HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-02-22, Page 15THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1973
Naturally one of the most ob preparations, is the costume
vious concerns -in carnival preparation.
Very early after the theme
has been decided, designs are
drawn up for each of the group
and solo numbers.
As the Goderich F.S.Club is'
one of several`°clubs in the area
in the Maitland Group it is
using similar themes to that of
the, other- Clubs in this group..
Costume co-ordinator for the
c�t}h� in the Maitland Grouis
Mrs. ATme graven of Goderich.
She works very closely with the
h . professionals in the designing
of costumes.
As eac;.h of the clubs in this
Maitland Group are using
similar themes each club is
then designated is being
responsible for the costumes .for
certain routines.
The Carnival Chairman is
then responsible ofor ensuring
that the Chairman of the.
Costume Committee • i5
prepared along with her com-
mittee to have her section of
the • costuming completed in
plenty of time for the carnivals
in each of the areas involved in
tt;e Maitland Group.
M_rs.• Raithby has had very
dedicated help in this respect
from Mrs. Shirley Surridge and
many talented mothers .who
donated their time in preparing
costumes for this event.
In addition to this, some of
the specialty costumes are
created by Mrs. Craven.
There is no. doubt that
costuming is certainly the
highlght of the performance
and this year promises to be no
In the Junior Carnival
•Dorothy will, he seen looking
very, lonely and feminine in a
colourful dress and a full waltz
length skirt.
The Lion and Toto, the dog,
will look very realistic in one
liiere jump suits with ap;
propriate headpieces.
The Mclns, the wonder
ful creatures who inhabit Oz
will be seen
uninhkdazzling -printed
pants or skirts with green tops
with printed accessories.
(continued on page 11A)
t4 OZ. $l
. OZ. BTI&
Anna at the Court of Siam"
and "The Wizard of Oz"
eines of this dears carnival
e 1973 edition of the
erich Figure Skating Car -
1 is really two carnivals in
The Senior section of the
entation is called Anna at
Court of Siam. It is direc-
and choreographed by
for Club professionals Mr..,
Mrs. Bruce Brady.
e theme is derived from
true story of Anna
nawans, an English
olteacher and her son who
t to the court of King
keet of Siam in the. 18th
ury. it was the King's wish
she teach many of the
g's. wives and children the
anced knowledge and ,
cation of the ,Western
he King displays a stubborn
nnical and half childish
onality. At the same time
can he charming and
becomes a struggle bet -
n two strong personalities
Anna puts modern , beliefs
technologiesagainst the
dent rituals and customs of
this section .of the
ramme, there are 13 num- -
involving the Intermediate
Senior skaters. Some of
music used in the Senior
nival is from the sound -
k "The King and I".
ere are just a few of the
v selections involved: My
d find Master, I'm Not
id, Getting to Know You,
lo , Young hovers,,
ething Wonderful 'and -
11 We Dance.
e Junior part of the car -
l_ is a presentation of the
dren's story "The Wizard of
The club's Junior In-
tctor, Mr. Dan 'Carey
uced and choreographed
for the show. •
he Wizard of Oz" is a
•ern day fairy tale about a
e girl in Kansasywho with
dog?lived with her Aunt
and Uncle Henry. One
t while asleep, a cyclone
I es and wisks Dorothy and .
dog Toto in,o the magical
hile in, Oz she meets
ontinued on page 11A)
One of the pretty dancing girls in the Court of Siam is Sheila Vance shown here with° her
costume headpiece on.
Pam Craven and Rusty Ormandy as Anna and the King are seen here rehearsing their
dance routine.
One needs only to spend a
few minutes talking about car-
nival preparation with the Club.
Professional, to realize the
tremendous amount of plan-
ning and organ zation fhiTire
is responsible for.
Mr. Bruce Brady, the Senior
Professional of the Goderich
F.S. Club states -that the first
matter to he decided is that of
the themes for the Junior and
Senior Carnivals.
This is often decided at the
end of one skating season so
that some ground work and
research can be done during the
off season.
In the case of the Goderich
Club, Mr. Dan Catey is corn
pletely in charge of the Junior
Carnival and Mr. Bruce Brady,
with the assistance of his wife
Fran responsible for the
After the themes have been
selected, appropiate music must
be found. Depending on the
..,theme, there may be available,
the sound track of the movie or
the Broadway production.
Other appropriate pieces and
semi -classical selections may
also he used.
Each Isrofessional in plan-
ning the solo and group num-
bers centered around his
theme, tries to plan a show of
About one hour in duration.
Thus -the two carnivals plus An
intermission would run about
21!2 hrs. ,
DOZ.. 1
of the rett4)."""inersa
in tiM is►nbr haft of tMr dears'King of Slam, Pam Craven as Anna, Debbie Jeffrey as a Prin:
n►ival rs 11 M; Becky Crawford as Lady Thiang, cess and Pat Craven as the English Ambassador.
ki mem, as the Crown Print', Rusty Ormandy as the "
Once the Professional is
satisfied with the music he has
chosen, it is., put in order and
taped.Mr. Brady estimates that
this procedure takes between 4
to 5 hours. I-lowever this time is
well worth it as it keeps the en-
tire musical score well
organized and creates very few
problems on carnival night.
Gone are the days cif records
that skipped or cracked just At
a crucial. moment!
Following this the solo mem-
bers are cast. This quite
naturally . is once again. the
decision of, tine club pro. i -le
goes over the music with each
solo performer as well as with
the group members, and plans
their routines to suit the music
Many, practice sessions then
follow in order for the skaters
to polish up their routines and
also to become completely
Every regal court needs Dancing Girls. Here are two that will enhance the Court of the King
of Siam. Left to right Mary Harper and Sheila Vance.