The Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-02-22, Page 16- - 4 AGE 2A--GODERICti SIGNAI.-STAlt TIIHRS1).; Y. FEBR(JARY) 22, ItOtti t THE RECIPE BOX Hearty soup for winter meals' l)uring the wilitvr months there is tgood suppl\ -t soup making ingreda-nts su,h as carrots, onions. rutabaga, celery a n 41 potatoes Homemade \ egetable soup , an eas\ and natural \% \ 11 '1)' II ! • .1 I • t .0.1,s1.0 oti J. I !) pt. pp, r, 1 4.0\\ (le; Hn 1.11L1in( 'lode rhese 1.1 -pooi. • 1.tii.4 :‘144king winter- Tht of fla% orbit s-tiii :saute "4,04t1til. - hotter 14 t» c‘tra. tht- t1a . Sget,iH4' \ h\ ..:10‘.\ 1\ -itnnierini.i th, ingredients in itv'[' -i1, h ctIrr‘ powder r1 arr lift a soup out nt the ordinar, fla \ or class The -Carrot feature toda\ an he prepared at home w it It 1111111411t1n. amount (4 work 11-1114 electrii blender The bleti4fer quick!). purt-es and blends all the \ egetables 4e.1iti\ •sinooth consisten, The "'cuth- is a meat in it h the added meat This. good 1 egetable -40p can also be made in a ver\ short ime using 1 pressu cr)okery„, To make soup -eating 441 )F4 ternptIng. the 1-14mie 01" )fl( Agriculture Canada, ()tta%\a-.. suggest you try t he to! lov\ irg rel iptts in \our o\\ 11 kit( hen Each of thest- homemade veget„ible w a rin 141 especially or .11 hot .1nd a 1 1 \ 1 old w niter\ (lav CARROT SOUP 2 cui).4 14 .1.)('d :.;i rt -4,:s 4, • o11t!1 onlon 1- 1 taii,p;.irilit Add And hollii!on Cover %and -1rlin;er .1411.11 1egetahlk, are tender 1,11.o144 I /rain \ ogetatilts, reser\ ing bouili(oL '114 (11 and hull Add taro.. a 'old ook until trait spatent 4 1, Hilimites. 1\lakes ,11,44111 SCOTCH BROTH LI1H ,)r 1 ...... ;010,4 'Al, ;•.0 10,4s1(•\ tip 44. 00i .),L1(00t.-• arrots. - , ).1.4nibo1 onion (h. eit,r\ Ci11 tile,it pie. e- hro\\ ot, I tat .Add \k..11,1 and 1);1rle‘... con ung l),01 and smuner moat ['worn hi, 11 .11141 Him'. off 4--0 es, tat (41(1 blot} .140! ,kirn oft tai R("(1[41ine.at to hroth ,i11(1 ..0getahlt•- Co'ver and -Ammer 1111[11 ‘eget able- anre tende:.4 bout. 0/ minutes). Nlakes „iboof 2 , flank • Cabbage rolls a favorite supper dish At is' not enough to know how to plant cahhage goes the traditional French Canadian song. You mus•. know how t4) serve 0.. Ant, ..'hat better way to ,erVe it. than as ('1("( '[141141- Anti bl',0VVII Corn - 1)1 1, 41 'i(t 1 'se to fill cab-. • hage ,4•.1\ es..Sauce Heat 2 cups tomato !,lice with 2 -tablespoons - flu:0;4.r Pwir 40.er "abl)a,e • cabbage rolls This dish originated in Ed rope, pa r • Selecting titularly in Hungary and tht Ukraine. Tender cabbage leavesstuffed with a savor; meat and rice mixture and baked in a tobiato sauce. Quite often it was necessary tO omit the meat from the filling for the sake of e«momy. The Greeks and the Lebanese ser- ved a similar dish made. with grape leaves. • Cabbage rolls have become a favorite with Canadians in recent vears: ,The home ecorwmi,sts- Kgricu Li re Canada suggest thc.z to prepare this marvellous dish suc- cessfully, you might follow the method which they have developed in their experimental kitchen. CABBAGE ROLLS - Remove the coarse outer leaves and ('ore from the cab• bage, saving the c:oarse leaves. • Pour enough boiling :water into 'the hollow to almosit cover the cabbage.Cover and siMmer un- „ til the leaves become loft and • transparent (about 20 minutes). If only the outeralleaves can be removed, continue ,simmering broc4o1i in 'boiling water. As until' all the leaves can easily . s:t r.to-g-e,r f1- ¥1(4- be removed. Split the large vegetables, cook with the lid off. leaves in .half reMoving the':en As with all vegetables cook mi ter rib. Place one-quarter cup of. filling on each cahhage leaf. ,As ' if making an enverope, fold„ the rib side of. the leaf over the filling, fold ends iri and roll up to enclose thefilling. Place some of the coarse leaves on the bottom of the baking dish. and then place a laver of cab- bage rolls on these, sprin,kling-. with salt and pepper. Repeat to make two or three layers of cabbage rolls. Pour the sauce over and cover with the „ remaining coarse cabbage leaves. Cover and bake at :156°F until cahhage is tender .4 1 1/2 to 2 hours). Serve with crisp Macon or sour cream if desired. 'Makes about 2 cab- bage rolls or 8 servings. - The filling recommended by the' home economists is very simple,.'et delicious and 'allows you to use a variety of meat - lamb, veal, Ivor or pork. M1 and cooking broccoli The hr-' role is to pick a 1ooking:1)1.in) h of broccoli. Make sure it has dark green lea\ es and -stalks, as4%01 4s tightly- Hosed and fresh -looking buds Generally. the colour of tht.1)tids may he a (lark. pur- piA or sage green, dependir,m. -On .ft -hi -1,- - To,prepare broccoli. remove loaves, cut off tough. parts of the .talk, and plunge the vegetable up and down in .oad waterfor a few minutes ito remove any .san(1):" It the stalks are thick, split them lengthwise to the buds. This re4uces the cooking time for the stalks, solving the problem of overcooked broccoli buds. Let brol•coli straight• up during cook:ing. Drop it, stalkfirst, first, into rapidly boiling water. By doing . so, the stalks cook while the tender buds are only -t4,-a[440(1 and not overcooked. As with all. vegetables, cook FILLING .-FOR CABBAGE ROLLS • 1 cup finely choppeel onion 2 tablespoons fat 1 pound minced Iamb (beef, veal or pork). 2 teaspoons salt. 4/4 teaspoon pepper 3 cups cooked rice - Saute onion in fat until tran- sparent.. Add '-meat and til just 40 ride and serve pr4)441- ptly. Properly 4•00ked broccoli has an attractive. br.ight green color and pleasant flavor. Rhubarb adds color to winter meals Winter rhubarb is grown in "sunless'' hothouses under stricpaue t temertrand humidity „controls to ensure a product of highest quality. Fresh winter rhuharh adds sparkle and color as tangy flavor to winter meals., It is -available from. the firs,,f. of January to the first. of May, say fo�d specialists at the Ontario 'Food Council, Ministry of Agriculture and Food.. When buying or storing rhubarb, take special care to prevent wilting and preserve flavor. If possible, purchase cellophane-offrapped, trimmed rhubarb from- cooled. produce counters. Soul(' you purchase unwrapped and untrimmed winter rhuharh, cut iliff-leaves, wash the stalks in cold water, and store in plastic hags in the refrigerator crisper. • -4 FailLIIIIIIS Spree!Savings luta Low Prices -Absolutely Nolompromise n,Quality CHRISTIES OREO 1” LB, PKG. 92c JANE PARKEk Hot Cross Buns DIXIE BRAND, PIECES IL STEMS Mushrooms DUNCAN HINES, 13 VARIETIES Cake Mixes A&P POLY TEA ,.. BAGS (PKG OF 6 43c) "'AKER, CHEESE FLAVOUR, DOG FOOD ' pkg of 12 79Ken -L - Ration 72 -oz pkg st99 QUICK OZ OR INSTANT 44 -OZ 3 10tins $1.00 c' Quaker Oats Pkg 64' SPAGHETTI, PENNE RIGATI, RIGATONE, Lancia Pastas CEREAL Shreddies NABISth NABISCO (ACTION PRICED) 19 -oz box 4951 ROTINI, STIVALETTI Shredded Wheat • 2 pkg 47? 24 -oz box 6 2 fit 15 -oz b0.48? TOMATO 31 -cr. CHICKEN NOODLE I -oz, BEEF NOODLE I ',or ONION 1.oz, GREEN PEA 478 -oz Liptons Cup A Soup pkg 4151 MIX & MATCH, Green Giant, Green Sweet Peas, Cream Style Corn .ITCHEN SLICED. GREEN BEANS Vegetables 5 lo.floz 1ms $1.00 POST CtREAL Sugar Crisp SPAGHETTI OR READY CUT MACARONI Catelii Pastas (ACTION PRICED) 13 -oz pkg 565/, (ACTION PRICED) 2 -lb pkg 435/ . A Superb Blend of 100% Brezilies Coffee Ground to Order! ActionPriced! 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE ib'alpg 8351 pauctvisowv_ ------ IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 141k, 1973 WHERE ECONOMY ORIGINATES King size— 5-lirbox Actionpriced! CANADA DRY GINGERALE 4 30 OZ. BOTTLES PLUS DEPOSIT 9c • GAINSBOROUGH, FROZEN BREAD • DOUGH • Prepriced $1.79 A SUPERB BLEND OF (00% BRAZILIAN COFFEE 8 O'CLOCK Instant Coffee 4O -oz dm% - ° 0 16 -oz loaves pkgs_ •of 2 $ PORK LOIN QUARTERS CUT INTO • 2 LOAVES TO A PKG) FRESH, SHANK OR BUTT PORTION ROAST 9 to 11 Chops in pkg. No centre slices removed SUPER-R'GHT RED BRAND GRADE "A" BEEF (NATURALLY AGED '-- GOVERNMENT INSPECTED) McOUAIDE BRAND, 3 VARIETIES, STEAK, TOURTIERE. CHICKEN lb 98? Meat Pies pkg of two 4 -oz pies 38111 Beef Brisket BONE IN lb 48r/ SHOPSY BRAND, All Beef Wieners 1 -Ib vac pac 74,1( SHOPSY BRAND — FAMOUS FOR QUALITY — COLE SLAW OR ^ RNS BRAND, eTORE PACK Ib 6v Potato Salad 24 -oz carton 6.8? Beef & Pork Sausages SCHNEIDERS BRAND, SMOKED, COOKED, BONELESS TOWN CLUB Hams 2/2 TO 31/2 -LBS SX BRAND, FAMILY PACK, Cold Cuts SLICED 16 oz vac pac FROZEN (10-18 BOX) Chicken Legs Ib 58ii HIGHYNER BRAND, FROZEN. BOSTON 16 oz pkg 49fi Bluefish Fillets LORO, CAESAR'S CHOICE Dinner Hams AVERAGE Ib $11•38 Pizza Pie Wieners. 2 -Ib vac pac $1.07 26-qz pkg 98? ANTISEPTIC . (ACTION'PRICED) (SAVE 10c) Listerine MOUTHWASH 24 ft oz btl $1,39 ORIOLE BRAND Margarine al& 1 LB. PKGS. 4 9c r scgisTit (CPOCOLATE COATED MARSHMALLOW PIES) (ACTION PRICED) Big Daddy Cookies 14 -oz Pkg47? TUCK bRA41, PLASTIC Garbage Bads 3 pkgs of 10$1.00 Canada No. 1 Grade Mexican Vine Ripened TOMATOES 3 z: $1.00 Bakery Savings! I • siE pA aims ci irrts CTION RAISIN BREAD PRICED) (BUY 4 LOAVES -- SAVE 24c) 416 -oz loaves $ 00 JANE PAR'!ER (FLAKY CRUST. PILED HIGH. WITH JUICY APPLE SLICES! Apple Pie A full 8 -inch, 24 -oz pie 4551 JANE PARKER '(ACTION PRICED) (SAVE 10c) English Fruit Cake 111 9 -oz cake 39? JANE PARKER (ACTION PR'CED) (BUY 3 Pt(OS — SAVE 17c) Bran Muffins „,, pkgs of 6 $1.00 JANE PARKER, RAISIN TWIST (ACTION PRICED) (SAVE 14c) Coffee Cake 14.0k ci,e 39ji JANE PARKER, PLAIN, SUGAR, CINNAMON (BUY 3 PKGS .,--. SAVE ec) Cake Donuts' - 3 pkgs of 12 $1.00 4, The new Funk &Wagnalls encyclopedias vaunt vOLUMIS 11Sows *CW Now Available at A&P WEOI