HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-12-14, Page 41•
GOP.E121C11 SIONAI-STAR. TITURIAV)4•114 tateniblat 1.4. —
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Friendly Brazilians
generous to guests
Holiday in Brazil vehicles join the traffic flow, a veritable cities of rock, shaped by
As South America's largest, hundred new houses and- tub sculpture like those at Vila Velha.
most populous (93,000,000) „and apartment blocks are built, five
vibrant country, with tremen- kilometers of highways are ,They resemble anything from a
dous energy, resources and po- paved, 500 mercury lamps are in- steeping giant", a beautiful wo-
tentials just starting to be tapped, stalled 'and 6 million people cir- man or alluge finger to a drink:-
the new Brazil is something to be culate. ing goblet. This area lies between
Curitiba .and Ponta Grossa, two
seen to be believed, Which takes -0, Brasilia
some doing. . . the country is leading cities -in the State of Par -
slightly larger than Die continen- ana that are today linked by the
is regarded today as the most
Cal U.S., has three states larger Coffee Highway, which runs
modern city in the 'world, To
rait-ND- tthrough one of Brazil's most fer-
than Texas, six bigger totally comprehend the planning,
tile regions noted also for the sur-
fornia, and an island at the mouth•engineering and -imagination of
of the Amazon, Marajo, as prising variety of landscapes.
higeils-4- Brasilia, you really have to visit, •
Switzerland. -A. 1 there to' appreciate it, Brazilian The tourist potential of. Brazil
architecture today is known and can -be found in the cultural and
respected the world over and its artistic heritage of its past . . .
style is modern, functional and carefully preserved in such cities
daring. No place is this more evi- as Ouro Preto, in the State of
dent than in Brasilia, with its Minas Gerais and Salvador, capi-
rows of government 'buildings taT of the State of Bahia. . . as
and its futuristic highway net- well as on its beaches and moun-
work, modern housing and shop- tainsides, at its popular religious
ping facilities. No visit to Brazil. festivals, in the work of the north -
is complete without .spending eastern handicraft masters and
some of your time in Brasilia. in the multicolored grottoes of
Minas Gerais. And the insistent
Five thousand miles of tropical
beat of the carnival samba bands
sea make up the varied and en -
is matched only by the steady
chanting Brazilian coastline.
rhythm eta dynamic and fun-lov-
Offering an endless yariety of cli-
ing people steadily growing, pro -
mates, beaches and delights for
gressing and developing: Many of
the tourist, it has a littlebf every -
the. religious festivals show evi-
thing, from rustic simplicity typi-
dence of the ethnic and cultural
cal of South Sea Shores, as
blending that, has gone to form
evoked in pirate tales, to the
the Brazilian character, . . a
ultrasophisticated atmosphere of
Fortunately, its many tourist
attractiops are well defined and
easily, edonomically reached if a
logical pattern is followed, which
means using Manaus or Belem aS
northern gateways, Rio and Sao
Paulo as southern anchors...or, if
arriving from the west or south,
as entry points.
Rio's natural vocation is that of
a major port, around' which a
„window of sweeping beauty, cul-
ture. sophistication and true na-
tional feeling looks out over the
Atlantic Ocean framed by 'the
splendor of the Bay of, Guana-
bara. The fest Portuguese Ar-
madas arrived heie on Jan. 1,
1502. Today there is a continuous
coming, and going of major ship-
ments of mtherals, coffee, manu-
factured goods and tourists from
both home and overseas. 14he
State of Guanabara in whichRio
de Janeiro -is located. has passed
the 5 million mark in population",
the beaches of the States of Sao model of racial equality.
Paulo and Rio de Janeiro . . . not
to mention those of Guanabara! On The Move
The continent of South America
Room Fishing is on the move . . .and no more is
and another 3 million live in the -__i-
-1 And up in the Northeast, on
metropolitan area , known as , Tambau beach, a highly original
Greater Rio. Rio has both a na- circular hotel has just • been
tional and an international call- opened, which reaches out into
ing, since it is there that influ- the sea like a promontory . . .
ences from allover Brazil as well guests there can actually go fish-'
as from abroad melt together into ing without leaving their hotel
a hospitable and generous city. In rooms. At first sight of the •
Rio the struggle for progress al-' !pi_
eaches of Itapoa or Amaralina
ternates with an easy going life , in Bahia, you might think you
where the beach, samba, carni- were in Tahiti. Further up in
val and football are always pres- Olinda the palm trees, setting sun
ent". The grand parade of the and the lagoon are a daily poem
Samba Schools is the Culminating ' composed by nature, while down
moment of Rio's world -famed south the atmosphe,re changes
Carnival, to which thousands of abruptly; along the Guanabara
tourists flock every year. A foot- ' coastline the girls from Ipanema.
this exemplified than in Brazil—
South America's most modern
and progressive country. From a
touristic viewpoint the time has
arrived for a great influx of tour-
ism from North America to this
great, great continent south of us.
If you,re .the type who has al-
ready travelled extensively
abroad and want to visit an area
that is completely different from
those you've already visited, con-
sider Brazil and South America
for your next trip. If you haven't
travelled too much, don't let this
hinder you from visiting this,
Brazil d South
ball game in Maracana Stadium . talized in verse and mus, great. .
is another major attraction befit- the world over, flock to the beach
ting the country that became
World Champions three times. of that name. In the neighboring
- ,.._ _ , State of Rio de Janeiro the land-
Saoscape urges you to rest, dream
Paulo ...
With a population of 8 million, and maybe write poetry; and if
SaO Paulo is today the fastest it's water .sports and deep-sea
growing city in the world. About 8' fishing you're after, then head for
per cent of the entire population. the golden beaches which can be
of Brazil is concentrated in the found almost everywhere.
greater metropolitan area of Sao ,..
Paulo, with its 37 municipalities They say • that when Mrs.
spread out along a radius of 100 Roosevelt first saw the "Sete
Kms around' the capital. Sao Quedes" Falls the exclaimed,
Paulo is the heart of the Brazilian "Poor Niagara!" This is the spot
economy. It forms the largest in-.,. where a colossal hydroelectric
dustrial complex, a conglornera- power plant is to be built, with an
tion of over 100,000 firms employ- eventual capacity of 15 million
ing a labor force of 1.5 million ,Kw. This gives some idea of the
workers and accounting for al- grandeumof the spectacle offered
most half of Brazil's income from to the tourist. The whole region
industry. Not only is Sao Paulo forms part of the Paeana River
Brazil's largest city it is also the hydrographic basin. 'Local rock
fastest growing city in the world. formations led to the great differ -
Every day in this ever -upward ences in level along which rivers
thrusting megalopolis, a ehou- eventually came to form gigantic
sand children are born, 500 motor waterfalls. Nearby can be found
. immor much t Offer the'
tourist; sightseeing,. golden
beaches, excellent transportation
system, some of the must modern
hotels in the world, and of course,
the people. . . who are hospitable
and courteous and most anxious
• to show you around their great
continent, of which they are justi-
fiably proud.
When skiers Vanco ver say
they ."ski the interior", they
could mean one or all of a ball
dozen, major ski areas set back
among the. surrounding ranges
of the Okanagan Valley.
Together they form • an im-
pressiVe ski map, but they are
little known, beyond the borders
of this western Canadian
province on the edge of the
Pacific Ocean.
Mount .Baldy at Osoyoos,
Apex at Pedticton, Kelowna's
Big White, Vernon's Silver .Star
and the 3,000 -foot vertical drop
of mighty Tod Mountain north
of Kamloops are names the
visitor should know and remem-
ber, Along with Westbank's
,Last Mountain, they offer the
kind of skiipg you can't afford
to refuse.
One,. sunny, day in April we
drove the 300 -odd miles from
Vancouver to the Okanagan
Valley hoping to find the runs
and conditions we'd heard
about, despite the sjgns that
'winter was over.
But although the Interior has
a longer sefison than most of the
coastal centers, we didn't expe&
to find fresh powder snow, win-
try temperatures and hills
almost deserted! 'Is there
'anything . that compares to a
three-mile run in 10 inches 'of
powder fluff and only two
people sharing. the run?
It's not always like that in the
Okanagan ski areas, but cer-
tainly there are no long. line-ups,.
nor any shortage of snow and
sunshine, and people are frien-
The Okanagan areas are so
closely situated that we skied
five in a ten , day trip. It's
possible to ski them.in, five days.
Using Kelowna as the jumping -
•off spot (the airport is near
town), you can take day trips to
• Vernon's Silver Star 44 miles
north, to Big White, 42 miles
east, to Penticton's Apex -Alpine,
64 miles south, or travel 120
'miles to Baldy Mountain east of
We headed first for Silver
Star, :35 minutes out of Vernon.
There are steep faces when you
want them. 'moguls if you look
hard enough, 'good trails and
plenty of .gentle terrain for
' beginner or intermediate skiers.
One thing about Silver Star is
ntimher of families who'A
here. The lower hill is like a
piece of flat, white vek'et
without a wrinkle to trip dp
even the most timid bunny. Lift
operators are often seen instruc-
ting even pre-schoolers in han-
dling the rope tow'or lower Ts.
Silver Star is well laid our to
disperse any crowds. 'The 6,000 -
foot long yellow chair serves the
For Your
see or call • •
MacEwan & MacEwan
44 North St: 524-9531*
Donald G. MacEwan
• I
Peter S. MacEwan
tly-sloping Wid&opert skiing that. makes it a natural' if you want
lulls you into big, wide, smooth one base for your entire
christies, all the way down. Just Okanagan jaunt. Thete's the
above the triple -A -frame day fuxurious Capri, and several
.lodge are the Poma Bova, 'Milk other motels' and hotels . from
HMI and Pete's Run, served by which to choose. 'For dinners
the poma lift midway and the • there's the. Flay Queen, an old
green chairlift to the top. The sternwheeler converted to a
three connecting T -bars also floating restaurant and night
take you to the top of Silver club; the Colony Steak House
Star where you can ski to the and Cabaret; or gold -rush -
back bowls that, even in April, reminiscent Buffalo The
had untracked snow. Koko 'Club caters to those
After racing' the sun down' the preferring a lioisier beat. °
mountain, "we'joined the apres- Baldy Mountain, .east of
ski crowd in the Star Loft. Ski Osoyoos, is the most southerly of
weekers who stayed at the ,the Okanagan areas. It's a little
mountain chalets were heading ` more -out-of-the-way, but worth
out for a splash party at the 'the extra travelling. Balk is at
Vernon Community Centre, once homespun, friendly, small
while a few whO hadn't had in developments, but large on
their fill of the hills decided, to 'area. It's a htige bald, dome
Big Dipper, over a mile of gen- Kelowna's varied night scene.
tlyAe_night, skiing at Tillicum standing above the landscape as
Valley, halfway to town. you turn off Highway 3 atRock '-
The Okanagan has, Creek Canyon, 24 miles east of
'restaurants and night life that Osoyoos. There are several good
swings with places like Vernon's motels in Osoyoos.
Happy Vineyard, a new German Baldy has two T -bars and a
dine and dance; the broil -your- free rope , tow serving well-
,: own -steak Beefeater In and groomed, mile -plus- runs at an
Hy's Steak House in thr-new altitude or 7,580 feet. Manager
Village Green complex at the Terry Smith -Ras pampered the
turn-off for Silver Star. The area along over the past four
Village's Skiers Pub will likely Years, upgraded the road,
he one of the favorite gathering cleared the runs. and now
places for Silver Star skiers. receives some 500 customers on
-Big White makes you•think of. a good weekend. There were
wide-open spaces and plenty of about 50 people .on. the relaxed
snow — and this area lives up to Sunday we skied at Baldy.
- its name!! ,With the addition Although not a sophisticated
last year of the 6,000 -foot resorti. B a ldy has all the
Paradise Chairlift -running to necessary facilities — ski shop,
the top of the West Ridge, we r•afeteria, day lodge and packing
were able to ski runs up to three equipment. Aceommodation is
miles long. Paradise connects limited 16 a few. private cabins
with runs' from the 'WO of -the at present. •
5,500 -foot Big T -bar, where har- In Rock Creek, really just a
city a tree pokes through to i•rosAroads among the surroun-
catch the winter vizard6 'of d farms, there 'is the
hoarfrost. Edelweiss motel and restaurant
The back bowLa favorite for where you can have a good
' powder -hounds, is steep and Swiss meal surrounded by
challenging while the remainder ' alpine horns, cowbells and han-
of the skiing at Big White varies dicrafts.
from gentle beginner runs, Apex -Alpine, 22.mile*s west of
packed to 'perfection, to advan- Penticton, the fourth of the
ted intermediate terrain. You main Okanagan ski areas, has a
can ski virtually all -over the ' new . 3,200-fpot chairlift for
mountain. • family skiing.*Prior to the' con-
. AcCommodation here is struction of the chair, Apex had
modern and located so you can only ja 3,800 -foot Poma lift that
ski down to a lift in the mor- could he a little terrifying for,in-
nihg,. and dciwn to your unit at termediate skiers riding up!
night. We tried the renovated Most of the skiing is still on. the
Big White Lodge. There are also Poma side of the mountain, run -
the Golden Labrador Lodge, wing down to a 2,400 -foot T7bar.
Ten Skiers Mdel and many It von like moguls and steep pit-
' private chalets. Brian James' che. you'll enjoy the Face, the
"Five Steps to Parallel" ski Chute or .Gunbarrel, while'less
weeks are popular here. 1(1\enturesome types can take
You know where to shop forfood or medicine or hardware. But
if you,ve got bigger spending plans in mind, better get to know
the cash store.
That's US:. Wdre the largest-411-Ca-n-aclian consumer loan
Personal loans to $5,000. and more. Mortgages up to $25;000.
Call us.
46,.... sitsOre:
17 Check the phone book for your nearest Niagara office.
the iticige Run or Spruce,
0 n -site aCC4111010CiatiOn,
coMplete with kitchen"facilitia,
qew recreation buildings, • an
illuminated ice rink and
toboggan hill offer other attrac'
• tions for ski weekers.
Kamloops, offers the highest
c3,000 ft.) lift-servi4ed 'vertical
Crop in Canada, New base ac-
mmoda tIon and lodge
facilities this year will cam-
plement the four -mile runs and
consistent snow conditions that
niark Tod as the favored moun-
tain hideaway for Kamloops -
area skiers.
Privately -awned con-
donriniums are available for ski
week parties and a new 40 -Amit
motel is being completed' this
Year • • '
Although this Okanagan trip
tould have been enough to
-,ritisfy us, we had to squeeze in
• , ,
one lost *von* of ski* 4.144.r.
. the I irAte. at Lot Mountain', just
out of Wastbank south of
Kelowna. Last Mountain has
four -arc -lit runs served
1.100,f0ot T -bar and 3,00Q font
cbairlift. At 10 O'Cif)ek we reluc.
tanily packed up the ski gear
and headed back tp town, We
had found what we souht
enough skiing to tide use ever a
whole long summer. until next
11. •
Residential Lighting Display
Electric Heating
62 CAMBRIA RD. N. G 0 DERICH • 524-8670
"Jean Nate"
Luxurious LotiOns
Gels and Talcs
Gifts for the Bath
Larry Rieck, PHM.B.
Archie Barber, PHM.B.
• •
Get away from the Cold and snow this winter, join Earl and Niora Rawson and your other
friends and acquaintances frorr Huron County on this outstanding 2 -WEEK TOUR TO
ONLY $369.00 _per person
Based on two persons sharing twin -bedded room.
Ah island liktwumpled.green velvet, tossed in an unbelievably blue sea. A
land of Swam and forests and beach after glorious beach. You'll bask in
the warm sunshine ... dance beneath the stars to the ragged beat and the
infectious rhythm of the steel bands. .. and it's all waiting for you.
You'll stay at the Club 'Caribbean,on Runaway Bay . . . over 100 individual
cottages set among beautiful tropical gardens . . . fresh water swimming
pool, two'hundred yards of your own private sandy beach. All cottages have
kitchenettes complete with electric burners, refrigerator, china, glassware
and cooking utenill*.
Earl Rawson has been a resident of
Goderich for 20 years. Earl is no stranger
to world travel: during the war he was
stationed on a hospital ship that
travelled to England, Scotland, Prance,
the Mediterranean and Italy.
Round trip jet flight from Toronto by Air
Ca6da DC 8
Complimentary in-flight meals and bar ser-
Air conditioned accommodations with bath
and full use of resort facilities
Welcome rum punch party,
Transfers between airport and hotel and
return including the handling and tipping for
one piece of baggage per person
Sunflight beach bag
In addition to being personally escorted by
Earl and Nora Rawson there will be a Sun -
flight Representative service in Jamaica
For your free illustrated Color Brochure of this Tour and other outstanding Travellinga/Sun-
flight Tours contact Earl Rawson at Rawson's Style Shop, 68 The Square, Goderidh, 524-9312
or phone (collect, of course) or write to:
CHATHAM • ‘Travelphome 519-35/4150 Coil Coiled
.• . • • . • -•