HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-11-30, Page 284, G ICH SIGNAL- "AL, Tl1l,IR
NQ EMBER 30, T,72
The Federated Wonen's .In•
at4tute Of Ontario met this week
At the, 'Ring Edward , Hotel,
Toronto, November 20th - 24th
inclusive. 32 Board Directors of
24 sub -divisions attended. Mrs.
- . Harvey' Noblitt, president of
FWIO, presided for all sessions..
She reported attending her firs
reel meeting of the
Federated, Women's Institute of •
, Canada, There are 560,000
1'nembers across Canada. She
attended all 14 Area Conven-
tions. across Ontario along with
Miss Helen McKercher, Director
of the Home Economics branch,
Ministry of Agriculture and
y would like to call on you with
"housewarming gifts" and., in-
formation about your new
location. The Hostess will be
glad to arrange your subscrip-'
.tion to . the Signal -Star •
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Cali "ger et 524-9525
onto event
Miss 'MiKercher, in her ad-
dress, extended a welcome to the,,
eight new Board directors.
About 3500 Women's Institute
members. attended the Area con.
ventions, She suggested giving
support to the Associated Colin,
trywomen of the . World; by
becoming contributing members,
County Hone Economists are
available to help with
suggestions for Senior W.I.
programs, as well as their
recognized work with . 4-
H Homemaking clyb work.
The sec.-treas. Mrs. Wm. G.
Miller, Highland Creek, said
there are 1,306 branches of W.I.
in Ontario with a membership of
30,759. There were more than
7,140 piews of. mail—from 120.0
Bay Street Office, but this does
not include large mailing done
by the Home Economics branch
of Ministry of Agriculture and
Mrs. Harvey Houston,
Lucknow; Public Relations Of-
ficer, gave highlights of W.I. ac-
tivity. It has been an .exciting
year with the celebrations of the
75th Anniversary of the foun-
ding at all levels. Women's In-
stitute projects totalled
$20,502.00; Educational projects
$77,227.00; Community
educational° $22,060; Com-
munity health projects
$44,874.00, to mention only a
few of many worthwhile
projects. The W.I.help in many
* ways to help beautify halls,
parks, libraries and other con -
Here's a great way to put your money to work:
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cerns of local level.
Mrs, Noblitt reported on, the
Associated Countrywomen of
the World Council meeting in
London, England. Ontario have
4500 contributing members"
ACW membership around the,
world is 7,819;178. Mrs, Austin
Zoeller, resolution convener,
dealt with . correspondence in
connection with resolutions
passed at the spring board
meeting. First. year • board
Member Mrs. James BthJ,
Brighton, was elected to the
Resolutions committee. Mrs.
Calvin Carmichael, Ilderton
was elected to the
Scholarship committee. Board
Directors of Grey -Bruce Area,
Mrs Etnke, flanouer, ,, Mrs,.
Muluske, Chesley and Mrs. E.
Urstadt, Owen Sound presented
an amusing and original skit on
"How to get new members."
An interesting report of the
Junior Women's Institute of On-
tario was given by Mrs. William
Kloestra, Niagara Falls, and
Mrs. Frank Sknli. Fnnthill. The
Erland Lee Homestead is now
the property of FWIO and much
discussion followed" as. to the
best use to make of this
property. By the spring of 1973 it
shall be ready to receive visitors.
Mr. Lee was the co-founder of
Women's Institute with Mrs.
Adelaide Hunter Hoodless.
Provincial conveners, Mrs.
John Hermansen, Mrs. Lowell
C. Eller, Mrs: Brock Suddaby
and Mrs.Fred Watty presented
reports on Thursday, Mrs.
Noblitt reported' that the
F.W.I.C. Convention will . be
held in Banff, .LAlberta,_ Iune of
'1973. The Honourable Wm. A.
Stewart, Minister of Agriculture
and Food, entertained the
F.W.I.O. to. dinner at the Royal
York Hotel Thursday evening,
in the Territories Room.
The session adjourned,. on
Friday noon. The Board Direc-
tors come from all parts of the
province of Ontario.
Free recipes
for tomatoes
"Nifty Thrifty Tomatoes", a
recipe booklet prepared by food
specialists of the Ontario
Ministry of Agriculture and
Food, contains many
suggestions for brightening up
meals with the flavor and color
of tomatoes. All the recipes have
been tested and are inexpensive
and quick to prepare.
Free copies of this booklet are
available from the Information
Branch, Ministry of Agriculture
and Food, Parliament
Buildings, Toronto, Ontario,
The Huron County Social Services Coordinating committee
made public their findings this week from a survey conducted
earlier this year through their organization and the Local
Initiatives Program. The survey' set out to review social ser-
vices and needs in the area and turned up many surprising
and interesting aspects. Among the organizers of the program
were, left to right, standing, , Rev, Garwood Russell of
Goderich, Children's ,Aid Society director Bruce Heath and
Provincial Social Services representative Marvin Streich of
Wingham. Seated is Mrs. Isobel MacDonald of the committee
who headed up the survey. (staff photo)
"Own choice" licence
plates issued by mail
After December 1, most of this' the first
11,600 Ontario motorists who will be
applied for "own choice" licence The
plates will receive their 1973 use for
registration through the mail
from the Ministry of Transpor-
tation and Communications.
Confirmation of the
availability of the special num.-
bers has been sent to those
motorists who have reserved
own choice plates and all
requests will be filled before the
February 28, 1973 deadline.
To apply for their 1973
registration, holders qf own
choice reservations are required
to send to• the special plate of-
fice, Macdonald' Block, Queen's
Park, M7A 2A2, the appropriate
fee, the completed application
for 197:3 vehicle registration,
proof of insurance, and the con-
firmation letter. Own choice ap-
plications will not be ,accepted
at local licence"issuing offices.
The annual fee for 1973
registration is $40 for an 8 -
cylinder vehicle, $32 -for ' -
cylinder vehicles and $23 for
vehicles with 4• or less cylinders.
Licence plates will go .on ;sale
to the general public December
1 at 285 licence issuing offices
throughout the province and for
time multi-year plates .._validation hi subsequent years
accomplished by means of a
style plate will be in sticker attached to the lower
to 5 years with right-hand' corner of the plate.
Ctm OlAY
as ng
going deaf?
Chicago, Ill,— A free rifler of
special -,interest to thosa who
hear bot do not understand
words has been announced by
Beltone, A non-operating model
'of the smallest'B.eltone aid ever
made will be given absolutely
free to. anyone answering this
Try it to see how it is worn
in the privacy of your own
home without cost or obligation
of.anykind. It's yours to keep,.
free. It weighs less than a third
r.f an dunce, and it's all at ear
level, in one unit. No wires lead
from body to head.
Th'ese.,model ,are freeez so we
suggest you write for yours
now. Again, we repeat, there is
no cost, and certainly no obli-,
gatioih. Write to Dept, 9128,
Beltone Electronics Corp., an
W. Victoria, Chicago, Ill. 60646...
Small Weddings.
Large Weddings -•
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Outdoor or Studio shots at same price
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If you're looking for some
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