bernade into Joe.
-John landriek Bangs., in Mower's Bazar.
The trost is on the tree twig,
The frosn is on the pane,
The dirty street is covered
With the Menu white snow agate.-
• The bells begin to jingle,
And the sleighs begin to glide;
• The boys and girls get out their sleds
The sled flings snow befbre it,
As down the hilt it skips;
The breeze Aim: swiftly by them,
And nttee and ear it nips;
Their cheeks g.4 red and redder,
They shout and shout, twain ;
They quickly reach the bottom,
'This thus in Ilfo's long journey,
• In labor as in play,
We seldoen And a level road
To take us on our way
We've hills to climb with toiling
And oft a level plain, .
A valley and a mountain-,
up down
'Tis • again.
Tine German Band.
The:German band, in the uoonday heat, -
Stopped on a corner of the street.
13irkeeheimer and Mederwurst
With cornets uoder their arms were first;
Nmat Schmidt with a clarionet that shone;
Then Hans Von Beek with a great trombonie ;
While after them there would always come
Little Dutch Feltz with his big bass drum,
net tine gatheling crowd be eyed,
Birkenheirner, the leader, cried:
" !
Vier-funi-led hef go!"
Then woompety-woompety-woomp they
• went,
And folks wherever they took their stand,
• Whnld always say, when they heard thein
/ There was nothing to equal the German band!
Aftee treeeFooillea LI. ElauL
After the trionl was over,
•After the break of home,
After the slayers vaniehol,
All our breath was gone.
Many a limb was aching,
IL we could feel them an ;
Many the ribs were shattered.
After the maul.
A seuehat Epitaph.
f • The following ie the itareniptlon en a totoh-
' storm in a, wardigoiwo gravayerd IsaMao-
eacousette, copied lino fur line:
Hannah Reed is
• My name,
New England is •
My nation;
Boston is my awening
And Christ is
• My salvation.
• When lam dead
• And all any bones
Are rotten.
This; you see,
• Remember me,
• And never let
Me be forgotten.
In the fifteenth year of my age, 178.5.
illet11 Tin Linings May be Easily Renovated
and Freshened.
When the metal bath tub resolutely de -
Wines to be polished into brilliancy and
alellertee a dingy, uneared.for aspect it is
time to apply the paint brush. Of matte
net even the most retitled household arbist
can succeed in producing ,,a rival to the
porcelabe tubs in which fortune's favorites
;eke their daily dip, but a very atinsoblva
aubetittete may be obtained.
The tub mutit firth be scoured and thor-
oughly dried. Theo a coat of ordinary
whits paint should be applied and
sawed to grow quite dry. Alba thee
three or four oases of white enamel should
be applied, each one b000ming quite/ dry
before the :noble added. The tub will be
both daintier in appearance and mere'easily
kept clean than the tin or zinc) one&
I am a little boy just 11 'years Old. My
libtle eider has taken four bottlfoe Of Play's
Cure ter Consumption, and it ie the' firet
thing that hoe aver done her any geed, She
les only 4 years old, and hes harl 4 bad cold
ever eitide oho was a year old till SW she le
almithe entirely Over it —Bute FEEDERIog,
1,Ceelashlerg, Ths,, lvilarah 201h5 9.,
ItutussunG, 111., Nov. 18 sh, 1893.
Dam sister Is entirely 'over
hoe cough. We have been using 'PLao's
Ottre for Coustiroption" for eoverel years,
end ere never without a bottle. Yours
truly, Biter Eitankiair.
•Libtle Etnilletta cote:flitted dome trilling
offense:, for Whichat a ptvoinhmente he was
put by her mother in a corner of the aline
tome. In a few vaiouten, when she had
Ciiseted °eying, slim elewly lifted her eyes,
and, sheaving a deep' sigh, said :
come, do come and kiss me,
mother dear—I forgive you,''
A Men it less likely to get credit for
wh44 he dose than • blame for vvhat ht
doesn't. ,
The superstitions pee:ants of Grtab
Beltain believe that a iviElte "Ogees., Alight-
ing Stel chlunaey or 'dying egstrist
wiladoer betekorie aegieeily death Mt the
ObIZIS and Ungava. Edith is an omnivorf
me reactor, end both are wee nose:Moiled
with modern irtommere and the •standard ,
Bestial& authors, Alta lose pela .apeefil at -
teat.= th her French studies, mad Elith
profeke Giermen. The younger sister has
:Willett the Japanese le rigorism too, andat
mos time watt ambitious to go to tuft atom.
try 'ae a Beptisb misitionme. Alta is a fine
planiet, while her deter has devoted herself
to the violin end the cello. Their father Ls
an exceptionally goirdonaateur en the violin.
• There are four pianos in the Rockefeller
nsarialon at No. 4 Weab Flity-feurbh etreet,
and e /page organ. After dinner the family
sib together in one of the large reception
resume and play claseloal music. Sohn D.
Rockefeller is the first vieliu ti this millioo-
orehestra. Eels deughter &aide, when
the is at, home, plays the emid
e Edith tee cello, and Alta the pieno. Wise
meet dietinguiehed meteleione whe have ever
visited tine munery kayo been enterd
taleted by the Rockefeliers, and the oom
meats on this upkeep orehestra have been
numb fiettering.
A high iron veiling, and behind thata
obill higher wooden forth, painted green,
surroutid tem groonds of the Beth:eft:Um
noinelon, just eff P11 h *avenue. Neerlyall,
of the apiece Weleh some nitiltoaoires would
have g'ven up to lawns or he:houses or foun-
tains, the St:induce 011 magnate
has converted inns • ehating pond.
Three or four lachesi •below .the
esteem) of the ground is a board flooring
with lead in the eeattle of the planks, and
ebb is flooded with writer just as mon As
• the thernaometer gets down to bust:mite
about this blame of year. As soon 'es there
hi a good coating oil toe the actin Rockefel-
ler faintly put their therm on and get mit
into the o•r to extjey thethaelees. They
akate every ifbernson arid evenffig in cold
weather. the pond heitag leehted by elootri-
olby after nightfall. •
It Is one man's baeinest an winter just to
Attend to tbis skating pond, which is used
only, byotbri Realroleller family and their
friends. Skates are PrevIded for all who
mine. Quite., the attendant who 'has charge
of the skating home, has 50 er 60 patra of
skates in pigeon -holes, numbered a000rding
tiotheir .sizee and guests at the Rockefeller
mansion are always invited to joie in the
millionaires paselme.
• The 'Frog Knew What To De.
Some time ago the Landmark -printed a
dory about a frog taking a mit* in its
mouth to prevent a • snake from swallowing
b; and later H. Potterer story about a
partridge holding a leaf over its body to
hide itself from a hawk. A gentleman
rem/ably related to us another frog -and -
snake awry, squatty so good if not better
than either ef, thine referred to, which is
- vouched far by W. A. Meyora, of Osborn-
• ville, Wilkes County, who, if we remember
• aright, was an eye-witneas of the scour -
reticle The frog in this Main= wan a bull-
frog. A black snake looking for hie dinner
hed seized the frog by the hind leg and Me
te trip tad to awaits)ir ib. The frog mized hold
of a bamboo briar with its mouth and held
en like grim death, wiaile the ssake tugged
ab its ex:omit:tee. The snake wrapped Me
tail around a convenient shrub to give hira•
self more warehme and leaned back to his
work with a wile but it was no go. The
frog held on to the bamboo briar, and se the
make could not pull him lone he finally
gave it uo as a had job and reblred from the
field. --Statesville Landmark. •
1.1ifa lostunnee has during the pool:
twenty years come to be consideredas
meek of a necessity for the protechlon of
the home and prevision fer the family se
Fire 'utterance is regarded as indispensable
for the protection of properby. In this
connection we are pleased to natio° the
incorporation by apecitil act of the Dominion
Parliament of the Hotne Life Association of
Canada with head office in TOreelle. The
company ie authorized to transact bile bust -
mess of Life Insurance, open the entrapment
plea and is tinder Government supervision.
The rates are calculated fer pure Life
Inattrenoe iminixed with Banking and ore,
therefore, frone a third to ens: half less than
these chargel by the old line companies
who are piling tip enermous reserves and
pralinte whith oarsoot be used or returned to
those who contribute them. The "Home
Life" mama to be in linewith the wants of
the people, who, wbile needing insuronce,
should not be charged two prisms for that
One for Bridget.
An Irleh girl, who was a servarit to a
lady, was complimented by her before cora-
any oatht eisiberete eratimentablou of a
large pie at dinner.
Why, Bridget, you aro quite an millet.
How 4.1 you wattage to do ithie no beauti-
fully V' she enquired, thinkbg to rally her
for the cowpony's ealto. •
, " Indedo it VMS wietalf thab dal it, mann,"
spell Biddy, with a malicious grin. ." Isn't
Klarty, inure / did it with your false
tayth, room."
"Von look 'tired, my dear,' field Me.
Newlywed tO bis wife who is a Vassar
graduate, "I am tired. I heard yen My
you liked broiled rabbit, Igo 1 wont to the
market arid get enc. I intended to our -
arise you with broiled rabbit fer dinner', loth
I have been , trying to pick it all the
Meriting, and 1 haven't got it More than
haltpieked yet."
Tho 'alaltiog of ohloaWare to tam oldest
It liVaS the Happy thilmination of a
°nag Love Affair.
num hese been a
very , untiophisel•
(noted Hale oeuctry
a:olden, hut Oleo
imMte Whet., Wen
proper in • etiola
vanes, and ithe bad
given M. :lithe
Philpott to undsr-
attend ' very , die,
. . tinotly that he
could ,nee the leer from her awes:Mal •horne
• grata ha hed " askadepepe " for her , due
ferra. • '
Jake had tried to " torment " ,Weenie
into -wedding him wiblaout subjectineehim
the isgenizitig detail' of °I :taking pe" foe
her, but Teenie weeeeyly o bdurate.
"No /de 34140 Phartitt .3,ext got to go
aok' oat pa for me, or you don't: gib met" !the
sold. 1% I goon 1 bees* ray' duty to my Pe'
an' my me. If I Ain% wnth tokle fer 1
ain't week havine"
Jake and Teenie had, been to al:agile;
4011081 and were now seethe .Meadowgreint
gate, 'A. light burned' be the " eettied room"
of the old farm house indicating the(' pa
wen Mill up. Teexiie gad suggested to Jake
that be would never have a better oppor-
tunity to, "bah spa " for his little girl
(Tee)ile weighed but 179),
"1 don't see why in oreation VII !should
be co ekeered of pa 1" Donde shirt, " He
Mai' feeble te mai you up. nohow."
" 1 'mow tioa, ' Teen, bub hanged Kee
vosoldn't timber break In the worst yeke of
steers I emer heaullett, or flap a red rag in
the boo of our old buil in the middle: of ri
"Lan' hew do I know a I &pose you
" Shueks I weuldan be su.oh a cowardly
your pa on ettch an errand."
gcr4 e0e.teet, egeo b"mko 1,0emien ee .eyeo your
r re e aa will atahyall, 7iaeese,,
eel 1."
theak he ought to jump ab ho Oleanoe of
" New, Teen., you know bettorthanthat.
Lard, I wouldn't blarae Tin if he filled Me full
ef backehot fer warmth! to carry you :off. He
feels friendly toward me don't he 1"
"1 sinit never heard expreas no wish
to kill you, nor threaten to eat you up alive
if yen didn't: stop OeIrdle te oar heoure.
Oh, ye little torment. Say, Teen., why
caret you ask 'int ?" ,
"No, amulet, I think I iee-myeelf
&skin' my eio po to Ova lee ,LiVrAY to a fele
ler that e,beiti got grit euougla te ask ter, me!
Don't yen watib vari to go ea' aek yet= pall
I,kin have you I"
" Well, we're both , of lawful age, an'
what's the ;Ise of shy Peskin' about ler
' "1 kerma my duty to my pa4 Jae
petib. Ed. Bagg has been haughid 'robed our
house a lot of late an' he'd ask for me
quiok,erin wink if I say ao I"
"He wouldret get you."
"How'd you know he wmildriet
"'Geese' I'd kill hiin•firsb 1"
• " Pooh! Here You ore)ekeete.. to death
'cause Vetere merely geb to speak to my pa,
and yet makini your brags how yeri'd kilt
man1" ' • '
" Whatinhall I say to year pea"
• "Say, you Idg booletr, ? There M441 but
ortething to say. ' Ask 'Lori mat-andfont fee
yon go with me 2"
• 4' I've a notion not to I've a mind to
jest stead oubside au' peek- Maori& the
keyholerue snicker: -Then I'd be there
handy to open the door when pa pithhed yo
out Meisel ever the,fer.ce."
"Like enough he will. Ha's awful when
he gibs strated. Bat, come on; it 'd be
politer if I went boa" s •
Hand in hand, with Jestre's hand trembling
pen:opt:My, they Walked up to the door and
entered the leer of the lion Jake ee dreaded.:
DI Was a relief to Jake ea hear p say:
"Hello, Jeks ! You and, Meanie hoon to
single sohool 7"
" Yes, sir ;
"Hey I"
"That is—or--we—I-Teenie, See—"
"1 never, neither, now, eJake Philpott,"
said the giggelog Tamale.
". Whet you drivin! ati, Jam 2"
"WeU, melba you notined how ;daddy
me an' Teen hat' kap' oemeny of loth, an'—
an' Weenie aha wanted me toask--" '
" Aw, Jake PhilPebb, I never no doh
thing 1" • .
" Well, you: maid I bed to ask your pa
'fere I'd gib' you, are—well, Ma 'Meadow -
grass, I think the world am' oli of Teen, 'srd
she does o' me, dou'li Yoe, Teen 2"
"I'd be smart to Bay 80 If I did,"
" Pam.? I Stopyourquarialliog. You'll:
• do ensilages of tlihtib after yertero spliced,"
Bead pa, jovial* I' ain't anything men'
yen. Jake, are I (guess Teeta'a old enotegh
an' big enoegh to know her own mind, an'
If she kin stand you I kin. Yon kb have
ier.• Good night. s I'm gob? to Put off tri
btase critioal Monteith was psearid " and
them) are nob enough words in the new
"Century" dictionary to detoribe the hap-
piriena of Jake and Toonie daring the nexb
five hours. •
This Item for Hen.
The fanny, barber pub up a new align In
his shop last week. It read: "Shave and
hair out while you wait."
Old Muggrldge read ib and granted,
"Humph 1 I &mei) see anything funny
about that."
"01 °auras yen &nib," mid Henry.
"Von don't see &nylon in it beeellie it le
always somebody elm who is gobbing the '
ahave and hair out while you wait."
Have Ton Asthma?
Dr. R. fiehiffinann, Bt. Paul, Minn.,
will quail a trial Paoksge of, " Schiffmann'S
Asthma Care"' free to any seffirer. He
aeoterthiee by :giving it away. Never fells
to give instant relief aad cures where °there
fee!. Name this papee and send address for
free trial package.
Shouldn't nix Their Drinks.
1101V argesay disputes' have been. Beetled
over the flowing bowl 1 How niany , ware
have been averted by the skillet Ville
thereet! Hew many, foes have fitter:Sized
Lo lite prestnee I How many entanglemente
Inas it disentsugled 1 • And yeb, alas 1 there
to danger ha it. •
When a dressinaker's /erica and etyles
are ' - longer modest. she °alb !Mittel,/
• ELE(70TRie
The latest and great.
est diseaverr, b' the
, Of this °lees
' of retorlieltide.
011 tt1I,VIOXIIIff AND 01111.11111BN.
Cato ell Werienitterecd Nerigie
awl Spetem„.A.O.Moita, pt. Vibes DArtee, Parally
sto Atery, bh0U talebs, Soinelee.Nertealgia
Eerly Deeme, Fenieie Irtegillatelet' and Work
taObs Ionege Vete% Ifeed el* for, $1.60. len,
Litenitatill Cale, Her eikartile (nit
it Discharges Its Fumes Into the Lower
Clouds of Glusgow.
Apropos to the discussion of the innells in
tvoe eau, end, a oitimen mods: the iiss as eitiv
desaription of on, Iremense chimney built for
Townsend, at Glealgelve Semiano :
Townsefid's Chimney,
itbava greant. 454 feet, besides '14 lea
foundation under ground, etandlog without
piles en blue oley, which was there found to
he es eolid ais rook. The a:owlet:ion :Sense:to
p130 megrims of bricit b ea ealso, the lower
oeurse 47 feel: and tho upper ono 32 feeS
diameter. Datiag the hret selle.10)1, 1857,
bhis feundotiou and part of the etalle (see,
abaft) wee continued to 228 feet, and in
1859 it was dashed e bue during
that, time work 'was uepeud.d ua te
abiraney had eattled during a gide 7 feet 9
inches sidowayiee which' was connected be
twelve outtinge en theeopposite side of tho
inclbation. Holes wete puttolied in tin
oizie no as to astral") tiro atom. If tbis bad
nob been connected ab once it is the opiaica•
of experts that tho ohironey weuid have
'I'he ineide is lined with 158 4400
fire bricks, and the rest contains, with fiats,
1,400,000 common bricks, wedah were at,
laid ia 1,170 days ef ten hours. The whole
weight is 14 000,000 peuads. Iron hoops
surround it at distanoes of 25 feet), while
the thicknotte of the wells decrease from 5
feet below to 1 foot 2 inebee ab the top. Le
total coal) was about £10,000 aterling. Since
then a crown vaeseuring 20 fest has then
placed on top of the steak.
Rome Millinery.
loSFICIENT IN Sitillealifitibl
Women Not :to Good Smeller* se Sre
Tin) physiologists), Pride, Nichols and
Beiheelei hove iewilit reekleg expel kreee a to
show the reletive feebleness of womeues
emotes b rempecit to smell. They took four
oderiferoue subetanees-"meteuto of °levee,
of eerie), lemon and enuenio oeid, Wish
'Mesa they filled a seriesoil bottles up to o
Mogi° pert in 2,000,000 of water. The
they shuffled tee boitlea teed milled in 41
sato end 38 Weeeterl, all young and „healthy.
aim, guided by their course of email, shonid
V.Vaugn -tele bo Mites o mita io ing eac
tbee by itself, tithe reaullie show,
to the reporter testifies, that the Women
wore net in it. The -arm of no WeilleD
mold tram lemon beyoed the 100000
siliuden, while the MOO tlieoevored it ue
to 250 000 limn:. Peuesio ateid ostild nob
deteoted beyond the 20,000 mixtere,
while men recognized le at a 100000
part niixture. There were trrEP MOO,
40WeVere with phenomenal name, whe
ideetified prussic tend up he the 2,000,000
If a body meet a body who is dreadfully
tortured with rheumatism it evould he a
orate thing not to cheerfully impart the
geed inewe that MeOoltomet Tertounctebio
tetpallaue ouree neuralgia or rheumatic pain
shmoughies, feeid by wholesale Orme of
Olootreel, Toronto, Hamitton„ London,
Winnipeg, awl by teasel droggieria genereily.
A good turrectien oloi1has itself with
Por Horses and 4"attle
The eimeonia pone/sea a dash et
origiuslity in it very refreshing bo the eye, Use Dick's Blood Purifier
While the ehop wilidows are brimming over thee & co., P. O. Box 482,1Viontreal.
with beautiful hats and bonnets, emel the
theatree elbe with per bite of headgear, one
aeldom sees two hoes alike. Every womat:
poweeleyo originates the style of to/met aim
thinks mod becoming, and it la the work of
her milliner to produce the headgear from
rieleoted meterials and given direetions,
Many wevaen have the milliner come to
their hoznee, teming thorn so much 8 day,
sod the mule le a helfeeezen bate are
trimmed fsr the poles that would have bean
paid for orge hu the shoe, Toils is an moo.
on& plan, and mu be recommended. Fre-
quenbly ladies with a hat to match each
osstnute. By purehasing the material for
trimming or truntiog the milliner to do it
considerable expense mu be Mood. Mor,e
too, your old ham mar be brushed and re,
trimmed, se that you oatt home chatigee and
alwaya appear fie- se.—Emehontee.
• "1 Maya Bad
Rheumatiem for years, and Neve/1We is the
only remedy that has done me any good."
Bo wribes Thomas ideGlashan, North Pel-
ham, July 24, 1890, and his tostivaony is
supported by thoneands of ethers who have
experienoei the wendorfully penetrating
and pain subduing 'power of Nerviliae---the
great DOLT° pain mire. Nervilioe is jusb a$
good to bake as te rub onand is the beat
bratty remedy in the world. Nervilisto fit
eokl by dealers everywhere.
So It 'Was.
Mand---Chelly Smoothilp hann't inuole of
a moustache, it is true, bub you ought nee
to abuse it.
• Marie--Noneenae. How did I ever abuse
his mousittohe
Mand—Tie told me the ether day them
you called ib down.
Why Limp Albont
With psanful corns ? Putnava's Painlon
Corn Exbrootao wiLt remoire- them path
timely in a few' days. Use the safe, sum
and painless .00rn oure--l'uteam's Cern
&aviator. At druggists'.
She galliee Queea Bees.
Mrs. Jennie Mobley, of 1,3eeville, Bee
county, Tex., has 800 coloniee of bees, den
yobed entirely te queen rearing. She is tha
most extensive brkeder of qatien boos in the
world, She its a woman ef 88 and has eight
ohildronewith when heip she doss all the
work in her apiary. She has esdel ever
1,000 queena this year, and expeots to sell
5.000. Some single queens are valued at
$100 each.
Physician (nevoroly)—I have no hesitation
is paying, sir, that your wife's nerve= fits
are ocotteleidd by your staying ant so Is&
every night.
Witherhy—Great heavens, doober, I
didn't know she was suffering from an
incurable disease. .
An English lady oured herself of eomnam-
bulletin, after trying every known remedy in
vain, by sewing up her night limes at the
bottom aod at the sleeves,
lett Parma feat adtlitei mean,.
14 ., .. irogopg, .4
'if "
14 17 i 4 0400 CC
.04454# same well eittiatelosi
properties: in Oreatitorn,
Wailes:faint% and Treetteen.
Tellfaii, Ten SLEW Prisdeueoeffsees
Ivor Pernisrartra moire to
Ai tiinClil,W.
mon., is agent far the edebristed
OVER Leaito A.C.RES of the vete
base land In the Mattes min be haelel
low prices and on writ reeeteseible
terms. „‘„
Fare rale wayvainort the Imam
of 40 acres.
Now its the time to gee a bome
your own. 'Write
Wed Bar Cite,
peg. Two to five dolleers per sore. Wbe
pay morel Torrene bttles. Send for partle
dare or MU on owner, E. PROUDFOOT, first
,Ioor earth oe POO rteinO, Wttreitra-Ir Wee;
f-fl50 ACIIF Fruit Farm for Sale, ad-
d joining Waterdwern Sta
ion on G. T. Ree 5 ranee' from Ratautol-
About 3,000 trees, chiefly peaches, pears and
plums. Good hcnse, barn. eto. A snap for a
pushing man. Will be eold cheap. ,Addreari "
C. &F. 4./116WIS.
for sale by theSantr Pant,
DUVOrli Rae -Liman
COMPdaer in Minnesota. Send for Maps and Circa.
inns. iheysvi1hesenttoyon
Land Commissioner, fit. Paul, Minn,
ItiRS. WINSLOW'S sisc714A"
Vow crasibr rkreeeetnea, Se; Ogeseg beaks,
It makes your Hands Soft fe Wbtt
Gives a healthy appearaascos to the Ado,
Eby's Electric Sahr
Bas no equal for cueing Salt Rheum
Old Sores, 8000101008 Ulcers, gore
Illyee, Skin Diseasee, Pim lee,
Chapped Heade, Corns, Bell
• Burns, Piles, Free% Eitel,
Fresh Cute, Sore Nipplee,
Ask your Druggist eons, Ebyee Mem.
trio Salve. Price 2.50, POW Bing
11,„ woo. Leese ntristeete
ettepAil iplessen 4144atiou SbLIiirenter.
Diseanis are oftcsi difficult te, remedy.
will restore a lost appetite: lost 'flesh,
and check wasting diseases, especial-
ly in children, with wonderful rapidity.
Coughs and colds are easily killed by a
few doses of this remarkable remedy.
PALATABLE AS MILK. erui'-rogaf
the genuine, ;hut up en salmon-celared
Prepared only by Scott et BOVTD.0. Morella
"Ssmzablaa ab the Wutdd
tali. vaLTI,ori,e,vzozz.vra„,aelit,e6sa:,..
mr.g, rem
Assussentare Seionsza.
Head Office,Toonto.
Incorporated by Speced Act of the Elamite.,
ion Paeliament.
Autherized Capital elooeien.
Pure , ife Insurance at popular rates.
Agents wanted.
talon. Every houtherife burs oho, Samples mote
$1. AN 110 UT/ RIC;grcittral.:
Tonne by Moil lee. Agents wanted. Write
quick, no dine to lose. Address, A, ithereerove.,
leemendeetneing Compauee etcrento.
flbONT Buy a Watch
Sew Catelope. 0'8 MEM , Mere bt tet
siyis Grossiase Wane tests: tea
moo (mole Rue
awl riot wo37 Imam* 3
GI' A el CAMd WORKS. liSeeetimmenee,
.1 ere-m---eneasseimminievietweimmes
: -•- '• ••.--• ,—d-seVele-44%tateineiSeemWsAtetimee
AGENTS WANTED, PlIa” 'eniala
Cleaner, Entirety new; cello to erory l'e'rneittrarer. Ati one*
treaft, ca. wa raia 2,1,,., 0971. au4 Mae ml. &Ism
Sharpener. Nu capital rtquIro.l. itte4aerte.,14.Beedic. _
08.188811E4111 M.. Leek ilotTrA.Ireteett.enS.
Mother Green,S Zane& 7111s.
trsedby thousands. safe:, Sure 'and' Always
• ZTZ-
fTRreeelifOiren. lr"17e7vaiattlaultri SD,14)erbugrgSt.t757pot
Sealed particulars, 8 cents.
PaNtl elittelitteeeeleltifiV
Rant fee latiet,
• silfelifeketeXPRRelliii4
Please mention this paper when ROWa
Is this advertent
COUCH etipiz
Cures Consunsption, Coughs, Croup, Sara
Rrhroat. Sold by all Druggists on 8Guarantee,
For a Lame Side. Back or Chest Shilob's Poems
Piaster will give great satisfaction. -2$ 60013.
Have you Catarrh 2 This Remedy writ relieve
end Cure you. Prim Mete. Wm attjeetor for
Its nameessful treatment, free. Remember,
Shiloh% Ilemediee are sold ort a gutuuntsee. eet
St% S.A.C+4 GA$11WS.
Bast Impoitad Sheep's Onstage, able
Prime American flop' Caslngt Puli lines
lElants, Bacon, Lard, etc, Lowesb prioes to the
trade. Park, Blackwell &Co. (Ltd.), TOrOato,
Plso's Remedy for Catarrh is the
Best, Rosiest to Use, and Cheapest.
Sold by DruggIste orsent by mall.
60c. E. T. Hazeltine, Waive% Pa.
HAMILTON. ON, (Founded 1860.)
It is the Faculty that Makes the College, Every teaeherin the "Wesleyan" is an honor
graduate of a Usiversity or College The Feouleyetsonfauta honor graduates of the Toronto
university, of Victoria, of QUeen s, of Trilliby, of Albert, and of Hamilton, all teeing fun lime
to the College. Ledies desiring the most scholarly instruction in Litereture, S'eimace, Muffin
Arb and Elocution, with the social and educational advantages of a eily of 50,00 Inhabitants,
will send for our Catalogue. This College his furniehed lady principals for lit least five of the
Ladies' Colleges of Canada and for several of bhe more private, schools. Its graduates and
studente may be found in the best homes (gout tend, including T he homes of Lieuteinant-Gov-
°snore. Special at:cation given to discipline, phystem cutter°, health, manners, etc.' Those
thinking of sending their olaughters will teeelve full inforreationbYaddressing the Principal,
P. openafter holideme January (oho A. EVANS, S. r. 0., Air.. IP.'
People in this t9th century are bound to have the best
that can be had for the money. That is why
• Everybody Wears
666 6
duttiiS8 ormit.rim
They are Superb in Finith.
and Superior hi Quality of
Material and Workmanship,
They Excel In Baking OA
ties andhi
and• in Ecerioytertv:denee,
Thee' aro mede be but% We
Or meal and wood, aed isa a ipttitab
sites, enti, are thereinto adietithel theist:Mint.
meats of lune oe email esseenion in any pate
rierery ettive waisenoted. '
If you are le Went Of a, took Otero ot
burner, dc•n't , bey iota 'Mot to need
el:tweet nem Soid by lettlissii adionsedoalmer
• everywheee,
ItananlifActrnste Tor
nil, Ern tni ii.num
Int utiltri