HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-03-01, Page 2' 11111111111111111111111111r - PAGE 2--- ODERICFI SIGNALS'1'AU, THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 197:3 EDITORIAL CO.MMENT "Misquote!" It has been the policy of the newspaper business for a long time to report the news, comment opinions through editorial cgiumns and then sit back and give the readers the last word. Most often this has proven to be the best policy. Journalists agree there is lit - ___....le to be.ifg ai n.e.d,by taking-patt,in a run— ning battle of words with a certain fac- tion of readership opposed t,o opinions or other policies of a newspaper. There does come a time, however. when un- warranted criticism must be answered. Warden' Roy Pattison and Property Committee Chairman Harold Lobb had had separate telephone conversations Tuesday, February 20 , with the Progressive Conservative candidate in the upcoming by-election„ Don South- cott. At a meeting of the Save The Jail Society the same evening, six different news media were represented They 'were Don Murray of the London Free Press: Ron 'Shaw of The Goderrch Signal -Star; John Weichel, managing editor of the Stratford Beacon- Herald; Betty Tomlison of the CBC; a reporter from CFPL in London; and r reporter from CKNX in Wingham. All of the newsmen present agree that —Don Southcott announced' he had been _',k,assured" by Warden -Pattison and Harold Lobb that no action would be taken regarding the jail wall until April 1. Six out of six reporters had the exact same story .... all six reporters getting their information simultaneously as Don Southcott spoke. The warden was not present at the meeting in 'question: Harold Lobb was not present at the meeting 'in question. It is believed that only two county councillors were present., They were Reeve Everett Mcllwain and Deputy - reeve Gerry Ginn, both of Goderich Township, and. neither ',of them having firsthand knowledge of the private telephone conversations which had gone on 'between the Warden and Southcott or the property committee chairman and Southcott. At Friday's meeting of Huron County Council, the whole dirty mess hit the fan. The warden and the property committee chairman stated the press had gotten the story all wrong. The press had quoted Don Southcott • and he' statements- were' aTributecF to Don Southcott.' Yet at last Friday's session of Huron County Council, Don Southcott's name was notrnentioned in the discussion. It was evident that it was not being considered that Don Southcott did actually make the statement at-. tributed to him by six different newsmen, some of them ,welt seasoned and, highly .qualified. Huron County Council made no move to acquit the press or to assure the people that "a- misunderstanding was the cause of the whole problem. -----9n the --strength - f-the-fact-that-si-x--out of six newsmen left the meeting with the exact same quote, it must be assumed by the people of this county that the media did not misquote Don Southcott. Most assuredly, the press did not misquote Warden Pattison or Harold Lobb for neither man was at the meeting. If one was to believe county council's blatant claim of misquotation, then •one- :••1Os. 1C A N must presume that six different newsmen invented or dreamed up the exact same quote (a marvellous coin- I' cidence) and attributed it to two fellows who weren't even a.t the meeting. By one's wildest stretch of the imagination, no one could 'believe that line unless • one- was-• totdtty-ignorarTt of the integrity of the press. • What is the explanation? Could it be that Don Southcott took some liberties with the information he received from Warden Pattison and Reeve Lobb? Could it be that Southcott actually believed that the recommen- dation to council promised by Pattison and Lobb would result in a hold on the demolition of the jail wall? Could it be that Southcott assumed he had the goodwill of county council and that it was a foregone conclusion that the county would back the warden and the property committees, chairman on this proposal? Could it be that the, warden and/or Lobb actually did indicate to Don South- cott that he could release ,the proposal to the Save The Jail Committee, an- ticipating council's co-operation?'Could it be that as soon as it was evident that the majority of council was unhappy about the whole thing, that the warden and the property committee chairman immediately changed their direction of thought and used the media as a neat way out. Who could. ever prove - or disprove it? • The media is well aware of this favorite rouse of elected officials to scream "misquote" the minute things get a little hot. As a former newspaper-. man, Don Southcott must know the trick well. it is much the sarne as the foolish fellow 'who received a telegram from,his father that his generous allowance was being discontinued because he had been wasting his time at play instead of getting down to work. The son took quick decisive action. He pulled a gun and shot the ' poor fellow who delivered the telegram to his door. "If you don't like the message, shoot the messenger." It does not matter at this juncture -who fouled up the works or why Don South- cott is wearing, egg on 'his face. 49 T HEY 'LL 'PR04A&.vFrr hE. THIS ONG F TTS live TR 1E'a rke r1 ON/ PRETTi 4000/ tittAr i. rZ& A R E rRUDEAU's • ADEM Dit•ine Right Dear Editor,. Apparently, most .of Huron County -Council members still believe in the "Divine Right of Rulers" that was supposed to have gone out when the people took "Good King .John" out- anI3 •had him sign the Magna Carta-. '' • As a common man, I took the opportunity, with my family.'to visit the •Jail last Sunday to see this unique building. I was not in the least interested in, who; or when or; even if•gorrie-one3`�w�as inc:arceratea there. �.) urt-ber- more, I signed the petition in full awareness of my actions, despite what some county coun- '' cillors apparently would like to - It does matter' that, Don Southcott presented a sound proposal to county council which was not considered.if..., it does matter that it now appears that the majority, of county council won't listen to the, pl,blic or its former provin- cial`'government friends or even some of its own members. It does matter that for this fiasco the blame has been laid at the feet of six members of the press for reporting the exact same "misquote" when it is ob- vious the blame, should probably rest elsewhere. It believe and I strongly resent arrogant self-righteous officials implying otherwise' Huron County has a unique example of a certain type of early architecture which 'they, are apparently going to destroy. This action would seem- to be like the foolish roan" who inherited a piece of fine art work, then destroyed it, and hung a garish calendar in it's place. Surely, there is room in the area for' a • functional assessment office without mutilating the old jail building. Sincerely W. Merle Gunhy Dungannon Wall settled?, Dear Editor: GoL tD N sr_ 1P#'- ' -,.E. ops answer can "only be given by the support and enthusiasm of those worth interest. There are many :facilities in the County and Towns of only limited interest to many. The varied harness racing facilities, the swimming pools, arenas, parks, the county museum and others. • All very important to those 'interested and of littl concern to others; yet these all necessary .and desirable facilities to a worthwhile Com. niunity. While we talk of economics the assessment building is rather unique. It iso, apparently the only ,agreetnent the province has with :a County to lease such a building for this purpose. With a proposed cost of one hundred and fifty to two hundred thousand for the ad- dition we can only hope County Council has • in hand a firrn agreement- for a ten to fifteen years lease, so we may get our money- back. Governments change and so does policy: • T15 -ere are people, and organizations interest0d in preserving and developing this :historic building. They des�,rve the same chance and assistance given. other such endeavours. Mayor Drapeau is going to finance the 1976 Olympics with coins and we think the idea somewhat ridiculous, but the Government goes along. The Save the .Jail Committee have many realistic' plans which would involve the young people and- the senior citizen,, . both age groups who are having trouble finding a meaningful place in to -day's society. There • are many more of us who are interested than have yet taken a stand. Now that County Council has . does matter that countycouncil The jail deserves the oppor- tunity tp ex.lst for _,_new Rut!:_ 'ready and—willing—to nail the press re the demolish the rritrin yard- of -the --- pose;, while still showing us the wall in this instance without giving any history of the past. consideration at all to the fact that six out of six newsmen all had the, same story and that Don Southcott's name was never mentioned in connection with the matter when county ' council met last Friday.' County Council has insultedthe' in- telligence of the people of this county long enough. was jail, it would seem the issue, has been settled. However we• know sone of the people who from the begin- ning have been involved in this issue. Council made mention of the fact that many of the signatures were those' of young peopleandshould not be con Dear Editor: sidered as • serious, concerned citizens.' 1 am sure many of the In regards to my phoning you signatures were those of young on the Robert Tebow case and people:"'They see the the poten- not asking you not to publish it. tial of Saving the Jail. They are And you did this showing;vour also more aware than we that ignorance towards ten children it, has not always • proven that have taken constant desirable to destroy history to ridiculing at school. Of course build for the future. you don't care about someone Which brings us to our in- else. As I told you, I would volvem'ent with this con- write the London Free Press trnversy. There have been no which. I did. And also I told sound reasons why the building them what. I thought of the has to be built towards the jail. Signal Star. Why don't you get There is no reason to ex- to, the bottom of this trouble propriate land to go the other before you shoot your mouth. way. The statement that they off. I will ,give you permission cannot go north on the parking to show this letter to Chief lot because of water problem, Minshall. Because he told me to pun a phrase; does not hold when 1 tried to to this trouble water. When I asked Reeve to ,go home and mind "my own McNeil for councils reason to business. Also he told me there demolish the jail wall he said, was too .many of our farriily in "We Own the jail."They may town which is none of his legally and they certainly act as business. if they do. However" the history of the `building suggests all 'Thanks' anyway for your Western Ontario has a stake ignorance: and we believe an interest in it. County ' ACouncil ha,s Don Tebow 158 West. St. questioned the economics of -' ~maintaining the building. The Goderich DAN CO/4,4,4w PCNA ASSOC. ~twSIA/1RS COM"' tgoaerich SIGNAL -STAR -{--F--0-- The County Town Newspaper of Huron —0— F °unclad ounded ,n 1114$ and published every Thursday at 37 West Si , Goderich, Ontario. Member of the Audit Bureau of Circulation, theCWNA and OWNA Advertising rates on request Subscr,pt,ons payable ,n advance, $S 00 ,n Canada, i9 SO ,n all countries other than Canada, single ropes 20 cents Second clots mail Reg,strat,on Number 0116 Advertising is accepted on the condition that, ,n the event of typograpticalerror, that portion of the adverlosrnq space occupied by the erroneous ,tem-, together with r°eato+nablrsllowMee /Ar atgneture, w,l, not be charged for but the balance of the advertisement will be paid for at the applicable rate In the event. of a typographical error advertising goods or aerates% atawrong pr,ce,goods orservices may not is. sold Advert,s,ng,s merely an offer to sell, and may be withdrawn at any time - Business and Editorial Office TELEPHONE 524•$331 area code 519 Sicced class mail registration number -0716 Published by Signal -Star Publishing Ltd: ROBERT G. SHRIER—president and publisher SHIRLEY J. KELLER---editor R. W. SHAW—editorial staff EDWARD J. BYRSKI—advertising manager DAVE, R. WILLIAMS—advertising representative George and Ruth Sincerely, Robertson. 'r 1►ot1' ease IJ'(11 k4'r Dear Editor: , As an enthusiast -ie cross- country walker, having long associations with the Bruce Trail, I would like to comment on the -proposed hiking trail from Saltford along the hanks of the Maitland River to Ben - miller. It has always been quite feasible to walk both banks of this river, I .have never known land owners to object to,the oc- casional -unarmed walker. If a trail is established and publicised the increasing traffic• will undouhtly cause many property owners to react by 'posting' their land or simply saying no to a • request for a. right 'of way. Experience shows that an established trail soon attracts all types of mechanical ahominati,ons such as trail hikes, dune huggys, and in Win- ter the intrepid snow -mobile, these of course claim their democratic right to 'use the t.rail'.. - It is a fact that the Bruce Trail was nearly closed for this reason, the crisis was saved ' by the dedicated local committees of hikers who followed up all complaints by property owners, and persisten- tly maintained the obstacles and harriers needed to prevent abuse of the trail by 'the riders'. One might inquire if the Colborne Township Recreation Committee is prepared to ac- cept this sort of responsibility, at the .moment they are busy organizing a snow -mobile club. • Yours sincerely, Donald S. McKee 1.t0.D.E. Dear Editor, The executive' and members of the Maple Leaf Chapter I.O,D.E. wish to express their sincere thanks for ,the excellent coverage in your newspaper during the past year. Your *Assistance was very much appreciated. Yours sincerely, MAPLE LEAF CHAPTER 1.O.D.E. (Mrs. F. J.) Thurso Millar Corresponding Secretary Ratepayers group Dear Editor':. Looking hack on past events it might he a smart move for the people of Goderich, to set up a ratepayers association. in view of what has happened in North York, the councillors there doubled their take from the tax payers of that borough. 'Now' their ratepayers association has gone to the trouble and expense of hiring a lawyer to see if this raise can be stopped. That in- crease has been called rapicious greed. ' The Goderich council, with the exception of one, hardly had their council seats warmed up when they increased their remuneration. What's to prevent them from doing the same thing as North York in two years time? It should be kept in mind, that sodium- fluoride •is in the Goderich water by illegal means and MY protest has been made. It- has been very nicely demonstrated that it is possible to violate a picket line that has been set up by all, the unions in Goderich, then run for council and be elected. To also refer •to a petition that.has been circulated by the S.J.S. ,as mob rale. Actions of the above mentioned helps to -refresh ones memory of the late Herr Schicklegueher (Hitler). In regards tq our young people, the Co -Pilot project is doing Hextremely well under the. present circumstances. Having visited their quarters, I feel that it is very inadequate and that permanent quarters are a dire necessity. What better. use could a section of the 'ail be [OOkINO BM 70 YEARS A00 MARCH 1, 1903 Ue.•sidents in the vice the old fair groil'nd5 Patrick's ward are Toshio, Movement for the convey the place into a park. Thi, ththe grounds are 01 in at their pt;esent contioi are ,,by no means a beauty, and if 111-01,TOW is not turn, therti to use thev moi t! well be ornamental. The, has by turns been talked. • site for the hospital, market, the public school, -the-4frneige-t•rhr � hUt present indit,tions it hey it would ,he unolcup0j some tittle. lR our advertising cob this week will he found tilt vement u( las. Strartiuseghan ►,chink attentia the Perfect gasoline enginti which he is agent in locality. 'I'FIE SIGNAL-has: of these engines;, which is e, every satisfaction, heinge., taken care of ;end providing ficient power ata small Toronto Cabinetmakers, ask for :35 cents an hours nine -hour day. A party of about tis: young people from Clip drove to town Thurso evening and enjoyed anhm slating at the rink. Frank Pretf' left Sato morning for \'ancouver,1 .whence he will leave shoals. another trip to the Klon Frank was one of the first break into the Yukon dt, when the rush to the no EI Dorado commenced a' yet 5 ago, -a0(1 the land off and told has an attraction him still. 25 YEARS AGO MARCH 1, 1948 The Ontario Legislatfret session this week. Tho. Pryde, elected for Huronri at the by-election last mo• was introduced to the Hi and took his seat. As youngest - 'that is. newest member, ' he will move resolution in reply to 1 "speech from. the Throng" Mr. Alex Alexander,recen appointed County Assessa t'• established his headqua over D.D. Mooney office the Bank of Comm, building, and has comma an initial survey of municipalities of the count! Documentary evidence fishingsuccess while on holiday trip to Horida has received by Mr. .John Th, who returned to Goderich Sunday after ri monli holiday. The evidence came put to than a perrrianen youth` tkac -form- <af.4U1.ia' 1" at" centre? Sincerely, Ed. Bain Don't listen Dear Editor. Goderich town council vote in favor of tearing down a por- tion of the jail wall seems to prove that the , voice of the people is no longer heard in this area: also the remark of a council member that the hun- dreds of people- who came to see the jail were motivated by curiosity alone and that those who signed the petitiitm to -save. the building didn't know what it was all about, is an insult to our collective intelligence. Any person who would make such' a sweeping statement with regard to several • hundred people, most of whom are intelligent and Concerned citizens, is, him- self sadly lacking in grey mat- ter. i am an outsider who moved to Goderich almost four years ago and therst building which really intrigued me was the jail. i have grown to love and appreciate the character of this'"town and the history of its fcfunding. I would surely like to see it's uniqueness preser- ved. If I can feel so strongly about the present issue, most of those who are native to this area .must feel even more deeply. - It seems appalling to me the kind of people. who, sometime, gain leadership in a com- munity, people who are basically ignorant of the true values in life and .who can seldom see beyond a dollar sign. Goderich is greatly blessed with it's beautiful environment and a general prosperity not known in ton many small com- munities. Surely our leaders, if they have any claim to real leadership qualities,,. could come up with solutions to their problems without destroying (continued on page 9) tificate, with seal and alkfr the Delray Beach FishingToL nament proclaiming .that ;,_ Thorpe caught a sailfi weighing :39 pounds, 1: measuring six feet eleven c ches..-in length. The issuing certificates is apparently anal American custom to sutra tiate to disbelieyers hack hoe the success of a visiting fish man in Florida. it took a'' 35 minutes to haul the sail in and it was "real work. s2' Mr. ,Thorpe. About twenty-five mem', of Knox church C.G.I.T:, un' the • leaderohip of Mrs,' 1 McNevin and Miss Robi,, Gant, e n j owed -a.-3teng14,' party on Tuesday evening Mr. J. Brindlev as teamster:~ ter an enjoyable hour .or `o' the outdoors, the girls asse bled at the church, Ole' games were played and lu served. 5 YEARS AGO MARCH 1, 1968 For the • first time in t' history of the Fourth Goden Troop, a cul) was awarded a inte'rpreter's badge. Peter Sar tori, son. of Mn. and Mrs' Sartori,- was awarded the bad;. for his ability to speak NO and English. Stratford Central Collegia all thrt captured honours in re categories at the fourth ann Huron -Perth Collegiate pr Festival Friday evening 1' Goderich District Cnlleaiatela stitute. EN Their presentation • of St. Vincent Milla�'S Aria b Capo" was"Judged hest Steve S:(1. Mrs. It.'J. Seri'' son, of London, who de' the erformalnce • as " the m� p nearly professional's of t evening: . offer The controversial m�. guaranteed emergency t service in exchange for.f"1 sial assistance from the 1' was withdrawn at town ' Thursday by the two Lo ' doctors who made the pr''' iscc 1%1 ion in ell ,roe st 1;11 of 1, esr iety •tint 0101 Ic1 essa n t •t1nt ded my uss ht • no tem ,pos; i ayfi tab tter- • mit de he pert go a Duro Broe Hurt Istat