HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-11-30, Page 20-SUL
Resideutio1 Ughting DiSpIt
TheatTOP5', first
productionot the season "The
Odd, Couple" is now on the
hoard! and if youi haven't a
04(4 for this seasenaltrayei you
can still pick- one up at the
Coach HOMO On liarOiltOn St, dr
Reg BelEs (Optomtrist on-
The Square), you can arrange
for' e seat for Saturday nite
whileyou are there, *.
Dress rehearsal is always ,a
big event before opening night
and it is wonderful to see the
results Of hours of live rehear-
sal, reading, blocking,
movement and oh, thetaking of
the final bow - which also needs
to be rehearsed. - `` •
Because this is a big comedy,
some people think it is a cinch
to do; but that. iS not the case.
There are just as many head-
aches andlts much hard work in
putting it .together as in a
drama. -
Yes, it is more fun at practice,
of course, but you still must
learn your lines and give a con-
vincing performance.
°So, I hope you take it for the
tun thing it is, as Betty will have
a dozen fits. before the final
night and your laughter and
quick response is the only thing
that will help her. So, don't sit
on your hands. •
Did you know that a -couple of
hours of your time once or twice
a month could give you a great
deal in peisonal satisfaction.
Carol Egener needs you Once
in awhile in her nursery school.:
where each child, has to have
personal' assistance.
They get along pretty well
with the regular nursery school
group, but on Monday Wed-
nesday and Friday mornings
front nine to twelve the Retar-
ded pre-schoolers need your
guidance. • •
Call Carol - if you are in
doubt about what you, would
need to do - but I understand
you just assist the Supervisor
and have 'just one child to keep
an eye on.
This group is downstairs at
MacKay Hall and you may -go
th and meet' these nice people.
and make arrangements to
assist, them - even once every
other week would be a, great
. So - do drop in.
This is the last time for me to .
sp,sk you to check with Doug
Cruickshank at McGee Motors,
Hamilton St - or Don Ruetz at
J.B. Allen and Company on
Park St'to make sure your float
*is listed in the Santa Parade. It
is quite ea.sy for a slip up in all
this confusion, so please check
so you are sure you're not being
squeezed in at the last minute.
From_ now , on there aren' t
enough, days or nights in the
week to do all the dings you
find you have to do.
All the groups and
organizations are having their
Christmas parties and you are
going to b., really busy:
Don't forget in your rush that
people like- -the—Retarded
.wtiether youngsters or, babies -
situ need your guiding hand (as
do so many Oldsters) - so help
make this a meaningful Christ-
mas Season by thinking of
others -itho it is only two hours
a week. It can be wonderful for.:
all --of you.
omen teacher discuss
Status of Women report
The status of women in
education today was the theme
of a conference in Toronto at-
tended by over 150 elementary
public school women teachers
from all over Ontario on Friday
evening, November 17 and
Saturday7 November 18.
The conference was sponsored
•by the Federation of Women
Teachers' Associations , of On-
Attending from this area_was
Mrs. Bessie Ho -ad, president of
Huron Association of Women
Teachers. Mrs. Hoad is also for-
ming a Status of Women com-
mittee in the area.
, The Friday evening panel
discussion on ,;"Women in the
Education System and
Promotion" was, moderated by,
Barbara Frum or the CBC.
Panelists were Eileen Scotton,
member spittle Ottawa Board of
Education; Edna M. Robinson,
Assistant Superintendent of
Education, Halton County
'Board of Education; jean
Hewitt, 'teacher with the London
Board of Education; Dr. Jill
Conway, Associate Professor,
University of Toronto and
Margaret Beckingham, a prin-
cipal in Peel County. .
Elizabeth Neville, .Director of
the Women's ° Bureau, of the .
Ministry of Labour, addressed a
general session which was
followed by a question period
and group sessions. Delegates
discussed such matters as caleer
counselling, stereo -typing in
textS, conditioning, stereotyping
in. the classroom and women in
The November meeting of
Dungannon United Church
Women Was held Tuesday Nov.
21 with Mrs. D. Logtenherg and
Mrs. J. Drennan as our
f"Christian and Missionary
Education- leaders, using.
literature on Africa for their
meeting with prayer. The crip-
ture reading followed.
Mrs. Logtenberg and Mrs.
Drennan °told about justice in
Africa. They gave facts about
the people, and said that one
Africa does not exist. More exac-
tly, there are many Africas.-
Mrs. C. Mcdlenaghan gave a
talk on "Dr. Sidney Gilchrist" a
medical missionary in Africa for
39 years, his work there, his
wonderful personality, and the
tragic death of him, his Wife,
and their missionary daughter,
in a car accident in Western
Everyone sing "He's Got The
Whole World In His Hands"
using appropriate words per-
taining to the African people.
The roll call was answered by
showing or telling of a'product
of Africa.
Mrs. A. Elliott derated A
Lovely quilt top and a large tea
pot to, the 11.0.W.
>Mrs. M.- Reed is donating a
plaque to be placed on, the piano
in the Church basement.
Mrs, N. Pearson gave as the
" feature" a humorous reading
entitled The NOminating Com-
The -meeting closed with
everyone repeating the benedic-
Ellectric HrnitIa
'tion. A delicious lunch and
social tiMe followed with Mrs.
F„ Young, M's. iVicKeneies
and Mrs. C. Culbert as
The U.C.W. is reminded to
please bring their Christmas
stockings to the Christmas party
Sec. Mrs. Jack Alton. -
wins contest
The Corby Publk Library,
Belleville, to celebrate Young
Canada Book Week, held a
poetry writing contest which was
open to all school pupils in the
city, up to: Grade 8.
Winner of second prize in the
Grade 5-6 gr&up was Susan
Goodman, a Grade 5 pupil at
the Queen Mary School. Susan
is the ten -year-old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Wilf 'Goodman,
and a granddaughter of Mr, and
Mrs. George Currell.
This is Susan's poem:
. ,
- In our library I can find books
crooks, Cooks, •
andeven fish hooks!
Rats, bats,
cats and brats!
Ghosts, roasts,
, a Mouse who boasts!
Books to make you feel
• • merry, hairy and scarry!
And book S about itself, the
Why don't you try the -library?
TO. The 00001m
As a comparative newcomet to
Goderich, but as a person who has
truly partaken herself -of, and IMmer-
sed herself in,this community, I
solicit your support at the polls on
December 4, 1972.
Eileen J. Palmer -
The homemakers class
assisted with Monday after-
noon k activities along with the
Goderich ,volunteers. Music for
the occasion was supplied by
Marie Flynn of Clinton, Mary
Taylor, Norman Speir and Jerry
Collins. Mrs. Earl Allen accOm-
,panied at the piano forthe sing -
a -long.
Residents having November
birthdays were honoured at a
party on Wednesday afternoon.
The Gorrie and Wroxeter
Women's Institute were hosts
for the occasion and following
the program and presentation of
gifts, lunch was served to 150
residents and guests.
Mrs. Gowdy was mistress of
ceremonies for 'the afternoon
and joined Mrs. Jack Ferguson
for vocal duet numbers. . Mrs.
Gowdy conducted a sing -song
accompanied by Mrs. John
Freeman, Mrs. Mabel Edgar
read a poem that had been
written by Harvey Sparling.
There were several mouth
organ selections by Ed Gilman
and violin instrumentals by
Mrs. Ron McMichael accom-
panied by Mrs. Dalton Dickison.
Miss Agnes Lawsoni former
resident ,of Gorrie, Ziiiikby the
. way is 97''years youngl Ai a few
well chosen words thanked
those responsible for the party.
Slide pictures of Europe were
shown by Willa Taylor on Thur-
sday Family Night. Mrs.
Micanernie played several piano.
numbers during the evening.
Mrs. Revel expressed the ap-
'predation of the residents for
the hour of entertainment.
Exciting RCA 'Hit' Tapes
On sale at one low price!
Another of the tape -spectaculars Canadian Tire is famous for?
-A 'special offering of R.C.A, ready -to -play -pre-recorded cart-
ridge tapes featuring all-time favourite stars. Great artists, great
selections ... arida great bargain! They'll go fast at such a low
low price. So hurry for yours. Buy for your own eritertainment
— or lay away for super Christmas presents, First co, first
served. Sale ends on December 4.
CELEBRATED ARTISTS: Henry Mancini, I -141c Snow.,
Dolly Parton, Waylon Jennings, Jerry. Reed, Perry ,Como,
Porter Wagoner, Jim Ed Brown . . . and many many other
great stars and hit groups, in selections for every taste. •
8 -Track Tape
• 7.79
Holds 24 8 -track' tapes. Preeision-
made with revolving base. About
91/2 x 9 x 7". Woodgrain Style.
Luggage -Style
Tape Caddy
Holds 15 tapes. Black alligator
type finish. Red interior. Durable
hardwood 131..rx x6'/.
8 -Track Stereo
,Car Tape Player
Dual push-pull amplifiers:sensitive
controls: manual channel selector.
• 12-v. negative ground. By Titan.
8 -Track Multifilex
Car Tape Player
'Opus 103' plays 8 -track tapes or
FM music. Automatic/manual
channel changing. 81/8x71/(14214"
Stereo System
Meet the Suzuki family...styled, powered and
_pfic_%1Jp_r_ailztound family _fun, •The reliable
Suzuki engine features twin carbs and single
foe pump, to make day-to-day tuning a breeze.
Muffler systems ate matched to the engine, so
Suzuki runs quieter. Handling is quick and posi-
tive, wAtt a rugged reinforced rubber track that
bites 'deep and sure, whatever kind of snow.
Choose **OM four Suzuki family -fun models
...built for Canadian winters, and
backed bTa dependable parts -
and -service system.
No Pop, loiyaost
The power
for family fun. Easy to handle,
simple to maintain.
Compare the price...only
Complete music -centre, AM/FM/FM
Stereo tuner: back
with 8 -track
tape play back deck: twin speakers.
Walnut -finish cabinet 19'18 x 5V2
Matched speakers. each 914 X i PAX 7 W.
'Strauss' Cassette
Tape Recorder
Other. Suzuki models from
as low as $7/5
11 • tot, 1
DR -7A Type:
Frequency range 501-lz to
15 KH2; 8 ohms. Padded
top and earpieces. Com-
plete with.cord and jack.
Sakti 4, %Wes, kit 5, 614orlitt: Kos Frisby, 524.6404
Omega 0 Owilop on dowoy, nti. 2$ i.ii.i;t00 t4em ttoil
Battery or house -current Opera-
tion. AC adapter.With mike,
ear- phone, batteries.
'Candle' Portable
8 -Band Radio
World -coverage with LW, AM,
MB, SW, LPB, FM, AIR and
HPB bands. Batteries, AC cord.
Make it a muSical Extra Savings/
Christmas with a
Canadian Tire gash and Carry
'Strauss' Portable 'Sanyo' Pohable
AM Radio AM/FM/SW Radio
Handsome leatherette housing;
Wood grain style panel; 3" speaker. -
With batteries, earphone.
Pre•set push-button tuning for 3
FM stations, Input, outputjacks;
with batteries, AC cord. Cam
0.1t. TAYLOR ,iiiMITED
223 MUION RD, Gor•Emai
TEL: 524.212i