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4A, rC i E ICH 41(iNA + TAR. TBUB8L AY. IEC Nil :I? 14. i9 vi
IoveIy spot to visit
At this time every yeah . at
Greenfield Village, it begins to
look a lot like Christmas. But
Christmas with a dif-
ference. it'a Christmas out of
the past with all the warmth
andtradition it used to have.
At Greenfield Village, Christ-
mas always meanssleigh bells
and °'candles, holiday cookies.
and hot, spicy cider, old
fashioned trees and stockings
hung by the chimneys with care.
Beginning' December 9, • all
.these traditions .of Christmas
past and . more come alive at
the Village. Red -berried holly,
poinsettias, fragrant candles
, and garlands of greens decorate
many of the Village homes just
as they did when the. original
occupants lived in ..them. The
Greenfield Village �t Ciiristmas
soft stra,in.sof appropriate
Yuletide music and ,fires
glowing in the fireplaces add to
the charm, while some of the
kitchens are fragrant with the
aroma of Christmas cookery.
The Christmas finery traces
300. years of holiday
decoration. At the seventeenth -
century Cotswold Cottage, a
Yule log greets visitors at the
door. In the Noah Webster
House, the entrance hall is
decked with a wealth of cedar
. roping and boxwood. The Ann
Arbor House boasts a festive
table set for typical nineteenth-
century New. Year's Day
hospitality with a gleaming
punch bowl, tempting cakes,
tarts, candies and nuts. A, real
Victorian Christmas is re-
created at the Sarah Jordan
Boarding House with a typical
over -abundance of greens hung
around the pictures, draped
along the ceiling molding, stuf-
fed in vases and strewn on
tables. Throughout, tradition
prevails authenticated by
careful research.
Families visiting Greenfield
Village at Christmas experience
today the Christmases their an-
cestors knew. Everywhere they
encounter the flavor of bygone
holidays. In the streets, -groups
of strolling carolers sing the
-.timeless sonTMgs of Christmas.
Ther -Spicy tang of mincemeat
cooking in the kitchen of the
Stephen Foster Birthplace
and the sweet aroma of taffy
Puss in Boots coming to
the Family Theatre
The traditional Mothei
Goose tale "Puss in Boots"
comes to life in.a fanciful new
version for the Christmas -
season on the stage of the
Henry Ford Museum Theater.
It is being presented . by the
° Greenfield Village, Players too
recall the days when eatrical
"pageants" were an integral
--..part of the holiday scene:
In reviving this delightful
'0. notion from the past, 'Kenneth
Chomet, a ' Player's regular,
has written a charming script,
full of the joy and spirit of the
season. His original music and
lyrics complement the.. exciting
plot and add to the fun.
In this version, the in-
domitable Puss faithfully ser-
ves his master Foofarello
through a series of adventures
in which he is swindled out of
his inheritance ,and travels cto
Big City and encounters `with a
lovely Princess and her wicked
Lord Protector, a smooth -
talking medicine man -magician
and., finally, a three -headed
The stage is peopled by a'
host of other delightful charac-
ters, as well. As in all good
?airy tales, Foofarello diacovexsi
he has a fairy godmother, a
member of the fairy god-
mother's union, who is of only
minimal assistance because
"sometimes a person's better
for trials." His two brothers,
appropriately named Bovinus
and Dandini are the main
cause of most of these, trials,
but, he gets help from a magic,
water pump that dispenses
coins in addition to water and
other kind souls.
•Eye -filling; spectacle. 'livens
the `plot throughout. The
medicine man makes his first
entrance in a balloon from out
of the sky, thunder and flashing
lightning accompany every ap-
pearance of the dreaded ogre,
doors open and close by them-
selves and at one point, a huge
dragon breathing smoke and
fire fills the stage.
This exciting and' enter-
Knock out cold with OUR
Fuel Oil heat. Our regular
service gives you that extra
punch. Call, us "-- right
taining version of ,"Puss in
Boots" is designed to add to
the cheer• of the Christmas
season for the entire family.
There are both matinee and
evening performances at 2:30
and 7:30 p.m. on December 16
and from December 26 through
31. There is also a matinee on
December 21 Special perfor-
mances for school groups are
heinr' offered for the frret limo
this year from December 1$
through 22 at 10:U&,a.m.
Tickets for all performances
will be available at the Theater
box.1 ffice at $2.25 for adults
and $1.00- for children under
For . additional information
or 'to make reservations for
school groups, write Theater
Arts Department, Henry Ford
Museum, Dearborn, Michigan
48121 or -call (313) 271-1620,
extension :306.
bubbling 'on the wood stove in
the Edison Homestead recall
the days when such Christmas
preparations were common-
place...1.n the Plympton House,
the oldest American home in
Greenfield Village, bread
baking in the hearth demon-
strates simplicity and prac-
ticality in holiday foods.
In the Town Hall on the pie-
.,,turesque Village Green, visitors
can pause for .a warming cup of
complimentary hot spiced cider
and Christmas cookies. Outside
sleighs are available for. them
to take a short ride around the
Village behind bell -strung hor-
ses. Carriages _replace the
sleighs when there is insuf-
ficient snow. Nearby the Clin-
ton Inn \serves meals in' the
festive atmosphere of a century -
old hostelry.
Families visiting Greenfield
Village at Christmas are tran-
sported' to centuries past when
Christmas was not merely
plastic holly on a city street
lamp, but a very special State of
• The Christmas observance
continues through December 31
every day except Christmas it-,
self when the Village is closed.
There is , no additional charge
for this visit to Christmas past
beyond the regular Village ad-
mission of $2.25 for adults and
$1.00 for children 6 through 14.
Children under .six are admit-
ted free.
To the% Separate School
Ratepayers of
Your continued confidence shown In the election Mon-
day December 4th is deeply appreciated, and I shall en-
deavour to serve you to the best of my ability -Thank
Oscar G. Kieffer
-* 1
I . . '
The' first Christmas program
of the season .was arranged and
directed last Sunday afternoon
by Dr. Charles Toll of Seaforth.
The variety concert included
selections •by the Seaforth
.Junior Band, ;ed by Dr. Toll;
the Henderson sisters, Donna,
Darlene, • and'. Debbie, vocal.
trio; The Albert sisters, Linda
..and Ann in song and with the1f
own accompaniment of electric
guitars; the Rose sisters,
Debbie and Janice, vocal duets;
Shirley Bennewies accordian
solo, and Ann Stewart piano
solo. Doug -Stewart led a sing
song of Christmas carols ac-
companied at the piano by Mrs.
It was standing room only on
Wednesday afternoon at the
December birthday party. The
party was provided by the
Bluevale Women's Institute
who presented the sixteen
celebrants with gifts and served
birthday cake and tea to about
200 residents and guests
following the program.
Mrs. Melvin Craig was
-mistress of, ceremonies for the
afternoon with Mrs. Carl .John-
ston, pianist for the group.
Singing was led by members of
the Institute. .
David and Dwight ` Qolbv
played several numbers on the
electric guitar and accordian.
Tthsre mere. dance numbers by
iliarbara aid, I area •Johnston..
he Bluevalle Dancing Dolls,
Carol Armstrong, Evelyn Stam-
per and Marie DeVos enter-
tained the audience with their
comedy dance. There were
vocal duets by Eileen Sellers
and Irene Bosman and vocal
solos by .Jean Willets" and Mrs.
De Koeiver. Mrs. Burke, a for-
mer resident of the 43luevale
area, thanked the ladies on
behalf of the residents.
Slide pictures of special
events and birthdays at Huron -
view were shown on Family
Night. Sharon Colclough of
Clinton playedher guitar and
sang some favourite numbers:
Miss Gidley accompanied at
the piano for the singing of
Christmas carols.
Hospital widely known
The Ontario Workmen's
Compensation Board Hospital
and Rehabilitation Centre at
Downsview, onthe outskirts of
;,Toronto, has won world-wide
recognition as a unique
physical restoration centre with
strong emphasis on vocational
It is one of the few complexes
of its kind e,quipped and staffed
exclusively for the treatmentof
oh -the -job injuries. It provides
injured Ontario workmen with
a one-stop centre at which they
receive- the most advanced
t ediealt�att-entian av lrle =for
treatment of their particular in-
jury, plus a full range of
'rehabilitation services. Many of
these services are provided in
on-the-job • settings and
Once admitted to the Centre,
the patient beepmes the focal
point of a specialized team con-
sisting of a doctor, nurse,
physiotherapist, occupational
therapist, remedial gymnast
and vocational rehabilitation
officer. Their job is to help the
patient, overcome his disability
and return to work as soon as
Sw or pMww•
:tiliAL(1()Ltil FripiAt:ItERS
t��wE��►b 1114SuitaNceAoiwi
ear 524.9442
A lasting gift that will
• be remembered. Three
series in all col,ors and
sizes- to choose, Fiite
74to b
rand PrixFliand'
* French Maid, Kayser
& Van Raabe
* FuII &.Half Slips
! * Panties & Bikinis
.a * White& Colored
Sp o rtsi (' e(t r
* Blazers
* Pants
* Sweaters
* Shirts
* Skirts
(;round Floor Fabrica
& (gift Centre
• Bedspreads
• Wabasso Sheets
• Fabrics
•Caldwell Towels
• Bath Sets- a
Step in Fashion this Christmas with
a Long Party Dress from Schaefer's.
We have a collection of the season's
most beautiful dresses for you to
wear with charm and grace.
An injured workman ,receives
medical or hospital treatment
from his own doctor and .at a
hospital in his own locality,
with all expenses paid under
Workmen's Compensation Act.
However, for more serious in-
juries, the entire capability of
the WCB Downsview Centre
and its staff is at his disposal.
It is an integral part of the
protective package financed 'by
assessments paid by Ontario in-
dustries under the Act, with no
direct charge to workers or tax -
The Rehabilitation Centre at
Downsview opened July 1,
1958, and is the outgrowth of
the Board's first medical
rehabilitation clinic set up in a
single room in 1932. It grew out
of the Board's determination to
ensure_that the proince .more_
seriously injured workmen
would receive any special type
of treatment their injury might
need from experts with a wide
background of experience in
dealing with their' particular
The Centres includes a 180 -
bed -Hospital Sectionfor
patients needing convalescent
hospital care, and a Clinic Sec-
tion which can accommodate
340 up -patients who require
supervised physical, oc-
cupational therapy and
remedial gymnastics, to restore
function to the injured part of
the ,body. An additional 69
patients living in the Metro
Toronto area come to 'the Cen-
tre as out-patients for a full
day's treatment. Activity, not
rest, is the keynote.
Pant Coats
Our usual Targe selection of
well known makers: Also this
year we are featuring the midi
coat for the young and young
at heart.
* Dusters * Housecoats
* Pegnoir Sets
* Vocama *-Nylon
* Quilted
A gift she vyill love.
Make Christmas co:nptete by giving a gown
this year.
*Short & Long In Nylon
* Brushed Nylon
* Flannel.tt.
'til Christmas
Except Saturdays,
CA's A. ¢ 1111