HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-11-30, Page 14PAt E i 4 t" 11''1 ;yIG *A1.`,ST 'EMBER . 41; 1972 .A C COMMoDATION TO REN T • TWO bedroom, apartment, large living "room, fireplace, dining room. one block from Squt re: Available end of ' October. Apply floc 86,' Signal -Star . ---1; •10 tf • THREE bedroom ranch bungalow. i3ecreation room, West end. Novem- ber "30th - possession. Phone 524- 8480.-=-g44tf BASEMENT apartment available Dec. 8 72. 54 Victoria St. N.-g48t1 TWO ROOMS. reasonable rent, west end. Immediate possession Phone 524-8480.--g48tf TWO-BEDROOM apartment, stove. refrigerator, utilities included. cen- tral. Suitable for business people. Available December 1st. Phone 524- 9186 between 9 .and 12 or 524-9661\ between 1 and .5.-48,49 ROOM and board for two willing to share large, bedroom with twin beds. Phone evenings. 524-6684.--- 48t1 HALF DUPLEX for rent. 2 bed- rooms. living room. kitchen and .din- ing area. Heat and hydro: Available immediately. Phone 524-9222 after 6 p.m.-g48x • MODERN two bedroom apartment, near Square. carpeted, stove.. fridge and utilities included. Adults preferred. E-h'one 521- 8:):38:-gI ,g-l(itf' a- .„6 ACCOMNOOATION TO RENT 6. ACCOMODATiON TO /RENT 12:'AUCTiON SALE LIGHT housekeeping• room,' fully fitrnished. Miss Mary /3,--1-10011, 1 l St. Vincent SI, phone :i- 1- 81i12."•---g:35Nf . APARTMENT-$malI ground floor apartment, ideal for one .per- - son. $70.O() per month, heated. Colbxrne House. Apply McGee Pon- tiac-Buickr-gllitf • THREE bedroom home, west end, good condition, immediate possession. $95.00. Phone 524. 8480.-g4fitf ' LARGE two bedroom downstairs apartment. rugs in living, room and bedrooms. Private.' entrance. Basement. Close to hospital.- Phone 524-7014,-g44,45,g46,47tf TWO bedroom apartment, newly dcc'oratO. stove tuul fridge. eloke tc) • churches and business section, • Ground floor. No steps Heated ok's'- 1ri'ally. immediate possessit)n.. i'hone it 1-65 12. --g 10tf COMFORTABLE, newly decorated. three bedroom home, living room has wall-to-wall broadloom. dining room, large kitchen and bathroom, Available December first, $100.00, Phone 521-61)11.-g15,gl6.g17 7. WANTED TO RENT :SPACIOUS 2 -bedroom home. com- pletelyv remodeled. available Decem- ber 1st, $80.00 monthly. Phone 524- 9624 evenings only.--g46tf THREE rooms and bath, heated. near the Square. Reasonable rent. Private entrance. Telephone 524- 90:30.-g47x THREE bedroom town house fin' rent in Vanastra, R.R.3, Clinton. $95.00 ler month, all 'utilities paid-. Phone 18;-9712 'or 48.2.7795 anytime.-g:39tf • BED -SITTING room. furnished, heat paid. newly decorated. Available Decemberr'first, .$85.00 mint ilv. Phone 524.-084 after 6:1)1) p.m.---g45tf viamminamionemimur IMMEDIATE POSSESSION West end with Iakeview new 3 bedroom brick home with ;a carport. Electric heating, landscaped lot near schools. - Extra large living' room, dining room and kitchen. NHA 83/4% mortgage available for qualifying purchaser. ALEXANDER & CHAPMAN REALTY LIMITED , REAL ESTATE & GENERAL INSURANCE GODERICH PHONE 524-9662 ALEXANDER & CHAPMANw- REALTY LIMITED REAL ESTATE & GENERAL INSURANCE ,GODERICH PHONE 524-9662 COUNTRY STORES Situated on highway 21 north of Goderich, good business oppor- tunity •c•ombined 'with a fitilr- bedroom home. Nearly_ new brick. 4 -bedroom home, close to schools, electric heating. With family room. ESTATE SALE Immediate possession, :3 -bedroom home. bright cheery kitchen, spacious living room -and dining room. Full basement. gas Iheating. DUNGANNON We also have another 'country and resort area store, welI established business, with veru attractive living accommodation. RESORT PROPERTY We have' several properties with springs and rivers running through them. Ideal •for summer and winter resort:,. Two Targe lots at Bluewater Resort Area. 4 building lots for 'excellent building sites in Dungannon. Three bedroom, recently remodelled family home, family room, two bathrooms. could be duplexed. New aluminum siding, ,large lot, low taxes. HAM� .. Lower priced home w th or without extra lot. T»o-car garage. Spacious living room, dining room and kitcheh. Hot water heating, Terms available. Immediate possession. Close to schools. FARM HOUSE- in vicinity of, Gode- • rich. Reasonable rent. Call 524-6403.- --48x 0 8. HELP WANTED WANTED --Companion for tilde -Iv lady. Separate bathroom, bedroom and living room with TV. No heavv work. Apply Box :18. Goderich, Ont.-g:3Ktf HOUSEKEEPER. experienced. part- time. Apply Box 2 Signal -Star.- 48tf THE GODERICH P.U.C. requires the services of a cashier. A -knowledge of typing is essential. Training in bookkeeping- and shorthand would be-. het pf.t.11......,Ap.p1-ication,:..ferths..are ._ available at 64 West Street. -g47 9. WANTED (General) COMi'LETE household effects or small lots wanted. Call C & E Fur- niture.,-gtf CORRESPONDENTS for Ashfield Township, Goderich Township, Colborne Township. Saltford, Kin. tail. No experience nec'essarv. Con- tact Mrs. Shirley •J. Keller, Editor, Signal -Star between 10 a.m.-1 p.m, Monday through friday. -g42nc WANTED -old books and book- cases.- - Phone collect 293-3444.-g45-, 48 01. WANTED to buy -Used toys of any kind. Phone` 524-9134.-g47,48 Brindley Auction Seivi'ce -Experienced Asictioneers- Holrsehold $ Farm Sales R.R.6 GODERICH 524-6451 AUCTIONEERS and LIQUIDATORS BRUCEFIELD, ONT..' Offer the most modem' auction methods. LICENSED and BONDED ONTARIO -WIDE _ BRUCEFIELD 482-3120 cgtf LEA MARK+ET� Sunday, DEC. 3 10 a.m. to 5 pan. The Auction Rooms Hwy. 21 - • 1 mile south of Goderich.-glass; china; clocks; frames; copper; brass; gun selection; furniture; •fruits & veg.; honey; etc. etc. . ADMISSION FREE DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED GODERICH 524,9064 WOULD LIKE to'buy, wood turning r lathe. in good condition. Phone 524- 6216.-g48 USED PIANO wanted. Phone 524- , 6973.-g48x 10. EMPLOYMENT WANTED CLASS "A" mechanic requires part- time evening and weekend work in local Goderich- service station. Phone 5.24-7818.--g47tf WILL DO babysitting in my home. Joanne Hall. Cherokee Drive. Mene set Mobile Park, phone 524-8857.- 0 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE • E',AVEs'rI )uGHiNG, aluminum - orr galvanized. estimates. wit hutrt obligation. Phone :357.11)77, .R. E Rohan. R.R.2, Wingham.-g12-18 T FLIGHT: ANTIQUE AUCTION S'ALE At the Auction Rooms, one mile south of Goderich on Friday . evening, Dec. 1 at 7:00 p.m. White china elephant (22" high); round tilt -top table; games 'table; lap -desk; Cap- tain's wash stand; bar -room chair; chairs; blanket box; foot locker;' display cabinet; small corner cupboard; part toilet sets; large ' jardineer; coffee grinders; oil lamps; scales; bells; hanging Tamp; carved wooden light fixture; antique outdoor fixtures; iron fencing; crocks; wood- en fork; jugs; copper; brass; vases; coloured glass; pres- sed glass; '78' records; rifle; numerous primitives, etc. etc. TERMS _ CASH MIKE CUMMINGS' Auctioneer --5269064 •g.c.48 . TOWN OF GODERICH Recreation & Community Centre Board requires Assistant Arena 1,11.4plier_..,_. 12. AUCTION SALE ACTION CENTRE MART -.W. kiy FLEA MARKET ANTIQUES - CRAFTS. Sunday 10 A.M. TO 5 A.M. UNDER COVER Also Consignments Accepted for Auction Hwy4- One Mile N of Exeter Ph. LONDON 672-3566 cg47,48,49b 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE FOR your Antenna Sales and Ser- vice, contact Alvin's TV, 162 Mary Street, phone 524-9089.-gtf HAVE your rugs and chairs cleaned by dependable cleaners. Call Supe- rior Maintenance, phone 524-8892, Goderich.-eow DAILY CAR RENTAL Reasonable Rates . McGEE'S Goderich Phone 524-8:391 gl9tf .SKEL T O N_ APPLIANCES Inglis -Moffat -Beatty Sales -Service Repairs to all makes 36 Britannia Rd. W. Ph. 524-7871 17tf RUSTPROOF Let us do a complete job on that new or late model car. Well worth the reasonable investment. See us 'at ROUSE AUTO ELECTRIC Vandewetering Construction CARPENTRY AND CEMENT WORK Home Framing Specialist 524-7304 SIGNS BY WEBSTER Plastic electric signs, highway bulletins and truck lettering. CALL COLLECT 235-0680 PAULS 1 DELIVERY PHONE 524-6217 I VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE ALL MAKES BOB PECK NEW $16,800 This two-bedroom home with at- tractive kitchen, dining room. living room,with full basement is electrically heated. MOBILE HOMES • New mobile home forimmediate possession. Enjoy IrtW cost housing in lovely country setting, complete with new furniture, low' down fniv"tnent, •low motittilyt lutvrf7eflts itrste'terf Or rent. • HOME SITE Large lot on V.L.A. subdivision. Exceljent building property. 50 Acre farm near Pt. Albert with 3 bedroom house, drilled well and Targe barn. We invite your listings of all property, houses, farms, loge, . +cottages, etc. BERG` ALEXANDEIt, 245 Catherine St., Tel. 524-7836 , tenottE GLENN, Dungannon, Tel. 529.7924 81 AWtCE GLENN, Dungannon, Tel. 529.7924 LESS NiW AND 182 Cameron St,; -rel. 524.9007 DON, A*E'SfHAStt 8'erita file Rd. W., Tel. 524.7216 Duties: r.. Working under the direction of the Arena Manager, duties would include all aspects of the operation ' of the building, maintenance of the build- ing and its total program';' uahfications: =-prey ous municipal- arena exper- ience desirable, but not essential. -an ability to. work with people. -willingness to undertake advanced training. -prepared to accept greater re- sponsibil;ties, Salary: commensurate with experience. Apply: ' in writing, stating experience and giuolificatibns, including references to: J. H. ' Walls Town Administrator Town of Goderich Municipal Offices 57 West Strati Goderici . Dile�atdlil : Decerrtbei 1,5 1972, VARNA 262-5748 gctin P H ANEUP-E'L-EC-TR-IC Complete Electrical Service Residential -Commercial • Industrial Local or Rural Phone 524-8834 13; SERViCESAVAILABLE 15. PUBLIC NOTICE ihere to -Dug it RELCO Sewing Centre (APPROVED DEALER) 40 WEST ST. 524-8431 g ACE RADiO A TV Fleetwood . Sales & Service Repairs to all makes of Radio &,Television 60 PICTON ST.W. FRANK WILCOX-524-7771 g SEPTIC TANKS LEANED MODERN EQUIPMENT'. WORK GUARANTEED Write or Phone Harvey Dale CLINTON Phone 482-33220 14. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons having claims against the Estate of LAWRENCE CLIFTON SNYDER. Mailman. of the Townsftip of Colborne. in the County of Huron. who died on or about the 27th „day of October. 1972, are're- quirt'd to file the same with full par - 1 ic-ulars with the undersigned by the 23rd. day of December. 1972. as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED at Godei"ieh. Ontario. this 24th day of November. 1972. PREST and EGENER. 33 Montreal Street. Goderich. Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. 48,49.50 NOTICE TO CREDITORS ' All persons having claims against the Estate of WILLIAM MILTON POLLOCK, Retired Farmer. late of the Township of Stanley: in the County of Huron. who died on or about the 20th day of September. 1972. are required to file the same with lull particulars with the under- signed by the 23rd day of December. 1972: as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED at Goderich. Ontario, this 21s1 day of November 1972. PREST.and EGENER, Barristers and Solicitors, 33 Montreal Street, GODERICH, Ontario. Solicitors forthe Estate.. C48,49.50b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF JAMES ALFRED. CROZIER, late of the Town of Clinton in. the County of Huron, Retired Civil Servant. deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above- named who died on the 17th day of October. 1972• are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 18th day 01' December. 1972. after ovhich at•c tie, sets -will l diStribuVed;" having regard only .to th' elairs of, • � o WHEELCHAIRS -- WALKERS. The Humanitarian Service C:P.&T: Committee of the Goderich Oddfel- low and Rebekah Lodges have equipment for loan. Contact Amos Osbaldeston, 524-9623 or Fred Frit- zley, 5247217.--lleow 41101.1111. Treasurer's Sale Of Land.In Arrears of Taxes., COUNTY O.F HURON • NOTICE IS, HEREBY GIVEN that a tax sale will be held in the Court House, Goderich, on Tuesday, December 12, 1972, at 10:00 A.M. re any unpaid taxes still outstanding at that date, as shown on the list published in the Ontario Gazette on September 9th. NOTICE IS HEREBY FUR= THER GIVEN that if any of. the said lands remain unsold, an adjourned sale will be held on Tuesday, December 19, 1972, at the sarne hour and place. ' -Lists of the- -properties-anv-oWed may be secured at my office in the Court House, Goderich, On- tario. JOHN G. BERRY Treasurer County of Huron August 18, 1972 1S. PUBLIC NOTICE ,- I will no longer be, responsible for Mon any debts incurred bv'mv wife Mona Rnhertson + on or after this date, November 16, 1972. dames A. Robertson. -g46-48 16. PERSONAL #. LADIES -There is only 32 days left to leap year and I am still single and available. Personal proposals., only because what you see is what you get. Mike "Killer': Jeffrey. HAVE YOUR Christmas letter mi- meographed this week. Call 524-8732 after 5 p.m.--gc48,49 17. LOST AND FOUND • FOUND -Shoe • bag with pair -of lady's shoes found near West and Cobourg Sts. May be picked up at Police Slat ion. -48 4* LOST -White Samoyed dog, on Sat- urday. November 18th, in Goderich Township. vicirfity of Porter's Hill. Phone 524-6471 if anyone has seen or has this pet. Reward offered, - g48 LOST -Near Goderich Elevator, Beagle. white• brown and black, quiet. friendly. Phone collect Rob- ert Ddnn,'481.3541 Toronto. --g48, 20. TO GIVE AWAY a A GOOD HOME for 3 kittens, brown and white and house trained. phone 524-6587 anytime. -g48 SNOWMOBILES CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2 1:30 CARLOW -SNOW SPORT 1/8 MILE -EAST OF CARLOW 6 MILES NORTH-EAST QF GODERICH SALE TO BE HELD UNDER COVER p.m. OVER 40. SNOW MACHINES IN THIS SALE 11 NEW RUPP -MACHINES ,- 25 TO 40 HSP. 3 MINI BIKES - 3 ARCTIC CAT 2 PLAY CAT ALL TERRAIN VEHICLES 3 340 TNT SKIDOOS - PLUS MANY OTHER MAKES & MODELS. ON THE SPOT. FINANCING Not responsible for accidents day of Sale to Place Your Consignment call. BRINDLES AUCTION SERVICE Phone Goderich 524-6451 GC 1 would like to talk with YOU! which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario. this 22nd day of November, 1972. E. B. MENZIES. Q.C.. Clinton. Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. SNOW 'REMOVAL Driveways and Sidewalks `Reliable good work at Reasonable rates'; Only 30 Bookings available. This is to insure that my customers receive the prompt reliable attention that they deservb. So pleasb if you are going to need Our drive cleared this winter and you want reliable Work contact me NOW. Don't ' wait until it is too late. Dwight Aldhawn 524- 6413 BEFORE YOU you make that purchase of your next automobile whether it be new or used ... 1. NO HIGH PRESSURE SALE TACTICS z. TaP-TRADE-114-VALEIE FOR YOUR GOOD USED CNA 3. FINANCING ARRANGED 4. AND OF COURSE WE OFFER THE BUYERS PROTECTION PLAN ON ALL OUR 1973 CARS. ' Why not come in and let's discuss your next purchase. • It costs you nothing - In fact we may save you money! This is the last day to gni in on the P.S. draw for 2 gomplete Polaroid Color- pak 85 Camera Outfits. GRAl'Ss��tvicE The place where your business Is appreciable 26$ Bayfibld, Road , Goderich 5244411 Gord Munroe John Graf • 4,0 • a • Not responsible for accidents day of Sale to Place Your Consignment call. BRINDLES AUCTION SERVICE Phone Goderich 524-6451 GC 1 would like to talk with YOU! which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario. this 22nd day of November, 1972. E. B. MENZIES. Q.C.. Clinton. Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. SNOW 'REMOVAL Driveways and Sidewalks `Reliable good work at Reasonable rates'; Only 30 Bookings available. This is to insure that my customers receive the prompt reliable attention that they deservb. So pleasb if you are going to need Our drive cleared this winter and you want reliable Work contact me NOW. Don't ' wait until it is too late. Dwight Aldhawn 524- 6413 BEFORE YOU you make that purchase of your next automobile whether it be new or used ... 1. NO HIGH PRESSURE SALE TACTICS z. TaP-TRADE-114-VALEIE FOR YOUR GOOD USED CNA 3. FINANCING ARRANGED 4. AND OF COURSE WE OFFER THE BUYERS PROTECTION PLAN ON ALL OUR 1973 CARS. ' Why not come in and let's discuss your next purchase. • It costs you nothing - In fact we may save you money! This is the last day to gni in on the P.S. draw for 2 gomplete Polaroid Color- pak 85 Camera Outfits. GRAl'Ss��tvicE The place where your business Is appreciable 26$ Bayfibld, Road , Goderich 5244411 Gord Munroe John Graf • 4,0 • a •