HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-11-16, Page 44••
valet Aboo,cate+
MIRBDAY,. November 16, 1398
We1/47270f' ./IVQuilli.E7s.
Tat the federal. government are in
sarnest about fulfilling their promise
itea revise or modif,y the tariff, no reason
able- person 'eat:if:Do w doubt. Bet Weell
the contienbais meetieg held by Con.
trotters Wallace and Wood, throughout
Ontario, ad the recent tour of the Fin-
aaace Minister arid the Mi ister of Agri-
culture extending from Winnipeg and
°thee points in Mariitoba to the N. W.
'territories, and British Columbia—the
Cabinet at Ottawa will be in a fair po-
sition for estimating the wants and
-Wishes of the great body of the people
.En regard to tariff reform. As has been
publiely stated by members of govern
merit, it was never their intention to
make no alteration in the national pol-
ye but co be governed by ciecurnstaii-
ees--and specially by the trend of
teeade and the tariff regulations of oth-
•er countries, particularly that of the
ited States—in modifying the tariff.
This has already beau done repeatedly.
• And, the changing policy of the neigh-
5oring republie renders a change in
our own fiscal 'regulations all the More
emcessary. It is all very well •for Mr:
Dalton McCarthy and hie small follow
g to throw ridicule on the course' the
government are pursuing in interview -
Ig the communitY, to see where the
shoe pinches; but ridicule is Dot argu
ment. The truth is, the McCarthy tail
is evidently disappointed at the success
of the government inquiries. The eyes
a the Publie are beginning -to open to
an appreciation of the effort's ,Of the
Cabinet, 'who have declared themselves
to be:servants of the public and not
more "flies on the wheel." Not to speak
of other points where the twe revenue
ebritrollers have met with the •peOple,
take ;the case of gananoeuee Some
time ago, the member for Leeds Conn-
., ey got a delegation—repreeenting both
sides of polities—to visit New York
atatet in order to compare notes with
Arilexican „farmers as to the, relative
aoralition of things north and south , of
ofitlfeS't. Lawrence respectively:, Those
same delegate a appeared before flessrs.
Wallace and Wood leaf week reitera-
ting what they had already said in a
publishe.d report—to the effect that the
Canadianfarmer occupied. a vastly su-
perior p,ositinn to those of the Empire
• State, in respect to mortgage indebted
ness taxa.tionethe cost of farm imp:e-
went's; tli&pribe of living, and the re-
turns for the- saleof farm products.
One of those delegates, who visited the
State of New York, gave this expres
sion ofhis views at gananoque 'before
the g,oyernment rerresentetions, "We
used to have an idea that the Ameri-
cans were better off than We are, but
we have changed our minds." " To the
same effects, others gave their testi-
mony. Those tariff inquiries will ain-
doubtedly have the effect of correcting
• false impressions, and of convincing
'mast people that (to use words of some
of the delegates) "We are satisfied with
things as they are.'",
The retirement of Hugh J. :11Iacden-
ald ex M. p. for Winnipee has '
the,grits occasion for saying. some ill
natured things about the government,
asif the son, f the former chieftain
was not in full accord with his party
Nothing is further from the truth. And
erecuping the chair at a publie meeting
held the other day in Winnipeg, for
nominating a candidate to fill his place
Mr. Macdonald took pains to contra.
• diet flately the reports ef opposition
papers in Ontario as his reasoea for
• retiring from parliamentary. life. H
stated that his distaste fon polities, and
the pressing necessity 01 his pipfeasicak4
were the only reasons for•-1,itinganibiti
xesignation, bat` wished. ,it distinctly
understood that he was in full accord'
• fAlit11)A4,1l'h2gli)s-cirt 'a litt,y,
7,v4.4atr.on all the- questionti.pflij.thifeitiolleY,
eee,- .,• eereeeee-
eapeeeln, by anylng 1 W4rit,:4o)tell
4v6.r 4'64 1 Partiefn1a0enaaffili teilinpreas,
.-Jthat 'fact on•ehy: Rosorth•'
Thel.Gritl!pa per§ .1;e making a Ire-
niendetee fus eitl`fehee Winnieg
tliction mlist behe1t19
2ist of voters. It
the, fiat of
aeoters,up :datee-,lietetliereeit
niirge'teth6'Oti.#44V4iiti party, .ilk
Ara Olddiat. It is ae fair fer 'brie party
fitiot her: Clrite don't, die off dhy
, •
S'tf ban „co tifior vVet,Wiritipeg
Thomas Anderaon, a British lension-
r died at Parkhill on Saturday, ed
103 years aLd 0thonths
News of the Week in Brief
rittipoor arovemeer 10th.
• Yesterday was the Prince of Whales'
Judge reasehereau ef the Supreme
Court died at Quiehee Yestardvq,
The Quebec Legislature Was opened
yesterday with the usual formalities,
Annie Pixley, the well known act-
ress, died In 1,4011d011, Eng., Wednesday
Twenty thousand young trout were
placed in the London faun Clabs pond
at Dorchester yesterday.
East Peterborough Conservatives
will meet at Norwood on N.oyetuber 16
to nominate a candidate for the' Legis-
The latest in regard to the Newfound-
land eleetions shows 20 Government
supporters and five Oppositionis,ts
elected. •
A convention of North Renfrew Lib
erals will be held at Pembroke on No-
vember 15 to select a candidate for the
•Legislature. •
Mgr. Satolli, Papal Ablecebate, abcona-
panied by Cardinal Gibbons, visited
Niagara Falls Ont., yesterday, and
was received. b'y a number of Canadian
The Libeial • Presbyterian of the
United States, in convention at Cleve
• land, declared their intention to remain
within the 'fold of the Presbyterian
At the provincial ploughing match
held on the Asylum farm at Hamilton
on Wednesday, a large number of
• prizes were won by Indian ploughmen
from Tuscarora and Onondaga.
The St "Catherines Clothin _Mann-
lacturing Company, St. Paul street, St.
Catherines, were robbed -of about . $300
worth of clothing Wednesday night
Theburglars left no clue behind.
• Albert E. Wilaon, the, murderer of
Miss Marshall of Waewick, who- was
acquitted at •the last assizes of the
ground of insanity, was Tuesday taken
to the insane asylum at Toronto.
Mrs. Margaret MeLaree •died on
Wednesday at Springbank,,near , Lon-
donaaged 103 years and 5 months. She
had lived 6 yearsin Scotland, 38 years
in New York State mid 59' years in
Westminster TeWnship, where she died
William Munday an old G. T. Etaeft-
ployee, died at Portland Me, reeently,
leaving a widow and daughter,la that
city: A sensation has been caised • by
a claim' made by 'William Mundy ,of
Chicago and his mother of Hamilton,
who claim to be son and widow of de2
ceased. ' •
Rev. Herbert S. MeKicric, whose par
ents live iu Orangeyille. Ont, has ,died
of feyer let Tarsus, Asiatic " Turkey,
hither he wentin Jaeuary last to
take a position' in st. Paul's Institute,
an .
institationfor the education of na.-
tive preachers, He was a graduate 'of
Knox Coife,ge, Toronto and was mar-
ried last January to Miss E. R.Pringle,
of Galt, who accoMpanied him lo the
east. „
SATURDAY Novenxher ilin.
• A London cablegram says that Hon,
Edward Blake has subscribed £25 to
ihe Evicted Tenants' Fund.
•Tbe tug Reliance ran aground at
Little Current, Ont., on Thursday night
and is awaiting. assistance. "
Burglars entered the • postoffiCe at
MacLeod, Alberta, and carried off, $175
in cash and the registered mail bag
• The British steamer 'Ensktir, from,
Bradstreet's reporta 23 failnres lit
Canada tins week, as against 39 last
week and fourteen in the correspond-
ing week a year ago,
Mr. IlleCiertliy 'e meeting at Stratford
last night was well attended. Among
the speakers were Rev. Di. Wild, Col.
en Mr. Alex Fraser, Duesmore,
and ()titers. Mr. W.13, Freeburn,fieeve
of Mornington, was chosen by the meet-
ing as candidate for North Perth.
• latteaf DAY November lath.
The weatherhas grown warm again
and cholera has reappeared at Constan-
Some of the Hemilton bakers have
reduced the price of bread from 10 to 8
'elitspesarildtlle o
Itisst'rikes in EnglaDd
have caused a loss to the railways of
$9,000,000 in the, past 17 weeks.
l'he death rate for the past week in
New.Yoi•lc was the lowest ever record
ed.in that city-. ,r1 here were 641 deathe
During the past week there have
been sixteen attempts at suicide in In-
dianapolis, five of"which were success
Tlie steamer Alelbourne, from Santee,
whic,h arrived at New York yesterday
brought 57,490 bags of coffee worth
$1,400,000 at least.
• Scrofula eradicated and all kindred
diSeaseS cured by 1-lood's Sarsaparilla,
which by its vitalizing and alterative
effects, makes pure bend. '
. , .
• Editor 3.17. Ellis' thirty days' lin
prisomnetit in goal at Frjdeidcton, N.
B', expired yesterday• He will be giv-
en a 'public reception at • St. John to -
At Riverton, Ala., a robber shot and
killed Mrs. Davis and hen daughter,
and was proceeding to ransack the
liotise'evlien he Was shot dead by Mrs.
sixteenyear-old sone ,
TUESDAY November 14th.
JohnJohnsen is to' be electrocuted
at Auburn prisou to -day. •*
adanaeleingston people went to churcb
on street cars in Kingston on Sunday.
13, Riebardsasoap Manufacturer,
'of Woodstock, Ont., is reported to be
„seriously ill. ,
- Dr. J. W. Edgarewas la,st- night apL
peinted 'Medical Superintendent a of
Ilanailten Hospital. ,
The Cr. T.11...has issued £500,000, 4
:Der cent. debettures. which hays been
offered to'eleereholders at 94. '
• The Jai:nes itugsaii Lowoil inemoria
In. the Chapter House •Of ,Weetnalnster
•Abbey will beunyeiled. on Nov.23'.
Mr., W. D. McPherson -deliVered his
inanggral address at the meeting; , of
the -Young Conservativesla t evening:
• Director General Davis, of . the
,fe prominently ment,ioned
in Leonneetien with the Chicago mayor
alcy. ,
eis4C4(reelAa0V “earig17-
pohost,,, Xry etcom,
They aro not a Cathartic-
ee-eeeeeeee-raeaaea • aeeeeeeeee-easee.
A gang of thieves 'whose operations
•have been keeping the residente of the
eastern suburbs in a state of teeror for
the last few weeks, were captured in
a barn in the eastern dietrict yesterday
At the New York horse show on
Tuesday, to the surprise of most every.
one, the Shetland stallion Montreal was
defeated by Kelpie. ''Montreal has had
a trinmphant career from Maine to
Californiteand Was never beaten be-
Stock breeders in the neighborhood
cif Guelph met on Saturday in that
City and %ado arrangements for holcl.
ing a sal 41 cattle and SW/110 on De-
cember 7, during the Provincial Fat
stook sbow, whi3k, 'is t9 be held in
itel ph. '
Beiiee,in ix fitoursk.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder, -dia
seasee.relieved in. six hours by the
NEY QURE," Thia new remedy- is a
great surprise end delight to pleasic
ians on account of its' • exceeding
promptness inrelieving • pain in the
bladder, kidneys,'haelt and -every part
of theurinary passages in male or fe,
male. It removes retention ef Water
and pain in passin,g it almost thinned-
. •
iately. If you want quick ,relief tind
cure this iS voile retnedy. •Sold by C.
Lute, Druggist. -
Young, old or 'middle-aged, who find
themselves nervous, weak ' and ex-
hausted, who are broken . down from
excesS or overwork resultino. in many
of. ,the , following . symptoms: Mental
depression, premature, ollage, .loSs of
tossuf memory; -bad dream,
ditnnesS,of sight, palpitation of the
heart -enitisions lack of energy, nein'
in the.kidneyse headaches, pimples in
the *face- and body,,itching ,or peculiar
Sensation -about the scrotnin, • wasting
of the oa,gans, dizainess; apecks before
-the es',' tWitching of the museles, eye-
lidS; and elseahere, baShfulnesS, .depps-
its in the urine, losseakewill-poseer, ten-
derness of the scalp, and spine; - weak
and flabby' muscles, desire', to Sleep,
'allUrelce be re std: by sleep, conatipa
tion,,d 1.111iie,5S of hearing, lees of, argiee,
desire for sOIitude, excitability Of' tent -
per, sunken eyes,„. stlitotridecl with
enanEet cineeies,' oily (Oohing shin,
etc., are all symptoins ef nervous debi
ity that lead to 'insanity unlees Cured.
Silver has declined to 10 cents per The siiring Ofikital force having lost
ounce in , London, wineh meaes the Its tenoxon every 'function Wanes in
littliien value of the Staid' aril' silver consequence; Those who through
dollar 64 eents. ea' abu'Ser Committed. in-, ic,norance,- ,may
lee 'permanently cured. Send yourad
'dregs for book on diSeases peculiar to
tliani tient free, s,ealed. , ;Address' M. V
Lliflai 24 Macdotin4 Ave., Toronto,
Ont. ,•
• Patrierviuray and A1oander flM
laboiers,ttreiander arreat at' Woodstock
.gbarged with,passing bilis ofthe„ae-
funqt Roy.,al,Canadian Bank. :
11 br said -the A. A "(corresponding'
to thite!.P.. P. A. in Canada) is to he, in-
qi*a.bSz'the Buffalo gfari Jory
egainSt Coaaptracy.
, Ate Peterbora', Archibald Mooney,
Undeataker; was 'suffocated' by • gas.'
He ieeldentally",turned• ona jet in the
r�ointjjwhjeh. hawent.to,:sleep.
.The election returns in , Newfound4
and.ageecOmpleteeand show that 24
Whitew4Yrdoirerninent s uPporte re and,
WelVef.:OpPoSither ,haVebeen ',elected
, litieeemplaiet, of Mise Delia; Tteegan
gam54,1Mr; eRussell ,Sage, ; the, New
york,- millionaire,- for $10,0,000 for
breach of promise has been:, distnissect
Philadelphia to London, arrived at Hall 1
ifax last night short of coal and With
her crank shaft broken.
Mr. A Currie, of Nottawasage, has, e
been chosen as the candidate of the
Patrons of Industry for West Simcoe in
the Ontario Legislature
R. B. Morrison's store at Morriston
was burglarized Thursday night,- but
robbers dropped their swag on the side-
walk, having evidently been f,right
Nornien Calder 'a roronto, baker
The claims of tha Brittsh Columbja
sealers against the United States
amountina. to si,oQo 000 have' been
forwarded to theL Dominion atiVern:”
Mrs: Abbie M, Leland, widow --of
Major William W. Leland of ' Gen.
Grant's staff, and mother -in law of
Jeanquiri Miller, died at Nyack, N Y,'
on Thursday evening.
The Marquis of Queensberry was
privately married on Thursday nt
Eastbourne Eng to Miss Ethel -don a younr, woman Of fortune
Marquis is 49 years old .
The C P R steamer Athabasca and
the whaleback James Colgate collided
in Lake George, near Sault Ste. Marie
yesterday morning Neither boat wa0
badly damaged
The trde Pf.,Calcittta, with Germany
,thepas1;fiveveats.dias iiier0ased.qhfee
f'Britain'of the p
lnurdecregsed from 65 per cene'nf "the
Win:1M to t7 Per cent •
Tbee men •erigagedlii bridge build
• ing were-sbadlyeitijured by collapse of
atetriparavy bridat l)orchetncr yes
teirl4y; tAericeisly hurt is a
mahmlrned PAdgerei, belonging, to
The Carnegie Steel CotneanY has ael
dneed the mice of steel rails $5 a ton
, '
1,11f1 propotles to defeat all coninetition.
Asa retsuit„some cf tbe • smaller rail
nreducerseareelikely tojbe forced out
t": TIVI:130'W1Park estate neael3rantforel
tormeriy,owned. by the ,lata Hon. Geo.
Brownehas been purehaeed by Mr, John
.1-Ioti`e,' The rcmairider -of the fatunua
herd of Shorthorn cattle will be sold in
April next.
Burgiai supposed tri-he,:aroatOUrgi,,
, ,
,pfat 1V night's work at Ayton, Out ,on
'Phnisclay night. Thy„ visited tiVri
Stords and two hotels), and ell they g,)t
was v. 50, a bottle of Scetefit:wli'slr.,,y
and 4 bot a' cigars, whIcit thoy tot*
frni 1
—.tigers tote
rid bigamist. was sent to the Central
PrlSol1fOr six months by the magis-
`oreing, for having two
wivesp .
of Ottawa will
Alenellaielation on Tuesday ,next
to„se1ed6teandidate to take the place
of CdrIliaMtealientoshiii the Federal Par-
tiring t'he past l'ear there Mo 403
aceidents to railway postcffices in the
Um ed Stat s In wh ch ten clerks were
killed; 66:seriously injured and 115
• slightly iniured. •
The West,Virginia South' Virginia
,4n4„West Michigan Episcopalian stand
-ingeotrimittees have refused -to assent
to4bs-edusecration of Rev. Fattier Hall
s'biShMa of Vermont. •'
o ..Wellington . ormers will
inGuelph on November 28 it
. ect a candidate for the
Legisbiturc. Mr. Guthrie, the present
nsember, *ill:not be n candidate,.
Thos Smith aged 52, was,strack and
itlictitlifrkilled'hY a train' at a "grade
crogietne. in Corning N. Y. on Tuesday
stoitri-was at olio time in the employ
0 Raleee Vietoria at Windsor,Castle.-
The diVere empfoyed in searehing
fOir the 'finales Of a -let -line of the disas-
ter to the, steainer, Fraser in Lake
Nionlaing have been obliged to ahrth-
don the search owing to rough weather.
While the clerks in William Wades
jewellery storsiat Princeton, Ind., were
at luileli yesterday robbers sneaked in
the -back door arid. got away with sev.
eral theusahd Clollarsi'worth Of Yalu -
Nd eine
• -A Hancock, Mili , telegram says: N
J.' Abdrewa,was killed -by a tans's, of
falling oekY and Henry Ttavernow”
fall&ljt1red in No 2 shaft ,of the
Tatitaraek mine thiS morning. 1Both
are Married and are Cornishmen.
3aine4`.1" •ver weelthV farmer
JpI. iiear Big Bay, was killed on
his fartu SesierdaYi t aPPoll's he. WPS
clearing stones from some land, The
/lenge muse Inive slirped and fallen up
on him. When retold by his daughter
the 'wise was lying on Mr, PeWers
head, '
..4_ , •
'we arein a position to onerthe ADVOCATE
and the Family Herald and Wee7dy Star, qf
•Montreal, forane yerir Air St.75. This offer
entitles -the subscriber to a choice Of the Iwo -
great preminins given by the publishers' of,
the Family Herald. Thesp Premiums-are the
"Star" •AlmacatcY ch. 1894, IC- superb book of
450,pages, or if preferred a Dopy of the great
Pamitylicruld Souvenir Picture which retails
at twenty dialers. The pram huns--Almanic
•and Picture—will be ready about the end of
November, and will be,forwarcied in the or-
der ni which the subscriptions are received.
Subscriptions to'the paper May begin at
once, Remembei'the offer of a choice of
premiums holds good only to people who
subscribe during the autumn. .Afterward,
the choice will positively he,yuithdrawn.
OUR sulicalig,R
The publishers of' the AD-
VOCATE have completed ar-
ranuements bywhich a large
magazine which contains 100
pages of illustrated and read-
ing matter, also very valua-
ble''statistical reference pages,
to be issued first week in Dec-,
ember as a Christmas supple-
ment to the ADVOCATE. We
have' secured this magazine—
hopes of increashig our list to
2000. W,epropose to send it
free, postage paid, to 1 all
our subscribers—old and new
---who are paidin advance
Any person 'whether a sub-
scriber or not, may secure one
or more extracopies by order
lug before Nov. lst, 1893 The
price paid for the magazine
will be placed. to the creclit of
any one year's subscription to
the AnvocaTE, whenever order -
'ed. The Coupon below, when
presented at our Qffiee and
bearing ratt AI)VoCATE Rift-
is good at any time in part
payment for the ADYOCATE;
Cut out the Coupon as pet'
inStruetions and bring it, or
send "it to us and have it sign-
ed, which must be done by
Nov.lst to secure the Annual.
Cut out this coupcin and klid it with 25 tents to Our address, before Nov. 1st 1893,
and you will receive the Wagazine, flit Vault in December. We will you credit
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This Coupon, whenpresenied at our office
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Su • scribers
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Ptit3LIST4I140 CO.
' .'"11,4-,,t51-61-5-11,4vPd-ixteketri-nly.:‘,1Th-reralcrtsral
For the People.
AbiFodATfi 'Makes it a co
,PCnnt ble e nntaY.
ke'er a'ndtalourCrholl.1.°33-Ailicleall, the 31fe' st
local items df ieret inExet
' Th6se ofiii)Selebers who are two _or more yeais„
r6q.11-e"rst,0d- PaYup- wittili ne,xet two 111,0nths.
n arrr -, are
110110011TE P11BLIS11111--0 4:1410P1POY, h. RIOT, CRIETIO
Peru has rejected,the beundary tree.'
ty with. Ecuador, and ,,a rupture , be-
tween the two Governments is threat,
enea: •
The P. P,',.4.-ebave nominated P •
D.fcCaIiuthof BoZancitiet as their can:
idate to eueceed the ITUgh McKen-
01,1 Arrntid
a f:sr11t 13uh St e d a liarPb*,qxPlosi9n
111 tliedLy,e,eum Opera Tlotiag; )3areelona
twenty-. fi'Ve • persownisii,e'ahnizdj,1.14sderraobuosuyt
Wotandeci three or foUr tlnies that num--
'Oanada's Best Family' Paper:
an mproved.
Many, Special Features?
'Cri,sgand Pointed Comments
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The Choicest Literary 'Matter,
•'• ive):y filing for .Elvel•ybbcly.
- 1895
SI TO la .J1i11,11,4RY,-
This great paper frail' now till,ist ,Tanu-
ry, pageS reaelinq matter weeltly—
n d our great premiuln Wture, " wA'rett.
ING TliE WHEELclo ROUND', for oily
$1 90' '
Giboral commission to agents, A good
agen t, for this district, is Wanted at
OnO who will tane an iritorest,it ottlhing
the paper and Yoll make a thorough canvass
of this district,
r terms and paitictilare address
SPIIICTATOlt rtavirtsc„- co,.
Ilantitton, Canada
P.S.-,Ve will elub tho AbVOCATI1 9,414
spectator, at s1.715
Emir, Bran, Shorts, ()LI
Meal, Corn Meal Cracked
Wheat and tolled Wheat,
constantly hon han.d. For
sale i.n large or small
• quantities. Call Solicited.
ll cootra118,
2::„A -On FAIN!) MAKHO011„
General aitd Nervous Debility,
Wealeiss of ]oi7 and Mind, Effects of
Errors or Excesses in Old or Young. Robust,
Noble Manhood fully Restored. , How to .
Enlarge and Strengthen Wealt,tIndeveloped
brgans and ratts of Body. Absolutely tin-,
failing lime Treatment—Benefits in a day.
Men testify from 50 States and Foreign Coure•
ties. Write them. Descriptive Book, ex.
planation and proofs mailed (sealed) free.
ERIE MEDICAL Cali Buffalo, Nit
which PeaP6il'a
it peEll. era ther taon Hungarye:j°'e
1vi1'733h:•4 hr rai sa formal- r Ilaw, al
rdwellWednesday,Jaalaitdrenseleattyliedetiviett I.., B. e et of ins
as their candidate foi the Leoishature.
' A public meeting tei discur's
the proposed lease of the L. &P. S. R. -
waa held in London 'Wednesday even-
First Class RIGS And HORSES
Is=ast =oar:Jo:am ts
Telephone Connection
.wI Bissctt'sLivory.
FsirpseCilAasLs H;ArTseE.w
ss,and Rigs.
Orders left at Bissott, 131.°8''HarCWare
Store, will receive prong., attention "
. ,
, -rz
• W. G. BISSI. '4T
Melt Indthilunilmatinevititiesoftlao Pine
• tombined with the seething and &mesterei*
properties of other pectoral herbs acid barks. ,
PorsOr OuR.• FOlf
,COU61-1S AND 001.1)S •
Hoarseness, Asthma, Eroucbitis, SoreThroat, '
Croup andel' THROAT, BRONCHIAL and
• LUNG DISEASES. Obstinate coughs which
resist ether reelection yield promptly to this ,
pleasant piny syrup, ,
re:SOi AAtb el00. POR
• *6,1.6 laie ALL DROadlitvrilk,