HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-12-21, Page 1•
re -set
The snowstorm which lashed
Ontario during, the weekend
forced the cancellation of a
spetial meeting of. Goderich ,
Town Council with the major
landowners in the southwest
portion of town on Monday
evening to discuss the construc-
tion of the South Storm Sewer.
According to Twon Ad-
ministrator Harold Walls, the
meeting has been xe-scheduled
for Wednesday January 10 at 7
pm. -
Last summer, preliminary
work toward the South Storm
Sewer project began. However,
no final decision has been
reached to date concerning the
type of drain to be installed.
There are three options open
- an 'open drain from Huron .
Road to the Lake, a closed
drain for the, entire length or a
drain which would be closed
from Huron Road to Eldon
Street and opened from there
to the lakefront outlet.
In order that some decisions
could be reached, the firm of
Todgham and Case Limited,
Consulting Civil Engineers
from Chatham, had compiled
tentative costs for the most ex-
pensive of the three drain types
- an entirely closed drain.
Also for point of discussion.
the engineers had worked out
the approximate appor-
tionments for the major land-
owners in the area to be
drained, including Suncoast
Estates, Delbat, Krohmer Sub-
.. division, the Separate School
Board etc. In all, 27 different
individuals or organizations
had been requested to attend
the preliminary meeting
scheduled for Monday evening
to -discuss the proposed costs.
The Town Administrator
said the meeting was designed
specifically to, decide upon the
type of drain to be constructed.
It was thought, the Ad-
ministrator said, that if the
major landowners in the area
were not prepared to meet their
obligation for the proposed
drain, there would be no
necessity to proceed further.
It is understood that appor-
ber of the. Provincial Legislature for Huron, Ch&ies
acNaughton, centre, cut the ribbon on Saturday afternoon
to officially open the new Standard Auto Glass `outlet in
Goderich. Standard is located 'on .Bayfield Road. To' Mr.
MacNaughton's left are outlet manager Allan Johnson and
Glenn Hutchins (son of contractor Ken Hutchins who con;
structed the' building). To Mr. MacNaughton's right is John
Alexander (son of Bert Alexander of Alexander and Chapman
Real Estate.) (staff photo)
pen newest -plan
MacNaughton braves storm for event
Hon. C. S. "Charlie"
MacNaughton had two
pleasant duties to perform in
Goderich last Saturday after-
noon and Managed to fight his
way through a snowstorm from
his Exeter h me 'to this
municipality to do them.
Following a luncheon at the
10 Bedford Hotel, the Minister of-
, ficially opened the new Stan-
dard Auto Glass plant on High-
way 21 south. During the lun-
cheon, he unveiled preliminary
plans for a 237 lot extension to
Suncoast Estates south of Ben-
nett Street in town.
Speaking of Standard Auto
Glass, Mr. MacNaughton noted
that these specialized motor
vehicle services will provide
significant support 'for the
automotive trade in Huron
He commented that four new
families will be moving to
Goderich as a result cifthe new
plant and added. the firm hopes
to hire an equal number of
local, employees as the outlet
becomes operational 'over the
next few months.
"I 'am optimistic that our
ceremony here today is one of a
succession that will be held in
Huron over the next year or
so," said the Minister. "In my
serivice as the representative for
Huron, I am aware of an in-
creasing number of develop-
•ments that are' being contem-
plated in several of our com-
munities. Most of them are
modest undertakings but they
represent the moderate and
diversified form of development
that I believe most of us are
anxious to see in this area."
Mr. MacNaughton said he
hoped the community can con-
tinue to make "modest but
solid growth" to complement
the "strong agricultural base
which will continue to be the
major element in Huron's
The Minister also announced
that "consideration is being
given to some lakefront
•acquisition" but he declined to
give further particulars at the
present time. He did state that
development of "our
recreational potential as
another important element of
our economic goals" was to be
In the matter of the new
development in Suncoast
Estates, Mr. MacNaughton
claimed the project was "fur-
ther ' evidence today of con-
tinuing growth in Goderich and
the community of Huron".
"It is also another demon-.
stration ' of the local initiative
we want to encourage in the in-
terest of orderly growth in
Huron," said Mr.
The Suncoast expansion
provides for residential
development of 237 additional
lots. It is presently before the
Goderich Area Planning Board
and will go through "the nor-
mal approval processes" before
actual construction begins.
Master of Ceremonies for the
afternoon was R.G. Shrier. He
continued on page 16
light bulb snatchers
get Christmas spurt?
• • tionments to the major lan-
downers run into many
thousands of dollars in some
is alleged the bulbs ,.are the instances. It is further under -
property of the Goderich Public
Utilities ,Commission and were -
stolen from decorated trees in
Court House park.
Goderich ' Police Chief Fred
Minshall said on Tuesday that
the seasonal 'problem of stolen
Christmas ligh bulbs seemed
less serious this,,, year than
usual, despite five or six com-
plaints from home owners
regarding stolen lights.
On November 25 however
two Goderich area men were
charged v‘rttth . possession of
stolen goode when police tur-
ned up 23 bulbs in a search of a
truck the men were driving. It
Donald W. McClinchey 22, of
R.R. 4 Goderich . and Ernie R.
Pfrimmer, 17, of the same ad-
dress have, been charged with
"having stolen`goods" and ap-
peared in court last week. The
case was r"ema_ Tided to a later
stood that the drain is to be
continued on page 16
Dray* Winners
Winners of the Legion Ladies'
Auxiliary draw ''for Christmas
cakes were:
Alvin McGee, 'the large cake;
Helen Bradley, the medium
cake; and Walter Mero, the
small cake.
,Cable Television service for Goderich and Clinton moved . one step closer to reality' this
week as workmen with BluewaterCable Television started putting up the reception towers
near Holmesville. The Cable Television nerve centre will be located in the old Holmesville
school, which the company recently purchased from Goderich Township. The school is
presently undergoing remodeling as part of the T.V. project and will house the company of-
fices and equipment as well as the studio for a local channel. (staff photo)
Not In time for Christmas giving
Januarynew date
Although slightly behind the stalled two parabolic antennas Television , Commission gave
initial schedule outline, wo1k. which are connected to a total approval for the project last
on the Bluewater Cable x`22, 65 -foot towers (11 each) April and work began about a
Television is progressing well and once the hook ups are com- -month later on the big, job of
and the first Goderich residents
to receive the service should be
connected in early January.
It will take until late next
summer, the company says,
before all of Goderich has cable
television service available but
portions of th,e south" end 'will
be connected next month.
Initially it had been hoped the
first service would begin in Oc-
tober. •
Last week, Com -Cables, the
company responsible for all in-
stallation and construction
work connected with Bluewater
Cable Television completed
work at the tower site. Thev-in-
To: Huron County
Ontario Development Corporation will provide funds
to assist with the expansion program .of a Goderich
firm and the establishment of a new manufacturing
operation at Vanastra, near Clinton.
The Honourable. Charles MacNaughton, MPP for
:Huron and Treasurer of Ontario, announced this week
that–Dearborn–Steel .Tubing_ManufacturIng GQmpan
(Canada) Limited of Goderich will receive a $39,935
ODC performance loan towards its new welding facility
in Goderich Industrial Park..
The 10,000 sq. ft. facility will improve production at
the company's Newgate ' Street plant. The firm
manufactures automotive exhaust and tail„ pipes for
Canadian and U.S. markets. .
The expansion program has led -to the employment of
40 additional staff already and further increases are
T€ anticipated.
Huron Acoustics Industries Limited will. receive a
$15,500 performance loan toward the establishment of
a 16,000 sq. ft. plant at Vanastra, the former RCAF
base near Clinton. -
The company manufactures wooden enclosures and
assembles hi-fi speakers fcr the domestic and export
markets. - `
Huron Acoustics began production in October and is
employing about 10 people at present. Further staff will
be required as production increases.
Goderich District Collegiate institute Teacher Big Work
assigns districts to secondary school students !alit weeli
who joined the Beta Sigma Phi Sorority to conduct ae Ar-
thritis campaign blitz locally. Final returns from the fund
raising drive are not yet available. (staff pltoto),
plete service will get underway. installing the trunk lines and
Work is also underway in the all the individual street lines.
former Holmesville _ Public The system is also said to '
School, which Bluewater Cable provide between 10 and 15 FM
recently purchased. The school stations. •
is being converted to house the The local station will be of -
future local station studio as ficially - turned over to the
well as the -company offices and people of Goderich and Clinton
repair shop. after it is completed and it will
Bluewater Cable purchased be left up to them to produce
the school from Goderich any programs the stations
Townshiii who had taken sends out.
possession after the In Kincardine, where cable is
Holmesville school district already in service, about eight
board ceased to function. Until hours a week of local television .
its sale to the ,television com- planning is being enjoyed by
pany the school had been residents. Local people are
Serving as a community hall. urged by the company to-
-Clinton will be obtaining discuss matters of municipal in -
cable tele dsion service this terest in talk shows and pxesent ,
winter. Once the Holmesville musieal and` drama productions
site is put in working order the as well.
wort{ crews wilI move to Clin- This channel will operate 24
ton and begin installing the continued on page 16
lines. All the line work in that
town is suspended from utility
poles so work on installation
can continue through the will -
ter. Also, since the nerve centre
at Holmesville will be ,in
working order by then, each st-
reet will receive service as soon
as the line is" installed. The
triiii1 'lin —C6 ine'citm `rbotlt : _
Goderich and Clinton to
Holmesville are now complete.
The cable syytem will bring
in three Detroit channels, •five
Bay City stations, Hamilton,
Kitchener, Wingham, London
and also provide local viewers
with their -own -station,
The Canadian Radio and
In reporting last week that a
local Initiatives Program from
Goderich, "Co -Pilot" had
repeive,d approval the Signal
Star noted in error that
was a provincial employment
.incentive. It is in fact financed
by the -Federal Government
and administered through the
Federal Departtnent of Man-
power and Iftimigration.
The $21,000 grant to the
group therefore comes.from the
Federal Government.
William Lawrence Paperrilck,
son of Mrs. Ivan Papertilck
and the late Ivan Papetnitk,
recently reoblved his
designatipn as Chartered Ac-
countant.' Mr. Paportilek is a
graduate of GOC1 and of the
Unhieisity of Western °Mak*.
He and his wife ate preibently
residing in TOrorito where Mr.
Pepetnlok Is on the staff of
Touche, Ross and Company. ,