HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-12-7, Page 7CASH.
more it is liopt, and llow• the
Millions are Guarded.
Armee men on simarel-erese warelemen's
Oioneuite—To Online the Vann- Wounstog
the Intrummeinaterna 13a Celia and ISiever.
T rosy be interesting
to teeny, mays a %nth -
legion correspoe deed!,
to know how TJnole
Sera Footecto tae mil -
aegis b h.o cbarge,
aud *keeps tam oirou
througeout the
couotr,y, end erolooth
the infhline which
clime In end go out
derma the Trenear,y Deeertment eve ry dey,
Man tho L4oond etar itie of the greed)
builtifies, from ethloh moms the financial
estexent eampleivag the telt:Ode world of
If you pato up Fifteenth efreet between 6
end 9 a, m. or between 4 and 5 p. in. you
mill pidembly etc backed up to the pave -
most twee or two oi the siemens of the
United States Expis Compaq nolosellog
feeding tilao Urge AMMO 01 tummy iteltich
aro havered by the malmsey every day.
Wideeentelarty Moot) actit ae the ineesenger
lbey o Thuile Seem ,and U of the mortey
ihrought into the Wtereetey Department or
carried out Where/toil by it , Weep I say
'51otomey I no inn, roar t,110 N6;, Woo Berm
OW melon ex the Ihnited &atm latuk notes,
ia which fere brought Mona the burewa of on -
graving and printieg o ti1C rate of ewer a,
ettlillesa delimit A day, es te ao Detre are not
eignpletemoroly. The Netional gook notes
have to be oigned by the cffi .tulp of the
banks ler which they aro printed ate they
become money, and the Uu tad Ste e Bents
lantern requite the primong ite bikouw, ey the
Whited Staten seal before they become
Onsmoy, roaA 131.18 IS dime at the Treaeury
Department, so time.b the mal money is ail
handled by the United Steam Express Com-
4.410 WSVOT454 arral Immo mid strongly built
• A lARGE lMON °eon.
The imeney emit iew or the treasury &t-
ent JP all packed In etweig safes.
em era wheeled out en the pevenaent in
'tenths like them ueed by the railvrey em -
e. A homy plant:bog extends from
tte poem:inert into the evaeon (fotraieg an
haze Jolene), the esde tilted Mom the
track lapin rho lioliee repfe and
pulleys ere attaelmil, nweral in pull,
mob and lifto at,i4 the eafea are in
tide /aeon/sex leaded into the wagon.
When the leading is oemplete, one
named' Man geee inrido ad he strong
Iron doom are caned ad locked.
Other armed men merest the driverie
eiset, mud tbe wegon Maier) down F
or the ratiwao station at e.
They pace. Tbeas weepres have the right
el way '- they mover stop es percale them-
zoloto to hettowe involved in e. jam of
, vehicle.% The people in Waelingtona know
the (eastern, and eimme give them treasure
'Its, vino the right elefey, mad all ties way
sea enter the &weenie depantment by
f the entranoes, either ost the ground
er main floor, yeu tem motto:30w, a watcb.
man hi stettened at emery iloor. If you outer
between 90. m. anti 2 p nz, nothing will be
said to you, but i y u ettempt to enter eter
-21od en. yogi will be denied isdinitietece, for
aba department is elosed eb theta hour to
whiter& The xules anent arlinintence after
21e. TA. are very attiut
If you enter the trimetory &pediment and
vtathe OffICO a the ceptein of the watch,
on nil1 militia on the ohle or tbe eface three
we cams. Two 0 Como mess °immix%
abinech-leadling rifiet, road the centre case
faeadithas a large queettty of heavy revolvers.
Thema ara
11438 watchmen woe) day mad Bloat are on
gamed to keep wettch over tire Onielleg and
the great vaults In whieh the money le
shared. The wetoluntes am ell Inwood with
revolved% and there sire rifles eneugh to
*quip the wiaole force oteratehmen in ease
eta riot or eabault.
• Of ,censite nomething remit be deem to b-
eam the faithful diet:linage of the watah-
.M.res dales, and leekirm t thin and some
sire detailed AN pateolmen, who petrol the
entire imildeag at ennead intervals to see
that the watehnien are At their poste. In
addlideu to Olive etch watchmen le required
to report Me presertee every kali boar
..entione of an clone -to button. which
:minters Me report - the Maio oar-
. Mike the Fifteenth street) eneranoe,
•/by ringing h gong and dropping en
,indicater. The iipperethe is filtnilar to that
lu we in hotels kr the coevenience of
;peen when they went to call the beithoys.
Am the bell rings Ihrol the itidicebor ahem)
Abe rramber of the poin Moan which tbe re-
port la made, the watchmen on dtity in this
corridor records the reiport o n tally shoot
hopt for this waste, which in doly in -
wailed by the oaptain ef bo wetela.
Atialtion to these methefle ef keeping
match over the watchmen., the captain of
the watch is liable to put In an appearance
at any hour, and as he it's' in the habit of
onotingivaien teed expeeted, zeglect of duty
Moat oi the weir-lir/nen are old
nehiless, who loomed thole first) lettemel
eloodienso at eunuch eteener itcheol. Out-
side the treasury other watchmen are on
_patrol duty deriver theonthe :debt, ore that
nay wee wiao ma e be on the lookout for a
eibellee to hairnet Thiele Sere's strong box
willfind every avenue of a ppreach them
- *nobly and emoureiy guarded'.
. yen bilki want twig, down tot he veldt where
the wads Itmount of silver la Mimed, eot be.
e meets thereto math to gee, but bee:muses It
to be a remitter thing, to du The
average number of Molten oath month le
2a000. Filed, you meet obtain permission
from the Treasurer of the Illeited States,
1;f1r, Dtdadel N. Morgan. When tide hal
'cheep ohtirdsied. you Imes ericorted down .two
lights of ataire into the pleb -bailment,
•'where the wens am very thiok and the cor.
editor very endow. Here you belt before s
heavy grated &ion boMn which s watch.
• met etire day and night. Of needle the
watolt lie changed every eight hount, but a
watolatiartnie ulwayo on duty. The mes-
senger &beetle the watchman to open the
.4mm,, and yon step beisideithe °weldor beedi
dem to the emeet vuM where itre attired
101, .000111.1vor
'To enter the oath, one muot reb. pose
On:groat deer, with itermultiplioity of com-
bination locks end time locks. Beyond
is a 'heavy steel door weighing over six
tse WhIele Is rolled into phsco by itwlid
hies Wad arearoly looked. Boyend this is
tam great silver 'vatiits which is 89; foot long
and 4$1. Sooty:01de and 12leets high. , Arousd
the onto side of ,thio vardt ht a corridor
abent three foot *Moo which' et tends °leer
wround the inner vatilb, which is hasps:sod
ar(oballit .listlee *ark, sisimigiviibieted t.
gothoandi which socurelyboldsbbmllUrnis
Bat evon through this steel lattice work
you moaned see the wbito metal which tfi
stored away. All tbot an be Peen ib h lehig
row of wooden boxea which are piled up,
tier mom tier, from the neer of the vault to
the ceiling. All atoned the deles end linieg
tho control corridor of the vaukti these boxes
are two tiers deep end form a large room en
;ribber side of the central aisle of the veldt.
fodder these two rooms formed by the rows
of boxed the silverte'
$1,000 In a bag, the weight of whiob
piety poundo ; the boxes each hold two
beepers° tbat a bex of *Beet weight, 120
pomade, exchutive of the weight of the bex.
If some kind hand would cell away the
watchman attempt on duty behind he
gritted door, Red gioe you a complete asswet-
anent ef learglara mole and tell you to heap
yoerself, you would have to out your way
through the grated iron lion, from the aut-
able cordate., and not breath open the huge
door teeth ft* berglar-proof and time leek
ahem/Moots them tut your way through an
isoineese demi door ex inchoe Waists mad
weighing over s'x tore, atd then out
through hueteel lottlee wor k purroueding
the boxes of other. Tele work would take
yen benrotoperforre, arilthet you wouldnot
be be to °Arty away over two liege of allow-,
or 120 permute, no the trouble would hardly
pay der the labor, for it would net) be a for-
tune by any meatier.
But thie le net all the eilver thet 17eole
Sara has in his stream box. .At •the Jight
hand at the silver veldt is the door of
another vault in which some of the gold and
silver are atored. n tgbis vault aro kept
the dimes, quartere and helf-doilere. Forty-
eight mililees of this mot, ey and $100 000,•
000 in gold are kept inthis vault, while in
the department of the. ceranytroller ef the
currency are stored e.11 the Government
,bonds deposited by the national banks as a
eecurity for their circulation,- and in other
venits aro kept the United States, treasury
notes, In another is the supply of money
need by -the cashier of the Uclited States in
the daily banking operaftoes ef the cash
room, which acts as a feeder not only to the
banks of Washington, but to the bunko of
the United Statesiat large.
Wrote the mortuary of ,he treasury le in
a general way coneidered the represesitative
of the Government In financial matehre,
still the treaturer of the Uotted States is
direct criatedian of Unole Senile gold and
Mr. D. N. Morgan, is one of the meet
popular offielale in the Government's ser-
vice, and heats of clerks holding anbordi-
nate positions cein.draw fron him valuable
Imams in courtesy and politeness,.
In personal appearance! Mr. Morgan re-
minds you of the bright lawyer or tanker.
Hie dress la neat and modest, his address 10
polite, but not patronizing, he le of medium
height, equerenhenldsresl, hair just a little
tinged with gray, eyes are bright but
kindly, and he Ile one . to yeu with a
manner Mist leads you to f. el that ho is
intereeted In you and what you have to ono.
Altbough it la believed thou, with all the
evatohftilness vvith which the gold and silver
are guarded, none of the contents of the
huge vaults can ho stolon; neverthelers
with ouch change of the treasurer, all
of Mole Sarech mottey le carefully counted,
so that the incoming treasurer will only be
held responsible for +mob money as is turned
over to him during his term of offiee.
When tae Democratic party came In
power in 1885, a cereful tenet) of ail the
money was made, and the books and money
balanced execely ; whee the Republican
party came iu pewer hi 1889 the fount was
found to be exactly vvbat the hooks showed
it to be in the vsoalte, and upon the turnieg
Goer of the Memory to the treasurer, the
money was again coated and famed to be
Of °OWNS every one has seen estioaatett of
the length ef time would be occepled in
counting a ranee, The query la probably
conteiried in nearly all of tbe aritlimetios
aed book e of puzzie now in existenre, but
name rapidly than one would naturally ex-
pect, although it usteelly takes ten export
conntere nearly tbree usenthe to find out
how many dollen and cents Uncle Sam ham
on hand.
Of mune, eaoh diver &liar le not
counted, neither is eenh gold piece. A bag
of silver contelea 1e000 eliver dollar* and
should weigh 60 pound,, ao in counting the
money a bag ef Weer le pla,cea en the scales,
and, if up to weight tbe hag is counted as
$1,000, but il the silver dellere have lost) in
weighb by Moe wear of circulation, then the
beg le opened and every Oloiler counted, ea
that there will be no poseibility ef a mis-
take. s
During the recent count of the moray in
the silver veult, In addition to the ten t harks
detailed as counters, 20 laborerwere de-
tailed to handle the bags of sliver and carry
them to the weighers and return them to
their proper plitom. Al soon as one veldt
is finished the vault is looked and pealed,
so thot when the last vault has been
properly °emitted and the exaot tenement
determined ninon, the trearurer is ready, if
hie band has been filed and primed at,
oe,tiefactery, to enter on the discharge of his
An Essence for an Epicure.
For the benefit of those who are at a dia.
tanoe from a houne, kitchen or a restaurant,
a distinguished French cheiniet hair petented
the emence of a1 thinga that, united, com-
mies a menu for the most fitatidlous epicure.
The person ming the patent musb be sup-
plied with a martini) numberof smell mile,
then from the Become of essences peered on
the bread he can procure the °emit Bever
of a fine soup, followed by an emote° of
calmer+, then by various liesenoes of entrees,
and, tinselly, with an essence of plumped -
ding, on hie bit of breed. A flee= con-
taining a necessary quantity of "culinary
imaginativettees " *mare Dahomey.
The Title of Emir.
Emir is net properly a title, but a dm
eoriptive word. Correctly used, it te applied
only to, dement:1;mM of the prophet, all of
whom, are etyled Emir, jest ao the title
honorable implied to the people of a
certain race by birth in England. Emirs
are new forted among Turkieh end Arab
people of every reek and Wass in Iffo,
Every one who care prove his clement from
tbe prophet la matitied to weer green in
some portion of hie costume, the turban
being tunially °boson for this sin of rank.
The claim to the title is coneldtred for mote
satisfactory where traced back through the
foniale ancestry.
Ills Ticae Treated.
I'm sorry Charley gob knocked ;rutin the
song laeb night)."
"Yoo ;, It hat a tendency to puthim in
the rear again."
"That isn't the worst of it. Ho's boon
studying the part of Hamlet) for two years
—and now he can't g� on the etenge."
Mrs. Icitty Ibiddloston-Coylo, her mother,
Mrs, Hualillesten, and husband, (liana Coyle,
who were °atrial .tor infanticide , at Pitts-
burg,. have been ado:lined. Thiroaso caused
soosation en esconnt of the, wealth, sad
atanding ot the &donde/Mite •,.
The Queer Food and Quecror Customs
or au Estancia.
-'),Wribing from down
rgi'l in Paraguay, oays :
, Arrived the estara.
olct—whieh, by the
way, rejoice:I undo
the iaw-treakin
title of "Gowen
0 a p la u y ri "--
and cantorin
througla t he fron
deer et the eau t
dismount, accord
bag to onetem, bathe
patio, our elle°.
tendert were greeted
with the welcome
odor of supper,
alreedy steaming
upon thetable. Eel -
&may we were ex -
;acted to sit down to it at once, hub gained
our host's reluctant (tenant to 'hake off an
outer coatiog of the day's dust and wash our
travel -stained hands andl f0,0613. Then, re-
pairing hastily to the comeder (dinieg-
room) we found' our impatiently -awaiting
entertettiers already seated upon benches
around the feetive beard. The pixie table
was neatly covered evIth white oil -cloth,
and eaoh pleoe (plates there were tone)
was an enennous wooden spoon, which
would hold, perfume, half a pint; wbile in
the centre smoked a great dish ef jerked
beef, with email applee, slims of pumpkins,
beans, garbanzos and various other edibles,
stowed with and piled around it. Small
gourds of Chili game, made from ripe
tomatoes and small green peppere, were
mattered obout ; rout mandioca root
answered for bread, and a huge znieg of cane
• rum circulated H
We made an emotion') supper, omitting
the rum, with lees difficulty than naight be
imagined from the absence ef plates
and cutlery, each filling his big spoon
once or twice from the gentsral supply
of the central plotter, occasionally tieing
his bit of mandiece root as a sorb of
chopstick, or Ma fingers in case ef emer-
gency. At the conclusion of the repast
a servant—who had been standing perfectly
motionless throughout the meal behind hie
motor's ohair; like a breezed statue in tat-
tered drapery—suddenly clasped hie hands
and briske into a loud prayer or "grace,"
with all the gravity of e bishop. This
manner of performhag one's devotion by
proxy, ao to speak, waii not unfamiliar to
me, having met with it, years ago, in the
wildo of CostaBeca. It is generally em-
ployed in the rural antidote of Paraguay,
and always reminds me of the very oensible
remark made by the Chinese Minister to
the United Statee when he &Mended hie
Brat Waehington ball. It wae a warm
evening, and the mandarin 'looked with
astenithment upon tbe well-dressed mob,
who were pouting and perspiring in the
waltz, and innemotly in,quired "Why
don't you have your servant do tbat?
In my country we hire stioh hard work
Give the Paraguayan plenty"of mate, beef
and mandiooa, in the order named ao to
their neciasity, and his wants are well oup-
plied. Mate te never served at meals, like
the Chinese leaf with no, but always an
atheris000mpaniment of edgers between
mettle, at bedtime, and immediately upon
awakening in the morning. Their forests
yield a wild abundance) of le, native paatures
support the mettle with little care on their
part, and mandieca Is vary easily cultivated.
Little else is grown butt tobacco cern, pump-
kins, oranges and melons—the fetter, though
email, of delicious flavor. Coffee of an-
imate' excellence grows well in Para-
guay, but there are only two or three
coffee plantatione In the whole country.
Batteries and pine -apples are elm 'well
cultivated on a limited scaler and nowhere
in the world do they Ain lagreater perfect -
tion. Shut off so long, first by the policy
of Spain and afterward by that of the Dio•
tabors, from all commtmicatione with other
kende, the Paraguayans have Mama) no
knowledge of foreign luxuries. The (inmate
is eimply pedal). Hard work is not re-
quired to keep the wolf from the deer ; and
with an occasional danoe and the fregnent
fiesta, of the Church to break the monotony,
they dream life away In tranquil &ellen,
firmly persuading themselves that here is
the true elyelum.
Oonfideot of Gump, Puking Nis
• Gompaign Aotively,
Heavy artillery firo continues daily.
Forts Villogaigneri and Lage have been
greatly battored.
The foreign diplomats oensider it impel.
bible to take further stops tor tbe proteimion
of life and prolurty, and the naval oom.
menders esnour ts the generel opinionwhfch
favors letting both aides Proceed without
Any another interference, Adelina de /Iloilo
r inclieed to bombard the eity after forty
g hours' notice.
- Admiral Goma, who recently jotted the
insurgents, confirms the telegrem of last
g week, guying that De Melio 10 dieponecl to
I) Wait tenni the end of this revoluttoo and
o then take a plebittelte of the country on the
- queittien Of a monarchy.
The intergents are cerifiderit of RACCOON;
they have otptered Bage (in the provinoe of
Rio Gratde de Sul) and are making pro -
gree northwards.
Preeident Peixoto 10 preparing for a stub.
born defence of Rio de Janeiro, and Mateo
that be intoncle fightleg to the last, aid that
when hie ships arrive be expeete victory.
All bushman its suffering eaverdy and every
branch is Magi:toted. The theanciel poeiticia
of the Government ie difficult, the treasury
is exhausted, and the fact thab Pernembece
has been declared in a Mate of siegenhowe
the spread of the movement. '
The, Javary, the rebel weasel Runk by
Poixotioar gime, was an Iron armored terret
obit) of 3,700 tone; she carried four 10 inch
Whitworth ttruzzle-loeding rifle gime, oil
5 -inch rapid-fire swine and five machine guns.
The Javary had 2200,horse power arid had
12 inches of armor. She was a poweriul
vowel, of light &aught and suitable for
coast itefeinoo or river service. She was
built in France in 1875. All her crew
We are yet within the limits of the
Missiones, and the fineet old church I have
seen le within walking distance from tha
Cam Gauzu-Caphuyam. Its wood work,
nearly black wibh age and elaborately
moved, to especially beautiful, for the ex-
quisite color and fine texture of the Para-
guay woods render them invaluable for such
purlieu°, as well as almost indestructible.
Among many traces loft hereabout° of the
order that dominated Paraguay for 150
years, aside from the patriarchal customs
one of the most amusing is the
way the people wear, men and
women, with equal readiness, after the
vehement fashion of the fathers--" By
the Hely Trinity," "By the Immaculate
Conception." "]y the entrails of Josue
Christ.' Ocoasionally one saes in the vil-
lage a Man from dirtriote yet farther inland,
droned in the costume of Francis' time—
short oath and jacket hardly covering the
shoulder blades, akin -tight trousers rend
pointed,hat, sixteen Indies high.
The universal basket of the country Is an
ex hide, with Ma four corners drawn to-
gether and fastened, se that it can be slung
upon a pole and carried by two men, on
MOM commonly, by two Women. Every
conceivable oommodity is tranaportedi
through the streets in this way, even the
pulverized yorba, molasses and °annum, in.
Mead ef in boxes or barrels, as in ether
parts of the werld. Though the country
Armada in wood and iron, hide is atill the
favorite substitute for both, as well as for
rope and many other things. Nothing in
these regions lo more astonishing to mo
than the emell nee that is made of milk,
atid even its swot:dem in the proportion of
food. Though fine cows by thousands rove
the painput, batter is almoet unknown,
and nobody dreams of Sue a thing se eating
bread and milk. Having oomo fine straw-
berries at dinner, 1 happened to mention to
Senor Valdez that in the 'United States
fruit to eaten with °ream. Had I told him
that rattle:Makes were a favorite 'ertiole
with mycountrymen ho could not have
appeated mere shoOkoil and astonfohed—for
in Paraguay there are Indiana Who asnaidor
Nerpent flesh a toothsonsts morons, " No
by posolnino ; es VOIIIMO" (ill to impossible ;
It is polsob), he mid mildly, thinking hie
oroduthy Woo boingbrip000d amen.
There is *Mischa of now et Band*
Each Bridesmaid Clad as Suited Iter Style
:of Beauty.
The Englieh papers WO quite enthnehotio
over the weddirm of Mies Fiera Davis., The
Louder' Queen says:
"Don't you datek tbat all brideenusids
to be ehould bless the pluck of Miss Elora
Devito who has buret, in their name, the
Ohain of uniform color under which they
have writhed so bong? The attendant maids
of this lovely Transatlantic bride wore
sbriped dreases of the same material and
style, but altereating with varied °Were,
according be the personality and Complexion
of each damsel. A happy inspiration thie,
for acoompliehlog the imposeible feat of
pleasing everyaody, snd certain to be copied
at many perspecnive weddings.
By Way or contrast.
The world reads in the newspapers that
Mr. W. K. Vanderbilt sets sail this week
for a teminonthe' cruise en the largest and
handeomeet iteam yacht afloat He takes
with him a party of guests, and it is eau
for any one of imsginabion to conjure up the
perfect indolence and ease In which the
luxurious party will glide through the blue
waters of the Mediterranean, coelieg their
earned thirsto with iced wines, appeaeing
their recurrenb hungers with ornamenta1
viands and listening to music from the
remold° guitar. The sybarites odosnolent
dem knew no greater rapture Mtn the
Messrs. Vanderbilt, Btlmont, Ratherford,
Webb, Beidola and Keys wail experi.
enoe during their voyage. It wetilli
be extremely sour and anarchimi°
to envy them their happiness or to
hint for a moment that they do net deform)
it. They are ali noble gentlemen that have
labored throughout their lives for the good
of mankind, they have stood before the
world as examples of industry, philanthropy
and untielfiehnees, 'and now, efser untold
deprivations and herculeen labors, they are
sailing away to quiet seem to a well earned
rest, and the tiongretulatione and geed
whites of all mankind go with them. It
was thoughtful ,and generous of the daily
newspapers to describe to their readers the
beautiful plane of this ystelatingwarty. It
is comforting readhare for the paupers In the
downtown wet& The mechanic who geta a
half hour at noontime in which to eat some
stale bread and oheese will be encouraged to
renew his toil when he reade'ef how Mr.
Beach or Mr. Belmont 'will take their
steatite esoh afternoon sonid pale silk
cushions in a white and gold cabin after
eating themeolves into a condition of drowsi-
ness. It is, in fact, most gratifyiim to all
sooiety to know that a Little company el
worthy mem Men of groat intelleot, groat
character and great charity, are to expert.
enoe such perfect bliss. The canal/is will
labor more blithe/3r for learning of it, and
even the anarohlat will chortle in his joy at
hearing of that ten menthe' trip tlarougb
nee ef champagne. We are told that times
are hard. Whey are, methinks, rather sett
for the Meagre. Vanderbilt, Belmont,
Rutherford, Webb, Beach and Keyes. —
New York Town Topics,
Papa's Opiniona of Education.
Little Diek—I told teacher that yeudidn'
remember half the thine yen studied at
Papa—I am glad yen did. There la no nes
In all thin stuffing, and the teaohera ought
to know it. Weal) did abe say?
Little Dick—She raid she gummed I was a
chip et' the old block.
A New Accessory.
Weetern theatre manager—What plays
are you (mime to give me?
Advance agent—" Ten Nights in a Bar-
Western theatre manager—Any goad?
Advance agent—Any good? Why, Mr, our
company carries a ten.thousandidollambar.
Fair Girl Graduate—Why do they call it
'commencement, Pal -
Father—Bemuse them who graduate just
commence to discover what they don't
know is pretty muoh all there le to learn in
this life.
, An experiment with two bars of iron
eeperated by a layer of charcoal and nub.
jeoted to A OtirrOnt of aamperes at si voith
has reettited in one bar, the °ebbed°, being
converted into steel on the side next the
charcoal, while the other bar, the anode,
remained mast/doted. This was after three
hours of 'heating under the current, and is
one of a sates of experiments carried eat
moently by M. Gartner, which are likely te
lead to bettor understanding of the privet -
plea underlying the precool of converting'
iron Into iteeL.
Until reoent years aloehel was generally
used for preserving opeeinteng of fishes by
, • brit other things are now taking
Its p'atitt The best of thee* splitters to be A
itelution al actotate of sodie,whieh 10 apresd
on the flob like salt, each.layer of the Bela
'being endured with it hi hitt). Prince
Henry &Cries:me mood thie 'preset/Mite dlr.
log hie travels -in. kdo-Ohinaand found it
The Aberdoeos Would Not Oeoutenfloe 1
the Ladies, aculd'A L000tte."
Same six or eiiven woke age, lave New
Yorix 70107 Topics, it appeare, the Lanka'
Guild of Grace ()hereto one of. the meet
feeble/table Area:ten (heroines' of Ottawa,
see about unarming for the potentiation for
charity's mike by society amateure of " The
Mesootte." The rehearsal* bevel beeogoime
forwerd meet protperously, And until last
week all things seemed in reedit:wee for an
immediate production of tho opera. Bat
now it memo not unlikely thrift the
cheyeanthennumadoined seurg men of the
Canadian civil service will be cheated et the
delight Of applendieg the dear girie whe
were to belie given them serr.e of the inUO-
ocast ploaeuree riejoyi d by the jobroatee of
IAQIC favored metropolitan coraires, where
comic opera is not such a Imre luxury as it
leln the remote capital el Canada.
It was decided Met week that the Gov-
erner-Greueral and Her Excolliney Lady
Aberdetn should be reeuested IQ mimed, in
the trawl Ivey, the vice regal paticiatme to
the performanace. Mr. C. Berkeley Powell,
who, besklee being one of the iced tag mem-
bore of tha gelfing set, is an equally active
member (if Gristle Churob, wars deputed to
nuke the requent
Imagine hie feelinge upon receiving a
formai nets from But Excellency's w ore
tory, statIng tbat Lord and Lady Aterdeen.
could nob oeutitenalsee the presentation of
" the improper and euggeorive Freneh comic
opens, 'Lo Matoobte,' and ceinid net drown
of having it ettneunced as being under the
vire-regal "retro:nage. Leagirie the feelings
of the laditea of the guild when Mr. Powell
read to them after church lest Sunday
morning the note from His Excellenoy's
nocretary 1
"It is the fast time," said one lady who
was net afraid to speak out her indignation„
"that the Viae -regal patronage was ever
refused, and, if I had my way, we would
aaverwee the performance as 'net under the
patronage of Their Exoallencleed "
" IV° too bad," tit:Italy bewailed another,
"altar our having carefully revised all the
imprepelety we could out ef that third
sot 1'
I might Bugged) that if Lord and Lady
Aberdeen are anxious, as may be judged
from thie tiornewhet singular prudish aotion
of their, th make anomie society, like the
exteesively advertised Orande of baking
powder, abeelutely pure, they should cable
ler pointere to Lard Daffodil, who will
remember that Ottawa wanpretty gay when
he wan Governor -Gerona. When the
"Black Crook" went to Ottawa, Lord Duf-
ferin, I re/men:thee, applauded it from the
Vice-regaa box in the sole theatre whioh the
Canadian ostpltal boasts.
Familiar Phrases.
How often do we come across expressiena
familiar to um from babyhood, yet if called
upon by a foreigaer to explain their origin
we should be puzzled. Take, for instance,
one with which we are pretty sure to be
but too well acquainted—" Eetieg heath/a
pie." " Umbies "are the heart, liver and
entrails of the deer, aud are the huntsman's
perquisites. When the venison panty was
served en the dam to the lord and his
friencle, the hienternan and his fellows bad
to content themeetvea with a pasty made of
the " umbles." "1 don't oare arap."
" Ram " was a base halfpenny, worth about
hall a larthieg, issued for the nonce in Ire-
land in 1721. The expreesion we so con-
stantly use—di Oh, dear me 1" is a corrup-
tion of the Latin "Oh, Delius mem I" "
my God 1" "0. rum' fellow" comes bona
the Saxon "rem," and was first applied to
Roman Catholic priesta, aubrequently to
other clergymen. Swift speaks of " ruety
old rums country parsons. As
they were quaint and old fasbioned, "
rum fellow " at last came to eignify any One
odd or peouliar in his manner and habite.
" Out of aorta" 10 a printer's expreesien,
being out of type of a particular letter.
An,lingallant lilan's Complaint.
Have you ever raked when a lady enters
a crowded car de approaches some soft-
leohiag fellow and steeds in front of him?
She will Meer think ef taking hold of a
strap until the oar is about) to stop. Then
she makes a spring ab a strap, but fails to
catch it. And, of course, she &Ile all over
her victim, and continueo to do this uatil
the poor follaw gives up all hope of having
a comfortable seat, so he stands up and gives
the young lady hie mat, and she takes it
with a smile Mad as much as to my : "I've
got you this them."
Boys, look out for this kind of young
Mn John Garnett, ewe e the most widely
known and highly respected business men
of Tilsonburg, Oat., died there on Saturday,
at the age of 73 yearn.
4.2,>---itts the new shortening—
taking the place of 1ard,......4/0
erfo---or cooking butter, or—'
both. Costs less,
40c--fairther, and is easily -40
ON— --Nei,
digested by anyone.
' " ---41111
cailiN•"" W .."411310
Made only by. werstiff
K FAIRBANK 86 CO —46.3
cote_ . et
Weinegton mut Ann Ste.,
hweetTIZE.A.L. f -l'411*
eating isia1.110einuetekiii4 kircleel,vams'in.es_eys Toolatres4thetcree4c14ter
remediable euocess lin been themefe curem
Weaditebe, yet CAtaztes Loam law* Viten
are equally valuable in constmation, curing
Benvdeuprifevateneythownlytideszoweigcorephdut, wetter)
ethnulate the liver an4 reMdate the bone
they also. cornett d)sorderg or tee squall -
Ache they would be alinost priCelesm to these
who suffer from this distressing Comilla,
but fortunately their goodnesa 4012,!S not elaii
here, and those Who once try theist WM. id
these little pillSva.fuable in so matry waptjbs
they will not be willing to do Withont- them,
Out after all Sick head
Is the bane of so many Iiyeti that here i$ Wkere
we make our great Watt. Our pills cure it
while others do not
auvritu'a Mairen Meer: Putts tl.re veto' awiell '
and very easy to Wm. One or Ave hi§eriam
a dose. They are fi.trleAk tenete ailed de
not gripe or Puigth but by thew le 40491,
please all who use them 1:ii v am Owes;
five for 81. Sold everytiihere, 'ibr 'eunthy taau.
Ca/1211 !IODIC= CD., Woo Ott.
Intgl PM. Small Bac. ball Pitu.
Five Canadian Murders to be Avenged in
That Mouth,
On Jan. 15 a bey named Walter Hill Is
to be hanged at Branclen, Man., and Joseph
Leblanc ie tie meet the same fate at Wirini- -
peg, Man., en the same day.
In July last E.A Grimes a yomag fernier,
mew Virden, was found dead in his cab.
Foul play wear suspected, and Dr. Young, of
Virdem held a pest -mortem, which dis-
closed poisoning by atrychnine. Hill wan
the only ocaupent of the cabin with Graeae
for some time. His steryweese dieconnected
that the itetheritiee deoided to place him
under :anat. At the trial his guilt was
clearly proved.
Leblanc wate charged with the murder of
an old Man teamed John Wilson Iast July.
Wileon'a body was !clued in a dark alleyway.
Strovg mimics on pointed to Lebiano and his
pel„ Riley. Both were arraigned for the
murder. May wae acquitted on the charge
of murder, but found guilty of highway
robbery wihri violence, and centenced to 16
years in ibis Penitentiary.
Tne next on the programme are Peter
aed Jaok, two Midianss They will die en
the neffold at New Westminster, 13. C.,
en January 16th. Their trial lasted
six Slays a) d attraoted a large amount
of intermit. They were charged with
the murder of a policeman named Pit-
tendrigh. Peter rebelled remind) Pit-
tendrIgh, whe was foreman of a
gong ei men, Peter being one ef the
number. Pities:old& throw Peter into the
water, and Peter ewere revenge. Pitten-
drigle, while oreeeleg a vacant lob at West-
mieeter en the night of ()atelier 27th, lad
yew, was waylaid by Peter and Jeok and
miirdered, Tee Indians are indigataxat at
the severe Beldame in the ism ef the feat
that Sangeter, awhite MAU, who killed
Indite Tem at Vancouver in August, got
off with only twelve years' impriconanent.
In addition to the above list there are
seven awaiting trial en the tharge of mum
der, two far the alleged "killing of their
The Very Merry Yet Sad End of a Etclitle
"Laugh and grow fat," is a well-known
mitge, but the reverse was the case with
poor Mr. Mimed°, pickle merchant, of
pi elfields, who has just died from ever hi -
dulgeetie in laughter. He was at a pet Ito
hems in Commercial street, and sornieboily
bald a funny story whioh tickled his Jitney.
He accordingly " lenghed very heartily,"
was seized with a fit] of coughing and fell
down, In falling he struck hie head age's et
a form, but this was not the cause of Me
death. The doothr certified that he tied
dimply from suffsoatioa, for Welch the ; re -
longed geffaw, termleatitig in a cougb,
seema to have been solely rcsporsible.
Apart from the zed aspects of such an Mei-
dent, it would certainly be of interest to
know -Ash otory it was which was col ea
!MOM tit tuneful a kind so to produoe them
disastrous tuulte On a stream and healthy
mato Hewer ef the " killing "description
10 ram. The Settalfielde raconteur ought
to make a fonune as th, story -teller, not only
for himself, but for coroners, if paid by
fees. —Pan Mall Gazette,
Down With High Prices For
Electric Belts.
Z1.55, $2.65, $3.70 ; former prices $5, $7,
$10. Qualty remains the same -10
rerent styles; dry battery and acid bolts
—mild or strong current. Less than half
the price of any other company andimore
home testimonials than all the rest to.
Anther. Full list free. Mention this
leper. W. T. BABB & CO. Windsor, Ont.
Ernest, Your Mother tans.
The followieg letter from a mother ha
march of her missing son is Tient te the
press :
HORSEHEADS, N. Y Oot. SO, 1893.
Dnan Sno—Will yen be so kind as to in-
form me if there is a yorum man named
Erneet Sheltie keens, w year city? 1 have
Mut all track oi bino . One year ago he was
orking on a flew limb was beteg built at
Drummondville, Om., and Sald he would be
home before ChrIPAT1140, and I have waited
and watched until t d oe Nem as 111 mutt
find out where be Is My health le peer.
I have a little h. y to care for and don't
know how to get hew with:tit him, If
you can tell Inc seytifieg shout him please
do so as goon AB ye, sihie Nbd oblige hit Wok
mother, Lremt Stwitto,
Hotseheado, Mennen (jaunty, N. Y. '
A melancholy occident happened the
other day_ whereby John Ward, km ef
Pranois Ward, a promttent fmyp el
Bethany, lost lits )Ife, Doaaabk-o, who at
an satin:aide young osee-, ho el 28 years of
age, Was Istand)12g roar a atom g maoM,,e
Watching a amen' holog taftep colt, rt?1,en,
somo part of the maohisieree hbu, fo.r0 5,;.4r;
him on the head, killing 1 in Is 4:111y be
. 1 sorrowing family 110,vti the he," rtiolt
ingly Of the Stirreandle* etnntnanity,