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The Exeter Advocate, 1893-11-30, Page 8
sPECIAL L RI G S:L3I To make room for Now Goods. we will oiler all School .Books. at 20 per Cent discount. 200 page Scribbler for 3 cents, 300 pages for4 cents, 100 pages .for 2 cents and 72 pales for 1 cent, Slate pencils 11 cents per 100. Inks 2 for 5 cents. Slates for 4, 6, and cents. Note paper from 4 to 7 cents per qr. Envelopes 3, 4and 5 cents per paokaae. Tablet note 7 cents per 100 sheets. 10 cent Music, 3 pieees for 10 coats. 100 5 -cent Stories at 3 cents each, 8.8 Libraries at 35 percent. discount Albums away down and all other goods at from 20 to 50 per cent.. discount -Bibles excepted. Sale to commence Saturday at noon and close Tuesday evening; Sept 26, at 10 'o'clock. It will pay' every visitor to the Fair to call. John rig 110K,4 t� i. 1 CUTTLERV at less than half price, at the Big Bank- rupt Store. LATEU S FON, SALE .-94.1' Pee r,a•ti i i a rde .i0ld3,f11ISS;:U LS APPA .t1JCl1TY. WE WERE FORTUNATE! Yes, very fortunate, in se- curing a case of plated silverware at a price that will knock cold any goods ever offered in Exeter. One case is all we have, The goods are made on white metal and double plated, guaranteed not to tarnish and costs you on- ly 25 cents to try the' quality. 25 cents for any package in the case --an assortment'of 30 different packages. J. A. STE AR T, LOCAL JOTTINGS. Come .and look at , our . low priced eveshoes and rubbers. Geo. Manson Thursday was the first Thanksgiv- ing Day upon which holiday rates were obtainable on the railways. Johnston has a special list of Bargains in his regular advertisement. TAKE NO- A considerable reduetion in the price of wood this ivinter is predicted owing to the large amount of trees felled by the big wind storms this year. Good! Let her drop, Mr. E. G. O'Donnell : will 'enter an action against the Toronto,Fmpire for damages fer libel in publishing Mr. J. t}. Nunn's Ietter, making the 'accusa tion against Mr. O'Donnell, for which vlr. Nunn is being prosecutederimin ail -v. Mr. J. E. McDonnell, of Hensel', un- derwent a surgical operation on Fri ie clay last which at the time was thought would end his life, but it will please his many friends her and abroad to learn that he is now prcgressing favor- ably and on a fair way to recovery. The very unwelcome intelligence of the death of Miss Maggie Sheere, of London, was learned with deep regret lest week. She was well known here and much esteemed by her assoeiates. Per death was very unexpected ected being a with down inflammation on the lungs Thursdey and succumbed to 'ite fatal effects Friday. She was 2• .wears of age: ,r, A phenomenal run, ecliUsing•'al previous ones, was ,tn;sde. on .the' M C. is R. main line Tusedayenornin, ,' Train No. 19, North Shore limited, is a very fast train, making 50 miles an hour, including stops, from river :to river'. She was 25 minutes late ,at Clifton. Engineer: Cooper, with engine 431 brought her from Ilagersvilleto St. Thomas, ed. inilos, in 61 minutes,: in. eluding slow -ups at fort Dover;. Junct- ion and Yarmouth for raiiwa "cross - o y ings. The average time made be- tween Ilagcrsville end St. Thornas including the tine lost iri_slowing rip, was nearly 68 }miles an.hotlr, although there was a strong bead wind. Six miles were made in five minutes in a few instances.: This is the fastest ran u ever made on the Canada division of .thti" M.C,Il; ' Lovely Xmas goods at the Big Hank reptStore. Prices lower thau any bankr•upt stook in town at Manson's. No old 13aultrupt stock at Geo. Man- eon's.—All good reliable goods. R, flicks has the best roll gold chains in the world for the money, Call and see thein. Keep your feet warm and dry by buying your boots stud shoes at Man- son stanghter sale. A number of our townspeople spent Thanksgiving day with friends out of town, while others ate their turkey at home. Overcoats, Mantles, Fur Coats, Goat Reims, Blankets, Dress Goods all at cut prices during the great 60 day sale nowat the Big Brnkrupt store, From the result of the organized whist club the first game of a series was played at the residence of Mr. N. D. Hurdon. on Friday evg last and a very pleased evening was spent. Miss Mary Ann Tapp, of whom went tion was made of in these columns las- week is still in a low condition and meagre hopes for her recovery are en- tertained. Dr. Moore, of London, was summoned on Tuesdry but could do nothing for her The plebiscite campaign in Ontario is a godsend for the Yankee "temper once" orators, They are now covering the land and shouting at good wages, aed are doing about as much good for the cause as if they -were so many stou ghton bottles, The remains of the late Lucy Pen warden whe,died at Loudon on Friday last were brought Mare by train on Satu, day and conveyed to Mr.. S. Buck ingham'e residence : and on Sunday were interred in the Flimville ceme- tery. She was 67 years of age. De- ceased was a distant relative of Mr. Buckingham. The Seaforth Expositor has the fol- lowing reference to Mr. H. C. Brewer's stereoptiean exhibition, which will be shown 'here on the 5th Dec. "Among the most pleasing features was the stereoptican exhibition by Mr, Brewer, manager of Molsons Bank,Clinton. The views were of places of Biblical andlo cal interest, and also of several; promi- nent citizens. ; They occasioned much interest and mirth, pleasing both old and young." The D W. Boyce Co., of Chicago, want a good hustling boy or girl in every town in the United States and Canada to sell their famous weekly il- lustrated papers, the Saturday Blade and the Chicago Ledger. They are to be sold on the streets, in shops, stores,. etc..' Thousands of boys are now mak- ing money doing this, as it is an easy matter after once fairly started. No expense to begin. Send name to above address, and receive instructions and stationery. • g•' As will be;seen elsewhere in this issue Mr. E. Christie has signified his intention of seehi'ng no further honors by representin,g`theratepayers of the Village of Exeter at the Connell .Board after the completion of the present term. This we feel.quite sure will be learned with regret by the•town in general, as Mr. Christie is recognized as a faithful. and ardent worker and one who de votes the utmost care and attention hi. the administration of the town .affairs. We trust he may change his mind be- fore nomination day and .concede to the wishes of the 'people for at least another term, Some,days ago a school girl in this county, we sha'nt say where, found a package of loge letters written to her mother by her father before they were married The daughter saw where she could have h, little sport, read them to her mother, pretending they were of recent date aria substituting her o,vn name for that of her mother, and that of a fine young, . man who was well known to both of them, for that of her father. The mother' jumped up and down in her chair, shifted her feet rap- idly and seemed terribly disgusted, and she forbade her daughter having any- thing to do with a young man.. who would write such sickening, nonsensic al stuff to.a girl. When the • young. lady handed the letters to her n• other to read, the house became so. still that. one could hear the grass growing in the back yard,. , eisew Ads." G. G. JOHNSTON.—"Bargains Days for one week. J. A. STEWART,—"Look Here" ROBT. N. ROWE.— `About Rising time."' D. WEISMILLER,—`•Sale still boom- ing," Our Friends Abroad. To myriardo of people it will be good news that there is to be a Christmas number of the Montreal STAR this year. All over the world the Santa Claus spirit gets into the air at the begin- ning of December, whether times are good or bad. Friends away across the sea, over the broad prairies or even at nearer distances; look for a message, and glad will thousands be that e are to have a glorious Christmas num- ber of: the Montreal Star . laden down 'with fascinating gems of art. Entertainment, Mr. H. C. Brewer, of Clinton, pur- poses giving an entertainment in the Town IJall on Tuesday evening, De- cember 5th, the first part consisting of Old Testament History, illustrated by lantern views from Dore's celebrated Bible pietures. "Thesecond part mis- cellaneous, comprising;, views of the World's Fair,views of Exeter (including the burning of•Pickard's mill) 'views of Bayfiell,,Godorich, etc., portraits of prominent citizens o£ Exeter, and poli- ticans, also cloud, sunset and moon- light effects. To commence at 8 o'clook sharp. Admission 25 and 15 worts. Big trade down at llfarisen's last Fri- day. and Saturday. Everything being; Bleared out, Present for the ratter. The Rev. Fred Ilelltng Feet, hereby thanks his parishioners from the Lon- don Road, North, for the present of some 40 bushels of oats, so considerately left at the rectory stable on Tuesday last, and he sincerely trusts that their own garners may always have ill them enough and to spare. A New Register stamp. The post office department announ- ces the issue of a new eight cent regis- tration letter stamp. Formerly the public went to the stamp wicket with a three teat stamp and buying a five centnmade t i• a e he eight cent stamp1 necessary. Five cent stamps cannot be purchased, and those registering letters will require to purchase the eight cent stamp issued for that pur- pose. A Dream. How many people have yearned for another Christy as number o'' the Mont- real STAR, one f those things of rarest beauty that tut ed the heads of old and young inether years? And it will be glad tidings in thousands and thousands of hoes that there is is to be this year the grandest of all Christ- mas STARs,`fort -four pages on satin: paper with five rt supplements of be- witching beaut Shooting Match. The only app rent stir in town on Thursday (Thanlsgiving Day) was the shooting atc.h in connection with the Metrop litan Hotel. Quite a number were pr sent and some good shooting was doe, Sides were chosen to shoot fora sw epstake. The follow ing is the score: Jas. Bissett (Capt;) 9; J. Scott, 8; Ira Bice, 7; Geo. Eilber, 8; Thos. Routley, 4 A. J. Snell, 8; 'Fred Hunkin, 9; Wm, Folland, 6 total •59. N. D. Hurdon (C pt) 8; h Smith, 2; J: i C Sheardown, 8 Johnston, 5; W. Kerr, 7 6; R. B. Samuel. ; Jas. Ptdrdon, 8•, Jas. Creech, 8; total 2. Thus Bissett's side won by 7. n 0 n 0 n m Y a y a m 0 e n e a 5 Smallest steam Engine Known. Mr. Thomas Ticknor, jeweller, of Parkhill, Ont., manufactured not long ago in his own shop (Parkhill) a steam engine which 3s believed to be the smallest perfect steam engine in ':the, world. This mecanicai marvel he has christened "The Little Jumbo." Its mechanism•c litainly reflects the high. est credit on' the perseverance and ability of Nji Ticknor. "The Little Jumbo" is .made almost entirely of •steel, highly polished, and is a perfect model in every respect. It works with perfect accuracy and ease.. When in motion it makes a musical hum similar fettle noise made by a small fly. The dimensions and capacity are as fol lows:—Outside diameter of cylinder, 1-48 of an inch; bore of cylinder, about 1.60 of an inch; weight of entire engine 1-2 a grain; revolutions per minute, 1,760. "The Jumbo's" piston, slide valve, eccentric and steam ports are so small that a .m•lcroszope is re- quired to examine them. The balance wheel is 3.32' of an inch in. diame- ter. The diameter of,the driving shaft is about that of•a'human hair, 1-16 ` of an inch in length. The length of the entire engine, including the balance wheel, is but. 5-32 of an inch; or one- half the length of a grain of wheat, Personal Mentiion-' lir. aild Mis John; J1. Gatiss, who has been veeitinggtheir daughter, Mrs. B. 8. O'Neil -left -fol*. their home in Eagle River, Mich, . on Monday.—Mr. Wm. Sanders, and Miss Elliott of Mitchell, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mar- tin, Deyon.-•Mrs. Thos. Snell, Huron st. was on the sick list a few days last week: --Miss•_ •Senith,..milliner, spent Thursday with ; friends and relatives in Seaforth.—Mr. G. W. Holman, of Elimville, T. A. Brown, and Miss Clara Vesper attended the Teachers Conven- tion at onvention'at Goder dh, on Friday and Satur- day. --Miss Ada Ilacrett, of Cobourg; returned to her home Friday on ac- count of ill health—Mrs.Wm. Treble and daughter, Mrs. Billings and muss Amelia Oke attended the funeral of the late Maggie Sheere at London on Monday 'last,—Chas, Sanders, after spending a few days at his home in Stephen, returned to Seaforth, on Mon- day where he will„resume kis studies at the High School. -Mr. John Gilles- pie iecer, ed 'word from Stratford on Saturday that�hi3`•mother who is 84 years old was lyifele at the point of death. He tool the evening train for that plce.—Dr. Amos' has been on the sick list for tbe past week and unable to attend to his patents.—Mr. Frank Tom left one day last week for St. Joseph's Hospital, London, where he underwent an: operation. Mr. Tom has beenvery unwell for some time and it is hoped the operation will fully restore him,—Mr. N. Phippen, furniture dealer of Parkhill, was in town yesterday the guest of Mr. ;y Gidley.—The following persons spent Thanksgiving' Day in town. -e -Mr. Wm, Pickard,,of Seaforth; Mr, Jos. Pickard and son, of Drumho; Mr. W. G. Collins of Watford; Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Manning, of Clinton, guests.,of:leis parents; Mrs. Hoover and daughter. of Clinton, guests of her eid- ter, 'Mrs. W. T. Hawkshavy Garnet Hyndman, of London, under the pa- rental roof; Mr. W J, Collins and wife, of London, the guest of his brother. F. W, Collins; Miss Clara Hersey, of Zurich and Miss Mabel Hersey, of London, et their homer Mr. J. W Harrison teacher at Vatu''t, with friends' arid relatives -- Inspector, John E. Tom, of Goderich, gave the Advocate a friendly call yes- terday. --Mr. John Heywood and Mrs. H.Parsons, returned home from Brrgh ten, Iowa, where they have been ` for some weeks.•—Mrst'John Gillespie ;and Mrs. John ' Gould went to Stratford Monday to visit the latter's mother who is very ill. Look out for Santa Claus at the Blg Bankrupt Store, Rg liiclzs is offeringbar ains in g lew ellry. Give hith a call. Buy'our Xmas groceries att e yy g the ank ru or an save mot}e , $ up to d y O�llSlO]!'S llarj&M J.IIS for Ce Veok Commencing Saturdayq' 'yd continuing for one week You may get goods at the following rates; Biggest Offer Yet 15 per cent. cash discount oft MANTLES 12.i per cent. cash discount off OVERCOATS 10 per cent. cash discount off SUITS 15 per cent. cash discount off TWEEDS 9 bars Electric Soap... 26 lbs. sugar. ... . 5 lbs Currants, good.. 5 yt Raisins, It Can Salmon, fiat' tins.. 25 $100 25 25 9 A good story speeds ; best being plainly told, G. G. JOHNSTON, Opposite Hawkshaw's Hotel 1IA1111110T1-1 STOCK! Enough Cloth ing here to Clothe all the Country ! What are you going to do with all the Clothing? We hear such expressions' as these every day and truely this stock looks ponderous. Yet with such a generous demand as there has been since this season commenced, we have nofear about hav- ing too msanygoods. From every town and village in the county, people are crowding into our store. The largest stock draws. The lowest prices tells. We carry hand -made boots and shoes. E. J. SPACKMAN & CO. See the lovely lot of plated silver- ware at the Big Bankrupt Store.''. 6 tea spoons double platedgfor 25e.. � Send in your ,subscriptions to the. ADVOCATR. We will send it from now till January 1st, 1895,,for 81. R. Hicks hasn't a watch in stock that: will keep time with the town clock, even the cheapest will keep better time Call and get one then you will' have your own time. $ t will pay for the AnvoCATR. from now until Jan 1,•1895. Subscribe now and get the balance of the year free. Read our great offer on another page The J L Grant Pork Packing Com- pane, of Ingersoll, broke -its record on Thursday last in slaughtering hogs. The record up to that time was 913 at one killing, but on that day . in ten hours the eighteen men who handle that work killed anddressed 1,018 hogs and thoroughly cleansed the slaughter room in the time specified. • HAND CUT Orr. -A very sad acci- dent befel Mr. John Reynolds on his father's farm in Hullett, on Wednes- day, 22nd. He was working at a cut- ting machine which was propelled by steam. Although the young man is. deaf and dumb, he is above the aver- age in intelligence. ' In fact we believe he learned the printing trade and, was a good compositor: While performing some work at the cutting machine his left' hand was drawn in. The knives were set for a half inch stroke or cut. As the sharp steel blades revolved the fingers and hand to "the base of the thumb were gradually severed, six or seven half inch strokes takingoff as many pieces. The belt:at tis time was thrown off and, the machine stop- ped, else the whale arm might have been chopped off in half inch ,pieces. The injured member is doing, as well as can be expected, reasonably ted. Mr. y P Reynolds will have the sympathy of all peoictioplen,, in his very palnftil and sad afff ;.G .oreeow4 Scr'. lers Would be a good phrase to apply to those who are al- ways l-Wal s parading r Bargains they never Can proil} uC We have a large stock, Well. assorted, and at right prices. We, dont ask 15 for an arti- cle rta- c .e. +and take 10. , e u n. dertake tUke GJo do a . e .. Straight i- usiness t misrepresenting nothing, "selling good for ghathe . t are ' worth giving do la for dollar in value. Our ''`, etc® Square dealing..—Produce taken in Ex- change. Butte1. 20c, Eggs 15c, Dried Apples, So, Lasa 13; Ducks 7c, Turk. ey Sc, Clem Oc. nosiz, C STOVES FuRNAGES. Now is the time to buy Stoves and Furnaces. r ` If you want either of these articles, why not buy from us? We compete with dealers all x x through h the count. and defythemsex Xlx . �” Y to � meet our Prices. We keep.the largest assort-, 1. ment. We guarantee every' stove : and furnace we sell. Co � 1,, 011 nde &tato Agmy IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell a Farm iF Yon WANT TO Buy or Sell Town Property 1F. YOU WANT TO • Borrow or Lendl1'Ioney IF YOU WANT; Collections' Make Call at Mr, Jno. SP ackman's Real Estate Agency, Business Transactions strictly con- fidential. Intending purchasers will receive the best• adyice in selecting' land or town sites. Also agent for Allan Line and State Line Steamships. Office—Main Street, Exeter, Ont. Address:—JOHN SPACKMAN, Box 44 ThiS wonderful shwa/cry is the best known remedy to Biliousness and all Stomach and Liver Troubles, such as•Constipation, Headache, 'Dyspepsia, indigestion Impure Blood, etc, These Lozenges are pleasan and Harmless, and though powerful to promote a healthy action' of the bowels, do not weaken like pills. If your tongue its coated you need theut. Exoter Luiu ]CP Yal' The undersigned" wishes,' to inform thegeneral public that he keeps constantly in stock all kind s of building material; dressed and un- dressed lumber B. C. rrio High Land and Pine Shingles. Special notice is d- i to B. C. Red Cedar whici, is. acknowledged - e the most durable ti. ;+ that grows; especially - ,.rr s`hing les. 36 to 40 years. It is said by those know that they will 1 from 36 to 40y .ears in a climate. James. Willis i Air ALL »aro f3ToPtES. is LUMBER MERC3ANP •Eerie tt City EEUSInc ae chick Sllortju,ud School, of London, DOES NOT Weed to' hold out smell inducements as the payment of Railway Parc, (Y'u5ra4nteeingPositions, 1 o as, a.utr iii order to secure your patrdnage . E 'DO Offer you the Vest Practical and Thorough Drilling in all tiusinesss Stitt- Jects which itis P ll aossi.hie to obtain. We have the largest attendance and the most ,orralrloto soliobl in Ottnttdw. We solicit your }iMrtronag© solely upon the ground of Our suporior training Satisfaction ,guaranteed or money refunded., Board $2 fib per week. Gatalougo free. T l3 1. •3z3", •STr, i'x' s 2.-zr=`i,'r, rs1.at..icSpA4,, 1n: