The Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-12-28, Page 1513. SERVICES AVAILABLE
Sales'& Service
Repairs to all
' makes of
Radio & Television
.60 PiCTON T.W.
FRANK WILCOX-524-7771 ,g
Where to Bug if
Sewing Centre
40 WEST ST, 52443431
ALL persons having ,claims -
against the estate of'`Emerson P.
Overholt, late of the Town of
Goderich, in the County of Huron,
deceased, who -died -on or about the
29th day of Septern, erg` 1972, are
hereby.notified to send in to the un-
dersigned -'Personal Representative
of the said deceased on or before the
6th day of -January, 197.3, full. par- ..
ticulars cif°' -,heir claims. im-'
Mediately after the said -date the
said Personal Representative will
distribute the asset' of the said
deceased. -• having regard only to
claims''of which it shall then have
DATED at Goderich, this 5th day
of December, 1972.
Stratford, • Ontario
- (Executor or Administrator).
18 The Square,
Goderich; Ontario.
Their Solicitors herein.
• g50,51,52
• ALL persons having claims
against the Estate of FREDERICK
HENRY .BOWEN, Custodian, late
of the Town of Goderich, in the
County of Huron, who died on or
.about the 3rd .day of November,
1972, are required to file the same
with full particulars with the under-
signed by the 15th day c>f-„.January,
1973, as after that date hoer$ set of
the estate will -be distributed..
DATED At Goderich, Ontario,
this 11th day of December, 1972.
Barristers, etc.,
33 !Montreal Street,
GODERICH, Ontario.
Solicitors for the Estate..
I will not he responsible for any
debts incurred by my wife Kathleen
Fooks on or after the 8th of Decem-
ber, 1972. -Jim Fooks.—g50,51,52
, The Humanitarian^Service C.P.. &
T. Committee of the Goderich Odd -
.fellow and Rebekah Lodges have
equipment for loan. Contact Amos
Osbaldeston, 524-9623 or Fred'Frit-
zley, 524-7217.-4eow
SUGGEST thief who st:oie'colored
light string from •our .fence about
2;.30 a.m Wednesdays Decenrtber 20,,_-.
mail :$I0'``dorrat'rnet tO :Salvation`
Army or quietly return them. it
could the cheapest in the long run. I
work nights- and was still up when
you did it. Ewan and Esther Ross,
Nairn Drive.—g52x
To the Ratepayers of
Commencing Saturday,
January 6, 1973 until Satur-
day, 'March '31, 1973 Colborne
Township Land Fill Site will be
open 9 a.m. - 12 o'clock noon
on Saturdays ONLY.
- Wilmer Harily,
Clerk -Treasurer.
Season's Greetings to all. In lieu of
arae« ;we are Inning a donation to
,.tore Heart l turd'.- Orville and Mary
I kilaay.2
LOST --440 gold watch, name,
engrav e d' `iiia, Goderich. Reward.
Phone 524-625g52
FOUND ---Girl's brown frame
glasses, found at 64 South St.,
owner rriay have same by iden-
tifying hPpaying 16)4"dd. Phone
5'24-62 0,; '02
ALLAN—Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Allan are happy to anno�t nct+the
arrival of their second Alin, John
William,. a brother for Elizabeth
Anne and James Robert on Decem-
ber 22; 1972 at Alexandra
l ospital.---g52
'JOHNSTON—At Sta.rborough
General Hospital' on December 18,
1972 to Mr. and Mrs. Neil •.Johnston ••
(nee 'Shirley Squire), Agincourt, a
baby boy Mark Allan. First grand --4
child foraboth Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Johnston and Mr. and Mrs. Robert
BRINDLEY—In _tovi•ug-mernory of FINN -•-The family of the ' lath
Lloyd N. Brindley who passed away ,„ ose h Finnexpress th�ejr ,jjncer
two years ago, December 29, 1970 appreciation, to , relatives, frier as
In the graveyard softly sleeping -.,,,,,,,,and neighbours'tor the Mass cards,
Where the flowers gently wave -
Lies- the one we loved so dearly
In -his lonely Silent grave.
Never will- Ve be forgotten
• Never will his memory fade
Sweetest thoughts will ever linger
Round the•spot where he is laid.
Mother.—g52x •
FAIRISH—At Alexandra Hospital
on"December 23, 1972 to Mr. atad
Mrs..James Farrirh, 9:3• Wolfe St a
baby, Jayne Elisabeth.
PEARSON—At Alexandra
Hospital on December 21,•. 1972 to
Mr. and Mrs. Scott' Pearson, 111 St.
David St., a baby boy, Jason Scott.
WRAY—At Alexandra Hospital on
McCLINCHEY—Thank you,
friends, neighbors and relatives for
all your help a kindness shown to
me while I wa.' a patient in St.
.Joseph=s liospit 1, London. Elsner
McC`li�nchey.—g5'2 •
McCLIICH'EY---Many banks to
everyone for your kindnes.•. Special
thanks to Rev, L. Warr,ladies who
served lunch, also Ball and Mutch
Funeral Home,Jduring our` recent
bereavement. ' MElmer, Maida
McClinehew and family.—g52
RIBEY—I wishco express my sin-
cere appreciation 'to my neighbours,
-relatives and friends for the many
acts of kindness shown me while I
was a patient in` Alexandra Marine
and General Hospital. 'Special
-tha'piiS to Dr. J.W. Wallace and
,staff on first • flod4�. Orville
December -19, 1972 to Mr. and Mrs. '
Douglas Wray, a baby boy, John,
MORLEY—At Alexandra Hospital
on December 23, 1972 to Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Morley, 187 Bennett St..
haby boy. Robert John: A haby
brother for Kenny.—g52
.SCOTCHMER-1 wish to exOress
my appreciation for. flowers, gift~,
cards and visits received during my
stay in Alexandra Marine and
General Hospital, Special thanks to
Dr. Deathe, Dr. Flowers and nur-
sing staff and to those who helped
at home. Jack Scotchmer.—g52'
Individual volunteers and a
representative of each volun-
teer, group were recognized for
their efforts at a Christmas buf-
fet supper served in the staff
dining room on Wednesday
evening, December 13th.
Following the supper, slide pic-
tures of activities at HuronView
were shown in the auditorium.
Seventy students of the
Hullett Central School visited
the home on Friday afternoon
and presented a 'ib`hristmas
program. The musical part `of
the program was provided by
Grades 3 and 4 under the.direc-
tion of their teacher, Mrs.
° Livermore. Mrs. .Bosman -
' provided the. piano accom-
paniment and directed the
Grade 6 folk dancing. Mrs.
Youngblut expressed the ap-
preciation of the residents for
tie enjoyable afternoon's enter-
A number of residents from
North Wing were taken for a
drive by rhembers of the Clin-
ton Kinette Club on Friday
evening to view the Christmas
lights in the Clinton area.
The annual pre -Christmas
visit of the Seaforth Lions Club
which is looked forward to wit 4
a greats deal of interest by the
residents took place on Sunday
afternoon. A cJorus of 30 mem-
bers of the Club led by Jim
' Stewart sang a number of
is with the audience
-- ; c ; s
--�- :�� ' :�=siva..
. r-hotwa� u...icalr,
and dance numbers by . the
McQuaid family and bagpipe.
selections by Peter Malcolm
and Nelson Howe. President
Brian Flannigan .brought
greetings from the Lions and
introduced Irvine Johnson,
chairmah' 'for the afternoon.
Adminttrator, Mr: C.A. Ar-
chibald, thanked the club for
arranging the fine program and
for the gift of fruit to be divided
among the residents.
It was standing room only on
Tuesday afternoon for the
residents' Christmas party. Ad-
ministrator, Mr. Archibald,
was chairman for the concrt
and also read two Christmas
poems that had been written by
Mr. Leishman. The program in-
cluded a mixed chorus of
residents singing carols; Miss
Gidley accompanied the vocal
trio, Helen Fisher, Ileen
McEwen, Irene Cole; a vocal
solo by Morgan Dalton;
readings by' Alice Buchanan,
Agnes Douglas,' ° Mrs. J.
Rutledge, Mrs. Davis and Mr.
Bots Rutledge; and instrumen-
tals by the orchestra and
rhythm band. Mrs. Spading
narrated the story of "The Old -
Fashioned Christmas” with the
various parts taken try Mrs.
Lamb, Ray. Maize, Gladys
Stanlake, George Nicholson,
Jerry Collins. Following a visit
from Santa Claus everyone
gathered in the dining area for
a Christmas supper. Tables had
been arranged for 200 at one
sitting with a special menu and
decorations for the occasion
prepared by the kitchen staff.
The. Blyth Public School en-
tertained the residents on Wed-
nesday afternoon with Mr. Jim
Laurie as master of ceremonies.
Principal, Mrs. Mickie directed
the choir of 65 students in
several Christmas numbers
assisted by the music supgr-
visor, I' ,rs. Phyllis Roger and
Mr. Graham Yates who also
arranged the aqua;re dancing
numbers by eight 'Students. A
gift of money donated by the
students to buy treats for the
residents was presented with
Mrs. Cartwright thanking those
responsible for the gift and the
program on behalf of the
The Calvinettes, a group of
young people age 10 to 1(i from
t e Ilia Christian Reform
Church provided the Family
Night program. Mrs. Bakelaar,
leader of the group, Showed a
film strip entit:ed "Son of the -
Virgin" which told the story of
ristmas in many lands" a.
floral tributes. Special• thanks to
Rev. R. `Movnahan, -Dr. J.W.
Wallace, nurses and staff on 2nd
West, pallbearers and McCallum
Funeral Home. Wm., Albin, and
Russell Finn.—g52 '
McNEE—Mr. and Mrs. Ross
McNee wish to thank _ their friends
and relatives for the lovely gifts and
wish them the best in the New Year.
Doss and' Mattie.—g52
WILSON ---I would like to say
thank you to those that sent cards
and get well wishes and thoseho
visited me while a patient ' in
Wingham and District Hospitatt
James Wilson.—g52x - • ' '' •
,SEERS—We would like to take this
opportunity to thank 'friends neigh-
bours and relatives for floral
tributes, for donations to charity
and for helping in homes during our
recent bereavement. A special
thanks to Dr. R.W. Street, Dr. R.W.
Rowers, Arthur Funeral Home and.
Pastor Fry. Pallbearers.and Unit :3
of Knox United Church. It was
greatly appreciated. The Seers
MUGFORD—The family of the late
Mrs. Margaret Jane Mugford wish
to express sincere thanks to our
relatives, friends and neighbours for
their many kind expressions of sym-
pathy extendedr'during (ur sad loss
(if.-- a -Mother, , Grandmother and
great Grandmother. • Also for the
many -beautiful floral tributes, sym-
pathy cards and the memorial
donations to the Ontario Heart
Foundation and the Cancer .Society.
We are deeply grateful to Rev.
w Leonard Warr -for his comforting
message. Words cannot express mil-
ursincere thanks -to the McCallti n
Funeral Horne. Also to Dr• Caeslar
and the ambulance service. Mr. -and --
Mrs. 13. Grigg, 'Mr, and Mrs. W.L.'
Hewitt and families.—g52x
GODERICti SICNALba'I'"� t.. 'H11 11A"
In pan exhibition game Satuir-
day ..bight December' 23 against
Wingham All -Stars, Darrell,
•Graham scored foul goals,
leading Goderich to a 7-,1 win.
Sif'igles were ,scored by Devin
Campbell, Dehnis Kerr and
David Eastwood, Wingham
lone tally Bill Brophy.. There
were no penalties,,in this game.
Monday, December 18,
Legion Sailors 3, MacDonald
Marine O. In a well -played
gameiw,hich saw Barry East -
wood's team, Legion Sailors,
win ,by three goals, Joe
Morris'ey,Robbie Johnston and
Dakin Moore each got a goal.'
.Jim Mathers and Mike, Evans
picked upassists in the game.
,,...1_ ff.w ,Denornme managed
' ,andtiiex. shut -out for ;the Legion
Thursday, December 21
Canadian Tire and Bedford
Hotel played to a three all tie.
Darrell Graham opened the
scoring for Canadian Tire as
Mike Moriarty assisted. Bed-
ford Hotel tied the game, as
David MacDonald scored as
Paul Murphylset him up.
Tommy Smith made it 2-1
for Canadian Tire, Dennis Kerr
and Joe Burbine drew assists,
on the goal. Dennis Kerr got
Canadian Tire's other goal
with Daryl Madge assisting.
David MacDonald scored all
the goals for Bedford Hotel and
drawing assists were Brian
'Shiiree'd 'mid Tom Profit:
The Goderich Legion Novice,
All -Stars defeated Seaforth 6-1
here Saturday, gaining revenge
for their only loss of the season,
a 6-3 setback in Seaforth two
weeks ago. Saturday's loss was
the first for Seaforth in league
Canadian students
assess the mass media
Forty per cent of grade 6
students in Canada spend at
least 20 hours a week watching
television. But by the time they
get to grade 13, only five per
cent allow themselves this
luxury, while 32 per cent watch
the tube less than four hours
during an entire week.
The information is contained
in one of a number of
tabulations and charts
published today in a Statistic's
Canada education service
bulletin, giving some of the
results of a student census un-
dertaken last year as an ad-
junct to the 1971 Census of
When it came to reading
newspapers, 72 per cent of the
f- grade 6 children, 70 per cent of
the grade sevens and 65 per
cent of grade eights prefer'r'tf
the comic section above al -1 -else.
Interest in local and world
news increased sharply at the
grade 10 .level, where 41 per
cent of the students expressed
,interest in local news and 36
per cent in world news. The
comic -pages, however, were still
„ in first place, interesting 45 per
cent of the audience.
In Grade 13, world news
finished first with a 48 er'cent
rea e -ft1p, 'local nevtir. .
at 43 per cent.and comics third
at 41 per gent. Eilitorit'tl pages
were read by , 18 per cent of
those in grade 13, and financial
pages by seven per cent.
Corresponding figures in grade
12 were: world -news, 43 per
cent; local news, 44 per cent;
comics, 45 per cent; editorials,
15 per cent and financial pages,
six per cent.
Students were also asked
how many books were ex-
cluded.) Ten per cent of grade 6
students and almost 20 per cent
of those in grades eight
through 12, reported reading no
books. A fairly consistent 40
per cent of students in every
grade froni eight to 13 read one
or two books a month and an
equally consistent 17 to 18 per
cent read three �r fou books.
Other tabulations in the
bulletin deal with,_ part-time
employment of students (about
40 per cent of those with jobs
work only on weekends and
about a third In the evenings);
mobility (20 to 30 per cent of
the students were born outside
the province in which they at.
well ::asp the -1 igirt
the carols. The carols pi' ,. 45
young people sang th'e carols as
they related to , the story.
Volunteer Harvey Howard
called on Mrs. Valkenhurg who
expressed the thanks .'of the
'residents for .the very ap-
propriate , pre -Christmas
Consumers' _Association of
Canada congratulates the
Manitoba Ministry of Health
and Social Development which
has launched a centrally ad-
ministered Clinical Health Ser-
vice. Plans for the clinical ser-
vices include such preventive
health measures as the
establithment of nutritional
screening clinics on a three-
day -per -month basis and the
development of general health
screening clinics in areas of the
province such as the North
where medical diagnostic and
treatmentservices are
inadequate. CAC headquarters
is located at 100 Gloucester
Street, Ottawa.
- `T s secarttT
tended school last year); sex
ratios (more males than
females in all grades, reaching
52.5 per cent males by grade
13) and mother tongue (the
'percentage of those reporting
languages other- than English
or French was generally lower
than the percentages shown for
the population as a whole in
the same area.).
continued from page 1
acquiring the land for the cor-
1 see no reason to spend the,
money," said Councillor
JHaydon. "The road has been
there for 60 years. I be�ieve the
town has a very good case.'r
Building inspector Roy
Breckenridge brought
preliminary 'plans to 'Town
Council for a new addition to
Goderich Nursing Home on
Nelson Street. Thesconstr"uction
will bring the.bed capacity at
the home to 60, he said.
Breckenridge also announced
that builder Eric Krohmer has
_for town =
housing on Bennett Street but
had , no further details to
present at the meeting.
0 0. '
The Legionnaires were full
value for their win, coming up'
with a real team effort
throughout the gatne.
In the scring department, it
was the line of Larry Madge,
Jim Costello and Robert
McDonald:providing- the offen-
sive power. Eagh of the
linemates. had, three points,
with, Covello and McDonald
getting two goals and an assist
while Madge had a goal and
"`two assists. .
The other Goderich goal was
scored by defenseman Danny
Mallet. Duane Elliott and
Larry Royce were credited with'
assists. ,..40
'Bob Mcpwan scored the
only Seaforth goal. '
�. The Godericlt' has
a record of four wins and one
loss in league play, and an
over-all recol l'pfi six wi'h' , one
loss and one tie. i '
° This week"th'eyare -paying in
the Kincardine Winter Games
Tournament and the Inter-
national Silver Stick Tour-
nament in Forest.
Tuesday, December 19, the
Legion Sailors upset Legion
Flyers 4-2 This was the Flyers'
first defeat this season in
exhibition games. John
Clement opened the scoring
and ended up with hat -trick for
the Sailors. The other goal wasy
by Kevin Smith. The Legion'
Sailors lead 4-0 at^one.t'imeAtt
'the game, but Ted Dohert'S, and
Del Mitchelmore scored for the
Flyers. Willie Denomme, Alan
Baker and Danny Freeman
picked up assists' in the game.
Glenmark Homes i^ a
previous ame white washe..
Goderich EThttric 5-0 as Paul
Bellinger picked up his second
shut -out in exhibition games.
Paul Legere and Mark Rowe
were the two big guns as they
both picked up two goals.
Randy Graham got the other
goal , for,,, coach - George
Osmond's Team.
Friday, :December 22 Legion
Sailors 2 Glenmark Homes 2 -
Mark Rowe opened the scoring
for Glenmark Homes as Paul
Legere set him up, then Willie
Denomme 'tied the score
unassisted and set-up the next
goal as Randy Middel to give
the Legion Sailors a 2-1 lead.
Brad Shortreed ,then passed to
Wes McLean late in the third
period to preserve a tie for
Glenmark Homes
Monday, December 18,
Goderich Motors 2, Sifto Salt 1.
Brandon King scored the win-
ning goal late in' the third
period as Kent Mills set him
up. Opening the scoring early in
the first period fo`r Goderich
Motors was Kent Mills
unassisted. Then at the thin
teenminute , mark of the first
period, Ron Kirkconnell tied
the game, unassisted, for the
Sifto Salt team,. This was a
very well played game, by both
Travelling to Mitchell last
Monday evening, the Rotary
'Bantams lost a tough game as
they had a goal disallowed. (It
went through the net).N This
would have given- them a 3-2
lead. Instead, they wound up
• v
Mike Andrews were the goal
scorers with Tim McLean get-
ting an' assist.
unfolds, Year
may it
g success and
happiness to
Please accept o ,
greetings, and.
, top -
Happy New Year : Special
thanks to ' everyone who has
assisted in making this column
successfull,.:especially Richard
Madge who does a splendid job
on . he Novice All Stars and
Bob' Shrier who ,writes for the
Peeee All -Stars:
Dave ° Bedour and Gord
Budny split the goal keeping
duties in a game played in Clin-
ton. last Thursday,.and came up
with their first shutout,
The game was never in doubt
from the opetning whistle as the
Goderich bion' Pee Wees out -
skated and outplayed their
Don Bogie playing his ,best*
game of the season 'came up
with a two goal effort both in
the first period. poll., . an.
aggressive skater and checker,
pumped in two goalmouth
passes, one by Rick Rawson
r an'd they, ober fro
Lapaine, - ,
Hugh Hazily picked up the
only goal of the'seconid perio4'.
after taking '4- passfrOJA
linemate Gary Peters,
In the third period` Goderich ,
tucked away three -more goals,
Steve Arbour ;pounced on au
end-to-end ruslr. and; , aui
Dougherty flipped ,one into the
net from a goal . mouth 'scram.'
ble. With only one minute left
in the game Billy Peters ,got`
himself a birthday present
when he scored on a pass.from
Rick Rawson.
This game was not one of the
Pee Wtes better efforts, they
seemed to play only as hard as
they had to for a wiri. Goderich
will need some good stiff com-
petition if they are to fare well
later in' the season when they
go' into OMHA playdowns
against towns of comparable
This week games are in
Zurich and Clifton will be
visiting;here on,Slturday, night.
It's time for -"Auld Lang Syne," and to wish
good friends and neighbors a New Year so. good
—it'll "ne'er be forgot." Our gratitude to all.'
Brindley Transport
_Get Set! GO have a
Happy New Year...
Out with the old, bring in the new. May the New
Year bring you happiness, health, and prosperity
... and bring s the continued fortune of having
yea: as a atr�. Thankyou v � I
R � cry much!
Open New Year's Day