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The Exeter Advocate, 1893-12-14, Page 7
on�h_ fag I� Expected to be • •complet e by DECC�I�JJt lSt LOCAL JOTTINGS. To the suryiviug turkey s ---come off your perch. Boots! Boots!! Boots!!! Cut away (town in prices, at Mauson's. Vital statistics in the turkey family show an alarming death rate. See posters for Mr: A• Waiper's Sale ern Tuesday Dec,•19th, l3uy your crockery at the Big Bank- rupt Store and save money. It you want a nice doll very cheap eelLat the Big Brnkrtipt Store. Ladies and children's mantles all go ea half price at the Big Bankrupt estore. , Wiugham Town Councillors have given the "curfew" system a two months' hoist Plant your h liday ads; now, that vou may reap the"hap-vest before '` the season is over. , Mr. B. Aubr v, horse dealer, will be here to day (Thursday,) to purchase u.orses.. Bring, em .itj . Oli yes. the Big Bankrupt Store is the spot for Xruas goads, prices the rawest, stock the larges;,: Shoes! Shoes Shoes!! Men wo • '1 �ti t bought �n and c,ht diens. shoes t. t be fou rt m g at Manson's at a bidred,lr.Gtion. A Conservative convention for nom- ination of candidates wilt be held at .Ailsa. Craig on Wednesday, Dec. 20 The Rev. E. Softlev, of Hensall is ex- pected to conduct the services next Sunday, in Trivia Memorial Church. Have yon paid your taxes? If not, do so at once and save the 5 per cent. a�lrialr will be added after to -day, 14th. Mr. A. Walper's sale of fa,r•m stock implements, household furniture, &c. takes place on Tuesday Dec. 19. Chalk it down. Are you going to get married? If so, get your wedding• invitations print- ed at this office. We have' some ele- gant styles. The Owen Sound Council has enact- ed. a substantial penalty against part- ies selling wood short of a cord in measurement. • Men and boys overcoats, men's fur coats, goat robes. fur caps, sealette caps all for nearly half price, at the Big .Bankrupt Store, Whet prices have taken a rise of about 3 cents in Manitoba ,within the 'past few days, and a further rise is coufideutly anticipated. Are you shoed? If not call at Man son's and inspect his stock. For cheap- ness, neatness, durableness and COM - fort. he .cannot be beaten. 14c. flannelette for 10c;' $4.50 wool blankets for $3.50;.$3,50 wool blankets for $2.65; ladies Vests for 25c. worth 45c,, at the Big Bankrupt Stone, The comparatively .good sleighing is being taken advantage of to rush card wood into town. The price is muchreduced to that of last winter. Don't forget Mr. A. Wa l per's exten- sive sale of Farm Stock and imple- ments, farm land,Ilousehold effects, etc. on Tuesday, Dec. 19th. See posters. .Owing to the illness, of the Rev. F. H. Fatt, the services of the Trivitt Me- morial Church on Sunday` were con- ducted by Mr, N D. Harden, . as- s;sted by Mr D. Dyer, chil•r•chwarden. Miss M A. Tapp still remains in the same cotldition. The medical attend- ant we undstand will perform an opera- tion in the near future and the leg will be amputated just below the knee Dotiit fall again, into that error of thinking that your home 'merchants cannot supply you "with anything you may desire in the line of holiday goods. 'l'hey can do it, and to' prove it give , them a chance, The season of the year at which the annual electron .,r''ofticer's of different r r'gtntaatious fakes place is at hand. ff the societies electing officers swill, notify us, we will keep the 'Albite post- ed on the changes that are made. Send. in your election reports. A Splendid sheet of ice' 'overspreads p P the old hilluence consequence and and as a` p 9 r lie young people have been enjoyin• come good ,Skating; during the past week. We' AM eft ion those seek - h ias, this pieneant,pnstirne to be careful as the ice is none to srlbstantial yet, '` The holiday season is now at hand r nd citizens should bear in rninct that every dollar spent for presents outside of the village leaves the place that meets poorer, Help yourselves and �. those around you by buying at hdmo, whose youwill find in almost evefy id- ataquality,nte, -vatri t7mid prices tlat will suit, A week from Monday will bo Christ mas day, We are not the only one having °de- linquentstihscribers judging from khis ,_ from the Silver Ctetl,. Gazette, We have been thinking of writing obituary notices of some of our subscribers, es not hearing from them we assume they must have passed over the border.. A writer 'says whenever a horse driven by him has balked, lie has got out of his c at•riage, walked to the horses's forefoot, lifted '' it from the ground, and struck the shoo a few blows with a stone. He has never failed to start a horse in this very sim- ple way. On Friday night last Stowe & , Co!s Uhcle Tom's Cabin " troupe gave one of the best renditions of the old and ever popular drama, that an . Exeter audience has had the pleasure of listen- ing to. If there is any part deserving of special mention e we would say -it was that of "Little Eva" and "Topsy," The former role was talten by a little tot of four years, whose acting was. splendid. The role of "Topsy" was not characterized by rude pantomime, which is often brought in by third-rate troupes. The 'Bible scene in which. Topsy is principal, is very effecting, so much so that many of the audience shed tears. Stowe & Co. have really a first-class troupe, and deserve better patronage than they heel [Friday night. 11.1=10001•101111.011 1.3461r#19.126.101{$.3.01119.131 Deputy -returning of icers+ in ' town will have to keep their eyes open when performing their work on election day, There will be the regular munlcipel ballot, the plebiscite ballot, and the house of refuge ballot. It would not require so touch caution if every ono were entitled to vote, for the whole but they are not, Some are only en titled to vote ou one ballot and some on another, se that great caution will be necessary in order to avoid confusion and insure accuracy. La grippe is quite praveientin and around Exeter and many are seriously ill with the malady,' A nide°malinnant form of grip than any yet experienced is said to be on its march from Russia, and, as neither the tariff nor the rigors_ of winter can he expected to keep it out it may come in at any time. The plain ordinarygrip has played such havoc that it is already regarded as -a deadly visitor, but what will suffering• humanity do.when the greater evil sup- plants su -plants the less, Only the doctors can answer that question at professional rates. "At Iffome e The Ladies Aid of the Trivitt Me- morial Church pcirpose giving an "At Home" in the Church Hell, on Tuesday, Dec, 19th, when a large and choice lot of fancy and useful articles will be of- fered for sale, Tea will be served. Ad- mission 15c. A pleasant time is an- ticipated. All are invited. THE BI. BANKRUPT STOEEXETER1 o r 1Tft�_l 1'V 1, lIICrf!J CftjjSto. llias! The Tremendous Slaughter of Turkeys, That usually takes place at this season of the year is nothing as 'compared tothe slaughter of p�iiccs we are making on .i g ds of Crockery Y and Fancy ls' • 'Baan our prices if you ca,—tbeautiful colored Tea Set, -91 Pieces perfect in every respect, only $2.39 a lovely colored .Dinner Set complete and perfect, only $5,39. A nice hanging name with colored shade and oil fount, bestAnstrian prisims, only $3.69. A nice China Tea set finished in gilt only $375. Newish you to distinctly understand that the foregoing prices are good for one week only, and any of the lines' once sold `we cannot' repeat. Please remember this. Now for the X-mas Goods, We th ink that we have the best show in town and "o xr prices 'are as usual the lowest. Dolls! Dolls!! Dolls!!! Hundreds of beautiful dolls! :Big dolls, little (lolls, fat (lolls, nigger dolls, laughing dolls, crying (lolls. sleeping dolls, all kinds of dolls. Fancy glassware, fancy crockery, fancy. cutis; lemonade sets, all kinds ofX-masgoocls cheap, cheap, cheap, at Tho big Btt,nkrupt Store. J. A. STEWART, :EXETER. cll CV •8 m 11-1 t; c cd o' a) 8 PS U ci p 0) Large quantities of brick are daily passing the ough town. • Only . 15c. admission to the "At Home and Sale of World," to . be held in Trivitt Church' Halt next Tuesday, 19th inst. The I. 0. 0. F. will hold their regu- lar meetings in Fanson's Hall until their hall which was damaged by fire, is repaired. Beautiful articles for X mas and New Yearspresents at the ale of S Work" to lie held iu Trivia Church Hall Tuesday next, 19th inst. $twill pay for the ADVOCATE from now until Jan 1, 1395. Subscribe now and get the balance of the year free. Read our great offer on another page. The Rev. Wm, McDonagh has ac- cepted an invitation from the people of Kingsville and will likely'be stationed thereafter the completion of his term here, which expires in June. After searching Exeter and miles around and advertised in different ' lo cal papers, Mr. George Curb -nom found his valuable colt on the fiats of the river, half starved and nearly dead, The annual meeting of the Trivitt Memorial;church Guild will be held Thursday evening 14th inst. in the Church hall. A. full attendance of the congregation is requested. On Tuesday last while Mr. Jos. Cob biedick,'hardware merchant, was hand- ling fence wire he unfortunately had the top cut • off the index finger of the right hand by one of the barbs. Mrs, M• A. Bagshaw narrowly es- caped haying one of her eyes destroy ed on Monday. It seems she went to stoop down and came in contact with a butcher knife without a handle which ewes stuck into a tin of tallow, thus cut- ting the ballof the eye :severely. Luck- ily it did not affect the sight. At the last regular meeting of L. 0 L. No. 924, held Friday, -Dec. lst, the following'officers were elected;—Bro, E. Gill, W. M.;•Bro. D. De,v, D, Il: Bro. R. Richardson, Secy: Bro. Jas, Acheson, Fin, Sec'y; Bro, Thos, Newton; D. C.: Bro. Jas Briutnell, Lecturer; Bro. J, Spackman, Chap,; 13re, . John White, Treasurer; Bro: Jno..Gillespie lst Com- ni,ieteeman; Bro,: J. Leathoine,; 2nd; Bro Aaron Sutton, 3rd; Bro . Wm. Snell 4th; Bro. Sam Prozcator 5th. Sorno people atii as if they'think that it does not cost anything to put 4 line of type in a newspaper regarding their liusibess and movements,• It does how ever, and if for the benefit a an indi vidtral, he shouldbe willing to pay for it, If noon() else pays for it, the owns er of the ne,t papor does. Space in a newspaper is the owner's stock in trade. Ie'can no'inore,afford to give it away l than a grocer hila groceries; or a=barker• Auction S" ale-Bauizrupt'S tore. The great auction sale at. Fanson's block Exeter, willncoutinue for three days longer. Auetien sale will conn mence,at 2 30 and 7,30 ep, m,_ There will be offered at this sale a' -bankrupt stock of boots and shoes, groceries, dry goods, clothes and tweeds, mens' un- derwear and fancy goods. No reserye. 13ig bargains will be offered by private sale. Don't miss this clearing sale: J W; Broderick. ,horse IDea'ters Satisfied. Horse dealers express their, satisfac tion that the changing of the American duty on horses from 530 per head. to 20 per cent. ad volorem will benefit the horse dealers. The common horse will benefit the most because. under the Mc- Kinley tariff the shipping of poor to medium animals was practically pro- hibited, as $20 duty was charged on. a horse no matter whether it, was worth 550 or $500, Under the'. proposed change all classes of horses can be shipped. Anniversary `services. The' anniversary` services of the James Street Methodist Church on Sun- day, were in every particular a •grati fying suecess and very largely attend- ed. Dr. Pascoe, of St. Thomas, former- ly pastor, of the church, occupied the pulpit, both morning and evening and on each occasion delivered eloquent and impressive discourses. On Mon- day evening a splendid tea was served by the ladies of the church who fully sustained their reputation of supply- ing the good things necessary to make a hungry, person feel' happy. The evening „gas -exceedingly stormy' but did not preverit a goodly number from being present. Tea being dispensed with addresses' were delivered by Revs. C. Fletcher, J. S, Henderson, W. M, Martin, Wm, McDonagh, W. H. Butt and T. B, Coupland, with Rev. Jackson, the chair and a very pleasant and profitable evening was spent.' The. most laughable and amusing incident of the evening'transpired` while , the Rev. Mr Butt, of Centralia, was warm- ing up to his, work in delivering his address and was denouncing church members who are all the time roving from one church to another, when the Rev, Mr..Jackson rose up suddenly and interrupted 'Mr, Butt, with "Hold on now; don't get excited, just sit down," Rev. Me. Butt very reluctantly corn plied,;supposiu the was trespassing upon forbidden' ground, Mr, Butt : at once regained his eouanimity., whets. Mn Jadltson explained to his bearers that a messenger •had ;come its, great haste'wentingr Mr. Butte to ;leave at once (then 10 p. m.) for Centralia to marry a couple, ` torn Butt went. Qre Tttesday evening asocial wee hold. attd a large number was n attendenee Themusic musical part;of the program was sustained by theh i J c to r, The probed for the three cCasions amounte oto o his bakeries. 1;Ie has•it;for rent, and '1:$14470. he sari Yiir,inore .:a9'ord to furnish it Manson lea slaughteeing' boots: and free than' a landlord can. furn'i'sh rent shoes. ,The "bi,gg:esta "eeduetionseeyer free, ;; teadd' Stn prices, Johllstoll's .0tio.;,,StarGiog Reductions! SATURDAY BisRAGY1IN We will offer the following: 28 pieces dress goods, whip cord, 7 pieces worth 45 Cts,, 5 pieces tweed, good, worth 50 Cts, 5 pieces serge andil others ranging from 45 cts to 75 cts. All the one price. 25 cents per yard. 0 per Coitt. llllt!o! 50 per cent. reduction on re-, pular prices of all kinds of ladies' mantles. 35 men's overcoats, regular price $5, $6, $7 and $9, all on one counter for the low price of $5. These goods include black and brown worsteds, brown and fawn lneltons and beavers. We sold the finest goods in select raisins and currents for ehristm.as trade --prices away' down. Boots and shoes, overshoes and rubbers, and a good line of men's fancy slippers for the Christmas trade at 90 cts worth $1.25. Any goods leftover from Satur- day will be sold at the same price the following week. G. G. JOHNSTON Opposite Hawlshaw's Hotel' �H Enough Cloth ing here to Clothe all the Country. ! What are you going to clo with all the Clothing? We hear such expressions as these every day and truely this stock looks ponderous. Yet with such a generous demand as there hasbeen since this season commenced, we have no fear about hav- ing too many goods. From every town and village in the county, .people are crowding into our Store. The largest.stock 'draws. The lowest' prices .tells. We carry hand -made boots • and shoes. KIIA & CO. Gs J. ��Q� Wilson vs. Saimwell. This case has been pending in the courts'. of Goderich for a long time, and has again been brought tip for further ventilation before Justices, Armour and Falconbridge. Garrow, Q.C., for the plaintifis, appealed from the judg- ment of Robertson. J,, who tried the action at Goderich, dismissing it,* ex- cept as to the sum of 5180, admitted to be in the hands of the defendants, and ordering the defendants to pay the costs. The action was brought by creditors of William Welsh & . Son for tun purpose of enforcing a trust for the benefit of creditors, the defendants be- ing the e-ing-the teustees, and for an account. Aylesworth, QC, for the defendants, contra, Judgment reserved. The Montreal Christmas Star. We have just had an opportunity to inspect the Clutstmas Number of the Montreal, Star which is now being is- sued.' It is areally superb publication,. and the excitement, it is creating throughout Canada is quite justified, The Christmas Star needs to be seen, for anythint •we can say Will not do it justice The -art supplements that go with the ChristmasStar are perfect'.. gens, and tie .opinion is universal among art erities that no foreign 'pub- lication and no previous' -Canadian Christmas pictorial can, for a moment compare with this year's Christmas Star. ' Of all the seasonable things, of all the stvort and acceptable presents, � : or sent to friends diet 0111 ba given tr © 1 certainly i 1 the Christines Star takes the and ibis only fiftycents. :.The palm, . Of Co Montreal, tbislrors areC a m ir p. who will send it direct where it canidiot be procured through a newsdealer, Would be a good phrase to athosepply .:. are a ways parading Bargains theynever - • . 1 can r ! produce We have a large stook, wen assorted, and at right prices. .We don't ask $15 for an anti - ole and take $10. We un. dertale to do a Straight Business 1 ±'or x� ��e `� 9e e� a iiia a,re n.nth ng�tY�, c�^oili °°ng goQ ° for dollar an value. Our Mottoa seinaze al i .---Produce taken In e4 - change. Butter 20c, Eggs 15o, Dried Apples, Go, Land 13; Ducks 7o, Turk- ey 309 geese Go. anos. STOVE Now is the time to buy Stoves and 'Furnaces. •If 'you want either; of these articles, why not buy, from us?' We compete with dealers all through the county and defy ',them to meet our prices. We keep the largest assort- ment. We guarantee every stove and. furnace we sell. Cobblecick CsederC�el��t�t��gsrsy „ RBtEI'1,11111 IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell a Farts rP VOTT WANT TO Buy or. Sell Town Property /F YOU WANT TO Borrow' or Lencl1Money IF YOU WANT Collections Make Call at Mr, Jno, Spackman's Real Estate Aenc . Business Transactions strictly con- fidential. Intenditig purchasers will g receive the best adyice in selecting land or town sites. Also agent for Allan Line and State Line Steamships. Office- Main Street, Exeter; Ont. Address: -/JOHN SPACKMAN, Box 44 This wonderful discovery is the hest known remedy for Biliousness and all Stomach and Liver,Treubles, such as Constipation, Headache, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Impure Blood, etc, These Lozenges are pleasant and harmless, and though powerful to promote a healthy action of the bowels, do not weaken like pills. If your tongue Is coated you need them. 0 •3 5 r,w 74,1i1 i7 m H. 'Aa Ara, anepia• ri'TOREs, The 'undersigned wishes to informthegeneral public that he keeps constantly • in stock all kinds of building material, dressed and un- dressed' lumber B Bed -Ontario High Lan an aShingles. Special notice 'is Clraw,t,.- to B. C. Red Cedar which is acknowledged to be the most durable timber `that grows; especially for shing- les. 36 to 40years.' .` It is said by those who know, that ill. last st they will Y fromto_in an'. 36 40 years any climate. James. Willis, LUIIIBER, liMBRCHAIVT THOROUGH EQU1PMCNTS, lRAOT I CAL COURSE,, LIVE TEACHERS THOIIOUGH 'WORK,.,v ortank indor, the gulding'hand of the Principal of the i. T MTV JJ8ii ESS anri STTO'h'r FT AND SMOOT, w of LONDON ho 1 as h ad preperara pretiUz4 for his Chosen prfusion, assures enccoss to;ey c rystixdelt. htrV11## 9poftfifteen yam the rCVss mon and fiveyears ixbisitoss rid ofxlo. e piap ab ]i;o's$dhroS�oVdprnlaro yon1; 1eelle fee biieA 0€s, Itdays to attend uszniss mon. College re- s Tuesday January lnt, .`." W.WDSTEItVEL7!, k'Rr.�Otrdl:, p