HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-11-30, Page 7lime' F+►o1's Prayer.
'The royal feast was demo ; the king
Sought Soule new sport to banish caro,
And to his jester Dried : " Sir Fool,
Kneel now and snake for us a prayer."
'The jester doired hie hat and belle
.And stood the invoking court before.
They could not see the bitter: smile
i;, Behind the painted grin he Wore.
He bowed his head and bent his knee.
Upon the monarch's silken stool
The pleading voice arose -P" Oh, Lord,
Be merciful to me a fool.
"'Tis not by guilt tho gnwar'dewcep
Of truth and right, Oh, Lord, wo stay
Tis by our follies that SO long •
We hold the earth.from Ileaven away.
"These clumsy Poet, still lin the Haire,
Go crushing blossoms without end';'
'These hard, well-meaning hands we thrust
Among the heartstrings of a friend.
"Tho'iII-tiimmed truth we night have kept—
Who knows how sharp it pierced and etungt
Tie word wo have not sense to say-
Who knows how:grandly it had rung
" Our faults. no tenderness should aslt
";he chastening stripes musboleansethem all;
But for our blue', ors—oh, in shame
Beforethe oyes of all heaven we fall.
" Earth hoer; no`balsam for mistakes -
Men crown the kmave and scourge the tool
' That did, thew will ; but thou, oh Lord,
Ba merciful to me, a fool."
The room was hushed. In silence rose
The Ming and sought his gardens cool.
;Arid walked apart and mm"w
murmured lo,
Be merciful to nue, a foo'.
—Prom an old scrap book,
Her heart eank at she looked round her.
A ; eyes were fixed on her—the baleful
glanoem of the two evil -looking atraugere,
the grave, severe look ef M. Dumont, and
the herd, meeetrating, jadiolal gaze of the
gendarme.. She telt oho was in tomo terrible
' " In the mama of heaven," she cried, In
tretnhiing bene,:" of what am.I amused ?
What deet all this mean t"
" It swans," replied the brigadier; "that
a terrt tle grime has been committed."
She hell rose bo her feet, grasping the
thine beside her for aupporb, as she glanced
sat hi:n with speeehlepe horror. .r
" Yee, 'wretotted woman," said M. Da-
, " the nnfertanate M. Germenil has
been tonne, murdered this night I Speak,
thee, and prove is ue if yea Dna that you
are nob guilty of this wicked deed."
She lifted her hands to her head with a
gestate as - though gibe could net quite
. grasp the meaning of what he said, re-
peaebing his words in low, horror etrioken
tones. •
" M. Germenil has been murdered 1"
'Then after a pause she seemed to -realize the
position she woo in. " My God 1" she
ogled in pia -wing tones, "de 1 hoar aright?
Yon ooeuse me of murdertng him; my bene-
,faceor? Before that God whose wrath fella
thee heavily upon use I swear to you that I
am innocent."
Har looks and tones were se fall of troth'
and genuine feeling . that the listeners hesi-
tated, and their conviction ef her guilt
xliegeu tai waver. Perceiving tills In
their.1t-Nees, Remind insidiously inter-
igtosea l ` the effect that he was sure it
toms a. tt, and that madame would have
no di. 5 y in shsawing where the money
. Dame rom which Pierre had seen in her
pses eeien that morning, and that point
settled there wenid be no longer any reason
.fer.suspooting her. •
'Marie eagerly explained thab the money
had tome given to- her by. M. Germentl the
',pxevious evening."
unfortnuate gentleman probably
knew madame previously and took an Inter-
est in her, watch nomad aoosunt for hie giro
frig her a purse of gold," said Remand.
' Is than so 2" demand ed the brigadier.
Bit Marie was obliged to admit that she
had never peen M. Gormand till her arrival
at Les Bene Amis the previone`efternoen.
She felt the web closing around her.and
,gtrulgled•hellesoly to eeoape,
" Is is a likely story," paid the brigadier,
4' that any one would give se roach money
to an utter stranger, ae you admit youreelf
to have been to M Garmenii. Leb me see,"
he added, examining the puree which had
'been 'token from Marie's pocket, " one—
.two -three four—Sve pieces of gold, and a
;purse to carry them in addition. A likely
•etory indeed !"
" Still,", sada, Resnond,wibh well shammed
' i sympathy, "'we meet nob forget .that
'mad:;,nae has net contradicted harmed', and
that she a000nnted'for the poeseseton of'tbits
money iii prsolleely the same way when
;Pierre found her this morning--"
" Yea," said Pierre, interrupting him,
'-" when I found her trying to . escape from
•the house before any one was rip. What did
• nob Leak very like. n honest woman."
" Why," said . Dumont, " didou
lime seek to fly from a house where yon had
• been so kindly treated 2"
• " " Yea," said Pierre, "and afterpromising
M. Gormand, who had been se kind to you,
that you would not go away 5111 ho had seen
!you moan." ,;
Marie remained silent. She could not
answer these queetiens without, disclosing
all which she had uptight to congeal by
ight. She looked areued her despairingly;
ed seeing an exprdseian of pity on Charles'
tie she epi sa,ndito him net to condemn
nx+itali „, t'semo further proof.
:x• I know," she said, " that appesrauces
are egeinet MO, bat indeed—Indeed I arm
tbrnooent 1"
ihaslee listened, in alienee to what
• bad posed, though oppsaranoes wore 'so
mach again er be did not feat at eat oon-
vinoed of hie gadt and now laid ee boldly,
remindfaag;thoae present . tint tip yet there
gree nettled, preyed, and that mere sus-
;'iaiofose, however etroeg, could net condemn.
" Be stare," he said, addreestag Marie,
'ab jtshic will be done. There must be
rougleffewesbtgation of this affair. My
or and I will see te that." `
onroed began to think that matters wore
rt goi»g quite a+e he wished them, and
served Shut himself and'his friend were
so interested in the matter being settsfae-
rily cleared up, and that, there was. one
blur which 'feed meesfenre"'bad overlooked,
and which ' might' help to• olucldats the
ivyetory. Perhaps his 'good , friend M.
- l'ie;•re 'would toll them if any of the rooms
ase jblming the out in whtoh the ' murdered'
araan had slept bad boon ` ocoepied :that
Wet. The number of 'ithe lamented
.ontiemen'd room was, he'understood,
Fbio.• 13. .
"Art unluoky Weinberg" he added, " was
roe. 13." .
_" You," Bell Pierre, Si ado "- .pointing to,
M,atie--alk 'Ebe slept in No. 8;ti' •
' ""n •aontiutteci 1temond, ""as saoh
iz deed could not posezbly have'been mime
'spitted without souse little 'noise, madame
donbbltse hoard something—some little
ielletnrhanco--of which she will tell mooed
eehioh wi11 perteanpit give some:eine to this real
. dhtorit."
nate, •with aevllish isgesnuiby, did this
•btenbter riomplete ' the chain of evidence
against hie'vtobtut. ,
She, of Douse, could not sleet thio new'
• ti aw:written with any alert 'of satlef aotory
arising. She could oily eflirm again and
„ag sin that she 'bed been so ovegoonie with
f etig bo she had elapt heavily, nob awaking
OW the sun was op, and the() she had heard
nothing, absolutelynoting.
The brigadier istened luoredalousiy-
her story seemed to hien quite uiworbhy, of
belief—and he said there wee ne use wart,
leg furbhor thee It was his duty to
arrest her, end, having taken dawn her
abatement in writing, he AO hie men would
convey her to the goudarmle, where she
would he detained pill" further inquiries
Ab this a gleam of triumph passed ever
ltemond'e face. He was safe, at any rate.
',that was all he aired for, Ire felt ne pity
ler the creature ho was so remoreolesoly
eacrlfieing, No memory of the love she had
borne him, no thought that she was the
mother of hie child, paused him to falter for
o, moment in his fell purport. He would
have regarded such considerations, had
obey been eugpesbed to him, as more paling
sentimentalities. The roan was iDlyif dead
in .him, The predatory animal aline re-
But•wait-,-best waft. Retribution fellows
crime so surely as the day the night—
Though the mitis of God grind slowly,
Yet they grind exceeding small;
And though with patience he stands waiting,
Yet with exactnose grinds lee all.
He had long wattled, but the wheals
rolled swiftly now.
The brigadier had arranged Ms papers in
order before him and now sat with pen in
hand ready to note dow.a the answers of
Marie, who sat trembling before him with
downcast eyes.
is Your mane ?" he asked.
" Mario Beaumont," oho replied in almost
inaudible tortes.
Roger was about to continue his interro-
gabory when anunexpected interruption
eoourred On the mention of this name M.
Dumont and Charles exchanged seartled
looke and the former eagerly asked,
" Marie Beaumont did you any your name
was i!"
" Marts Beaumont."
The answer in the affirmative wee given
with such hesitation that it led to further
gaestione, and after white she adinitied
that she had had a child—a eon—which she
had been obliged to abandon immediately
after its birth.
" You were then ander the enrpielon of
theft,"; ata'fttl M. Dumont, "and was on your
way to Glrenoble hitherto of the gendarmes
when you escaped, and "—
"rWho are you ?' she cried wildly—tor
in the whlbe haired, clean shaven old man
'elle did not reoognlze the sorrowing un-
shaven stranger who had taken her child.—
"' who knows ail Shia and epeake te me of
my child ? If you know aught of him, tell
ins if he still lives."
" He doss," answered M. Dumont, re-
straining Charles, who was oaths point off
speaking, white' Mario thanked heaven
terve/illy for having spared her child, even
though she might never see hind. She had,
she said, deprived herself of the consolation
ef keeping him with her and abandoned
him to e srangera, and she would reb now
darken him yotaug ilio with the slimy of
guilt which hung seer her own.
" Though I was innocent then, as 1 am
now," she said, " of the crime ef which I
have been accused.' Bat, alas 1" she added
in pathetic tones, "unable to prove it new
as then. I am condemned to wear out my
wearylife friendless and alone.'
Deeply moved, M. Duutout turned away
to hide bis emotion, while Charles, who
could no longer reutrain himself, sprang
forward; and, to the utter amazement of
thetas present, alarmed her in hie arms, cry-
ing : " No, no ; not any longer friendless
and mono. Mother, you have a son 1"
" My son 1 My son t Ah, God be
praised, and you, too, to find my son in you,
who, when I wasnothing to yea bub ^a
mfaerable, gnllby stranger, were kind and
pttiful to me. Bab," she added, turning to
M. Dumont, " is this true? Is this really
true 2"-
M. Dwinont captained that it was quite
true ; that he was bile stranger she had seen
take the child franc before the shrine, where
she had laid it.
This explanation was listened to with
many exolamablons of wonder from those
around, on whom this extraordinary revela-
tion had came like a thunderolap.
" 'Truly," said the cure, until then silent,
" inscrutable are Who ways of Providence..
Be of good heart, my friends. All will
soon be made straight. The ' innocent
will be cleared and the guilty brought to
There were two poisons"among than
present who did not by any means desire
the feulfilment of tale prediction. In foot,
Remind had for some, little time been feeling
anxious as to the emcees of hie plane: He
had nob calculated on their being so long.
detained, and he know very well that every
minute added to the risk of their detection.
He knew the gendarmes were looking for
him and his companion, and if their iden-
tity with the fugitives 'from the prison at
Lyens were ones eitabliehed the breath of
suspicion would inevitably be braneferred
from Matto to them: Once arrested, it
would be itnposslble for them to clear them -
Helene. They carried damning proofs of
their guilt upon them in the shape of the
stolen notes—which would certainly be
found, as their clothes wore sure to be
searched by the gendarmes.
He felt anything batwell (Unposed toward
Charles, whom he now regarded as a
fresh etumbliog block in him way, and en
whom he cast a very ugly look as he instinc-
tively pub his band en his knife. Yes, if it
suited him, ho would shoot as little consid-
eration for She son as for the mother.
All this premed rapidly through his brain,
while the attention of those present was all
directed to Charles and his mother. He
explained to his companion that they had
better seize the opportunity of endeavoring
to get away.
Bertrand nodded assent. He was tee
frightened to speak. 'He seemed to feel
the cord round bio neck, .while the nates,
whioh.were concealed in the bank of his
coat, seamed to rumble every • time " he
moved. Cleating frightened grosses round
him, he followed his companion, who,
with his usual swagger and an air of
great assurance, approached ,Ali. Dumont,
and said ' with charaoterietlo impudence
that before leavin his haepitablo house, he
was curious to assure him of the high
esteem ha whfoh he held him ; that ho had
done an sot worthy of the highest praise,
and which made lain, Remoand, sensible of
his own aeertmeminge, oto.
Daring this tirade Dae of the gendarmes
had brought a paper to ,the brigadier which
seemed from his expression as he read it to
contain information of importance.
Hemmed, Whose book Was tarried toward
the ofilder, had made M. Dement a sweep.
ins salrttabiorr, uttered a patrocfztng "" Boo
jour, friend Pierre 1" tend now had his hand
on the handle of the deor, obesely followed
by Bertrand, when the order rang out fn
alear, derisive tones ':°
" Secure those mamen, h'
The gondareallorowdedinto the room,
and in 'lees, flints than • it takes to tell
Romond; and his companion found them
eolvea teem to face with the brigadier, a
couple of nburdy, fellows on dither side.
" What does this morias 2" said Ramond
in a biasberlmg, ballyitt tone. Ry what
right do you thus interfere witlr had detain
tie inoffensive tiravollers 2 We deemed 50
he released at once. This delay bonnet in
ootivontent to us."
"' 'itou'fi Kiting what it mesas very
quickly," said the brigadiers adier,, .," and you
had hotter drop that tette, MY roan ; ib
won't do."
!very ane Iereuenb was• **abounded at the
new tern affairs had taken, and formed an
eager circle around the brigadier and the:
sbrangors. Barely se many • terrible. ,and.
wonderful ihfnga , had .not hapP,entid Utnlyr
thereof of I:.es Hens Amus sines it'wes first
(the, brigadier blues prated to road
aloud the ,paper which its had just re•,
cetvod, and, wnioh bad thea 'ohauged the
Bertrand'l's knees doubled tricolor hiss, sod
he would have fallen had it not 'boon for bhp
grip the geode:moe kept of hie collar, white
Raurond iietisnod with iiia nasal air of imps•
dent aesnranue. , • .
Brigadtrar Roger," went on the officer,
" arroet wherever iso rimy find there
the two prtaencrs recently croapr+d iron the
Lyons prison, who aro !1i neetirq under the
names of Bertrand"
f° That is my, 1stoad,'" there," odd Rea
mond Impudently, with a clod toward Her -
trend, hie mune 'being held by 'the genu'-
Rornond," continued the of-
while loliewleg the weggou., rlok anythtes with, such desperate ruffians
,seM of meneY In the bowie Walden. Oat gptibIngmeword °yahoo,- and ..15 would' he
last place where they would think,' of wok they had told hirmit would be ,iieeleee any
log ,hitri, and as lhe Money Was all' in gold lenges. to xleny guilt, giviog e 04048
..,:theder eever of ths darkness he made .his 'grmmieg and Imploring mercy, the meet
Way safely beak to. the farm end had harked ahject,teress; Eat there Was to.movement
reund until all Was' oidleL kaowledge In "the loeg ritnewy,fineere anci, gleam .10
el the heuee•had euahld him to effect ao ihe eee that would have boded ill 'for
entrance without any diffioulty. them had they leeen fewer inenumber or had
He had found the old man busy °Quoting teey not akeady taken the 'proem:listen of
his, money and 'putting. it in% hags ready removing the knife, whom long, curved back
fer 'some hiding 'place, had thine behind. Wade could de south deadlywork. •
;Anneal him, or, Ad it turned ent,hilledhlei Ile knew Very well that', ail wilo nit' for
'With a blow en the head frOM heavy iron- him. "Ile could no longer loillieehto elooano
booty. The outrage wen not ditecovered till awaiting blue, hat, neverthelen, the deuite
thhoeuan2dercenteihnogiez: :clean Kintielid:peeffix:tolti:wabissi ttohte iielhi,:tywhwiaohs leatreodug'bewenith' blehung;
not to be found. end lie poadered the peesibility eff escape:
Then were.braces found, however', siehloh Re had " heard the gendarme ride
proVed his gent hominid a doubt—among off and. gummed pretty well on whab emend
othere : the germs:eta he had taken- from he was gen, Re knew about hew lolig he
Marie In order to' diegulee himself, teed would be gone. Once hack all chance of
which he had left •in one of the °atheneum. oicape,weat gene. It mueb be now or never.
These facto did nob tend rto Improve the He eat 'with hie eyes fixed en .the
position ef the tenhappy 'girl, who vina,be- opera window *his& lighted the tette when
hayed to be in calleadon with aud eameming his attention was Caught by a rope ewbeg.
'her huebasid. -with whose previous hietory log iia knob of it. lie went up to thie
oho woe aniseed of being eicqualated, the window and foued wee rope belonging
upshot of the bestrewn being that elle was to ePulley which was fastened above the
sentenced to ten years. penal servitude. window and was probettly lased for ,raieing
Thie -dreadful puniehrnent the innocent uterine into the loft. ewiftly conceived
WODatia bad meanie:dr u,nd ulnae its ternairea- the Mea of owing/mg himeelf onto the roof
tien had been a wandertm en the face ef the by urvans of thie rope and perluipe escape --
earth, homeless sed wretehed, flOing from who could tell ? Ho rotteed hie compauion
niece to place te avoid the•deriger of meet- and dold him whets he meditated 'fettling.
lug hex villeizioura husintaci. Ho had porsued Strop:wag full of fence.' If they were seen,
his evil career,for a long. time . With impute they would be shot, or if they feli they
nity, but some time previoesly he had been might be killed. .,
captured and proved. guilty of the °dine eil " Alithat may happen," admitted hie
'Which' he was oiecused. • He heft been 'cent companion, tf hat Whab wid hagifenit -if' we,
tied In the prisen,at Lyone, and there able remain here is that we will die on the
believed hien te utatil his 'evil face had gottletino. ter one preihreenteother way,
sappeared before her thentrieirniem., ' eo 111 try, this chancre You perhape prefek
to sit here like a rose trap."
The teought of the guillotine gave Strop
courake, end lie decided to fallow Madeira.
pr•vsently the treed of the' =Et who Was
Maoistre looked ceutieizely out of. the win-
dow, and seeiage he had half dieeppeered'
to Strop, and mountiog on the- wiadOie mit
ha ceught hold of the rope, SWITHk hieheelf
leoseeraed taien with one desperate effort',
swung himself upward, catching the ed.oe of
thepareMet melee puliteg himself en thereof.
He wee cautiously crawling op the. ince of
the roof hut order to gob to the other stele,'
which was sheitered from the view a the
yard, when he you etartied by an agonized
yell. Snap had followed him out of the
Clementine go en svill he beim window, catching the rope and endeemoring
carrying out the wishes of my peer tto awing himself upward as Macaire had
friend. Before ie hkes pteriei however I none. when jut in midair the 'repo gave
year innocence mud be proeed.. It woulil way, said he fell eb the feet of the sentry—
not matter so much ditO no one but ourselvee stone deed. Phie neck wes brekeu.
know. but 15 is new indiepensable tied you , Mecithe had jute reached the ridge of the
nothing ass yet, reed we will keep the knowl- reallzblig •happened, hounded '543
edge from her ati long as possible. in the _the tiegtre of the courtyard, anti isoldiag
hope that she may hear the charge and its eatighe eight of the hell kneelhig figure
retaliation at ibbe fame time. I fear, 'how- 1 "I madaife fvill velkf ag"Imut the ekY•' He
ever, we will be unehle to cowed what has knew whet his orders were, and levelliug
transpired and your relationehip to Charles gwa he Jima.
more than a few hours. , The figure on the reef threw up its mane,
As he aeiehee speaking °karma easeugl tottered, fell, end roiling ever and over
into tile roam looking very rum, wee he dowa the eloping roof end houtedilig over the
quickly cheered up when M. Behead , petered fell with ei thud, end Roberts Maestro
eseareo inee he man Tine Beefsaki, of hie lay dee.d betide the wretched partner of
mother's innooence and repeated be him • 410 odleufai
what he had jamb naid shout his mixelage to
Ciementine. It twee long before the horror of that day
" tie me," he went " yen will al- somewhae fedett from the lumen of the
ways be nay sem my boy. You Will eniy roe houehoiel at IA55 Bens Atrile. Bet all things
so tnaoh the better off becauee yon w,ill 'have their 664"na* °ad one day there litas
home a mother tee." . etztee ivediling in the church.
Bub the proofs of Merle's limecenee end There wait an old men's grave in the
of the galit of the real oulpri were 'seen. pretty churehyaed on which ti white haired
to be made apparent. ' wemeei with dark, witosini eyes never felled
Pierre's coneeiencie bed been reprociehing to hay fa tett flowers teed by and by ehe no
fee hie evemem ever Ohm mark?" longer Immo alone, 'but led by the hand twa
the mother of M. Charles. He fele tied iti)
was principally his lentil that suspicion had THE END.
atteohedde her, and he felt he would 'like,
if possible, to help to °leer her of the
charge. . new and effeetive procette for imparting
Ho was angry with him -telt foe hoeing a waterproof ginfify to mitten. oloth tg thus
been se easily , impelled on by the two deserniett ha the New Yerk Sun: Dry the
eteangexe, who turned me to he such fe.brio thoroughly io et dry , heat eta then'
villainies, and wham he now began to tompeot opreed ie light ;tt Meer a einctoth serfage.
of being the real. murderers.' • Wi h a brush, the, le imitated ogee with a thin
Why, yes, he remembeted now that they coet of•hotleet which, rafter having he-
iihrich of aptitude heys--qnito long enough ornit—ste,e ei third if thiromearymplenter of
—and. he, foot that he was, had never sole time htereg admired between each, for the
pected anything. 'Teas surely they who effete of olio eperation ein the fabrics' to
Wad taken the key of Oil. Germenilio roomed hermetic P.Okiets. After' the laritarat has
he would riecirch. So eff he wont to the e mixture of onisifistardi peund slielime to
roem which the strangeres had occupied and a p et al weter potty heated until near the
there irtetittited a thorough eetwoh. heitieg point, misting to this a mull quantity
'mhere man „e °erne, ef tee mem he of Nen) ammonia. le painted over the sum
feet.. Fee a yellow waterproof yellow ochre
did not thoroughly rauseek—every fold of
every rug and ran•histand round the seat deo'Atih' id is 44t"i'S CAD he treed in naixture
of every chair. •He even examined behind Wit'12 tint shallow -
every picture, opened teed turned oat every
drawer end prelim ,but all in vain, and die -
lug iiaguely rimed him na the &harder he ptemuce rierestantinople has been of
titered what he would do next, vrhera his eottee, 11E40 beiges) e large tract of peetare
eye lighted oat the firepleta, There heel heed, the pereena; property of the Sultan,
been no fire; rand . yet the coal looked as nehr tee ijorden He intends to found
thenehat had been &stet:ben Ho Old hoit there el. large eish colony. Life mai
melte take it ha at first, and then ae the property in ttpv.rl &tit heve been much
thing formrelated iteelf in his neled he ran more neon isidein the lest fifteen mare
to tho aerate, eagerly annoyed one piece of tine feria:ate owing to the important
coat after another end ereeentiy, with an anlirtstry etretien restrebilehed there by the
exclamation of joy, eprang to his feet witile OriWiTiVilAintSii-, where ewe 4141? corietrateted a
Ha ion down Metre and buret into the mierition innermost iteratialem end the valley&
room where Dumont, Charlet arid Mario en the other aloe of tied river, whence bho
were, tied hardly able to neterde yenta excite- Holy (hey ehtemet most of ita certain An
ment cried : iron hedge in stow being boilt neer Barone,
" M. Charles 1 not' heasgegie 1 Mezzo. on elm eved between the former town and
Mario 1 It is not you 1 I meen—I Worizralem heed bean Jaffe to Shechem, and
sure, etfin I have diecovered the aesurains 1 the renal has been improved.
Here it ie 1" flourishing the key.
With emote diffioulty they managed' to got ery Wu Mearehenstale.
eishovent (maim:settee teem him, having ID eh ei% E161t " litheses heat
heard eiehleh M. 'Dumont tend Charles at called archon At first Us. Aloe wa. life -
once in eeetch of Roger. They retitled long and aereditary ; afterward for ten
togetlioe inimeliate,ly, and the brigeidien. yenta, finally annnal and elective. There
having Inard Pierre s story an to whore lee wero nine annual archon's, and none Were
h.ed found the key, *teetered he woold at eligible bid citizens who could prove three
fir) 00 have Maceire and Streit marched testae gerieratiories of free ancestors. Every candii
if they heti any of the etolen money upoe date must also prove that he had nephysical
them. • .,, dot* ; that lie bad. 'boon dtitifui t,o hie
After a clitoris tethence he returned, pouter and zeroed in the army and 'poi.
carry* the stolen kle..tVic Ofifirrlea on mooed pkoperty to Ruppert the 'dignity et
seettletthiewireek of hie mother's inoeiceoce hie date', Blelbety was punieleed by cone -
woe tee eolith overcome to opeele and turead Mae one hribed to'dedicate to the
im, clasp bee in ine bue rho had gode heattneof gold equal in weighttto hist
fainted. Tine ehook of this midi own body.
den relief inert tho terriltle Reanimation
whbeh bad beeti haeiging ever her teed been
the neach tor her oirtirellouglit norhes. She
tome revived", however, and then came the In the days of Queen Elizabeth,. it was
thought of, thii wretehed teen who worild cruitemery to eitew green retitle* en tits un -
have to euirsr the penalty of hie 'crime, earpeted floor of the motors' retiring -room %
Whinic Vie had been theft tiestie bf evil tethatree-ehennee the terW green -retina flute
deodo and bad tio blighted her owe, She ihmahutaly it esetwoomil to decteate'therWells'
eiendderad OS' thotight tbet 'even tow a ter anon paper, arid nometiMen the
ehence word Might reveal ell to Clutelee. Me gieve Ivey to a 'Urinals of green' baize
The brigadier raid thet he ehould hove going of hilarious 'Mimed. pasted our;
Such' was the tory that Marie teld
Dainonte. him. aloe what had paned
between hbreelf arid .M. Gemmed when:he
gave her the rummy, andhow It was to avoid
telling the emit steep which she had jamb re-
lated that she Ined wished to leave that
morning' before he hould am her to renew
hie questions.
Off Dement was deeply moved by the
Mary she told him and wended her of his be-
lief in her immeence, laying that he felt
convhieed wive bind Meicaire and the confed-
erate had murdered M. Gerinesall, awl that
they meet les,ve no atone untiarned to prove
her innticence. He agreed that there waa
no need thief] Charles should blow who hie
father was. And he went on:
"I am sure that in keeping thitlitnewl-
edge from him and lettin hisnearriage with
Te enders Cotten Cloth VITaterPreelr•
Mettimeitatta colonies In Walleetine.
Rev. Dr. Deems, New' Iterk, le ;not
eirete",ed to Survive the day.
Believed 116 Gould Vialk op the Water
by Faith and Fastiog.
Pe Told lide prother--A, Victim el Re-
liSeinorig, Y„ Nov.
the pretty villa,ge -
little hamlet known as
rule they were tall, robust men, whet
were giante obrength Se well at
3/Zi4 Among the leading rPuidents of the
place Wae fatally named Krum, some of
the membere of whiele had lived in that
vlitinity ter half a °eatery. They were re-
garded as a getter, religious sob, and he -
longed to the • ehouting Methodist " alum -
At rerrivals and prayer -meetings they were
always] tn the lead, end the little frame
wheel home and other buildings in whisk.
the meetilege were held fairly shook wheat
one of the Krum brothers amens te relate Ma
redeem experiencee, and call upon the
Died to come down there and then mad blest
Om' of the mosb ardent ef these religiose%
fituatios wan Lino Krum, a =tided :mane
With -six children. His wife died ee
few years ago. Since Viet then
religion, and with the laid few months
eleime to have had reveletione from
God. In orient therm vieions he wee tledd
theit if he would feat forty days he would he
given power to walk on water. He observed,
himself arid died yestordey, having refused
telake 'any neuriehment or be attended by
Richard Krum, a brother Gf the religious
entlinalast, liven en the side of e, mountahre
rend it wee et Ins home thab Imam died.,
Coroner Fallen, of this only, who was sum-
moned ,to held se inqueet, found that a
peculiar state of rellgione affairs existed int
Soyder Hollow. The examination eves held,
at an undertaking eetahliehmentin.Phoentaa
tied fully 200 penning, whose curiesiby heti
been aroused, erowded the small apartment.
Richard, who is abet an enthusiciet, said
hie hreiher ,came to him in August artdi
asixed permiesion to stay at hie home, at
the came time Haying if he would not keep
him he weald go into the raounteine. He
said hie brother need heve no fear that he
woultil ea burden en him, as the Lord told
him to fast forty clays, and he intended ta
do no. The brother permitted him to atom,
s.ucl he began .hts long feet.
Every few dams Riohatd advieed him to
eat, but he positively mimed, aswitaig he in-
fekty &nes he ate a few meals, and theta
proceeded to a email stream near the house
laud attempted to walk upon the water, in
eionerdauce with the tethered revelation.
Weak and emaciated frees the lerg fratin
and 'drenched to the skin and shivering from
hie attempt to walk upon the veater he
returned to his brother a house, and lekted
biretta( in a room tired began to pray he.
vently. Hie exhortations could he heard
considerable dietemee, and persons drtving
along the 'road near bhe harem aboppe4 be
meke inquiries 111M tO the Canna. The next
day the mane men toid his brother *5
Ge4 hed anewereil his prayer, wad had
hie wieh would be granted. He was on tha
eleasubh.day ,of the remand fent when ha
'The only person. et hie bedside was hiss
heether Richard, to whom his dying veer&
were :
" Dick, I am goitg, and I will meet yen
the New Jeruealem, welkialmin the hem- .
Will rarest. of gold."
named Cornell and Ca M. Millham, who
belonged to the seam church and were
intirrate friende of Wee inmate man Have
teen gum went to Richard's hawse to vfelie
him. They etavieed bine to bake soma
horalthutent, but he refused to de se. Whiff*
sou cause took fire. " Diet: " said to h
" Lot 15 burn. If 10 tarns down God will!
band as another temple."
It was near midnight last night when the
jury reached a verdict that dem h was caused
was hurled taday.
Australian Nuogeth.
Some big ouggete eff gold have bean fennel ,
hi New South Weisel. Atrieng the prfueirrat
aore a masa of gold found on the Throe
Rear gold delds in Joie, 1851, arid which.
weighed 106 lime or 1,272 oz. In Nevem.
her, 1858, se Borriteciong, pear Gesego, atm
ether nugget wae imed winch, when melted
et the Sydney mine gave 1,182 oz. 6 diet. of
pure gala, of the -relate of 24,389 8s. 10d.
A third nagget, milled the Brennan, woe
hole, in Sydney ha 1851 ior Z1,156, In 1086
etathed at Penance weighed 'men 59 to 139,
ez le 1887 nuggeta were found fay foe -
Where vereme perm ed the tannery, four
of which, wolighirre reeptetively 357 oz., 200i
ea 47 oh, aid 32 oar were ohteined at.
Iltiegrevesi ; tied satotber, weighing 30 erre
et Luneetwee Creek. The Jubilee hugged*
weighbeg 344 oz., WC6f1 Mao discovered In'
that year at Maitland Ber, la the Madsen
district, and ,wae worth about £1,236.
Daring an average week about 80,000
letters on which the postage has not beau
paid, es insufficiently no, are discovered
London, iond they are taxed to the amount
of about $7,000.
The amount of paper money issued by•
the eavolutionary government of Franker
between 1790 and 1796 is estimated at
" Do yen love t" said the paper big
to the sugar. I am just wrapped up fit
yen," replied the sagete " YOU "Week
thine*. mutranrod the paper bag.
The now State Washington, hati ' tea*
dueed an apple ,weightag two pounds ear
Actoording d'acrob'S estimate the Retina,
empire% the time of Augmetni pea/mood
k098,600,600 geld and .
poor preitchee---" Janne, why. did .jtatt
enter the raittletry? is thiamine I Warr
called," ha answered. , " darnel," maid *it
old Indy Anxiotudyi Rho lashed up tesiiit.
wiping her speateeles, 4, are yen ,ontriaCifiti
tvatn, 't Seine other noise yen &Aral°