HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-11-16, Page 1VOL V
NO 33
The RiolsOns. Bank.
'(Chartered bY Par1ianient,1$33.) ,
Paid up Capital. ...., 82,000,000
Best Fund • • " 1 200 000
Head office Moutreal.
Money advanocd. t,,, auod Faria.oes on their
own notes w..:).. one or -more endorsers ut 7
per eent'per annum. '..
, . , :-
Open every lawful day frem 10a. m.to 3 p.
m., SaturdayfF; 10 a, tn. to 1 p. m
Ageneral banking business transacted
ey on Deposit Iteceiallowed for Inert -
p1;s. Savings Bank at 3
"per cont. ,
Exeter, Jan 28, '88., , Sub Manager
The two -Story Store Building, now oe-
envied, by E, j spitohoitt,u & co. ,]r juu
particulars, apply to Gto. SASA,,WELL, _Exeter
- ' ' - • - •
•Rar Council.
" - od.
Regina, the capital Of the North west
,territorlosi has porelpised ilotiald's (of'
Brussels Ont.,) World's Fair fire ell,
. ,
' A'sad misfortubefell the seve,u-•
f johi, miner. of '
3,ear.oidson o'Euro_
ville, 'a day or two since. Thichild had
gone to allieighbOr's to Jay with the
-children; and when about ,c) leave for.
home, he was invite,c1 to rernain for tea
'little express cart with the sin4
in ber hand. In,leaning on the
the weight Of the car,t, Caused
. ,
move flora under her, and she fe
, ,
warded with the across.her
the force being so gr,eat thaSh
t . c'
unable to ex.trieate herself fror
noose. Mr, and Mrs, Scott had a
child killed, by a kick from a lior
ccilltY. , -
. . , . .
Council metpiirsuant to adjourn•
. . . . '
merit in the town hall on Saturday,
Nov, 4th, ' All the Meinhers preeent• it
WaS decided to intruc.t the ' ,reeve to
file an appeal agairist award No. 1,
, ,„,...
409? A number ' of aceounts we' re
passed, whieh will appear in the fi nail-
eial statement On Dee. 15th •C>otitlell
then adjourned to meet on Dec: 1.9tli
at 10 am Sam. J. Latta clerk.
. ,
Mrs- J. Kellerinan is slowly recover-
. . , ' ', , . ' , 'h, -
olg troin oar meent • itiness.-in. J.
F reed, of 4914-10:11,. and' an
Mr, d ivr,s• H.
Keilerintin,, of Michigan, are ;. in - town
this week. -1h6 quarterly ' Meeting
held lie re ee Sifilday itl3t 4Vkl$ Wtql at
telided -H. •Willert,' Esq., shipped a
carload of lantbs to Buffalo. thia week.
J. Snell, Escl, 'Is winding iiP, .the
Yager estate and tho 'creditors will
soon receive a 8rnall dividend. --.Did
the editor think tne Dashwood '.corres.,
poodent sent inlast wool; s correspond
erice for he waste basicotor did he eat
Potatoes for breakfast • and forget it
(Oh no, seribol it was just 00 oersiglit
'which:we trust,will nor occur ' again.]
: . .,' . . , .. ' . • . •
, iiu.ritill(gintlsentilhidorrodrelarsotf,„ateheek, ) day . ,h),
. t'
•tit leirS13, vieini attendedt, y--.. NI .ei! •, fcle.ele. II.. aIlfroe If) bhsii:.ef:ct hheeirrs
last Week. -Mrs, Jacob Kellermaa
serioilelv ill at-P.resellt• We hope she
, . ..., , . „ ,....._ ,.. , . ,
may soon .recov.m...-liollowe en was
celebrated ,here in the usual. way, Mini .
i -n -g 'Serious ' happened .however.--flie
marriaoe of Mr,' Frank' Hohlbein; hark:
. jr, 2
inerchant,"to a, Miss iviepanghiln, .took,
i d - • (aV d --.13d• ' )' We
p ace yester 4,3r e 1,K , ,i,y. -
wish Frank ItapilitisSs as
. . , .- . ,, , ,. ., ,, -.., ,,..., ' , .
a bendict.---ivii..Ficdil...eight.of tIxetell
paid Dashwood, a , farewell Visit '011'
, , ,
Tuokiday'beforw.,,leaving• •.for - T,oronte.
oons(srsatotaef,..-reasia. , -. .
- -
„ ...........-.-
. '
Wethiesday Noy, •221n1,' at 1 o'clock, on
Lot' 3, Coocession 13, staniev,.of parm Stook
1..ro nlignepts etc Robert WallcIr and Datt'l
Stceicie. keep. E, Bossen berry, uctionecr.
. .
isso 111100 0
. . .
• of fl
flfl •••
in the meantime lhe
lady Of the house went down cellar.
Hearingcries, she hastened up again
only 'to' find her children rescuing, • the
little follow from the ' dog, Which had
him, down and had bitten entirely away,
the Winile'of the tight cheek. It is sup
posed the boy had heel) attempting to
caress rhe do. - ,
-c•a•ve.re . ,.
. On Saturday last the neighbors dis
d sinoke •issuing frotn a, dwelling
, slivno. i ranE, occupiedde,iptIAoreigelvolnhesuiisttlINe,Iliosyid' 1 1:.ivis ero.ovt 13e(.;r e, dOan flatiit.ikb,:et.
one of the beds was on fire and that
. . ., , ,
two small'ehildi.en, aged 2 and 4 years
'reSpectivelv were -ocl. d 'ri the house
it s6ems •th-,:t the ,niloth:i. ;..,If ti,',,a, child
' had . d • t, ,1 • ', _.;
rengone do own ... lopping anu
had left tile little ones ' alone ii the
house .• .4 ' I : I., ' ' I
, arm Wilkie she - was gone • it is
SUPP9Sed- 4116.Y gOt. PlaVing'N,Vitil n)att6hlie-
es and set fire -to the bed clothes.
house Was so titled with smoke that it
• , • - '
was- with ,'' difficulty access could ...be
„gained, and had. it not 1)e,en, discovered
jt at that tithe the children' would
have undoubtedly been suffocated' and
wr)11.°RbiatibaiYh actili.edillS 1,1N-t•eerdre' soon 13111.ot n flilatiiiitIn a taenld
-,. - . ‘ - ,
Caught 1')i tho aottack.
Gr.and, Rapid's, Nov. 14.-A B.
in the way Of thief-eatchlug has
introducted, in local:pollee circles,
seye,ral nights the cash ' draw.
Poster, Stevens.&.Co.'s store.. has
robbed of sMall ainountS of cash
the cashier determined to rrial(e a
periment ' He 'arranged a,l-odacl-
. . ; , ,,, - . - . ,, . .-.
aAat lh,si, 1('se:teftenftiYXesoes,hfeitidilegltlacihiegal.ielethttpptnrsa. oi4s7ctw,b1t;iNdlovefiebifi:Iiit1;:e,:asianenni.74'v'e'd,ttd1hclillsbeee;a'aciitildrr'esna7leiesitisati,:i,1
aneens photograph Conic' be t 1
The trap' was set for 'Saturday '
aid it worked to perfection.,
the Plat° was deY...eloped in the k
it showed a ancal° photograph •rof
. showed a e' -
boys In the act of opening , the
The p i • c. e' ,..wete c-aited it
drawer.' 0 1 • • • ..
after a.sea, reh.the bo•ys . were 'ari
' • •
ntii,ohr-sontti,og"luirtaio,,liivg, h'i-tieheney;de,..ieo,:ietiira,erldoeuettiv-r3eedatyli‘tythliiatthi
. . . a . ,
fessed all. The aininints Iii Vol vec
11 but the thieying has been
sPlenda: ' ' ' . .
• wg $ '' .
' ZUriah''
The, extensive., •' • auction - Sale
which took place at ' Peine's , 1 -Intel
On TIleSdAy- of last week, . being
, the Troperty Of 'the. ' insolvent Rop-:
Ile I. estate was the largest Oyer
r `! ,,l- ,• . . ,
held in this.VielnitY and a large illim
ea st ot e cii id awn. lel Pc • 0.1. ev !II:
bei' o f p e o p I u w e r elli ere
Ar.,,..,. . ,. . f 1 . d ,',. 1 i ' 1.. al .' ,
sk.iv acres o au
lized $27,000, and the personal:property
in the neighborhood of .$700... .Mr John
, . . ‘ .. ,. .
l'orranCe, of . StanklY. ' purchased the
/50 acres on the Zurich Road for ' .$8,-
950; Mr. ' C. Sehib1.), th6' 1.00 . aeros"
nerthl.Yest of here • Mr. James Hao'en
,. , „ , t,. 2
Hillsgteen, the farm on the Parr Line
and Mr J i ivinustone the property
. ,-- J. ... „,,, . ,
„known' as the Fanaett farm, .the flax-
• . ., , ,. , , , • • , 0, . •,
mill property and solne villa.„,e plop-
, .
erty• kvir. Ed...13esseaberry, zu. ich's
poPularcalictioncer,.Wielded 'the ham.
mer in in his i..,igintleornynandable style
and deserves cre it , M ' the wf“ e
managed the sale. -MiSa Galmliti. ,of,
tho 14th'con 'W`I.S married to Mr.. John
Gash° on tht;,81:;t, 'Out'. ..Elkton,, Mich,-
will bo their future. lire. , . .,
• .
L ,NOtiee is herehy'gier. pa
that the rtner-
ship heretofore ' exisi"ing betWoon' josetili
Eidt and Christian W.alner,, car)rying %no
.taiatio,4s,p.olintlidiecivu.i.aigero,iyati,sciow.:())1,a(!ht,int.ali..10 ,
under the name,.style and 'firm of EIDT &
wALPER, has this day,boon Mutually dis-
os Ived, end the aaid ialsiness will be bon-
ch,c,d ty, future by the liforollaid, Mr. jes-
°ph' Eidt. All accounts, due the , said firm
, . must he ,settiea on or before tlie ,
25th day f 1\TOVTIVIBER 1893
'...9, - . ,...-'-'.1 . ,. ..,.. t ,th
and any person aavalg a aims a.gains e
said pa'rtnership will kinclly. band, them to
the said Mr. Iliat. , ,. , , . ,
';„,.„.; 5 JOSEPH. EIDT. .
„ ,,-..-- QT,TRisT/AN w,kLpER
Haviug . I d the ' t ' 1 f ' 01 *.i%
pure 'lase e.in. ore, , o ir:s..-
jail waii,er i will continue rhe said bus,i-
ness in t le old 'stand, aral beg to retura my
A a
sincerethanks to the nun3 areas felon...8 an
'Customers for their kind Patronage und
npport in the iiast and would aslt one, and
ItIlllor t• , 4 b of ,Ame 'with ,the
. , a con mu 11 6 . ,
1101,c of Satisfaction to all parties.
. ' Yours truly,
'',...„,•_,;_„,...., _ ____. -,TosEBEI, EI......DT
, fbX,Pt pic gkbrivirct t,
- Is published every Thursday Morning,
. at the Office,
. -By
...„ . . , ___ _.
' TERMS OF SU, To,,pRaliPdT.ilnON.a.:.(1.7ano,,..
One Dollur per annum
si.,,50 if not so paid. , , .
,„,„ aa„
z-a.'irerti,5--ff F'."`..te° G'3''' ---a---1'----
,--- .
No paperdiscontin.uoduntilallarrearages,
r id .Advertiseraents without specific
dIbireeletaion's will be published. till forbid and
tharged accordingly. Liberal.discountma,de
for transcient advertisements inserted for-
long PoriOds. Every deserintion. of JOB
puiNTING turned nut in the finest 3tYlei
moderato rates, cheques,moneyord-
era. &c.foradyertising; subscriptionsietc.tO'
be made payable to -
Sanders,(5t DYe1,7 - -
. ----7------7-7-7---.
Try Manson for cheap shoes, -he is
sellinho• at eo.reatly_redireed prices... . ,, .
Did"V°11'‘i,3,ee IVI.,a1:1,sc,"I's.-e,he,?:1.'i,,hoes,?.
He sells,cheapei thah any ?Mei nouse
in town', • ' - . .:' ,.
, . . , ,. , .• -
'Mr. Win Broolcs has .asiumed eentrel
of the }lay post-ollice. Mr. Blatchfoi:a
having rc.„sismed the position. ..,. , ,
, . ., . ,
A. Steam heating appara-nS ,was
placed in the office of, the lieW gist
trill this week by Cobbledick arid .Fol ,
I . ‘ , ,
laud. , , '
4 11,1r. Clill.adian.:' ' . , _ ) ,
, Roy Mackenzie. the tallest and pro-
bablv the strongest man '-' in 13ritish
Colunabia. has returned to Vestinin-
t • • .ft • ' bq' nee Of sev ..i.al menthe
.iarie,e . ., ,
spent up the line dein°. -mason *erit,
for the C; R. R. Ile hase'beensurnmoned
to Chicago totake 'Part in . the 'final
heats for the tug of war championship
of the, world, and will --;pull' with_ ;tys
never -defeated Ontario team, of "which
he was formerly a member.' One of
the team was taken sick a short time
, . ,, ... . . , ., , .,
3 ' sent fer to
ago, and .macainzie was . , .
„take thessick man's place: • Whsn Mr,
Mackenzie left Westminster last spring,ilistruetive.=••
he was 8. feet 101:-. inches-% highi•,- and
weighed 240 pounds.' Now be mea-
ures 6 feet 11 inehes and weighs 257
1)0?.1h.ds, 1.,s'iih'a chest measurement of
46i inches, and though twenty -fours
years of age,is still growing. His
height ha been increased, by some
thinover an inch in - less, than two
.. _,_.„
years., r Mackenzie is a native of Hit-
Ton county, and his father as,•.as ' also
- • .. ,
CanadUln born. -"Eesi, es being one of
the; best tug of -war Men. ill, t4s, ‘world,
he is also a first class all round -athlete.'has
, He is as streight as a pine well ,, built
., , . , . ,
and betraying no awkwardnessvrt/. his
moveents-,'altogether he rn
i f h it
specmen oumany.
. .-,..
, , ,
' , 01,a;lidebOye,--
. .
The death of the la.te'bennis .Sutton
d, - ,t .1 , . t ti family•
occure . unox•peL ei a the 2
homes, ,ted, here, on the evening of Mon-
day,, Nov. e, l'he deceased' had ''detn,
Piained., “fOrthelaSt month of:. not .feel:'
ing welt, but ne.hber, his family nor his,
attendant physician atititipated fatal
results, as he. had: personally attended
tO-hiir lciitgestablished,lurriber business-
until- the Sa,turdiry precedino. his death
On that'clay lie returned: to his home,
e,xpeeting.that medicine an rest weal
effect his .recovery-. : On, Monday .ho
was..able.ito .walk.'out.and also wrote- a
business letter in the 'forenoon.' In the
. , -
,afternoori he requested his -daughter to
go to, Ialea,o for. some medicine he.
needed. -:She left;,hinr.lying on a . sofa
'apparently- /10..wersn'; . Daring her,"ab..
.sence the servant found . him-. lying
dead on his, bedroom floor. , On being
called, James Sutton, rushed' in 'froth
the .barn but fonrid his, 'father . beyond
all earthly - help. He had evidently
y - . • ..
tried to get to his bed, but .heart fail,
ure intervened anclbe was lying life:-
lesSlayhia.bed-..ayith his ,cauo in his
'baud': when teired,' ' The'shoek,'• to - t4is
fainily"was Very great; , The interment
at St. Jarnes,1Ceineter.y. ,took' place on
Wednesday . the 8th inst., and was
largely. attended. Mr. Sutton was aged
. .
.74 y ears ..and -3 months,.., and survived
his wife: the , short 'periocf,..of , ,eight
months. • , . ,
.. . „ .
succeed in g•etting, the fire exting,
aialie- ,d, : ,,' , . .,..
' . : •
., The Supply. oflitabies.
It has been computed that alum
. - • ., . , •,
' Greenway.
.• Dulutia,.:..Mifen:, Nov.c 1L -The. jury
, •A•Bad Priest lePnistied•'m g
tn the.case o Father . onnolly,
ed With cdminit.inl.>,. lane on the :peregri
of Nellie Hannon., a 17, year -O
'metal -Jet of: his parish returnei a yet
diet Of guilty..
040,000 babies are -born into the 1
, , , .
'n '.P''Itil
mere than one for eyer.; beatof
c1oek.,,,.With the onea-second ea:
tion every icedei is familiar, but
not everyone Who stops to , calc
what this inearte 's,v-hen it 'comes
m,,,. ---, -. .„ .. , .
, D. AleKehzie, teacher of .,,_Sht.pYa.
Public ,`....,,chool, spent last baturoaY and
Sabbath with Mr. George Foeter. teach'
er of school No. 10, ---The ,Yetinf; 'People
.of the Epwrirth League Will ‘Plve. a free'
entettai)linent. in 13ostOn 'MethodiSt.
Church next ,ildaY . t•velling., .They
extend a cordial invitation to the, pub.,.
p.e..!---„ma:ster Willie A. Wilson, ancl'. his,
Sister Alice visited friends ' out, near-
, , , .,
SYlyan . last •Saturday. -The Grand
Bend Circuit have arranged for a,
thanksgiving on the evenin,g
of the 23rd in the parsonage at Corbett
--=•A'nuiriber.of our 'citizens attended
the temperance meeting,' Manning
School, on the 7th. .Th.1rieeting was
Wel attended., The 'addressee by' Rev,
Mr. Knox, J. H. Ghent -'and 'Mr. ':Johii:
. . , , . , . , ,
Waterswere highly ' interesting and
Mr. George Foster'Sh.ot.',a
:fine large Wild duck .last week.—Mr
W. , J: .Stinson, of ''Ba,v, field,-'''yisite,d,
friends here'. last Friday. -S!, and F.
English returned from ,.'N,lanitoba . last,
week., They give a very unfavorable
report of the country, -A fine lot of
, . ,
Christmas. presents have just - been
opened at the Boston Store. - ,
liurell. 91.reetOrY.
-- a' In
Fatt. Rector. Sunday Services, 11
and 7 p.m. Sabbath SCh001, 3 p.. m. Holy
Communion, 1st Sunday of eaah. month at
Morning Service. and in months of five Sun-
days after Eyening•Sorvice of 4th Sunclay of
the month, Holy Baptism. on 2nd SunditY
of each Month at morning service.
atErneraer cuelioll--jam' e5-st
JACKSON Pastor.stindayServiceso.o.so a.m.,
and 6.30 p.m. Sa bbatli. School, 2,30 p. ra . -sel,a
MAIN sTaRET Rev. IV• McDoinigh, Pas-
or. Sunday Services, 1030 a.m. all'1-6.:?0 P.n.'
Sabbath School 2.30 p.m.
Pastor. Sunday Ser.vices, 11 a. In. ana 6.3o p.
tn. sa,bbatk sehool,D.45 a. m
.. ' 10.11 E'rrwg -Reeve. '
• • Reevelyeleh, Who has for years par-
riedon a large. 'produce ' trade With
• , •
.fariners at Stony Point, left hoine , ten
days ago.,. HiS.,,disappearance cansed
considerable alarm. among hie Wends,
who were unable to account for his
continued'abeence. He was finally lo-
'cated in Detroit, arid on ,Friday,.night
.vas arrested on a .charge of . em,bez-
zling1500 :from .W-illiara,Perrault. His
arrest will cause consid.erable. surprise
• ' • .. ,
among these 'who know him, as he has
been prominent in. • .public .affairs for
many' years- IN.4r. Welsh was takeh to
the -Sandvi/iCh, jail., , - ' '..--
.. .
year's supply.. It will .therefere
.. .. . .
ably startle a good litany . perSot
'find (14.1 the antherity Of a Weil. k
. .. . . . .. :, ,
statistician that.Could'the infants
year be rang.ed in a 'line in cradle
cradles would extend around the
The same writer looks at it in a
picturesque light. He imagines
babies being Ja,rried past'a given
b. m
in their other 8 arraS, one by one
the Procession being liept up nigh
day until the last hour in the -tm
- . .
menth had passed by. A sufflci
liberal rate is allowed, hirt even. t
ing past at twenty, a ininut„0,, ,20.i
hour; during tlie entire year, .siii
yie,wer at his,
. .roression.ai cards.. •
H.KINS1,1AN,L.D.S,Fanson's Block
4.474.17 tWO doors north of Carling Store
MAIN ST, EXETER, extra.ctS teeth.
without pailsEnd. in. Away at and Ilenball on, 1S't
Friday; Aa Craig on
and zurieyon last Thursday of ouch month.,
ra. H. ING-RA11,I)ENTisr, Member's:Oval
kJ. college Dental surgeons, successor to
H. L. Billings. Office over •Post Office
Exeter. Ont. A safe anaesthetic'ziven for
the painless extraction or teeth;' Fine Gold
Fillings as required.. .
. - Waar'on, the A.P.A's.
Bufiale,Nevernhei. 14. -Charges , of
conspiracy.have been.made against 75
Buffalo' eitfZeris, and will be presented
to the next:grand jury.. All of them
are alleged to be, members of the • "A-.
P. A.," the Anti Catholic secret society
which lately has taken root in Buffalo,
has established several branchee and
a news a er organ. The
already , . .p p .„,
case will be in the nature of a' test to
. . post would ,' only .„
een the sixth part ' .
s • • , of the inf,
host. In other. words the babe
had to. be carried when the tram
gall would' be able to ..w.a.a1/4- , wh
mere fraction of bis comrades
reached the _reviewer,s' post, ancl.,.,
the year s supply of babes was
trig tti a close there would' be a
guard, not of infants, but of roil
boys andgiris.
, . , ..
Drs. ,T..A.BoLLINp st T Sama.. e AMO,formerly
Residenees, ,as
OFFICES, Spackman,. buildiag,Main St.
Dr, 'Rollins' office; sanie as formerly -north
door. Dr. Amos' office, 8ame budding -•-south
door.. May 1st. 1803
T. A Rollins, M. 1). T. A. Amos, lif.1)
..na.T.E. mci,AuGHLIN, atnalBER OF
.1.., the College of Physicians andSurgeons
Ont4rio. Physician, Surgeon and Eicconch-
°tar, 'office, Dashwood, Ont.,. .'. ' ..
- -
, Varna.
The Rey. S. J. White, .evangeliet, de-
fi've' red 'a vcryinteresting. sermon .to a
.large audienCe ' on: Sunday :fereriOon
last. It being 'quarterly .servi-ce,.. a
large number of Brueefieldand GaSeh,-
en friend :Were , 'Present.. Evening
'st'rvice bein a' dispenei-?,d With, :several
of the Va.rnatitee drove to BrUeefield to
. .
attend the, special services. Which • are
being.,condneted,by the above gentle-
inan and his 'daughter. --,The church
shed. has recently received, 'a „ coat of
paint, Which adds oTeatly-to its appear
, t, . 1 . .. . . .
vince. The members are contemplating
giYing the interior Of ,the ,Chlirelr ' a
that thoroughi.. ivh, atrenovating.itrequires; ::,,,Unisdo'aitibpteid.el.s.v.
,ont in a very unbecoming' condition.--,
Our R T of T's were rather surprised
:Tuesday ey'en, ing last to find that
the ledge 'door 'securely 'nailed and
' ' - • ' - '
'everythino. around, bespoke ;the ap-
'P3111'.anee' 02!ci?osiiv:e3y119 a WI a'llee'''
the meeting had to be
• . It
,,wi or.evening, ..
dispensed with f that
that for sa.rile' time . there has
been some 'dispute as to who is the'
• - ' " • • • 'built Orr
rightful owner. The hall is
the farm of one of • our " eiitliusiastf
. . ... . . , . .
Prohibi•limiists," Who has come ,to, the
conclusion that he has the ri,,lobtful:
'owner,' consequently .he is determined,
tol)rohibit the Tetrtplars who are the
.rightful owners, froniM
mooting ' then;
EVidently there will be some troable,
about it 'before the matter is eatisfactor
ily 'settled*, -Mt. ,John Torrance , has
tlie Floppel estate, of 150 ac-
res for the sum of $9,950. ' Wo are ex-
sorrow lose 141r, Torrance
from bur midst, and particularly ftoni
• . ,
our toWnehip, as he has for Severat
' s very eatisfaetorily filled the of
year . , . ,
ficial position, cf reeve. The people , of.
Zur,ieh andvielnity will find ' hini; a
very werthy'gentleniatt..2-Mr. . Samuel
. . ,_ , „ ., , at,
Moffatt has purchased "ie 41a'rn. of .'-'''
cp ow led Da afi. A .r. hes fel t e
sum of- 3 150.-IV1r, W. johnst oti met
$ , .
With an accident on Sunday evening
last ,e9, his way teB.rucelield which re-
suli,°a111. a breakcl°wn'''' Four in a-
buggy if; rutlil,' tOu, much 117:111 .
. --'
., . • . .
,e. --,-Around About U.
A young man, who, had for some
years been a faithful. empl , ye- in this
skipped the town on .
evening. It is said he left far Denver.
Ramer has it that he ,was too intirna,' te
with a lady friend...-MitehellActrocat,e.
. - .• ,• •
Rey. J.T. Korrin, of Bayfield, who
has liyed four years in the ,.Argentine
.Republie, is ie. deliver a lecture in
Staffa on Tuesday evening the 31st
inst on "Life in South America." The
., , . .
-Rey Mr Hodgins, of Seaforth, is a .
to he present and address ,the meeting.
' - -
ma:. sam,',T .Latta, PrincipalOf . tit:ye
Public School, Zurich, taken
surprise, ori Friday fortnight, when
about fifty of Ins pupils and. ex-.PliPils
took. PoggesSioll of his house and pre-
sented him with an arm -chair and Mrs.
•ITjeadttbavwal'itchelna oseiltialtitaurtvYea''ddaereesersraf 7,-ae.xii:
1 • , • - . . ' . ,
pressive 'of the high esteem in which,
thev'are held by the pupils,
s,' . ' .
Mr. J. L. Patterson, of tucknow,,has
,on exhibition' twelve monster potatoes.
The cloven potatoes together -weigh 21
pounds, and the largest one weighs 21
pounds. They are if the Catnie varie-
ty, and were grown by , Mr, Wilson
EaalesoO' of the 12th concession of
Ashflold, Mr. Eagleson had three acres
of these potatoes planted and expects
to, have about five hundred bushels. •
Dr. Niemeter Of Tavistock pe,rformed
, t-
a very Clever ope,ra io,!,1, On the ertsion
of Mrs, R Woon, t. aaarys, recen y.
She had a sudden attack of what 3:0-
. - '
peared to abe inflammation of ,the
bowels, and growing worse the do.ctor
WaS sent fel:" He succeeded i'n reinov-
ing'from the abdomen a goose bone of
‘'in 'loch and a half,,°r tw''),I.ong' As the
patient ' as euffesinsr at ' intervals in
w, . o .
the same way for. many years, the sup-
position 18that
yehaerbsonge Ow, amrss,wawliodwon-
has ta6oyered stich.,ctaatiy 4, , b.s ,ahaut
• ''T/IIEVING Tottans•-Fon,r. of, ..thera,
faced tiitiaway into W, ,a, ,,,,noy.d's
kakery ,Is.st Sunday evening' and car-
ried off several boxes' of cigars. . We
tl ' 1 der wae no
are infottned that le 213 ,
lose it personage than 'Buns Castle
.but theinanies at the ()there , We have
t learned. 'They made their way to
no , .,, .
f h r - said
Setitorth'(Wheye some .0 ,, t orn.tt, e . . ,
o ' . ' , -Ind': W.el'e oire rtaken.
t ha'l frenl.) '
The. paid for What they stole, A tent
inf•P°Lliten,tiar.v,, , which 'will -Spoiler . or
later come, Will teaeli , those incOrrig'-.
ible. y, autbs a life -lesson., AlI of thent
are old enotigla teltneW hetOri•-'--News
.an o triton from the. courts
, . p
'whether! this.societY within . the
---------"'"---------- •
Legal. -
scopeofa crinamal conspiracy and .its
litera.,tute: Tinder the bail of the laW, as
Matter tenth:no'. to Incite riot.
- s'
CEEWS.-Ill Exeter North, on the
' inst., the, wife of Thomas Crews
. dauoltet • •
.i_vu• ' OR, Conveyancer, Notary Piiblic.
Office -Over O'Neil's 13ankiElteter,Ontari'o;
Money to Loan. ' , • .:,. :,
, ,
' 1 •
West liolTillivray,
Mr..Wm..Dauncey,, who , was very'
, ..' . '
low, is slowly improyin.-The diply.
'theria epidemic which ' was ' prevalent
,. . „ i- . '
here bas subsided. ---,Mr. Sanford Bald-.
win, Who'spent the suranier in 'Mani-
tuba, hasiarriVe'd bo' hie' aiii,i. .'i , ,sop,;..!•,
*hat Under the weather. ,... ,„, .,
,,, ,
. .-„aa-
• 'Which pied .171.rt ?
Battle Creek; •Mick., 'Nov, 14;-A
curious question has -arisen with re
ALtrso'at.-In Usberne,. (Thames :
, on thel5th inst., the wife• of
Allison, of a : daughter.:T
--'-'"------------ •Pt
preme Court, Notary Public, Con-
voyancer,CominiSsioner,"&O.MOneyto loan.
ofticeFemsolveBlock,Exeter.' .
(rard- to the death of Clu.rles S. Saxe
and his wife` two New York State vict-
.. ' ' -. .. •
ims of the recent disaster on the Clii
cago and 'Grand Trunk. Mr. Saxe left
two 6himren. , If Saxe died first the
wife's relatives will get the pro,pertY,
which iS very large;. but if Mrs Saxe
diedfirst the husband's heir's win , be
ii• ..,.. i .
Bursorr.-In Stafra, on the. '9th
Mrs. Rebecca Butson, aged 51
a .._d 8_ inouhs. . .
soic.-Ik: B• rucefield, on Nov.
Sia:RiPev. J. R. Simpson, aged
ed 40 ye;
.12.1 itors, ConVeyapeers. Sze.
- . -0,3,,-----7---- .--.-'
' 003214111110a,ti0.31,
' ' i"' 6'1, ,..
.-..... ,
TT BuoWN,Winchoisea... Lioonsoq Allot-
i. it . ioneer for the Counties of Perth and
Middlesex, also for the township oftrsborne
Rados promptly, attended to and terms rea-
sonbul e.Sale8 arranged. at Post office. Win-
't p
' li_e, 11,1,a. .;; b
Siu:-,-, , .. ..:3 .,
I noticed an item in $t ,.
regard to that farmers.,h.Oi.se*,,b.',Conscquently
'fi."• did ''not'•il' 4-
the first place we, i - .-... a,0,..,...: 0
horse out of the shed as :StEitedit-',40id .appears,
seeond it did not cost us five :dollars
' . •
each, and we were not Up befoie Squire
13. uehanan either. ' N the
Now e reasan we
sent the horse home,•was that this same
farmer is inthehabit of cominc,o' to
town and'leavino. his horse 'tied to ' a
,., .
post in, front of the hotel for_hours, while
he is inside geto. filledinup.. so we
thought we woulcrteach . him a. lesson
.by sending his horse home without him
By publishing this in your next issue
will- - ' .purclineed
you, oblige. .
' '. ONE OF TIIE Boys.
' .ceedin„aly
in luck The supposition is that both
• . .
died instaneouslv, although the bus-
band'sheirs will'ar Tie that the wife
was first to succumb. A long contest
in the New York courts is in prospect,
.o, wer
4 - „ ee.ts
VI . .
n 10xita i ,, tie:.
.E B°ssENBEB:RY'Re. sal r °-
. erised Auctioneer tor tile Counties of
Huron and 'Perth.. Charges moderate Ancl.
iatisfaction guaranteed.
Mfr. 7, Kos. Gibsoit's Opponent. '-
Brussels, Nov, 14.—The East Riding
of Huron Conservative Assi)hciation...-
held their Meetiflg in the town all to -
day to nominate their representative
for the Local Legislature. There was
a good representation oldeleoates. Af-
the usual yr utine business the elec.
boo of a candidate was up. The un -
amnions choiee was. E. L. Dickinson,
Esn bartister, of Wiriodiam. He was
"'' ' ' ' r' ' • • '".•
the solid choice of the convention Mr.
Mailer M P. P. was in attendance.
st;0110' 'SPE:eheS 'W(31.°
Faare'w,'ex-M. p., Mr. Martel' M. P., P.,
1 13. B G Te 'ance was
aod A a. . erry. mpei
fully. taken up, as well as . other pro-
vincial issues. The meeting was very
pronounced in favor of Mr. Dickinson.
.At • • - • •
-A • 9
1 illii 111
w • _._ 41-
e have pin the knife
good and deep. See prices'
• Ladies' Mantles worth
02 $2,00; Ladies' 3,1antles'
P. ... , .. ,.
•-c,', *.1.00 for $3,00:,' Ladies'
as . , . 0
5. liose7;,0 • ' '
rth 25 cents
imicia , iw,aocrit.iiels,35beltasci;or c2aoshemtse,.;res
. .
for 1
' 1Land.
B.EL.-siv.PARN0q4B,.1?royineia, ,
'er kljoeYfgere" a, nmaftiPnlYsereEotn,g.neeteeti, Oar'
., /
ate Western Fire Assurance CeinPanYi '
of Toronto
The Phconix Fire insurance Co'y.,
. , of Lon.don, England
The Alliance Fire Assurance. Co'va ,' '
of London, Vn-gland
Offloo:=-Main-street,E7reter, Ont.
(Changed every Weamesde,y)
.eat per bushel...-. $0.56 tu0.58
'ley- ............ '' 35' to at
' . '
as.-- • • • • • • • • • • • , , • • .50 to 51
atter ...... .,..........a .8- to 2/
' 18 i•
,r,,,ird.-,„.. „ „ ., ....... , ' .0 14
Egge ,... . . '..... ...... ..'.. . ' le
Chlcicell Per lb • -- ,.... • • ...,7. • ! t. o '6
Geese,.........: ...... , ..., ', , '6',
Turkeys.. ....'.... ........... .8
Dlicks, per Pair...,...,.... ..;50 to 60•
Pork ..'• . I a .... 'a.. • a aa ,.. 7.00 to 1 ,20
Potatoes‘por 0113 ... , .. .... ' 86 to 40
Hay per ton .... - 6.00 to 7b:?;
. -
Mr. E. C. Steele, P. 1.,,- S., of Toronto,
is on a visit to the rectory for a, few
4aysi.—Old Mr. Ballantyne, near Win.'
chelgea; is verY 'PoorlY' and suffering.
from an .3,ttaek of .rheumatisni.-Holy
Commanion was a ministered in - st,
Pani s 1 • n Sunday .. .
anl a e lin ch e.,1ast. to a, lal <re
tie Esq., has. been lately .appointed a
juStide of the, Peace. -Mr. , ,R,- Beattie
-had the misfortune to fall off a load of
lumber near hie new,' hens° and - broke
nig . thigh -bone Ile is Under Dr. ThOmp.
seri'.crire.L.-The grain: threshers 'are
about through. with their seasoilla weak
and report at least a full „average re-
turn of cro s' with la t ' •
p wi s year.— e ae--
Th S
ran:Unit ,was 'ad,ministered last Sunday
iti,tlie Stone Church (Pte.sbyterian.)
The 'e 8 e b th O l' d
. „I . was etvi e '0 m r iing.' an
' - ' ' '
ey. enlog, ... , ,.. •
A _Little Girl(Ranged.
Niagara Fall, Ont., November 13.--,
,A peeriliarly'ead and tragic fate met a
little fout-year old mild here a day or
e . and. which has ust come to
11411t. 'Lizzie Scott was the . viethri's
irame,,the daughter a Mr: & is Jehll
Scott. She was playing, 'in the yard
with r a
The lhelittle brother about sWing.
ittlo boy starLed.for the house ,- to
get an a,pple,'the little girl called after
hint . ,,L,Brg irM one, to,o,,"_ In a, few.
teernenta the lad returnod, but, to- li is
horror tie saw hie little sister hanging
, , .
in the air suspended under' the neck. by
' ' . ' 11 rushed tO her. aml
the awing rope, • 0 .,
lifted 'her off the rope, and her lii ei ess
body. fell from,hlgbah.d.s• to the greund.
Mediezil.aid.Wae Sinturioned, hut t.he
11ttil 0Ust1LYUU0d,UsaatillIYIUT,',b.„?.t1traa. g:
.70.,.' Itle:v1°r0e0163ex,e:eltilcSisrl.11():°:/1111.0.tlacieu'icil't106:10f0e'soni;2Ls2111,:91ia5,e'liielt.s,(:.(1)11
heavy anholette Worth 'a
f -i. for 15 cts,i 1 Pleeo of groY
c'" n61 at.5 cts per yard. Do
h dre88 00eis .worth
,.,...-tl. Widt,r,!
'''' for 115 et. . Great 'slsnedit
1:7. , , ,,., ,,, ,
T.* drp.gg goods all thTough,
6.o o ' ' • r
1.., of bd _oal_l for 2,5 cis, 0, ,,9
cy Japan tea 35 cts-quality'
Az „t,,,,,,,t , i. , 3
e+ ''''' `-'"` ° 'a wa u°1•11•!' a°a1
0 Dress. trimmings world)
, ,, for 15 cts. .1:joys' suits '
VI' $5 50 for 8.50'. ' 'Yoti 66n
. 2 to $3 on a snit or ()Vent
, inen, iltust be ;7.4old.
. , ,,,
r.„. . d,,,„,, 4,4, 4,-- week .
' i'- r i'll u7f, •jul twu '''
TERMS:,Cash: or Pro
' •
, nty-, of oi, byx,,,d.' '
srs.. O'Hara & Co., Stock, and
Debenture Bro`sters, membere Toronto
,Stook'xchaligg, 21 , Toronto Street,
nave, just completed the .pnrehase•' Of
.0 . fC ' ' ' f ' 0 'f rd
0155,0 0 o the ounty a . .x o .
bands,:payable in twenty.cqual. A411.1181
• t e . 1 a .1 4 ., . y • '
inetal n nts, )e i ng pal cent ,
- ' etillY•
TlleSe bonds' were issued for the pas„,
ing'for 'the erection °f '' the ila'"eetile
County 'building' in Woodstock, , Messrs,
H, O'fiara & Co., have, diSposed ef these
bende to clients in Great Britain to
Plse's noinaty• for Catarrh Is the
est, BriSiest. lc. Title; Shtl 'cheapest.
, t- - •
arc i,,.a
, .,.......
sold by druggists or sent by min,
4M. E. T. llazaktine. Witeren.'Pit, '.
A Ot117eritioxi,tt,Ent46 littt6rt,' Conser-
'Yatitiu, S Will be' 'held' -iit :Brusaels,'. on
Tuesillv /loci to uotUinE.to it candidate'
. The Supi'erne '.0ciiirt Ilas—fint.S/18. d: the
ontarie list arid adionined, Until' No
yU8lU ttizn 4per cen .y 041' y.
• a.
it to
11 for -
Se r6-
r itt
, and
n, ex-
.ed so
draw -
ns of
g at
con -
I are
stop -
t 3Gr
te or
it is
to a.
Prot •
of a '
s, the
, and,
t and
t go-
re -
h aye
i p-
en a
ping "
,o a
0 for
an -
7 ets;
flan -
5 ets
or in.
10e -
5 et*
at for