HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-01-04, Page 3• ! ' ;1,A ° ,-.;at . , _ , . . .. , ..., • - % GODERICH fillGkAV;STAli, THURSDAY, .JAKYAIRY :4, li$71—PAGE .3. ' ....s...4., • Out Ow ether y on k. led ly w es A tc 'his say rs. W foun nic mon irsen 1 as Ids ured lins e, hu Co. .ecent ilgna nes •deric re fro Gre riles mero ey wi of h )Ors in th Whe he wi ds ex Darutar Planing Limited started up a new primary ef- ' continued from page, 2 * - fluent treatment sotem toaay . -atita linerboard and newsprint Authority. Herein, lies one of mill in • Red Rock with an the problems. The repreaen- inaugural ceremony attended tatiye should be a cquncillor, by J.A.C. Auld, Ontario. one who is close to the minister of theenvirenmentproblems of each Runicipality, The mill houses one of the and a person whd is.nbnot afraid largest kraft linerboard to push new ideas. . operations now producing in .Alas, such is not the casa. • Too many times the represen would greatly increase if Dom- tarls allowed to .expand there. It seems to me that it is high' time the Maitland Valley Con- servation Authority stopped pussy -footing a ound..and star- ted te snarl a bit. Enough said. — The new treatment system— titive remains the game person,-,,- DeEditof part of a $1-6,000,000 program year in, year out, even if the , - The President of Nicaragua at Red Rock for abatement of person is defeated in an- elec. • has called upon CARE to assist water and air pollution —Con- tion, or retires from municipal • • in providing urgently needed It's been a good year. I've met a lot of irople who. care about the health of :the'world -they live,in and I've seen a lot done to improve There. was the Ontario Weekly .- -.Newspapers Association convention last February - newspapermen, on the whole, get involved in their vommunitte.5....41)4 thequaity of life. It was nice to meet so - many of them. , . Then_our horizons broadened . sists of a recently installed' attivity- And what happens es .food for 120000 Men, women at the Department of the En - clarifier and associated equip- m the ,Case, of the Maitland . ' and Children of the stricken city vironmenr merging with the _i ment for the removal of suspen- Valley Conservation Authority, - of Managua: Ontaro Water Resources Com- - ded solids in the liquid effluent is that there becomes a pile of CARE personnel are already mission to form the Ministry of - from the, mill. Mr. Auld set the dead wood trying to steer the on the job under the direction the Environment one team to k system in operation. Authority in a proper direction. of CARwortogether on all aspects of CAR/Nicaragua's resident .• Others invited vy.,emW,k1„ Wbtq .,,tniA Maitland director and supplies are being Pollution control • With the merger came a new 1d o [titian 7vatio gam y saf ling t The Goderich Rotary Club hosted Canadian teacher Chr. McClinton at its Tilesday noon luncheon as guest speaker. Mr. McClinton 1:s a native of Timmins Ontario and is now - ?teaching secondary school in Athens, Greece. He has been in Goderich over the holiday season visiting with his mother, Mrs. Helen McClinton of Keays Street Goderich., Mr. McClinton told the club of the adaptation that -must - be 'made by natives of North America, and Canada par- ticularly, who live in Greece., "I actually found my way there quite by accident," he ex- • plained. "I -travelled to Turkey but upon arrival found. the • position I was seeking filled and so moved on to Athens to • visit friends: Eventually I was hired in my present position." • The Canadian teaches English at'a school sponsored join- tly by Greeks and Americans, many of Greek origin.. "Many Greeks, who have Moved to the United States and done well financially, help in a nionetaryk,Way to 'operate the school.", Th( school courses, he explains," are different than in North America and the Greek student must work very very hard succeed in school. "I don't know how they keepup with the tremendous workload and long hours," he observes. Chris also cites an example of the struggle for 'higher education in that at one engineering school 9,000 students write entrance examinations for 900 seats, As a Canadian Mr. McClinton sees a n Itiflifen0 on society by thelandscape: ltGreece is covered with history and every - bit of landscape, no mattef hold retdote, haSsdnie historieal • importance. The Greek landscape is basi-C--ally-burnan, people being more a 'part of it than in Canada where the vast areas - of unpopulated landscape might be regarded as wild lira raw. Mr. McClinton, who now speaks the Greek language, sees ',the language as being used much more' viviglyand en- • thesiastically than language in Canada'. Greek ,s have a unique language problem," he eg:' plains; "Over a centur);. ago Greekscholars cariatracted -a , language, lia'S6d...to sorne extent -on'Classicat-Greek. This language- is- still used in the....schoela,-,especially the upper --gradeS:--Thiisthe student must learn to wtitea language' dif- ferent from that which he uses in daily speech." Education, Mr. McClinton ailmits, has some inequalities still in .it. "Children from better-lkornes financially--,hiVe-a• 'better opportunitybecause of some overcrowding in- ttle bsence retur iediat e Kin West and o Town Lela i embe at th d -,and ;ion by in and ion. ile of •derich .1,00(1. spon- lerich !Either- irn to 1 MTS. 'Street, on of Lby in rn at Jan. icence .pt. of rig the check e they front la48 ill be few years only led as metal. Lawson, vice-president and Authority needs is young men trucked in from warehouses in general manager of Domtar • and , women who have, new , neighbouring Honduras and Minister? the Hon. James Packaging;'• A,P. Hamilton, ideas, and are not afraid to step Costa Rica. Auld, and a new deputy . • president of Domtar Pulp & out and say their piece. Medical personnel from the Paper Products Ltd.; Everett The dead wood has bogged CARE/Medico team stationed minister, Everett Biggs. -.-Mr, Biggs ,represen . the United Nations Conference Biggs, deputy Minister of the down the Maitland -Authority in Choldteca Honduras have the Human EnviionMent, environment; Keith Penner„. to a standstill They are, afraid moved into the hospital it the major environmental event to member of parliamentand;rock the boat, in_case the big - ..Chinandega to careN•or the in of the year., , Jack Stokes member of the On- blue Machine. in Toronto tips , jured and Medico _ doctors v and• ' l'hrit confereril.e ' may een - tario legislature. • •... them out. --Further„, some of the ' nurses are readyprove tobe one ofthe major to receive in- - •t- Mr, Lawson, in remarks at ' political Iippairaiteitt4- to : the jured evacuees' in Choluteca ” events Of the -decade- the first' the ceremony, stated that the Maitland Valley Conservation and Santo Doming ' .1. -o' '''.---- ' —gatherinv of :world • powersto Red Rock program is part of a , Authority fall into the same Because of the congestion at - - - 1 „cnsider the, problemA o , of the continuing effort'bY Domtar at dead wood- categorY. ' Managua 7 airport which has world environident. While the • all pf,its mills — 13 in Ontario . Regarding ithe historicaln already reached Serious propor- conferece in Stockholm had * and Quebec -- to control Lagoon Overflow_ _fiasco a tions, Nicaraguan authorities no power to enforce its views, it • pollution while, stil -,. main- couple of years ago; the have asked that no inore sup - 47 taining an eConomical - viable • Maitland Authority knew what plies be sent in by air. CARE is ' ro!tr,,s,itZtx.ifirbsitngre_. ial,c__rirli;irgnitNi.' company. In this connectiOn, he was going on five years or more not therefore , accepting 'world opinion on the dangers • said, Domtar hasalready perit, before thesituation was &Mations of food, clothing, facing use from pollution and more than $12,900,000 at fled brought to light. But did'' the blankets:etc. However, funds . the depletion of resources. _ Rock: about two thirds of the 'Maitland Authority . use its , are urgently needed for feeding From it, a global "Earth - planned expenditure for the authority , to lowerthe boom and sheltering the homeless watch" network was a major • total program 'at the mill. and clean up the situation?. victims and caring for the in- recommendation- a world-wide The new clarifier and related Next comes a little deal a jure- d. monitoring systern for at- • equipment. cost $2,100,000. The Listowel regarding a company' Contributions should be sent mospheric, terrestrial, marine and health hazards. " And over the past year on the Ontario scene, pollution control work 'is speeding u'p and legislation and regulatiohs are being' tightened ,to improve their effeetiverpss, ;The air in the cities is getting steadily cleaner, and Lake Erie and Lake Ontario have definitely -turned 'the corner -ph their way to recovery. Just a fery weeks ago, Toronto's Har- bor Commissioners cheerfully announced that .fish life .wato-- returning to Torontio's water- front. And,-whil& pollution control • systems are well underway ifl Sudbury, Environment Ontario • has just begun a comprenhen- sive look at the environment in that.are: - a akudy project on a scale that has never been at- tempted before in the world. Environment Canada has been invited to join that detailed project. There ii litera I ly hu of other things I could mention without even beginning te cover 1972.. But that was last year. Just wait till you see what's coming _ ted Ontario., at company will install 'a secon- wishing to erect a new building assoon as possible to the bv the on flood -plain land Well the the end of 1974. at a further 'cost -of Maitland Authority said no. Fund at 63 Sparks St., Ottawa dary treatment system , CARE Nicaraguan Earthquake $2,500,000 The Maitland River public school sy'stem. This, Sunday Chris returns to his job in Greece. He likes , his position and the country and has adapted himself almost too completely to his new home. "It seem g cold here after the sur, in G'reece," he laughs. Then advice was heeded I .K1P believe: A feather in their cap for this one. . ' • Thomas Kines, National Director. - Late in 1972, the alarm was ' sounded regarding the fact that , "The Southerner sings of the s ,Toronto was considering • broad Mississippi; ' railroading garbage into the The Irish praises the ,Shannon Harriston—Minto area., The and Lee; • • • , , top end of the Maitland Water - The Mersey and Severn lk-e shed, Did the -Maitland dear to old England, Authority' use its authority to Where Kingsley sang sadly the speak up, and offer its power to , song' of ;the Dee; - the public to investigate this ,.. situation? . }The Scots say that braware the deplorable The Dale members are, afraid to speak. "I ' Diand , ,., . Ana bonnie the banks of the And ` 16Ser to home, we have '- beautiful Clyde,; • "a - rare, case. The Maitland But fafrer than all is the Authority has undertaken stream called the -Maitland; •- Flood Plain Mapping so the Ah, happy_the days I spent by area may be defined, in which ' its side. ' • buildings' cannot be •erected. I Ontario rivers are brimming recite the 'case of the home in V., ith•LbeLutty, , Saltford a few year g ago that The Don and the Humber, the was shifted by the ravages of ' Credit and Grand;* the' Mighty 'Maitland., If the The glittering Thames is a rib- Authority had power, the per- • bon of silver; ' • son would, not have been But still I shall dream of the allowed ta build there. ' picturesque land, . Where the Maitland,steals out However, regarding the froth the Highlands of Huron, Flood Plain,,I wonder if Dom - From Wellington County and ta'r will be allowed -to buy the "cupperraost Perth, . , propertyon the -immediate ' . , To leisurely wander -through'• north side of the mouth of the , Wingham and Au'burn, • Maitl-and River. Also, if thek.--, Through fields that are fair_as complete the ' purchase, Will the fairest on earth.. • they be allowed to build on this You may love the St. Lawrence, land? •. -the roaring Niagara, ./ Will the Mai ' tlarkd Valley Whose turbulent . waters rush Conservation Authority see, fit . • ' „ to' put a stop tole one hundred mile after mile; • , . You. ,may praise the Blue thousand dollar deal for the Danube in poem and music, land. I believ'e they -would step The Hudson•, •the Tiber, The ,a private individual. Pollution Rhine and Nile; at the mouth of the Maitland There are rivers aplenty, historic, romantic; ,• . But all of 'their glories I'd --, gladly foraake ' ' ' ' ' again on the Dear Readers. To stand once' hilltop at Goderich And watch the old Maitland continued from page 2 !cans: unior lened ;elves h 'Sit% ar the shing stIe [sub).. itreal raid mond kr in Min- k, will cast !dsOn • aling as n ty has o, his hrist- team r Jim .„.. two (continued from page 1°) - young people between 12 and 20. -"We centered on three areas rather than attempt a program young people belween -12-20. which might he' too ambitious," orhis could include • assisting they explain. -"If time allows you in finding field -workers who would be willing to con- duct door to door interviews, or whatever you might suggest." Secoadly," the letter goes on, "we wouldlike to know if 'you would be interested- in helping possible to•conduct his planned survey of recreation. • "Specifically," they explain, "we would like to help you in gathering information from this program could be enlarged. We also hope to establish liaisons with various groups in the province similar to our own in hope's of obtaining advice or information pertinent to our prOject." •' us • to set up a series of • programs. This 'would involve In another letter Co -Pilot. obtaining'the use of a -,gym and contacted Mr. Dymond offering running a series of' elinics;--or in periods of activities." their assistance MLWAYS Proper Job Performance,' . 1973. drive to "-Zero inon READY• ,mm.,,,,,nece saittr,heo yeOuisr aisobgoopderafsoirt- is on the,,job. Check yodr-house _Tofor hazards that might cause accidents.. Make sure your shuopnipe6rits ihAazparAtii,fsreel9763ritahelivj, HELP progratn. . About 2,000 children die eacli-year. in Canada from ac- cidents ip -the home. The In- dustrial • Accident Prevention Association says most of. these fatalities are caused by falls, fire, poison and suffocation. TO -help support I.A.P.A..' 5 -V ANASTRA • - ' 48 2-949 5 , , (STRAIGHT IN FROM THE MAIN GATE) • IN THE OLP FIRE HALL • hLJII JANUARY SALE Also included are s$ki Jackets and Bomber Jackets. Wools, Plaids., Pony,Leatherette. Mix or match co-ordinatedsportswear. Pants, Shirts, Blazers, Skirts, -Sweaters. Styled for the Junior', large selection in the Season,* best styles. Shop now, these will ' sell fast Anon. roll into the lake." in a most agreeable way because Oddleifscin is always ' • most agreeably disagreeable, if NOTE: , This poemwas found you can figurethat out. almost obliterated on a nptice It is interesting to. note that board at Fernhurst Glen, near foul of the five candidates fpr Holmesville. The name of the the Warden's:chair are from author at the bottom was the -central portion Of the almost obliterated. it was Iifr county with Reeve - Pattison been Michael 'Farrell.' being the only candidate frwhat- could be termedthe cpn -. ficult to. decipher. It may have "north". There are those who believe Pattison's geographical - location will aid him to he elec- ted Warden:,Only time will tell. Some others believe that Reeve Flynn 'stands a • good, „ chance,. to become .Warden , 'because- it is well. known at county council that Flynn has 24 ' had, doethava and will have his sights - firmly set on the Warden's chair. Persistence pays off, some are sayingLB . Goderich Township Reeve- Ev. Mcllwain could be a strong contender, sorrie*leel, because he's been, in. connty council for such a longtime and is. well known in, county municipal cir- Reeve Lobb of Clinton is • thought to be the least likely to,---. • assume the Warden's post -in 1.973...Heis the newest o.8 Cf the, , five to county council and fOr, that reason, may have difficulty ----attairkil the necessary suppott • Leather, Wool and Camel, Fur trimmed and untrimmed. Knee length. ' Look foi the Yellow Sale Titketc Marty - , fabrics reduced for quick sale. We must make -space for Spring febrics'arriving this week.,• 60 in. Printed Crimplene $ 399 yd. You will be in fashion with along dress from Schaefer's for that occasion •• Now only $ I 999 to $1 99 Aor SALE PRICES MILLINERY Less '50% SHOE/ (Tender toOtiet) 1:011s. PURSES Liss 20% Flannelette,& Snuggledown SLEEPWEAR 2076 Gloves Bag Pants' Brassieres & Girdles Hudson Bay Monk Throws tADIES WEAR ' IMITED