HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-11-16, Page 8'CIAL hEARJ G ALE! rl'o tItifi k' 3: dth ' R :Teti Goads kve witzifor all Sa1.00l Books at :20 poa; oelit ctia seaiult. 200 page '' t r:;ibblez' for 3 %soouts, 300 pages Ur or 4 cents, '1@ter p ges for 2 cents -anal 72 pagee "foe 1 cent. Slate paendils •11 Bents per 100. Inks 2 -for 5 cents. Slates for 4, 6, and " cents. Note paper from 4 to 7 'cents' pia`t qt. Envelopes 3, 4 and cents'per package. Tablet note -7 cont% per 100 sheets. `10 cent Music, 3 l)ieeee for 10 cents, 100 -5-cent Stories at 3 cents each, S.S 'Libraries at 35 per cent. discount Albums away down and all other .goods at from 20 to 50 per cent.• -discount-Bibles excepted. Sale Ito commence Saturday at noon and close Tuesday evening, Sept. 26, at 10 o'clock. It will pay every visitor to the Fair to call. ohn A big reduction in boots and shoes at Manson's during the clearing sale. The Windows are _.beitlg placed in Rich riehard & Sans new store which is fast nearingcompletion Send in your subscriptions to the ADVOCATE. ' will send it from now v Til. -, `'V a It 1st, till Japans t ,1895, for �1. During Nove.mber it is .illegal: to catch; kill, sell or have,in possessi any white fish or saitnou trout, Mr.,Franeis. Davis, Sr. of Biddulph,, is lying at the point of death and meagre hopes of his recovery, are enter-. tained. The storm on Tuesday dist brought the fact vividly to our minds that win ter had commenced. Although cold very little snow fell, Mr, B. Aubry, horse buyer, shipped nineteen fine horses to Montreal from thisstation on Saturday', followed by two more on Monday. A very enjoyable time was spent at the residence of Mi. Ed. McGuire, on Fri. day night last by seyeral young people of Exeter and vicinity. Two young girls appeared before Chas. Snell, J. P., on Thursday last chargedwith the theft of Mallet's mon- ey. They were discharged. Mrs. It'liddiemiss, Exeter North, has g sold the 'house and lot adjoining Rich Williams property to Mr. T. G. Wil• Hams. The consideration was $215. The Great 60 Days' Sale now on at The Big Bankrupt Store, A Howling Success. PIG-URES TALK. will pay for the ADVOCATE from now until Jan 1, 1895. Subscribe now and get the balance ' of the year free. Read our great offeron another page. The Rev. J. W. Hodgins, of Seaforth will preach in the Trivitt Memorial Church here on Sunday next both morning and evening, Rev. F. H. Fatt will preach in Goderich. Mr. A. E. Guest, a St, Marys boy,was. elected on Tuesday as Inspector of Elections for the 4th Prccidct, 6th ' Ward, Detroit, by a. good majority. He was on the Republican ticket. Rev. Mr. Renders, of London, will occupy the pulpit in the James St. Methodist church on Sunday next in the absence of Rev. Jackson who will attend a church opening near St. Marys. And tell till their own story without ;re- face or fine words,—and a wonderful story it. is too. They toll of most marvellous reduct- ions in prices ever heard of. Observe the !fel lowing:—Prices good for every day in the week: - 24 pounds .good yellow sugar for $8.00 10 pounds best granulated sugar 1.00 5 pounds best new raisins fcr .25 5 pounds best new cup:rents .25 Best salmon, per can. 10 Dingman's electric soap, 5 bars .25 4: pounds best gingersnaps . .25 2 pounds best baking powder .05 Eddy's best matches .. . . .10 8gh figures and low figures. Figures for all poolret-books. Our stock of Dress -goods is so Extensive that we can give prices to suit any condition. Look at these Specula. Black Flenriettes, regular price 45 cents cut price 25 cents. Black Henriettes, regular price 50 cents cut price 30 cents. Black Henriettes, regular price 70 cents cut price 50 cents. Black Eienriettes. regular price 80 cents cut price 55 cents, Black Flenriettes, regular price $1.00 cut price 72 cel ts. Alot of figures in t. newspa per can't convey any idea of the figures that ornament our entireline of colored Dress -goods 13 shades pure wool Cashmere 45 ets our cut price only 25 cents: 12 shades fine serges—pure honest wool. 50cts, our cut price only 30 cents. If you want cheap only • 30 we have piles of them at cents. per yd. reduced from SOc, 12%c and 15 centspery yard— your choice :of the lot 6 cents • Figuratively speaking our millinery is "bot of sight'!—Practically speaking itis the finest dis- play ever gazed upon in Exeter, at least so the ladies say and they sb ould kn o w. Sm all low figures are on all our mantles and jackets— the prices are being out keen and deep almost to bleeding point.' —� J. A. START LOCAL JOTTINGS. 1.111... If you want a real good boot, "strong durable and at half price go to Man - son's. A plebiscite and prohibition conven- tion was held in the Town Hall last evening. Manson will down them all for cheap boots and shoes during the big' clear- ing sale. Loudon's population has increased nearly a thousand'in one year. This speaks well of the Forest City. Call on Manson before purchasing your into boots made of the best ma- terial and away down in price. See thein. Mr. R. S. Lang apple buyer, has ;hipped oyer 6;000 barrels of apples from Kerwood, Watford and Parkhill stations this fall Avail yourself of the greatest chance ul a life time to get aline suit or over-. e;cat. 15'/, reduction for the next 10. (lays. G. G. Johnston. A beautiful magenta rose plucked rtr Mrs. Horrell's flower garden was handed us yesterday. It was in bloom a week previous to being plucked ' We wantto reduce, our stock of tweed. $5 dollars the next 10 days and _swill ofisr 157. straight off our former ,well known low prices. G. G. John- .ston, A Strathro r woman, who had recent - sly lost her husband by death, ii said to ,have sent the following telegram to ,rctaGives in the oasts: "Jim died this week, loss fully covered by insurance.', Mrs. 1a. Welsh, who resides on corner elf Sanders and Carling streets, wishes :to.eiate that she is prepared to maze boye eiothes for.$1.50 to 83.00 a suit. ?tresses, sll<ittsand plain sewing done ,cheaply. 159 reduels on is what we have to Announce on any line of tweeds for sh the next 10 flays. This affords he r 'ndest g a c eliauce t o get a chose aeit of fine twwCed or` worsted ever ot. to,t4 }n i:xetei,E,dt C., G..,1Olgtistonr The total number of World's Fair tickets disposed of during the season were 137. At the least calculation each passenger would spend on < an average $30, making a total of $4,110, A flock of nine wild geese alighted: on the fartu of Mr. Reaulley, 8th con. of Nissouri,last week, and the gander leading the flock was captured in a garb wire fence. They are a rare bird, $1800 worth of tweed to be sacrificed less than 'cost. 15°j; straight off our former low prices. Finest stock ever shown in Exeter. Get your winter suit inside of the next 10 days .and save $5. G. G. Johnston. Correspgndents in several exchanges aro asking how it is that with the de- cline in the price of wheat, breadsticks tenaciously to old rates. The staff of lite,. it would seem, goes up by "tele- graph and comes down by mail coach. Carling Bros. have purchased and placed in their store a hapdsome Tay- lor burglar-proof safe. This enterpris ing firm has turned so much stock in - cash of late that they are compel'ed' to; make extended room for the "bullion." 15°/, reduction the next 10 days on fine tweeds and overcoatings and as our prices so been o much lower than regularprices rices vein are face to face with an opportunity to save $5 on. every suit you buy from us, ' G, G. Johnston. A bran -new ,overcoat graced the skeleton form of a young man in town who walked into our sanctum the other day like a little tin soldier •on wheels. He imagined he was strikingly attired -but we think it high time a dint was put in him. The Guy Bros., ministrels appeared to a good house here on the 8th inst. The troupe is the finest organization on the road. They gave a good- show but it was not altogether appreciated by quite a number owing ' to having seen them a year previous. The sparrow bounty went into force inalichigan last week. The office; of the Port Huron city clerk has since been beseiged by boys with baskets of dead sparrows. The bounty is' three cents a head and some of the the boys are making small fortunes. The STAR Almanac of Montreal for 1894 has 450 pages. Thirty thousand, facts and twenty thousand subjects. It is the great popular Almanac of the day, and it is not surprising that the demand for it is so enormous even be- fore a single, copy is ready for sale. A correspondence from Crediton did not reoeiye publicity this week owing to no signature being'attached thereto. - We have many times distinctly stated the fact that correspondence svithout signatures are consigned to the ' waste basket, and we strictly adhere ' to this principle. The season for shooting deer closed yesterday, 15th, and many an innocent looking pet of the forest has been laid low by the deadly, aim of the old spoltsm,en. Muskoka is the principal deer resort and it has been swarmed during the season with hunters from all over Ontario. Farmers would do well to see that their granaries are properly secured. There seeks to be an organized gang of grairi thieves on the .road in some parts of the country. The gang seems to collstst of a party of three, two of whom secure the grain while the third remains in charge of the vehiel . 1, 1, g h e Conductor Snider has resumed run between Stratfot•d and Toronto after a month's 'holidays` which' he pont iii eastern cities preaching and on carrying ` evangelistic "work,; Mr, ,y � Snider denies that he had any thought of leaving the Grand Trunk and, de- voting his :time entirely to evange• liistie work alt was reported recently. Messrs, Cebbledick & Faliand are busy this week putting in hot and cold water lix Auras at the residence of Mr. L. H. Dickson. This is the first water contriyance of the kind i,n town and will be of great eonvenierlce to the household, Hiram Walker & Sons of Walkorville al ill shortly/ commence the erection of a rade warehouse, which will be the'. ler •est one ever built. It will bold 40.000 barrels of liquor From the tone of the foregoing quite es idently these great distillers ere in nowise troubled about prohibition, Selin F. Ottwe% found guilty of grain stealing at London, was senten- ced t ` e Kingston enit for c o th Iii �, P eutliiry twoyears on each o; several charges, the sentences to run concurrently, The sentence is probably a . life* one since theunfortunate man will be 74 years of age in another month. Hifi ease is a peculiarly sad one. The anniversary.. of the , Main street Methodist church will be held on Sun- day and Monday, Nov, 19th and 20th. Dr. Briggs, of Toronto, will conduct the services on Sunday and for Mon- day evening a tea will Ilse served by. the ladies of the church, followed by addresses from Rev. W. It. Butt, T, B. Coupland and ethers. A noticewas inserted in the ADVO- CAT'S last week advertising an estray colt. The ADVOCATE had not been in circulation but a few hours when the owner was informed of its whereabouts Why, drive miles like this • man did when theme is a medium like the AD- VOCATE that will recover your lost pro - ports? fora mere trifle and inshort notice. The Advocate gives . excellent result in this respects. The following officers were elected at a meeting of the South Huron :Re- formers held at Hensall last week:— John Hannah, Tuckersmith, President; V. Ratz, Stephen, Vice -President; T. Fraser, Stanley, Secretary; S. Hogarth, Stephen. Treasurer. Municipal chair- men: Exeter, Thomas Gregory.; Steph- en, V. Ratz; Usborne, James Ballan- tyne; Hay, F. Kibler; Tuckersmith. R. B McLean; Stanley, John Ketchen Bayfield, James Thompson;" Goderich Township, B. Switzer; Seaforth, Wm. M. Gray. "Out in the East End there is a child who seems to know the full meaning of .a distinction with a difference. A few evenings ago, little , Bessie ex- pressed a desire to sit upon her mam- ma's lap, but mamma was tired, and, after holding her darling for 'a little while, put her down, saying:—"There dear, run over and sit on papa's lap: Mamma is so weary!" "Papa ain't got no wap; only'wegs," the little one pout- ed, and the shout of merriment ,: that followed were all at papa's expence." London Free Press. Boy Wanted A good smart boy wanted to _learn printing. Apply at this office. Leg Broken. 011 Friday last Violet, a young. daughter of Mr. Wm..` Dunsford7: of Stephen. had her'leg broken and par - lovely escaped being•killed. 'It seems she was hanging' onto a wagon and in some way her lei got caught between the spokes which resulted in breaking her leg midway between the knee and ankle and crushing the ankle badly. She will nothave use of the limb for some time. Exeter Council Proceedings. council met at the ' Town The w Hall, Exeter, 10th inst, all present. Minu- tes of previous meeting read and. con firmed. Spackman—McCallum, orders T. Horn $1 cedar posts Jno. Matheson $1.87 street lighting supplies; Jas Creech $85 part salary; Thos Snell $1.88 labor; Jno Gillespie 45c. do; A. Bissett $4 50 do; S Handford $4 50 'do; Wm. Parsons $6.30 do; Geo Ford $286 trrayel and labor; I Armstrong $3 labor Ed Bissett $3.12 street watering; Jas Creech $10 charity to Mrs. Wilcox; do 83 Mrs. Rowley; do $2 .Mrs McIntosh;. Advocate $50 part printing, .carried. Mr. L. H. Dickson on behalf of Thos. Yellow asked for a rebate of taxes un- der the exemption .Act 1892. No action Mr. John Taylor asked for a" grant, to the Mechanics. Institute. Moved by. T. H. McCallum seconded by E. 'Christie that $25 be donated. Carried. On ap- plication of Mr. McCallum the use ; of Town Hall was granted to hold a tem- perance convention on the 15th inst on motion of T, B Carling seconded by H: Spackman. ' McCallum -Christie the council adjourned for 3 week. M. EACRETT. The "Witness" The Montreal Witness is now offer ing the remainder of the present year free to new subscribers for next year as an encouragement to gtye that val- uable paper.a trial. The Witness, both Weekly and Daily, has, during the year, adopted what it declares to be a model form, with; neat, small, "conven- ossesient pages, being enabled, by the pos- session of sion<of one of the most complete printing presses ever built by the Hoes, of :New. York, to vary the number of pages at will. The paper enters the press at two places, on rolls ' broad or narrow as required, and the newspap- ers conic out at lightning speed, folded, posted and cut. Besides the :improve- ment in form, there is a remarkable improvement in typography, the type being set by the wonderful 'Lintotype machine, which attains the speed of five igen, and casts a ' new type face every time. The .proprietors' invite visitors to Montreal to see these ma- chines. The picture element has so greatly developed in the IP Nees, that it may now bo fairly tailed an illus- tratedaper." The t meas has moved I? l� to the busiest corner in Montreal, the. junction bf 'B1eury and St. Peter streets with Craig Street, and has a spacious 'building there ivhieh is in sortie re'' speets as fine a newspaper office as is ahywhere to be seen. The priceof the Decay Witness is three dollars; anti of Weekly the We iji Wines one dollar while the little' pioneer paper,the' M'es coaxer, costs only 80 cents. IOHNSTO'N'S; AT.'URDAY• tGAINS. Prices which will, ar- rest the attention of. every wide-awake buyer. , 4 pkgs. Corn. Starch, 25c; Royal Yeast at 7c and 4c; Can Salmon, 10e; Pickles, 25e, for 17c; Pure Black Pepper, I50; 20c Japan Tea for 15e. , Tapestry Carpets. 40e for 300; 50c for 40c; 65e for for 50c; 75c for 60c, Bargain Day 30e Ladies Hose, 10 doz. at 20e pair; 2 doz. Men's Braces worth. 25c to day 2 for 25c. We have many special lines which can only be bought here at such prices as we sell 1.5 P er cent. reduction. We announce 15 per cent reduction on all lines of Tweeds for 10 days from this date. Butter and Eggs and all Farm Pro- duce taken at the highest market prices. This is fast becoming the most popular trading place in the county. G. G. JOHNSTON, Opposite Hawkshaw's Hotel IAIIMOTH 0E10 Enough Cloth. ing. here ' .to Clothe 'all the Country ! What are you going to do with all the Clothtng? We hear such expressions as these every ;day and truely this stock looks ponderous. Yet with such a generous de mud as there has ?�.,an since this season commenced, we have no fear about hav- ing too many goods. From every town and village in the county, people are crowding into ` our store. The largest stock draws. The lowest prices tells. We carry hand -made boots and shoe's. E� . S PACKNIAt & GO. . John Walker, the tramp who assaul- ted Mrs. Wm. Sheriff; at St. Helens, last week, was up for sentence before his honor, Judge Doyle Monday morn- ing of last week. The prisoner had skilfully defended his own case, and his honor said that the intelligence dis- played by him in the defence showed that there was less excuse fur his act- ing as he had done inthe matter of the crimes charged against him than if he had been a less intelligent man. He was sent to Kingston last Thurs day. Personal ''Mention. Mrs. Rich. Pickard and daughter, of Duluth, Minn., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Piekard,-Mr. Ed. Braund, wife and child, of Brantford, are visit- ing relatives and friends in town. Miss Laura Mcr'alls, of Litman, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. W. T. Hawk shaw.—The Misses Tay loo and brother Sam., of Brewster, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McGuire on Sunday last. —Mrs. Matt Ellwood, of Hensall, is visiting friends in town this week.- Mrs. Geo. Weir, of Ridgetown, is re hewing .acquaintances in town.—Al- beit own.--Al-beiit McCallum, cvho is engaged in the art of enlarging photographs in Strat- ford, tratford, is visiting friends in town,—The Clinton Yen; Lira says: -"A daughter of Mr.T. Carling is yery. sick, Miss Brown ing, of Exeter, will be at the Batten - bury House, on Monday, to organize a painting class;; we wish her success:". Mrs. Ed. Dyer, who has been visiting Mende here for several weeks, returns; to Brantford td day (Thureday� she ex,; pects Mr. Dyer„ who has been to Eng; land home shortly. "Ne�V Ada'5 turda Bar- G. � JUHNSTOIV Sri y gain Day. c eechln -- S r CAitLING BROS g Sera inbiers, WEIS:4Ilt LEIt, Hensel', —Bar- gain Day. Would be a good phrase to apply a �� toe who are t ways parading • Bargains they never f can produce We have a large stock, well assorted, and at right prices. t51 We don't ask $15 for an arti- cle and take $10. '' We un- dertake .n.Berta e to do a Straight Business ! . x izrep osenting nothing, selling goods for what they are worth, giving dollar • for clonal, in value Our Motto : Square dealing..=Produce taken in ex- change. Butter • 20o,' Eggs 15o, Dried, Ainles, Go, Lard 13; bunk's 7o, Turk- ey Co, Geese Go. . C° I aRoleKs STOVES pii rncs. Now is the time to buy Stoves and Furnaces. If you want either of these, articles, why not buy from us? We compete with dealers all t 4x11 through" the . county and defy them to �x meet our pr es. We keep the largest assort- r,� ment. We� guarantee ever stove ; and furnace we sell. Cobbledick Fol a . , . MAMBO Exeter Real �si��� �m���cy IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell a Farm IP V017 WANT TO Buy or Sell Town Property IF YOU WANT TO . Borrow or Len€ Money IF YOU WANT Collections Make Call at lir. Jno. Spackmall's Real Estate Agency: Business Transactions strictly con- fidential. Intending' purchasers will receive the best adyice in "selecting land or town sites. Also a ,gent for Allan Line and State Line Steamships. Office- Main Street, Exeter, Ont. Address:—JOHN SPACKMAN, Box 49 This wonderful discoveryis the bcstknownremety for. Biliousness and' all Stomach and Liver Troubles, such asConstipation, Headache, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Imppure Blood, ole, These. Lozenges are pleasant and harmless, and though powerful to promote a healthy action of the bowels do not weaken likepills. If your tongue is coated yon need thein, ' AT ALL L'11ti1 5 O1i 3. �cler Lu�licr Yard. The undersigned wishes to inform the general public that he keeps constantly in stock all kinds of building material, dressed and. un- dressed lumber 111.1. B Q Ontario Red C�nta o High Land and Pine Shingles. ngles . ,.. Special notice is drawn to B. C. Red Cedar which is acknowledged to be the most durable timber that grows; especially for shing- les. 36 to 40 years. It is said by those who ._ l�novv `that they w111. last sG from 36 to 40 years in any y: climate. James. 1 ._ LUMBER MERCHANT Vesseet city Roscoe and Shorthand Seltoel, or DOES NOT Need to hold Out such indneernents as tho payment of Railway Quarailtseing: Positions, wilt in Order tO secure ,year patronage. WE DO Offer you the Most Practical arid Theron h Drilling 1111 in ell 13usinesss sue - pets � y. g s'' �t Obtain. rice largest ' dots w]itCli it iso os colo 0 ax We 1 v rhoaz�ttentlanco'mnr1. J pp.. o Most eom 1t1to eh in Canaela. We solicit your patronage solely thr 1 non the round.of:Our 'superior training:. Satisfaction ,uara.atce - or pa; mono , ro�dnded. •Board 12 5oper week. Qatmlon o free, orr atilt,