HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-01-25, Page 18PAGE: 4A—GODERICH S1GNAI:-STAR, `THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1973 CHESS CHB NEWS Dear Ann Landers: A hasty reply to "The Observers" who are keeping, an eve on their pastor. Please. "Observers.,. take Ann's advice. Mind your own business. We ministers' wives are doing 'Our best to deal -with "the problem" as best we can. We need not • be told what is going on. We knew about it before you -did--- _ _ - In -nra_ i) yea rs•--<t- minister's wife i have learned a great deal. 1. had no idea when my husband chose this career that he would be pursued by lonely widows. a target tor mixed-up teenage girls who consider seducing a minister a fantastic achievement, and they think it "doesn't count,'' because "he works for God." My husband must spend en- dless hours counseling unhappy wives, sex -starved old maids, and aggressive presidents- of ladies' auxiliaries. In other words. he is with women day and night, and most of them are after him. My guesstimate is that many ( married clergymen have slipped'"at least once or twice, which is.. a far ,better average than the physician,. traveling salesman, plumber and TV repairman. So, thanks for the_help, Ann. My hushand is a wonderful man and I am not about to throw him out.—Coping In Maryland. and decided to start walking. At that D minnent two teen-age ' - boy% stopped. They had a chain in their car and tugged me. to a station. When 1 offered them $10, one of the ..boys st)id,_ "No thanks, . lady. That wi►uld spoil it ' So the next time anyone tells you this generation is goofed up, disrespectful and not worth a damn, stand up and fight. I have --and I will, continue to do so. --Clinton, Iowa Dear Clint: With . pleasure!. Thanks for writing. Dear Coping: Sounds like you worship the water t'he guy walks on. which is one way of dealing - with the problem. I repeat mv advice to all "Pastor Watchers"—M,Y.O.B. Dear :Ann Landers: I have witnessed a miracle for the e second time in my life. - It couldn't happen a third time. No one could be that lucky. This afternoon my neighbor's eight-year-old daughter ran through a :3 x 6 . glass patio door. She ended up. with a small cut that required only three stitches. Two years ago one of my own children ran through a similar door and escaped without any injuries' whatever. That child could have been cut to pieces. It took .. me months` to • get '.over the 'shock. Now I am writing to ask you to •warn everyone who owns glass, doors to please decorate, ' them at once with attractive decals. Or have an artist paint ' some designs on it, anything so the glass will not be clear and treacherously invisible. It could save a relative or guest serio€is injury o death.—Va. Beach Dear Va.: Thanks for helping me protect the most wonderful people in the world. My readers. I don't recall ever having printed a letter on this subject. It was generous of you to write and share your good fortune. - Dear Ann: I'm tired of hearing teen-agers put down as if they were all a pack of irresponsible, strung -out freaks. Last night at 12:30 a.m. I lean, ned how beautiful some of there are. M car stalled ofrt?e main highway. I pulled over to the shoulder and there I sat, com- „ pletely helpless and scared to death. (I'm eight months pregnant.) - I can't tell you the number of cars £hat drove by without stop- ping. Finally, I gave.. up hope Leave this 'Handy List Where He Will Find It! BIRTHDAY! ANNIVERSARY! SPECIAL OCCASION! Height Weight Coat Blouse Sweater Slacks Slip ilia Robe Panties The family' of Mrs. Mary Jane Taylor held open house in the Auditorium on Sunday af- ternoon in honour of their Mother's 90th birthday. Seventy-five relatives and friends attended the party and Mrs. Taylor received numerous birthday cards and a special message from Prime Minister Trudeau. Bob.,and Danny Heywood of Exeter provided special musical numbers at the Christian Women's Club song service on Sunday evening. Mrs. Luther of Hensall led the service with devotions taken by Mrs. Whilsmuth of- Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Finlay of Goderich assisted the Huron - view regulars with the old tyme music for Monday afternoon's activities. The Hu,ron.view Women's Auxiliary were hosts on Wed- nesday afternoon for the January Birthday Party, con- vened by the Vice -President, Mrs. Webster of Blyth: Mrs. Millar Richmonds showed slide. pictures of places of interest in Ontario, the Maritimes and Western Canada, which were enjoyed by everyone. Following a sing -along, led by Mrs. Dwight Campbell, accompanied by Mrs. Richmond, gifts were presented to the twenty-seven celebrants and lunch was ser- ved by the Auxiliary. Miss May Davies, one of the, ladies celebrating their 90th birthday this month, thanked the group on behalf of the residents. The square-dartcers were featured at the Family Night program, which was arranged and introduced by their teacher, :Mrs: Orville Storey of Seaforth. The dancers include Doris,. and Donna Lawson, Darlene and Debbie Taylor, Verne .Sawyer, Les Lawson, David Totv.nsend and . Roy Brown. Marlene Glanville played the guitar and sang four solo n -timbers and Susan McAllister entertained with piano and accordian solos. Nelson Howe on the violin, ac- companied at the piano by Mrs. Lawrie Sawyer, provided the old tome music for the dancers and opened the program with some -favourite tunes. Jack Car- ter expressed the appreciation of the residents for a most en- joyable hour of entertainment. A Fashion Show ""Misi U.C.W. 1973" by the UCW ladies of Nile United Church, was the special event" at the January meeting of the after- noon Unit of North Street United - Church ,.U.C.W- held January 16L The skit was informative and very interesting. Mrs Sam Jef feraon, with the_ help__of Mrs, I�n'ks#adNr-". anti hlry falter was in charge of the program. The theme of the Meditation ' iq CnII. " Kirk' Lyndon gave Charlie 1.000 percentage; Amedea An - MacDonald some bad moments dreini 5-0-1''.917; Clarke Teal in a close match this week, 18-3-3 .812; Jim Weary 12-4-1 however Charlie cache through .735. in the end for his 29th win. Level 2, Glen Wightman with Amedeo Andreini picked up 15 wins:6 losses and1 draw for two more victories and is now .705; Ernie McMillan 10-54 undefeated in six games. .667; Kirk Lyndon 2141-2 .647; Glen Wightman's winning Tom-- McGill 18-12-1 .597, streak carne to a halt with a. Level 3, John Kane with 12 loss to Clarke Teal. But Clarke wins 9 losses and 2 ,draws for found he had his hands full in ..570; Jim Kingsley 19-15-1 a match against" Ian Ross' who .557;Glen Falkiner 8-8-1 .500; gained -a tie with him -- IanRoss10-20.2-.344- *. __: % try—advnrrced trill!'_: _ :�Uevel ;=f lek l -it gsiey-Wit#r-8`:i = wins, 26 losses and 1 dravw for .243; Bob Brindley 2-9-0 .182; Larry McDougall 6-33-1 .162; Laird Eisler 1-6-0 .143; Rob Shrier 2-25-1 .089. Mrs. Wm. Auld favored with two piano solos. Mrs. Jefferson closed with the poem, New Year's Resolutions. Mrs.,D. Buchanan took charge fr the business period. The meeting closed with Mrs. A. Habel thanking each and every one who helped, and especially the ladies who put on the skit. ''An; enjoyable cup,. of tea and sweets were served. February meeting will be held Feb. 20 at 2 pm. Goderich Sailing Club level 1 winning all four of his games last week. Ernie McMillan won three of four games to move up two positions in the standings. John Kane won three and drew one to take the lead in Level 3. - Rick Kingsley showed great improvement with two upset victories over higher level players to raise his percentage 40 points. Glen Wightman and Reinhardt Voelme from the Goderich High school Chess Club have been sponsored by the students' council to play in a three day chess tournament in Niagara Falls, January 19- 21. • The standings as of January 17 are as follows: Level 1, Charlie MacDonald with 29 wins 0 losses and 0 draws for 1460 er erich '1 Fiftec 2.00 priz Ith gam pot $81 is. Door 00.—gtf Mr. H.W. Moyer, Provincial Service Officer, London, 0 tario Will be visiting in the area. ANY ONE WISHING INFORMATION, ADVICE 0 ASSISTANCE, REGARDING WAR DISABILITY PEN SiONS, TREATMENt, ALLOWANCES, .ETC., I. REQUESTED TO CONTACT THE SERVICE OFFICER OR. SECRETARY, OF THE LOCAL BRANCH, WHOS NAME APPEARSBELOW. _NQTiAT.EWTHA LFebru. .ARRANG.:E.,,AN_INTERVJEW:-. -__ W. Sheardown` 58 M. Sheardown SI, s . .,. ° Mary • St: " 524-9390 . 524-8609 E 62nd Childr on Cou Counci se: Go nesda ,_at 21 rdially it AGRICULTUR CREDIT CLIN Thursday, January A complete, one-stop financial tservics=for today's business -minded farmer. NCHE( . 26, it all, seri on to verybod3 ASK APP fyou b ntact rvice ARMs usre. BLIGA SC TU Pre Liol V C Inti Sea F Inti • Kinc . .S Int Me Int Wal In! Se, i i .At the annual meeting of the Goderich Sailing Club, a new executive was elected. Commodore ..is Dr.. Michael Watts; vice -commodore, Don Baxter, Goderich; rear com- modore,. -Jack Elder, Clinton; secretary Patricia Jewell, Goderich; treasurer, 'Marilyn Penfold, Clinton; race commit- tee chairman, George Penfold, Clinton; entertainment com- mittee chairman, Shirley Elder;- house lder;house committee chairman, Norma Jeffery, Goderich. Four Mini -Mac dinghies were donated to the Goderich Sailing -Club by Dominion Roads Machinery; John Sully; George Robertson; and by Goderich Manufacturing, Up' perlakes Shipping Ltd., Goderich Elevator 'and Transit Co., and Domtar Chemicals Ltd. These boats will be in the 'possesion of the .. club this Spring. Members_ of the Club are looking into the feasabliity of a Youth Sailing Program for interested young people of the area. Plans for a full summer of '_.r•acing are underway and mem- `bers are looking forward to an increased -membership in 1973. Persons interested in sailing should contact Jim Mulhern 524-8631. • NO MATTER WHERE YOU BUY THAT NEW CAR Change. Up Immediately To MICHELIN 'X' PONTIAC-BUiCK The Only Authorized. Michelin Dealer In Goderich FARMPLAN is the Royal Bank's answer'to the increasing need for agricultural credit ....none -stop, package -type financial service, with features.of special interest to the business -minded farmer. ` - With FARMPLAN; emphasis is on ability to use credit - profitably. loot simply on the amount of available security. - FARMPLAN meets all your short and intermediate credit needs. Consotidi,t:bpirrttttrlder one roof Lets.y'tia? tails?! repayment edulegh yqur income potential ;,can save you time and money: With FARMPLAN, the whole year's credit can be established well in advance of actual need,,saving'the trouble of arranging credit for each major purchase.. It enables you to buy for cash, often at substantial discounts. Under FARMPLAN, the size of your loan is governed only by the soundness of your proposed" programme and reasonable indication of your ability to • repay. Your line of•credit can be''expanded to meet expanding needs. With FARMPLAN, you pay jnterest only on the amount of borrowed funds you are actually using. AGRICULTURAL CREDIT -CLINIC Thursday, January 2 1:15 p.M. to 4 .1s P.M. Information. Call: 524-7312 . • JIM BIRD, Manager Goderich Branch wr F c LC West St. Use Our Fre. Layaway Plan Brighten up ur borne with a new chesterfield uite - and now's the timer to do }( while you can take ad' vantaga of otrade-In allow for your old suite (In gam, condlt of couran). Drop in and 10 our Mui 'selection of quart! cher; k - suites today and then • tet' Make. A Dean Buthurry - Is limited: