HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-11-16, Page 5BEANS Lf iiv'i!l'%'+ANH are if nevi Ws. +terxi ua lieb 11ty o1.. )st'Visortand' !'S'iLuu Alaohoort; restores the.. ,re:.;Fuess of bully or paled caused; by orer.work or the orror$ or ex., teas,* of youth, This Remedy eh;, wletcly :cum) the most obstinate eases When all other.. ,v u. .THreeTS;lavefailedovento relieve. ,Not1bydrzig, gess stet per plwkage, o •sig for 1$5 or sent byy million receipt of pries by addressing TUE JAMES MEDICINI3 oat. writ: fes eeeeedet., sae in-•. Itro`P;Sale in ,Exeter by J. W. frowaiug &t White Church, near Teeswater, Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Waddell were thrown out of their buggy owing to:their horses running' away. Mrs: Waddell was killed and her husband` every severely. injured. WELL ADAPTED, The effective action on the glandular system and the blood, and the general regulating topic and puriying action of B. B. B. espezially adapt it for the bilious,, nervous, costive or scrofulous. From three to six bottles will euro all. blood diseases from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous sore. The elections in Newfoundland have resulted greatly in fayor of the White, way ;Government. If you once try Carter's Little Liver Pills for sick headache biliousness or ,constipation you will never be without sthein. They are purely vegetable small and easy to take. ,Don't forget this, The funeral of M• Tirrtrct took 'place in Paris yesterday. THE WILD CHERRY eottibined with Milburn's Cod Liyer Oil Emulsion make it delicious in taste a,.d perfect in curative Uowee. g' Will Henry Varlet' the evangelist 9vill visit Brantford next week.. DR WOOD S NORWAY PINE SYRUP. Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syrnpcures zonghs, colds, asthma,bronchitis hoarse ness, and all diseases of the throat and lungs. Price 25c a►id50c., at all drug- gists. Welland County Patrons of Industry ;had; a coiivenhionn Wednesday. If sick headaclie.is misery; what are Carter's Little Liver Pills if they will postpositively cure.it? People who , have Used them speak frankly of their worth ;Trey, are small and easy to take. Thirteen new cases of :yellow allow fover` were reported at Brunswick, Ga., Wed nesday. : ` POR CUTS, BURNS, SORES or WOUNDS, Victoria Carbolic Salve is the best healing and soothing ointment The Italian Minister of Public Works was stricken with apoplexy Wednes- day. CONSTIPATION CURED. Gentlemen. -I suffered for a long timewithconstipation andtried many e y medicines without success. I then tried Burlock Blood Bitters and very oon had great relief, so.I contined its se and am now completely cured. Joseph Phillion, Quebec, Que. It is asserted in Washington that Queen Lilioukalani will be restored to power in Hayti, the United States with drawing its suppost /rola the provision- al Government. PREVAILING SICKNESS. The most prevailing complaints at this season are rheumatism, neuralgia sore throat, inflammation and conges- tions. For all these and other painful troubles Hagyard's Yellow Oil is the best internal and external remedy. Mr. D'Alton McCarthy addressed two mass meeting at Owon Sound Wednes- day. E-cr%)\- N SAFE STORAGE FOR GRAIN. Snow Yzan$ee l;ng•onulty and ,Old Tin Cans Circumvent Eats and Mice. ' Grain spoiled by Fats and expensive thrashing caused by farmers being forced to the immediate separation of grain and straw are annual complaints oyer a large part of the country. But there should be no need of these losses, contends a New England farmer in The Farm Jour- nal, who says; An abundance of old, tin can be got for the asking with which to cover the posts upon which grain stacks are built, or for lining bays where such grain is stored. Old fruit cans will rap- idly cover boards that are easily gnawed by mice. They are quickly unsoldered in a bonfire and pounded fiat with a mallet, Lath nails will hold them in place with the edges so near _together that the smallest' mouse cannot creep through. With the bay or stack bot- toms so protected the owner can take his time to thrash, or feed out itis oats iA the sheaf. • Grain stored in bays must be tightly covered with lumber et the top, but the. open spade nett the floor meed not be covered if tinned smoothly 3 feet up from the `floor, 6 inches out from the sides, and . a foot of -tin ..is placed on boards projecting out over the Soot_ at an angle of 45 degrees. •A barn can be madeentirelyvermin proof by laying the elle in Cement on the Walls and fill- ing every drink tvhere it Would be possi- ble for vermin tc genii an entrance with this stonelike subetsittce: ,Small barns may be quickly made prbpf against rats bybuiiding them on posts like a ornerib, • and tinning or panning the posts to for- bid the climbing up of these little pests. Of course every other avenue of ap- proach must be cut ofd. Flat stones may be used on theposte instead of pans. The far quoted noted is convinced ed of the loss occasioned byrats and mice, even after the grain is ttr'ashed. ,Many,farm- ers owning, farms of productiveness -and size - have never owned' ratproof bins. This is all the more surprising when one knows how small -a bin is, required for 100 bushels of grain. 'Strongly made of coarse 'lumber _with bottom andback tinned outside,, a bin of 200 to 800 bush- els capacity will be a lifelong satisfac- tion, and the expense more than repaid each year in saving of grain. Whenever it is possible, bins should be constructed so their contents may be drawn out instead of being laboriously lifted again. To accomplish this most; satisfactorily the bottoms must slope to a center connected with a chute. Where grain is sold there should be an outdoor chute to pass the grain directly into the wagon. Each bin should be arranged•to permit ventilation" when, necessary and should be fitted with several movable partitions to allow changiug the grain if heating should begin when. the bin is only partly filled. When Baby was Sick, we gave her Castorie. When She was a Child, sho cried for Castoria. When she beeame•Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave thew Castorie. Francitj H. Weeks; the embezzler, who was captured in Costa Rica, has. pleaded guilty tet New ork and been sentenced to ten yettre 'iti' Sing Sing at hard labor. ' C0UGI3S,COLDS,AS`I'1-1M lIi7AS)✓ NESS, B10NCflITIS, t , yield a .51)43 to Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrtlf, the ,successful Throat and Lung specifid. By a rear end collision on the Chita' go 'Rock Islantl. & Pacific Railway at Vlst street, Chicago, last night five people were killed and eleven injured. BURDOCK'BLOOD BITTERS, Burdock Blood Bitter Is rt' medicine made from roots, bark and. herbs. and is the best known remedy for dyspepsia constipation and biliousne: se and will cure all blood` diseases from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous tore. Word comes frota South Africa athat the Britibh Tull. column, under Major. Gould, hes been attacked by the Mat- ebeles. The natives;: were repulsed. ;. MVIILB'URWS BEEF',. IRON AND WINE restores strengthand vitality, and makes ridr ted blood. ' din inquest wag-Oilmen:DM Wednes day eiselnipg die the body of Lucy Den- ning', etaf&nfost',fettftt1ing and sensation- tl cvideneo edditced, ". Lf�fT;i�.EMEDY. AN EXCELLENT . hate used.Hag . Gentlemen.—We.",.: yard's`Peetorallea11eali"'in "•'our houso for over three'years„anti find it an ex cellent remedy for all forms of eoughs And :colds. Iii throat,aud lung troubles ft affords instant relief ` John Brodie, Cgigmbtq, Ont. Sir Charles Tei pet`'`/ "iii Montreal S England' on t the • Parisian 73e sailed for I on Friday, :Will he found an-exce.le tit remedy } '- k headache Garter's Little Liv e i tL 'T'hoesands, of letters +or Pills; have used them prove this feo'le'whn act' Tr v tt,;• Tho'I'rrides sit. d -Labor Council Wed- lnptt'd, with some nesday.et'ening a, rt of the ?du'nici, amendments, the rept,,, c, pal Conference Cotntuitty Advocate to st T:,' nu r � �...,. 1895 Only `QOCH QIE! 1/ UNLOCKS ALL THE CLOCSED SECRETIONS OF THE BOWELS, KIDNEYS` AND LIVER, CARRYING OFF GRADUALLY, WITHOUT WEAKEN. INQTHE SYSTEM, ALL. IMPURITIES AND FOUL'. HuMOR51, AT THf: SAME TIME CORRECT- 1NQ ACIDITY Or THE STOMACH,•Cyfligq 61UOVSNE®S, laYORgittilA, HEAD- AC EAD- '1 ACPi£+t- pl�+,r+.y ...aS, 1•i.p:dlRl'63cIFtN. CONSTIPATION. RHEUMATISM. DROPSY, SKIN. DISEASES, JAUNDICE. SALT RHEUM, ERYSIPELAS, SGRO- FULA, FLUTTERING OF THE HEART. NERVOUSNESS, "AND GENERAL DEDILITY.. ' THESE ;AND ALL SIMILAR COMPLAINTS QUICKLY YIELD TO THECURA- . TIVE. INFLUENCE OP BURDOCK BLOOD S!TTERS, V or Over'Fifity Years. y AN OLD ANLt VEIL -TRIED Lt irEDY.—Mrs Winslow's Soot iin4:, yraip has been used for over fifty years by h'iillior}s of mothers for their children while teething<with per- foct;meoess. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhosa. Ts pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists in every part cd the World. Twenty -live cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Bit sure ask for Mrs. v's Soothing Syrup, and taken other kind -- - Is the Nest Eng an Advantage? A Tennessee correspondent of Farm Poultry thus replies to the query, Is the nest egg an advantage? • I would say that according to my ob- servation the nest egg is not a necessity.. and not knowing but what its absence from the nest might be more agreeable with some individual hen I leave the egg out of sore' nests. I have a variety of nests. They are placed in different places, and though some nests aro better patronized than others yet there is that individuality With some. hens that the philosophy of • neettd liing is yet too much in embryo to be fornliilated.' Some hens discard the prepared nest and pre- fer laying on the ground..' As soon as I have a vacant hover I place it in tile yard, and some henwill. take possession of it, though it contains no nest egg. For all this I am confident., that using a nest egg has its advantages. As arule of life, or disposition, or taste, or soma other sociable, inclination, the majority of liens take to nests containing a nest egg", liven when the flock range is large. Aird ii -majority of ti11Rl najority prefers lay ir-g in a nest already Odele fled, though ether nests may be withineasy reach. The' advantage of the nest egg is siiaOlt4ri by prolonging the laying disposition of tfl4 Pltln. The disposition • of the hen is' to lay h clutch to sit on. If the eggs are undisturbed, the hen will commence to sit at the tenth to thirteenth egg, but if the eggs are *moved as often as laid, leaving only etc, the hen is likely to lay •20 or more befere her ,broodiness forces, her to give up, or ff none of the broody kind to quit the ;yas ephean effort, to Me crease. I prefer foe' nese eggs•the egg gourd. It is as easy :he tanteesa a dipper' gourd. They are not sd eget lid winter as the porcelain, and being' iieitexpeeneive can be often renewed if ne se" Drawing Out Foundation Y+'or'`fCinkffi1lki This question and ansa er appeai'•edl not, tang ago in Tho American Bee Joterriale €• sestion—I have a quantity of fiiatiatete and sections filled with found'atiiorii ready to be worked by the bees. Weidltll it be passible to put a feW colonies t'o) work this foundation into nice•torahs+ without storing honey' or' pollen in the' cells, and remove these same; frames' o1 coni', to be filled with . honey by otiiq*• colonies in my apai'y? Cotiid it be donee' If so, bow can I do it? ; Answer—No, you cannot` get bees tie build comb, either' with or withoitt:; foundationunless they havechance to store something in the comb, They, will, draw it out a little way before stor- ing anything in it, - and you can get.. them to do that, if "-yen wish, by simply putting the foundation where they will County of . Dufferin prohibitionists met at Shelburne Wednesday” and or- gainzeda.county associat•ion•to bring out the vote on the plebiscite • Prevention ire flutter. - Than cure and those who are sub - jot to rheumatism carr prevent attacks' by keeping the blood pure and free•. from the acids which causes the dis ease. You can rely on Hood's Sarsa- pitta asa remedy for rheumatism and catarrh, also fur every form of scrofula salt rheun, boils a1,il other, diseases caused by impure blood. It tones, and. vitalizes the whole system. - Ilood's Pills areeasy and gentle In effect. A despat:.h trete Winaimo B. C., says the miners of the East: Wellington Coal Company, 400 in number, have struck against a new scale of wages. Dep: SheriffWheeler Does Not Care to Live If He Cannot Have OD'S Etr Packing JTo Dress -Well Sags 'Wanted.. Draseed Or Alive. Dressed Bogs bought subject to the. following conditions: --2 lbs per cwt Off; 5 lbs extra if shoulder stuck; 3 lbs for either bung gut or Millett, if left in. All ]Flogs to be out through from Tail to Throat. Highest Price paid for Hogs' wei_gbino' from 100 to 200 ' pounds, dressed. Is often made over a very St ELL BRADS & CO small matter, Too much noise con not ma ldbemPALACE, BAatu de Sarsapariiia It wbiild be difficult to find a man better known in the vicinity of Burling- ton, Vt., than Mr. R. D. Wheeler of Winooski Falls, they, efficient Deputy Sheriff of Burlington county. He says: `aC. I. Flood & Co., Lowell, lerass.: "Dear Sirs: If Hood's Sarsaparilla cost >I0,00 a Dottie I should >y»Fk' keep,usiiff 1t, as I have for the past #ds years: With ' lire the question as to' Whether life is worth living depends ups V e4her1.ail„get Hood's Sarsaparilla. '1 dein't: think ' 1 could live without it rim eettainl • I should,not-wish to, and sulnic as,1 ased to For over ten years I se: ileo the: hoiaors of the damned with 4-0.01,t 14:1 Rheumatism' ;;fo r1t Yser'a 'Man suffers with anythiug lin le'ivor1dit"is with that awful dis- e• ' It seems to me as if all other phielcal suffering were compressed into atone. I took about everything man :ever tried for it but never got a dollar's ' Worth of ri•.ielp until I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla e'ta1cen it now pretty regularly for ars and have no more pain and t% around all right. I have good ninny to try Hood's Sar- Eili74eSia ,R, eiit WHEELER° Deputy sSlrlerrf%, Ni}loosk-/»Falls Vt. I cure Liver 1118- - ;'Vegetable Pills are pre., {pared to meet a legal- ,lnate denutnd for amild, efilo east tend nelinte'`.family physic. They are .:ure vA t table, enntaining no . ■ P �!" it eatOMpi'inert;ury,•oriiilneral subIIIS - ,etanea"of anyltSnd. Hood's Pills act upon• -the stomach,. liver, and alimentary be obliged to cluster on it. tIIconese , einai, neteeere Liver: Complaint, Constipation, this must bo at a :;true when bees are fun sea,; I3liiousness,4 ]headache, Indigestion, storing, The Oatmans used to Credit ' Sour,5torn.;Ie1i,I)i"stroi9s Vnttor Vating, Jaundice. b A ciyld ,ni ti be broken up and :a fever prevented a good deal o£ their success in i;bttiilg U r ptl ..., .tng:I]Cood'sl� its, Large crops to the fact that full sheets of . lip ' foundation in broad bombs 'were given Hood's . Pills in the brood nest just long enough to be Are prepared by MT. & Co., ApntTicell, s; drawn out into shallow L*e11s, then out in teewell, lefass P'rlesp2c'cents' per box. Sold by pieces and put in set 'tiI p ons. all druggists or sent'115, mail nn, receipt of. price; T however overwour on derful bargains in Parlor �3 0 and Bedroom Suiites, Cull tr„e Th .de m reigned haee• handsome It is Dot neeeSSt1';a` that you should liava your Clothes made frc the very best mater/ ; ` neither need you hav the very latest styli ,, but to look well youi clothes must fit, This. is Our Aim We Not only to make .n suit fit proper but the latest style, Guarantee Every garment t1 -1 -or leaves our shop will 1 c a perfect fit iii gild be convinced, . ,.y` fitted up hie parlor and restaurant borne people make a ' great r r `. r KNIGHT -will serve-- noise when, there is no ICE CREAM need or it, If anyone) during the Summer Season. Also a thinks we are makidg targe supply of too much noise over our Confectionery, Bread, Buns, to and Bed oomsliites _ l - you need only call and Cates a c, • 1 Tale Fashionable Cutter anti rites, and convinced examine our Stock` t0 be Visits Exeter every Wednesday a convinced of your error. Saturday afternoon. ' All orders left with George Sanders promptly attend - IRO T afi.t . T. ° � ' Oysters and fruits of all kinds in. their season: Remember Manson's Big Slaughter Sale of Boots and Shoes, which:will be continued every day until the whole stock is sold oat, GEO IlluhISll(, Next Boor SO 116h 0 fPo Stofflee �olcs�le D. W. FOSS, ,Elensall Bicycles, Sewing Machines, Baby Carriages •. And. Musical Instruments. We are the only firm who make a specialty; of the above named goods and therefore claim that we can give the people of Exeter and vicinity,— Greater grains ! Greater Choice! Lowest Prices. ! !! The latest and newest at- tachments for all our goods can be. had by calling at our ware -roots, -One door north Dr. Lutes drug store, Furniture l S "/'S FURNITURE & UNDERTAKING Establishl er t,- Odd bellows Block. Opposite d Grigg Stationary. Miscellaneous. The Quebec Legislature opened Thursday. Itch on human bein s, horses and all ` lanimals cured in 30,minutes'.by Wool- ford's Sanitary Lotion. This never Mails.,, ,Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. English Spavin Liniment - ret eves. all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from. horses, Blood ' Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and . Swollen Throat, CougIia;. ete, Save $50 by use of one bottle. ' Waorran'ed the rnost wonderful Ble'rri'ielin.elite ever known. Sold by C. Lutz„ Druggist; On Saturday last le carload of eggs, L0,S00.do'xen, was ship] ed from Meaford direct for Glasgow, Seotland. 'The ship - meat is worth $1,60th Rheumatism Cured' in a Day. South American Rheumatic Ctirerfor 12heutnatism-and Neuralgia, .,radiealiy (sures(sureshiti L to 3'days. " `Its action Upon the systemes,riimarltable aid 'myster- ious. . It removes at once the cause and the ' disease immediately disap- pears. The first doss greatly benefits: 75e,. Sold by C. Lutz,DDruggist, The Chicago Cannon fail Train, on the Wabash lailroad, structs an open switch at Moberly,, Me; `Wednesday, and,the engine was capsized, Fireman William Malefic carts '; fatally Scalded.: and • Engineer Bobertsod 'was badly hurt. Several passengers Were slight- ly injured. PERKIflS & III�BTIII. BRANT: ORD STEAM ' LAUNDRY! HASTINGS, Agent. Tf vou want your linen. to look whiter °:? sfioiw., take it to NSTIJIGS, • EXETER'S Popular TonSoriai Artist. Ladies' and Children' Haircutting, A Specialty. A complete stock of 'Y Pure and eliab1e Diu k� �. ALWAYS>KEPrT. PatoRt Sfrdigf,„ 11PagISI'S 9`t right and reasonable price Prescriptions and Paly REcIeip ., i Carefully.; Prepared. 0010t10f i the best in the Market. C.I,TiTZ.. Pht'i' CLOTH' NG .NEL N.a�zz st_ EXETER Has now in stock: tilt1111111 age:: �inttY riv •rn> rvL,ia OwIl�t� LII�ES: West of England S,rftliien'd I erings, Scotch Tweed Stritin'gs anti'° Troux.r Inga. French and English Worsted Clo All made up 'in thel..l61. Style, at , best, ]tales..,.. HO! - B Aga a rniture ' ' re - rooms Est � cheapest •"an � r40n1S is�' �l�` ]� place in the • "'ount y to 3� buy, F nature. 9.00. first-class `Bed room ,Suite for onl •;' 9 and .evo�y- A a Y. n. -.All goods guaranteed:to thin else' in comparison. make : o f first-class drymaterial nlbthnr . be my own �' , 1'.: .._ , ,...... � but best hard ;lumber:,. used. ti ;,cis n !. Lumber a o �- . al£en in exchange for Furniture. sasl mss. The Wire ... only place in -town where you can buy the . l -Plated Wire Mattress,—.war Patent Dominion Na.c7� e ,.w o rust ranted not .t .:...