HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-03-15, Page 15t. Joseph's CWL' ill present medals ndav afternoon, March �seph's Council of the et in the Parish Hall sbridge„with 25 mem- ten visitors present. r Ed Dentinger, C.R. the meeting with the raver anci.John Austin scripture reading. absence of the Recor- 'and 'orresponding Irs. John Howard e minutes of the last and Mrs. Antone Van ad the correspondence 'nk you cards. Convener__Mrs. tin reported presen- da s to the children their, First Confession; king )Arrangements for to take the Offertory on. - nn' nbers joined in the av Of Prayer held this the Christian RefuGi- in Lucknow on Friday, . The theme was "Alert Timc> presidents from nine s time to call your ome Wagon hostess. will bring congratu- ns and gifts for the lv and the NEW Y! churches participated. Kingsbridge president Mrs. Joe Courtney gave the scripture reading. "Guest r speaker was Mrs. Mary Campbell of the Wingham Presbyterian Church and guest soloist was • Mrs. Clare Johnstone of Lucknow. A class of 24 children is making its' First Holy Com- munion on Sunday, April 29. At an executive meeting held on Feb. 21 it was decided to hold card parties every Friday evening up to and including • March 2:3. Mrs. Fred Crawford and Mrs. Frank Vail- Diepan- beek offered to look after the carcti__party on Friday, March 9. President Mrs. Courtney in- formed members that space has been reserved at the Craft Festival to be held in the Lucknow Arena this coming .'August :3 and 4. The space is reserved for Saturday after: noon, August 4 from 1 p: . un- til closing time. Kings idge ladies will ho, selling- ha g, produce and home cann goods. Father E. Dentinger, C.R. is ,making planfi foil a sports banquet to he held in May. Mrs. Dennis Dalton has finished an -afghan for a prize draw to be held in the future. A quilt is also being made by C.W.L. members. Another prize will be an evening for two at the -White Carnation in Holmesville. Father Ed Den- tinger has donated a man's wallet as a fourth prize. The treasurer's report by Mrs. Clarence' Doherty in- cluded an account of -purchases made art a recent auction sale. These were useful articles for our hall and kitchen — a sound system, light fixtures,' etc. Christian Family Life report was given by Mrs. Walter Clare. She stated that 100,000 infants have been saved since the founding of Birthright by Mrs. Summerhill. Signatures of parishioners were obtained and sent to "Alliance for Life." Misses Rita and Nellie Knoop showed movies of the C.K.N.X. news report on the presentation of citations made to Kathy Doherty and • Rita Knoop in the Kingsbridge School Gym on Nnveri ber 21 by the Red Cross and the St. .John's Ambulance Brigade. Mrs. John Howard men- tioned the iiew tables and the improvements in the kitchen and invited any who had not vet seen them to do so. Mrs. Eugene F ravine urged e"vone to watch the Con- sumer Affairs program which is on Channel 10 TV, ''London every 'Thursday at. 2:30 p.m. Mrs. John, Austin reported that three Resolutions 'were sent to Mrs. Lyle Kirby, Resolution Convener, and ac- cepted for presentation at the Annual Dioc•esa'tix' Convention which is being held one week . earlier this year, Mav 8 and 9 i n St. 'Joseph's Church Auditorium, Chatham. Nomination forms for the .l973-19/4. Execut.ive of St. Joseph's Council were given to the nominating committee to be handed to each member of our league. The nominating com- mittee is Mrs. Con Hogan, Mrs. Fred Crawford and -Mrs. Walter Clare. Completed forms .are to he returned to this Com- mittee before March 25. The annual meeting and election of officers will- he held on Sunday, April 1 at 2 p.m. ir1 the Parish Hall and will he followed by a pot luck supper.' Father Ed Dentinger spoke briefly on Lent. He' stressed that penance is still necessary and that we take a positive ap- proach to Lent. He also com- mented on the vigor shown in C.W.G. activities; especially the work done on drawing up the three. resolutions and the irn pr-ovements in the hall. Father Dentinger was wished a safe journey and a good holiday. He was leaving •. im- mediately following the mee-ting for a three-week Florida vacation. Everyone was invited to see the Swingers Square dancing group from Luc•know who will he in the school gym on Wed- nesday, March 21. The meeting was adjourned by Mrs. John Howard. and closed with prayer. Guest speaker Miss Annie Van . Diepanbeek was -in- troduced by Mrs. John Howard. She gave an interesting'talk on her stay in France. She took her third year studies in French :at the University of Besancon in Eastern France. At the end of the term she remained for several months in France em- ployed as a long distance telephone operator. An infor- mative question and answer period followed. The guest speaker was thanked by Mrs. Carl Riegling. During .the social hour the mystery gift was won by Mrs. Wilfred Austin. mps and Injectors Repaired All Popular Makes ron Fuel Injection Equipment Id Rd. 482-7971 0 THE RED CROSS IS PEOPLE LIKE YOU HELPING PEOPLE LIKE YOU GUDER!CU SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY. MARCH .151, 1973—PAGE 3A NO MATTER WHERE YOU • BUY THAT NEW CAR Change Up Immediately . To IICNEL!N"X' McGEE'S PONTIAC-eUICK The Only Authorised Michelin Dealer In Goderich - BODY REPAIR RELIABLE•ECONOMICAL Betty Janke representative for the Canadian Arthritis and• Rheumatism Society office in Hanover, was in Goderich last week to receive. a check from the Goderich Knights of Columbus for the amount of $283.10. The donation Is part of a province wide project to aid the Society. - = Major„ Shirley M. Robinson has been appointed to the position of Regional. 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