HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-12-7, Page 5U iw c tYniAJ titre nen u:
0CoYata tilt.5 eltle 1(10 Se414 4.1.1 e,
e1 v1 ua 1)n141it, host vigor are
, ; C t i Dine thiel et (i restores the
. 4 - -' t ltouk ieso of butts or amid tensed
It by a LI.work, or the errors cr ax-
.(.i;a.;, a of youth. This nouzudy all-
Flltutaty lna� (no ,neat obstinate ,eases when all other
�[ x el7•.•&es h, r e tailed ireco to relieve. "old by drug.'
g.:its(it ,l her tut 1 a ,r, c IC for $5 or sunt (Y mail on
reourt+, of pact, h} ad lror,,,.y run J 4I IES ME;DLOINI)
•ITrritiru,onc„ t:rd• fprluu.U4.et. Sold in—
Vol* >biallci iu;Exeter by 4. W. lir ownisfg
Joseph Dion, the once celebrated
billiard player and ex champion of
America, is an incureable paretic in
Ward's insane asplum, New Yert .
cures coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis;
hoarseness and Consumption if taken
in time.
Leon Carriere, charged with en .
bezzling $50,000 from the C. P. R. has.
arrived back in Quebec in a custody
from Denyer whither he skipped,
Physician, travellers, pioneers, sett,
lers, invalids, and all classes of people
of every degree, testify to the medicin-
al and tonic virtues of Burdock • Blood-
Bitters the Most popular and effective,
medicine extant. It cures all diseases
of the stomach, liver, bowels and blood..
Trouble is feared in Madagascar,
Gen. Campos has arrived at Melilla
The C. P. R steamship Empress of
India left Hong Kong yesterday foci
Yokohama and Vancouper.
They make one feel as though life
was worth living. Take one of Carter's
Little Liver Pills after eating, it wil
relieve dys'pepsia; aid digestion, gives
tone and vigor to the system.
Grip g i 's
yery prevalent its London,
The Nichteroy is at St. Thomas, W;L,
where she has been practising the use
of the dynamite gain.
MEN sometimes suger from worms.
Low's Worm Syrup is very highly re"'
commend as a cure.
The crew of the Randal], wrecked off
Fire island, have been rescued
Gentlemen. -I bade a severe cold for
which I took Dr. Wood's Norway : Pine
Syrup, an excellent -,remedy ; giving
prompt relief and pleasant to take.
J Paynter, Huntsville, Ont
Para hill's new Toyvn"fialr was open -y
ed last evening tib:' II grand Concert.
That tired rtlu quid feeling and dull
headache is very disagreeable. .fake
two of Carter's Little Liver Pills before
retiring, and you will end relief. They
i .ver fail to do good.
'he Mexican Go ernnden tent
y y that
nganent with t
h reJ
cIs took 'Mace
LSION. With Wild'Chi•1i'V and 11 pop-
hosphites builds up and strengthens the
ehtiee system.
t7P;Mrs,.Susan Edward, of London, Was
found deed in her chair ou 'Monday
evening. •
Dear Siies,—[ have suffered greatly
from constipation f+nd indigestion, bn
teethe Use of B. B. B. I arm noeereitored
to h 'alta. '1 cannot praise Burdock
Blood Putters too highly; it is the Most
excellent remedy 1 ever used.
Miss Agnes J Lefoun Lttgci'svil:e, Ont.
The upper works of the tender Amer-
ica were burned at Queeeston yester-
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child; she cried for Castoria.
\Then she became Miss,' she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children, site gave them Castoria.
Count Kainoky, Austro-Hungarian
Prince Minister, has returnid.to Vienna•
from his trip to Italy.
Z"Here is no better, safer or more
It •
prez5al caecrn
al remedy made than
Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam. It . cure's
hoarseness, sore throat, coughs; colds,
bronchitis all throat and lung. trouble
Basan and Kelly, Oshawa burglars,
escaped from Whitby jail: yesterday:
'T'he'y were to have been taken to King-
BURDOCK PILLS cure liver ills:
They are sinail and elegantly coated,
sure in offeet and pleasant to use.
In the appeal case of Miss Mif; hell v.
the Sultan• of Johore the wins, . the
court holding it has no jurisdiction.
Gentleinen.-li'or a•number of years
I suffered from deafnes, and last winter
I could scarcely- hear at all. I applied
Hagyard's Yelicitv0 l and.I can hear
as well as anyone now,
Mrs. Tuttle Cook, Weymouth, N. S
Senator Voorhees thinks after a
reasonable time for debate the senators
will nee: try to obstruct the .Tariff' Bill,
To, got relief from indigestion, bil-
iousttess, colotipatioil or torpid liver
without disturbince the, stotnaeh or
purging the bowtels, take a few dosses
of Carter's,.Little Liver Pills they will
please you,
• 'Che Gcrtnan l;echstag ,expresses
detestatiou',of the dyrianaite fiend who
sent :in iufornal machine to Emperor
William. ,
Dear Sirs.=l have been using B.B.B.
for boils and skin diseases and I find.
it very it ,vdl v goodas a cute • As a
dyspepsia cure I have also 'found it
unequalled, Mrs. Sarah L[amiltoir
Montreal Que.
Emperor mperor '�triiliam doees not connect
I'ianeo with the sendfug the dynamite
machine to hien from Orleans.
! Miscellaneouo.
Marcotte Bios.,au tIoueerS, Montreal
have suspended payment, with liabili-
ties of $20,000,
Itch on human beings, hoses and all
animals cured in 30 minutes by Wool.
ford's Sanitary Lotion. This never
fails, Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist,
It is stated in Montreal that Hon. J
S hall, Provincial Treasurer, of Que.
bee, has resigned.
English Spavin Liniment removes
all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and
Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin,
Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney,
Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen
Throat, Coughs, etc, Save $50 by use
of one bottle. Warran`od the most
wonderful Blemish Cure ever known.
Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist.
Rev. W. B. Smith, Brantford, has
been elected President of Brant Coun-
ty Y. P. S. 0. E.
Itileumatipsu Cured blas Day.
South American Rheumatic Cure, for
Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radically
cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon
the system is remarkable and' myster-
ious.. It removes . at• once the cause
and the disease immediately disap-
pears. The first does greatly- benefits.
75c. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. ,
Ninety-two time expired officers and
men of the British Pacific equadrou
left Vancouver yesterday for England,'
via the C. P. R. and Halifax.
stemuori Aclse.
WVe all know what itis; we acquired
a perfect knowledge of the "Pet" in
our youth, after a raid on things . we
were expressly forbidden to touch. Our
mother gave us Perry Davis' Pain-lc:H-
ler then, and, strange to.say, no other,
remedy has been dtseovered to this day
to equal it Old popular price, 25e. for
Bi„ • New Bottle.
A bill prohibiting prize fighting in
South Carolina passed; $the Assembly
yesterday. :Ile penalty is three years'
imprisonment and $1,000 fine for prin-
cipal and seconds.
Life is ;Misery.
To many people who have the taint
of scrofula in their blood., The agonies
caused by the dreadful running sores
and other manifestations of thisdi:anise
are beyond description, There is no
other remed', equal to hood's Sarsapa-
villa for scrofula, salt rheum and every
form of blood disease, 1t is r(asouably
sure te:,' geuc.hi•dil'.>,,ho giro it a air
trial. "0k
The. Patrons of Industry of Fast Well
iutyton has placed Mr. -.James Park,
cicput',,*reeve of West Luther, iu the
field fur Ontario election.
Belief in trier Ewers.
(T Kidney D S IeSSL
„ Kidne..� anel,Bladder di-:,
sees es relict ed in six hours by the
NL`Y CURB." This new remedy is a
great surprise and delight to phi'sie
lams on account of its exceeding
proniptncess in relieving pain in the
bladder, kidneys, back xnd every part
of the evil Lay passages in male or fe-
male. It removes retention of water
and peal in passing,. it almost iiuu,ed•
1 Lttly. 11 you want quick relief and
your remedy. Sold by C.
Lutz, Druggist.
Judge McAdam, of the Supreme
Court of New York. has granted a de-
cree of dirotee to Helen Denvray, the
aistl'ess, fromi John. 1I, Ward, the base -
eseriot},`a inose at Li icau.
Lilco Ont, Dee. l 8lesst;4. Stanley
& �., I) i
1�, at ,4
grain stare hriusrehotse was
burned here to night, in which was
stored 17,000 bnshele of wheat. It was.
sittiated helicon the G. T. R. freight
shed and another storehouse belonging'
to the same rival rt was by the he ro-
is efforts of the citizens that a terrible
confl'inratiou was averted. The act,
joining watt house,beloeging to Messrs.
Sti.ntoy & Diaht, was also full of grain
with a very slight insurance.. The
loss was about $10,000, partially cov-
ered by insurance. Cause supposed to
bo incendiary.
A Great tD ver.
The Globe of Toronto is offering
great inducements in connection with
their weekly for 1b94 To all subscrib-
w o fotv •
1 and diem one dollar by the
end of December next, they wilt ; send
The Vireekly Globe for 1394, and, in ad-
dition, present with with a copy of
"Flints for the Million," published by
Messrs„Band, McNally & Co., the. cele-
brated publishers of Chicago and New.
' The work is an tnyaluable brok of
'reference and handy, for the household
being a compendium of thousands of
new and valuable receipts and sugges-
tions on hygiene, medk:rne, business
affairs, travelling. the workshop, labor-
atory, house, !=Itchen, garden, stable,
etc. rhe regular selling price is 32c.;
it is worth one dollar.
sefit) to an inquisitive and econo-
al honsl i,rep,—N.ew Yeti: Sun.
boo); which will be found useful
verybody--.Boston 'traveller.
very Useful thing for a handy' per-
— N(:w•0 leads Ptcavune,
he "flints” are comprehensive
ugh, and the wonder is they aren't
vi a "Flotisehold Encyclopetlifs' -
innatri Cotnmorcial Gazette
ore useful infoi•ntation could not
he crowded in the: same place.—
Fre neisco
lace.—Francisco Rttll(?tint
o well regulated household should.
without ,t copy ;of 4'frints .for the
on "--,Spirit of the Times.
is wonderfully ctimpra, forming fl
amount of iuformation.—Manchus-
his book will be forwarded free of
ti fee, `,'ht' ap'. r' 1, a• trioSt liherrll`
and should soCI�il•e a large'incrt+nst3:
e circttl ition of that old established
excellent nCWsprlper.
by e
wel l
he N.
Mi ili
in th
Wm K brei. a baker of 07indetl,. N.
Y:. was shot and 1 1111(1 at his place of
btxoincss by burglars early cstortle y
.11Ska. 211. R. Merrick
Of Toronto, Ontario, Cured of
Catarrh and Neuralgia
Good authority has said that"neuralgia is
the cry of the nerves for pure blood." The
prompt action of Hood's Sarsaparilla on the
blood, combined with its toning and strength-
ening effect. upon the nerves, make this a
gran medicine for neuralgia and also for
catarrh, ete. We commend this letter to all
having such troubles,and especially to
Suffering Women
" For agood many years, I have been. suffer-
ing 1201n caitarrh, neuralgia and
Ceneral Debility
I failed to obtain Permanent relief from
medical advice, and my friends feared
I would never find anything to cure me. 4.
short tomo ago I was induced to try Hood's
e teasunable
walk even aShort i§tancewithout feeling
Death -like Weakness
overtake me. And Iliad intense pains from
neuralgia in my head, back and limbs,
which were very exhausting. But I am glad
to say that soon after I began taking Hood's
Sarsaparilla I saw that it was doing me
good. When Itook 3 bottles I was entirely
Cured of t'tie, ii -algia
I gained in strength rapiuly, and can
take a two-mile walk without feeling tired.
I do rot suffer nearly so much from ca-
tarrb, and find that as my strength increases
the catarrh decreases. I ant indeed a
changed woman, and am very grateful to
Hood's SarsaParEllst
for what it has done for me. It is my wish
that b
a is my testimonial. shall bo published
in order ,that others suffering as I was may
learn how to be benefited: Dins. M. Ln..
Mnr,Isroic, b7 Elm Street, Toronto, Ont
, H00D'S Pills cuio all Liver Ills, Binous-
xray.:,aundiee.Indi estion, Sick lleatlaeho.
., .Vegetableii.'1Usaarepre.
3 500 "'area - to' meat a lege '
mato demand for a mild,
efficient' and reliable family physic. They are
purely vegetable, containing no <s�. o
calomel, mercury,
or mineral sir
m er sub- I.
stance of -any kind. Hood's Pills
act upon the stomach, liver, and alimentary
canal, and cure Liver Cornplaint, Constipation,
Nausea, Biliousness, headache, Indigestion,
Sour Stomach„Distress after Eating, Jaundice.
A. cold may be broken up and &fever prevented
by promptly taking hood's TIlls.
Hood's palls
.Are prepared by C. L Hood & Co.,ltpothecaries,
Lowell, Mass. Price 26 cents per box. Sold by
all druggists or sent by mall on receipt of price.
The first of the living 1rhist pati
manctls was given at the pa'vilton last.
5'or Over Fifty Tears.
An Oa.e Aran Wit c Girt n 1i101xnv.—Mrs
�Pzzz low's Soo thtug Syrun has been used
for over fifty veaes by ul Mien s of ni others
for their ohildrm.' while teeth 1ng, with per.
feet suecess, It soothes the child, softens
5110 RUMS, .tl lays all put n, cures wind collo,
and i.othe best remade for Dierrhrra. Is
pleasant to the taste. Sold by Drttggists in
ever r '
v part t ,f the 'P vents -five Dents
a he We: I te. value is incalculable. Be. sure
and Lskfor hits. Wiesl.ow'sSoothing, Syrup,
'anal take no other kind
It is again reported that Labengue
la, King of the Matabeles has been cap -
Perseverance n
ce m using a will give e retic1 eve,.
rn cases of long standing, where a cure seemed
impossible and ute seemed hardly worth Meng
Per Bottle,25c,50c,or$L00
Mrs, Gladstone is suffering with a
severe attaulc of influenza.
Lord Aberdeen formally opened ..the
new wing of the Art Association gal-
leries at Montreal last evening.
Three negroes were killed and four
fatally wounded during a free fight at
Eckman, near Charleston, W. Va
Geo. Keller, agent of the Burlington
and Missouri • Railway, was sundbag'•
ged and robbed of $1,000 at Bertrand,'
The trial o1 the serious charges .pre=
.epte d aganst Dr, Bullis of Dresden,
resulted'yeste:Ally in the hororable ae-
quittal of the accused.
The ceremonies connected with the
installation of Mgr. P. 5, Larcoque,,the
new Catholic'• Bishop of Sherbrook, Qtie:
began last night.
Rev. Dr..Douglas has writtena col-
umn open letter to Mayor I)essjardins
concerning the proposal to purchase a
residence for the Governtir•Goneral. in
Iffaicen in time it will cute most severe cases
of Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, or chronic initatiea
est Throat or Lunge
THUS a heavy doctor's bill
YOU'SAVE much discomfort.
floiit king
: People are waking up
to the fact that
Hoefl N. Bowe
has the Largest and
Best Stook of' F 1i-
: ture in Town. An
other of those
B�aa�f�1 fag Mos
: in. Call and see if
: you want to furnish
your parlor..
Big Slaughter
gale of
S �
Boots a and Shoes,
which will be continued
every day until the
whole stock is sold out.'
� 9 of 1'�stob
liege ionated , r 'oza�ed
ow .Alive
Dressed hogs bought subject :to the
following tonditiotls:—.albs percwtoff;
5 lbs extra if shoulder stuck; 3 lbs for
either bung gut or a;uliett, if left in.
All hogs to be cut through
from. Tail to Throat.
Highest Price paid for Hogs
weighing from 100 to 200
pounds, dressed.'
The undersigned havings
undersigned, hand, ome-
ly fitted up hie parlor and restaurant
=will serve --
during the Summer Season. Also a
large supply of,
Confectionery, Bread, Buns,
Cakes &c.
'Visits Exeter every Wednesday and.
Saturday afternoon. All orders left
with George Sanders promptly attend-
ed to.
Oysters and fruits of all kinds in
their season.
Sewing Machines
$ab a i a°
And Musical
We ate the onlyfirm
who make a specialtof the
above named foods and
the'refQ1'e claim that we can
ec give the people; of Exeter;
wind to the recent
fire : of last Tuesday
night, Mi S. Gide.
has been. obliged to se-
cure new quarters and
for the next month at
least, hiscustomers will
find him 'located in
Parkinson's Old Stand,
one door north of the
Town • Hall, with a
brand new stock of holi-
day goods.
S I''s
Greateribee snails
Greater Choice -r."
Lowest Prices. ! ! 1
The latest and newest at-
tachments for all our goods
can be had by calling at
our war'e-rooms,-One door
north Lr. Lutz's drug store.
BFO l'
Tf you want Your linen to
look whiter than snow, take
it to . ,
EXETER'S Popular Tonsorial -Artist,
Ladies', and Children'
Haircut -ting,
A Specialty.
Unlocks all the okapi avenues of the
Rowels, Kidneys and. Liver, 'carrying
off gradually „without weakening the sys-
tem, all the impurities ansa foul humors
of the secretions; at the same time Cor-
recting Adidity oi' tl1.e Stomach;
euring Biliousness, Dyspepsias
Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn,
Constipation, .Dryness of the Skip,
Dropsy, Dimness or Vision,J un-
dico, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Sero..
fula, Fluttering of the ffeart, Ner-
vousness, and General nobility ; all
these and many tither similar Complaints
yield to the happy influence of BURDOCK
Por Sato' by ant'Dealers.
1111311111{ & CO, Proprietors, Torontor
Fleshi's grist and saw mills at Ifie.
shertou'have been burned down.
The Winnipeg personation case' has
been further enlarged till Saturday.
The rettent earthquake, in Persia
killed 12,000 pinsons and 50,000.
A petition asking the Crown to
IranEel trc ill caseof '
>1 y
0 Nicholas
Connolly -is in circulation in Ottawa,
I ingaton and Pembroke.
To Dress Well
it is "lot Deees5kry
that you should, lxa',
your Glotlles made li'i: zl
the very best matexl.i:
neither need you ha.-`{
the very latest Styit
but to look well you;
clothes 1111,1st fit.
This is Our Aim.
Not only to make ,.i
suit fit )roper but it
the latest style,
We Guarantee
Every garment th l r
leaves our shop will ?
a perfect fit.
The Fashionable Cutter and Fitter.
l ..i
tlr ti
A complete stock of
Pure and elia le<. r g
4t r<•ghtand reasonab19:ria
and Family Betel'
Carei.u.ily Prepared.
9",t lrvri� �rlQ
i t r.ia.
the best in the market-
,•.,,e«.,,..,.,..».tee...,.: � :,,....�..�...�.....
" riT Trott �4,•
Has now in stock
Alltitra �l14
West of England Suitings and gi'os•,
Scotch Tweed Suitivgs and Trous01.
French and English Worsted Cir,:
All made lila in. the Lates7=
Style, at best Rates..
.r J S EaLL
Atkinson's Furniture Ware -
rooms is the cheapest and best
place in the County to buy Fur-
niture. . .
A first-class Bed -room Suite for only $9 and every-
v .thing else in comparison. All goods guaranteed to
be my own make, of first-class dry material, nothir,
but best hard lumber used.
Taken in exchange for Furniture.
Wire Mattresses.
The only place in town where you can
Patent Dominion �lcklc-Plated Wire Mattress =-`wax
ranted not to rust.
inson, Prop.