The Exeter Advocate, 1893-11-30, Page 4SANDERS es DYER, Props,
iR(JRSDAY, November 30, 1398
If.anything, were needed to satisfy
the public mind as to the :estimate
termed by leading citizens of both po-
litical parties, in regard so the prestige
of Canada's Premier, it was the brig-.
Rant gathering iu Montreal last week
under the auspices of the St. :James'
(nub. This organization, be it observed
I's non-political; and, on the occasion
referred to, there were present leading
represeutatives.of the Bench and .Bars
besides merchant princes and kings of
finance whose estimated capital would
zeaeli to eighty million dollars: There
were but two toasts proposed, viz: for
"The Queen," and "our guest." Sir
Donald Smith, one of Montreal's mil-
Iionatres, occupied the chair; and when
Sir John Thompson's health was pro.
ised,there was an outburst of applause.
The Premier in replying, paid a grace-
ful tribute to the memory of the late
Sir John Abbott; remarking that the
lax Premier was a true patriot and a
faithful' guardian of Canada's best in
terests. Reference having been made
by the chairman to the Behring Sea
arbitration, Sir. John went exhaust-
ively • into that natter, showing how
the decision of that tribunal was
fl ;ht with most yaluable lessons not
only for Canada, but for the the Em-
pire and humanity at large. In tare
appointment of Sir John Thompson up-
on an equal footing with the . Imperial
Commisssioner, LordHannen, Englapb
had cencided to. Canada the right of
being heard in her own interests; while
the result of the arbitration has shown
that whenever Canada is iu the right,
she will be backed by the greatest
power intheworld. The Premier con -
eluded an eloquent address by 'thank
inti the merchant princes and profes
sional men of Montreal for this mark of
their esteem, adding that he would re-
gard such au unsolicited token of their
eanfidenco as the happiest event of his,
public life.
A good deal of thunder and, noise is
Sliest now being expended on the Onta-
rio plebiscite for prohibition. as though
the success of temperance were depend
ent on the number of votes polled next
January. There are many ways in
which this question may be viewed.
We may look at it from a moral or from
apolitical stand point. The bill intro
diced last session of the Ontario Legis
lature by Mr. Marter fsi. P. P., in the
direction of prohibition, did not find
favor with the Mowat government or
their party; hence' the movement for
taking; a plebiscite was simply a politi-
cal dodge to gain time, and make party
capital by seeming to favor the licen-
sed liquor dealers who have been made
arse of by the Ontario government to
keep themselves in power. Then the
prohibitionists and extreme temperance
men were bound to ride their "hobby"
come what might of the plebiscite.
Their ,policy seems to be to ride rough
shod over the opinions and eonscien
Hous scruples of men equally as well
uniformed as themselves, and by the ex
ercise of an arbitrary and coercive en
actment to force tee•totalisnr down peo
ple's throat, whether they will or no;
Meanwhile, our federal goyerument
knave taken the prudent course of es
certainirig by means of the Royal Cor-.
mission how far prohibition is'practie
able, or to what extent' public senti-
ment might be reckoned on to justify
ri.ti a r h, r
the successful working. of p o terse
enactment. Judging from hast expel..
Certain it is that the cause of temper-`
ance reform has of late 'years made
rapid plogresseetwat through co-ereive
leg'islattou howevee but by Moral sua-
sion and the influenee for good exert-
ed by ehurclttis, and temperance socie-
ties. We cannot hope to make people
moral, or sober, or christiaus, or good
members of society, by acts of parlia--
ment, All that can be done is to re-
strain vice and restrict the liquoeltraf-
fic by wholesome legislation because
mea of baser passions will, find, ways
and means of indulging in the execs.
sive use of alcohol, or opium, or chloral
or absinthe, or some other more noxi-
ous and destructive ingredient than
alcohol, But we hasten to put on
race d some sensible points in which
the Dominion statistician at Ottawa-
a man of large practical experience—
has expressed his views on the pro.
posed Ontario plebiscite. Says the Ot-
tawa 'Journal: "Mr, Johnston lays
down his pointe as follows: (1) That
the abuse of alcohol, popularly called
intemperance, is a crying evil which
warrants the employment of
strong measures to suppress. (2) That
iunspite of these evils, acknowledged;
undenied, the, human race will have its
liquor. (3) If man will have it and
can get it, even in the mcst unlikely
place or surroundings, then prohibition
is worse thau useless. (4) That Ontar
io by herself can reap no benefit to her-
self by prohibition. (5) That we
have already had a trial of the Scott
Act, and the measure of success at
tending its edoptiou does not suggest
that repression or suppression is 'the
best way to deal with this great evil,"
It is well for the electors to weigh well
both sides of this question before com-
mitting themselves to a course which
may entail on the community all dis
regard for law, while failing to pro
mote the cause of true temperance re-
News of the Week in =Brief.
F1UIlD:4.Y November 24th.
The cholera in Russia is less virulent.
Canadian exhibitors of butter car-
ried off 27 medals at the World's Fair
The mercury went to 17 below zero
in Winnipeg yesterday morniug.
Mr. H. B. Beard, Q. C , Master in
Chancery at Woodstock died vesterdav
afternoon, aged 62.
Itis officially stated that 237 lives
were lost during the recent gale on the
British coasts.
Tho intercollegiate Missionary Alli-
ance of Canada negan its annual meet.
ing last night at Victoria College.
The losses caused to the Bank of
England by Mr. May's mistakes are
offieiallyplaced at .£25.000 at most.
During the recent gales on threNorth
and Baltic Seas 127 fishermen were
drowned off the peninsula of ,Jutland.
Advices from Honolulu state that
the wrecked C. P. R. steamer Miowera
has been:floated. She was not badly
Queen's University, Ringstcn, won
the Rugby football 'championship of
Canada yesterday defeating Montreal
by 29 points to 11.
Hoods Sarsaparilla has cured many
affected with rheumatism, and we urge
all who sumer from this disease to give
this medicine a trial.
Seven lives were lost by a fire in Ed-
son Moore & Co's establishment' at De
troit yesterday. The momentary loss
was about $750,000.
A Chicago paper says the grave in
which the assassins of Dr, Patrick
Cronin had planned to; bury their vic-
tim has been discovered.''
French newspapers are protesting,
ag iinst the construction by Germany
of an entrenched camel at alalmedy, on
the Belgian frontier,
The trial,of Engineer '';Wooley, who
is charged with manslaughter in con
nection with disaster at Battle Creek
Mich , has been adjourned till the 29th
A convention of West Huron Con
servatives will be held at Goderich on
December 1.2 at which "it k likely a
candidate for the Legislature will l1
James Ile re a lad of fifteen, tri cd to
ience, and the utter failure of the Scott temp on the, roar end of a. fast -travel -
Act in ehecking• the evils of internpor-' ling trolley car yesterday afternoon:
•^fence, parliament would hardly be;1 lin fall, 18 .'119 run nver 1).v the trailer,
iistifled in passing prohibition, when
it is considered that such alaw, un-
less strictly enforced, would, be more
rninnu9'1.0 the morals and the peace
and gnocl order of the community,
However specious or plausible the ar-
guments of red-hot prohibitionists iney
be, --we know that sofar as the in.
vestiga,tions of the Royal Commission
have already gone, enough has been
elicited to make parliament pause be-
fore passing a 'measure which expert
ease has shown cannot be successfully
enforced, --and., if it could, to Drake it
questionable Ito Say the )cast; Tiow far
such a measure would prove to be in
interest of true temperance reform.
i has been favored
Already, the. public, lr�,
WW1 It the views of lithely loading pro
.� y
fessional mon, hincluding medical ex
• its and clergymen of high standing.
clergymen a
lie which they have ptoeounced strong
i' against co-er;.ive legislation and in
favor of'a stringent high -license " sys-.,
tem under government ]i spection,`
and received injuries that proved fatal
in air hour,
At \Vednrsday eight's meeting at.
l'hedfoi•d on behalf of Dr, McKinnon;
the Liberal candidate for the Legis,
'attire, the speakers were Ilon. G, .W
Ross, 1[r, R'rehard btutt, Dr, Mckinnon
and others,
S`.. Oliver idowat addressed a gath.
Ewing at Port Elgin last night in be-
half nf the Liberal -candidate in the
North Bruce bye -election for the Leg-
islature' lion, John Dryden was also
present, and deli.v.erse' e burring
At ffatnilton early yesterday morn -
le l; et man giving his ilatne• as John
Arnold was captured in the act of
stealing clothes from Mrs. Wolfe's pawn
shop, Jaynes street North. He was
sentenced to 23 months in : Central
Prison by Magistrate Jelss.
The Sham Fight in High Park at-
tracted a good many thousand of Citi-
zens in that direction. The Q. 0. RR;
defended Part dale, which was the
pointofattack and br.yely and sun,
cessfully held the foe at bay. 'Notwith-
standing Gen.' Herber., declared the
battle of the day to he drawn.
$aTUesD I X November tato
The Earl of Cromarty is dead.
Price of eo,rl in London fir
' u
' Elll sa
• t. h err
anathor °six 1 i; t yestr
North Perth Prohibitionists
Milverton yesterday and organizel
the plebiscite.
WaterIeo, Ont., isto have 'a factory
for the manufacture of chair fee pee
and; other iure,
The steamfurner oftAthabasca has tjeft
Detroit dry dock for Owen Sound,whire
she will go into winter quarters
Nine lives were lost in the great ;ire
At Detroit on Thursday. Tlie loss pis
$700,000; insurance over $500,400,
Mr. E, F. Clarke, M. P. P, bas d''n
itely decided not to enter the field s a
candidate for the Mayorality of Toon-
Dr. A. DeClay arede. Swiss lti liter
b been d
'hasa ice.
the United States0
Minister of Austria to sueeeed. A 0.
The Governor-General find it ;im-
possible to attend the annual l!ancuet
of the Toronto Board of Trade,ut7 Sir
John Thompson aud Hon. Mr. niter
wi41 be en hand.
The funeral of ex-Governo T usk
took place at Viroqua, Wis., ye teilay.
Ex -President Harrison, Attorn y-tlen-
eral Miller and other prominen tgeatle-
men were present.
Mr. E. J. Davis, M. P. P. fo North
York, one of the best debaters hi the
Legislature, left last night fo' North
Bruce, where he will speak at the
nomination meeting.
At Southampton last' night n en-
thusiastic meeting was addre •ed by
Sir Oliver Mowat, Mr. H. P. S onnor.
M. PP, Mr, John Pierson, the Liberal
candidate, aud others,
Assistant Magistrate Baxte s con-
viction of Thomas Somers for an in
fringement of the Lord's Day act by
driving a hack on Sundaywa quash-
ed yesterday at Oegoode Hall.
A meeting in favor of Mr. J hn Pier
son, Liberal candidate for the egisla-
ture in North Bruce, was held t Wier -
ton last night. Hon , A. S:, Ha . y nd.
Mr. Frank Pedley of Toronto Nere the
principal speakers,
Matthew Coleman, ex •pees ' ent of
the Coleman Brewing Compan aud of
the Mutual Brewing Compan of New
York, was arraigned before Justice
Ryan yesterday oil a charge •f ism -
lug fraudulent notes to the auut of
MONDAY November 27h.
There is ten inches of snow t Bar-
It is reported the Ottawa ye•elec-
tion will take place Dec. 14.
Schaefer won the billiar match
with Ives by 55 points in a total of
A Plumber of persons ska -d from
London to Springbank on the Thames
River' yesterday:
Auditor Ackerman, of fhe World's.
Fair, reports net assets over a d above
all liabilities of $1,362,483,
John Avery, a well-known resident
of Ingersoll, committed suicid on ,Sat-
urday evening bytaking Pa s green,
On Saturday a lad named c uce, son
of a G. T. R. conductar, brok through
the ice at Potnt Edward whilskating
and was drowned.
Four thousand operatives of Dan-
bury, Conn, hat factories, h ve been
locked out owing to a dis _•'reement
regarding regulations.
Twelve thousand people w re killed
by last week's earthquake i Kushan,
Persia. Ten thousands � ies bo e have
been recoved from the ruins.
Saturday might, John Fost•r, a farm.
er of Uniontown, Ind, killed his wife
and their three•chitdren with a revol.
ver and then blew out his br. ins.
The Mississippi river is fr.en from
shore to shore at Galena, I11,, the earl],
est ice blockade. in 20 .`y.ars. 'The
temperature on Thursday light was
below zero.
At Watford on Saturday, r. McIiin
non, Liberal, and. Mr. McCal in, P. P.
A. candidate, were nominat for the
vacancy iu the aused Le islet re au ed
�' by
Hugh the death of Mr. 141 •Ii�izie
o . ,M P.
David Turner, of Port uron, has
commenced suit against the St, Clair.
Tunnel Company for $20,00P damages.
He was employed in the c: nstruction
of the tunnel; and was m• i'eome by
the high pressure of the co pressed air.
that as result e has
lie claimst , a 1 berm
rendered permanently dead
TUESDAY tove,niab: r =pit.
Brant CountyY. P. S. C. E. will' be
gin eon c.ntr n"at arfs'�o-d
a o o P ay.
Two British officers are in London,
Ont., buying horses for the Imperial
Gower umeut.
Mr. Henry Thomas, lessee and man-
a.ger of the Montreal Academy u°• Music,
died`. yesterdd,y, i
Mr. J. S. Archibald, Q. C, of'Mont-
veal, has been :seised to n seat on the
Supreme Court L-'eneh.
A I2-ye�ars•old boy; lead both legs to
ken off by an electric car on Rideau
street Ottawa, yesterday.
Prices of. Canadian apples are im-
proving in England, havingadvanced
one to two shillings a barrel,
Mr. Robert Miller, of R. Miller, Sou ar.
Co, Montreal, is dead, aged 74. Ile
was one of the oldest stationers ie Cart
Advices from Alaska are to then ef-
feet that lla grippe is killing, off a large
number of natives on Douglas, I•land
aud about 'JLulea,
A heavy earthquake shock was
earth d felt
in Quebec Province yesterday. Shocks
are Also reported in Central Vermont
Northern New granting
{h ry ,- n i m`:
The by-law i ua a liouus.for
T, R. carshops passed its second.
readier ;° before the London City' Conn:
ell last night. It will ti , v bpi submitted
to the, people,
Ma7FRNiAh '.gg
lyaey aro not miser.
used tc cure crow.,
thOw, utstiaph,head•
aohes. I[x-y thou,
Ivi0 COO tilt ,$u cents:
{{,6t''a bow and they a *o
They are not a Cathartkk
The Ministerial Association 'yester-
day appointed a committee to draft a
resolution on the plebiscite.
The official nominatiens of condi
dates for the vacancies in the Legisla-
ture for North Bruce and East Lamb-,
ton was made to -day.
Dufferin County Patrons of Industry
met at Shelburne ' yesterday and se-
lected Mr Wm. Dynes as their .r•nnrle
date for the Legislature.
Charles Chamberlain, of Toronto, ac
cused of personation ,in the Winnipeg•
election ease, has been remanded for
trial until Monday night.
The returning officer yesterday
formally declared Joseph Martin, Lib-
eral, elected member of the Ce- .'.n' .
for Winnipeg' by 425 najorit\
At Osgoode Halt yesterday, in the
case of the London Street Railway
Company v. City ` of London, judge-
ment was given for the plaintiffs.
It is reported in Montreal that the C.
T. R. will build a $1,000.000- dig of mar
their Dalhousie square tern -dims in
Montreal,.and a new hotel facing Craig
street, to cost $350,000.
T. V. Powderly's resignation was ac
cepted at yesterday's session of the K.
of L. General Assembly at Philadelphia.
J. R. Sovereign of Iowawas then elm,
ted Grand Master Workman.
At San Francisco yesterday Newton
W. Hall, a young Englishman :from.
Birmingham, was thrown downstairs
by Edwin A. Gillespie and killed. 0_?
lespie was arrested, charged with mur-
Augustus M. Scribe, e,x-U. S. bank
examiner, end once cashier of the Shoe
and Leather Bank, New Yorlc, commit-
ted suicide at San Francisco on Sun-
day by taking morphine. No cause
Mr. George Perry, whose death in
Montreal was announced on Monday
was buried yesterday, and when the
friends returned from the grave found
that Mrs. Perry Ilea breathed her last.
The Racing Board of the League of
American Wheelmen have decidednot
to recognizt,racing record made with
the assistance of horse pacers. Class B,
are expenses
for amateurs whose ex i paid
by manufacturers, was established. '
Word has been received in Ottawa
that Sir John Thompson has been creat-
ed an Imperial Privy Councillor, and
that Mr, Christopher Robinson, Q
has been knighted. These honors are
couterred in recognition of services in
connection with the Behring Sea arbi-
Young, old or middle-aged, who find
themselves nervous, weak and 'ex-
hausted, who are broken. down from
excess or overwork,: resulting in many
of the following symptoms: ;Mental
depression, premature old age, loss of
vitality, .loss of memory, bad - dreams,
dimness of sight, palpitation of the
heart, emissions, lack of energy, .nein
in the kidueys, headaches, 'pimples in
the face and body, itching or 'peculiar
sensation about the. scrotum, :wasting
of the pagans, dizziness, specks' before
the eyes, twitching of the muscles eye-
lids, and elsewhere. bashfulness, depos-
its in the urine, loss of will -power, ten-
derness of the scalp and spine, weak
and flabby muscles, desire to sleep,
allure to be rested by sleep, constipa
tion, dullness of hearing, loss of -voice,
desire .for .solitude. excitability of tem
per, sunken eyes, surrounded with
LEADEN oI tomes,' oily looking skin,
etc., are all symptoms of nervous debil-
ity that lead to insanity unless cured.
Tho spring of vital force having lost
its tension every function wanes in
consequence. Those who through.
abuse, committed in. • ignorance, may
be, permanently cured. " Send your ad-
dress for book on diseases peculiar to
man, . seat free, sealed. Address M. V.
LUBON, 21 Macdonnel Ave., Toronto,
r torictla O
LF'e are in a position to offJr the Anvooemr
Mid P'anrtdrr Herald. and T, cuhty/ star, of
Aiondroal.,for one you •fox $1.V5, ''phis offer
entitles the subscriber to a>choice of the two
groat premiums •P'ivonby C110 publishers of
the7t~rtttta"ly/ flcra,Trl• illbeseprern urns aro the
"Star" Al,incttr'rc for t554, a superb book of
lou pages, or if',• referred a copy 00 the great
Thier 4t1 fleralcl Souvenir Picture which. retails
at t�wen ty dulle.xs, the premium e Al3Tianae.
and. Pietiale—will be ready ithout the on d. of'.
'November, and will he forwarded in the or-
der in whici, filo snbscriptions are reeoived.
Subscriptions to the paper may begin At
eneo,, LUciriecnl,erthe offer of a choice of
nwuininnis holds good ,i only to peoptrle who
subscribe dtlriaitt the ivutumn. Aftor wards
the e.h,oieo will positively be withdrawn,
till SIc.Ccaeis Comes
before �
�eBu Baying of
`'You may need it tonight
cuE wANT Z
The publishers of the AD-
VOCATE have completed ar-
rangements by which a large
magazine which contains 100
pages of illustrated and, read-
ing matter, also very valua-
ble statistical reference pages,
to be igsued first week in Dec-
ember as a Christmas supple-
ment to the ADvoCATE. We
have secnred this magazine--.
hopes of increasing our list to
2000. WeP propose to send it
free, postage paid, to all
our subscribers—old and new
—who are paid in advance.
AnyPerson whether a sub-
or not, may secure one
or more extra copies by order-
ing before Nov. lst, 1893 The
price paid for the magazine -`
will be placed to the credit of
any one year's subscription, to
the ADvoaaTE, whenever order-
ed. The Coupon below, when
presented at our office and
bearing TitE ADVOCATE PUB-
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payment for the ADVOCATE.
Cut out the Coupon as per . .
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The ADvocsrr makes it a, point to chronicle all the most important
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The celebrated stables of Mr. T. D.
Hodens near
London, were destroyed
by fire yesterday and about S0 of his
fine thoroughbreds and standard•bred
'horses perisbed in the'flames, The loss
is places at $30,000.
Flour, Bran, Shorts, Oat
Meal, Corn 'Weal Cracked
Wheat and Rolled Wheat,
constantly on hand, , For
sale in large or small
quantities. A Call Solicited.
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