HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-12-21, Page 2ALATTER-DAY FAWKES,
The Dynamite Fxplosion iii the
Ertel' Chamber of Depth
Arrest and Confession of the Fiend
Wb,o Threw the Bomb,
nvonderooita toy woonde. woo Unlade-.
!latest:so oreciteniteost on the chamber --
natty minorities Antesea the wounded—
The *tory or an Eye wetomee--Many
A par'B table says: A
dynamite bomb wee ex -
r. Vedid in the Chatabor
pieties rbi1e in widen
S'averdey.It appeers bhalI
the • proceedings, being
vary unieteresbing, the
gonerlea were not =with,
ed wItle people. gas -
dearly from the right
. gallery • atom° moth of e
, bomb waet brown or fell
in the • mist of the as
trembled deputiefocanelog
A loud explodes and a merle of the greaten)
nefsfuelen. Theipolicie, inunerliately after
the eoplonion okosed all the doors of the
•Cliambee of deeputIes and refused to allow
,anyberly to pee in or to pees out until
the havestigation was concluded. The
tomb wall thrown at 4 otslook. Its =pie-
-don mewled the.laditte in the galleries to fly
shrieking from the spot. .
The bomb eeemed to be ailed with shot
:er: eufle. aid When it exploded these rale-
silea were thrown with the greatest force in
all dire:Aloes, reaching even as high as the
galleries": ,
The President of the ()Member of Deputies,
Mr. Dupuy, Is reported to 'have behaved
with the moat admirable coolness and
courage, and Is amid to havedon everything
pessible to restore order and to prevent a
•spread of the panic which seized upon every-
body preeent when the explosion teekplaco.
When quiet was oemewhab metered it was
:discovered that nobody was killed outright.
and M. Depay mem the belief the President
of the 0:leather, ceiling the deptionee to re -
aurae their coati. .nheret one -tided of the
number of deputies preaent at the tame of
the explosion obeved the Stinamotis of the
Preeideut el the Clamber, and when they
'were seated M. Danny erase and Bald, as
calmly aa if nothing hed happened : "Such
attempts should nee dieconent the Chamber.
1 invite yen to continue your direoesioee
with celerities% When the order of the day
has been dealt with the proper offiziale will
de their duty."
Tee rooms, where the wounded Femme
were treated preeenten a sengulnery appear-
ance. The wound from ohich Deputy Ls -
mire is marling is very daingerous. He hem
a severe wound in the neok, but itisexpected
that he will recover.
At least a ecore of spectators born the
' 'e tribooes and galleries trovereed the flalle
Ides Pea Perdue in order tea get moilital
teseistancen All heal bloody ehirte and
craves, end woucide could be seem about
their faces. Amoeg tbe personas seen to be
em: ouuded were a number of women, who
wer weeping with pain and Orient/1 with
frigh -. The Salle dee Quatro Coleateee,
which Ilindwitite the Sethi des Pas- Perdue,
vess covered with oplaehea of bleed.
The Prefooa ef Pelice'the Procurator of
the Republic aced the Procurator -General
'hurried tele° Cheraber of Deputies so neon
as they were notified of the outrage'and at
7 pm. all the entrinmes of the Palsie Bam-
boo were guarded by gendarme's, Safi btlb .
feet, spootieters remained in the vicinity.
The pollee now admit that the contents arf '
the bomb were epread ail over the tributes
and chamber, and that had lb exploded on
the floor indeed cif la the grillers, er Mete
°errantly ,speeklug, as it was falling ft=
the gallery, tire mambos of victims would
have been very 'ergo.
• The most extreme estimatee of the nom• -
her of people wounded by the expledere
estimates which are net oreafinned. &kande
plaice the Intel at 50 more or less eerie -may
injured. This number ineludes 10 or 15
depudee, and among them are M. Ceremove
de Potarino, Le Comte de Granjelliela,
Laclede end Geuter.
The room reserved for the wounded ab
the Nide Bourbon hoe only one botal, and
lb was oceupled by a wounded opeotatore
In the third bureau was the Abbe Leadre
lying covered with blood on a mattress aup-
plied irOal the soldiers' marten. The
lace of the wouuded deputy was powered
with a bandage, iced be appeared to be suf.
*lag groat pate.
On a cahoot in the same room wee al
tenant of infantry, who had two fi eget z el
• Ilia right head fraotured ; the II -moment
was in the tribune when iihe bomb wee
• thrown. Eight er ten other woutideid teem
ple wEre famed moored a table in the oecomd
•beirease' where their woundo were being
bathedand dreamed. Nearly anthill wound
were on the face, °best or loos. In this
bureau the moat eeriene mote was that of a
lady who woe sufferia g from is tincture of
the knee clap. As elegantly dressed Awe
trian lady wee found in the telephone roma.
She was badly waniatied about the heard,
and from Which biota woo reaming freely.
Col. Hafierete of the Itotonaiden einem
who -wee in the Chamber of Depatiee when
the bomb expledede wee badly :wooer/ea
about the neck and bardio The milenel
"lowed a pinto of the nemb which he had
.extracted from the wetted in hbMeek.
4.11 the reelect in the Ptaiele.-Botabon were
being converted into temporary hospital
'node. Here, there And everywhere were
tablets deeko and ehaire encumbered with
water bottlett, bemires mad blOod.stodsued
leenclagee, while bright and &listening Margit. ,
eel instrumento of all kisadd were to be noon
ern every side. ,•
Deneribed by 13r offillittheseom
(Ewe deputiee, BIMLs lierronntitie and
Samaryi who were preaent tt trio thee of
the explo.ime evil who wore &leered to
home the Chamber, volueinered thei fon
lowing state/met "The bemb WAS
throw ei from the gallery rabove tole right
beechen, into which the publio la admitted
without the kremlinv of perneritieno
nerd. A hue wao vitteehecl to the imenite
Whioh exploded in the eir. The import was
not very loud, and though the boll roey
nays eonteloed a 1i:deb/re of riltrotglyeer• -
ine mid gunpowder, we could bet bo.
Ileve it was loaded with; al/Outwit,. The
• idea,
smoke had a emell ter- to hItto.glreir'"
one. We are of the opintim tint the out-
rage wait nob tilrecbeit agaitiet anyiparthaslar
part/erica tile Cibataleer, an the iamb wee
thrrown in the direction of an 'open e aces
respereetelog the tribune from the &at row ef
beechen; wed, hes le exploded there, the list
of fatelitiee weald /Moe been oppaillog."
Anibulaueee iu the umenwhile °endeared
to arrive io froob of thit building,and tele
by one the parolee wounded in the exploe-
iota were removed from taro Ohantber of
,11WPOtiee to their homme.
• The 'Crowd entaide the building hob son-
otently inoreedi g to numbse. and the publie
exeiterueot wan greater than evert -Some
of the &pillion were pew permitted to
,leitive the buddieg, Aod Moog, with them
.other injered perseira Were olloWed, bo idea
path, Tbe wouhdedleaned, upon the armt
of Wend/4 their boucle covered with bloody
bandages. '
• Two ArTesto Image.
trbe Vaotitolo Wes hearbrimeling to the ex-
oited mewls prof/slog armed the bullelleg,
and exclamation* CI anger and ethrow were
tumid en every aside. Just at this time the
door of the Palate Bourbon opened traddenly
end two gender/2mi appeared, conalacting
between them an individusi demised in gray
olothloge • Then led hint mimeo the sidewalk
to the curb, called a Beare, motioned him to
enter, followed thetneelvee and all taloa
were driven rapidly to the prefe.ot of police.
Tee vehicle hi wlaiksh they hed departed bad
nesAssely palmed out of Diehl) of, the ranititude
In front of the betiding when a eleciiharinele
tient was enaoted. The door of the Palate
Beurben opened euddenly a ;offend time,
twe more gendeirmee appeared, having hi
euatedy auother Unknown remora, and they
ale° pieced. him in a 'nacre and drove eway
with him to the prefooture. Natmelly
therm mysterieue proceedinge aroused the
greatcoat ourioeity, among" the 4;ga-wit:settee
Af them. The prieonet gave the risme of
Berth of the reredos of the borate es have
been found are made deltic. Mho missile of
• dethrnotion was preirably a thane box. Ite
conteribs are still anknown, hutithey arenow
believed bo f have been genie destireettivb
The BonneThrower confesses.
Penis Doe. — Auguste Vailliatat, alias
Marohd, a resident of the suburb °holey le
Rot, is the Anaechiet who eleraw the bet:eh
in the Chamber of Deputies Yesterday. He
made a contention this morning. All keit
evening the effietale of the prefeebure ef
Police were verifying the statements and
axamhaing the names of mopeds. The first
name to challenge their attention Wos that
of Valiant. , Several detectives remarked
that this man had leng been known an an
Anarchlat of the extreme typo dorms& who
bad surmaseed all Ida conneedee reoerstly in the
violence of his Language. •
Upon ilearching the recorde the offloiele
found a full biography ef Vutilant, whole
career justified all that the deteetivea had
said ofbios, Four detectives than wenteth
the Hotel Dieu and caught the hod en whith
Vaillenb ley nufferbm from !many wounde,
10 'reply ea the recieest be amid his name was
Merolla and thee he lived in Cheisy le Bel:
When asked for mere infermation he grow
angry and refused to epenir.
At 9 oieloolr this morning the Programer
of tee Republic and 'M. Lepioo, prefect el
police, arrived at the Hotel Dien. Arta
ireieferring with the detectives they seat to
Vaillanith bedelde. The primurette said
peeitively "You are not Mambo/. Ton
are Valenti" Willem!) • started, Wai-
ting a moment, then blurted ont peevishly,
"So I am. Tee, 1 era Angie -ate Vellicants,
and I throw the bomb beam:see I have had
enengh of thie bieed.enching bourgeois
itecietee" ' •
• " r..enr mem x FAILED,"
Be• those tIiId his story with an alT of
bravado. RH attended tee Otheriber, be
odd, for the porpatee of these/big the bomb
at M. Deputy, the President of the Haniee.
A -woman who sat next to Wm, ageing him
prepare to threw the borab, tried me tesize
hiserm. She flailed in the attempt, bob
*polled Ws aim, The bomb struck the
-oorniee of the pante gallery and exploded.
Vaillant's injuries were se severe that leo
fell to the {leer. When the peal° pearled
in the chamber be triedon did manyothers,
eacepe,bati esseprevented by theteniterti,
In conclusion Vailloort Paid : ant ammo
failed. I hope others who fellow me will be
mere fortunate. Long live Aoarohy I"
WADE TEES notes unmoor
, When questioned in detail regeading his
eccomplioes he refuted to erieek. Ile ea -
:patted thee he made the bomb bitieeeld He
took a small iron saucepan, inseeted in it e
glass tube full ef picric meld, surrounded the
tube with cotton woof and pramenate el
reeds4 the cotton wool being featErobeil With
sulphuric acid. Be fetidly warded he bomb
In one of his pooketa. Valilont terbium de-
scribed bottoms which might be found -In the
:apartment last occupied by him in Parish
Tide apartment wee in the Hotel D.a'
l' Union, No. 80 Rue Legume, weer° the
rosener was known an Mucha He tried
to frighten the prairie by saying they Wead
do well be handle blie artielem with great
CATO led they exploded. The trunk, lee
added, was especially dangerenti Valliant
gave this information piecemeal, interhard-
ing hie etatemente with braggadecie and
After M. LePine, the twofer:b, was dine
withVaillent Isa twat, ter. Benner and Melyer
ef the Police Department and the ezerieleine
magistrate, M. Clemerain to Nee 80 Rue Le
Romeo. There they Iterated Valliant bed
engaged the room me weak ago.. In it wont
o geentity of rs alle ahead a bomb in the form
et a twee eeneeparle This bomb bed lotto
made, lib ie thatughb, for use in the Cowen/or
of D paellas, bob wee disearded for the
otras.ner one on remount ad its altainsitionie and
the diffienlloy of concealing Ib.'
Valliant) was among the opesetabore de -
Woad ha the °bomber isOter'' the exPloolom
ale right arm was ehatteved, his nose oas
blown off' end hie neck and ship were lacer.
Med. Bo still suffers arautth rein. He wit,
be hailer exarathed therterrow. Is the
meantime the patio are hard at work tereie
Ing inquiries and eaccrobee.
liennottiord Minn/term
A lady bee surigeeted an outlet for the
millinery talents of the foonele orearnployedt
the eetebilehreept ef municipal dreerienehiog
weelechpa, The totiort !moot impreetioalole,'
but. like all atieh pidlianthrople sehemee, le'
erste mote than two way,. What emend be.
eente ol that existiog clreetmehieg eifteltlithe
month at-r.trindou Costr Jsuns'
The college carer of a lipoid:rail pleye
corwiets ohltily in cutting reciestioee ami
letting lain hair grow.,
Jeneti (meeting Brown he dry goedo store)
--iFfirille; Brown, how are yeti r lrlfhati Jere,
you doing now eget a eteAdy jeth 2 Brown
guests I have. Vat wailing Ler rey
'change. , •
ill While ef Man rarel,y •marries his firat
lovde» geld the philettorrhere 4' Dale() thins
he L 'witty welt reeenyeeteed, for her .1015
b th i statinisetion Ile a/0bl*, talishigi hovi
'LIFE 011.DEATll NO%Y.
Dr, Moyer Before a Jury on the
Wholesale ,Poisonhig. Charge.
neyer chvem Wroreenting 'neonate**. the Vie --
The ieterms Theory or the Dese--aiterjee.
Owe est 5 Ineryeres iooniamet Seintedoed
—.gave Another Ills %Tire. ,
NeW YORK, Dec,
RE trial of Dr. Henry
C. F. Meyer, cherged
with murdering Lud-
wig Broodb that he
might defraud four
Maur:mice Otainpiihiett
• of this -city, le now
well under wey, the
jury box having been
tiliee and the p0080011.,
tionh opening addreas made yeaterday.
The twelfth juror was obtained at 4
o'ciecla in the afternoon, after alerieet four
cleys had been gent in • exert:doing nearly
four hundred of the Raven hundred tales.
01 the, many dramatic iacicienta; the
day the principal otteurred when, Agdant
Astrid Attorney MeIntyre was Gm nit%
for the peciple. Night had oloaed ire mid
the gaolit court room was not the most
olteerini.place in the world. .
Quilting the werda toted by an offiehtl. of
the Molina' Life ineurarice Company toMrei
Meyer when, as Mrs. Baum, she enderamwed
to collect the inseminate on Bounde life, Mo
MeIntyreadvaribedteward the pale, sunken-
oheeked defendant and, eheking his finger
et hinteexclaltned :
" 'Tido Dr. Meyer is a noteriousenanand
has been tried twice ter murder."
-"I re's 'A LLB 1 LIE 1,
As infamehe Ile 1" yelled Dr. Meyer.
He was no longer pale.. As be half Doom
from his chair4 as if to make a peroorial
attack en the prosecutor, his face LIUStled a
vivid rad, his eyes, which • are esuelly
• rovieg, were set and glittered ominously ;
hie slight form trembled with peseion, an
hat looked the embodiment of vindictive.
nefie. •
Younglar. Chanler, one of the counsel
for the defence, whe oat immediately lo
front of the defendant, about faced in an
instant, and, catching his client by the
coat cellar, forced him back into his 'chair.
Ho did nob attempt to regain hitt feet, and
seemed to recover his composure at once.
All threuge Mr. Mointyreta address he
was ohating against the harsh arraignment
of ' himself and hie method& With his
hands clesped before him, he *seemed trii be
restreirdemSOMO rebellious itiatbiob, and the
• long, bony, tautionlar fingeas were .ever
twistion and twining Around one another.
At another. time Mr. -MoIntyre again ap-
proached Win and exclaimed :
"Yon, eh, Meyer, drew that money from
the itneura19013 OGERPSUir 1" '
The prisoner leeked hbn steadily in the
eye • and Vigorously ahook hie hood in
Very different was the . conduob of the
`privener's pretty wife, who is herself in the
valley of the abadow of death. She eat ha
Dna corner of the room all dem with her
'blonde haired friend, Mee. Manger. and
• another blonde who Melted like a sister of
the doctor and Mrs. Menet• . •
Whether or tort . the endless her true
podia= Is a quest/woe but all threoghothe
triad the ehetted gayly with her companions
• and 'laughed earesionally.
"Tela defendant who site over there,"
excleirned Mr. Molatyre, tusk% and point-
ing toward her, as her told how she had
endeavored to get the • %Durance money,
st ate
• evernion waricrivis WEEDS,
and a black costume, and geipg te the
offices of Oho company field, 'I'm so merry
to Immo man who Was go good to me."
• Thin zoomed to strike robe co-defendant
as esystritely hnmereue, for, thtowing back
her lesednehe laughed long andebeertiler. In
itiels, a smile was on her face almeet con-
stantly.. •
The prosecution's opening develeped the
feet then there was a Gustav Heinrich
joiceph Merle Baum, whore same Breath
afterward assumed, and that ho had been hit
prison in Chinn° wstla Dr. lid.yer, Brandt,
and Moller. The last heard of him by the
proteention was that he was in jail in .the
°ley of -21exhio.
It was Taaraored that the defeats would
predce hien 'in court A remerk of Dr.
Moyer alsahinted at what may lob a • eer-
y:lee which his 'lawyer rt have in store.
.11,uring the neon recese he maid poeitively
;that Brandt was still alive and would be
bieught froward fo We behalf,
This .he odd in support of a oldie that no
one had been murdered by him, sod that
while edmitting the fraud on the insurance
iroampenles, hie had painted off a nameless
" They may; preduee the original Baum
in the flesh," said Mr. Mebityre when his
ettentdon eine celled to this &aim, "but,
nnfortimately fer 'thane, they cant never
bring Brandt hack to life agaht. '
Ie was a crowded court room that justice
Beerete faced -when be ascended the bench
and the trialwas resumed. Seated, not fait •
Iran Wee prisoner was Carl Millie ,r alias
Wheimiers, who 'Was one of •Migerh
alleged acosinplieee, and wto has given hie
ovid Mee falt ,the people). Be, 'it is ender
seee 4, will be bbs 'first withers this inert irm
• lemmata Azzo law wxyz.
-.Betides these was hie wife Mary Wefts
'wheeze It le alleged, Meyer was porteartitiglo
Toledo in furthermore of another insure/10e
ewintile, When she ran Away. She is was
.evise, Viten Bret brought here by the Die -
tract Attorney and soot to a tronklyn
beferilihi houses Ten away and wad eitpused
in Rooteteter. Slime then she ' and
her leatiebend have been in the House cif
Detention. -
Weenlidir. blobetyre begen hie Others it
lacked a quarter sif 5 obilook. Holyoke*
pearly two houses, making an impeositined
appeal to the totem and putting before theni
o etroeg statement.
La limeinnlog bo oexnplimentsd the Mutual
Life Ineerehee Clempany for its endeavor,
exasedlog over a Veer,' to bring the deiced.,
ant to feesatice. Ie bad put on foot the
eveatigetioe mad Ind amoorttained podtively,
he atoned that Meyer wail
lifetein hew Meyer had been a preebloing
Ohyolcien, and how he mode an eliped41
artily of drags, that he might; ()terry bia feet
letdown eel:Aerobia to etiOOOStifel' &Witten.ilit
vietheitt thie ,Ottaie, be eraidobrati the' Watch
thane of a geed, family, end Meyer had him
completely in hie power-
Cniting far look' lobo Meyer's! career Mr..,
McIntyre began to tell why the defenneett
had boort imprileetied in Oticege, when Me,
Brooke oblaudital. *eying it had 'nearing to
do with the crime chatgeill Mow, Judge
Betroth enetoineel this Vieltro'
In thin Obit/ago prison, on:anted Mr.
lidetatygo. Meyer Mot the teal Belem,
Arlanbb WitornerJb. inettootinnor known rae Geri
Muller,' brie where neme, hi Charice Kir,
end Ludwig Brenalt. There Meyer told
efeciemt be ^i1/611, aftottforil Hentesseed
Joliet Ipvhson, that after ho was rele011ed lar
weirld tell hini of a eirlatime by whiebi they
•euid DEConis rAnstiottsiev Vi1JADT1114
Whentiuller regaleed hls frooderst he met
ide;yer In Chicago. He wee peoultom, wed
Meyer gave bhp money. Then he eureeted
Me teahouse to defraud tho intenveloce sem
pallier, arid tenor etude ocaceieg Mullet ode*
seated to be his accomplice.
"I can elective ahy, life loaurentio (men
pony in tile eMstry,' Mr. Malin -erre odd
'Viewer declared te Ali temiye
say ?rimed Bootle>, who will de my iiidditig,
as Bente, Whole BOW a jail."
The fathom° worked, and Brimilt was N-
imrod en Baum, the exeniiaing phydelen de
dialog he was in the best 01, health. loe'Ve.v
then went to me Beute. In jail teed leerned
hs history, bub sot satisfied with WS, intim
With kis wife to Germany, where he tow
13aunth parents. end • learried more abate,
Mr. M.oIntyre then recited the' VaTkotS
elope in the alleged oonapiraite, tolling how
Brandt and Muller came to this eiby, MeyeT
first giving Muller a pacirege of ,eabirnemy
with which he was to dose Braudn
GATE BRANDT 1113 wenn.
The lewyer dwelb rtt length on Meyerdt
widen in marrying Ws own wife to Brandt
in furtherance of hie itehenie, anti then la,
ducting Btandt to anseign 'the ineuremee
polioied to her. When Meyer wed hie wife
followed Muller end Bramit here they
etoppeel et the Cosmopolitan. Hotel,
reghtering, tics H. Werner and wife, an
Cinehinald. '
Mr.' lidoIntyre•then told the rest of the
etiory, with *blob the publio is now owe.
versant. He told how • Metier went to
Bellevue Hospital to get a body, but was
uneucceesful. • Then Muller, becoming
elermed, ashi him if he meant to kilt
l3rendia. '•
" Yea," Wan Meyer's answer, "1 will kill
him ; I can't help him now, for he materm
reoever. I will now use anomie to put him
out of the way." :
This he did and the result Is well known.
The jury Wee told how Moo Meyer ited
Meyer collected money from ammo loonrence
companies, but not from the Matual, whirl
became euepialeue, refused to pay and bageu
602 inquiry.
In his address Mr. MoIntyre frequently
made ate of the expreasiene, I' Tide is ass
true ae there is a God in heaven" mad "1
con vonoh for tile truth of thie." Mr.
Breaks finally objeeted be this moire of ad-
dreosing the jury and the: oeu.rt upheld him
He ohterfullyeacknowledged that he hod
pigged the piano ito dame houses, dog in
Cleicago, nod' 1890, . when he got Into
troubie through nein the' IJulted Staten
mails for a frendulent niebrihreniel ageney
In jail, Where he went after hie naval-
moniel siohetate was broken up, he met the
• real Baum, who syse a sickly resod, earns of
O good family in Germany, mod Ludwig
Brandt and De. Meyer.
Meyer told me the stheme I wee is wos
no good, he condoned. • "He said I coald
get money by theneends -by going in %deli
WM to ewintile the life inettratioecompeniee.
On May 291,1891, I went to Chleago dad.
met Meyer • and his wife. I told him I
'didn't want to gat Into any more troubie.
He asked me if I bad seen Baum lately, end
if so how he looked. I (raid he latched bad
Meyer said he had been to visi.b him is
waren. He.: asked me if I remembered
Brandt. -Just then Brandt came in ate
bask door of Meyer's hones. anti recognized
"Ke said he wanted to have • BAUM !p-
entad without him knowing it. Then he
went to my Baum end found ou•b all alien,
his folks in Germany. Then 10
wont te Germany,' arid 1 didu'es see
Meyer Oil the fall et 1891. • Ho nodal Baum
had been arrested in Mexico tinder t13r.
isOme of Eiliverbeirg and woo out of the way.
'Ere eater he could de nothing with Deere's
fent*, and counted up•all the- money he had
• eyelets about Baum. Finally he peeposed to
me the scheme to have Brandt tette Bautts'e
fume, get imoured-and fidl sick. He mid
time anatomy would be the right' thieg ba
rise, and thet I must give it to Brottele ha
pies end paddirige end aweet etudie if he
'wouldo't take lb any other way. •Meyer
• gave me a peekege Olt Ontiszotty mad 0% kettle
of morphia" ,te ante said I moot go be New
Yotk with Betaedb. I agreed te go to Now
York. • .
" He gave me ONO in mole a.ndt told me to
Itire a fiet lei Now York and buy aa wroth
furniture as I could. Brandt yard I arrived
In New Teem at 10.25 pr m, on the wending
of February 25oh, 189;1. I •give
• Brandt; any entimeny during the journey to
Ne* Yetk. .
" On themorning of Febrearr 26:h
Btaedb and I hired a flat at No. 34) East
Thirteenth street. It coati only hired tor a
tnont1t' Berndt slept that svery ;eight in the
fiest.• Tkie furniture wee moved into tbe
iaottoe immediately. Brandt end I telkeri
over -the eeheroe. Brsiodt took a card,
wrote Baum on ilosodpet it CVO the letter
box. On March 6da, 1892; Dr. Meyer came
to New 'Stark.
"1 oaw De. Meyer and !tie wife at No.
320 Rob Thirteenth street. Mao. Moyer
suggested that eenerthhy Wall yet lacking in
the way of elegance, and I add a please
would he just the thing.
"Meyer and I hired a pbano. 1 signed a
oontrece for lb-elaigned the name ' elseeph
Banned and the piano was delivered the
same clay.'
"Next day I Saw Meyer arid bit wife
and Bratidte and we balked over the incur.
anise senator% Moyer said that Breed t or
moat gee doh. I &edited to be made tics.,
and Braosilt watt also unwilling: Then h.
kaki, he must find at siek masa eernehow,
Meyer wen» with me to Bellevue Holontal
.and tried to geb to fiad it sick mars.
Meyer watn't admitted. Then Meyer cooled
xey attention to the dispensary .eeross the
temente Meth the right platee to
bind it oh& mitt. They're all poor peopie
who ore treated there.' Le °shag mao,
&boot 24 years old, was sitting down befere
lose dispensary. He looked very oink. Do
Mayer :watt over be speak to hint, end thee
came over and add to me, He's no good
because kiis .perente are alive.'"
Muller then deacribtel a stormy Soeci'
eirlaeo Meyer sed he returned to bbs fiat It
looked an if the grand insurersoe eoltatne wee
*beet to eomo to naught. Id re. Moyer said
oho wanted to go beck to .0bioago eon be
done with this whole thing—that ehe didn';
went to elek f3tate pekoe. Meyoe csod
lerendis tried to tooth° her. Theo Brandt
efolitiosesi, " willieg to be the shoe
men." Tele eheered isp Aires Meyer, stud
the 'floater begen Operations inamerhotely.
" Yen roue take' moinebleiegt" he said
to Breed% 4' &manse Wo moat geb sone,
strange deeter to believe yau have
Moyer Melted over biomedicine books arid
seleomit oretein oil as the boob regent. Dr.
Meyer create a preitoription foe oroten sit
ORA had it ailed.
Meanwhile- I. Meyer's wife' WEI peeing
se MAB, Banos, wife of Britteltm who hied
minima Biatione nerfie , end,ndeller °bonged
hie wane tai Aumest Wiennerei '
When Whemers wiel Moyer returned lio
thoftlet 13romit meld he was ready for the
do .e. Ho took throe drop of croton oil
etebbleie •up ehe beetle, oosided for MehlElo
get froreethieg like ton drops end had tis,
; usb to the bethrostee, • , .
" While he wee out," eaid
"'Meyer desoribed to hie how bed a pelotas
proton oil isece. He sold it wits saffieleut to
kill Brand
" The eighe hefere the °rotten wee
hretight," Added M eller. "Meyer Went with
Lime& to No 8 Se. Mssht& place, whore
;o0 :6es%e silnel
Leter, emorallag to Moiler, Btapdb memo
ptiieed biseseeiy .se hie ph •elosti" 000dlbiitn
fA t, aleitysheld eou
l httimmtvr01
1 41)2.60. inden. Pr.
i )
44 AA witAt vraa done with the medicines
oration. by Dr:Minden r asked Mr. Moire
bYlebie they were theown away," replied
Min di9rit:inaF
more umil witness would mill on him end
icao thee 11 155411 all right:, thee the dooter had
gone. Sometime the wincdo re -diodes would
be wool as it eigeel. •
Witneas wine to see Dr. Minden on a
" &Wee exp chtfou " to find oat' lile 'tle39t1.
cooties" ise regard lo givieg is 44 extifleatit of
death witheutseelog the eorpre. Pi/Utters
resurnod to Meyedr and said Minden will
mune to see the movie. if , teem) is isdeath."
yer ovoid, 4' Oh, Ete; that's nit how I toted
to de 10 Chleago. 1 eel, se the New York
diatom deaft do any differenb from what I
melt ton' •,
Britteit gob Ito .vevy doh that he emit-Meal-
lor with is note te Dr. Mioden. He signed
the /tete " Jotiept% Bum,"
After the mord wee ante Muller, who, 810,,
eerelMg to his neetmetly,dido'be know
" whose he .vese and hied a Laing talk with
Aftwor -about the progress af the grand
eitheene to debated the life Insurer:tee com.
" Look hero," raid Muller,.." where. are
we golog to gob teat corpse 2"
" said Meyer, I con 'mf• to -the
deed -benne and get is corpee and put it in it
bruinhBknua," wild Muller,' "'the horpee .will be
stiff. How oars you pub it in bhe trunk and
then how can you pose it off for a mow
corps I" ••.
"It's only 'ebiff ha the first 48 hourse"seid
Meyer, t" theca it a limeas,e." '
Aoetit March 25els, 1812, Muller began to
think that theire wee eessnethuig more than
omen eil adinteistereil, ho Brondt
Plane aleirenioxer.
"1 notated a email reedieine- bottle in
keyerle vest pinhole" he 3514, "Ho un -
woken it bedew going into eke room where
• Brandt was lying slok. I asked him absub
it He soid,' ' Ib 10 breelaWeinstein,' whioh
morose Ls Seglieh erreicatioye • •I mew hien
behe abed` hem elle betele and oprinklelb on
the .fosd given in 'Brem43.0. I noticed then
that the man vomited after meals.
"1 saw De. *Oyes: 20 or -25 times oprin-
klieg B emelt/et food &her D. Minden had
'eerie, This was trestle March 15lat to March
25 is. . 1 SAW bile give brechweineteinabeteM
7,750 him* he. heisdoesiS*074'S.;"
" Becatioss I sew him He had it medicine
bottle, I eekcer the man ehout it and .he
staid he woold net let bite man suffer ;any
longer ; he eveted.mitke it 810.0213, with, him
by rodeo erdeolo, and he put it in the mans
rood, He ueed it the same as he used anti -
Menet. He/prepared something be eat, and
belore he neck the food bite Breadth room
he threw armed° en be Ho bad it yellow
ramie coutalning m materiel. tint he Enid hai
11 td perchaised is Jersey City aka plasm
' seideh ovoid never be !snows", • He Dodd that
en the peper he hed, gneugh. anemic to
poieese the whole Meek. I sei,* him use this
sew anemic on Mereli 2051s end '30Oh. Ho
eave st reeeepenies end mane Boned) believe
it wee ooresehing else. He gave lb a long
• medical name." •
• " Haw Game did yeti meal Bran& take 'the'
()opinion? i595i Mr. MeIntere. •
1. Warm or eix mid Motier, "On
Mareh 30-th," he eelded, " .Meyer said to Me
eld give Mott, which VOIllel ohaege the
poieoe In the man. On Mooch 29ale Brendt
iime to Meyer that if he didon get the flake
meeptie on that day be (Brandt) would be A
corpse • lainseelf. Meyer Said 'nething In
ropy. . I wee ab the flat doeirig the' evening
• of Met.eich•301b. Meyer, Mrs ,Meyer cilia I
arsee seletiog at the kites' en ,table Brandt,
wee be the blade emote b-eathing heseiiy. I
thought that he WAS yfmg. , He. breathed
In or moon dams and then hewn* deed.
Dr, Aller put thei' oetesse in the bed e.geln
eed tesked ma to, report the death to 1)r.
Mieden: Minden maid he wad dead
if Breed!) was matte ely healthy and very
*Ave until he took the cretin oil. Alter
that Ire grew darn Meer tatty the mot -
teeny he looked reel In the hoe. Alter 1
got the death certificate of Chronic dythotery
from. DA. Minden Meyer wanted me to
inks the oerbincette , book . and hese the
mod ' token away. 1 didn't do
"Meyer seld he neneld ma With his 'wife
wad les the ineuratibe (engem:1th know that,
" /3 tam' was dead. They Seale bask with
blanhie. for etatereeteeli.• Mee. lidower, D.
M tease end gas, maker Kip end 1 filled the
;sleeks, oseelAhey wete &vett to the ilesur-
aeon peepte. Brandt wae briefed on Apsil
*And in o eeneei-ery near Breseklyn. I ee*
him in. his 4, ffie. 'Mrs. Meyer Went 'evieti
flee le) the, funeral.
h I got beck to' the house I met:
Meyer Lod Mr. Tierney, o notory public ,
from the VVaehington Life Insurance "Ohm.
• "Tioreey ash! if MTS. Baum called ori.• .
Tneaday (turned whet on Saturday) -she
eould have the money.
Arena gni; *onion...
• octet Tuesday 1 went with ,Meyer and •
ha wi4e be the Vifaehington Life Ipeuratece
CI ,mpitem We Welet bit Onr1 gob a cheek.
When We Went oat Moe Mayer goy° :eh
oheok , the doctor. Hi put it La.hiSpeokel
atel tetramed, to, the. flee. 1 raw Metier
amain at 5 p. re. He mid be had hie clothe
,cestutel beetle 1e04101771 of the herroo, add
be gm $3,000. The landierd• wont to the bean
Witiohins 5. ideroify him... Re wino lee
toad raid if elf the fetter/antis oornomelee men
7411 eemiliy the the Witeleingtrai 'Life he would
save son trouble; that he heel no,fori hilt as
es'e me. end I, might go hook te Chicaeo,
14lil 1 414.
af9arwards 1 saw Moynr in °Meagre.
filo appearance was oherged and hie beard
eves shave off nnd be *ore is elenort hat.
Meyer eald he had bonght another hat
New,Yort ettol had hie bererd eili.aved off, the.,
the Mistiutal' Lifet Inseutaboe illempitnet hed
found .the..telible huelnese-Wes, crooked, that
demo garitlerecto heti fon.ad idiot Baum. hed
beets liVing lei Oloitaegese that as hicsetarne
had been mentioned he hail hail to leanti aa
Ithen,fie pose/kite. "
Tino mitten readceisS.
, 44 The disaster mad in feel the NoW Yoeit
Life Atentrettee Compfiny palley• in his pee.
eciamitio and teime be he.d Oro Aeleasa policy he
hie handemlieliel, thee lie ban. left the hand.
$atehel on, ta trete. •
" 1 few Wet ert No. 957 Door 'attest, in •
lodo. 1 deo raw Mit, Morten Menet'
,reiti, bo wall efrald to eel, eel) the inseminate.
.lo New Yank, 'ad winded th steed me ore
ciateebody to New Yerit to tee •Brendtfir
tedy wee tehee otai of the grained tad if it
had beervexamined. •
Meyee toes knowo la Toledo as Hugo
Woehle. Torte/tin Lem trod tented with
Moyer at Smith Betel, Lid. Tint was a
mar ere wheh had a tea eleaut
Mary No who is now my wile. 1 next
raw Mew 121 Ohieet.10,obeht o morableinfere
he we ermined, The mot wime1 raw him
ijs whieh o spelte tibitie the moo WAS ID
Del:Toile Moho July 12, 1892, the day he
lama Arrestsd, itt-a • tole Ate tette if th•e body
esf Brandt wee dug up en mum of weenie
Would holm:rod in
Miller, then ardd he had got $500 remold
from the Teleire pollee ler " loceteg d the
it Detroit. Wt Ii edleobed the
$500 he ciente to,hlinv York ,
The crone exereitanerio ef tidier was p oat
pened so that half e dezrzi aiding° witnesses
Penueeted wite the life itrieurouni corepantee
might be exemiewil. Trey testified ea to
the. polielee that Brandt kited taken out in
the 'tame of " Benet," teed ea of them recog-
.oized the &term of Branch) am photomaiphe
of the mite they had harden{ 011" Ileum."
Thie identifleetten le e trianp word for the
points, itt elect of the ketallots that the dot
ranee will put on the vitamin el and ai masa
• who will ewear Unlit he le Beaune or Baum
Meyer repeetea yeetOritedt the as inrthintiliat
he teede Teuredey that Beeredt Is alive and
is in Chicago. •
At the Mite brileret /allergists Meyer with the
murder of Bloom, without reeimion of the
Immo Beandt4 th� defame may preduce in
alleged real, o1'igins-1 Biuunn ,wed may
venture is ceee un%puzzle in identification.
Bat M. McIntyre rays that the mon who
wee dote in tbe Meyer that he March, 1892,
be his nom Boom er .1:41%ndts is as dead al
a door nail, and then there is ample proof,
beyond Mallerta teetionnme thet he 'died
front poitien etheireeteren tay Meyer.
Losing. leis Nerve.
, Dr. Henry 0. Meyee lets lord his nerve.
He is no longer the ratellO, eeltoontseined
;Wreaks ha wen et the tioglaulog. of hiss trial
for the rano derof Ludwig Breeds!. When I
sow him in the Tearshe yeisterday he was
pale and weak iooklog. The told and hard
fooed cycle who had ()heckled sneeringly
when he heard t.he detaltit itI hie alleged
crime repeeted ley hie aeoemplice, Carl
Mailer, had given plane to a eel, dejeoteci,,
lustaveseeyed vitiator, who elmildered and
seemed pardo-otrinken when I- asked hino
queations about hie post Ili*.
I srioh yeu would pees," said Loner
Charles W.Brooke, theperleonerhe eouneel,who.
was preeent at our haterview, "thee Dr.
Moyer was newormereled, to the woman who
bears his
ERR IS NOT errs wine."
"Do you say Menem • I seeked Meyer. c
The Wretched mars, xtodded- hie head still;
lower sod saffireneeively. Hie ilea moved,
but no sound, romped , therm Hiri TP
impeeetret eiegyene berm eyee wore da
" Dr. riore'yee 'reeettteued "JW•"if
endietvered.ovso,ar 'mew/
this impertentlearte to el '
who is coot:hereof lti the len
wife. Aotented 'by A high
eeeee of honor, lie isosanevec
spool of her to him as `yeas wife,' .
allowing them re epaielz san lase met join°
emir diereeterizeetee di her, He sitte
tievecl it to be him dirty to do all _in his.
power to *id the wootate whose very 1110 11
now itt pea, with
him. She io net, however, hiiewife."
"Than is Your teeteersiete ,1 1 naked Dr.
Meyer. Again he seesi,. ed his hood and re.
unused eilene, altreougle his lips bwitohed;
Exoitement hod loot -she nom s little teen-
• popery color la the centri ;teem. Now he
was white as a downed won
• nrir been moneentei lmito and hie glances.
directed clownveard, He , oedied moat
while Mr. Brooke told Me ",h413 Oat Maoris
glib and awful attire, ofeeipeeing, as told one
the wit:roma steed, wee trocrue, exeept in the
dethile where ointment hen aireereed his In.
terviewe with Ds Miler.
Eike Stutiy1OR at nenne.,
Aturtile--Hew witty Irrlostrtoue you are..
I love to sae beee etudying ot herhe.
Little Johriny—Yeehii., I atweye leatneail.
toy leSSOus ot leans. '
exeotly what all the children:
ohould -
" Yea'al. IS gIVOS US mere time to have
fun at schoel." •
Beth Natural and acenired.'
Woman of the lecosee--You've been.
d elle king 1
Treneilint Otte—Trite, madam, eta that ,
is all the were reesort seby you ebould give
san somei Wog to rat. 1 :haeve nos only a.,
natural bus oe eequiraal appetite.
No Lock ix't Odd numbers.
Upten—Ane sway, I aqip9a, you believer
om there is leiv (144ak as remit. re.
. Longworlee Greet Smite no 1 It watt the
diked time I pie -paned ter Mrs. L ,rigwed that
she aceepten ,tai a.The Bank of Englend destroys about
350,000 of lte notect a...my week to repleort
them with treohly printed 4Wilat 044 even-
ing in whole Meek se eet apert fur the making
' e liable expensiive bernire,
Six Now York slopertmerthe vont for main.
toretooe more time $20,000,000 a year. They
are aa geweesa ; Winne department, oostieg:
chi* goer $5,.310 000 ; Iloord ef Education,
94,480,000 shies yeas ; Deportment) of Ptsb110
Works, 93 0111,000 ; the Deem tomtit of
Charitisaod:01041;io:, :2, 223,000, ; l.ire
• Departmeot. $2 223.000, wed dereet Clean.
El 0 lir " 0irt 0whirjp
•en 0U
auge egfg:r (If tDc01 o°ytT.
oh n' the' t
may Wear the:
articles e u t ,
yoient not satisfied, they'll re undtheytell'
'money ? Why not do the same Where
• l's°D:orfbd;o3rineitilt.cheeadtstleCipinisaelia' Illt:cithicealonDlly8eblveeo'llde'' .
purifier so certain laud • eff'e,ctive that it, '
can bd guaranteed to benefit or Mire, ii
every case,or yea have your money
. •
tls not like the ordinern tIndtin medi0L
eines Or garciaperillas. All the year round, '
It eleans,es, builds up, and invigorates tbs.
lyeteni. If you're bilious, run-down, or
dyspeptic, or have any blood -taint, notbvi
lug can equal 11 u a remedy,