HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-11-23, Page 4SANDERS & DYER, Props, TlitiRSDAY.:November 23,1398 THE COMING ELECTIONS, B fore.uaeY months shall1 have ex - hired, this Province of Ontario will be lu the throes of a general election ; and we are even now face to face with the important question, shall the Mowat etdtninistret/ton be sustained? Ou two or three points the answer to such a question must be distinct and unequiv- o3ate, The,publie expenditure has for years been steadily on the increase, while the reyenue has been as grade• ally demiuishing. Look at the army of officials created under the Mowat administration. Places have been made for warn -out political hacks. Ac- cording to a published statement, the increase of 'expenditure during the )alt year alone has been considerable, as the following figures will show: In goyernment, $14,000; legislation, $J,000; agriculture and arts, $18,000; hospitals and charities, $18,000; coloniz- atiou roads, $5,000; education, $8,000; miscellaneous, $30,000—making in ail a grand total for this one Produce of $101,000! The people Kaye to pay in increased taxes for all this extra ex- penditure, In the Crown Lands de- partment there is an especial need for economy. Year after year our timber limits—which, according to Mr. W. R. Meredith, is one great source of our provincial and national wealth -have been literally wasted and squandered away. Offices have been divided, and vacancies created, for the special par_ pose of providing for political friends and supporters of the Mowat govern ment. Look at how the provincial money is spent in order to sustain an extravagant administration. The re eeipts from Crown Lands have gone up from less than $650,000 in 1883 to the enormous sum of 82,226,833 in 1892 So, the receipts from licenses increased from $904.051 from 1875 to 1883) to $2,228,771 in the subsequent corres- ponding period up to 1893. The dif ference is taken from our municipali- ties. The same enormous .increase has characterized every ether depaitment of the provincial government. The waste in public buildings, suck as the new houses of parliament, has been something frightful. Such has been the increase of expenditure by the , Mowat administration, that sOutario's public debt for which the government is pledged now reaches $2,968,000 in annuities. To meet existing liabilities they have been turning capital into revenue—and every one will under - :stand the difference between living on one's interest, and drawing year by year on the invested capital. Yet this is what the Mowat administration haye been doing' for years. And if any oth• er arguments were awanting for our electors to dismiss the Mowat adminis- tration from office, and put a truly reforming government in its place,— We need only to refer to the plebiscite fame, enacted not in the interests of temperance reform, but ask a piece of party tactics to please the holders of liquor licenses who are among the chief supporters of the Mowat government. The revenue derived in 1892 from their control of the liquor traffic amounted to $294,757—which sum is ased as an engine of political strength to keep in power a government which has been. wasteful of the public resources, and extravagant in administration of the public funds, GOTTERNOR-GENEIML'S DISAP- PROVAL ISAP-1 1t0YAL OF THE DRAMA.' Quite a flutter has been raised in high social circles at the capital owing t the refusal of their • Excellencies, Lord and Lady *Aberdeen, to patronize a play called "The Mascot te"—given in aid of a church entertainment. No special reasons have been assigned for their Excellencies havineed.:ciined to extend their patronage, although their letter is a model of courtesy. It is thought that Lord Aberdeen's Scottish Presbyterianism may have influenced His Excellency in giving his public disapproyal of "theatricals" for church purposes—if so, he was perfectly justi- fied iu the tours pursued. And per- haps it was time that at limit was set to such entertainments, as in the large cities much valuable time, as well's as maney, is squandered in public enter- tainments of a gitestionable character, Biit apart altogether from this consider u,tion, the drama may be made a use- ful education an •` part o �du d affords a wide aeo •p a e for mental recreation • lir Which case its endorsement p by viceregal at- � azona l;' ,e might contribute to elevating g le sting. tate tone of theatricals makine. them a t '..t means of znt crest and i Inoceitt amt►sc, Mold, as well its an and to charitable 7i rand religions itistitutiout}, Much: is to be staid on both sides. Meanwhile the proposed ontertaiumont at the Capital will 1 prove all the lucre successful, be- cause of the frictio,t created by their Excellencies' refusal to, extend their patronage,—while a useful lesson may be read to alt lovers of the drama :not to encourage entertainments of quest amiable character. On the whole, it may not'prove a matter : of regret to the more thoughtful citizens that Lord and Lady Aberdeen haye withheld their imprintature from all and Sunday dramatic performances, now that their Excellences have commenced their official duties in Ottawa, So far at least, the. Goyeruor-General and Lady Aberdeen have inaugurated their vice- regal introduction into Canada by pat- ronizing educational and religious in v stitutions, and giving' eneouragement to all that concerns the true moral wel- fare of our young nation. News of the Week in Brief. F1t1DAY November 17t1t, Toronto's population according to the special census just taken is 188, 333. • The Mayor of St, Paul has declared pool rooms a nuisance, and they have all been closed by the police. Pi airie fires have done thousands of dollars worth of damage in Oklahoma, and several people have perished. The Christairi-Brothers' school near the°Basilica at Ottawa, worth over $50,- 000 was destroyed by fire last night. Mr. Ralph Rice, 'Thorold Township, died suddenly from the bursting of an abscess in his throat yesterday morn- ing. Frost appeared yesterday morning in the yellow fever stricken town of Brunswick, Ga., and the people held a jubilation. No other sarsaparilla has equaled Hood's in the relief it gives in severest cases of dyspepsia, sick headache, bili ousuess etc At the York County Council yester- day the old question of the abolition of tollgates came up, but the motion to abolish was negatived. A meeting of East Peterborough Conservatives was held at Norwood yesterday to select a candidate for the Legislature, but no nominations were made. A. suit for $5,000 has been entered at Sa•inaw,,Mich., because a lady said that a certain preacher was filthy and left a louse in one of her beds when being entertained at her home. The Page flour mills, Fergus Falls - Minn., with a capacity of 600 barrels a day, the 120,000 bushel elevator 40,000 bushels of wheat, the cooper shop. ware house and 'a large amount of stock were burned yesterday, Loss $100,000, A. R. Crofton, who is being brough back from El Paso, Texas, charged with obtaining $7,000 from the Bank of Montreal by means of a forged draft, was held to the Criminal Court in Chi cago, yesterday, and failing to secure bonds of $14,000, was taken to goal. Rev. Charles M. Bragg, pastor - and Miss Ianthe Phelps, organist of the Calvary M. E. church, Baltimore, have gone off leaving letters saying they will not return: and it is inferred that they have gone together. Bragg is 42 and leaves a wife with five children. Miss Phelps is 17. SATEltiltAY It;ovemberaStlt. There was one foot of snow at Owen Sound yesterday. The miners' strike in England has been settled and the men resumed work Monday. A dynamite bomb was discovered in a cellar on East Third' street, New S'or•k yesterday., In Ontonagon county, Michigan, the mercury touched 5 degrees below zero on Thursday. A canvass has been made and it is, found that there are 46,859 persons out of work in Philadelphia. Two little girls perished in a fire which destroyed St. Francis Academy, near Madison, Wisconsin yesterday. The Kentucky Malting Company, of Louisville, has made an assignment. Liabilities $170,000; assets $300,000. The skatin • rink g will be opened in Winnipeg to -day. The mercury mark- ed 1 point below zero on Thursday night. The first general election in Prince Edward, Island under the amalgama- tion, of the two Houses will be held De cember 14. World's Fair assets are slipping away at the rate of $10.000 a day, and the directors are in a state of mild con- sternation. Twenty thousand people on the Go- gebic Range; Wisconsin, have been re- duced to stavation by the continued in activity of the iron mines, The Commercial Cable Company has signed a contract for the laying of a new Atlantic cable next spring, be - tweet) Ireland and Nova Scotia. e A heavy gale prevailed on the west - ria and southern coasts of Great Brit- ain yesterday. Many disasters are re- ported, and a number of lives have b The wreckage which has been drift - ng ashore at Port Elgin has been re. ognized as belortging to this steamer Alban: , which collided with the Phila- delphia hila- ,y del hia in Lake Huron a week ago, the ago, accident which resulted in the death of 25 moot. 1110141 V November ,x 20tlt. A small 4safe containing' $g' ,0 7 5 0 and belonging to the fJnitcd States Exress. Company, was stolen at the Rin. Four }'pot at '1'i'oy, 0,, Fridal•: c The Richmond, Que,, post-offtee was. robbed of about, $1,000 in cash and stamps on Saturday night, Dynamite was used to break the safe. No clue.: Additional information to hand adds three to the list of victims of the burn- ing of the steamer Fraser on Lake' Nippisinge This makes a total death roll of sixteen, The Conservatives of Peel county have uominated'Mr. Richard Bains for theo C mmons and Mr, John Graydon, of Streetsville, for the Local in the com- ing elections. A trial of electric propulsion for boats on the section of the Erie Canal near Rochester took place on Saturday, and was decidedly successful. The trolley system was used, At the Brandon Assizes on Saturday Albert E. Greaves, a fourteen year old boy was sentenced to be hanged for the murder of his employer, whom fie pois- oned with strychnine. Ward's natural science collection at. the World's Fair has been bought for the Columbian museum for $100,000 cash, which is •the largest sum ever paid in America for a natural science collection. About 3 o'clock this morning the sawmill at Ethel, Ont., owned by Wm. Milne, was totally destroyed by fire. The building' and machinery were in- sured in the Gore mutual Insurance Company for $1,800 Peter and Jaek, two Indians, of New Westminster, were sentenced late last Friday evening' to bo hanged on Jan nary 15th. The crime for which' this penalty is imposed is the murder of E. Pittendrigh on October 27th, 1892. Alfred McDonald, colored, aged 21 years was hanged in Huntsville, Tex. Friday. The body fell nine .feet. The rope slipped and McDonald 'strangled to death in about 12 minutes, McDon- ald murdered his father _and stepmoth- er in January last. The fearful gale on the British .coast continued Saturday 'and yesterday. Reports of hundred of disasters has been receiyed, and the loss of life and - the loss of life and property is unpre cedented. On the Normandy coast the destruction of shipping has been very great. In the neighborhoodof. Calais the lossof life up to yesterday' was 300. TUlk*D.AY' November 21st The English coal minors resumed work yesterday and coal dropped 'six shillings a ton in Londofr A young man named Robert Brown had his arm mangled in Young's saw mill, Wiarton, yesterday. Mr. Aylesworth, Q.C., spoke for more than six hours is defence of Hon. Thos. McGreevy at Ottawa yesterday. The National Grange Patrons of Husbandry in convention at Syracuse, N Y., ha', e declared in favor of woman s u (rage. Wm, Keenan, only sone of; John Keenan, was accidentally r shot' and killed by W. Walker.near Round lake on Monday last. John Latta, cheesemaker1s fined $20 at Belleville yesterday for using an illegal weight and refusing to shew it when requested. The North Essex. Reform Association will give a banquet in Windsor shortly at which Sir Oliver Mowat and his col- leagues are expected to be present. Among the attractions will be a speech by Mr. Laurier's lieutenant, J. Israel Tarte: The barns belonging to the Lincoln County Industrial Home, St. Cathay ines, together with the season's crop, farm implements and some live stock, were destroyed by. fire .Sunday morn- ing. The loss is abont $5,000; partial ly covered by insurance. Still a Mystery. Simcoe, Ont., Nov, 16 ---The inquest in the Long Point shooting case closed last evening. After' deliberating for mere that an hour the following .vir- diet was retnrned: "The jury find that the deceased, B. B. Allan, of Lon • don, better known as H. R. Graham, of Gbderich, came to his death at Long Point, in the County of Norfolk, on Friday.October 27th, 1893, from the of fects of a gunshot wound in the head; but how or by whose hand they find there is not sufficient evidence to show." Of Interest to Canada. London Noy, 20th.—The ,Times to. day has a long article on the results of last season's agriculture. Speaking of Speaking the failure of the grass crop in Britain, it says that the scare at the prospect of a scarcity of hay, with a fa,I•in prices, has ended. The recent • appreciable de- cline in value is largely due, it de- clares, to the free importation of ex cellent hay from Canada, Ireland and the United States. Canadian timothy, says the Times, is beginning to be recognized as good for hunters and car, riage horses is the hest available. The writer states that the drought has shown English farmers the value of Lucerne Alfalfa, as fodder, with which Salt Lake Valley, ono of the,ntostpro- ductive regions in the world, would' be still a barren waste. The Board of Agriculture returns, just published show the value of Canadian cattle im- ported 'during the ten months of this year to be X1,344,438 sterling', against £1,365,754 for the corresponding per- iod of last year • The srnal:nees of > the decrease, despite the stoppage of the importation of live stock cattle, iy dtie to the large increase in the importa. tions of cattle from the 'Canadian North-west` the shipment of these being the largest In the history of the trade. The cttrreut priceswhich are c in ar ativcly higher, yield a good margin., A still greater increase is looke:l for next year. More Canadian horses of the class used principally for yens have been imported this season than usual the recent :shipment. fetching of.: an averfwe about twenty seven guineas in each in the British markets, i,1Af }LESS P EAl1IICHE POWDERS ours A Lt. HEADACHE. 2'ae, (We tot udvov. tdsed to olive tsvery, thin q,btttsn, ,ply head- aolaes. Wry thorn, {t. vitt cost but 25 cents for a boas arta they A•"e Karl ales$. ThoY are not a Cathartic. One of the early Washington coins of which only two specimens are known to exist, bears the legend: "Washington the Greet, D.G," Tho greatest jumper is the common flea. If a marl could leap as far pro- portioned to his size and 'weight, he could go from Chicago to St. Louis in two jumps. The world's hop crop this year is es- timated to be 7,000,000 pounds less than last year, although the United States is 4,000,000 pounds greater than last season. London has a big appetite. It de- yours every year over 400000 oxen, 1,600,000 sheep. 500,000 calves, 700,000 hogs, fowls innumerable, and consum- es 9,800,000 gallons of milk. A New Jersey man claims to be "the chicken king of the universe." His "eccaiobeon," or artificial hatching es- tablishment, turns out 250,000 chick ens a year. He keeps 2,000 laying hens and buys all the fresh and fecund eggs that are offered him.. County Constable Doxtater of the Delaware reserve, brought to the Lon. don jail Saturday John Ninham, of Ornieda, a married man 29 years of age, A very serious eharge has been laid against Ninharn by Maggie Will- iams. It is that of having ou October 23, committed a criminal assault on the complainant in the village of Lu can. ALL 1'11 N Young, old or middle-aged, who find themselves nervous, weak and ex- hausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting. in many of the following symptoms: Mental 'depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation, of the heart, emissions, lack of energy; Hain in the kidneys, headaches, pimples in the face and body, itching: or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting' of the oagans, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye- lids, and elsewhere, bashfulness, depos- its in the urine, loss of, will -power,, ten- derness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby 'muscles, desire to sleep, allure to be rested by sleep, constipa tion, dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude.' excitability of tem- per, sunken eyes, surrounded with LEADEN GIRCLEB, oily looking 'skin, etc., areall symptoms of neriious debil- ity that lead to Insanity unless cured. The spring of vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence. Those, who throtigh abuse, committed in ignorance, may be permanently cured. Send your ad` dress' for book on diseases peculiar to man, sent free, sealed. Address M.`V LUBON, 24 Macdonnel, Ave:, Toronto, Ont. ACREAT_OFFERI' € REAT.PA.PEES AND GREAT PREMIUMS, We are in a position to offarthe ADvooA.TE and the Family Herald and Weekly Star, of Montreal, for one year for $1.73. This offer entitles the subscriber to a choice of the two great premiums given by the publishers of the Family Herald. These premiums aro the "Stan'" Almanac for 1854, a superb book of 450 pages, or if preferred a copy of the great Family Herald Souvenir Picture which retails at twenty dollars. The premiums—Almanac and Picture—will be ready about the end of November, and will be forwarded in the or- der in which the subscriptions are received. Subscriptions to the paper may begin at once, Remember the offer of a choice of premiums holds good only to:people who subscribe during the autumn. Afterwards the Choice will positively be withdrawn. SUBSCRIBE —rex Canada's Best. Family. Paper. THE HAMILTON 0 Enlarged and :Improved. Contains' All the News, Many Special Features, Crisp and Pointed Comments The Most Entertaining Stories, The Choicest Literary Matter, Everything 'for Everybody SITO JANUARY 1t 1895 0I This great' paper from now till 1st Janu- 'ary, 1695•- 12 pages reading matter weekly — arid our groat premium ptcture, " WATdIi ING THE WHEELS GO ROUND" for only St Ito AGENTS WANTED! Liberal commission to agents. A geed agent for this district is wanted at once one who will .take an interest in pushing the paper and will make a ihototighcanvass of this district. Tor tortes and particulars address. SPECTA.TOI, PH11TTI1 lliamilton, Canasta 11.S. --We wilt club the ADvocA'rr and Spectator at '41 t3. OUR SUBSCRIBERS ARE OUR lr`RYE%T _ 'tir:44.-44," i 14 T 1 2000 1,,. 0 SUBSGRISERS? TO THE "EkETEi IIIDVOGI'ITE" The publishers of the AD- VOCATE have completed ar- rangements by which a large magazine which contains 100 pages of illustrated and read- ing matter, also very valua- ble statistical reference pages, to be issued first week in Dec- ember as a Christmas supple- ment to the ADVOCATE. We have secnred this magazine— THE CANADIAN ANNUAL—ill hopes of increasing our list to 2000. We propose to send it free, postage paid, to all our subscribers—old and new —who are paid in advance. Any person whether a sub- scriber or not, may secure one or more extra copies by order- ing before Nov..lst, 1893 The price paid for the magazine. will be placed to the credit of any one year's subscription to the ADvocaTE, whenever order- ed. The Coupon below, when presented at our office and bearing THE ADVOCATE PUB- LISHING COMPANY'S signature, .. is good at any time in part 1` 1 payment for the ADVOCATE. f' Cut out the Coupon as per instructions and bring it, or send it to us and have it sign- ed. which must be done by Nov. 1st, to secure the Annual. Cut out this coupon and send it with 25 cents to our address, before Nov. 1st 1893, and you Will receive the Magazine, first week in December. We will 'iiye you credit for the amount iu part payment for one year's subscription to the ADVOCATE ��Annff1 A 4Lf UAB .[}jJ,� �L �{L,,�R},j1.v I%�e' i1�kl�.v Al `A ' Al t'vtt i� .} 'LY tY � 4`.J Gt CO U This Coupon, when presented at our office Ift. PON and accompanied with 25 CENTS in cash •° FOR For Pbstage Stamps. will entitle the sender SubscrbCPs. or bearer, to our Christmas Supplement also to part1 payment to Advocate for 1 gear. ADDRESS AD ib.r AL ,S'ioned . PL113ItISI-IING CO. , EXETER, ONT ns vj fefflUiLf A CLEAN PAPER, TI4E I XETER 4,NA PROGRESSIVE PAPER ER, j 0 V o G A NEYII' tl—For the SPAPeERople. The ADVOCATE makes it a point to chronicle all the most ]mpg local items of interest in Exeter and surrounding country. 1y'Those of our Subscribers who are tWo or more years in arrears; are requested to pay up within the next two months. 0 ADDRESS 0 at: ROYOC9fE PlliII8.11JJIt OOJIIIIY, E glatio: Natural gas has been struck in Ham- ilton. The Alix Directum race at Boston was postponed tillThusday on account of rain. • The annual meeting of the Aged Woman's Home was held Wednesday afternoon. Tho police of Barcelona, Spain, are hunting down the Anarchists andlhave made several arrests. .The steamer Teutonic, which arriy- ed at New York Wednesday morning, brought $225,000 worth of gold. MINIM! AIME. FLOUR and FEED! Flour; Bran, Shorts, Oat Meal, Corn Meal Cracked Wheat and Rolled Wheat, constantly' on hand. For sale in large or small quantities. A Call Solicited. G. W. SI ITR, Gefltr8I!a.VIG HCSF ._ E' Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. 1. - THEiRIUHPftef[OYE Weakness, Nervousness, Debility, • and all the trainof evils from tarty errorsor later excesses, the results.of overwork, sick- ness, worry, etc. ;Tull strength, development and tone given to every organ,and portion of the body. ' Simple, natural methods. Imme- diate improvement sten. Failtire impossible. 2,000 references. }look, 'explanation and r proofs mailed (sealed) free, EDRE`MEDICAL CO.,Buffalo, D,Y, H. B. Beard, Q. C. piaster in chancery at Woodstock, has suffered a stroke of paralysis .The miner's strike has caused a coal famine in a town in Lancashire, and the town's gas works cannot be run. The Liberals of Ndrfli Renfrew Wed- nesday nominated Mie.Henry Barr, M. P. P. as their candidate in the next Provincial contest. £HRITIE' S ChiliERICIAL) First Class RIGS And HORSES ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWS SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. forms : Rae,poxlm b Telephone Oonnoctlon W. G. Bissett's Liver First Class Horses and Tigs:, SPECIAL RATES •;;WITH COMMLRIAL MEN Orders left at Bissett Bros.''Harew Ire Store, will receive, prompt attention. TERMS REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED: W. G. BISSETT Rich in the lung -healing virtues orate line combined with the soothing attd expectorant properties of other pectoral horbfi and. harks. PERFEO'l DARE FOlf COUGHS •AND 00L.A.,S Hbarseness, Asthma Bronchitis, Sore Throat Croup and all THROAT, BROI'TCHtat. rtnsi LUNG DISEASES, Obstinate coughs which, resist other remedies yield prowptly to this, pleasant piny syrup. Pn,OS 280. ANb cod. Olin nt:YTTT.va 1o,.b by *14, nowesa,nta. eatllfWA t7Oslannte riatoruarAkwei.41 a,vtd4 attun