HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-03-15, Page 16•PAGE 4A---GODERICH SIGNAL STAR, THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1973 When Jim Breithault, MPP for Kitchener, was in Goderich on Monday he found at least one .. voter who seems to be giving the election some serious consideration. Mr. Breithaupt was in town for the Liberal caucus meeting at the Bedford Hotel Monday morning and then joined other Liberal members on a door knocking tour of support for candidate Jack Rid- dell. (staff photo) • o» WE ONLY SELL — ANO PLEASE TAKE NEED, GUARANTEED P POPERLY INSTALLED • .2... PLUMBING £ HEATING 1;524 7861 -- 55 KINGSTON S7. WELCOME SERVICE would like to call on you with "housewarming gifts" and in- formation about your new location. The Hostesswill be glad to arrange your subscrip- tion to the Signal -Star CaII her at 524-9525 Ahmeek LODE plan card 'l'he March meeting of the Ahmeek Chapter, I.() D. E.,, was held at the home of Mrs. R. Redmond, Colborne Street, with a very good attendance. •Th meeting opened with 'Regent Mrs. R. Neville, presiding, and the standard- bearer,. Mrs. E. Ruffell, presen- ' ting the flag. The minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. F. Mills, and adopted, while the treasurer's report was read by Mrs. (. Henderson in the ab- sence of Mrs. G. Donnelly. The recommendations from the executive meeting were read and voted inion. it! It was decided to hold :,a , dessert card party -and—bake— sale andbakesale on May 2nd in the Legion Hall. Plans were madefor holding a fashion show in the fall. Mrs. G. Henderson, social and program convener, an- nounced that the next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Mary Robinson, 186 Eldon Street on April 12. Lunch committee will be Mrs. M. Clairmont and Mrs. McKee. Mrs. M. Clairmont, world af- fairs convener, gave an in- teresting account of a recent trip to New York and other American points. A .in- teresting film was shown. The guest speaker, Mrs. Betty Cardno, in charge of Home Care (Hospital Care at Horne) gave a very interesting and enlightening talk on this subject. • After her talk, Mrs. Ca/dno conducted a question and an- swer- period-- which was ap- preciated by all. The annual gift to Alexandra Marine and General Hospital was discussed. It was decided to donate a microscope for the laboratory. Public invited to COAT for open house exhibits Centralia,' College of Agricultural Technology issued an invitation this week to all 4- H and .Junior Farmer club members to attend the school's annual Open House which is being held March •X28 and 29., Displays will he open to the club members, and the public, from 1:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.rn. on March 28 and again from 10:0( a.m. to 5:00 p.ri. March 29. Exhibits are to illustrate the Home Economics, Agricultural Business Management and Animal Health Technology courses available at the college. Included in the program.will be a Fashion Show, demon- strations and various displays organized and exercised by the students. On Thursday night a dance , will 'wind". things- up to which potential C.C.A.T. can- didates are invited. St. Georges Anglican church was turned into a small theatre on Friday. March 9. The first film titled "Keep Off the Grass'" dealt with the discovery of marijuana by a mother in the coat pocket of her daughter. The second film titled "Ballad of Crowfoot set to a song by the film maker told of the Indian's an -d white ma'n's conflicts during the last century from the viewpoint , of a Canadian Indian. Saturday, March 10 was the he;;innifig of wwhaf'we hope w .become a permanent program. This involved' kids from 8-14 in a free activity period in the gym at Knox " Presbyterian church from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. There were roughly about 25 youngsters enjoying cards and basketball.. We had also plan- ned to show films that after- noon but our lti mrn projector unfortunately would not co- oporate. . These technical dif- -The third film called "Neigh- ficulties should however he hours" -related a parable'about ironed out by next week. We two neighbours who fight over are also lacking in equipment the possession of a flower that and can only offer a limited' grows on the line where their number of activities in which properties meet. The author people can • participate. , We `used animation techniques with would appreciate any live actors to produce a funny donations of..sports equipment look at a very serious problem. and games so as to please as Two other films entitled many tastes as possible. "Monkey on My Back" and - ---- We --w'i11-- be -_ spopsoring "The Ride" were unable to be another free activity period at shown due to techincal dif- Knox Presbyterian church ficulties. Saturday, March 17 and all We will attempt to set up kids from 8-14 are invited to at-, film nights every weekend if we tend. can obtain the facilites. We are Saturday, March 10 also saw veru grateful to Rev. 'Russell at the completion of our ex - St. Georges Anglican church for perimental Judo Clinic at St. allowing us the use of the Mary's Sepgrate School. - A church. small but attentive crowd par - Rev. Russell has already ticipated and we were slightly given us permission to use St. disappointed because we felt Georges next Friday and Satur- „ that Helmut Khromer and his day and we shall sponsor a students gave a very interesting small , coffee house on both accotit)t of the history, theory nights with films. games. coffee and practice of judo. We are and entertainment. very grateful to Mr. Khromer for donating his time to making NORFOLK AERIAL SPRAYING LTD. John Tarr, President WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT THEY WILL BE DOING AERIL SPRAYING • IN THIS AREA w� They will be represented by Frank Szekely of Amberley. For theaerial spraying of ter- tiIirs, herbicides and insecticides phone C===X 39 5-5 1 8 3 (Ripley exchange) OR 395-5295 (Ripley exchange) 'Mi''' DAYTIME ANYTIME x Aerial spraying doesn't cost .... It pays judo better known to those in- terested. The Human Relations com- mittee will he sponsoring another seminar on March 20 in the parlour at Knox Presbyterian church. Begin- ning at 7:30 p.m. ,Dr. H. R. Ceisler will give a presentation on the legal and medical aspects of abortion. Dan Murphy, of Donnelly and Murphy° Barristers, will be conducting a seminar on "Civil Rights" on April :1. Mr. Mur- phy will he giving a small lec- ture on civil rights followed by a question, and answer period. If you have any questions about arrests, demonstrations, raids, search seizures and any other inquiries concerning the laws - on civil rights please accept our invitation to attend this seminar.' It will take place at Knox Presbyterian church parlour at. 7:30 p.m. Saturday, March. 1.7 will see the- second attempt, of ' the "Batik Workshop". Due to cir- cumstances beyond our control the first workshop had to he cancelled halfway ..but Rey. Russell, from St. George's Anglican church, has -agreed to let us use his facilities from 10:00 a.m-: to 1:00 p m: We are inviting all interested people to please attend. Saturday, March 17, will 'mark the first day of a week long coffeehouse in Goderich. Thanks to the generosity"of Mr. and Mrs., Bruno LaPaine the young people of Goderich will he able to enjoy a place to go for the winter break. The ..LaPaine's have, given Co -Pilot ,the use of the old Eaton's office on the square from March 17 to March 24th. We hope to run it like a regular coffeehouse providing ping pong, •games, activities, films and entertainment. A,11 interested young -people wishing to participate are asked to contact us h'efore Saturday. DON LARDER Painter and Decorator -COMPLETE DECORATING SERVICE CERAMIC TILING REMODELING 89 NAPIER ST., GODERICH 524-7740 ___-----__._-..--- 4, Small Weddings Large Weddings A couple of shots or a full wedding album RAIN or SHINE Outdoor or Studio shots at same price EricCarman Photography 524-7924 Mrs. O. Straughan; card con- al vener, gave a good report. She reported that Mrs. Everett, a former member, now in U.S.A. 4 {� �v •ti< had written to thank the Chap- ter for her Christmas card, and had enclosed five dollars for the card fund. All were pleased mil: a.s�'•.d c.�0 to hear from Mn. Ev At the close of the lovely lunch Y as *N hostess Mrs, R. Nit 3rd Annua CONTINUES GARY PLAYER "Signature" 1 1-Pce. Set. Mfg. Sugg• $ 1.45'00 List $2.10.00 SAVE NOW BRING IN YOUR CLUBS WE GIVE TOP TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES GOOD BUYS ON USED CLUBS ARNOLD PALMER "Charger" • 1 1-Pce. Set, Mfg. Sugg, $123.00 List $171.90 1 Our Golf shop Is Well Stocked With -1st LINE EQUIPMENT By The World's Leading Manufacturers Of Golf Equipment *PUTTERS • CARTS • SHOES $5.99 $26.95 ,,,A $15.50 to to to $22.50 $44.00 $36.00 11-Pce. Sets 582,6' • 5239 7-Pce, Sets ... - .$35, • 568, BUY THE BEST FOR LESS, • BOB MARTIN, DICK DUKE, 2 PROS TO PERSONALLY SERVE YOU IF WE DON'T HAVE IT ... Personal Service Is Our HallMark YOU DON'T NEED It! We're located at • O n �r Q Gd LF CiiNTRAL Avr PVNDAS 5T aqt at'o bop 609 WILLIAM ST., LONDON 672-2660 -- OPEN DAILY 9-9, SAT. 9.6 Acres of private ocean beach • heated pool, sun decks • luxurious accommodation i golf priviledges on 3 championship courses • free tennis on premises • superb dining • nightly dancing and entertainment • visits to Walt Disney World available. See your travel agent or contact:, Innkeeper, 212 King St. W., Toronto, Tel. (416) 362-7537 to ever p.111 • 51011 $10 ealtl 1. J $1 0 e ich hitt pri gar t $9 1)00 gtf K PSC hay t Th MAC FI ATI 1' '11 .1 ENT e r 1' e t1 12•1i h er, e Ilr o s vol h rl ourt day, 11 alth aerni noun arint luu� ten', e•-• f() ton YFII CLI EP REO 504 75 s1,