HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-01-04, Page 11i b in t ring Isist.l P i_ Ste itchi t hav on no :s, 1 owe en t o Clin GEN tran elec- ster. 7 heels. Scarce 1195 15 15 8, sr IQ 15 15 Ac ICH 0 K1UiBIIJGE ,KAPED • •ql N41,- lit MOH, 511 1111 `t Frogs fig study 4 ",...Each year; `iiia festiveholiday Question: *What is the major Christmas V holidayvisitore Mr. and Mrs. Ries Mijt�,�iburg� • season brings a renewed._ in. component of driving a Gar . were: 1Vt and Mrs• Arnold Mar terest in the facts myte and most dramatically affected by Reverend Father Jerome Osman Dalton), and traditions surrounding alcohol t alcohol intoxication. who w is to reduce the possibi ',y of someone leaving the rty in an impaired state an attempting, to drive home? GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, ,JANUARY` 4, 1973---P drinking etc., all help to keep the intake of alcohol, spaced out at a reasonable level and, as a result, less likely to produce (Frances s, problems later on. , :J planning 'Food, for example, is often -Maurice-- a airmen . nning __ thought of an_anfe, is o in - en Rei. Father Ed -De llingei�nd 'mp Dr. Eugene amount of researc'T in this t�'ea _ Mr. and Mrs. Brian canes help cut dowwayy'it Brother Carl Vo11. 'Father Port Elgin Recently, has shown that driving „is social event to prevent such a toxi tion an�1n same n the Kroetsch said `the Midnight Dalton and family Guelph; and LdBlanc, of the Adci ti"otithis S Mary'sM'" Maria and Dalton with their Research' Foundation's much more c�nmpl,icated,proi'ess sttOneio of the first things a drunkeness level. However, Kro tsch, London, visited with family, London, Mr. and Mrs. use, intoxication and driving }fir. LeBlanc: A substantial /pr. LeBlanc. I thinll _..- D lean t -_ _ -- h ld�--be 'n- we1L.- fns Christmas Malts at t. Mils, esearc � � P than most people realix tis � - Church, Lu said and Father parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Biological Studies anDepartment, � saver some of this fact that a numbe � of. dif- ' responsible host or hostess thenfn primarily uttt�ibutable to the time it Dentinger said the Midnight Dalton; asked t an ht do is look into the Kingsbridge.. -Mr Dennis Quinlan ....of, Mr. and Mrs. Danny was ase o ferent functions mus perfor- mi the -most- �• •frequenkly....�RiY.��...».,�, �` possibility of arranging extra takes to eat which, in essence, questions in this area. Dr. med simultaneou • whiic in p P g Y ng the • Mass at . Dalton' G1 and Mrs Jim of Moose Factory and alcohol slee in accommodations - -in- -. is tlme no spent drink' amts, with/Mr. Miss Martin; LeBlanc, who also teaches most endangers Y In oilier words, it's not Y to cage someone 'becomes too in - Oak, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bolland Pharmacology at th�``[Jniversit • scen- xication. ca gh food or the coffee itself which Driving ,is e good deal more toxicated on the ni t in. t' , An alternative to this helps to keep people in control 'Toni Dalton of Royal of Tor nto, is a researchon the ignition, question, Dalton and sons Terry, Mike the past week ..$t their home tist +eAth extensive experience than switc g g With them were Mr.. and measuring 'the effects of putting a car in gear and might be backs' -up provision of r butt the time a'w��y a m and Cletus and families; here. in m g, transportation achome with, ` ste ^ on pedal, Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Sandy Mrs. Masters and family of alcohol. l,- ppe driver the gast �cpedal, fly someone else or pre -party (Rose Vogt) and baby son Paul Clarkson; The intervi w took place in amenia for taxi service. �'be aware of approaching .and arrangements Adam of Oshawa with Mr. and Mr• and Mrs. Bob Ellis and the Addictiolesearch Four>r ssin ra,.,araffic lights and It might be necessary for the Mrs.` Jerry Vogt; .._: _Shawn ck(Kathleeqs O'Neil) of dation's headquarters .,a 3 pa g _ ock. Bernard. -and Jerry Street,:Xproiits. stop signs, pedestrians, weather host himself to agree to "take it i s__ Fa Hogan, Brescia Woodst Russel', ._ conditions, etc. This creates a easy" during the party so he Lalrt;-.w�h_..�.�s-Neil,-Str.....i..19rd�.., -..� situation in which the driver's would be in a position to offer a parents, Mr. • and Mrs. 'Con O'Neil O'Neil, Woodstock, and ,Den- Hogan; nis O'ePort Colborne and�._�_- " attention is divided between a drive to someone who might be How much alcohol further • Mrs. Peter Martin -Miss Theresa O'Neil of Clinton —Question: -an drink and variety of activities factthat t e otherwis rresi or an accident Mr. and Mr complicated by the (Louise Dalton) and son Danny are spending the holidays with st 11 treinainalegally and font- object In the final analysis howeve of Glamis, Mr, and Mrs. Eddie their parents and grand ti automobile is a moving is Mr. and Mrs Jim' tionally capile of.,,riving.,a and he has only so much time it seems that the way the party D It ) f itself is Waterloo, h Michigan with Mr. Raymond and family of Clarkson spent if presented will have �a lot to do . with - whether-- -the problem arises. - I don't- think hosts- should rate the success of their party on how much alcohol is poured during the course] > of the evening. There's , no reason to Qrhoo beca�.ane.......t11ie,....,'.'.!�eig,hb d.'. alcohol pusher. '1,.' One way to control the -sup- lily Of 'alcohol is to provide bar= tending serVic s so ,each drink contains , a regular measure, rather than "doubles or "triples" which make it dif- ficult for people to keep an eye on how ;Hach they have con- sumed. .- - Providing. alternatives to continuous drink►hg'should also be promoted by the host if - he wants tc� reduce . the Chilton (Maureen a on o Paten to deal with each_activity. , rloo and Mr Y Thus, alcohol intoxication is Lassaline of Goderich, with Mr. Mr. and _Mrs, Albert Heifer- Dr LeBlanc: Kee ing in mind • most directly damaging to the _- ,, nan and family -of -Newmarket, Keeping and Mrs. Mark Dalton; drivers ability to process all Mrs. Joseph Copperauill and Ray Heffernan of Mitchell and that the so-called "average driver's as weighing these various functional daughter Elizabeth of Detroit . Jerry Heffernan of Stratford man" 4 �andtinf good health, responsibilities at the same with Mr. and Mrs. Walter with their' parents, Mr. and,poundsp _ - Clare and -Mary Luanne. On Mrs. Ormond Heffernan; he can consume alcohol at the .- time.- �• Monday, they all Motored to Mr. John Sheardown, rate of one drink per hour An additional major problem without increasing his blood Guelph to spend Christmas Day Conestoga College, Kitchener, relates .to the way in which wn and alcohol level to with M-rs. Sheardothe danger drunkeness affects!'the lower with .the ladies' brother, „„,.,r, point (.08%)• part of the body snore acutely Reverend Father Lloyd” Ryan;,_ "Ricky; - means that his bodyti�will upper art:"Research (Audrey =ustin) and family of the winter months are Jim Sin - Mr. and Mrs.. Ron' Durnin Home from their boats for:—Thistake approximately 60 minutes than the p , to metabolize, or break down, , has shown conclusively that a irayton withMr. ani O D ell Den- person s the amount p Harve -- O'Neil; C car? d Vitfcent A .� 1 Michael Courtney tained in the g b k Mrs.. nett, Desmond ann feet-4nd legs are mere ;`�' Austin; nis Dalton, t of are alcohol con- severely impaired by alcohol in- average shot of toxication 'than ,the arms: Miss Marilyn McIntyre of and Peter Van Diepan ee shits (11/4 ounces or the Clearly, this has dramatic Guelph with her parents, Mr. Mf . and Mrs. John Shear- rr,�,r,,,, and 140,,,,,Joe Mclntyl e rani, bdttle"of'domestic beer.,. implications fess °inereaseid risk down and son Ricky moved on sand brake Miss Dathleen Hogan, If he drinks at a more Boxing Day to the home ratan-' � since both the ga University of Western Ontario tly- vacated by Mr: and Mrs. frequent rate or if he consumes pedals are foot -controlled larger the normal' devices and Francis Hogan,..Ridgetown-' Gerritt Logtenberg. measure, than the normal Agricultural College with- Mr. , Reverend Father Ed Den- . and Mrs. John Howard; . - " tinger attended a Conference of . level will, increase in direct' at Kitchener - Mr.. and proportion to the extent he goes Mrs. Percy Psychology aver the one drink per- hour Question: What would be You McClenaghan (Sharon Court- Waterloo.' h rule. advice to the host or hostas .tie -y) and son Gavin of Listowel, Brother Carl Voll spent the In other words, if the with brothers Desmdnd and Christmas holidays with his "average man" drinks two Michael .Courtney.. They all relatives at St. Clements and drinks an hour for two hours, spent Christmas in i c ener. he will have 'exceeded the rate - with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Court- , . • � at which his body can handle K Fitz- :- b two drinks an is Joeyof dangerously blood alcohol level will be at or Goderich with Mike O'Neil than girls. � �. the 'O'Neil families; A d t Q estioh How imp Goderich Kith Safety P ' neo; Tips alcohol y k d h Mr. and Mrs. Ken" i - Patrick and son Boys live more exceeding the -.OS°b limit. O'N it and h 1 • IndustrialAccident important is a . . The r nt Preventipn Association .reports ir n's sire or sex in d'e a Miss RaseMaj.y Ho$an� that out of nearly 500 child . Woodstock, Ronald Hogan, pedestrian deaths, about 300 or mining his or her capacity for Sudbury, Jimmy Hogan, Lon - 11611 alcohol intake without running dein, Michael Hogan, Clinton, 60•- per cent were boys. the risk of iiihpairmerit? You can help I.A.i'.A. with their parents, -Mr. and prevent these accidents by. Dennis Hogan; cautioning all children to obey Dr. LeBlanc: Thele is no doubt Mr. and Mrs. George Collin- ' that a ' person's capacity is son (Donna. Hogan) and family all traffic rules, Thus, you will relate'_ to size but it is muscle, of Goderich with Mr. and Mrs. help support I.A.P:A. s 1973 , safety campaign theme to "Zero not fat, which' makes the dif- 3'11 Hogan; ference. (raid and pJohn Knoop, of In On Proper Job PeYfor= A X00 pound man in good Beachville with -Mr. and Mrs. mance." That principle applies lean physical shape is in good and family;; equally to the responsibility of �5ci'o Moreto Anthony Knoop y' teaching children to follow traf- consume roughly .. . -Miss Nolda Miltenburg, alcohol per hour 'than Sound with her parents, fic : rules, than the • L Ovo Sr -Cleo _volt ' o1, did th-is- - : t� yours. ♦r 4%+14 ) �47 l°11)' nr."411411 it-vt leo 1• r to fill his see us n.),..MMrr•#..•,AN/, ••.,• Goderich ,Community -:Credal Union ,1 r !? **vie If` + -. .,,. 010141 11s» Awn ow.0 $i O, MI AMll10! !401 . . OffKf 1NiMf--0 M �. IM., i• w o n r •M# s s nl,.tl 0 0, * "average man" weighing ,164 pounds.- But, if his extra weight - is made tip priinarily of fat, his increased . capacity will be negligible. A woman of average build, at 100 pounds, will have- a -• _....correspondingly lower capacity to metabolize alcohol than the 150 pound ,man and this clearly becomes important when husband and wife must decide who has consumed too much and should not drive home. In essence, there is no dif- ference between the sexes in terms of capacity for :,'alcohol except for the fact that women tend to be smaller and less mu$ular than men. , Local judq,e appointed possibility of an impaired guest. r Food, dancing, conyersatian, s-' games, non-alcoholic drinks, '111 ",'ll -1'„1/ 1'i 11 to committee. ,.,,HuXoh:::Cgunty ., Jt dge R.5. Hetherington was appointed last week as chairman of a three man board - of reference which !'fill hear the appeal of former Sarnia High School teacher against his.. firing by the Lambton County Board of ' Education; The appointment .• was announced by Education Minister Thomas Wells. Judge Hetherington will be replacing Lambton Judge RA. Carscallen, chairman of the first board of reference in the , case. •This board' was ordered disbanded earlier ,in .1972 by the divisional court of the Supreme Court of Ontario. Joe Thompson, the teacher, taught English at Sarnia Cen- - tral Collegiate Institute and - has been on welfare sint±e his contract with the board expired August 31. The school board had given Mr. Thompson 11- reasons, for his firing,,including such things --aa” his failure to turn `in eaamirtation papers to'his ptin• cipal and,his habit of digiiessing from .the 'course of studies to discuss irrelevant topics: - MEN'S SPORT. COATS & COORDINATES BLAZERS PRICED AS LOW AS HALF PRICE 11t0* -2.7 9 5 P SPORT - SHIRTS! DRESS SHIRT`S!. KNIT SHIRTS! Reduced to. clear FROM 395 UP 4 MARY elna L drinking which such activities Jto continue its work 'of provide. This. non -drinking metabolizing the alcohol which time, in turn, allows the body has been consumed. Ego /&/4 eL'Ed. Flier .CeyerIgs - Paints Wallpapers 'Drolleries 18th (eatery rarditere Refiaisher IN. GODERICH PHONE 5-248532 MANAGER - CLAYTON MiZEN -DURING S SEWINGCENTRE WHITE ELNA simple- perfect - reliable the world's finest precision -made sewing, machine. It offers–"you new dimension's' of sewing:- - Satisfaction — Simplicity — satility..:. _.:_....,. — Never out -dated — Universal tension — No pressure adlustment sheers to coats Ver- from er-from 1.. FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY 300 5000 TO � b ON CABINET MODELS DON'T MISS THESE GREAT SAVINGS ^T MARY'S SEWING _ CLINTON a ALBERT ST. From From H.F.C. -- C�EDIi TERMS - �V111uBLE' H.F.C. ___ - COEDIT TERM AYAJLABLE SHOP NOW! S.AVE! During our annual 'Wcnter Clearnace of quality Men's Wear. REDUCTIONS.OF d .. —) 0 % To 50 o ' OFF AND MAYBE MORE 9 urry! Our big warm-up ale is on. All outerwear'. �e. Sub- � Is priced to moo urban coats, CPO jackets, nylon parkas ... plus more. Some with zip -out dr `shearling linings. NOW .1.45 ' TO 7995 MEN'SSUITS OUR complete stock of suits is now' offered at Real Savings to our customers. -4 Single, Breasted D.B.'s Wools, Knits Flannels . REG. 89.50 TO 145.00 NOW 3995 ,o 99°5 SWEATERS COMPLETE STOCK TOGO- - Ld 1- 2O%O -OFF WINTER CA.PS ,OFF WASH.. -PANTS SPECIAL GAO,UP 20% OFF GLOVES &'S(ARYES 20% °F` e LOOK FOR YELLOW SALE TICKETS NO EXCHANGES - NO REFUNDS - 'A' LT,ERATIONS AT COST ONl SALE C LOTHING- '._.._::. GODERICH AMPBEL -tisire ..,. fol',.-•.. CLINTON 4 LIMITED. KiNCAiRDINE imaimammikir . 1