HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-12-14, Page 1131. VOL. VI ,1111/Alir01.•,•1•12. eaff larmasaricemantop •36:6•A•M*PY. EXETER, ONTARIO" THURSDAY , .DECEMBER 14, 189S. +•,...**Mrosionsomarrrneer The Molsons Bank. (Chartered by Parliament, 1855.) Paid up Capital ............$2,000,000 Let Fund , ... 1,200,000 Head office Montreal. FOVVOL,FERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., GENERAL MANAiIIIt Money advania,1 ducal Farmer's on their own notes NV..".1, one or more endorsers at 7 per cent per aril -Jura. Exeter , Branch, Opeii every lawful dit.r from .1141 a. xn.to 3 p. m., Saturdays 10 a. m. to 1 P.m Agenera.1 banking, business transacted CITEMENT RATES allowedfor mon- ey on Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at 3 per Cal t, N. DYER IIURDON EXeter. Jan 28, '88.. Sub Manager. 4.14.,...:1,60I4.2,60.1..11241..••••••••••••IMMIIIIMRULLE.11a6.69.1.1•••••/A•LOI.• THE buorate Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN STREET EXETER. the --- ADVOCATE, PUBLISHING COMOANY, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, t One Dollar per annum if paid in Advanee. $1.50 if not so paid. .a.ii•Irevtlulri.e. at or). .2.3.1=7,3.1ca- tiori. No pp..per discontinued until all arrearages are nawl. Ad-vortisem ants without specific directions will be published till forbid and charged, amoral:41y. Liberal diseon nt made for transcient veriesomee te inserted for long Periods, Every description of JOB PR iNTIN G'Orned out in the finest style, and. at modifiato rates. Chequeson oney ord- ers. &e. for advertising, subseriptions , et c. o be madepaya hie to Sanders St.Dyer MOPEUEOTBS Chureli DireetorY- TR-CV-ITT 1111t0RIAL Caracif.--Rev, F It. Fait. Rector. Sunday Services, 1.1 a. m and 7 p.m. Sabbath. School, 8 p.. in, Holy Comm union, ist Sunday of each month at Morning Service, and intoonths of li-ve Sun- days after Evening Service of fth Sunday of the month, Holy Baptism. on 2nd Sunday of each month at morning service. ISETILOO1ST Cannon -James -St , Rev •.T. G. .7A.C1SSON Pas t o riSun dayS eryiee s, 10,30 a xn and, 8.80 n. m. Sa bbath School, 2.80 p. m. MATS STircus•T Rev. Ny• moDonao,'Past- or. San daIServices, L030 a.m.. and 9.30 p.m Sabbath Se 001210 P. Pf .SBVTERIAfi C111111C11,-I18y. W. Martini Pa • Sunday Services, 11 a.m. aud 0,80 p, .bath School 9.45 a. in ./71 ORAN 1,4•••••••WP•••.••••••••••••2•140,01R•07•191..•••••0•••••••••••tr. • JErofestnional Cards. H.RINSM4N,L.D.5,Panson'3 Block, two doors north of Carling Store , fug rx ST, EXETER, ex tracts teeth without pain, Away at Henson on St Friday; Aliso Craig on 2nd and. 4th Tuesday d,..A'urich on last Thursday of each month •••4112C1.6.44•41110••••••••••••••••M•P.113•40.,* OE1. IGIiAM. Dm -miss, Member Royal College Dental Surgeons, succesSor to H. L. Billings. Office over Post Office Exeter, Ont. A safe anaesthetic given for the Trainless extraction of teeth. Pine Gold Fillluirs as required. ma.. Immo...en rommmnr... weenewmwenravers•wmatortraorm, Medical •DIS' S. A.. ROLLINS & T A. AMOS. firasideneee,, same as formerly OFFICES, Spaeltm an, building, Main St. Dr, Rollins' office; sante as formeriy-north door, Dr. -Amos' office, same building -south door. May 1St. 1893 J. A Rollins, M. D. T. A, Ames, AI. D MoLATJGRLIN,„ MEMBER OF the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Acconch- eur. Office, Dashwood, Ont. njj•••••••..•••11SMIPAP••••••••”* ri EL COLLINS, BARRISTER,SOLICIT,. _Lt. 011, Conveyaneer'Notary Public. Office -Over O'Neil's Bank,Exoter, Ontario. Money to Loan. ' L11.1;ACKSON,BARRISTER,SOLICIT012, is of Siiprome Co.ttrt,Notary Public, Con - wearer, nClsoorn,n%Issioner, &o. Money to loan Fa Mock:Exeter. RLT.aoT &.ELLIOT, BARRISTEPS,, soma itors eYa.Pme_liEteERICK ELLIOT. Anotloneers BROWN‘Winchelsea. Licensed Allot - Lis ioneer for theSountida of 'Perth and Middlesex, also for the township:of Usborne Sales promptly attended to and. terms rea- soithale.Sales arranged. at Post office. Win- chelsea. BOSSENBERRY, Henson 0ntario. Lie- ensed Auctioneer for the Counties of Huron and Perth. Charges moderato and. satisfaction guaranteed. • B.ED. W. FARNCOMB, Proyincial Land ,.:,...5.112._-ve-yor and Civil E'ngineer. Office, Offfee, Main,stniet, Exeter, Ont. Eitiq!sT ELLIOT . AffENT P012 The Western Fire Assurance Company, of Toronto The Phamix Fire Insurance Co'y., of London England The Alliance Fire Assurance. Co'y.; of London, England Officei-Main -street, Exeter, Ont. mr.cr. EXETER MARKETS. (Changed every Wednesd ay) ' Wheat per bushel— ... $0.56 to 0.58 Barley .......................35 to 37 Oats. .....,... 27 to 28 Peas . 50 to 51 Butter ...... . 18 to 20 Lard............ ....,. . 13 to 14 Tallow, ... ...... 5 to 6 Egge • 16 Chicken per 'lb.,' 5 to 6 Geese , 6 Turlseys.... , 9 Ducks, ,per paie, a 5 to 60 Pork . „.. fa *ors 41••*1•1, 6.90 to 6.00 Potatoes per nue ..... 35 to 40 Hay per ton .......... .. 6,00 to 7,50 Piste§ Remedy for Catarrh IS the 130F34 VOMOOt to Use and Cheapest. I Sold by drugglets or sent by mali. See,9L P. Romaine. WarYan, King William, of Wurtemburg is suffering fetal infineriza. E XMAS 1 893 p9rmAs 'MAR. HAI As we hear jingle of the Sleigh,Bells„ it reminds us of the approach of another Christmas. Our greetings are --Christmas Bargains. They arc desirable and relia- ble; come in and be pleasantly surprised. Gifts for little and hig. . VA . '17101 FEIEI‘ a ,...igazossagx, tli Pi 4 I have added a line of artistic Vases importectdirect from A.ustria, suitable for holi- rit clay gifts. You are cordially invited to ex,ainine these goods. .. - L if?. ,...x.:-.-,-.0, - sittlax.seitafratratfittzez Ar-430...4S4.41t-ef .-,,11, I1..,,,,,,,ak4aczar_litt , X IITAS -1 890 9 •'—"•• reftiablregiVERRIMISIIIEntalffielt Kt STOOK OF Watches, Clocks, Jewelry; Silvervvarcl 8pectac1es, Ect; is unusually large. They Alto buy first" get the choice of bargains My stoe,k is ahead of all others. VOLIZASSONiiitaSEENVAA,4,SOMMIZA R. Himics, TCH AKER • • • • • • • • • • 1. • SilaCCULK=Va•ercAcreammt ORRIVREMTMPRTIMStIESMTSENti, 591-MitigiN BRING YOUR REPAIRING to headquarters, I make a specialty of watch repairing of , kthcls, Wolk en- trusted to me is eertain to. receive careful treatment, IUM11097,4ZSZEZEMIARatailigiZZISKeigagi'VI p • • Central &phone Office. SO.FT ELM WANTED. A large quantity of soft elm logs wanted at OTIO(3 S.t the Exeter Saw Mills, for vrhich the highest cash price will he paid. . Mims, Gour,n hursday tniteh noprOved-Mr A . . . , „ ALE Rto-isTE.a. tars, who rocen GI V arrived riere from the old eountry, took possession TuusPAY, 1')E0. t- 12 o'clock sharp, on • ' er, Farm Stock, Im 'dements. Household and. 1\,,-..1,..,A,Tatt. Eggagg agg R. meRgeg H. 13n °will& A. T. 110x,r,1118, Auctioneers. SOn, Of FellS1111, epent'Snudagitt town. - 'Mr. A. 'Yelper vieited. Berlin a, few FARM POii SA.LE-100 ..A.C11ES• . days last aid' this week. ---Miss B. not SeCoeecesion 2, ehee 0011141i -14g Delve, of LondOn, visiting under the Estenhen and, le located just 2 miles frinn f 'I • ell 21.11i.wing from la grippe,. who underweet •a surgical operation mid medical treatment at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, arrived horrie on Lot 2.i, Co neession't, one mile north of txot- of the Devon Hotel on -Monday Furniture etc. ABU, NV.A.T,F211, PrOpiettrr11 • • 100 acres. This is one of the bjst farms saroutalroof.-Mr, Wm Davidson and Centralia lo ur froll) Exeter and 3,4 Mile 810 111 Y ate e a sall°°1" ArEs' WALTER Mr Daniel eicice tieketed by Ca Centralia P. 0 - • - Kenip, left on Monday last for the old. 'COTTON SALE OF 'VALUABLE PAW& IN TILE TOWNSHIP OF" S'CEPHEN, eonli v Georpee Beaman is eon timid to the house with :tit attack of la grippe -Dr elincis Ls somewhat on the meed, but it will be some timebefore he will be a nle to etteisd tohis medical duties. -Air. George Davis, who sprain- ed his tinkle vor.v severely some time O go, is progressing fa vorably.-Wm Brooks, London Road, who has been very ill for several days, 18 recovering. -Henry Hockey, of Alma. Mich., for- merly of Centre .c is visi ing blends in and around Exeter. --Mall K. Kins- man leaves to day, (Thursday) fo'r Sar- ida where he will open out an office and practice deutistry, wieh Mr, H. every success in his new sphere, - Mr. Thomas Bissett, of Clearwatenalan. arrived home on Tueday, -Mrs. Nelson Hooper and daughter, Olive are visit- ing. relatives here and will reinain until spring. -Mr. James Millegis in charge of Mr. Geo. Manson's shoe shop owing. to Mr. Maneon beingscon fine,d to his bed eke Not miles et. with grippe, Mrs. Manson is also af The At Home and 'sale of week at flictedbwith the same disease. 'I'rivitt Church Hall on Tuesday night, 19th inst. - • 'Varna. A.i4ovei AdvertiSentent. Last spring an egg packer at B11.1S- sels wrote a note something like the following on one of the eggs he was handling: "Will the party who gets this egg kindly correspond with Wm. .Grewar, Brussels, as he is looking for a partner. She must be goocnooking." Months rolled by and the incident was almost,forgotten, but the other day` a lettertearin,g the postmark of Glasgow, Scotland, was receiyed by Grewer reed- ing in substance thus:, "Pwrite to tell you that the egg came into my posses- sion, and being taken with the urdque way of adyertising for a partner I 'write to let you know that I received it. As to my good looks it would not do for me to easy, but if you will' send me your photo I will send mine in re- turn and you can judge for yourself. Yours ti uly, Nellie Law." What the future may bring forth, the reporter of the'incident can only surmise. senool noard Minutes. Board meeting held Wednesday. Dec 6, '93, in Town Hall at 8 p,m, All members, prescnit. Minutes oUprevious Meeting read and approved. The fol- lowing resolutions were then duly car- ried. Per T. Fitton and E. Howard, that the following accounts be paid: E. rollick, miffing wood and sundries, 115 36; J. Taylor, italsomming, $7 10. B. Snyder's account for desks, $1,51 25, Greenway, be paid on certificate of the chairman. Per T Fitton and W. Weekes, that the enema' meeting be held in. the Town Hall, Dee. 27th, at 12 o'clock noon. Per T. Fitton and W. Treble, that Mr. M. Eacrett be invited to ace as chair: man, Per 1)r. Lutz, and. W. Wreek(-38, that Mr. W. Carling be auditor for the Bonrcl, Per W. Weekes and E. How- ard, that the books be closed for the current Year at 930 a.m. Tuesday. Dec. 27th, and that a special meeting of the Board be held at 10 a m, of the same day Per T. Fitton mid De. Lutz that tenders be invited for delivery of cedar posts required. Returnable ,Tan.. 1.5th, 1894, also that W. Treble be a committee to determine 'character of number required. Per T. Fitton, ad- ,joterinnent.-J, Grigg, seciy. 1PorS4onal NI-exit/0n . A Weicorne 'liroetmg was experiene ed at the residence of Mr. and Mrs, Jas. TOTT1 on Saturday morning when their two. laughters, Mrs, Wm. Sweet and Miss Mary Ann Tom arrived frOna Shelby vilje. Illinois, where they have resided for, the past throe years. They will not return until Spring. --Mr, Ar- dagh Stanheice, of Beandou, Man., who loft these parts ebont two years ago 00 100 backf, on Saterday. Ile intends remainingehere,-Mr. License y:spector, of Settferth, was in tbern on e aturday.-Me, Fetenle Toni, In the in atter of the Estate of James Wil- lis, late of the Village of Exeter, of the ty of Huron , Gentleman , deceased. And in ihe matter of Chttpter 108 of -the Revised Statutes of Ontario, known, as the Devolution of Estates Act, they will be sold. by public auction, on SATURDAY:, DE0EMBE1I 10711E, 1893, at the hour of 2 o'clock p.m., at the Central Hotel., in the Village of. Exeter (subject to such eonditions as shall then be produeed) the following property, yin -Lot number five (6) in the fourth (ith) concession of the ToWnship of Stephen, in the County of Hur- on, containing by admeasurement one hun- dred ames 400 acres) more or lees, This proper ty is one of the best grazing farms in the Township of Stephen, with good spring creek thereon, and. is about six miles frorrn Exeter and two miles from Cen- tralia. Terms made 'known at tim e of sale. Some chattels of the said deceased will be sold at the same time, ineluding an inva- lid's chair, etc, ' For further particulars apply tO Messrs, Thomas Willis & David Mill, Executors, or to Elliot & Elliott, Executors Solicitor§ Ex- eter. Mr. John Gill, Auctioneer. Dated 2951. Nov '98 - Per T. Fitton and E. Howard, that J. - A load of Royal Tempiars attended the Box Social held at Kippen on Weds nesday evg, last and report a very en- joyable time. The Kippen people had prepared Oki extensive'aild very inter- eeting program which AV(.18 well appre- ciated, particunirly the, temperance *elation delivered by Mi J. T. Westcott, of Eaeter.-La grippe is going its round here and several are suffering from the, rave ges of this malady. Our MO teachers were attacked by it, con sequently school wee closed for two days. -We are pleased to learn that both Mr. J. Armstrong and S. Moffat have madelalgood recoveg ;Ater a se- vere illness of some week" -Miss Lily Morrison who has been suffering with a severe attack of inflammation of the bowels with little hopes of her recovery, is according to lateet -reports doing favorably.,-Serviee•WaS dispensed with in the Methodist church on Sunday evglast, 08 18 is undergoing a thcrough renovation, Mr, W. etoneinan of Hen- sel]. has the contract. -Mr. Leech, of Bluevale, is at present the guest of his brother the Rev. Mr. Leech who has been ill for the past few e weeks. --Mes- srs, Geo, Haxby and John Murray. were the guests of Mr. Johe Wanless on Sun. day last. At the annual mebtieg of the Boston Methodist:Church held last Wednes- day night the following officers" were :elected for the ensuing year: W. J. Wilson, Supt.; James Young, Assistant Supt ; Jennie Whiteside, Secretary and Treaseteer ; Mrs. W. T, Mans, Organist; 'assistants; CH, Wilson, Jr., Librarian; Miss Lillie Brophy and Willie Wilson, Wilbert 'Youngs, Collector; Hannah, I Hutchinson, Rose Ule,ns, VVhitoside, Mrs, Ir. Ulens, Robert Hutchinson, Wm, ; Nicholas, C. H. Wilson, J, Young, Teachers. The school is in a very + prosperous condition, both spiritually and otherwise, haviecs paid out over $50 for Supplies and Cave, $22 cash on band -The Bible society meeting last, Friday night was well attended. The presideet, Mr: Thos. Jenninge, occupied the'ehair. The addeess delivered by Rev, .1, 1Thilip, IS,D,A, of tondcn, on his travels during'the year in tho holy leed was decidedly intereeting and ie. structive,--Mr, A. Gooding was aroueed ono night, last week 1331' sornething. tramping over the floor io hie room. On procuring a lighe ho. found a large PIO playing around as 11 110 was mon- arch of eU he surveyed, When killed he, meowed elearly 2 feet from snout to tip ef MeWilsen and Jet*" nwtt....; street Witter at it depth of 152 feet last Saturday on the farm of Rub en VSTi1un l'he water rose to .within est 35 feet of tilt top, showing they had struck a good spring. -C.„ a Wilson, Jr., has been eppoiated Deputy Return ing Officer for polling sub•division No, 6, Stephon, and R. HArmstroaig and T..Whiteside agents for the prohibitioa election to be held in school house No. 10 first day of Ji.inuary. People Can- ing theInSelveS ChriStians tied temper- ance men will be watched very closely this election. 'Aromict About Us - A Reform convont ion will be held at Brucefield on Dee. 29th for the purpose of Dominating a e,alididate, fur the Local house, Tweety-five of the citizens of Mildmy'appeared before a magistrate a short time ago and paid $L.50 each for having participated in a raffle in that village. Owing to so many being on the sick list, the S. S. entertaininent in' cennec- tion with St. Patrick'S church Biddulph. has been postponed untit Wednesday 20th of December at 7 p. m. As yet no trace has been fatted of the lost Angus Matheson, fisherman, of Ripley, although the basin has been dragged and every effort put forward to find the body. The belief that he is still Jiving is gaining ground Mr. W. J. McKay who has taught in No. 1, Usborne, for the paet nurnbcsr 'of years, has resigned the position, aiid will !gave after New' Years to attend school in Goderich. -11r. McKay has given thorough satisfaction, which is saying a good dear, His successor is Henry N. Anderson, of Mt Forest, who will get a salary of $10"0 per annum. The many friends of Mr. Simon Hun- ter, of Ilensall, who very recently re turned froni Maiiitoba, where he has been spending the summer and fall, principally for the benefit of his health, and who returnecl home greatly beue fitted by the trip and change of climate will be sorry to learn that he has been for the past two weeks in a critical con- dition Mr. James Moore, of Blyth, on Tues day received a telegram from Gi en, Iowa, stating that his son Thomas had been killed. It appears that he was working with contractors building a high bridge, and while at work he fell from the structure and was killed. It will be remembered that hardly four years ago a brother )8 the decea,sed was killedby the exploding of a gas well in the State of Pennsylvania. Thomas was expected home to spend Christmas. He was hi his 26th year. Chi Saturday,vveek, Mr. Joseph atol lard, a McGilliveay farmer, while driv- ing on Parkhill Main Street met with a serious accident. When a.pproachieig the railway crossing his attention was attracted westward by a train which was shunting near the station and in consequenee he did not notice the mixed train which was speeding to- wards him from the east. The horses had just cleared the track when the en- gine struck the wagon, freeing the horses and turning the wagon box, over with Mr,Mollard under it on to the cow catcher: He was careied in this manner to the depot. After removing the box willing hands carried him bleeding and insensible to the waiting room. Dr. Ovens was immediately summoned andhe had the unfortunate man removed to his office where he dressed his wounds, Mr, MoIlard wes badly cut about the hands and head and also received internal injuries, He was subsequently removed to his own residence which is about two miles out of town, It is thought that he may re- covered tinder the ekilful treatment of his attending physieiael The horses escaped uninjured eaye for a slight cut in the hind leg of one, The wagon wasbadly smashed and the front wheels were htirled about 100 feet, almost striking a man who Was ruaning along the side of the track ih front of the train, .11r. Gibson lite-Nontin Brnssels, One, Dee, 12,-A Libera convention was held here to de? for the purpose of selecting a standard- beeeer for the Legislature. Thomas Gibeon Wroxeter, the present mem- berwas unaeithottely nominated, Mr, Gib'son's opponent Will be 'Mr. Dickin- son, barrister, ot Winghara, who is al- ready iti the field. 1 • The nallee of Death. l3uffalo, Dee, 7.-'1'wo years ago Theresa. Butler ieft her hliShand and her children in St. Catherines, On anti took Seryiee as a domestic seryant in this citybut that life pal ed upon her and she Leek her beauty, which WAS greater than her culinary skill, to the circles of the painted songstresses of Cantil street. She obtained service as "danse use" in O'Niel's place and eeng joyless seines and danced the dance of death until the, end., Several days ago she seet word. from her room, at .168 Saneea street, that she was ill and could not perform, and this morning she 1109 101(1131 dead in bed, A box 'on a stand Pear by told the story of the cause of death, for withiii, it were a number of heavy calibre morphine pills. Theresct's relatives will be noti- fied, A Bigiusilkt at Newcastle. Newcastle, Ont.,, Dec. 71. -- Some eight or ten -months ago a man named Robert Hill came, down to town and started busiuess. As he came well re- commended he was soou honored as one of the most -prominent members of the best society here. Shortly after his arrival he married Mrs. Bird, a widow, who OWned considei.able prop erty here, and who also was of high social standing. They lived happily until about two weeks ago, when an . other woman appeared and claimed him as her husband. Last Saturday wife No. 2 swore out a warrant for bigamy, and Hill catne up for trial to- day. Whey the accused was called and the charge read to him, and being asked to plead, he said guilty, but add- ed that the reason he did it was be- cause his first wife ran away with an- other man, and he thought he had as much right to get married as she had. He was sent fax Roger Allen's Death. Windsor, Ont., Dee12.---Government Detective Greer, of Toronto, is in the city looking up:evidence in the Roger Allen murder case at St. Thomas. AL len was murdered on the night of No- vember 29th, and the murder has been a mystery which has puzzled the offi- cers. Allen deserted his wife and fam- ily nearly ten years ago in St Thomas and, came to Detroit, and obtained em- ployment in the barns of Henry & Co. He worked in the barns until eighteen months ago, and was transferred to RoyalOalt Farm, still in the employ of the company. In August last he re- turned to St. 'Thotnas, where he made up with the family, It seems some one had a grudge against the old man and in Not he was asea,ulted and robbed near Ms home. Allen claimed to have grave suspicions as to the identity 01 11,18 assailant, but would not say anything to the officers. He had previously taken out $5,000 in life in surance, to be divided among members of hisefamily, but after his assault he had the policy changed, and made his wife the beneficiary. It has been claitned tho murdered mat, had ac- cumulated considerable money while in Detroit, and had it on deposit in a Windsor bank. • A Sunday Fatality; An accident attended with frightful- ly fatal resnits occurred at tlie cross- ing of the Grand Trunk tracks at Ker. wood, Ont., Sunday about noon. The Erie flyer, '-due here from the west shortly after midday, was coming along at it high rate of speed, and when near the crossing the engineer notieed a team of horses step onto the traek just ahead of the rushing train. The horses were attached to a sleigh, in which sat a man and woman. The man who was driving saw the danger when too late, and his efforts to get clear a the track were in vain. Al- most in a twitileling the tragedy had been enacted. The locomotive struck the sleigh fairly, and it was instently a heap of Medling woodgwhile the un fortunate oecupas were Miele(' many feet into the ane The train was stop- ped, and the, victime picked np, They Were both dead ancl the bodies con- tained evidences of the fearful, blow which hod been dealt, ethem. Inveeti- eration made subsequently peeved that the man wee a Mr. Taylor and the *Oman was Mae. Wilson, both resi- dents of the neighborhood, They were probably returtutig frorn church at the, time. The horses wore not injured. t Killed on the 'treacle. Listowel, Dec. 8, -Last evening be- tween 6 aad 7 o'clock, as one of the tned at the station here was going to chatge the switeb a short distance from the station, he found the body of J. S. Sullivan, a young man of about eighteen years of age. terrible torn and mangled, lvieg. on the track beta eats the rails, life being extinct. The young mate was on his trial trip acting as bra,keinan, his home being at Parkhill, where his father is seetio LI foreman On the G. T, R. Dr. Philip, nroner, was notified, but concluded that an inquest was -unnecessary. It is supposed he had fallen belive,en the cars, The torn and mangled body was gathered to- gethered, coffi tied and taken by it special sent front) Stratford to his home at Parkhill, Burglars Bold. About one o'clock Thursday morning Mr. Jas. Fisk, who lives in Greenoek, near Enniskilleo, was awakened by a noise in his bedroom, and was startled to find two men standing over hint With pointed revolvers. They had lit the lamp and everything could be illstinctly seen. 'risk made a move to get eat of bed, when one of them shouted, "Lie down or Ill shoot you," and the other jumped on to the bed and pro- ceeded to tie risk's feet, He then siezed his hands, which he proceeded • to tie else, but Fisk by a sodden effort' succeeded in hi ‚1 the rope, and then spi.ang opt of bed. As he did so, the other bmeelar fired at him, the ball passing directly over Mrs. Fisk's head Fisk by this tittle had succeeded in freeing, his age, and seizing a chair made for the burglare, while they itt turn mada for theenext room. . Front this room they escaped by the window, and though Fisk and his son followed them for a distance, they soon got out ' of sight. One of the b ,rgidars wore' a, mask, but the other had no disguise of any kind. One wls trill, while the oth- er was thick set, dark complexioned, and apparently about 30 years of age. Fisk came to Walkerton and had a warrant issued for thenarrest, andthe constables are now on the lookout for them. TAYLOR. -In, Exeter, on the llth inst„ the ivife of John Taylor, of a son. FRATNE --in Exeter, on the llth inst., the wife of peter Frayne, of it son. 19.13.41.T.104. ROSENBERG,D.R. -At the residence of Mr, James Walker, Stephen, on - the llth inst., Abraham D, Rosenberger., aged 85 years and 8 months. rammer-asacctcs ZAVVAP.F6=Dgra......1=1, SALE EXTENDED VEW!LLL11E11%11 Our 2-wee13.'S Sale was a grand suecess.;, People from far and Neal, aee taking advantage of the low prices. We sold 'id, of.goods and pleased a g,,reat many people, but our stock must' still 'be reduced, $3000 by January lst, we will thetef ore ettencl oar groat sale another month. We bought too heavy for fall and winter and must now pay the penalty by, sacrificing our profits, The mistake is ours but the benefit will be yours as we have sadd good bya to profits all through 1)000111bor. SALE PRICERS. 731raek Cashmere worth $1.00 it,.1,(1., for $ .180 'Black Cashmere worth 75e a y(l. for .56 131 k Cashmere Hose worth Seen, pr. f,or Cash m ere Hose worth '3( a las for Factory oottee wortli leo a yard for OP 5 Pieces Fla 01)1110 10 NVO1'1,11 tOe a yd. -07' Pelt EI a br old ery Ivor th B5eCt. yet, AO: .15 Em broirlery Lawn llokgS worth. 9,5e for .10 10130,,. 1.1okgs worth 50etA te 81 for .50 4.1(11,e of uteri's slips worth Viet§ for .11 Oyerootits Worth .',13.03 each for 111.05 Overcoats worth $10.00 eatilt for 8,00 l)ress goods of till desert/Alen s ft. (113 (Adios' MroitleS eon saVo you at least $2.03 eaelt Vire have bottglit too heavily aria muss tor; unload Our mistake will te your gain, rirrilD1/! QT:rt ii2JivivLO k„),Lio-l-i. •