The Exeter Advocate, 1893-12-14, Page 5BEANS 2'iY rYMIVII:41Vb area now airy, eovery taut pore this worst Casca et Nervous i elliutf PabiitylLast Vigor an d monhoot; restoroa the o of body -or mind QRuuby VCr-wok the orrorra or - .w eessug of years, `lhia Bei*dy ai* eolu+t,y saKes the most ebnbinwtu cases when All, OM Itos.Tk niers h,tlefailed eveiato"folicve, ,+e1 ,bydeep gists at, c1 per package, e six for S5 or sent b mailou receipt of oaplt,dDICINZ CO,TootGut r pmSold ror Sale irt:Rmeter byJ, W. Browning The annual dingier of University Medical College was held last evening, DR WOOD S NORWAY PINE SYRUP cures coughs, eolds, asthma, bronchitis hoarseness and Consumption if taken in time. The tenth annual Provincial Fat oek how began at Guelph yesterday, AT HOME AND ABROAD. Physician, travellers, pioneers, sett lees, invalids, and all classes of people of every degree, testify to the medicin- al and tonic virtues of Burdock Blood Bitters the most popular and effective medicine extant. It cures all diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels and blood,: John Urquhart, aged 35, died sud- denly of apoplexy in Hamilton ycster• day. e Not ono in twenty are free 'from some little ailment caused by , inaction of the liyer. Use Carter's Little Liver. Pills, The result will be a pleasant slrprise They give positive relief. South Norfolk Patrons yesterday nominated M. Walker, Walpole, for the ominous, and J. McNally, Townsend for the Legislature. LITTLE MEN AND LITTLE WO- MEN sometimes suger from worms, Low's Worm;iyrup is very highly re commend as a cure. A statue of Gen. James D. Shields was unveiled at Washington yesterday It stands close to the statue of Lincoln in the Capitol. FORFISEVERE COLDS. Gentlemen. --.I hado a severecold for which I took Die Wood's Norway' Pine Syrup, an excellent: remedy' giving prompt relief and pleasant to take. J Paynter, Huntsville, Ont. Premier Sanardelli of Italy, who only assumed office three days ago, .handed his resignation.to King Hum- bert yesterday afternoon. To be free from, sick headache, 'c bili- ousness, constipation, etc;, use Carters • Little Liver Pills. Strictly vegetable: They gently stimulate the Byer and free the stomach from bile. Bythe wreck of the British ship Ja- son, off Highland Light. Mass,, Tuesday ' night, 26 lives were lost• None of the crew escaped. M' 7�BUItN S COD LIVER OIL EMII- N. with Wild Cherry and Hypop- tes'builds up and strengthens the e1 -re system. The Canadian Bankers' Association . has elected Mr. B. B. Walker Presi- dent. e PHE'MOST EXCELLENT REMEDY, Dear .Sirs.=l'have. suffered greatly from constipation and iedigestion, but by the use of B. B. B. I am now restored to h alta; • I cannot, praise Burdock' Blood Bitters too highly; it is the. most exeellent.remedyI ever used. Miss Agnes J'Lafonn 'Hagersville, Ont The Eliza. Fisher, of Port Hope is ashore at Wheeler's Bay, The crew are safe. When Baby was sick, 'we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. 'When. she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. N1iliFarr tnaneuvrs are shortly to commence in Germany, in whieh ice-, boats, skates and Esquimaux dogs will be used'. BEYOND DISPUTE. Thore,,is no better, safer or more pleasant cough remedy made, than Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam. It cures hoarseness, sere throat, coughs, colds, bronchitis all throat and lung troubles. Mr. John Charlton, M. P., and Mr. E. C. Carpenter M. PP., addressed a mass meeting of electors at Sinicoe last even- BURDOCK PILLS cure liver ills. They are small and elegantly coated, sure in effect and, pleasant to use,' The big steamer F. W. Wheeler, ashore three miles east of Michigan City, Ind., has been abandoned as a total wreck, DEAFNESS CURED. Gentlemen.—For a number of years I suffered from deafnes, and last winter I could scarcely hear at all. I applied Hagg ard's Yellow011 and can hear as well as anyone now. Mrs. Tuttle Cook, Weymouth, N. S. Thomas Abbey, a slater, fell from a roof on which lie was working yester- day and sustained injuries which proved fatal mt You hardly realize that it is Medi• cine, when taking Carter's Little Liver Pi118, theyare very small; no bad ef- fects; all troubles for torpid liyer are relieved by their, use. Eliza Farrell, Aged 55, was burned l ,it to loath at a fire inI-T.tm ton last even, in g, FOR BOILS AND SKIN DISEASES' Dear Sirs, -I have been using; B.IIB. for boils and skin diseases and t find, it very it very good as a "Cure. As a dyspepsia euro .I have also ' found it unequalled. Mrs. Sarah Hamilton Mn Que. treat Viscount Ctr athallal, herr rP. alln p tive to the earldom of .Preth, died .1(los• day night frot» influenza, Misoellallcousr Aid, James Dixon has definitely with drawn from, the Hamilton Mayoralty eontest• Itch on human beings, horses and all animals cured in 30 minutes by Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by 0, -Lutz, Druggist, Kingston McCarthyities will ask Principal Grant to be a candidate, for• the Legislature. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and 13lemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen: Throat, Coughs, etc,; Save $50 by use of one bottle. War an'ed the most wonderful Blemish Crire ever known. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. Hon. L. R. Laflamme, who was ister of Justice in the Mackenzie ernment, is dead. Farmers and mechanics. Provide yourselves with a bottle of Pain Killer, It is a prompt safe and sure cure for many ills. It may save you days of sickness, and you will find it is more valuable than gold. Be sure you buy the genuino Perry Dayis' PAIN ISILLRR and take no other 'mixture. 25c. is a Cheap Doctor's Bill. y Three men in Louisville, Ky., have just been left $500,000 by the death of a relative in Australia, of whom they had not heard for many years Rheumatism Cured flu a Day. South American Rheumatic Cure, for Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radically urs in 1 to 3 days. Its action if on cares y t p the system is remarkable and myster ions. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disap- pears. The first dose greatly benefits; 75e. Sold by 0, Lutz, Druggist. Three dancers from "The Streets of Cairo" were fined $50 each in New York yesterday, The police considered their performance improper. Catarrh in the Sead.'1 Is undoubtedly a disease of the blood, and as sueh only a reliable blood puri- fier can effect a perfect and permanent cure. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best blood purifier, and it has cured many very severe cases of ..catarrh. Catarrh oftentimes leads to consumption. Take Flood's Sarsaparilla before it is too late. Min- Gov - Hood's Pills do not purge, pain or gripe, but act promptly, easily and ef- ficiently. The Royal Commission on the liquor traffic resumed its sessions in the • city yesterday, and a good deal of interest- ing evidence was taken. A. °Truest,' WJdoh: is Popular. There is a great deal of indigna- tion felt against trusts The Sugar Trust, the Standard Oil Trust, the Welsh Tin Plate 'Trust, the English Salt Trust, and other combinations of the kind, are yigorously denounced, and it is a subject of controversy whether there are more trusts in Eng' - land than_.Ameica, and whether pro- tection or free trade fosters them. But there is one form oftrust against which co one has auything to say. That is the trust the public reposes in Hood's Sarsaparilla. By the explosion of a calcium light tank in a s,eamboat eompany's office at Albany; N. York,four men were bad- ly mangled. Three are "fatally' ;in- jured. njured. Relief in six Hours. l der. di ad Distressing Kidney and B seases relieved in six hours by the "NDw Ga.TIAT SOUTH A11auRICAN H•ID-, Mile Cunt." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight to physic. ians on account • of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the s back and eve bladder, kidneys, ry part of the urinary passages in male or fe male. It removes retention of water and pain in passing it almost immed• lately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. ' Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist.:' In Rochester, N Y.; recently a boy was called a thief by his teacher, The boy's sister was taunted with the ' dis Race. and shetook brain• fever, From which she died Tuesday. The children's Mother has :cone hopelesely insane. J, R. Romper's Trial. The case of J. IL Hooper, 'charged with poisoning his wife, has been set to eolnmenee at Joliette, Dec. 15th, hut it will not likely begin until some days later. Judge D.lorimier, of Montreal, will preside at the trial. 1Vi<ore iPatrOnS 1lominated. Ailsa Crai ;;Ont., Dec. 7.—The Pat- rons of industry of the North Riding of Middlesex met in convention here yesterday and nominated W. N. Tay, lor, of McGillivray, as the candidate for the Dominion House. arid J. W. Alex ander of Strathroy; as the caudidare for the Local. Alexander was a Con- servative and on-servative.and Tayiora Reformer. rather .)oanoliy's Narrow ESeape. Tavistock, Dec. 6. Father Connolly, of Lnean, had a• narrow 'eseape.e from instant death at the G T.R. station here as thi eastbound train at 8 a.m. was leaving the station. The train had stopped for a few minutes, , when the reyoreued father left the car and walked.along the platform toward' the enpine, Tue train started for the east, while he started toward the west to catch his car before speed was up. Ile was too late, I he moment he caught the railing, he was twirled round and under the car The spectators were paralyzed with fear. " Luckily John Vance had noticed the revereued gen tletnan's effort to gain the ear aril an- tieipated the resiilt. With great p es enc of mind lie rushed to his rescue, ` snatched his fast from the front of the roiling wheels and hold'hien wmin the platform and the rail, a` space of two feet or so, until the car had passed. The train stopped and siker eon. p belly receetlaci on his rya;}', eery pale, „ but apparently none the -worse of the ardventure, r. Rev. Wt1ttam IfotEinslaod' Of Sparta, N. J., voluntarily says:. "To Whorl it liTay Condors: 'Unasked Z deem'itmy ciutj'to a suffering humanity whose bodies and souls I would have healthy, to tell them of the value of Hood's Sarsaparilla. Wille livinginOhio one of my ohildrea'was greatly Afflicted With Etbils having 2,0 on her limbs, and being unable to walk. I had heard of Iiood's Sarsaparilla, and bought a bottle, half of which cured. en- tirely. Two years after, another child was afflicted as badly. I used the other half bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla with like re- sults, About £oar years after, the child first afflicted was again tormented like Sob, and I bought a bottle (on Sunday at that) and again a cure. I gave some of the medicine to a poor woman and two children; they were helped as wore mine. Through a testimo- nial sent to C L flood Sr Co:, inquiries came from all the country, asking if it was a 'bona fide' testimonial, and of course I 'wrote all that it was, andhave'the knowledge of Scores and Scores Of persons helped or cured by Hood's Sarsa parilla. Mild cases of rheumatism • have yielded to it, Biliousness and bad liver have been corrected in my own •family. This b the only patent medicine I have felt like praising. I speak not for C. L Hood, but for the Jobs who aro impatient and. are tor- mented beyond endurance. NothingI know of will cleanse the blood, stimulate he liver, or clean the stomach so perfectly as Hood's Sarsaparillh Any person wishing to know more, enclosing a stamp will be informed. Yours ' for the. health, happiness and virtue of humanity?' WILLL.a HOLLINS/1ED, pastor of Presby- terian church, Sparta, N. J'. Rood's Pills cure habitual cumulation. ®oVegetable axe pre. pared to meet a legiti- . " mate demand for a mild, efficient and reliable family physio. They are purely vegetable, containing, no p • IIS calomel, mercury, or mineral sub- stance of any kind. Hood's Pills act upon the stomach, liver, and alimentary canal, and cure Liver Complaint, Constipation; Nausea, ,Biliousness, Headache, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Distress after Eating, Jaundice. A cold may be broken up and a fever prevented by promptly taking Hood's Pills. Hood's Pills .Are prepared by C. I. Hood 8r Co., Apothecariest. Lowell, Mass. Price 25 cents per box. Sold by all druggists or sent by mail on receipt of price. A number of bcat9 are frozen in at Colchester Ont., aid 111;a i1e 'ie.'sheet- ed'�with ice for miles offshore. For Over Fitly: 'ears. ' AN OLD AND i T`L Tnliti Ilt:niEn$.—Mrs Wiiislow'sSoothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years bymillions of mothers for their children while .teething, with per- fect success. 'It soothes the „child, 'softens the gums, allays all parr; b nes wind colic, for—Di (=lima r , Is and is the best. remedy ft pleasant to the taste Sold .lay Druggists 'in every part of the World • Twenty-flvo cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask, for Mrs. Winslow'eSoothing Syrup, and take no other kind Over $6,000 has already been sub scribed. in Paris for a monulnept to the late Charles Gounod. 'A statue of Gen. James D. Shields was unveiled yesterday at Washing• ton. YouNee It! The"D.& ; — -.e-- Emulsion. ItWTli •. tCure'thateough, IIea1YourLungs, 1 pgtl+lesh onYourBones Prevent ConShmpton. The annual banquet of the 'Toronto Board of Trade wtll•be held on January. 4th 'Mr. B. E. Walker, president of the Bank of`Commerce,.has...been .;elected president of the Canadian Bankers' As soeiation q' Friends of Rey tier. McGlynn are said to be u>lging President Cleveland to male the 1lev. g itlernen U. S. Ani- bassador to Italy. Four thousand pereons aro _nightly without shelter in Chicago, •and the doors of a number of churches on the north side are kept open to take the un- fortunates in. Col Thos, Axworthy, formerly treas• ure1' of Cleveland„ Ohio., but latter- lyy of Fla Milton Ont,, died in the latter city yesterday ,of'I3rsght's disease, aged 53. At Blenheim,` Ont, ;yesterday the; header of a ,jointing Machl re at which Satnuel,Ramtrap nd w`113'wnr{ting in J. Coates' stet, o od Young" Hammond was•;hit!'l'tly killed. Three others .were badj'i htt.rt. Iijoiit Tiii ! ' People are waking up : to the fact that RoDort .Howe has the Largest and Best Stc k of Fttrui, tui e in Town. An- other of those . llUtitll'1 dug Soils : in. .Call and see if You want, to furnish qq�� your parlor. RItl QB R WE. Remember Manson's Big Slaughter • Sale of Bots and. Shoes, which will be continued every clay until ` the whole stock is sold`out. �O Next Door . j�(® S� � So -nth of Postofflee Owing to the , recent fire of last Tuesday idle.. o•G1 night, Mr: S. y ' has been obliged to se- cure new quarters` and for the nest month at least, his customers will find him located in Parkinson's Old Stand, one door north of the Town Hall,' with a brand new stock of holi- day oli-day' goods.. a S e GIbL EY S FURNITURE & UNDERTA ING eslter Packing ;�cu�e. t ogs "%Iantosl. Drivsed, or Alive. Tressed Hogs bought subject to the following eenditions:--2 lbs per cwt off; lbs extra if shoulder stuck; 3 lbs for either bung gut or gullett, if left in., All flogs to be cut through from Tail to Throat. Highest Price paid for Hogs weighing from 100 to 200 pounds, dressed, St ELL BROS & Co. PALACE BAKERY The undersigned having handsome- ly fitted up his parlor and restaurant serve— ICE, CREAM during; the Summer Season. Also a large supply of Connfectionery,:Bread,13uris, Cakes She. Visits Exeter every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon. All orders left with George Sanders promptly attend- ed to. Oysters and fruits of all kinds in their season. D. W. FOSS, lensall Bicycles, . . . Sewing Machines, Baby Carriages And Musical Instruments. We are the only firm who make a specialty ofthe above named goods and therefore claim that we can give the people of ' Exeter and vicinity,— Greater. arg'ins ! Greater Choice t t Lowest Prices. ! ! ! The latest and newest at- tachments for all our goods can be had by calling at our ware-rooms,—One door north Dr. Lutz's drug store. • PERMS T'. BRANarFORD STEA `> LAUNDRY! A. HASTINGS, Agent. If you want your linen to look whiter than snow, take it gL.to • EXETER'S Popular Tonsorial Artist, Ladies' and Children' Haircutting, A. Specialty. wee.; •,�,,,; To Dress well .. It is not necesal'y that you should have your (,)l othes made from the Very Voest mate. ial neither need you have Niel very ' attest style; but to look well your. , 19th1'es must fit. This li 0�. Not only 'to make a suit lit proper but in the latest style, we Gtiarantee very garment that leave; pr shop will a perfect fit. BERTa The Fashienable Cutter and Fitter. LNTBildt DEN TQRI A complete stock of Pure and Reliable Drugs ALWAYS KEPT. SDQggso flfll'i1'6 llJ]I1!s 4t right and reasonable prices. Prescriptions and FamilyReceipts. Carefully' Prepared. iiiii's Congiliffk the best in the market. C. LUTZ. FRO CL A. J. M\Zaii-3..St_ EXETER - ONTARIO Has now in stock iN THE FOLLOWING LINES: West of England Suitings and Trott erings, Scotch TweectSuitings and Trouser ings, - French and English Worsted .Clo'h All made up'. in the 'Latest Style, at' best Rates. . J HELL UNLOCKS V ALL THE. CLOGGED SECRETIONS OF roe BOWELS, KIDNEYS AND LIVER. CARRYINGOFFGRADUALLY, WITHOUT WEAKEN. INC THE SYSTEM, ALL IMPURITIES AND FOUL HUMORS. AT THE SAME TIME CORRECT. ING ACI bITY ok THE STO.MACH,, comma BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA, HEAD- ACHES, LDIZZINESS, HEARTBURN, CONSTIPATION, RHEUMATISM, DROPSY, SKIN DISEASES, JAUNDICE, SALT RHEUM, ERYSIPELAS, 'SCRA-- FULA, FLUTTERINo OF THE HEART, NERVOUSNESS, AND GENERAL DEBILITY. THESE AND ALI. SIMILAR COMPLAINTS QUICKLY YIELD TO THE CUBA+ TIvc INFLUENCE OF BURDOCK BLOOD peri— as. For that d Cough of "'yourscat e tee le ,44.1 llt ry, I q�p 4N jr�glPbHLY `�REGOtVIr1V1E{Vt71 As a,Pr`eventive alld Cutry ofalt fhroatand Lung Otseases.- o 0! R Atkinson's Furniture Ware - rooms is the chear44 and best place in he County -0 : Fur- niture. - .•• • • 9.00. A first-class Bed -room Suite for only° $9 and every- thinAll goodsguaranteed to else n_comparison. first-class dry my own make, of material, nothing but best hard lumber used. Lumber d. Wood Taken in w exchan e for Furniture. Wire Mattresses. The only place in town where, you, can buy title. Nickle-Pla`r,ed Wire Mattress —war Patent Dominion ranted not to rust. J.D. A.tkmeson, Prop. ,1"