HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-01-04, Page 13GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, Tt•IURSDAY,, JANtJARY.1972=-PAGE • x'3', iALE 26. CARD OF -THANKS iLS PS: •1y flu arge )boar g r car r close cf $1 �m b :sled ures. will E recai bat Farm tio. 11 id, pay Nake Position open for mature person who is also a good typist, likes to work with figures `and able to accept responsibility. Inglis—Moffat—Beatty ' • ,Sales—Service Repairs'to all makes • 36 -Britannia Rd. W. • .. Ph. 524-7871 —1.7tf APPLY IN PERSON. TO RUSTPROOF NOTICE TO CREDITORS Mr. and, Mrs. .Janos Ketchabaw OF FIRST MEETING wish to announce the engagement of IN THE MATTER OF -THE BANKRUPTCY,„ OF IRVING SNIDER', OF R.R.2, ZURICH, IN T1 -1E- COUNTY OF HURON, IN THE PROVINCE QF ONTARIO, EGG ' AND POULTRY PRODUCERS • NOTICE ISO. HEREBY GIVEN that Irving Snider, R.R.2, Zurich, Ontario, made an assignment on the 20th day of December, 197;, that the first meeting of creditors will be held on the 8th day of January, ..__1117-3,..at.the:.hour. of 2:00 o'clock in. the afternoon,, at the office, of Ken- neth H. Minn, the Official Receiver, 'at the Department of Consumer and Corporate,Affairs, C.N. Tower (Low. Tower) 3rd Floor, 205 York' Street, London, Ontario, and that, to be eligible to yote, creditors must file with nit, prior to the meeting, Proofs of claim and, where necessary, proxies. DAT„ED ,at Kitchener, 'Ontario_ , this 27th day of December, 1972. William L. Butler, C.A., Trustee, 34 Young Street, Kitchener, Ontario. —g l ---Let us doa complete job on that new or late model car. Well w.orththereasonable investment. See us at ROUSE AUTO ELECTRIC 11. TENDERS me w t Tax with I cors a • ag co n apart irtnlen excelle heatin ed, a vindow lot: Ex U Cutting. Lumber or cutting capers? We sharpen scissors. Moderate charges., C.H. Homar, 246' FUEL Huron Road.--g1,2x TENDERS Sealed Tenders for 4upplying ol Gasoline,, Dieser Fuel • and Furnace Oil ,for”'"CO.lbO'Pn. Township will be received at the Colborne Township Office"; R.R.5, Goderich, Ontario Up to January. 8, 1973. Lowtest or any tender "not. necessarily accepted... -Signed: Wilmer .Hardy, Clerk -Treasurer. their daughter, Annie ‘Mae to Donald •Keith Hamilton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hamilton of- Gpderich.---g1x 2S. IN MEMORIAM BRINDLEY--mIn memory of Lloyd Brindley who passed raway Decern- .ber .29,. 1970_ Without goodbye he fell asleep _Leaving wc,nderful_,rnetnories for -us to keep. • Always ' remembered by Clarence Essex. Thorold, Ont.—glx . SNELL—The fancily of the 'late 'f Mrs. Barbara Snell wishes to ex- press sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for the many acts- of kindness during the illness and death of their dear mother. Special thanks to Dr, Street and Dr.lden, She nurses on first, floor of Clinton Public Hospital for _.the._..wonderful care, they gave her. The flowers, kind thoughts and cards to our mother while she was in the hospital were deeply ap- preciated, as were the ' flowers, donations to the Cancer Society, and United Church Memorial Fund, and sympathy cards. Thank, you Also to Rev. McDonald, the Arthur Funeral .Home and the United Church Women of Londesboro United Church.—cg1p -my many friends, neighbors- and relatives` wito ine iliel'eit"trier W? ti flowers, cards, gifts, treats and visits while 1 was a patient in Victoria Hospital; London and since my return home: These kindnesses .will. always be rernentbered." Nellie McDougall. -t --Yr RETURNED lights equals Happy New Year for_ both of us. Signal - Star carne through again. Ewan Russ. —g l x 41, O' DONNELL----I wish to thank My friends and neighbours fur cards, flowNry and -expressions of s r- pathv in the loss of my dear sister, Mrs. Ada O'Donnell. Special thanks to Rev. Garwood Russell and Stiles Funeral Home.- Marie Gopsill.—g1 -..,COUSIbi.Sr1 _mulld.' iik!t•_. u!_ t1,xr "nk _ all the nurses and'staff op 2nd West and 1st Floor of Alexandra Marine , and General Hospito ,,:-uoderich, - Special thanks to Dr. Flowers, Lam- bert and Cauchi •and to' all, who .. were so kind sending flowers, cards and visits while I was a patient in hospital. Warner Cousins.—gl HLODIN—Mr.- Michael' Hlodin would like to express his ap- preciation to Dr. Lomas and Dr. Caeslar his' attending doctors, during his stay at Alexandra Marine and General' Hospital in Goderich. Alsrrto..t.11le,tntirJJe nursing staff who assisted hintanit all other staff ,members; family and friends whose graciousness and thought- -fulness. will long be remembered.' Thank you , most sincerely, Mike """`- - Hlodin.---gl HAVE your poodle clipped, bathed. styled and ultra fluffed. See our plete line of poodle .pampers, com coats, raincoats, sweaters, brushes, combs, etc„ Work done by appoint - only Call Goderich . 524-7744 anytime;—gc49nc" MODERN EQUIPMENT WORK GUARANTEED Write or Phone FOR your Antenna Sales and Ser vice. contact Alv,in's TV, 162 Mary Street, phone 524-9089.q--gtf DAILY CAR RENTAL Reasonable Rates McGEF' S Goderich • Plione..._a24 -8391 15. PUBLIC NOTICE When you think of fat -away ro-' There is much to, see and do in mantic places you've always Fiji. We found Suva, the bustling wanted to visit, one can't help but and thriving capital city of the think of Island of Fiji: The. Fiji Fiji Islands most interesting. group is made up of about -300 is- Situated on the sou,h-east coast lands, varying greatly in size and of Viti Levu, the largest island in character. Some one-third of .. the group, Suva boasts of a these islands are inhabited while. colourful cosmopolitan popula- many of the remainder are used tion of 85,000, a busy seaport by Fijians as planting grounds:.or situated in a beautiful natural for temporary residence during harbour, a light industrial centre „fishing expeditions. The total and an exuberance of tropical ion, swaying palm trees exotic flowers. If you come to Fiji by air, you To the Ratepayers of gt9tf . 12. AUCTION SALE CARPENTRY AND CEMENT WORK Home Framing H. Specialist -Commencing r Saturday, January 6, 1973 until Satur day, March 31, 1973 Colborne• ` _ TownshiplLand Fill Site -II be open 9' a.m. - 12 o'cloclf noon on Saturdays ONLY. Signed: Wilmer Hardy, Clerk -Treasurer. Tome Thre en -an ig room 'nt with 4 miles acres of cod gat g creek. —terms land area is 7;055 square miles, -of veget which the principal island,, Viti a - Levu, comprises more tha Some of the other major_ islands land at Nadi (pronounced Nandi) „are Vanua, Levu, Teveuni, Ova- International. Airport which lies lau and Kadavu:-'" -.. between the towns of Nadi and Fiji is .'approldmately 8,000 Lautoka, on the northwest coast miles from Toronto and is 9 - tiite-a of Viti Levu. Nadi is a bustling lit- - distance to travel jdst to visit „ le town witch an interesting mar= Fiji. The ideal way of visiting Fiji ket, Hindu -religious centre and ' is to include it in your itinerarypof .. many duty-free shops. My wife of a tour of the South Pacific which course had -le visit almost every may 'also include Hawaii, New shop in town. Lauoka is Fiji's aland, "Australia and Tahiti. second largest city and seaport This is what my wife and I did and the centre of a large stl'gar last year. We spent a total of five. days, not long enough to take -in everything,, but long enough to- -sample and taste the Fijian_llos- Jpitality arld culture. - T best`tinderstand'Fiji and its pgtip' le Terme give you a brief his- ttirical outline. Western seafar-ers discovered the Fiji Islands bit by bit over a period of about 300 years- The early navigators of the Pacific were sailing their canoes vast' distances across'the ocean to people the islands in great Migratory groups. Most au- thorities' agree that the people came into the Pacific from south- east Asia via the Indonesian . group. The' Dutch explorer Abel Tasmal,.fir' .t_,,i.ghted the islands in -1643, CapTain James Cook then yi5ited„ the islands :in 1774 and they -were later observed by Cap- tain Bligh afterihe mutiny on the 'I3ountji- during'his epic voyage - in an open boat,,The missionaries who oPened the first schools and trali,icribed the local tongue into a written language were a calm- ing influence during 40 years of tribal warfare from about 1835. `The Fijian chiefs tired of wars, later•ceeded the islands to Queen Victoria and Fiji became a crown. colony in 1874. It remained, so - ...until -October '10th, 1970 when it gained. tuil independence. The population of `the. Fiji Is- ladds-is 524,500. This is, made up of 225,000 Fijians, 266►000 Indians, 5,300 Europeans, ' 5,000 Chinese and the balance of other Pacific . Islands... •.... -. - - Whv should one go to Fiji'' What's there to do and see? Let TE ay No. 8 ►oderich 4c across all -ns at6 TENT , family ►capital. upplied it, large I dinette Square. paid, )N D5 '�N• OW 0 + al) effects or & E Fur- -Ashfield 'ownship. ord, •Kin• ary. Con - r. Editor. -g42nc AUCTIONEERS and r¢ ., C!quIDAxfoRs,. BRUCEFIELD, ONT. Offer the most modern auction methods. LICENSED and; BONDED ONTARIO -WIDE BRUCEFIELD• •482-3120 cgtf PHANEUF ELECTRIC Complete Electrical. Service Residet3tial-Commercial Industrial Local or Rural Phone 524-8834 Plastic„ electric signs, . highway bulletins and truck lettering. , F`b1JN1—One pair of ladies' shoes in black bag New' Year's `morning '. on Nelson fit. West, Phone 524-907 or apply 171 Brock St. -It -el FOUND on Highwa'i 8, young brown Hound -type -dog, with collar. Phone 524-6085.—gl 'Household Si Farm Sales R.RS.6GODERICH 524.6451 ". iRI=TOWN ...r..._ 8 OOK KEEPING SERVICE _:_ income Tax Returns - Business - Farm- -• Individual Record Preparations LAWRENCE BEANE Brucefield Phone- 482-9260 'PEGGY CUNNINGHAM 229 James St. Clinton Phone 482-7988 cg52 to 18 VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE -ALL MAKES BOB.' PECK VARN-A BUSINESSi0PliaRTUNITJES Earn Money in Spare Time .Men or Women to re -stock and collectmoney from 'I Tpe-higl quality coin -operated disPenser{s yin your area,. No selling. To qualify, must have car, references, $1000.00 to $3,000.00 cash. Seven to twelve hours weekl'v .can net excellent in- come. More full time. We* establish your route.., For personal interview write: including phone number. - B.V. Distributors Limited Dept, A .1117 Tecumseh Road, East, WINDSOR 20, Ontarrr; - _� gix cane growing area. Agriculture plays an important role in the economy of Fiji' with tourism now the second largest industry. I would also recommend -you take a drive along the Coral Coast. The scenic 120 mile drive along the Queens Road between Nadi and Suva takes in the famous soft sandy beaches and coconut plantations which provide the"•" sites for many of Fiji's finest re- sort -hotels. Getting back.to the shopping, for a minute, Fiji is a paradise for theshopper. Duty has been lifted completely on a wide variety of goods including cameras • and camera equipment, projectors, sound recorders, radio sets and radiograms, record players and tape recorders, television sets, watches, 'telescopes, binoculars, jewellery, furs, electric razors, 'perfumes and much much more. One of the highlights of our 'stay in Fiji was the Fijian Firewalk- ing 'Ceremony which is per- formed by the Sawau tribe of Beqa and is held on the first and third Friday of every month. I guess they have to allow time for their feet ,to heal between per- formances. The audience was in- vited to participate,. however everyone used their better ju I e- rnent and grace:Fltlly and wisely 7,decl'1ncd. If they perform during your stay. in Fiji you're in for a real treat. Eating is als(fa delight on this far -away island. Your .particular taste is catered to by Fiji's hotels which specialize in tropical fruits. and flavours. But if you plan to eat out in Suva, licensed restau- rants ' recommended for ' their exotic Chinese and Indian dishes are listed in tourist publications at your hotel. Fiji... way down there in .the blue waters of the South Pacific, a destination you should include ,on, your next trip. saddles, y saddle. t Signal. sw figure Call '524. REAL ESTATE &-GENERAL°,INSURANCE . ` PHC E 5249682 GODERICH NSW—•IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Three bedroom with carport, west end location, brick, electric ,hetl±gqxtg, large living room, dining reiSmr'and kitchen.' NHA 841^4% mortgage. ,, ' , 4 BEDROOM CLOSE TO SCHOOLS Nearly 'new brick 44bedroom with family room. Includes stove, refrigerator, washer and dryer. Excellent corner lot, good view of Lake Huron. Immediate possession. . .'. ANTED Aires ,part. 1 work in station. m home, hone 524• `DUNGANNON New two-bedroom home with ,carport, electric heating, full. basement, attractive lot. lyriced only $16,800. -- Three bedroom 1I/t storey home; 4 piece bath downstairs, 2 piece tbath. upstairs, -aluminum siding. family room, utility room, car - :port. This is a good family home, recently, remodelled. Good location. We invite your listings of all • 100 ages of which -75 acres bush,.7 Soft Maple, Ash, Chdrry. Cedar and Pine. Three "springs„ on property. Excellent retreat ideal for sportsman: *' makes of Radio .&lelevision� 60 PICTON ST:W.. FRANK WILCOX-524-7771 g NEARING COMPLETION - 3 bedroom, new,• full basement, electric heating, closet schools, Two large lots at Bltiewater, Resort Area. MOBILE HOMES New mobile home for immediate t►siscesscion.- En joy low cost housing in lovely country setting. i 'xni tete with new furniture, low- dowrt„�vment, low monthl.v INN vittemtc-rnsteliikef'- runt ,. • - HOME SITE 'La'rge lot. on V.L.A.,subdivisi0n. Excellent building propetty. • 4 building lata : for excellent property, houses, farms, Ipts, building sites. in Dungannon. cottages, etc. BERT ALEXANDER; 24 Catherine St.,,Tel. 524.7836 __._..._ GLENN. hgannon, Tel. 529.7924 , GERRIE & BERNICE GLENN.. Du LES PE1ITL'AND, 162 CaAeron St,;; Tel 524.9007 DON AAER,$AAT, 30 AritanniandL iT„ Tel. 5247216 (APPROVED,DEALER) 40 WEST ST. 524-8431 HARRISON—At Alexandra Hospital, on December 31, 1972 to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Harrison, 194 Bennett St., Goderich g, baby boy Timothy John. 1'LUNKETT--z-At Alexandra Hospital on January 1, 1973 to Mr and Mrs. James At (Andy) Plunkett Auburn a baby,. girl Karen Elizabeth. MACKINTOSH -Mrs and Mrs.. David P. Mackintosh•.(nee,_.Judy Neftel) are delight"kd to announce the arrival of their son,.. 'B'rian Stuart, at the. Gr*ce Maternity 'Hospital, "Halifax, Nova Scotia on -December 16th, 1972.: Weight 7 Ib'. 5:1/! oz. A brother for T6dd.—glx ALL' persons having claims against the Estate of 1 REDER-iC1C HENRY BOWEN, 'CuStikliaxi, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 3rd day ,nf Novembr, 1972, are required to file the saine with fu,U,narticulars with thea; der.: signed by the 15th day of January, 1973, as after that date the asset, of the estate will be distributed.. DATED --at Goderich, Ontario, this lith day of December, '1972. , PREST and EGENER, Barristers, etc., 33 -Montreal Street, GODERiCH, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate., ' ` —851,.52,1 Me first of all say that u'll en- joy the magnificent seen ry, ex- ploring -the-reefs and the coral 2 Doors. 4 Doors. The allnew 2 Door Hatchbacks and Station Wagons. -. • _ _:. __ gardens, lazing in the ,sun on the , beaches, - the friendly smiling people, mingling with the cosmo- iiolitan, colourful crowds ,which throng through the main centres, :fishing in ocean or river, meeting different people With different customs, trying out food which is new and different both in appear- ance and taste, watching the dances and listening to the music of the islanders. "" Most of all however, you'll en- joy the restfulness of 'Fiji. Here, , "far away from , your problems,. "L 1. DLAi.R you can relax and give your jangled nerves a rest, Fiji has all the advantages of a tropical clim- HARRIS, Ellen F.—At St. Joseph's ate 'without undue extremes of Hospital, JHamllton on Thursday, heat and humidity. The south - December 28th, 1972 4Ellen F. east tradewinds blow from May Harris of 127 Jackson Street West, .. t8 Novepi r, tempering the heat Hamilton. Daughter' of the late and bringing the temperature William ands Mary Harris, Miss down so much that many people Harris was a member of Centenary add a blanket to the bedclothes at ' United , Church and ' the. grand- daughter of William • Denny Harris night. This is the driest period.- M Cransford, a pioneer industrialist of •We were there in February " Ashfield, Huron County. Funeral when it is a little hotter, the winds service wAs held at the Dodsworth are more variable ,and tempera - and `brown Funeral - Home,, 114 • tures may,rise into the low nine - Main St. W., Hamilton, on' Satur- ties with high humidity. A far ery 1}frvever,;' -from the freezing tem - day, uewcemuer au, 1972 With inter- meat at Dutiganrion, Ontario. ie charity of ;your pit`e in the middle of raJures ere at home and a choico would be apprecilcome f igs ated.--gt . our enld`"Canadian' Winters... Since these automobiles were in= troduced in 1970, • the Public Response has —been�,. inostr —gratifying. They are at peak value as far as trade-in is concerned and -we --have Waiting Buyets for good used ones. The biggest change in these vehicles has mostly been technical rather. than styling since the style has been widely accepted ---- WYE ARE DECLARINGJANUARY 1 973 Prices start from.'2619 * for 2 door sedan, 6 cylinder * Transportation charges"not'in cluded:•-. .let • us helpyou take the "STING" oat of those -hi h cost repair bills with . a 1913 HORNET! BACKED BY OUR _ EXCLUSIVE BUYER PROJECTION PLAN Why not order your Hornet tailor-made to your.needs with options from air conditioning to 360 V8' engines. /� FINAG-- t " SERVICE The place whey$ your busintras is appreciated • Oc cli tick 524-8411 John Graf. :, est ,ti..