HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-11-30, Page 35Awards presentations were made at the First Goderich Girl Guide group recently. Among those girls receiving special awards were, left to. right, front, Heather Brander, Kim Brady, me !Igor uumop women's institute, completed a fund-raising campaign recently 'and supplied Alexandra Marine and General Hospital with, the necessary 'funds to expand .their Nursing Students' Library. The money provided went into books and tape cassettes: Left, Mrs. Charity McDonald, the Paula Butler and Susan Richer. Back, Pat Scaman, Sheila O'Brien and Marion Melick.' (staff photo) hospital's uirector ort nursing, accepts the material' ,nom in- stitute members, Mrs. Eric Reaburn, Mrs. Edward Mon- tgomery, Mrs. Tait Clark and Mrs. Richard Buchanan. (staff photo) Recently St. Mary's School conducted a "Sghrnera � '+ to harp Ignites a ter their Aubin arI, riff o rig raise funds for the Cystic Fibrosis Campaign. The group who Lucie Turc operated <,f he pr' f'ecf were successful in raising $324.00. All roerourt FIRE IN5URANCE s.., .Phime MALCOLM 'MAlNERS GENERALaINSURA.NCE AGENT 46 WEST ST, ' 624.9442 Davies, Rita staff photo) DENOM WORK BOOTS WORK CLOTHES' .TOOLS PET SUPPLIES OINOMMIrS HAMILTON STREET' GODERICH Industrial i Gar d�iSsppIies FARM & GARDEN SUPPLIES A COMPLETE PEST & WEED CONTROLS 524 8761 sl Dear .AnnLanders X am get' ting fed up. with .. lh aring. all Souther. ners Iumpe together and described: as , bigots, red- necks, racists, etc. A recent reader wrote: "People in the South will be very distressed; to, learn that in a few years. °ti population of the will' .be . predominately brown." Where was desegregation` fought .most vehemently? It wasn't Columbia, S.C., it was Pontiac, Mich.. Where is the Moose lodge that refuses to ad- mit black members? It isn't Jackson, Miss., it's' Harrisburg, Pa.. Where were the worst riots of all? Not in Montgomery, Ala., but in a suburb of Los Angeles called Watts. And who • can forget the destruction in Detroit, Omaha, Chicago., and Cleveland? We Southerners are not the ignoramuses portrayed on television. People who have preconceived notions about us are the REAL ignoramuses. Theyought to come down here and look us over. They'd learn something. From Tennessee Dear Tenn: You speak the truth. Prejudice is qot a matter of geography, and it never was. There are and always have been bigots in the North and liberals in the South, and, the North seems to have its full, share of bigots these days; Dear Ann Landers: Our neighbours lost a young boy in a - .tragic accident recently: There. were 'drugs involved and other nasty complications. My husband and 1 went. . to their home that very night to sit with the heartbroken parents. Very few people outside of their small family showed up. The following night --same thing: Af- ter the funeral many people stopped by the :house following the services, but no one stayed more than a few minutes. 'I have seen several mutual friends and neighbors since the tragedy and I came right out and - asked where they were --why didn't they show up to express. condolences? They all gave the same excuse --"We didn't know. what to say." Fpr .the love of God, Ann,, tell these people that's the poorest excuse in the world for staying away when friends have trouble. Noone expects them to SAY anything: All they have to do is be there. Thank you.---Half- Mast Heart Dear H.M.: I have expressed this same sentiment when readers have asked me what to say, when they go to a funeral home or call on a bereaved - family. Thank you for providing 'the with an opportunity 'to say once again that Our presence is the music, you don't need the words. Dear Ann Landers: Here's another grateful mother who When You Shop Say ... ISAW. IT IN THE SIGNAL. 1 Wrote 'to thank you for ciob- bering motoreypies `iii you column recently,'Sp often .yo say the samec,things We °parents• say, but somehow it:sounas dif ferent from Ann L.anders. Cur I5 -year old daughter, Karen, '-Was visited` •bye .:aa old . . boy friend, Frank; who; arrived with another buddy, both on the buddy's motorcycle, .Karen asked me if she could let Frank give tier a ride. I had just read your column on the dangers of motorcycles and I said "No!" The three huddled briefly and 1 caught wind of Frank's little plan. Karen could meet them two. blocks frbm our home and have her little, ride and I'd never know. I then heard Karen say, "No–I wouldn't do that." Frank blew up and yelled, "Same old Karen! No cheating! No lying! No nothing!" How proud. I was of that child. And thankful to you, too, Ann. You gave this mother the backing she needed and it meant a great deal. --Boca Raton Dear Boca: Bravo for I}ilren and congratulations to you for refusing to be a , collapsible mother. Glad f ,ham put some r itarchr in your .spine' dear, e ^ a THE GOOSE THAT L A /D'' THE GOLDEN EGG, ,HAS NOTHIAfG ON THE NIDD -ERN BR/CK LAYER LIONEL'S SUNOCO At The Five Points ,Licensed Mechanic Repairs to 'all Makes VION couxTr BOARD Of EDUCATION Graduate McMastar and' U. of Toronto Active ,in.:North St. Unlfs Church ---r Lions Chairman Campaign — A Harbouraire ..�.::Membar rof. Goderich Pay. Care .committee — Member of Huron Chapter of Royal Arch .Masons �- Retired (Aug. '72) ..School:. Superintendent BRING AN EDUCATOR'S VIEWS TO BOARD DECISIONS For effective, experienced represen7otteir on your Huron Perth Separate SchooI Board Remember sixpence buys four big oranges, (ROB 4I3C ) Make up your own way to remember your code. Then send it to your friends. POSTFIL CODE or the better tlifrigs in lik. 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