The Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-01-25, Page 3GODERICH S7UN:tL-STAR, THURSDAY, JANUARY; 2L yi97, 3 -PA F:.3
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r Editor;
erhaps, for one week,` .in- outdoor'theatre. We have won- planning qualities of the per- closer to the jail.
d of "Looking Back" .you dered about the County's -.sons voted in and paid "to han- It was proposed two 'ears
Id publish a column called original decision to build' the die our .interests. ago to tear down another see-
king ,kin Ahead." The year assessment office in its present We apparently have members tion of_the jail walls to provide
'. - Might no-roorn_for__e� ____on _ .the Huron _ -County_ Council __ parking for the Children's Aid _.
ld_� Z03fi, with d something like ,-this: pension. t which I believe are taking a Staff. Surely the projected
nator It E. Mc'inley a,n- As an alternative we would very dictatorial view of the , enlargement of the assessrnent
need today. ,.That a Local suggest expansion to the north situation by saying that the office to include the Children's
rtin Grant in"the amount of ..of the building over the existing structure holds no memories Aid offices will call for still
i;000•-wi11--he- issued")jointly- parking--lot-with---utf`dacgrriund_. wcarthdianging onto. more parking area. Where will
,� this o? How sa a are the resit
'I walls?
centre, an asset to Huron sure ,the people of Huron two periods of architecture eni-
County:"' County and our' American bodied in the jail and the
To destroy any part of the visitors are asking the same assessment office is not
jail defeats this purpose. This question which is now going pleasing as it stands. How
area to be demolished was the through my 'Aind, What is much worse it would be if the
area obviously excellent for an wrong with the thinking ' and ,office were jammed in even
e County of-Huron-and-th —. parking' hea-itrthe-future-.the-
wn of Goderich for ,the pur- governor's residence would be Our neighbours to the south of the jai
e of re:constructing the for- required, surely a suitable of us have numerous tourist at-, No explanation has been
r County gaol and the first location could be found for the. tractions namely (forts) Indian made publicly as to why it is
nicipal Building ever to be Children's Aid Society.
ferent from theirs, and we have
always thought it would be of
interest to have a Canadian
column such as this. Is there a
reason why this is not feasible?
We would very much ap-
preciate hearing
ppreciatehearing from someone
on your staff as to why and why
villages which if you read your not feasible to build and
It in that county. We wish you to reconsider ' history books represents a great provide parking to the west of.
he site of the building, now your decision. deal of blood shed and sorrow, the office. We need a set of very '
parking lot, was fi, st cleared The historical value of the but do they tear,them down, no convincing figures to justify
ring the 1970's - beginning in jail as it is now could_ not be they have enough foresight - to neglecting this approach to the'
3 when the outer walls were replaced by money. restore for the coming problem.
olished in .the name of .. generations, no wonder we're Let every alternative be ex-'
)greSy before destroy what
he building will , be re-
structed with large blocks of -
ne - refuted to be part of the
sinal structure =found along Tp the wells
shore of Lake Huron;"once
mped over the hill as a vain Dear Editor•
Psion control measure which
cipit.ated the disappearance With respect. to our new I don't really think our
Bingham Park and the ad- council and the various new • teenagers are so far out as some
ent residential area in 1974. representatives of other Huron people believe. '
senator McKinely also in- County municipal bodies. I can- I can't understand why this
sited that the new building not help but cry "to the walls - was not foreseen, as the present -
to the walls". The people must
Id find renewed use if the defend the walls historic assessment building should
s ofour
vernment finally accepts hisnever have been erected in that
to re -new capital punish- site on the edge of town which, area in the first place.
t, thereby instituting a new until its most recent and most They should have recognized
�ustry in 'Huron."' pleasurable use,, was known as it as only the beginning of the
the local jail. "destruction of the only struc-
Regretfully, For those of us who made any ture of its kind in North
-Paul Carroll use of the jail last summer it America.
was indeed the walls which - Let's hope that the County
S. If readers are really con- made the place so attractive. Council sits down and handles
rned about this historic Once those walls are eroded it it in the proper manner as this
ilding please -call me at 9189 will be only °a matter of time .historical building does not
write-ot_-.Joan at 9924. Do it before the whole structure is belong to a few but the whole
Yours sincerely, still in the back woods and un- plored a ore we es
Harold and Norma Jeffery til -we have- solid councils - to can never be replaced.
protect our heritage and not, be Dorothy Wallace -
carried away by prestige - -
bdilders, you cap expect more
of this. We seem to be diving in
a time. when it's not safe to
turn our backs.
w. demolished,- for what.. area as a very valuable tourist
Am I not right in saying that attraction.
the a§sessment office is a recent I surely hope all citizens far
structure-apliarently' °planned and wide will stand up and be
by sonteone supposedly in the counted, and ,.send a letter to°
know? Why then is it now the Huron County Council. A
deemed necessary to enlarge it? very concerned citizen.
Why was this type of building Yours truly
Svd Lawson
We were incensed when we
read. in the paper:, ,about the
county's proposal to tear down
the jail wall.
This community has•• no right
Sincerely yours,
Mr. M.:1..)3oulton
Mr. A.W. Jackson
Valhilla 112 Base Line Rd.,
APT. 509, London Ont.,
N6J 1V4
Editor's Note, Ann Landers'
column is well, -read. The type
of problems with -Which she
deals rarely are concerned
with politics or national iden-
tity. An a11=Canadian column,
as good as Landers' just isn't
available. But we do run Bill
Smiley — and he's as
Canadian as the Maple Leuf.
not least, to our good friend in
shining' armour Mike Watts,
who apparently is a critic in
just about ariything.youu would
care to mention. Frankly, Mr.
Watts you and your fellow
critics of we snowmobilers give
me a pain.
It's true doctors have hinted
of new spinal problems, but are
they so. busy counting broken
legs that they can't determine
the therapeutic significance of
the sport? Snowmobiling
breaks far fewer legs than
skiing. Mr. Watts little pep talk'
Jdn. ? - at the --Goder ich---
-Cone& te-attgrrited. deafness;
lead poisoning and cancer from
inhalation of exhaust fumes
from snowmobiles.
Apparently Mr. , Watts
doesn't understand how a two
stroke snowmobile engine func-
tions, because if he did. he
would know that a snowmobile
engine produces 30- to 40 per,
cent less toxic fumes than a
conventional car engine. I
imagine it's possible that we
could contact some of these
diseases eventually. I under-
stand that alcohol could cause
cirrhosis of the liver; that ar-
tificial food colouring causes.
cancer; that Rolaids is bad for
anyohe with a heart condition.
Where - do we stop?
Oh by the way Doctor Watts
said that snowmobilers are
anti -social. Show me an anti-
social snowmobiler and I'll
show you a man from Mars.
One hundred of us died on -
our sleds last winter, more than
half because we used an off-
road machine on the highway.
Serves us right for being stupid.
But snowniobiling kills fewer
people than -kitchens,
bathrooms or fires. It's a lot
safer than driving your car.
, Does the politician use the
taxes we snowmobilers pay to
build safe one-way trails
marked with warning signs? Or
give us snowmobile crossing
signs on highways as they do
for deer? With a million of us
we have our badapples; but we
stack up well against Toronto's
Murders, Vancouver's
marijuana users or Montreal
Want to know who this army
of sled ,;drivlers,;areY�
Skilled laborers make up
300,000. We've got 150,000 in
the professions, 100,000
salesmen, 200,000 go ice
fishing,: 20,000 of us race and
draw more ,than two million
spectators too, 100,000 use
them in our work, 50,000 are
clerks, 56,000 are retired
people, 100,900 are farmers.
And despite our critics we'll be
joined by 250,000 more
Canadians this year. We just
hope they get some instruction,
and join a snowmobile club, so
they won't be statistics too.
And we'll be great nuisances
the whole town, for many years,
despite the lack of several ser-
vices and facilities.
With reference `' to your
statement regarding a one
house, one lot rate payer being
taxed $76.00 or more under
General Levy, 1 feel this is in-
correct. I assume you arrived at
this figure from Mr. Todham's
statement, that the town's
4,000 ratepayers would have to
pay $70.00 'each to make up the
amount of $280,000. Taxes are
not arrived at in this manner.
Taxes ,are pro rated according
-M ,-..•each--i ndiv.idual....a''" sme,nt--
--i- •htvae---been --told --on--good--..
authority that this drain could
be installed over a period of
two or three years, with the
help of grants, at very little ex-
tra .cost and possibly none to
the taxpayer.,
I have every confidence that
our competent and fair minded
Mayer and -Council will arrive_
at a solution 5tttisfactory to all
in town.
We are very flattered by your
description of us as New
Goderich but as most like
myself have lived here for
thirty or more years; and. still
have some narrow gravel roads,
no sewers, or town water, in
spite- of these drawbacks we
-have never .objected to. paying
our share of all improvements
to the town.
I sincerely, hope the editor's
gloomy prediction of "Old
Goderich" becoming a choking,
stagnant town will be
brightened by the new' lights on
Court 14.ouse Square.
Ford Little
ti -
Comnmerce or your Tourist
organizations. +
What I'd like to know is,
How in the name of God could
you reproduce in its entirety
the article which you had
already published•eleven years
ago, , and pretend that it had
just come to light recently? But .
I have a theory: I was once
editor of a • magazine myself
and 1 kept a fileof junk which I
labelled "fillers". I would use
these scraps to fill in a certain
Space when news was scarce.
Probably some one on your
"staff .-dug. -into- A-pile_of. fituff
eleven -veers ld -and cane.-.ulz
with this as'a.newsworthy item.
1 am glad you at least consider
it newsworthy.
1 don't look for publicity any
more since hundreds of my
books containing this poem are
scattered around the 'Province
of Ontario and 1, have been
given a lot of crediit for them,
but I would suggest •that the
decent thing for you to do now
would be to print a pleasant lit-
tle not in your next issue, all
set up in a neat boxed' type,
containing an explanation
similar to the following:
Milk' price rises
Dear Editor,
I am writing to express my
objections over the recent in-
creased prices in one of our
stable dairy foods.
Adding_ to the ever -mounting
cost of living was the 1973 New.
Year's . resolution of the On-
tario Milk Marketing Board, to
raise the price of whole
(homogenized) milk three cents,
from .38 to .41 cents per quart.
We are enclosing a copy of a allowed in the midst of a prime
ter we sent to Huron County residential area? , Why now
uncil expressing our feelings should' they be allowed to
the County's plan to spread like' a' cancer .to the
molish part of the jail for, ex- surrounding , areas --detriment,
ssion pltrpgrrte,s.,,e,,ot t.'• „",,11 S t''`w "d`,4'
., r ' . 4,..+„-- ♦,1, .. r ioi cin 'c"' ' ! , .
Yours sincerely, (1) Leave the jail as is for the
Harold and Norma Jeffery time being.
(2) Construct a completely
new assessment office on our
industrial park where they can
,expand„ to their hearts content.
(3) Put the present' structure ,
• into use as a -much needed
social centre, intra -connected
ar Mr. Berry: _ with the undefiled historic
- structure. , -
It was with regret that we To the walla gentlemen, the
ad of . County Council's decision 'is yours but- not yours
cision to demolish the large for ;you'or us alone but also for
urtyard ofthe.jail to make thoseunborn.
om for the ro osed ex °
proposed P Thank goodness the' citizens-
n of the assessment building. and yeomen of York, Lincoln,
om conversations with other Cologne etc.,' did just that for
terested citizens, we know we our sake.
e not alone in deploring this
tion. . .
We agree with Goderich
eve Deb Shewfelt's and
puty Reeve Stan Profit's
iginal suggestions . that the-
it building be restored 'as is, w
he ' used as an historical
nal museum and 'cultural
r. John G. Berry
cretary -
iion County Council
rt House
derich, Ontario
Yours faithfully,
B. Markson
•Dictatorial view
Dear Editor:
After reading January 18th
issue of the Goderich Star I'm
Needs convincing °
Dear Editor,
to allow the destruction of any
part` of this,historical building.
We are fortunate in that this
building, which is described as'
"unique to North America", is
situated in Goderich. But it is
our responsibility to see to it
that we protect this small part
of our heritage.
At the present time it is
enough that we see to it that
the_ jail and its surrounding
property remains intact.
We ' kilove that others will'
rightly feel that we are a petty'
and indifferent community of
Canadians if we fail to take the
I wish to protest loudly initiative in this matter.
against this latest raid by Will you hells? Will you
County Councikrjn the walls of
our former jail.
speak out? "
When one considers the huge Betty Lou '_Dalton, RR 3'
sums- being spent by our gover- Goderich
nment to rebuild the fortress of Mike Dalton, RR 3 Goderich
Louisburg or the fortunes spent ,. Leona and Fred Vassella, RR 3
by the Americans to restore Goderich -
L -
such places at Williamsburg Linda Bowler, RR 1
this proposal makes one shod- Sebringville
der. Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Davis, RR 4
It is centres of interest which Goderich
are unique such rch as" our Huron Joan .. Vanden . Broeck,
County ,Museum and our jail, Wellington St., Goderich
complete, as itis now but con- Anne Davis, - South Street,
taining a museum and' an art. Goderich
centre or whatever ..develops,Eileen Wilson, RR 7 Lucknow
which will draw visitors with "'-Mrs• .-James Sinnett, RR '7
their spending money to ' our -Lucknow
-town. It is not modern Walter Davis, 85 South Street,
assessment buildings with acres Goderich
of tarmac. These are necessary Sadie Gilders, 181 Caley Street,
too. But let us not destroy the Goderich,
one, for the. -.other. Mrs. Gwen. Moller, 88 Albert
The close proximity of the Street N., Goderich
Ernie Allen, 226 Britannia
Road, Goderich
" Earl Moller, 88- Albert Street,
en /CO
Naturally,,the price of all other
grades and quantities of milk
were' raised accordingly, reflec=
ting an increase of nearly ten
percent in one of our stable
Surely it's -'time • for con-
sumer groups to organize brief,
but strict boycotts of the
product,. until it is lowered, at
least" to the prevailing rates 'of
The public must he thinking
over that TV message we were -
getting a while ago, from the
OMMB. You remember, the
foamy .white liquid was poured
into a jug and afterwards, a
-buxom lass, looking as ..though •
she might have beep a second
"Tess of the D'Urbervilles",
• drank -a glass of it, smiled and
' "Milk, it's my little trip."
Then the smooth, (milky?)
- vdice of -the announcer intoned;
"Milk, the .beautiful fobd
"you're ignoring.-
gnoring.-It appears as though con-
sumers are now picking up the
tab -for the, dubious pleasure. of ,
watching that dairy maid drink
a glass of milk on the TV
Housewives throughout the
province must feel like replying
to the OMMB:,, "Milk, the
beautiful food ' we're
ignoring—because we can't af-
ford it!"
Goderich - -
D. Knox, 1 -1 -6 -Victoria St. N.,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller, RR I
Percy LeBlanc, 91 West St.,
Goderich -•
Neil Devereaux, RR 4 Seaforth
Ruth Foug,Fre,-46 Church
Street, Goderich
Mrs. Grace Mugford, 180
- Wellington St.,-Goderich
Mr. anti Mrs. S. J. Lawson, 102
Wellington St. S.,- Goderich
Mrs. Bill Smith, 46 Wellington
Margaret Williams, 153
Palmerston St., Goderich
Roy Cox, 33 Elgin Street,
Eric Johnston, 111 St. George's
Crescent, Goderich
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Munday,
193 Blake St. W., Goderich
John S. Lincoln; RR 2 Strat-
M. . E. Mack, 33 Elgin Ave.
*East, Goderich
Michael J. O'Brien, 193 Rich
Street, Goderich
'-'Dianne Leddy, 195, Wellington
St., Goderich
Charles Kerr, 211 East Street,
Goderich - .
A. N. (Sandy) MacDonald.
Angry author
bear Editor,
I object. In your issue of
.January 4th you published a
-poem• • entitled THE
was said to have been found on
a bill Fernhurst Glen,
near Holmesville. It was in a
.dilapidated state when found
and the - name looked • like
Michael Farrell.
1 am the -author of.that poem.
I wrote it iris .1,946 .,and, ,it wad
first' published 'in the London
Free Press, and then reprinted
in your Signal Star and the
Wingham Advance Times and
several other newspapers. "It
has been read - at many
meetings and at assemblies of
,,various kinds. Two of your sub-
scribers recognized it as one of
my poems and wrote to me, en -
Closing the clipping.
• I have had several hundred
poems published in the last 3Q
years, and three collections -
have' appeared in book • force.
The books were- copyrighted
,and were not' to be used
to ever except' t' ourselves,, without mv permission: Now of
everyone; P _.._.
until„a snowstorm ties up your course I cannot sue you for in-
commranitv.- - fringement of copyright because
Then we'll be asked, by the of the circumstances in which
same disc jockeys that use their you had found it but I would
programs to defame us and our • appreciate it if you would print
sport, to volunteer ourselves an explanation of the error in
.and our sleds. As we rescue the name and mention the fact that
sick and the mighty, , the lazy it contains -other errors which
and`oh yes, a few of our critics. were not in the original com-
So Doctor Watts if winter position.
gets on your nerves where you or When it first appeared long
get sick of contemplating your ago, I received many letters of
navel and writing nasty letters appreciation -from all-over that
to the editor - buy a sled and area,, in Huron County and' ad -
Or are you too anti;, joining counties. One of them
social? was from Miss E.M. Strang,
who was I.believe a relative of
a former Goderich C.I. Prin-
cipal. So there are probably -
dozens of your subscribers who
recognized it as one of my
However, I am writing to you
Dear - Sirs:
sending me
tion due. I
the amoun
cheque for
you to pl
scription f
from God
I am still
Signal -Ste
-der to keep in touch a' bit with
news. , -
Yours sincerely,
E�inice McLamb
On behalf of the St. Peter's
Youth Group, I would- like to
thank the Signal -Star for their
interest, and excellent coverage
of our activities during the past
It is greatly appreciated.
Thank you. -
Yours sincerely,
Michael Redmond
Saveitai'°tit WhOI..aila) Prices - We bu direct
Dear Editor:: --
We have often wondered why
the. newspapers do not carry a
column like Ann Landers, hot.
written by a. Canadian for
Can*than- people. Our politics
and social problems are dif-
Pro soowmobilers
Sounded like
pre-election talk
Dear Editor:°.... because of another surprising
In answer to your Editorial coincidence connected, with this
Comment, "Drainage Act ver- • poem. You actually printed the
sus General Levy". •' poem cin ,Nov. 30th., 1961; with ,
1 disagree with your descrip- the identical story of how 'it,
tion of the route of said drain. was found and how it was
it does not begin at Bennett mailed to you by the person
and Bayfield Road, therefore who located- it in Fernhurst '
does not run Southward. Glen. That was eleven years
Beginning at. Bayfield Road it -ago'. You asked at that time
runs Westward to Furse St. that anyone refognizirig the
The "now vacant land" men- name should let you know his
tioned has 41 homes, all paying identity and you would inform
taxes to the Town of Goderich. Your subscriber who found it. I
In our issue of January
4th, 1973, we printed a
poem entitled "The
Maitland River" which
was found on a notice
board in Fernhurst. We
did not know the name
of the `author and
suggested that it ap-
peared to be Michael
Farrell. We have now
learned that the author
is Michael Foran, 50
Girmour Ave., Toronto,
formerly - of St.
Augustine, Ontario. This
poem has appeared
recently in a new book of
verse by Mr. Foran en-
titled "Twenty Of My
Send me ten copies of the
January 4th issue so that I can
send them to my friends and
agcnls,. .Don't. yharge me' for
them. ••:: •
' "f nciclentally re4errdrS. in line
2; as you printed - it, the word
Irish should be . Irishman. It
ruins the metre as it is. Also
line 5 mentions rivers called
the Dale and. Avon. It should
read the Doon and the Afton.
There are no rivers in Scotland
called the Dale and Avon.
Michael Foran
I have many relatives and
friends still living in the
'Goderich, Wingham, Lucknow
and St. Augustine areas. They
would • appreciate this ex-
• M.M.F.
Editor's Note:- The.. present.
editor carne to -the Signal -Star
three years ago, eight-yearsaf»
ter your poem was first pfinted
in this newspaper. The clipping
arrived on my desk
mysteriously 'and - as you -
suspected - looked like fine
"fill". 1 apologize for any con-
cern this has given you .and 1
sincerely appreciate your letter
of explanation.
Dear Editor,. -
This letter is addressed to
you and' about one million
anowmobilers, and lastly but
You say the purpose of the
recent meeting was to discuss
the type of drain. Jt was not.
The notice we received read "to
discuss -apportionments of
1 feel you grossly exaggerated
the value of land south of Ben-
nett St. with the installation of
this one drain,' as it will be
years before all drains leading
into it will be installed. i would
say your assertion that this
drain will mance our land
highly . desirable sounds like
pre-election talk. "This Land is
-While we south end rate
payers appreciate your sym-
pathy, we also expect the same'
support, as we have given 'to
wrote to you at once. I asked .
you to sertd me three copies of
the paper in order that I might
check the identity of tfinder
and verify the details. Tom did
nol. reply. But you did send me
an invoice charging me thirty
cents for three -copies of your
paper. 1 aaid to myself "To Hell
with the Signal Star, .,they
should be paying me for the use
of my poem instead of charging
me for the three copies."
Incidentally, you printed a
picture, of the Maitland River
above the poem at that time
with a Blazing headline
Bells, I should have asked for
payrinent from your Chamber of
In order that Signal -Star
readers might express their A
opinions -- on any topic of
public interest, Letters to The
Editor are always welcome
for publication.
But the writers of such
letters, as well as all readers,
are . reminded that the ,
opinions expressed in letters,
published are not necessarily
the opinions' - held by The
Signal -Star.
This week's
Bridge Scores
.January 16, there were eight
tables in play rat the Bridge
North-South winners were:
Mrs. D. D. Worthy, Mrs. W.
Duncan, 109; .Tom Eadie, Ray
Fisher, 911/2;
Tied for this d Mrs. J. Peters,
Mrs. G. White, 88; and Mrs. J.
Stringer, Mrs. R. L. McDonald.
East-West winners were:
Mrs. B. Erskine, Mrs. J. Don-
nelly, 97; Mrs. I. Papernick,
Miss B. Etue, 91; Mrs, A.
Galbraith, Mrs. R. Ryan, 86iI=.