HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-03-15, Page 22PAGE LOA -Gu1*flCH SIGNAL STAR. THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 197:3 ANN LANOERSSAY,. : 1), at \tin .Lander, 1 Now 1 ha\t• on( rete t lderlce .�,:':�i�i p,,,,11)1‘ .a\ this It) that the\ are having sexual !ht- tlff•li who need to relations. 1 confess 1 learned it w 111 \ oil please be an by pr‘ mg through our sun's And put u►\ letter in the belongings 1 ha\en't told hint 4•:,444:' It would be an act of because 1 feel guilty and don't halo\ want hini to know That very saes on 1 keel) ,teulg ilit};ht we Insisted that he break ( :n.'i1 wh,• touch up their up w t girl He refused, !lair 1 itt'-itate tit .a\ ''(l\e" .a\1ng he must be allowed to be, .lthe tt'llt►w, are It•itd hi, ow ti Ilte C, ,rhrr things 1,4 get rid of Ruth 111\ h1l.band and 1 want the ,rt \ \„w please ureter to Iii\ 1114' law down and sa\ ,t,tn,i 1 h,t\t' u,. ()lection. 1) "You can it'a(} our own lift' OH, l4, t,t, t tt s't'alls doe, take when you ,ire 18 - and this \e.it's oft the itgt' of ,i meati, paving for room and '01,411 n \\ hose t.t, e is unlined, hilt board and 4.4(1tegt•, 1f you want .L1.1;.1.1416,3 tiled w ho 4 t'l, t' (rt. too dark 1 hope we aren't too late The 411,3 .1 make- thertl 1,,•(k alder girl could be pregnant "Then (re! more ,it•.perater instead of what' lilt r \''e wI51 do nothing till we hear from you Please hurry = t•\pt•( t. ,i Iii to -01 11.4v e it t bra, k .,r bright 1.ro\\r hair Ot(ilsroriall\ it atter 5/111 ti's a rantvtie let tins It tree ht•)\ word 1(;, the \\l•4. \ least tio percent of the :4)4.14 ,v It,t are 71v log to look \.,4141;;(i .abotching It ()tie Of The rea ...,,.�i_s.is that they let their \ 1\ e ,i" the lob (,)r worse \et, the\ pi„ It t henlsel\ es Too halt people .'.4nCt see thenl-Selves a: other- see them, isn't it's -- The coAard pear 1 (' It people could see 1ht•tn•elyes as other.,a see thorn. the .l ,„4•t their ex:tinnier' 1 .tl(prt•.late \ our letter and 0 -tank '\•.0 for writing it I tlldn r ,1.gree more As for :;re\ hiur -- .it twill\ 1 lore it t )rl t her people,, Dear Ann Landers A few 1I1,111 a,;, .I(1r 17 -Year-old stlrl .41111.,1111 ed he was going "..toady with .t 1►i-\c•ar-old girl' ti1v htl;han.1 .arid i expressed our dl'apnroval but he continued to date the ,, tri steadily. Troubled In Connecticut Dear 'Trouble 1 doubt that the girl 'is 'Pregnant — based on "the er,idence." ,The central problem is your relationship cith Our son. w hich has reachted a crisis. You chin be sure that the more you insist he give up the girl, the more deter - Milled he will be to keep seeing -her 1 suggest that \ o4) and our husband discuss 4111• ,lura, lion With a counselor i llarttor( ha superb counseling fat Ili le, 1 Perhaps the hi►\ '4.111,4.1(4 or ,t :'+e(r)iorl or two w}len lits Jee. Voll are making an effort to learn how to deal with the problem ratlonallv, ul.tei 1 of oyerrea('t►ng and 1,, ling tiltiinat 1)ear Ann Lander ..% The other c•yet►ing a group of us were talking about small symp- toms; of Insecurity- A certain name came up and someone .aid, "Yes, 1- not14t4 dtt.i.-always wears his 'Bron Badge.' that Phi Betas. Kappa key, dangling from his watch - chain. Too had a 1114141 .4)t his accomplishments; feel, the need to advertise the fact that he's ;mart." Du you agree? I du not. Scranton: Pit. - •� l ,., a.t Dear Scranton: it may he a touch cornball hut a Phi Beta Kappa key does mean something. And as the ad say,, "If you've got it — flaunt it." Volunteers from Goderich Township \\'omens Institute were un hand on Monday afternoon to assist with activities. A new resident was welcomed to the Home and the audience sang "Happy Bit - the MR. AND MRS. V.D. CUNNINGHAM Wed S0 years Mr and Mrs. Were D. Cun- ningham quietly celebrated their +1►rh wedding; anniversary on Sunday; February 25. Their family were all home t(, ( (•I(•hrate the happy occasion. Ther were married in L;,.rlori( h in 1923 on March 1 by Rev.. Hedley They have It\ed in Colborne Township all their II\( and both are in ex- (ellent health. Mr. .Cun- ningharn -1s fit , uceessful beef pr(tdi'i(er and both are still very, a(tivt• Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham have lo children; six sons, Ford of 1,u( know;, LiVerne of Ben.- miller. en=miller. Garth of Goderich; Ed- win, Lawren(e• and Bert of Colborne Township; and four daughters, Jovt_e of Exeter; - Mrs. t•1une1 Lloyd, Bradley of Mo11114 Forest; Mrs. (Doris) David Pithlado of' Toronto and TO GET THE. L AST WORD IN, IS NOTH/NG,/TS THE WORD THAT itASTS' THAT COUNT S LIONEL'S SUNOCO Mrs. (Lois) Con Van Vliet of Bluth. They also have 21 gran- dchildren and two step -great grandchildren. At The iFive Points x" License(' ititcnanIc Repairs to all Makes • 11111111.111111111111111111fiall1.116. 11111111111 thdav" to those celebrating during the week. Music fo.r the occasion was supplied hy' Mrs. Bill Cox, Mrs. Maitland Driver, Norman Spiers and Jerry Collins.- Volunteers Mrs. Banter, Mrs. Vanderwaal, Isabel Harris, Dora Heard, Bernice Macllwain .and, Mazer McCreath, helped with various parts of the program. Entertainment for Family Night was provided this week by a' musical group from Clin- ton. Thebarbershop quartet sang. several old melodies, as well as sacred numbers. Mem- hers .of the quartet, with Mrs. Bill Hearn as director and ac- .compariyist, are Ralph Holland, William Craig, Don Atddre s and Harar\� Mifk\ ie11. The instrumental Part of the program Consisted of Wilfrid Jervis playing bones and Bill Craig the harmonica. Mrs. Paisley thanked the en- tertainers on” behalf of the residents, for the fine program. DR. AND MRS. JACKSON MATHIEU Live in Montreal '7'44 - Joan Hindnlarsh,'daughter of Mr. and M'rs. John C. - Hind-. marsh, R.R. 2 Goderich, 41,nc1 Dr. .Jackson Mathieu, son of Mr. and Mrs. Armand Mathieu, Mount Royal, Quebec, were wed February 2:5 in -Newman Chapel; University of Toronto 1 -)N -.Father Remi Linlonges, Jesuit Seminary, 'Tor•(into. Music was supl)lied by Ed. Scruto11 of,„C;oderich. Matron of honor wa.s Mrs. Bruce Harris. Goderich. F lowergirl was Miss Michaela Mathieu, niece of the groom. c Goderich FRENCH Dry Cleaners 35 WEST ST. 524-8452 C FOR YOUR FIRE INSURANCE See or -Phone MALCOLM MATHERS GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT 46 WEST ST. 524-9442 DURING MONTH OF MARCH DECORATED COFFEE MUG Free with every Baby Bonus Cheque cashed at PEOPLE'S DEPARTMENT STORE ° ON SALE NOW UNTIL MARCH 24th Large Selection Boys PANTS and JEANS Ages 8 to 14 99c FACTORY CLEARANCE POTTERY LAMPS With Shade $5.97 REGULAR $7.99 Round VINYL HASSOCKS Assorted Colours $8.44 Regular $10.99 Large Assortment HOUSEHOLD PLASTIC ITEMS 57C.a. OR 2i$1 Boys 100% Nylon STRETCH SOCKS Assorted Colours 3pairs77. REGULAR, 49c Pair Children's 100% Nylon t. Two piece SHORT SET For ages 4 to 7 2.49. REGULAR $2.99 PEOPLE'S STORE GODERICH Maple syrup - Nclub forms Best man was Peter Mathieu, New. York City. Ushers were Dick Mathieu, Toronto and John �A. Hindmarsh, Goderich. The reception was held at the home of the groom's brother, ~{ i NIlarlborough St., Toronto. The couple will reside. in Mon+ where the groom is a resident in surgery at Montreal (1•eneray Hospital. in Huron The formation of the first :1- 11 Maple Syrup club in Ontario at Belmore on Saturday kicked off the 1973. drive to set Sip Huron County 4-11 clubs and projects: About 16 members are expec- ted to take part in the club ac- tivities under the direction of Dave McCallum of Wingham. The members will tap 10 to 20 trees collect the sap and bt)il it down to syrup ,and their end product.--;w+ll be judged at an achievement day set for the Belmore Maple Syrup Festival during Easter week.. Organisation of all ,4-11 clubs comes ,under the direction of Len MacGregor a represen- tative of the Department of Agriculture and Food offices at Clinton. He explains that organizational meetings will continue across the County for another week at least. During 1972 a total of 28 clubs were formed involving :350 new members. Mr. MacGregor said that the clubs had a project completion rate of 90 per cent. Clubs offered this year are Beef and Dairy calf clubs, swine clubs, field crops, tractor and machinery " maintenance, and conservation. "We hope that as many young boys and girls between the. ages of 11 and 20 as possible will take part in the 4- H program," Mr. MacGrefcir said. "Such County events as 4- H picnics, bus tours, field days, and ,judging competitions should malie th-i`s" year's program an interesting one." 1 RON'$, PORTABLE WELDING * !CONSTRUCTION WEL ING * RESIDENTIAL WELDIN *: NO PIPE WELDING Reasonable Rates, RON WHETSTONE PROP. Phone524-8683 the Craft corner 46 HAMt110N SI GODERI(M CRAFT Spy by ARTISTS Mlii by STORE No 10:00 a.m, 2:00 p.m. l0 531 PHONE�pM 5 24.6814 L2lrihur & Reay >L GODERICH & "OWEN SOUND Floor Coverings - Paints - Wallpapers Draperies '- 18th Century Furniture Refinisill IN GODERICH PHONE 524-8532 MANAGER - CLAYTON SATURDAYS Iiimmumik HAVINGA N DEVIL OF A TIME cin your INCOME Don't let those confusing rules and regulations give you a hot time. Tell your taxes where to go ... to H & R BLOCK, obviously. BLOCK will prepare your return, check it and guar- antee its accuracy. You'll Abe glad we got together. COMPLETE RETURNS TAI * Individuals * Farms * Businesses GUARANTEE UP We guarantee accurate preparation of every tax return. If we make any errors that cost 'yotr-any ,penalty or in.. terest, we will pay only -that pgnalty or interest. NM Er icaxlC( LiD. Canada's largest Tax Service With Over 6000 Offices in North Amain 19 VICTORIA ST.,N., GODERKII (HIGHWAY 21, Beside Presbyterian Church) Weekdays 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturdays 9 a.m. to -5 pa, PHONE 524-8658 NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY u ri to n le s to tit er e� 0 1\' tr 14 e er t} qt? want to thank you dor th'e_ , ' � recep#ionyou have given me andythe issues my party stands for. Whatever your choice... urge you to cast your ballot today. Polls close at 7:00 p.m. PA .L CARROLL HURON NEW DEMOCRAT sI 14 s l� 11 h c r al e (4 iS U d 11