HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-12-14, Page 35• • 1 • If • Pr • oyal silver IVO Jig 'special issue For many months now stamp forward to a rare philatelic will gladden the hearts of many cling pflaueen Elizabeth II and, collectors have been looking treat. The; event, is ,one which people — the Royal silver wed- • Prince Philip on November,20, The British Post Office has honoured -the event with two stamps issued o* the anniver- sary date. Both • feature the same profile photographic por- • trait of the Queen and the Duke • of Edinburgh taken by Norman Parkinson. The setting for the T, portraits was chosen by Jeffery Mathews, who has sensibly allowed simplicity to be the key note of hi g design. The 3p stamp is printed in steel blue, black and silver,while the 20p is in purpre, black and silver. Such is the interest which the Queen takes in stamps that on May 30 she, together with the Duke of Edinburgh and her two younger suns, Princp, Andrew and Print.° Edward, visited, the factory of Harrison and Dons Limited in High Wycombe to see the silver wedding stamps being -printed. It had been nearly twenty years since the Queen la,,t N'igited flarrisons, on that occasion to see her Coronation stamps being prin- ted. •, Stamps which commemorate ROYAL SILVERWEDDIN 1972 1 Simplicity is the key -note of Jeffery Mathews' design for the two silver wedding special stamps, released on November 20. The two values feature the same profile pOrtrait and are distinguished by the contrasting colours of steel blue (3p) and, purple (20p). Royal events have alwitYs been. particularly popular, notably the Coronation stamps for Queen Elizabeth 11 i4sued in 1953, and more recently ,the series to commemorate the In- vestiture of H.R.I. The- Prince .of. Wales on July 1, 1969. Britain is far froni being alone in honouring royal oc- casions. During November over thirty members of the pritish Commonwealth released stamps to cdlebrateJ the silver wedding. The first territory to' issue stamps was the Channel Island of Jersey, whose four values, 211,2p, 3p,'71/2p, and 20p, were issued on November 1 The four stamps feature por- traits of the Queen with Prince Philip, Princess Anne, Prince Charles, and the Royal Family. All the portraits are the work of Desmond Groves, who was ako responsible for the portrait which is being used as the cen- tral feature of the design for the other Commonwealth territories. Each released two stamps with the common por- trait, but in its own pictorial setting. This varies for each * SlOpteSTAR,' THJE$PAY, DECEMBER 14. lyre "P4tot oh, isSUecl stamp*3. of equivalent offal. 4tt toiesAtt portrolitis of face lialue. At the time this the Queen from such awatobo* move, did not moot 'with great artiata as lar of Otitierits, territory and is representative favour from stamp cofleetore rngont and Antony' nuCklitY• of the territory concerned- Nevertheless., later. the 1948 . The list of Royal Wait 'item* It is likely that other coun- stamps .gained considerably in from other countrioa oouki go tries will Also take the oppor- populari0on and on. tunity to honour the eVent, it *would make an interestingVery few ,01.1ntrieti posribly in the same way as study to try and form a collec. the 'British 'ComMoriwasilth Guernsey. This Channel Island tion of steps celebrating have 4noluded a portrait of the has added portraits of the Royal oCcailiTom. One obvious Queen on, their stamps. Those Queen and Prince Philip to the choice would, be Royal visits, that bay,O.:xione ao 40114 • 4'.* designs for Chrjstmas stamps, such as that which took the thiopla, '7,0high released three. thereby producing ,joint issue 'queeli and Duke away from stamps .in 1905, showing per - Other occasions 'on which Britain from November 1953 to traits of the Queen and Em many countries have honoured May 1954. On that occasion peror Haile Selassie. Another in a royal event have been the they visited Australia, which Iran, which rn 1961 'released Silver Jubilee of.King Qeorge V also received further visits in two stamps showing the Big& in 1935, the Coronation of King 1963 and. 1970.- On each oc- with the Queen." Both issues George VI in 1937,. and the casion stamps Ilaxse. been honoured Royal visits to 'the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth released featuring .delightful countries concerned, II in 1953. portraits of the couple. It is in- Anyone wishing to .start a Of course, one must not teresting to note that Australia collection of Royal occasions on forget the previous Royal silver also commemorated the stamps could obviously dono wedding, that of King George marriage of Princess Elizabeth better than to begin .with the VI and Queen Elizabeth in on November 20, 1947, a4 did latest British, silv0 wedding 1948. On thal Occasion it was Canada, altkiough in this- case set, maybe buying the stamps in decided by most territories •to the stamp was not released un- the special, souvenir booklet issue two stamps, one for their til 1948. being sold by the British Post standard local postage rate, Canada has ,also enjoyed Office. This includes apd the other for the highest' several visits from the Queen illustrations from the reign of denomination for which stamps including one in 1949 when she Queen Elizabeth II, and is were issued. This meant that was still Princess.- The sub- available from the Biltish Post Britain released a 21/2d and LI sequent visits to Canada have Office Philatelic Bureau, 2-4' stamps, and indeed many of the ben in 1957, 1959, 1964 and Waterloo Place, Edinburgh, , COmmonwealth -.countries 1967. Such Royal visit stamps EH1 1AB. 4ROSIAMOZAZIzZASSMAZAWAYgAlttAPSIgi=5472:53MiScOm;A=21AmsZtA3t$0:musmszgirgis*sAwaspafhizawas;g3PAYasiAgAgisit2ivAnsssm404;APZ3bi3WS5Z43tta$VASZMUSAZSZVZ5:SAaNtANIfAlmFASSzgAflAcS=TgaIzisAfiYawvATzw*AwARtiAY*757:zi:ssPasa4Ps5YAgAFAxzi.m3zszi:gow iv• • FS GODERICH lilt I EXPECT THE • — We Gift Wrap for Men SHOPPE GODERICH OPEN Thou Nite & Every Nite. Tit Christmas (Except Setirdsys)