HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-11-30, Page 25�RI Y REV The majority vote on the part of abolitionists or the string of countries favoring.the abolitioa^t gam, of Capital Punishment does not, change the faa of the divinely established law , on this vital issue. . Are we to accept the Vague' philosophical system that makes a fetish of the idea that the taking . of life is wrong, under every circumstance, and fails to distinguish adequately between. killing' and murder, between punishment and crime or that. which saith, "Thus saith the Lord?" Many who oppose, capital punishment make a strong argument from the sixth com- mandment: "Thou' shalt not kill" .(Ex. 20:13) but they fail to note the. commentary on that commandment' which follows; "Whoever strikes a man so' that he dies shall be put to death ... if a man wilfully attacks another and kill him treacherously, you shall take him from my altar that he may die. (Exod. 21:12,14). Read Leviticus 24;17. Num- bers 35:30=34 goes into more detail. on the subject: "If any one kills a person, the murderer shall be put to death on the evidence of •witnesses. But no person shall be put to death on the testimony . of one witness. Moreover you shall accept no ransom for the life of a mur- derer who is guilty of death; but he shall be put to death." It is faulty exegesis to take a verse of scripture out of its con- text, and `` interpret it without regard to its .qualifying words and this is what the retentionist does when using the 6th.'com- manament. The teaching of the New Testament is in harmony, with the Old Testament Matt. 5:21-2 'presents Christ as speaking of hate and murder. It is evident the Master Teacher was not • condemning the established law, of capital punishment but was actually, saying that "hate" deserved capital <punishment. Jesus was not advocating doing away with capital punishment but urging His followers to live above the law so that law and punishment could • not touch ' ' them: o live above the law is not the same as abrogating it. Indeed, there is not a hint of in- dication in the New Testament that laws should be changed to make it lenient for the wrong doer. Before the Great Deluge when God set a mark upon Cain as a warning to any man who would seek to avenge Abel. What was the result? Did the warning fill the people with abhorence or did it act in just . the opposite way? Yes, indeed, it did. Before you read to the end of the chap- ter in which Cain's murder • is recorded you find Lamech. Cain's great grandson, not only committing murder but boasting of his foul deed to his two -wives. The story goes on from bad to worse until the violence upon" the earth is such that God deter- mined to destroy the whole race Free copies of one of the world's most quoted newspapers Judged the most/air newspaper in the U.S. by - profess.ionallou.rnal.ists themselves. A leading international daily. One of the top three newspapers in the world according to journalistic. polls. Winner of over 79 major awards in the last five years, including three Pulitzer Prizes. Over 3000 news- paper editors read tiro;- II11SiER'S $TUDY LIONARDWARR Victoria. Street Beranlifilr United Church •r by a flood. Are we islet'then to' see some very, definite • connec- tions between the God -given -in- stitution ve n -i n stitution oT the. death penalty pronounced immediately after the flood and violence and num- der u which' cause- the :..,flood? Would you not' say that in -the light of Caine reprieve and the subsequent 'spate of murders that the purpose "of the death penalty was definitely preven- tative, It is also, rather suggestive. that God has just been telling Noah to be fruitful and to f multiply and to replenish the earth and on top of this He'gives a solemn warning as to the fate of the murderer. In the case of a murder trial the attention of the public and both the evil and the consequen- ces of the crime are too often' lost . sight of. Take a hypothetical case; A man comes home to find his wife dying in a pool of blood (this 'being the result of a murderous act com- mitted by another party). Demented with grief he loses his reason. Both parents cut off, the children are thrown on the care of relations, themselves "finan- cially embarassed. Taken away from college, their future prospects blighted, the .children soured and embittered are sent forth into the world to. poison' every strain of society with which they mix, The . r. epercussions of this M . crime ' notatin s are , infinite' and eternal yet a blinded public can- not see beyond the .unhappy plight of the prisoner in the deck; and . they demand a mitigation of 'the . riurderer'u sentence. They .demand his reprieve, • The family, however, think differently. They demand: soli. factionf, and they have a right to dernand it and if they do not get it, they may well take the law 'in their own hands and lynch law might well replace constitutional law. The truth is that justice and mercy are mutually' exclusive. A merciful. judge is an unjust judge, because if justice is mitigated, it cannot strictly speaking be justice. There's talk of "creative outlets" for expression of frustration and anger but is not clear on what kind of outlets. The Church, the Body of Christ has enough to do. to evangelize and . educate society to live above the law and positively to influence society to high and noble living by maintaining a wide margin between right and wrong. The Word of God is our rule of faith and practice. The death penalty is not one more violent reaction to violent action it is a' divinely instituted reac- tion because of the God-given sanctity of hunnan. life. To JRESE FARREIL Yea' though t walk through the valley • of the shadow of death, t shall fear no evil. for Thou art with me. —23rd Psalm - GERTRUDE HATTIE MITCHELL A funeral service ,.was held from the Strasbourg, Saskat- chewan United Church on November 10 for the late Ger- trude Hattie Mitchell who died November 8 suddenly at her home. Mrs. Mitchell was 85 years of age. The service' was Conducted by Rev. M. McEilhin- ney. ,a Mrs. Mitchell' was born March 23, 1887 near Benmiller, Ontario. She married Claude Marshall Mitchell in 1904 and resided near Benmiller until moving west in 1912. They made their home at Bulyea, Gibbs and finally Strasbourg. She was predeceased by her husband Claude in 1934 and a daughter, Laverne in 1968. She is survived by two sons, Bill and Norval of Strasbourg, two daughters (Margeurite) Mrs. Martin Spelli°scy, Calgary, (Marjorie) Mrs. David Black of Saskatoon, 10 grandchildren, 13 great grandchildren, one .sister, Mrs. Minnie Ri'ddel of Saskatoon, and one , brother William Naegle of Toronto. . Active pallbearers were —areorge' Riess,- Fred French,. leg Bracken, Arnold Ginther, Sher- man Harvey and Fred Green. Honorary bearers were ' J.R. Renwick, R.F. Currie, Tom Un- derwood, David Weimer, G. Gessner and Adam Erhardt. Arrangements were in care of Lee Funeral ` Horne of Regina. Interment was in Crescent Road Cemetery, Strasbourg. sx ,.cOKRfis RR STAP4 alglais. /�1/Ma.. t►`Iseil. ar�lt'tr cHICA/9, 1`t 0144 *OW PEACE ON EARTHS' • When Christ was born .of. Mary. the angel's praised God and, sang "Glory. to Go 1 1r the higher, ,Ina oil 69( 01 peace, good will toward tt ri "ILtike 2:14). This, glad carol of the ange'is ' seems farther from the truth today than it ever was, and as a result many have become cynical' ' and have concluded that the Bible is not, true, that the angel's song 'was but a pleasant, hopeful thought. Those who feel this way don't,know their Bibles very well, though, or they would know why we.have such unrest today, instead of peace. Our Lord was indeed the long - promised King, through, whom His people and the whole world were to enjoy peace and true prosperity. John the Baptist appeared as the King's herald. The twelve apostle's went forth "preaching the gospel,, of the kingdom" (Matt. 4:23), The four Gospel records are filled with proofs and demonstrations of Christ's royal rights. But the King was rejected, as God has prophe- sied He would be at His first ad- vent (I Pet. 1:11). Over His cross Pilate placed a sign; saying: "This, is Jesus, the King of .the Jews." T a f then, the •Kiriis , a kora Ex le from the world' over which He s ould be reigniftg. Is it strange'. ,then, that we do snot yet enjoy peace on earth. The second Psal.rn sce of the nations deand ribtheisr rulersthefolly in ignoring this basic fact and pre- dicts that God will laugh, as it were, at their &erision as they seek to run the world without His Son. Thank God, this period of Christ's rejection is'alsoa wonder- ful period of grace. When sin had risen to its height, God saved Saul. of Tarsus, the leader of the world's rebellion against Christ, and sent him forth to proc.la.im ''tire go: pal of the grace of. Gad" (Acts 20:24), the good news that "Christ died for our sins," and that any sinner may be reconciled to God by faith in "Christ. This is why the Bible calls the divine administration under which we are living "the dispensa- tion of the grace of God" (Eph. 3:2),.So, while "peace on earth" awaits a future day, we may novv have "peace with Good, through our tor' Jesos Christ" (Rom. 5:1). Ch�ngiof name for new church Last April the three religious denominations planning a union, thought they had come up with a name for the new church; Buttheir minds have been changed by reaction from the grass roots. ' At the tenth meeting of the General Commission on Church Union, . representing the Anglican, United, and Christian (Disciples of Christ; Churches, Church of Canada was chosen as the name to be recommended to the,, participating denominations. As a result of critical com- ments from members of the three churches, the General Commission at its eleventh meeting recently in Port Credit, decided to recommend a change in name to Church of Christ Tri' Canada. Actually, Church of Christ i ►k.' Canada , was one of the names'. considered at' the earlier meeting but'it was passed up at that time in favour of Church of Canada (without, the article the). According to the two Executive Commissioners of the General Commission, Canon ,Ralph . R.: Latimer and Revs Monitor. Just send us your ,name and address and we'll mall you a , few free -.copies of the Monitor without obligation. • ..MINN II11 t.tr..tt.i--_. • PiettseiPt1)it, �.. 1 • Warne, 1 Address City,, 1 State 1 M 1 �, Zip .__ M al 'TIIE Q}RJ'S'I'IAN SCIENCE 1 MONITOR. 1 Bis 125, Mttr Station 1 Beaten'', Maali'achut etta 02123 " 1 :IsrA li riiM pot sixt±itii rwrt wts rww trtN tttir so' d SUNDAY DECEMBER 3 THE DECISIONS WILL SING REV. CLEVE WINGER WILL $PEAK AT Westfield Fellowship Hour - 2 p.m: HuR0N;, MEN'S CHAPEL, AubUrn - 8 p.m.• • _ ALLWELCOME VOTE AS YOU LIKE .„ BUT VOTE �. •V arty the fact that there's a warm welcome for all at the Huron Men.'s Chapel, Auburn and Westfield Fellowship Hour. my Christ has the answer to your problem., The Bible, we believe from cover to cover. E , ternify --. Hare you made plans for it? . WISE I MENEN yARE STILL SEEKING HIM Evil Prevaiisir When Good Men Do Nothing Robert B. Craig, Church of Christ in Canada. •"doesn't have a territorial designation."' They ,point out that it is an ecumenical name and has been used by union churches in other countries. The meeting in Port. Credit November 13-16, took into ac- count the comments from church members and the• news media since February, 1971 when the Plan of Union - First Draft, had been submitted. The document ,has now been referred to a revision committee and will be submitted for interim ap- proval by the executive of the General Commission and then, hopefully, to the executive com- mittees of the three churches at a joint. meeting in February, 1973. The . Plan of Union will them besent. to the. membership of the three churches for final approval.' LritIs from eta Lion ggknown ,forlts various important charitable under- takings •in the community Neta Theta (Goderich) Chapter of - Beta Sigma Ph'. Sorority this g I o ty year is lending its `wholehearted support to the fight against the Nation's, most serious 'health problem _ ; painful°, crippling ar- thritis, it was announced• this. week by Mrs. Gerald Feagan, President of the local Chapter. "Here is a disease that effects more people than heart, cancer, tubercolosis and diabetes com- bined and for the past several years The Canadian Arthritis. and Rheumatism Society has been, providing its professional home -care services to many in this community and district, af- flicted with arthritis, and atno cost to the patient. Because we feel that citizens of Goderich should share in the cost of the Arthritis Society's program of patient care, ' research and , professional education we are undertaking this community health services project in the hope that our sponsorship and with the help of local school students ..we can attain- the Society's objective .of $1000 so; urgently needed this year," said Mrs. Feagan. Planning for the campaign to be , held on December 13 is already underway with Mrs. Joseph Craig, 122 Elgin Ave E, 'Chairman. of the local Chapter's Service Committee, in charge. • Everyone knows -1 someone ' wit,h arthritis. More than a Million and a half Canadians are afflicted. Nearly one-half million are limited in their ac- tivities c-tivities in some way , due to the disease and close to 95,000 of this group are unable to work, keep house, or carry on their usual major activity: The social and economic cost of the disease is staggering. An- nually, it accounts for an estimated thirteen days' lost work -nd about a $457 million loss ' to the Canadian economy. Despite the'belief, that nothityg� can be done for arthritis, the Ar- thritis Society now proclaims SUNDAY SERVICES :•A FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist . Convention of Ontario and Quebec) MONTREAL STREET near The Square REV. W. H. McWHINNIE F.R.G.S. Organist: Mr. Frank Bissett 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School ' 11:15 a.m.—Morning Worship "What do you think about the Christian Faith?" Tuesday, 6:30 p.m.—Baptist Youth Crusaders This Church has an Evangelistic and Missionary Vitsion. COME AND WORSHIP WITH US WESLEY .MEMORIAL CHURCH THE FRSE METNODIST'CHfACH Park St. at Victoria H. ROSS NICHOLLS, Pastor 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.--Worship 7:00 p.m.—Evening Service WELCOME CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET --EVANG'Et IRTIO == 1 NDAMfllENT REV. R. BRUBACHHR, Pastor Church 524-6445 Residence 524-9497 10:00 a.m.—Bible School for all ages Free Bus Service 11:00 a.m.—iVORSHIP SERVICE 6:30 p.tn.--Y.P. —"Word of Life Club" 7:30 p:m:—Evangelistic--Service Wed., 8 •p.m. --Prayer Meeting and Bible Study WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH Knox Presbyterian. Church THE REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A., Minister THE REV. RONALD C. McCALLUM, Assistant WILLIAM M. CAMERON, Director of Praise SUNDAY, DECEMBER* 1972 18:1X1 a.m.--Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Divine Worship Sermon: An Advent Sermon Series: (1) "A PROMISE IS NEEDED" (Nursery and Junior Congregation) *** WHITE GIFT SERVICE• * '" 7:00 p.m. Young Peopts's Sootily ol,r a Eater to Worship it►ps t, to terve Y. that Canada la today on the threshold of the best arthrittia control prograttl Yn the world, Treatmentr ams have ' � been developed which, oan prevent serious disability m four,,otit of -five patients suffering trom 'rheumatoid arthritis, In addition tothep; ; professional home -care services provided by the Society to arthritics in Goderich and district, the core of the Society's entire program` is the network of R.heuinatic Disease Unitslocated in teaching hospitals all across Canada. One such . Unit is located in 'London, 'associated with the, University of Western Ontario School of Medicate. It has . been temporarily located. since 1967 at Westminster Hospital on U.W.O. campus. Since its opening the London- based Unit has provided specialized diagnosis and rehabilitation treatment to several arthritis sufferers from this eatlamu�. a at no to the patient. The financhll. support. Of 't P citizens of Ooderich and district wilt 11el `to hast tis clay' when p this, dreadful affliction can be completely controlled and, .in p y the meantim, will rasaist the Society - in .maintaining, ►nd. ex - spending x -a ndin its direct patient care • °srr vIlees and facilites CEMETER MEMORIALS And Inscriptions Stratford 4 Ontark) Bob iticCollont. Representative 65 Montreal St„ • GoderfOtt. Phone 524-7345 T. PRYDE & SON CLINTO,N—EXETER.=.-SEAFORTH--GO DERICH• Memorials Markers and Cemetery Lettering Frank Mcllwain • -200 Gibbons St. 524-9465 CLEARANCE — All General Electric small appliances - Seabreeze Record Players - T.V. Phono Stands-- Wall & Patio Speakers Buy now for Christmas while we are discoun- ting our discount prices. H UTCHINSON APPijANE r ,.. open- llllonday Through, .Friday) -7 , r t . } 308 HURON IRD.' 524-7831 COME. TO A GROWING SUNDAY SCHOOL. IF YOU NEED A RIDE, WE HAVE A BUS. Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada CORNER OF ELGIN AND WATERLOO STS. REV. PETER G. ST. DON, Pastor SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1972, 10:00 a.m.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m.—WORSHIi? SERVICE 7:00 p.m.—EVENING SERVICE Tuesday, 8:00 p.m.—Bible Study and Prayer Friday 8:00 p.m.' Youth Night For further irnformati'on abdut church services call 524-8506. "Nothing lies beyond the reach-Orprayer, except those things which lie outside the will of God" ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH December 3 • Advent,.. I Hotly Communion at 8:30 a.m. , Holy Ca'mmunion and Sermon 11 a.m. Sunday School and Nursery' at 11 a.m. Wed., Dec. 6, Holy Communion at 7 p.m. (Chapel) Organist -Choirmaster: Mr. Paul C. Baker L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M. Rector: The Rev. G.G. Russell, B.A., B.D. Victoria Street United Church : _ MOUSE - 1'F FRIEND►sHIP T • - -- ---REV .-LEONAR'D' WART "--';- 10:00 a.m.--Bible School For All Grades . 11 a.m.--WHIAr.E C IFT WORSHIP SERVICE "WHAT IS, A G IFT?" .: (Children participating) , BENMILLEER UNITED CHURCH Imilemoilliellbilffoneirtimiermitarregraireasimeaftweiniusamaium 1:30 p.m.—WHITE GIFT WORSHIP SERVICE (Chilcfren Participating Friday, Decembter 8 -- S.S. Concert (Viet. St:) Saturday, Detber 9 ---• S.S. Concert & Pot Luk Supper, Bennriller) North Street United Church RE1r. RODER1' L. tAVAflONT SUNDt1Y, .DECEMBER 3, 1972 9:45 a, m.---10,ytar-olds and over 1050 tr"m.-43abieit to 9-y 6r ids 10:50 Gain. -=Mori tg Worship • (Hp* 'Sing') .:ADVENT 1" fir»tE�i.�CYI=E Lorne H. Dcbttstlir ' Director et' Music Mutt Clara( MC IG0W l irtartt .Visitor