HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-12-21, Page 24
Grade 4.
A blessed Christmas
At ' Christmas time, speakers and
writers of every type strive to say
something profound. Editorial writers are
no different. Profound sayings seem to
go with the season.—
Sometimes, though, the. simplest ap-
proach is still the best approach. There
are times when a' short but thoughtful
'message can provide more impactthan
a whole book.
Christmas' is a gift of' God. It is not
sornething man devised for himself
although man has done a great job of
.copying God's divine gift and tagging it
with a.,very human and highly commer-
cial label.
There are -reams written each year at
• this time about putting Christ back in
Christmas. It makes for very prophetic
writings and teachings; but it is having
small effect on mankind in .general. ft is
no wonder, either Christ is so rejected or
ignored during the remaining days of the
year it can hardly be expected,of man to
hold Him high at . Christmas.
Everyone celebrates Christmas in his
own way. That is how it should be, for
God gave us each a will of our own. The
decision is ours to make.
Funny thing though. Christmas has a.
way of falling flat unless it is built on the
Saviour of the world, Jesus Christ.
If your .Christmas doesn't seem to
.' have the- excitement, and the thrill it
once 41,..1ooJ,jtle deeper.if you care
to. You may find that if you treat Christ-
mas as God intended it to be, a divine
gift,-lt may fill r up and Overflow. once
more with the kind of peace and joy that
abounds for all believers all year
through, but especially now.
A blessed Christmas to one and all.
May your Christmas 1972 be all that you
want it •to be for, you and yours.
Give love
Dear Editor:
Snowmobilers .a-gL�ee: ,
Dear Editor,
In answer to "Support of
Barricade Down"' in your
December 14 issue of the
Goderich Signal -Star 'open let-
ter to Goderich Township
Reeve Everett Mcllwain - We
'of, the Goderich "Drifter's
Snowmobile Club", are in full,
support of the removal of
"Dangerous and unlawful ob-
struction from 'public roads at
Bluewater Beach."
We, the .snowmobilers, have
a $10.00•licence fee which
should therefore entitle us' to
the use of public township
roads. Since the 'cottages do not
own the lake front there -should
be no reason for the erection of
a barricade in the attempt to
prevent the public from the
view of the Sunset or preven-
ting•"Ann"- and "Eloise", the
team of faithful ,hay -burners
a.nd snowmobilers from
traveling such township roads..
Wishing one and all a "Very
Merry Christmas".
"Drifters Snowmobile Club"
of Goderich.
Chrislmas Courtesy
The long Christmas Holiday begins
this weekend, and with it the saddening
fact that scores of Canadians will die. on
our highways....Darelessness, drinking
and discourtesy are ail contributing fac-
tors that account for the numerous
deaths on the roadways .during the
festive season.
While carelessness and drinking are
,two of the majdr causes of traffic ac-
cidents, these° two are,, fought Iv. our
laws; but discourtesy on the part of a
motorist is a major cause of accidents
that can be combated only'by a personal
'. effort on the part of the °ledividual •
As • part. of Dominion Automobile
Association's year round safety cam-
paign, "Safe Driving . A Family Affair",
Canada's largest independent motor
ditiriaiemi ding -all ntotariststo,make-a ..-, --
special effort to practise highway cour-
tesy, particularly at this time of the year.
R.W. Trollope, President of [Dominion
Automobile Association states: "..the
Yule Season's traditional spirit of
fellowship applied to the highways could
dramatically demonstrate to millions of
motorists that driving can still be
pleasurable and .safe."
With Mr,. Trollope"s thought in mind
the °guidelines that every motorist should
follow are similar to the saying "Do'unto
other's:.." Dominion Automobile
Association feels that highway courtesy
can become contagious when motorists
realize that it makes their own driving
safer and more pleasant - if they would
treat other drivers the way they would
like to be treated."
A special effort oncthe part of com-
munity leaders, government, the news
media ' and the individual , during the
Christmas season to promote courtesy
.while dxhcing.. wil.L.1.e.ad� �to ,a,„ s efiinitp
decline in highway deaths.
Christmas is -- and so is driving -- a
family affair.
One third
Of the world
Is hungry, •
With people, both shabby
Or bare,
Diseased, dejected, •
And deficiently dulled.
How much
Do you
Tax deductable relief,
organizations are as follows:
OXFAM, 97 Eglinton
Avenue, East, Toronto 315, On-
UNICEF, 737 Church Street,
Toronto, Ontario; `
CARE, 63 Sparks Street, Ot-
tawa, Canada.
Yours Sincerely,
Vivian Wagner,
Box 600;
Owen Sound,Ontario.
Likes Signal -Star
Dear Editor,
Enclosed find a check for the
renewal of my subscription for
the -Signal 'Star... •. „ ..
I find that after being away
from my home town for ten
years the names ,in the Signal-
Star are more familiar than in
.,our paper.
Yours truly,
Mrs. Mary E. Everett
6 Walnut St.
Colfax 50054
Other wise nen
Dear Editor:
In this season of rejoicing
and goodwill, we pause to think
of the nativity scene.
The wise men led by the star
in`the east brings to mind other
wise men of our county known
as ,The Huron Christian Men's
Association with Mr. David
Rolston of Goderich as its
ch'airm"an following the star in
(continued on page 3)
As_the whole world: grinds to.
a halt this Christmas; I want to
extend to the wonderful people
in and around . Goderich my
sincere wishes for •a .blessed
Yuletide and a healthy,
prosperous 1973, '
This is our ° third Christmas
in Goderich and every year, we
appreciate. the' town and its
people more and more. Our
family has been happy here., and
life has been good.
One of the special joys for hie
has been the increased support
that has been shown for The
Goderich` Signal -Star in the
past 12 months. While most
days the complaints outnumber
the compliments, there has
been an increase • of comments .'
on the positive side.. For me
and for the rest of the staff at
the Signal -Star, this has been
gratifying. We have all put
forth an effort to provide you
with a bigger and better Signal
every single issue. We app-
reciate your interest and your
* * *
Special Christmas greetings
go out from this office also to
all those people who have been
residents of Goderich or friends
of this municipality for
sometime. Although these folks
do not reside in Goderich, I
have heard from them how
much they appreciate The
Signal -Star as it arrives at
their homes each week.
You know, friends, some
people who have lived in
Goderich and criticised The
Signal when they were here, are
the newspaper's greatest fans
now that they are moved to
another location. That's ..often
how it works, it seems. One has
to be deprived of something
before one really knows what it
has meant to have it.
* * *
A letter received on my desk
this week giving the new lyrics
for the old Christmas favorite
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen.
•The new wording is thus:
children's toys and our Chridt- •heated. and there wasn't apace
mas dinner," y in our kitchen for a Christmas
When the ladies got to gene tree. , •
Brunelle,' Social and Com- In (Fie morning -when T got
munity Services Minister, they up, Ifound the sock bulging. As
asked, "Does your ' department I started to °unpack it, I- didn't
understand that we are human know whether to laugh or cry.
beings like everyone else? Do 4It was filled with things from
we have to live off the leavings ,,,,around the house, like zinc jar
of the rich?" rings and a spoon ' and some
Brunefle apparently
estimated that such a scheme
-across the province could cost a
million dollars. •
"To try to obtain $1,000,000
on such short notice would be
very, very difficult," Brunelle
was quoted as saying:
The Toronto Star supported house!
the request of the welfare et There was nothing -at all that
mothers. hristmas for mom and dad
"Welfare. payments don't but the heartfelt thanks of a
recognize Christmas," the Star loving daughter.
noted. And do you know what?
Personally, I'm in sympathy That's the Christmas I remem-
with the men and the woifien ber best:`It is 'the one I''•weep
who are welfare recipients, over. It is the one that was
especially at Christmas. For most filled with love. And I'
'some, indeed, it must be a hear- learned that Christmas isn't
tbreaking ' situation to hear what you receive .. but the
childish requests made and no spirit in which you receive it.
money with which to grant Christmas doesn't end o the
them. 25th of December in a oil'
But I wonder if my sympathy year. It lives on and on,
extends to the point of issuing especially_ if it is warm and
Christmas bonus to everyone genuine.
whose income falls below the Christmas is a family festival
poverty tine and who requests of love if there ever is one.
it. Even the very, first Christmas
If there is anyone in Ontario centred around a family. The
who loves Christmas, it has to first Christmas gift, God's own
be me. I love to see my family Son, was a gift of love.
happily °gathered around the , Man has so commercialized
living room on Christrna's-mor- Christmas that we feel we have
ning. I love to watch their faces failed miserably if we cannot
asthey open their gifts, the have all the gaudy and expen-
ones' I've chosen myself. I love .- sive trappings which, go with
to receive gifts, of course, and I Christmas these days. It is no
love to fuss over the•Christmas wonder the people on welfare
. dinner for my loved ones. want to get on the bandwagon,
,But I can remember Christ- too.
mases from my childhood and . But somehow, Christmas
from my ' teen years, and yes, shouldn't be a time to put the
from the early years of our bite on anyone for something
marriage when pickings were more. All the joy is lost in that,
slim, mighty slim. We never I'd think..,
had to get along on a welfare " Christmas should be
check. There really wasn't such receiving whatever we get with
a thing in those days. But as I a grateful heart. It shotild be
look back and compare, I'M thankfulness for a government
certain our income was at the which supplies the everyday
"poverto line" of that time. necessities for families that
I 'think it was during those cannot fend for themselves. It
times in my life when I (earned should be, appreciation for
God rest ye merry, Queen Park to have an appreciation for the hand-me-downs and food hapn-
men, good things which were to come pers+ It should be laughtersattd
Let nothing you dismay.`i`ater. tbelieve with many other peace, - not bitter carols and
You purchase turkeys and fine y p ogle that a little belt- complaints.
gifts tightening, -- even over a Call me Scrooge if you will ...
To give on Christmas Day. prolonged period if it is so or- ' but know in your hearts that
Your lovely homes are brim- dained isa blessing in Christmas is here because God
ming • disguise. , willed it to be so. I'd be very
With fruit grid nuts galore I recall one Christmas when surprised to learn that God in -
While we line up awaiting
Toys from the free store.
Kind of a, sad set of sen-
timents .for such a happy song,
I'd say. The song was sung in
early December by forty welfare
mothers who walked uninvited
through the offices at Queen's
Park. They were petitioning for
Christmas ' bonuses for On-
tario's welfare recipients. dressed it nicely. She splurged J� V
Specifically, the ladies were for dessert. She made a gumd•
asking for $20 each for all ' rop cake!
family heads on welfare in On- My father gave me his
tario and a $10 gr
• dependent.
Clothes pins and some wood
chips. •
But I kept digging and I
wasn't sorry. At the very bot-
tom was.. a pencil case, the
luxury type` with. the, two com-
partments, and an' orange,,the
only one in the whole entire
I was about 11 years old. My tended Christmas to become
• family had just moved from the sham it has for some'of us.
Clinton and a regular pay •
check (though small) to a farm
near Dashwood. It was a gam-
ble for my dad, of course, but
he'd always wanted to have a
farm of his own.
On this Christmas, there was
very little money. I remember
my mom killed a chicken and
me to hang it up by the stove in
ant for each biggest woollen sock and told
They claimed they . were the kitchen. In those days, only
"tired of others choosing our one room in the house was
They made me an offer
irIje ikberith
•• p The County Town Newspaper of Huron —0—
..F °undid in WO and publ ished every ThursdaYI at 17 West St., Goderich, Ontario. Member
- i—Foundidinl'L41andpublishedeveryThursdaYat17WestSt.,Goderich,Ontario.Member of the Audit
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ROBI1 it G. SHRILp�tdent and ptablish4r+►
524-031 SH$ t.EY J. KKLLEI' Iitor
I1. VI/.. SHAW-.4dltorial staff
1If t IlArt6 J. eY11IKF rtleiny mann sr
DAVE fit, WILLIAM tI r riaantatiwr
. l uaiI is and Editorial tl+c+t
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Pollution *robe at the University of Toronto.