HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-12-21, Page 3CHOOSING A HUSBAND.
This WORM Wants an Angel, Less
Wings and krp
oyonatin and toe wirzne or aeaukitwesa—
o4vpeti arid eattitemettometo iteuttiorsu
Rae one Elle kifeere-derieteleu lamest Ohm.
l LL, to my mind reer-
wage ice at *beet, an
uneeetelitily." And
yet, ,witile tie is true
t,Sett experieriee is the
(MI/ true teat ae to
whether a women 104S
suede "wke choice "
0; n Moro e,re
hy which one ratty
eitietreetey expect en
have feerad eve who will
prove 30 04-1 nomentel emoMioliurir
I am a the epielee that the otteoh.
moat vrineh eine/mete from eroltement,
eulaloia appeal atreole be tete etnebious rout
the ineeetzetelon, owi elt° complete
peateesion ot ine feelele beert to the ex.
(diatom' a oil (dee rind to the extent that
love becomes leleilatry—ormauturneted
out a 'ethane Manner despite mother's
entree:oleo—such el:Muhl-nen:A eon, hut prove
oree to these inaotgingu them. In ia
Menlo ottiottle, love gone er.tel 1 and thine
oereetrorimeeeesed of- sand en etteohment to
beeetel, the erne:we:epee O ittly p weer on
earbh, and time alone will °tare bhem a their
falLy, whom they Lloor.a roktAit the bitter end,
Ie le eeidont oetteentee, fee h11011 ailkeDieh
itOt ef a lasting nature. Daily experience
prevee thee renal:Alert faelutg eau Mime he
laetitig feelieg. Haw (weld ie be other.
wiue ? It le no idea one la W11001
"6 mor e diguity eud strenerbh of mied aro
Net be saoh an one, bah to the ennead:,
well-meonetg, eoueliele young lady who is
thiad enough tie read thee areiole, and who
will aocept, an kindly as itteederi, the ad-
vice hereto givea, I weal& Day ; Finds, my
dear, izt °hated:it; a husband be sure thet
yon abeam a meet, Not a " (lade " or a
4' Peekitaiif,'' or e " Bozzabitsbuslfarlaser," or
an in:pa:tin:int riatileptrie but a kind, un-
rtagnmaisig, never lowIty ciressett, '6 every
ittsy the seme" aert. of 173431. Ode than 34
engeged nboalnese of cisme kind, or at
haat' hag a peefeeetere, or
by whioh he will be euebledboleaci a life of
whensot endeteme No wetter if he ho the
"heir to miliione," if lao bade bee " grafts -
hopper " We of exietenee, he ie nob to he
Meshed ae a eusbend, Rerneeneer the old
adage, "TAS devil finch work .for idle hands.
to de.'
Before the meas queetion of a pro-
w -seal hes been tolerated in your -mind for a
onemeet you, must have proved his to be
teeth/el. If you fie4iu Win a Leek of this-
' ciple, what avaibith it ee asareh furtlaer
tenet in him ! Annelbonthful pereen
•veritably a tisceltfulepereen.iden deoett-
pareon le, morneor less, envionatoorifi
• ifi013, and .soemiu nolglat feilow oat the
abalogne of ties uederiyittg the hiok ef this
great prieetoitlab fied Mot foundation of the
untaititoesteinen's Istawaoter rotten • to the
eine, enbun auoh a moo na a friend Oven,
, oleafaloue ea s potsiele hunibend. ,
Otioose oae tiaet. hos due respeob for
religloii I never merry a man who oceffs
sacred thiogs. We that baro diseppolut-
;meat oheerfalIy--I4 Sate emu of a good dim
ipesibieu. Otoe that la
one thett is congenial to tastee, eyinpathetio
eand affectienate ; one thot ie strettly
temperate, wieli all that the word "Strictly"
implthe One Moat ie edeveted to his
:mother and eletera--ae tbio at ef
kind aed 0013Siditroto litiabendm One who
is not more then five years elder then your.
teelf ; Dover money i very old bachelor, a
widower ie prokrable, . but mother if they
are as traeolit AS ten yearn° elder than your.,
self. Otte that iu net eggresoive, but
• alweye eourageona enough to wised up for
prinolpie. -One that lo pabrieroic • one that
eis healthy la body end -au% pure in
thoughb and motion ; one whe 'Doke upon
-.marriage as a dirty as well an n praliege,
aitd epen a wife as the hest gift "God an
bone w'to he reoeived revert:4Mo avid
,cheriehed teedetly " tid death de us parb."
have •
very high ; heonalea, N'Thea' heviag done year
best to reaoti ib you twin dad that you hretre
•fnllen6htkpb--4.&:e ohore of lb.
•'If efl,er hovioo atitalued diaorionneting
knewledge of his-ahem:cher, leeened of hid
faults k..e well as virtue (ramembering theb
. perfectionin htteree nataro is not fewari
mine side o "sbio1n Heeven," end, if it
weal:mai-An men, elaere le nob a• W0.01411
fibt,ect to be hie oonepaitims), in after all thie,
your jecigment still approves of bite. your
heatt, etirf plenaile for laim, 4* for batter or
•for wean" he stettured that you hey° reaohech
„time porn where •
• " Marriage, dehley'lllIderstood,
to the tender and the good
A paradise below.'
it Believing :hat you are nob laoking In
. those quelinee W11104 W440 11$113 peredise
irrelew" I have nothing triere be offer, move
• er
einee tto'agrataletteree rooting aristured that
yeut ,oredded itfe wifl redeem be o demen-
Iteablon the feet thet morriage is not a
)• Sure.
A Jealous retries walk.
"I think Mite if someone wove to effor
re prize te the etiliat girl i wouid be oar-
wied off by the' yeezug winnon who It always
-afraid Met some ether giri h g-ing to cop.
-tura the effections of bee. beet ermeg men.
SC) Olga the cooed •philettepher whoa
words :if wisdom are - reportecl in the
e-• esteemed Olaieego Record. "She le not
only ostid sopient
" hut he mehes many other people un -
•happy and uneendotteble. 8p1.ofni Ode,
who are avetwe of hoe Beth we:airman
take hum° delight ito bootleg bei by
flirbing with what' Mee coeslitere her oevu
" Now," oeid the theughtfal phithapheri
"1! oho woeld only it down :tad Aqua the
quattion wItb. herself it wouldn't teke very
' long is see the snore be her method. lo
the fire) plate, if 4 MA* thiekti thee one girl
doesn't want him to like etnether hi Melt
hegira to Ilona, how ermeeic and lovely thet
other giel is end will eventuelly Mee might
of the lime one entirely. Ids alt./aye that
way. Arn '•
at tineee, just aa Much es 111 woman dose, mid
after While Wheit he that that A girl /a Joel-
itentel'hinerke tione4 it:Made ber at all, bob
will deuee attar/mem) toe ell bho obhee girls
thet ho cotrea to *IMMO her knowleage.
If therein one Wet* that a •tem ceriti
endure lide johloun Wen. Her geratlotie
are himeand wheta lt t'011e het the honeob
tea% ohe deeen't boitevo lt o ho gaealts out
of anowering queries juet on general
OrletOOlet. eud lit the beet wey he cen,
Setetible wemen bade thettel Who ie jeeleue,
heeeteee they bey all women. don't *et:
through her eyes. Thai:afore, they diterdb
look upon tho man as the keentleornest end
olevereet in oreetion. They oleo say teae
there to poeitively no extreme for hor, arid
that a jealous men is en Angel dewpered
with her."
eoznereed,ors onit.
4' That tali eoureis • very Weil," mime
from it grumpy hit of geininiaiey who oat,
drintaed up on a littio feetetool, gad who
bolted fOr Ail the world ae it oho didehs
thee whether sohool itepedoe not, as Wm)
•SAying is. "Teat soreede pretty—vetY
pretty. It's jest the way a entileeophor
oraghe, to talk. Jest, give it to the giel right
and left,,hue at least' let Iter have au Upper-
tizeitYbo defeed hereelf. You folk eeito
aren'e naturollyjetleue don't know arty
thing about it et ali, and the girl 'whiz az
jedos deee.IM on sepowee emcee jeelezie
booth° she etijoyiebeing jealosis? Do yeti
ever think hour loftier:eine and wretaged as
nehappy oda: ? Yon neighe juet ae Wea
say te her : Now step bzeishaing.' Is
would Ito quite as sue tor her to do thee m
to keep front era:staining jealeue thoughie.
And the worst patio of le 1 hs keowe teem
Abe's a goose mod she enehie the bi$Oteit
nd eteuteSe retiointiene thet she eimetty
woult be :to eVly, but you ties Wit eemethizeg
the hasn't anything to caw About. ,
$4 IT MAKES sin .wiLD
to hem, everfliody ahneing bite teideels
an it wont( do .me geed ha have item
.peeple whom knew develop a good °me of
jeeleugy theathelies ao they ceeld fteder-
stand what the jeeleue girl hes to eedure.
"Aad yon needn't tell toe that it beret'
a, moo to have a giri fret aboue bine," she
mid as a perbiug shot "It tiotrioe hie
vanity to think elie area enough for
hiee to be jealous, and di the team the
jrl feale to ereall aa meals tend '00o.
iltTraTY01.0 that oiled like to /tete hareeti te
" Both of You hove been telkieg noa
ono," deolared the third portion, who is
elwaye euppreeri to he Betieible and level-
heateed. M10 fir:A piece, one Me to ha
in love to be jselens, and t
• emcee 18 nemerroo
than hieing in love I'd like to- know? You
cinch tell me saythiug about it, heoenee I
had e. thine experienoe. Ad I've . came be
vhs oonelnelon--atber ansiteerable thought
aud mental arguments wrth myself—that if
you want to be heppy and centented ad at
pease with the world in general you don't
watt to be In love. It's a bobber.
You can% eab, and when yen de
eet you don't knotv whether you are
°bowing a seftehelted meth or a tongue
sandwich. You to all mortis of foolish
abogs, like walking along the Street with
an idiotic grin OA your hula or riding three
Meeks past year golitintoeff place. If the
man forgets' to atty met as memy sweet adage
to you your heart is filled with fear and you
woneer id he's feued a handotweer girl,
There be alwaye 'something ta worry yell --
=fleabag to explain or some eilly qtattrei
to untangle.
"It's all right, I suppose, for wick; who
have nothing to think aoout besides gown
and Noolobro deinge, but 1 haven't time to
fool away In bhat extwavegent bageion."
And the sensible third pavion. gave a j rky
nod and followed it tip with an °twenties
" Teat's so 1"
Cigarillo:en a Urine.
eAFtoqteisiteeelesealiness in sleeping apart-
znents and living weaneas is certainly contline.
in if net essentiet te fibreitti.
A place of reeidence onyhe filthy where
ihere tati vleible pile of „dbew •Oerpete
theded with dub end saturated with
;pease, neglected draperfee Wet harbor
naleoellemegue germs of dtheaste, nehouterted
furniture, greasy euteide and'dirty Weide ;
old wall papers, smelly ard grimy, it sot
worse, aro souroso ef denger as much a be
euepeoted and feared as garbege oats a
refuse beeps, •They defile the etinesphere
quite as much, and lf they do not menttee
heitivh they cereal:lily develop disease.
be rooxn otexpled by a family as a eh-
reozn ' and thieve ecenpled by leek or
ailing peroone, eaye the New York Workl
should redly be without a carpet, or it there
ie one it ohould bo so laid thee it could be
token up every week and.
People with a tendency to theeab trothiese
and all growtug children are be. tor for
living In memo wlbh bare 114008, undraped
windows and &ogre, and nuoovered fume-
Sweeping a carpeted room with a broom
• gertainly removes moth diet from,tho goose
bat what is net tavept.. up is seettered
thwingh the air, mating every breath
Inha ed unwholesome. After the • dust
eettlee the room le meanly " dusted,"
'obtain merate praotically whippteg the
-deposit from ene piece .of fatniture ts
another vdth a feather dnoter. It would
be'bebter -to leave, the dust , alone eeee it
settle, unlets it cut be removed. T'110
only way to de this is to wipe tweeythheg
with a 'wet cloth mid' wash am the rag
efterward, jusb as a clean wercian eleene
hardwood floor or ellieloth. •
Few people have any idea of the exquisite
'require. Whatrohnete active *ogle in
loselth pub up with for a night er a day at
'time !every deleterlOue be the weaker per-
sons who oceopy bhe houee with the duty
furniture, the amoky lea:leer Milne:my, the
stemming kettles and pots, or tho toilet
utenolie, duke, atm, cleated bub once a
cley eva In the beet of home. It le
ilhe exception where the water jog, 'map.
dish and brash -hoiden about the wane -
stand. are cleaned every day, and yet:
the bed odors from them poleen pare air
wad so climate the organs of reepiration and
poison the blood, It is to give the lungs as
ohlinoe . to throw off • these loads of
poisonoun material that everyttedy who can
move or bo moved ehoold go met Into the
open air daily, or, property wrapped up,
got on airing hi ant open door er wiradow.
The, Sualfobtelr
"1 0413 tolerate a girl who oecoaioneliy
aayo enappish titingee end, I own got minim
ptelty welt with e conceited weericee ; bat
when ill ooreses to' one et then men olio
knows It ' and shown hie superior wis-
dom by patty naromim I jest gather up inee
ekirbe anti get out: ef his way ae feat as
octet declared rc :spirited little ineideet
bleb hearing of a Chicago Record writer -few
days ago, ' '
"His very presenee eakkeo mo bolt, and 1.
want to amain and kick and ,grind my
teeth," oho proolalined , with !ramie gee -
term A eight of hien has the omit effect
oh ine that a t ed hendkerchtlitibas on
Thoth goedneee, 1 abide find' one of hito
very often. Xi 1 end Pa prodoptly bend in
roat.inders Mr a quiet, lfttls tunoraL. .
" You mehtiou a new -book or a ,
lar opera, ' and bhs eiteorta man will izto
mitdietely comet -you with ' Ab, yea ;
hot thet'e net the essay to peonettrice , the
ironedte Will huni, Mom old oh that
you've • hard ohm 'yeah bohylniod nod
beep ouddeoly to ask you 'what it lit
101l7 "43Y/ 61674 Whee yen have held hint
ail you home aboet it tend more eletteyento'
gmeeed ate he say t That malt Milan)
write it et oil.
but he realty di
celled ---. A
lemoranoe mot
ready to jump
degree, You ea
--ea mute eta
jun op mei
eitenalti yoi gr
toteptueue ellen
etb notna and be
rears, whiz
1,4,1ev:erit:eern,a;.1 :tChn0a, 71:
111, the natio p'
feel yeeze heart
wadi yeti woes' a
mite eoittothing
and ergoto with
ret wined be gl
Georsibel Island
est parcuz thiak he 41d,
b. It: woe thet other Chap
the o he 110144 up ,our
.11's alteaMi
ohanoe to
rem moral
'vouldn'b own in he know'
at he
is rude to the lest
ever get the best of htm
awake :eights to ca -
things be ray—and
his remerke mkt con -
he would Introodietely
4 lecture an geed 03411.
Ay in a holy always. She
nd graeleued %Meth the
grip your ilea together
50 your palm:, and you
mem like a eledge-ham-
he the time when you
00, se that you could
4 and hard and heavy
t mireseetto person mato
to crawl went to the
retd be (eta tip by tire
A Brae° to co rm the dew, -manaters•
Mag es of Torture.
Bowel' 0.8 bine, D. D. B., in a recent
*member ef she Medical Reoara," says :
" For fourteen 4re I hove eudeevered to
deetee I3134 adop thods ln operating von
teeth, for ver ementive and nervous
P ndeiotet with 1 ttle pain and eheek b
the nervone evens, as possible, Sorg
well -tempered i rumente, of proper relive,
the iteade so coreful operator, wili
mum hes pain 1 emit:veiling the cavity of
tt, teeth then th eat l000l onmethetio
obtundent tip& to the tooth, if dull, ill.
mtipee Metre to are need with fora
enough to 01:013/3 .0W13 the toottirebructure,
wathe Is geueral the case, as 003 majority
et dentiete ere n reeehertice, er de not care
bo sell their ha o and take the time to
make, or obtale as proper lustrument to
ha wad.
l'Oe dental en e, a often looked upon
as on lowention torture, has gained. this
noonvieble repu ion by the Improper use
ve whieh it been pub; the motive
Power, ever whi the °pewter statutes has
no onetrolt, ,le the instrument witb.
euoh repittity b the Motion canoes in-
• terne petite, mo a:Toothily whonthe drill
or burr lo dull. When the regulating of
the veer," of th wheel is under ubeolute
memo' of tee o ;rater, bbs exoavetion ef a
cavity by the ne 1 o sharp drill er burr, of
proper size, coat eo little pain or diecom
feet Oat ehe me sensibly° patient demenot
objeob to Ito IWO '
•YOS in roomy (30331 ib In the fear mai
dread !het the truMent will out a littie
toe neer the ne and, that the operator
Krell not atop w asked, at he has prone.
toed, ellet sopa e patients? nerves, loam
Ins them in an lathed condition thab in-
t:re-one &epos Dry of osinoing pain ten-
fold. To gain e confidence of pettents
earl attire the !het you are aware that a
very arineitive 0 n la about to be operated
epos, and that n wili use every means te
avoid hits:Meg t
poseibillty of reaming pain.. For
pateents to •eve that it would
be in their ;War te etop the en-
gine instantly, ithent the knowlege of
the operator, w Id se ieseen., the dreud of
the me of the mine,' blaereby facilitating
the exiavotiog a cavity, that the most
sensitive epithet veuld not objeot to insure.
I havo devised brake by which the pa.
tktnie, with a o held In their hand, can
stop the engine tautly, aedOndth the ae-
Ma mime of an o dent, eau truthfully say
ehat mere. thee e majority of operations
in deatietry can made painless.
The 'braise co Oa ef a pair of pilot; one
handle of whio made fent to the upright
of the dente' e ;Ine ; the other handle is
closed by pulite the obring which the pee
lame heich, thew y olociping the belt and
stopping the ea e insbatitly.
t will greatly lessen the
For bed.reo
and obleog rege
two very much 1
dainty and in
beautifully drap bed. Skittle are often
used far soft coy !eta and hove a partena
lady fine effoot o a divan, With the head
forming a pillow r an arm-chatr where the
head fors the footistool, FAr rage
are becoming nwe and more feeble:table
every year, an happy is the aesthete°
,afford to hove a huge
I with stuffed head and
adorn the hall of her
'hide of any pretenatene
The fur is nob very
the long, eofb hair :is
uty of the rug is got°.
war shine are quite as
n mere coetly, ae the
are rare and cliffioult
I Tiger Skins.
and the popular white
the dey, large equaree
1 glistening white bear
ogee; they form a neost
elous fiaish to milady's
W04344 W130 04
Beemel tiger s
rampont ja
0000 157 house.
ante $200 be 840
durable end wh
evOrn tf, ' the
Large witiee psi
fade ione.hlb and ,
very large Apses
to obtain,
A Quer dvertisemont.
lament was pubfitihed bn
by Mrs. Mary Anderson,
ie. 351 West Fifty-ninth
n whine ohe offered for
• ite birth. In explaita-
bion of her extra rdinary pretossition Mrs.
Androgen sold:
mod, about a ye
oircuhcted. two litiettere. a
Boon is he heti
bireineso. He we
dent on the jeurn
almost peonileao,
trot werthy pera
at lin birth. 1 a
A notion Adva
a Now York pap
a young widow o
street, Met olte'i
Adoption her ohil
ahortly afoer I was mar -
ego, my hueband went
act situetion had been
intended to join hlra 00
'come estsblished in his
killed in e. railroad acct.
y down, And 1 was left,
I am trying to find some
Wile Win Adopt my obild
utiable to give it proper
stepper% and 1180 that ib would bet bitten
fox a to part bele a we beoeme attaohed to
each other."
ILord ta4tiong on Armor.
"Do what we 1," told Lord Armstrong
le a reeentisspeeoh n the question of shell
firing and awrierea and unartnered vessels,
"1 belieye. the!: ti moans of Otto* will
elwaye ow:Make I: • means of deferioe, and
the': eromer or tar armor will he Mem-
ibis WV her of Ours.
The hind of evee, her is hero when it le a
great laxtzey to oho d In front of a flee until
your °taboo' are g d 1111d1W%rm atid then
sit In thothi,
• mew to c cry reactions.
One of the beet othods of carrying frac*
thins in tho head bo o make a remark which
detraohe froin the d gniby of a New York
, Peoceetiiiig 'wee weed • from the Irish
coaelt the itereio bed eepoe very gradzielly ;
for the beet, 230 mil it the geadient le hut ale
feet to the Mile. . u the next tweney miles
the fait Is alter 9,00 fort, and eco ideate:hens
is the denetieb thet n many pianos 'depths ef
1,200 to 1,600 fathoms aro' eneonatered iu
very elooe eiroxireiry to the 11M -fathom brim
Wiela the deth el 1,800 to 2,0qo fethemo
the fitsa heti- Muma ma elightly iandelated
etlein 1,200 mike wide, filo greatoet depth
in dim Atlantic ii: 800 miles Or en oorth*Ard
of the Itlesei ef SP. Thema', whont sound-.
Legs of 3,8/5 fethome were obtained, 'or
eon rly ion' milers In depth. e-Xottlicat alircigat
Att.r. Harper end Mles Kingstey were the
critters of the Smoky Oley indeprackne ors
esthete he WAS the miner and elle woe bin
aatestene Site edited the woenenhi column,
gathered the fashion new* and often wrote
the venue' for the peielda comer, and seene-
OM% *heti they were idiot of 1313133porditor4
she would net a few etteltfuls of typo.
Smoky linty was a progreasive town. 0:r
came, the womenth oeitteau of the inde-
pendent mot leave reinitiate soy aboneWOMAXI
tutfrege and the like. ViriOnitt Kingsley
woe a progrezelve woman; 'eh° believed in
three thingo. Se she drove her pen nearly
through the bottom el her inksband and
wrote sleorp things to th'e e,duairation of the
female portion of -the cominenhy.
Mien Kingsley and Mr. Harper were tb.e
best; of frieado. They were nos in love with
eaeh other. Brad Kerper heet never beea
in love, and, se for Mee Keisgeley, ohs was
too busy to thiok of um% a thing. Whoa
she thought ofA�r Harper it wee ao a on.
Miele nian "'with DO tionsense abet
and ho admired hr for her pluck end grit'.
Setneiimes he said that *noose of tho means
of the Independent was doe to her energy.
'They wore on the rarest oemfertetble tome
and called emcee ether Kingeley and Harper,
wish a total absence of tomalley. He called
bur Kingsley at first by mist:eke, for he
often forgot that the buoy seribbler at the
obher deck ,wee not a men- He need to
apoimize for it, and etraightwayeepeab the
effinoe, and she coed he could nob help Pe
paid tpat ithe did nob mind, fence ib sounded
so very lousiness like. Just for the Ma of
the thing she (diem dreppedtho lathier from
hie name.' '
Mee Kiegsley did net object to tebacao
woh WAR a forme:oe dthing, isirece
they bad but ono eine between theta, and
btle. Harper aould not write unities he heti a
cigar in hle mouth. He often felt some
compuations of conscience when the room
oeciame pertioularly blue with smoke, and
once he mid : "My dear Iiingoley, 1, whit
thab you would take up 11913113 horrtble homit
and avenge yourself. Ooaldn'b you chew
gush, for Meaner ?" '
" Den't Wed Me," Miss Kato:ley re -
'plied, good .naturedly. "U I °bleated I
would lett you know very coon., I edvlse
you to light year olger and gab get, werk ab
year editortale ; the foreman will mill 'fere
oopy before yoa hove any."
Metters did net always run en ernoebhly.
A Mr at neveepeper @MB startedi adman the
streeb and ouretoreptioes begen to drop ein
Things looked choker and darker, oe that at
the mote of a day is Deoember Brad Hever
went ever to Mies Kingsley's desk, and
twating,himself on the eage asked : "Well,
whab de you think of it !"
". What do I think ef what ?" asised
Mite Kingsley, tuolting her penoU imbited
her lento ear. She was protein despite
The .ifitot that oho wore her hair mopped
olterie .
" Of the Independent Bed Seine he goof:i-
tal. To tell tha truth, Kingeloy, dee b
see the use in trying to run the concern
much longer. Tease have beenpreoleves few
subeariptgone renewed, and it is almost' the
1st of Januery. The otibleok le dubious, to
say the JARMO „
He Dulled hie moustgehe and watbed for
Mie Ktegiley's reply.
• She mode none, and he want: on z "The
plain unvartifehed trath is that -independent
stook is away down. The Banner, aerobe
the street, is intim as popular already. The
trouble is we run the pttper on tee high a
plane, while the Banner eaters to the low
tette of the meseee. It ia notObag but
scandal and all ,neoletinuess. The truth far
I have *about decoded to sell out'. 1 tem
Berry en your account, however. You
have been working en a etervatioa tislary,
and now to be 'thrown out of a position
would be hard. Perhaps we would better
struggle on a few months loeger. Luck 16Clay
"eb on my acematawd aid Mho Kings-
ley quickly. Yon have done enough for
me aletenly.' You took me .vehen I was as
iguerent as a gento and let me learn. the
Mutineer% I suppose I shall find aneehe.r
°peak:getter 'awhile."
Perhapo it wontd he a good thing'for lax
to go to Ohiciego,"• maid• Helmer, after a
enomentda reflection. "1 Intend to go ets
seen as 1 am weU out of this, aced if I fiod
anything for you I will send for you. on
are bound te succeed, for you have the
reguier journalletec eartinot. 1. hove always
seen that."
" I am glad that you think solib le
ebrange how you took me up. I gob it into
my head that I could write, and I eerie my
mennecripts around the oinuatry till I was
diegueted. Nob more than one in fifteen
was accepted, ad I had e.bent &aided be
drop writiog and de housework fer my liv-
lug, When I happerectil to think of aokhag you
"You Spoke of yourself befera,"
'Mid Harper. "Why did you mot? I ehonld
have been interested, 1 know." •
"1 hod nothing 10 bell. I have been an
orphan since I was ten years old and aave
knocked about) the *grid hence then. As
soon as I web Settled the order comes, te
13113ve on."
Bawer put out his hand and gave her a
frieridly shake. " Yen, yee, he meld
eagerly, "we mast go to Cohen°. feed
that I cannot ph along witheme yen," "
The Independent fell further in :disfaver
when the editor took sides wieh the Referee
pea,- on Moe temperance question. The
editor of the rival peper sided with the
popular parby and vetoes offontive editoriale
oonoarning our 'esteemed contemporary"
and his I:alloy. To these Brad responded
in dignified peragrapbe, and Mated 4 few
faetzettbaut the Banner man whieh out bide
keenly became they were strictly brae, He
hinted to some of his henehroon thet if any-
thing ahould hoppen to " lay up " the
edther of the Independent till the cempaign
was over 15 would be the salvation of their
04480. • • .
One evening when Brad returned lute
train hi efeloe he was (immolates that :same
(zee was following hino. As he tinned be
see who his ehadow was he wee stretch bathe
head and knocked down. At the same time
a oho er two was fired from the epee:Ate
aide of the street. It woe in a bendy pore
ot the town, bub a tooted soon gelherea,
:Among them a woman whom the moo
reeognizeil as the arsistenb editor of the
Inclepoulent. She seemed to have ail the
comment senee of the crowd. In a moments
sh depatoleed one meeeereger for a dootor
and anal:hoe tot reetorativem whichehe up„
plied ttetho injured men. Virgitife Kings- '
ley, eittleg on the ourbstene with 33rod
Barrier's head he her lap, knew for .the first
time her feeling toward him. Mat eh°
add elk 'did ate acarcoly knew, hub after
13rod had bren taiteen to hie boarding plate
and ohnhed, time to think it over, elut wee
hautteed with o feat that oho heti eel:demo-
thing exist-eel:dye of feelieg which was emote
'Man ply tenic.
Mtrtklageley did' not rause. Brad.. Bhn
was tO0 buoy running the paper. , The
independent endclenly .becatee popeear whore
people saw the girl fighting thebettio
The woman's ooluiturit the hoiden nettle tie4
the poet's °erne* 'Ovate seegleeted. White Inn.
Oda wreetleit with hoe editeriels. Sloe
kept up her lade In the hobble With the Boat -
tier' Initenited 'as oho had her views ;Miele}
the eitatilb upon Brad, and did not heeleade
ks etipreetie theta,' popuhe &roe tamed
pendent and it* editore: Rtiterm tkttl
agatneb thrS Banner *ad it a heady 4444bh
eyiepabiey of the Iowa was with the In.
Ct.; et ea ovh44(1134Y%.1141f?Adoirlimgeuforlue:PwcioKlangoeiltlifr°ttbie.
ne: bbs
head a pulled through, thanko to hie
good conebitieblon and the faithful musing
ef Smartt hie londthtly.
Virginia did all bee work of the limper
vehlite ReAd W431 in, but aa 0000 as he had
eeffiolelit etrength she begem buking ber
• ealttoriole to him, for orthiolem, and before
long he wee able to diotato to her. It Wee
o eoe of teem Inatemeet when Virginlide
petted was renuing at tte la:steel) and Brad
we'd iffobt"tfefi an editoriel oa the silver
question, 61tite he stopped and laid Iola hand
me be_ , Wale," he said,
Miste Kit galey held her penal poised over
the paper, eienkleg that he wit:bed to make
eorrie cerreotion.
" Kiegsloy, yoa 'Itiesed OIO the night 1
Bed deedly pale, " Don't," ohs
told, "�h, cloeib retnember that,"
Bat I can't forget it. You kissed me
and called me Brad, darling. 1 did not
her auy more, for 1 weals off' omnewhore.
Nova, I eheald like to know what such a
demonstration meant. You oennot eharesee
thot pool" ; yozer bade are brambling.
Give me :he knite." Brod wenb on talleing
la o steady voice, meanwhile cutting 4aht414
ehaviogs from the penoill, " The pencil was
hrp weengh if you had let lb alone. If
yen were any ono else I sheald say you are
" But to return to that night that you
Head me, You and were getting along
oa purely pletonio prionipleit, as 1 ouppoged.
We were perdu in the vete:eolith?: of this
wild end woolly wean bleb I never heard of
o Perther who would, bee/d a titan's head
in his lap, kise him, and cell him Brad,
darliog Of eounie tide platonio tin:dna:a
is plowed sat; you. can See that 40 well as
I. Tee eatation to, Whet is to be done
about lb 1"
Tareugh this long tipeech Mies Kings-
ley had been trying to field her volas, and as
Brad premed for a reply she eetdboareelyt
"1 isiteeded to tell yen, Mir. Hever,
thab I shell leave Smoky My as aeon as you
are able te take the helm again."
Brad felt the tears rash to htO etre&
If Beate," he celled himself trader hte breeth,
hub even tan he could nob 1:03/13b tanning
Mier Kingsley.
" Don't cell me I,fr. Harper. Can't you
think el eemething more tender ? I touch
prefer Brad darling."
He tbrew down tho Remit and knife
and tried to take Mina Kieguley's hend, hut
ie was snitched away from Mtn.
"1 thlok 11410 my tiara nese. Vfiginta
let nee think of something lege formal--
Virgirda, derling, yen are riot going assety
if I have inflow:a wIbil you."
Mtge Kingsley sae anti gathered up bh
papers. "1 will take these editorials an
wed over for the °than Mr. Harper,
diaae yea soy I dM bbs night you wer
httrt ; I do not attempt be deny ite 1 eon
Gerry Moab I had no more selenentroL,
tem 'surprised, though,, theft you find s
much amusemenb ha throwing my icily f
my Moen'
13red's fame wee very grave no h
answered: "1 dm a brute, VergintaKiog
• ley—I ulrnoeb Herwor—li love yen.
should have said so like a. man at ffiret, ha
was sure thot you knew my feeling for ye
aud I did enjoy teasingyon little. Fergie
me I I ant going te marry you ata mato as
an well, if yak will have me."
You gay this bemuse you are carry, fo
MO. YOU %ink I love yen bean= I mote
so that night and you are trying to curtain
yettraelf be my oelf-rapeete"
"1 would not do that, even for you
Klogney. If yeu doubt me go into the resx
room and fiad it letter in the leit-band cloak
drawer, ode/routed to yourself, and notic
• ehe date. Please goand ind thee lettere
She was gone along Ab lasb Brad
caned cant " Eleventh you found it yet
Tett have bar= gots° hong enough to read all
my private Inman I eappete you have it
right to my meereta now. Oh, Virginia, de
oeuces bere. I shall arm after yore malem
you hurry.
Miss Kingeloei put the letter In the Rooked
of her laket and hettoned the etteket
tightly, then oho went Into the sitting
room. •
"Do you believe En now, dear! Hound
eub several weeks age that the pieta:nth.
badman bed come to on end, and we had
to begirt on a new hosts. So itit's form se
now parimerahip now. ddinue hero, Innen
ley," atretaing out his hand. "Kingsley,"
he plaided, as she still held ale of. "1 hoge
y013 don't thinix thot letter it fake, tell
you, on my honor, that: I wrote that letter,
asking you to marry me, the day I was
hurt. You believe neet ? '
YGeoes.dn girl. If you had teceiveclittbeez
woold you. have aceepted V'
"Vee," very slowly.
" The'n by all that is aggravating, why
don't youhote me now 1" esbed Bred, mak-
ing froattio efferbe to mots her. Bat she
moved away. "Oh, deer, was ever a twin
es sitsanwfaIly mod ? 11 15 were netfer that
gueshee wound. Don't tako seeh a mean
advantage of a mipple. Kingsley, crime
here, jwatat to show yea about thie edli-
Bat Mho Kingsley saw danger ahead
end dm nomad to a more disereeb
' Shot or me ohot, I shall walk nomad&
Rear. Kingeley--eb, confound tido leg.
Bottoms me. COMO b.ere, Virginia, like a
nenetble gild and kite me, I emelt, believe
you care it raw of pins for me. have pro -
poised leo you. by letber and by word of
mon*. I am half sick yob, wibia all the
moon ef relopee contiog so, and you won'b.
mat me Brad, darling, again."
rese and cantionsfy lowered am:albeit°
the doer. "Ow 1 monde' goodness, what
o twioge 1 Oh, do bring momosomething ;
eherie etre salts on that table.".
alien Klogaley, theta thrown off herguercl,
rawite the smelling sotto ond applied
them iso elee ealferee'e nose. Ouly for a
moment, though, for the teats fell on the
floor and gee wee bola fibo.
It VcU'i a meati advantage to take," eitid
Beta', a moment lsitero lagghing trio:mph-
wetly, "but what oleo could I do? And
trulythee feet did stake me wines a libels.
Deo% try to book ee imeere, 1Kingeley. I
kieow yozz are met half ee augry as yen try
to •appear. New,. go fate the next town
email anti find a lettio box in the Iowa
right -hod drawee of the dealt anti bring Es
Virginia Obeyed and then etroightenedher
het before 'the roirrer.
"1:h le late, nearly retten„" tho zeta,
preset day, too. I hate° over eteenetty galleyte
or copy hero, to wey vothleg of the onitoelak
whfola yea 4id not
Beed the pepet. editero do not
hoettme etgegod ovary day. Come here,
ingbItZl'arj o
slay, o04 let tam coo how this rlog
etilitehte," he arittelly.
" fachemartent ateek root hove ,takeit
mssf,bet'o ring.sehrottot.drowaie mo be kt,eti,t9pmtst
toy wii'. J. htleft eh* wevild tile you,
lgingsloy. Give tate pew; lass4, quiole.
'Le time ler my lunch, and I think
Mrs, Smarb comino. A reelect file
ortehe to ;deo me for "
'De you isee what the elook telide2
here did I pat my glassee Oh* heap
oy are. Good morning, Mr,. Harper,
Betoky City tete fulfilled' the predict:lost
of ite toot heaefel boat:Isere, I1 h a thriving'
city now. The independent is the leadlniC
gatmg", And in: etilho'r th a Tioh man, Msza,
fdre41,ey.literper keepbee oemiage 31.134 RR
longer wearti an ink stain en 'the lode*
finger of leer right hand. Mro, Harper, leer
het:head , elate her very prepeilo to ooma-
petty, but in private he siceroye addemewill
bs etet Klogeley.
••••••• P
Fixelin the Mysterious Loss of the,
City of idexaodrittk
KB finding of a packet
of dynamite he oak
of Caffee HI a Ntaw Ye*
wholeitale hence teug-
gone an explanation of
' oneenof waste reoent raerateriem
Tate o.apc elevoou swka
..dreenrethenthente-oetii L'hopi,chmernxieeefirovraitt otenhae
New York & Colon, Idea Steenethip Cent-
pany's City of Washington. The coffee
arrived On May 8bh lest, and was oeueigned
tie 3. W. Wileon & Co., importers, of this
city, who gold it to Olono-heen Sena andi
stared it in Bertlebbth stereo, in Breekl$11.
Oa Saturday it was about to be ehippott
to the A' -antic & Peoitio Tea Osopeny,
No, 127 Fronb eineete and preparotery to
shipping W&lUsm O'Doeohne, portem
lookod babe :tome of the 'teas. He found a
bundle in one. Ile exereined it and eaUr
that 15 was rs nineilizebag fitted with a half
petite(' of some meterld. Yellow paper wan
• She outside wrapper, and entwined about,
the peolsoge war a black i1300 W11113 it dolmas
ating cep orb emit end. Time ceps proe
jeated from the ends of the paokage„, wblin
tzt creel side was another sap.
(Mom:ohne enspected the package wassail
lean:oleos. It wait submitted to A. Kitp.
stein ohetatiet, who alid the muslin hag ware
felledwith dynamite. The roetter was Babe
mEtted to the Old Slip Pollee Station„ and
Gepteart Revery end Detective t heituae L.
Madden began an invesilgotion.
" It fie very evident that the dynamitet
wais platted in the seek at the Mexican
plantation," old OaptaiaDevery lot night
"The seek had nob been opened Once lb
arinved in this country. In addition the
Ettrittne of the maker, Alfredo Nebel, of
Sepias, Mexico, is on the outside wrapping
piper wttlithe word. denetulte' in Spotlit.,
The: other serape of paper cent.ain printed
neetter itt Spanish.
14 I have not learned who the centignets
are for I have nob had an oppoeturiley to
oonaramteate with the inoportem. A search -
log invezeigetiota is to be made for the pure
peas of definitely looeting the miscreauts
cad arreving at a plaugible reason for suok
an mob. It: is mervallette that the dynamite
did net explode durileg its frequent trans-
"A singular faot is that theOlty ef Alex -
markt, az:other ereseel of tip New York &
Oahe Mail Steamship Oompeny, was burned.
efE the °east of Oahe cal November let laab.
Mho mowspaper reports stated thab during
the fire several implosions in the held of the
vatel -newsreel. The Olteo of Washington
might have had the eame fate if the ape
fed been jarred &using thipment. We oan
only Bennie° thernotive.
"Yon may resell the practice of it certain
watolt manufacturIng company engaged, in
selling ito goods to ether couneriee. Its
• ehipmeeto alwaya gemmed me:ended with
mieforeane. Theo were either burned ba
the hold darbeg the voyage or a slight etc-
. pleeten ecoureed and ruined tbe geode. The
lat.orhasi beea heavily Moored, and of
eartres the izieuranee was oolleoteci.
" Peasibly tbe dynenaite cartridge found
ea Saturday may furnish it true explanation
of the burning ef the Olty of Alexandria eta
Itt Isatarrienratood that Inspeetor Melieugla-
fin will take up the coo to -day aud en-
deavor te trace the seurce of the dynamite.
WP.ir reoplo Become Deat
It has taken the mediae' world a greet
many years to discover that; loos of hearing
itt miniest invariably caused by some disease
of the threae or )2See, or hods. Beit very
reeemt re:aerobia' in those Beide have demon-
etrated tide fact beyond question, and it is
DOW Admitted by the more advanced ;nen-
cal men that, arsidle frein rupture of the eor-
doom there th Namely s. oreptem of defee-
Moe hearing which is not trace:dile directly
to the condition of the nese end throat. In
view of the new ditcoveries, ear speohliste
taro finding their moupetion gone, gave as
Metz =the their partiettiar branoh an am
castiont in hwthet inveetigation. It is said
thiet, the wee of the tinselling-0Mhz is one ef
the moat prolific canoe of deafnese, oper-
ating by weakening the alba:fiery 'aerate
and through them the auditory system. AU
atr.ong er priogent edam :should be avoided
a fox es possible,
eopeolaily those which
act noon the seereting preoesses, and, as the
popular expression goes, 44 make the nose
reve.."—Scsence Siftings.
Tao lumen Concord or Owed Solitude,
A thief leeks foto a Media= avenue
mansion early the either mornlog and found
• hhneelf in the mush room. Hearing feet.
otepte approaching, he took refuge behind a.
From 8 to 9 &Moak the Meet daughter
had, a zsingiog
From 9 to 10 o'clock the second daughter
, took a plena loon.
Freon 10 to 11 ohelook the eldeeb on hada
violin Neon.
Fawn 11 to 12 osolook the other son had a
loses math° ,fiate.
Ali 12 Id all the bathes:a aed adore as.
ambled and studied an earetplitting photo
fee vegeta pion, violin and flute.
acreso t'ahti°1f2814,7g:nredd, f°:I; infg"mat bliehhefitrdletort
"' For reeroy'a sake, have me arrested.°
Gerniony le the reatest zinc-prodtiehig
aaa4t0 the world. The mein tililtrittt 10
hi Upper fikleata, where the metal ie Made
been ostleniae end Z1130 blooded by diebilloe
The Bd., Bove Mr. lleasoolt—I greatiet
far, my deer madam,
thet your hnehaed te
dee:tined rop herveitO of tares. Men.
Swiftly Gety---Xecleed, I 1ear no, ;
he ho e hone on one foe the Iasi thee day&
Tks average realdent Of London elite
p000de of earrote, thirtyefor pomade
Moe, °lee hie:Area ansireerensydeen,
attsf potateee sod flaky -eel; ea petzatio
ateiroit etvety yeah, 15itei4ttee inat,
ly atentroe I intotatemot pounds ot
feetweetee ef pontoon iiiteee ot
thoolikrai tif truneteee per emerearie