HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-02-08, Page 5far ip urn in. ANAOA) LTD, CH, P. re tephen Lewis o attend DP nomination ns have been finalized_ for iluran -NDP Nominating vention which will be held nday, February 12 to select andidate for the March 15 ron . By -Election, The ting will be held in Clinton the Clinton Public School mowing sat 8:30 p.m. The sial speaker for the occasion 1 be Ontario NDP leader., phen Lewis, who visited ron Riding on three earlier asions in 1971. The only firmed candidate at this e is the 28 year old public ool teacher, Paul Carroll, Goderich, who contested scat for the New Democrats he last Provincial Election. he Riding Association cutive met in Goderich on ' 5 ptO / GAVE'. MY JOB p THE OTHER AY,%Q/QNTWANT KEEP A HORSE UrOf WORK” O e.0 LIONEL'S SUNOCO At The Five Points Licensed Mechanic Repairs to all Makes Friday night'to initiate election procedures for the Huron group. In attendance at the meeting was Gord Brigden, Toronto, Provincial Secretary of the NUP, who was in Goderich to discuss details of the Provincial Council meeting which is ' scheduled for Goderich March 3 and 4. The Council meeting, which is 'open to the public, will be held at Victoria Public School in Goderich where 200 to 250 delegates will debate resolutions and other business which was deferred from the biennial convention held in Toronto -last December.— Stephen Stephen Lewis will address the Council meeting during the two-day. conference. - Goderich is the smallest com- munity in Ontario to have hosted the, Provincial gathering, and Riding President Shirley Weary noted that tentative bookings have been " advised with all hotels and motels irk the area. Private billets are also being sought. Foresters hold card party Canadian Foresters card party held at Benmiller hall Satur- day, February 3, had the following winners: ladies' high, Mavis Fisher; men's high, Bill Robertson; ladies' low, Audrey Kernighan, and men's low, Reg Brindley. Draw winner was Al Web- ster. The next 500 card party is Saturday, February 24, 9 p.m.. Come and bring a friend. NO MATTER WHERE YOU BUY THAT NEW CAR Change Up Immediately To MICIIELIN •�(, R-. Steel Belted Radial Tiles from McGEE'S PONTIAC-BUICK The Only Authorized Michelin Dealer In Goderich Ofr e 4 ANNOP tio Feb. 11- 17, 1973 flc OA 001111 lE° 1 4. A Winter and summer, it's non-stop production for Ontario's beef industry. In order to meet the increasing consumer demands for top quality beef, many farmers are moving to automated feeding systems. Innovations such as ,self -loading bunker feeders, carousels and self -unloading silos, allow producers to feed a greater number' of cattle than ever before. It is estimated that more than 660 -thousand feeder cattle will be fed to market weight this year. (Photo by Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food). NOTES fROM PIE NILE., Mfrs. Jack Clements 529-1648 Mr." Robert Dures, Mr. Gor- don Brindley, Mr. John Clements -and Mrs. Reg Ryan are all in Goderich hospitali, and a spee0 recovery is wished for each one of them. C.P.T. elect new officerst The December Meeting of the C.P.T. was held at Mrs. Ruby Snazel's "With election of of- ficers._ President will be Maurice Mcllwain; Vice President Mrs. Mamie Sutcliffe; Secretary Mrs. Ruth Hayden; Treasurer, Clifford Crozier. The January Meeting was held at Mrs. Lilly Bogie's with 10 members present. Mr:4and Mrs. Ron Diemert, Brian, and Karen of St. Mary s visited with Mr: and 'Mrs. Reg Brindley and fatpily recently. Mr. and Mrs. , William Million , Dale and Mr. Dave Million also Mrs. Carr Moller, David and Julie, and Mrs. Hanna Moller visited Mrs. John Clements and Ken on Sunday. 4. A PARTNER IN UNITED & FEDERATED APPEALS BOY SCOUT BOTTLE DRIVE SAT. FEB. 10 If we should miss you or 'special pickup Phone Harold Hibbeyt 524-8811 or Ron Bushell 524-8733 FOR YOUR AUTO INSURA.NE See or Phone MALCOLM MATHERS GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT 46 WEST ST. 524-9442 tions 1 INIMIMMNO ecthcc Wee ELECTRIC POWERIS OUR BUSINESS INQUIRE ABOJJT CLEAN, CAREFREE Chromalox E#ectrtC HOME HEATING CONVECTION There are three types of convection heaters- There is the type that is particularly suitable for use in en- trance -ways, tabbies, corridors, motels, etc. Made of heavy gauge metal with no, moving parts. There is the Natural Convection Heiifer that is port- able and can be taken from room to room. • The third is the Chromalox Floor -Drop -In Heater. Floor to ceiling window areas are hard to heat and` this drop-in type that is supplied in lengths for be- tween joists and parallel to joist -installations will fit perfectly into any area. FULLY QUALIFIED FORCED AIR Chromalox Fan -Driven wall insert heaters provide maximum heat output, need only minimum wall - space. Ideal for recreation rooms — finished attics or added -on rooms — or for supplementary heating. Made of heavy gauge steel, it extends only 13s" into rooin. Built-in thermostat, fine mesh safety grille. rt, GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1973 -,-PAGE 3` Electricity travels speed of light When you flip a switch to turn on a light, the TV, or the hair dryer, the electrical energy needed to operate this equip- ment has come a long way before it enters your home through the utility's meter, perhaps several hundred miles, and - it --has travelled at the speed of light. The electrical energy comes from many generators in p`o'wer houses throughout the country, because the output of the stations is synchronized and fed into a common pool or grid. The generators can produce power up to 18,000 volts. From the generating station the power is transformedAtr a' much higher .volta ems. In Canada this could be _75,000 vot-t. This- is the highest voltage in the world and was pioneered in Canada by Hydro Quebec. Bulk power is carried more economically over long distan- ces at a higher voltage because of the reduction of "line losses" which in a very non-technical (and somewhat inaccurate) way could be •described as evaporation. When the power lines reach the - city,, the high voltage is reduced to,a lower level and is sent to distribution stations throughout the city where it is again reduced to 2,300 to 6,900 volts to be fed out along the streets. Transformers mounted on poles, on pads, or located in vaults if the service is un- derground, serve a small group of homes with 120/200 -volt power. In an industrial area, the transformers would provide 600 -volt power plus 120/240 volts for lighting., In the home, lights and small appliances- operate at 120 volts but there are usually two lines which cap be connected to give a higher voltage of 240 volts to power stoves, clothes dryers.,, and heavy appliances. Large industrial or commer- cial complexes may buy their power from the electrical utility in "wholesale" quantities at some voltage up to 115,000 volts and provide their own distribution substations. In its journey fronnn the • generator to the reading lamp, the jig saw, the refrigerator, or the hot water heater, the stream of power has gone through switches, transformers, meters, fuse boxes, and ' automatic protection devices which reclose the circuit if there is a temporary, fault: It has travelled via two-inch overhead cables on steel towers, insulated conductors along the street and into the 'smaller Wires in the walls of your home. It has been in a hurry to serve, you as' it has travelled at a speed which would take it seven times around the world in slightly less than �a second. } Iat has travelled from . the generator to the appliance' at the speed of light -- 186,281 miles per second -- quicker than you could pronounce the "E" in Electricity. f Special music for the Clinton Christian Reformed song ser- vice on Sunday evening vas -pi�nvtdieel�-"-� Kob�r'f4'a ren VanDerEnde, who sang duet numbers. Mr. Aire VanDerEnde led the service, which included the singing of several of the residents' favourites, with Rev. Buekema. in charge of devotions. A group of ladies fr m t Wesley Willis Church, C i on, along with other friends, held a party in the North Wing dining room on Wednesday afternoon, honouring Miss Mae Davies on her 90th birthday., Mrs. Lawrence Edgar of At- wood arranged a .musical program fair Family Night. Rev. Thomas introduced the num- bers and gave a reading en- titled "Albert and The Lion". Mrs. Edgar provided the piano accompaniment for the evening, which included dance numbers by Colleen Edgar, violin selec- tions by Lawrence Edgar, Viggo and Paul Sorenson. Viggo Sorenson, vi,ho is a native of , Denmark, played several Danish selections and his son, "'Plat' -"ii;`'` Taiarrrined-with" tiri - ber of 'vocal solos, accom- panying himself with an elec- tric guitar. Mrs'. Hull, who ,is Mrs. Edgar's .mother, thanked the entertainers on behalf of the residents. FUSE BLOWING signifies IOW HOUSEPOWER • our ) FREE r-- ' home -wiring � w. SURVEY `� ,' will show you = how to LIVE BETTER—ELECTRICALLY GRAHAM ELECTRIC GODERICH 82 CAMBRIA RD; N. 5244870 STEPHEN LEWIS will speak at the Nomination Meeting y r . of the Huron New Democratic Party MONDAY, FEB. 1 2 8:30 p.m. Clinton Public School ALL WELCOME • LUNCH SERVED National Electric Week February 11 to 17 RELAX Your Public Utilities Commission Accounts,Will Vary RADIANT ` Chromalox Radiant -Wall Panels give gentle warmth, which bathes the entire room in pleasant"comfort. Sturdy construction features. Mounts on;two brackets which are screwed to wall. 4EAT LOSS CONSULTANTS CALL US AND HAVE US CHECK YOUR HOME FOR HEAT LOSS GODERICH ELECTRIC TQ HELP YOU LIVE BETTER ... Electricaily use the services of a qualified electrical contractor .. . I. it 1 I Any number of conditions can cause changes in your Utility ac- counts as rendered every two months on the average. Greatest use of Hydro is generally experienced during Winter months Wilder has its longer periods of darkness and the heating season. Some Conditions That Can Cause Changes In Your Accounts LIGHTING— Artificial Tight is used more in Winter than in Summer HOUSE HEATING— Electricity is used to operate associated forced air systems. burners. circulating pumps, controls, supplementary healing. and so on. The colder and more prolonged the Winter months. ,„z the greater use of both electricity. and fuel. ADDITIONAL NEW APPLIANCES— Such as a television, range. dryer, refrigerator, freezer, radio. HI-FI, air conditioner, etc , will generally result in the increased use of Hydro. ENTERTAINMENT AND COMPANY— The greater use of electricity fo't cooking, lighting. washing. drying. ironing, television. and so on. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S— Preparations and festivities are usually accompanied by the in- creased use of electricity, ILLNESS IN THE HOME— Heat lamps. heating pads. and supplementary healing can be , the c,ause of increased electricity use 'pig, FAMILY— An increase in number is generally reflected in an increase in Hydro. UNNECESSARY USE -- Lights and appliancies left on when not required can cause changes In accounts. BILLING PERIODS—: Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays. inability to obtain meter feedings and so on will cause variations in scheduled meter reading dales. Electricity Meters Are Tested Electricity meters are tested and sealed as to accuracy by the Slah• dards,Branch, Canada Department of Trade and Commerce. GODERICH PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION