HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-12-7, Page 4.fE which case the maritirie province Boal would find a good ntaeket iu the - new 05 .itur England Stator, SA1�lI?1;k S 5e, 17YER. Peope.' THURSDAY, December 7 189 1VORTkI BRUCE AND EA 8'1 L�11VI2U'ON 131'1. EL,I,t;O PIONS. It i$ `youderfully surprising how the polatieal tables will turn, but there has been ncthit , in the history of • politics thatt has caused more guide -spread sur- prise as the eleetions of East Lambton and North Bruce. In the last proviu cial election the Reform majority in North Bruce was 205-1,906 votes hay- ing been polled for`Gcorge, the Con- servative candidate, and 2,171 for Porten, the Reform candidate, Ou Saturday there were three candidates in the field, of whom 11.eNaughton was nominated by the Patrons of industry and. was largely : supported by the Protestant Protects' e Society, while Geulge was the straight Conservative candidate and Pierson the Reform can, didate, The Reformers made strenu- ous efforts to retain the riding—by sending a host of speakers, Sir Oliver Mowat and several other members : of the Cabinet to do all possible in' their power to make a heavy bearing upon the electors. But the tables had turned their efforts were of no avail, , for on summing up the votes it war; found that McNaughton had polled o and Pierson,90b 1,400; George, 93$, 2 thus leaving the Governme, t support_ er, Pearson, completely in the shade. In East Lambton the Reform Candi. date, Dr. McKinnon, was opposed by McCallum, a P.P.A. candidate, who fought his opponent bitterly and won the election by an overwhelming ma- jority of 513. In 1690 the majority for the Reform candidate was 462, The;eyeltts are Somewhat startling and prove that revolutionary influen• ces are at work—influences the force and extent of which, cannot yet be es_ timaited 'with any approach to certain- ty. At present all that can be positive- ly affirmed is that the people of Outer" io have grown weary of the Mot: at re- gime in its maladministrationand pre version.. The people have, been hum' bugged by these state of things long enough and now thiole it high time to put an end. to it, The feeling, `iii Ox- ford is -such. -that Sir Oliver has declar- ed. his intention not to seek election there again, But, then, if he cannot get re eleeled fit Osfin'd, whither will he flee? If there is :so safety ' in the. £reform "hive," -where` shall safety be foued? Pretty state of affairs when the leader of a government has to leave his own douticle as it were. Consider rn., all things, It l . rtiCl .,e a wise move for Mr. Alowat to resign now, and not let it be said that the people of Ontario kicked him out of office; TIIE U. S. TARIFF' BILL. At lengih the new tarns' bill of the Democrats has been made public; and the Cieve,land, ministry in the face of great difficulties have boldly taken the � y bell by the horns by propositi;; a:sweep- •t iilg tariff reform—approximating in many cases to a revenue tariff. :Var- ious are the opinions expressed in Eng- land and Canada, as well as in the United States, on the policy enunciated,. There` will be: considerable reduction of certain articles; and, so far as- we in Canaria ate affected, the new tariff will. r texporters e ba favo able o o lumber timber and taw materials Those em - gaged. in the Cenadiatii lumber trade generally express themselves satisfied with the change. Still, according to a statement made by our nuance Minis ter at Ottawa, the proposed U. S t tri ff —taking it all round -will be higher than the present Canadian tariff It is tho`iight that the CievMand adtninista tion, in framing this new bill, were iu $uenced by a'desire"to encouraged re- ciprocal trade with Canada,incertain lines. For example, it is proposed to put food products and raw material, such as. unmanufactured lumber, on the free list; After the public deliverance )ay our Premier the Other day at Pictoia U. $, we may safely rely on the f�C er.1 government doing all in its power to reciprocate trade relations With the neighboring republic, Tho i7, S man- ufactures wilt heedly be satisfied with the proposed changes ill tine tariff, the more so as the bill distinctly favors the wor3iugd u,as, but it is doubtful whether the ne%v tariff is ould pass through the Semite without cor.sider- able modification. ' We notice;that Coal is to be admitted free; and, were the game article to be,, put on tho yfree list Y41 Canad+t, the benefit wouirl .60 felt in c --a L iltali0 tit 111 rt, r it'; s n buthcottrli ,t Ontario:, = 'snood is brco>7rwg more • scarce 1' would the 'ie,, n cog (tear, A i 1 andL til cost . us about a dollar ',per ton less for our :home consumption,' in ./V OR VII 1iLL) In,EVE X mentioned Amon„ , the names as probable candidates for the Local House in North Middlesex is that of Mr.. John Fox, banker, Lucan. The opinion appears to be pretty* unanimous that he is by alt odds the strongest candi- date, His servieo to the party in the past have been valuable and his popu- larity is great. The only difficulty ap preheuded is that he, will not consent to be a candidate. It is to be hoped that he will allow his hame to bo sub milted to the convention.- It is a fact, It is in the air, Mowat feels it in, his bones, It is written on the wall. It is printed on the winter sky." It is sheeted from Wast Lambton and echoes along the coast of bake Huron, It is announced with stentor- ian tones from North Bruce and rattles like broken thunder among r r b. the spruc- es p LiG es of the northernp eninsula, It fills the province from end to end , and banks up heavily against the doors of the parliament buildings in Toronto— " Mowat must go." News of the Week in Brief. Flint ease December 1St. Thirty degrees below zero yester day at Calgary and other ` North-west points. The great' ship canal connecting' Manchester, Eng:, with the sea will be opened for traffic on Dec. 7. Nineteen tramps, bound eastward from Chicago. registered at the Hamil- ton police' station Wednesday night. The British Admiralty will immedi ately begin the construction of a new battleship similiar to the Magnificent. In a fire which recently destroyed 247 houses in the French concession at Shanghai twochildren lose their lives, Thos. Carlton, of :Orangeville, aged 20, was run over and killed at a C. P, R. crossing 'near Inglewcod. yesterday. The Patrons of Industry of Carleton comity have nominated Thomas Good for the houseof Commons 'and George N Kidd for the Ontario Assembly. Rei. F. W. Terry,_: ,the well known cricketer, nas been taken in charge at Regina,•said to be 'insane, He 'utas stationed at Red Deer, N, W. T., a few months ago, as church of England inin• inter. The body of Roger Allen. with his throat cut from ear to ear was found near the, G, T. R. track: near the north• eastern, part of St. Thomas yesterday: Evidences of;r severe struggle were found, and it is believed he was inur- dered. sATlil '1DA Y December eel, Air. Archibald McFarlane, a promin-. citizen of Forest. Oat, died 'yesterday` of erysipelas of the throat aged 51. A boy of 13 years died from exposure while drunk in'Charlotteton, P. E. Is land, on Thursday night, His name .,vas Flood. Mrs..Josephine Murray, =, who kept ai. boarding house at 156 Seh;rnaer ora street, Brooklyn, was burned to death Thursday night. Geo. Armstrong;•, colored; was hanged at Taylorsvilie Ay yestmrdiy morning' for the brutal murder of Tare Dow nail worna.nivith whom he had been living Alfie Stein 3s Co., importers of kilis , skins, coffee, etc.. at I• dew, Fors:, have become insolvent, The liabilities are Trot yet known, but it said they limy reach$1,000,000, 1 The London Board of; Trade has de tided to join the Hamilton, hoard do urging the Government to adopt a two -cent postage mite arid Government insurance of registered letters, The reeepits of grain at Buffalo dur- ing the past season were the heaviest on. record, 129,44,c:3,913 bushels. Rail- road shipments east from that showed a falling off of over - 6,000,000 bushels, while the canal shipmel,ts were 17,000- 000 bushels in advance of last year: Jelin Conn, the Acvinson banker charged with forgery, has, after a rn•• most determined fight, a� r u it extradi tion, been brought back from the Mil- ted States in chat ge of Deteetivc Rog. ers, It will be remembered that'. Cole failed for about $50,000, and i8 cnarged with forging the natne of A. Gilroy to commercial paper and depositing it as collateral, MONDAY December 4th, La grippe is epidemic in Winnipeg. Influenza is spreading very rapidly in Europe. Yes erdav's heavy snowstorm was general throughout Canada. Fire " consumed $f00,000 worth of property in West Baltimore, Saturday night, The influenza epidemic` Kiel Ger- many, spreads rapidly. Three hued red marines are under treatment. The blizzard and cold waive struck Iowa in an unfortunate time, there is no water, and much suffering is expected, The 4,000 locked out batters at Dan- bury, Conn ,are still' holding ottt, and sa,v they aro prepared for a three months' siege, The Fifty third United States Con- e cess will assemble in reb ular se'sion at Washington to -day, The message is expected to be unusually lengthy, Mrs. Tlalldry, the murderess, , now in goal at Menteelin; N.�". is thought by prison officials to have been con, booted with the famous Whiteelraillel teenier, der, `fire preliminary trial of yorrtrg Mer- • der and his cotnpeeious, who tried to blow up the Nelson monument at Mont- real began Saturday and adjourned a1 ween. The search for the bodies of the men n ito lost their lives by the.burniug of the steamer Fraser item North fiat' has had to be discontinued. Four bodies in all were recovered, The new German Metlrodiet 011153ch et Milverton, Onc,, was opened yester clay. The edifice` cost. $6,000 and will seat 300 people, The day's subserip tions and collections amounted to $1,600, Charles Johnston, a negro preacher - was hanged at Midville, Ga, on Friday He preeehed his own funeral sermon and lined :a hymn while standing on the scaffold. He killed another preacher, The North Bruce bye -election for the Legislature on Saturday resulted in the election of Mr...MeNeughtou, the Patrons candidate, In East Lambton Mr, McCallum, the nomineeof the Pro- testant Protective Assoeiation, was site cessful. , Robert Cowan, a farmer of Masham. township, ,about SO miles. from Ottawa, was found dead in his ;field yesterday morning with a bullet ' through his bre tl, ts have He is supposed° to ha a been murdered. An inquest takes place today. The Detroit Relief Committee, have reached the starvti•ir people of , Iron- wood, where they find the coridrtiou of the inhabitants worse than was ex- pected, _ The ehairity , list increased ;by. 200 names in 24 hours, Relief is pouring in. In'Waakefield there are 314 dependents on charity in a popu; kation of 800, TUESDAY December 5th. • The Pittsburg Driving park was sold at sheriff's sale yesterdayfor $320,• The murderer of John Delfino .was electrocuted at Sing Sing yesterday morning-. '< Mr. W. A Charlton, M. P. P. has been renominated. by the Liberals in South Norfolk, An Ottawa despatch reports the sui- cide of Robert Irwii,, who lived three miles frem Wake Geld. Mr. McLennan, Roderick father of McL , Major R. R. McSennan, M. P, died at Coriiwallon Sunday aged '90;years. John Dunlap, of 825 West Lake street, Chicago, shot and killed his wife yesterday,and then shot and killed himself, Positive economy peculiar merit and wonderful medicine l•poswer are all -com- bined in Hood's Sarsaparilla. • Try it. Hood's cures. Mr, John Craig of the Tertius News Record, has been nominated : as the L+ Reform ',candidate for tst : tt?e'lIiir ton in the coshing provincial cle,ctibn, A freight engine wastsalloued to go dry at Cisco` f1'exas, veste.rday,: and hlew up part of the machinery falling 30 or 40 feet away. Three men ` were 1. filled. Mrs, Wm, McLeod, of McGrigora"1an itoba, was the other day. •; fatally : in ,jilted by the discharge of a rifle in the hands of her yo Lino. son. The ball en tered the back: of her Bead. • At yesterday's npettiug session of the Middlesex County Court in ,London, formal tvelcome was extended to Judge Ed ward Elliott, who presided at the court for the first 11030 shite his ap- pointment. East and South >]1.1idc'lesex Patrons met in 11)lsdon yesterday They ltoln- inated Mr. Allan Bogue for the Com- mons in South Middlesex, while for East Middlesex M T � r W. S. McCreadie and Mr, Wm. Shore were nominated' for the Commons and Legislatne, At Erie Pa,, yesterday, .Edward Cady aged 373, killed las two children, aged 6 and 8 years, and put a bullet into his own brain. Cady was a morphine fiend, and seemed to labor under the impression that his family and himself would become hopelessly` insane if al lowed to live, Mr Henry Fowelt, of Belleville, Ont., lies been granted the highest award and medal for his milk aerator, known as "Powell's Paitent,4Millc A.er•ator," at the Chicago World's Columbian Expo- 61ti011 in competition o• cpm Etitlou against, all others. p :, t This speaks places the Cana- dian inventor in the first rami. 1101111 Triumph and Success! The Pearl of Great Price Found After Three Years ' of ' Suffering! A. LADY OF WINDSOR 'MILLS TELLS HER .STORY 13dFF MA '83 NAlll'AUS5 ti(g0AC}1E POW (04. 0ll35 QtGre ALL HEADACII E. risen to clot every. rlciaxg,butoimp,Ly huge$. acnes. :Pry thein, it iF'itt cost but £.5 o,"7itn for a box abut they (4,0 They aro nota Cathartic. the blessing of health, do not despair and c;onsidcr your vaso bopelaes. Shea, is life for you' in Paine's celery com- pound; it has cured thousands elm were in, a worse condition than you are now; sorely it cart rne,et' your uee,esSi- ties and wants, "• The ,,past and present record of Paine's celery compound is a marvel- lous and, inspiring' one. Numberless testimonials vouched for by clergymen lawyers; magistrates and other. "proin- inent men in our own Canada, amply prove, that Paine's celery compound' i8 elevated far above all other medicinal agencies; in virtue and true' healing power. It is made to says lives, and not simply to sell • Paine's celery compound, produces the strongest - proofs—the best testi •11(1011i418—ever published 113 the world Every cure is'genuiiie; the' cured peo- ple are about us they are . our neigh- bors and friends, and always. ready to vouch for -every word that is published in the newspapers, respecting 'their eases, To -day we are permitted to give the public; another wonderful proof of what Paine's celery compound can in the wort: of banishing disease and sickness. Mrs, E, R, Wheeler of Windsor 112i11s P. Q•, is a lady who is well knowa and respected in her town, She had suf- fered for three years, and only found a cure when she used Paine's celery compound Mrs. Wheelervery kindly writes for the benefit of thosewho are suffering, and who have met with .disappoint- ments and failures by using medicines that possess no -virtues. It is worthy to notice that Mrs. Wheeler's statement is endorsed by a prominent and respected clergymen. Mrs, Wheeler writes as follows;---: have been troubled with indiges- tion, sleeplessness and general debility for about three years; I havebeen tin• der the care of doctors and have used medicines for a long, time, but could not find relief from suffering. Your Paine's celery compound was highly recommended to me, and I finally ,de cided to give it a fair trial. I am ,as•, tonished at the great benefits ' I have received by using your medicine. I am now blessed' with perfect digestion, I sleep well and altogether 1 anl a dif- ferent'womerr. I most cheerfully re command your. Paine's celery com- pound to all that sufferfrom any of the troubles;I have experienced, as'I am sure it will give them instant relief." Rev, J. E. Cox,'„of 'Windsor Mills, vouches for the above as fol low s: --•'I hereby certify that the above statement is correct." t�LL MEN Young, old or middle-aged, who find themselves nervous, weal: and ex- hausted, who are broken down froln. excess or overwork, resulting do mails of the following: symptoms: Mental idepression, premature old 'i o ", loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, =lesions, lack of energy, na:4fii in the kidneys, headaches, pimples in the, face and body, 151131ng or peculiar. sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the oag•a.ns, dizziness, specks bi fore the eves; twitching of the muscles, eye- lids, and elsewhere, bashfulness, depose is in the urine, lossof will -power, tell.. P . rn sth �sir and glint weak d., es ofe c 1p spine, and flabby .Muscles, desire to sleep,' failure to be.rested by sleep, coustipa tion, dullness of hearing, loss of voice,. desire for solitude.'excitaibility of tem- per, su'iilc0i3 eves, suirouucled with LEADEN cIRCLID$, oily 10013ing skin, etc., are all symptoms of nervous debil- ity that lead toinsanity unless cured. The spring of vital force hiiving lost its tension every- fluu;tion wades in consequence. `Those who through abuse, committed, in ignorance, may l,permanently cured. Send your ad. dress for book. on diseases peculiar to man, scut free, sealed. Address M. V 24downAve.,Toronto, LUBON Mac �l A e Ont. .11•..011EAT..0 Vouched For by The Incumbent of The Parish!, The iron fetters of disease must yield When the sick aud suffering 1180 that marvellous life -renewer, Pause's celery compound. 'Thee curing and healing properties -of this great .uicaioine are such, that victory always fellows in its trait). The galling bonds and chains of disease that hi; baffled phy1ieians and common patent medicines are a Ll- tivoiys removed ivlren ,Paine's celery' compound is fairly and fibnestl,y used by the sufferer, Itmatters notlr w o •wearied and worn out suffering i nt s 9u e a man or onia r may y be, .t a assure them ofrelief, sweet rest 0 d cure, lf your physician ian has labor- ed a r -ed with you for wee s,rnorttfig and years, 01311 has failed to secure for you GfE•A.T PAPERS AND GREAT PREMIUMS, Wo are in'a position to offer the AisvoCArIg and the b'dmiill TEerald and Weekly Star, of Montreal, for one t.ear for °a3➢.d.➢. '('his offer entitles the subscriber to a choice of the two great premiums' given, the publishers of the Panii141 Eerdtd. These premiums are the "Star"'A.lnranreefor 1894, a superb boo]c of 450 pages or 1± preferred a copy of the gieat Parana Jleratcl Souvenir Picture which retails at twenty dollars.: Tho premiums—Almanac and Picture—will' be ready about the end ,of November, and will botforwarcled•in the or- der in which the subscriptions are received. Subscriptions to the pe pox. may begin at once, itemernherthe offer of ii choice of promiums hotels good only to people who sirbscriiie daring tho autumn. Afterwards the choice will positively be witliclrt wn. poi .il 11�L` • ctf g )r TRY ONE APPLICATION - 0 F•TIIE . , • . NTliyl c 0�0.63' A IT WILL DI5PEL.Tl;E FAIN LIKE MAGIC. OUR SUBSCRIBERS ARE OUR FRIENDS. CU Fi NiT "":" , 1 2d00 i y 0 4 sU�sc�iBEt�s? TO TT4L "EXETER Ab''itOGATE" The publishers of the AD- VoOA.TE have completed ar- rangements by which a large magazine which contains 100 pages of illustrated and read- ing matter, also very valua- ble statistical referenceP ages, to be issued first week in Dec- ember as a Christmas supple- ment to the ADVOCATE. We have secured this magazine-- THE' agazine—THF CANADIAN ANNUAL—ill hopes of increasing our list to 2000. We propose to send it free, postage paid, to all our subscribers -old and new, —who are paid in advance. Any person whether' a sub- scriber or not, may secure one or more extra copies by order- ing. before Nov. lst, 1893 The price paid for the magazine will beplaced to the credit of •anyone year's subscription to the ADvoCaTE whenever order- ed.The Coon below, when p presented at our office : and bearing THE ADVOCATE PUB- LISHING COMPANY'S signature, is 'good at any time in prkit payment for the ADVOCATI Cut out the Coupon per as ' ger instructions and bring it, or send it to us and have it sign- ed, which. must be done "; by Nov. 1st, to secure the Annual. Cut out this coupon and send it with 25 cents to our address, before Ndv.' 1st r893, and you will receive the Magazine, first week in December, We will .' iye you credit forthe amount iu part payment foroue year's subscription to the ApvocA•rn •u�m.•0 , •q•u •0•0•6•0•1/,- L 1C,-Z `4.��iiEA��AAeeAMl 11! AO, c GOLU P014 FOR Subscribers. This Coupon when presented at our office and accompanied with 25 CENTS in Cash or 'Postage Stamps. will entitle the sender or bearer, to our Christmas Supplement also to part payment to Advocate for 1 year. ADDRESS i#rzl0CaTE 1Pu13TaIs 1111.0 Co. EXETER, ONT Sinned • d ,•�'. r,. w ,•. , ?los it rr e EXETER V GATE, Fb>b A CLEAT( PAPER, A PROGRESSIVE PAPER, TA NEWSPAPER . —For the People. The ADVOCATE nial:es it a point to chronicle all the most ,urs ,:an1 local items. of interest in Exeter and surrounding country. Those of our Subscribers who are two or more ears in arrears, are � Y requested to a u within the next biro 'months,' q pay p r_ 0. it.. DitmESS O, ffl1OEIITE l L!!! 1 iff � ILL QUlC .LV CURE DIPHTEUERIA 9 QUIN$Y9 GILDS AND C The sale of sealskins by Latnpson & Co. in London yesterday shows a drop in price of from 15 per cent. for Alaska skins to 17,E per cent. fol Copper Island. stuns as compared with last ,year's sales It believed the skins wilt net about 510 each. FLQUH:aDd_FEED-i Flour, `Bran, Shorts, Oat Meal, Corn Meal Cracked Wheat and Rolled Wheat, constantly on hand. For sale in large or small A Call". quantities. Solicited W.ITOtrIi 9 • F Ea�I!QuIck!y, Pormaliatit y Recto ed. 1HElRifil4Pfl1111111 Wealcness,Netwo 1sness,tgehltixy, and all the train cf evils •bran curly errors or', • llts of f0-frworl sic 1: later exce.;ics, the t c t , nese, worry, ere. r Lill 1,ranrlh, devclapaleut and 'tone given to every organ and 01131n ,f the body.•Simflr, natural ntrtho� s. Itrcnee. �. a1 im osalslC<" carte iutprovemuui seen, 1 1 1n,o 2,000 references. (mels, explanation and r ` mailed ,d staled ' r: CIIR'ISTIE5S (HIM ERMA.) LIVERY ) First Class RIGS And HORSES ORDERS LEFT ATI3 T E IIAWiI; SHAW HOUSE OR AT " THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY `ATTENDED TO. Teem.= 22eo.eon.a lo Telephone Connection W. G Bissett's S LlY er First Class Horses and Rig SPECIAL RATES'W COMR1. IL+ N AL MEN, Orders left at Bissett Bros:'HareWale Store, will receive prompt attention,, TERMS REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED: 'W. GG.BISSETT tti o.h ;n the .tnn-healinn,,t-:uu O, ©to "'lair* the sooth;a,o' and e;c ec1:07, .3 conibiao' � with p • c : s .i..c, L.it,.� •• � "G 0: 1t. Cru, t u1' ,Gt. ,,,roar Cir C UFi, r a t� Gf �,pt, wP 'iv G.d•4: a`"r� F `L .' -0 C,1.5 .50 i 105 ttnarseness, L!. .,thm, air n I sse rot�iandall'T'kA]Z(iA(Y';F3itCit•"iC:isSlif..aina� `i � .f s fife, ;r,.. Obstinate UY�`v U].,hA5 7, 7 reslrt other aretncdied yield 1)1'0'3)31'1 t o i asa9 ,l 0 plc..situ t piny syrup. eeti1sl`3 ,5025., eeoe eava 1''e31 31303 xL.,114 f1f7CC1 2V A'. N .. NttlV.ititG.iiWFih/f` +t.lY.PA VYdtiiL'Jiu3cL'W a.�