HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-02-22, Page 8PAGE $-,-- GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22. 1973 On Friday February 16, the North Street United Church was the scene of the Grand Chapter of the Order of Eastern Star District 5 reception to honour the Grand Marshall and Of- ficers. They are left to right front row: Sheila Anderson, Weston, Eldon Matches, Gravenhurst, Mabel Mackereth, Toronto, Shirley Thrasher, Amherstburg, Arnold Henry, Hamilton and Edna Dobbs, Belleville. Second row left to right; Violet Whitfield, Stoney Creek, Ila. Dickson, Scotland, Betty YulI, Lansdowne, Norma Hackett, Stayner, Elizabeth Ford, Willowdale, Jean Campbell, Mount Bridges, and Mrs. Dockstader, Goderich. The third row is as follows: Marjorie Japp, Thamesville, Vivian Overholt, Wheatly, Dulcie Fotheringham, Kitchener, and Howard Noble of Creemore. KINGSBRJDGE KAPERS Miss Mary Luanne Clare, daughter -of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clare, placed first in the Junior Division (grades up to Grade 6) at the Legion Public Speaking Contest held in the Lucknow Legion Hall on Friday, February 16th. Mary Luanne topped 8 other con- testants with her speech, "MY TRIP TO THE MARITIMES," and will advance to,the Legion zone finals which will be held on Saturday, March 3rd in Ripley. Miss Donna Frayne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Frayne, placed third in the Senior Division •(grades 7 and 8) in the same competition. The topic of her speech "THE OLYMPIC GAMES". The ,chairman was Mr. Donald Cameron, Assistant Principal at Brookside School: Judges were: Mrs. Eileen Palmer of the Goderich Council, Mr. Bob Wright, an English Teacher at the Goderich District Collegiate Institute and Mr. Ed. Brown, teacher at the Ripley District High School.' Miss ..Mary AnnFrayne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene ' Frayne placed second in the Junior Division (grades 9' and 10) in the Legion Speaking Contest held at the Goderich District Collegiate Institute.. Her speech was on "AN- TIQUES 'OF THE HURON COUNTY MUSEUM". Peter Frayne, G.D.C.I.'son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald, Frayne placed 6th, competing against other area Secondary Schools in ,a Spanish—C.ontest--held• in London on February 14. Congratulations to these 4 young people. " Instead of buying Valentines, the pupils of St. Joseph's Kingsbridge, contributed an equivalent amount of money to "HOLY CHILDHOOD". Over $35.00 was ,donated to such a worthy cause. The Grade 6 pupils held a surprise Birthday ' Party for their teacher, Mrs. Karla Hogan. Little 8 year old ,Peter Doherty, son of Mr. and Mrs: Frank Doherty' is home froth Sick Children's Hospital, Lon don,ancLback_.attendi ng.-classes— at school. Ronald Moran, son of Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Moran suffered carbon monoxide poisoning when his father was working on a car .,motor with the doors closed. Ronnie •was rushed to the, Alexandra Marine and General Hd'spital, Goderich where he was given oxygen and kept one day for observation. Vacationing here during the mid winter break were: Paul Frayne, Waterloo Lutheran University, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Frayne. Francis Hogan, Ridgetown Agricultural 'College. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Howard, and Donald Boak, same college, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jom Boak. Casey 'Steltenpool of London spent the week visiting with - his friends, Francis Hogan and Donald Boak. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Chilton (Maureen Dalton) and Bert Chilton of Waterloo visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dalton this past weekend. Miss Marguerite O'Connor of Whitby visited last week at the home of her uncle, Raymond Dalton and Terry. _Raymond returned tQ Whitby on Sunday with his niece and will remain. this week visiting with his sister, Mrs. Marjorie O'Connor and family Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Chilton (Maureen Dalton) and Bert Chilton of Waterloo visited with Mr. • and Mrs. Mark Dalton this past weekend. Miss Marguerite O'Connor of Whitby visited last week at the home of her uncle, Raymond Dalton and Terry. Raymond returned to Whitby on Sunday with his niece and will remain this week visiting •with his sister Mrs. Marjorie O'Connor and family. Bradley and Tracey Lynn Black are spending a few days with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Drennan while their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Black (Jean Drennan) are vacationing in Nashvil-le, Tennessee. : Miss Denise Dalton, Guelph University, visited . this week end at'the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mark. Dalton. Mr. Alvin Moran and family visited Mrs. Moran, a patient in the University Hospital, Lon- don, on Sunday. We wish her a speedy recovery. , On their way to tfie GoRlericlr Arena on Sunday morning for a KINTAIL FLYERS hockey game, Raymond Hogan, Douglas Scott and Gary McQuillan saw smoke' coming out of Clet Dalton's barn.they. SNOWMOBILERS! FOR FUN AND ENJOYMENT ITS HULLY GULLY awoke the Dalton family and were able to control the flames by pouring water on the bur- ning beams and floor. Mr. Bill Drennan and son Randy of St. Catharines were weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Drennan and family. On Saturday evening Bill suffered a stroke and was rushed by ambulance to the' Wingham and District General Hospital and on to London. We wish him a speedy recovery. Congratulations to Warren Zinn who received the "SALESMAN of the Year Award" from Wilfred McIntee and Company, Limited, Real Estaite. -Warren was the top salesman with the firm in 1972, topping 60 salesmen. Mr. and Mrs. Zinn were the recipients of a vacation for 2. Warren was also , pr'esented with an engraved peri and clock set fol', his outstanding achievement. The „Federation of Agriculture held their annual meeting and banquet at the Brookside School on Wed- nesday, February 14. 130 per- -sons -.sat -down to -a-dressed-pork- supper. Executive for the coming year is: president, Vin- cent Austin, 1st vice, Ralph Foster, secretary, Mrs. Harvey Livingston, directors, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hendricks, Mr. and_ Mrs. Merle Gunby, Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Logtenburg and Harvey Livingston. - Bingo: An enthusiastic crowd attended the' bingo at, St. Joseph's Parish Hall on Friday eve zrng: Whiners oT the- cash bingo games we Jim VanOsch, . Marguerit'Con- nor, Jim VanOsch, John O'Keefe, Bernie VanOsch, Maureen Chilton, Shawn Dalton, Art Simiison, Denise ' Dalton, Maureen Chilton ( con- solation) - C. Doherty; SHARE THE,, WEALTH: Mrs. Blaise Martin. Art Simpson (consolation) - Bridget Dalton and . Henry VanDyke. Winner of the door prize: Miss Marguerite O'Con- FRIoAY NIGHT - FAMILY NIGHT 8:00 p.m. Torchlight trail run, campfire and weiner roast fun for the whole family Admission 81.00 per machine, members free SATURDAY NIGHT DANCE 10:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. to the music of THE WAYSIDERS ry YOUR EVENING HOSTS MONA and RALPH STEPHENSON DANCING, LUNCH and REFRESHMENTS 812.00 COUPLE 810.00 MEMBER COUPLES nor of Whitby, Ontario. Frank Riegling, Raymond Hogan, Ambrose Redmond and Donald Rae Scott motored to Archibald, Ohio, last Tuesday for the machinery sale. On the way home they stopped at the Anderson Fertilizer plant in Maumee, Ohio Miss Nolda Miitenburg,. of Owen Sound was a recent visitor at the • home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ries Miltenburg.• Jim Frayne, Eric Drennan and Michael Hogan have com- menced work at the Good Roads in Goderich,. and Paul O'Donnell at Huron Acoustic • Industries, Limited, Clinton. Mrs. Ant -one VanOsch- was the winner of a "DINNER FOR TWO" on the "ONE" contest heard on C.K.N.X. rade ►" Congratulations. Mr. Larry Million and friend Lynn Austin,' Barry and Marlowe Austin spent the week end in Drayton visiting at the home of. Mr. and- Mrs. Ron Durnin (Audrey Austin). Plans are being made by the Catholic Women's League to —sponsor—a- Ca-rd—Party—in—the— Parish' ard—Party --itrthe " Parish Hall this coming Friday evening,. February 23 at 8:30 p.m., Mny interested spectators from this area waited with hun- dreds.in a long afternoon "TO GO, TO JAIL" It was Open House at the Huron `County Jieil and it was interesting to see -inside the cells for a ' few minutes and not to have the door cl sed -and locked: It is the only jail of its kind left- in- On- - tario and_most visitors felt that if any part of the exercise wall was rerrioved something unique would be lost forever. BE A BLOOD DONOR FINAL ON WINTER CLOTHl;NG' JEANS Special Group 1 /3 OFF I• 4 SWEATERS Pullovers & Cardigans Sizes Med. to XL , Price 1 /2 DRESS. ,, - • SHIRTS Special group, Reg. to 812.00 ,, 4 9 8 ea WINTER JACKETS Reduced to clear . uP to 2OFF .. Pickell & Campbell titer "The Stere for, Mete CLINTON • • . ' .. GODERICH one of these specially , • low priced winter bargains 0 LOCAL TRADEMARKS, Inc. Every 'car equipped with 1973 License plates and warranty 1972 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN, Sedan, 350 V-8, automatic, power steering, power disc brakes, radio, rear defogger, tinted windshield, new first line belted white walls. Lic. No. DHC 020 $3195. 1972 FIRENZA SL Two door coupe, deluxe topline model with automatic, white walls, wheel discs, stereo payer, bucket seats, console, 13,000 mites, excellent economy car, Lic. No. FH F 380 $1995. 1972 FORD LTD Two door hardtop, V-8, automatic, power steering, power disc brakes, radio, white walls, 12,000 miles. Lic. No: K49451. $3695. 1969 PONTIAC PARISIENNE" Two door hardtop, 350 V-8, automatic, power .._..,_._-----._ - steering, ing, power brakes, deo,"allwsmart-green finish With -White- viny�o . DHD 94#. - $1795. ::: :•.•X �. ..... y;�,• ::: ��:'`?.ff.•`:%:s :arc::;>'t:i•'•::.";' f' .` '''` ��' • r :: ; � • ,} {. •�a 1971 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN Sedan, 350 V-8, Altornatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, vinyl top, white walls, wheel disc. Lic. No. DHD 992 $2395. 1971 M CADILLAC SEDAN DEVILLE A beautiful bronze luxury auto, with power. windows, 6 way` power seat, power trunk, padded vinyl top, AM/FM Stereo radio, tilt . and telescopic steering wheel,lm- maculate inside and out. A great buy. Lic. No. DHD 887. 1971 PONTIAC LEMANS SPORT Convertible, 350-V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, bucket seats, console, roller wheels, radio, 15,000 Actual Miles. As new. Lic. No..DHD 995 $3195 a writing 1971 FORD CUSTOM Sedan, V-8, automatic, power steering, radio, white walls, wheel discs. Lic. No. DHD 991 $1995. 1970 GALAXIE 500XL CONVERTIBLE 429 V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, power windows, radio, custom stereo player, beputiful brown with white top and interior; Lic. No. DHD 889. ' $2195. 1968 CHEV IMPALA SUPER SPORT Two door hardtop, V-8, automatic, power.steering, power brakes, radio, bucket seats, console, smart red finish with black vinyl top., Llc. DHD 890 . . $1595' 1970 GMC HALF TON Fleetside pickup, 350 V-8, automatic, power steering, power- brakes; customcab,tinted glass, radio, chrome package85878E, rear bumperguards, H -D suspension, Lic. No. $2195 4, 1 !.E- -970_ BUIL A _ -- - I� S Sedan, lookp and drives like new. 350 V-8 automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, tinted windshield, . white walls, wheel discs, 86,000 miles.-Lic. No. DHD 990 $1995 1967 DOGE POLARA Sedan, V-8, automatic, radio, body and interior like new, excellent family transportation. Lic. No. DHD 994 $950. 1966 DODGE POLARA 880 Two door hardtop, V-8, automatic, power steering, vinyl top, radio, white' walls, wheel discs. This car is way-. , above average. Lic.. No. 67126L $895 1967 FORD GALAXIE 500 Two door hardtop, 390 V-6, automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, a one owner car in above average condition,' nicely styled. Lic. No. K47705 $895 ti testan run C( at C manic' ,red 1 Publi' cjatio • Festi ons, or ,r imp' 01001 h each Ove hi by a' by -411 stage of h , by :ge of In by t p t u a f tes in hon i erich tute w at. Con ill. P .nt, PI omptu h on •r spee Prepare Elle ent, t pions oceedi coe, w six co er prt Finals C Ir • o men tling t. four Tories i Sat'ur CoIIE Ginr pound nelly.m d clan CO SA sa