HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-11-30, Page 13.0 yn, Gl 01:141C OGN AI..;: STAR. Y. 1.ARTICLES' FOR SAME f ART(CL( _$ ,FOR SALE CARLOW Sno.-Sport Sales and Ser- f vice invites you to test drive the 197: Suzuki snowmobile before you buy this winter. Open till. 10 p.m., 5 min. from town. Telephone *5 2 4- , 6404.-g4 3tf 524- 6404.---g43tf REPRINTS . of photographs are ,avit4lable from. the Signal -Star at the cost Of $:3.00 in advance •for both 8 x 10 or 5 x 8 sizes.-g49nc POPULAR music now available at Anderson's Book Store. For more complete' musical supplies, it's Henry's Harmony House, Seaforth, Ontario.--g6tf AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner. Removes rust, lime. and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner' of your -toilet tank. Available at Hof, ,fineyer Plumbing and Heating, Kingston Street. Goderich.- -gl44' NEW chesterfield and chair, from factory to you, $149.00. Trade your old one in: C and E New and Used Furniture, 112 mile south of Goderich, 524.7231.-g51tf HYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed en- velopes with price- list. Six samples 25c; 24 samples $1,00. Mail Order bcpt. T-53. Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton; Ont.-gltf., COINS ---Bought, sold, exchanged. V. Pope,' 147 Kingston Street, 524- 7359.=0titf MAGAZINE subscriptions, new or renewals. Ernie Barker, 62' Essex St., 524-62:32.-g41-48 •JUNIOR size bed spring and mat- tress. Phone 524-7080.-.•-g:37nc• ' TIRES -Special price.~ on winter tires in effect. Free installation and balance Various sizes. summer treads at reduced prices Rouse Auto Electric, West St..•--g42tf , USED snowmobiles for sale and purchase. Carlow Sno 'Sport Sales and Service, R.R.5, Goderich, phone 524-6404.-g4citf NOV. 30 WEEKEND SPECIALS Kroehler 2 piece modern chester- 1u.Id covered. "rn cite new ;io, vfnyi for long wear and ease of cleaning.. Sug. List $549.95. Only $399.95 Kroehler contemporary 2 piece chesterfield suite with Shephard casters. Sug. List $449.95. Only $339.95. Other 2 piece suites from $229.95. Dining room suite by Hespler-Brae• more includes' Buffet and Hutch, large table, 3 side chairs, 1 arm chair. Sug. List $945.00. Only $699.50. Colonial Desk and chair, 7 drawers in desk. one with lock. Sug. List $132.00. Only $109.50. Frtench Provincial Bedroom Suite includes double dresser, chest. panel bed. night table. Sug. List $449.00. Only $349.00. See our selection of reclining chairs, rockers. pictures. lamps: snack tr'ay's. hassocks. smokers, clothes hampers. mirrors. Aealy Posterpedic Box Spring and Mattress. 1 only. Sug. List $219.90. Only $179.50. PRE -SMAS special prices Dec. 22 & 23. Open every night until 9, Dec. 4 to 22. Come and see La Boutique. - 48 FOR SALE - 2 F78 14 in. summer tires. No wear. Call 524-7215.-g48nc PAIR B'oy's Bauer roller skates, size 71%. Phone 523-8492.--48 TWO STENO COLUMNS. 40 watts output each. one I2" woofer, one 8" midrange, one 4 x 8 tweeter in each. 524-7994.-48x COFFEE TABLE, two matching -end .. h �iouble__desk_ ' .ta tv _. _ lamp; 30 ; ._...., _ _ . gallon crock; 60 power telescope with tripod; Eldon race set with ex- tra track. Phone 524-8944.=48 OVERHEAD garage door complete with hardware, Stanley -Berry, steel, white 7'x9' in new condition. Phone 524.6914.--48 BLUE sparkle -tone snare drum and cymbal; Tyco road -race set, 32 ft. track. Phone 524.6111.-z48 SPECIAL premium .greenhouse chrysanthemums, all colors, Three sprays one dollar. Saturday, Sunday afternoon. Benmiller Plant Farm - the greenhouse by the river, -48x CHESTERBED & 2 chairs, like new. 524-7624.-48 POOL TABLE, 26"x54". $35.00; oil stove, S15.00: skates. S2.00 pair, both boys' and girls'. Phone 4.7405.--48x ! ACKSTON FURNITURE Wat $t. llocitrich GUITARS. New or used. Electric or Acoustic. Straps, sets of strings, Ukuleles. Accordions, also rentals, Lessons. Charles Pounder Mlusic Studio, 196 A Widder St.. phone 524-754.1.----g4 6t( APPLE'S' of all grades and cider for sale. Phone Bellview FrUit Farm. 524.8011.-g46tf CHRISTMAS, SHOPPING SO.LV E.t ---" Before the Age of Miracles", a best-selling Canadian book by D. W. • Victor Johnston, Lyucknow, general practitioner for 30 years, is available from The Lucki ow Sentinel, phone 538-2829, for • $6.95. :Mailed anywhere in Canada or United States at no ad- ditional charge. -g47,48,49 BUSINESS Machine. Olivetti Un- derwood Multisumma 24, Adds, Subracts, Multiplies, Lists 19 columns, Totals 13. 18 months old. Call 524.7796.-g47,48 ELECTRIC motor repair supplies and equipment. Three phase win- ding head, single phase winding • head, reamers: complete set, magnet wire, start switches, tapes, etc. May be seen at 91 West St. Weekends , only.-g47tf APPLES-MtieIntosh, Red and Golden Delicious, Greenings,._.Spv. Gerald Bell Fruit Farms, R.R.2, Goderich, *ill deliver, phone- 524- 8008.-g47,48 'WRINGER washer, Kenm we Safe - T -Stop, used only :3 months. Phone 565-2611..-g47 FRIDGE, three years old, phone 524-9657.-847,48 FOR SALE -Apples -Macintosh; Courtland, Red and Northern Spy, Red and Yellow Delicious, Wayne; potatoes, onions, cabbages, turnips. carrots, honey and fresh apple cider. Free delivery.. Phone 524-8037. Art Bell Fruit Farm. -g45tt LONDESBORO LOCKER-Londes- boro. Oven ready ducks and geese available-.1=_Lanslotpre.,.Locker Service. 523-4478 Blyth or 482-9951 Clinton or from Ray Hanna. RR 2, Auburn. 526-7251. fresh or frozen. - (1218 to 51b rozen.- ( 8to51b DEA DL INE FOR TAKING CLASSIFIED ADS. •2 O'CLOCK SHARP 'TUESDAY ADS CANNOT BE• ACCEPTED AFTER 12.O'CLOCK FOR THAT WEEK'S -PAPER 1.ARTICLES. FOR ,SALE .111.111, 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HI-FI RECORD players, 2,. cabinet models: 1 Emerson. S30; 1 Sparton, $20; both in good working condition. Phone 524-9106.-g-tfnc A,: Gift For Everyone CUSTOM MADE RINGS IN SILVER OR GOLD PRICED $ 95 FROM Nov • SEE THEM AT LIBRA GEMS 51 ST. DAVID, ST. GODERICH 2.ARTICLES FOR REN( 'r0 RENT-$1.51)"per day rents vo>tt an electric -rug shampooer. Removes spots, grease. etc. Service i)ominion Hardware. phone 521-8581 -g t 1 t • FORMAL RENTALS for all es.'• 'rasions. Pickett & Campbell Ltd.. Clinton and Goderich:- cgtf. 3. CARS, TRUCKS FOR SALE 1966 Olds Cutlass, bucket seat. wheel disc, radio, automatic V-8, Best offer. • Phone 524- 7414,-g4:3,44,45,47.48x BLUE 19(i5 Pontiac, four -door, six TYPEWRITERS and adding ma - •chines for Christmas, Shop early for a good selection. See them in our showroom at 113 Ontario, Street. Huron Business Machines. 'Clinton, or phone 482-7338 for home demon- st ra•t i on.-cg48,49.50,51 b BAYFIELD LIONS CLUB annual feather party. Oven read turkeys. Friday. December 8. 8:00 p.m. in $ayfield Arena,-g48b PERSIAN LAMB coat. size 12, 34 length convertible to jacket. Good condition. S25. Phone 524-9106.- glfnc - ELECTRIC. Floor Polisher, S10. Phone 524-9106.--g-tine '- ELECTRIC.GUITAR without ampli- fier. single pick-up and adjustable bridge. In good condition. S25. Phone 524 -9106, -g -tine 1950 FORD 8N tractor with plough. disc, cultivator, blade and mower. S800.00. Phone 524-8043.---ge48x BOA.SKI. man's best friend in the ,snot~ 'See the- new line of '73 Snow Mobiles at Travel -On Sales. eight miles east of Goderich on Highway 8. We also have snowmobile suits, helmets. mitts. boots and accesso- ries in stock. Drop in and see them soon while supplies last. Phone 482- 3364.--g48tf AUTOMATIC DRYER. in good con- dition and automatic washer. Phone 524.7345.-g48.48 MUST' SELL -1968 Nova, 3.27.275 Tach gauges, new motor, fur -speed: mechanical certificate, hodv ex- c'ellen't shape. Best • offer, 00 reasonable offer refused. Call bet- ween 6:00 and 8:00 p.m., 521- 6998.--g47 216998.--g47 GO'Oi) selection of used car, in A -I condilion, fully reconditioned and guaranteed, trade-ins accepted and terms available. house Auto EI(('- t'ie.-g 191 f FOR SALE ----67 Volkswagen. Best Offer. Phone 524-6619.----g48 1946 HUDSON sedan. Phone 524 8043,--gc48x 1962 CHEV. hall' -ton pick-up.,283 V8 motor. good condition, Price $500, Firm. Phone 524-9459..18 4. REAL 'ESTATE FOR SALE $1,501 And Up For 1st and 2nd mortgages on residential properties. Borrow for any purpose against the equity in your house; refinance to reduce month[y payments or for mortgage's coming due. For confidential. and,'competent service, call collec1-744-2264. HARDTMAN & STRACK LIMITED, Waterloo. SINGLE continental bed and mat• _-i, :#r�essti,:Drc..ss.er.,-.mi.rrorvalchg-tt-a:111.r :-; er'wt pump a 1 * , tiler. por a e tubs. Good condition. Reasonable.' Phone 524-8955.-g48x TWO COMBINATION storm doors. standard size; bathroom basin and fittings. Phone'524-8017:-g48,49 GIRL'S roller skates, like new. size 7. Phone 524.6818:-=48--.:----• KHROELER bed -chesterfield, like new, light beige tweed. Phone 524- 9550.-48 TWO PAIRS boys' skates, size 1, like new, $5.00 a, pair. Phone 524-8718.-- 48 SNOW TIRES used two months, 600 x 13. Chain saw; wringer washing -A machine. All in good condition. Call 482.7187.---eg47p FIBERGLAS panels, green for carports, awnings, etc. Ten 2&"x8' sheets, two 26"x104 sheets, like new, Original 'Cost $120.00, will sell for $50,00, Phone 624.2184•--g48 11" Sparton, 'semi portable in walnut. stand on casters. A-1 condi- tion, S95.00. Phone 48277566. -gc48 111111iiIIIII hIIlIII1IIO!IIql A. E. LEPAGE Iiioiillllliiiivil,llllllllllllllll L I M I T E 0 • RE ALTO R BAVH'IELIi--:3 bedroom home, oil. furnace, modern kitchen with break- fast bar: Steel garage wired 'for wotakshop. Large lot. 500' lake frontage. 1 1 acres of land, good peach. ';83' lake frontage, partially sub- divided. Nearly '3(1 acres of land. Located at ['bights Grove, Sarnia. RUTH VAN DER MEER 55 Montreal St:., GODERICH 524-7875 A BAILEY Real Estate 82 Albert Street Clinton Do you have a steady income? Are you tired of paying rent? Let us show you this 2 bedroom .home on Huron Road in Gode- rich. Excellent terms available. II•' you can pay rent, you can buy this 10 room home near up town in Clinton with new gas fired hot water heating system and new kitchen .cupboards. Priced reasonable. • Two storey aluminum sided home in Clinton with 5 ''bed• rooms, 2 baths. in excellent repair. Scenic 15'acres with .modern- ized brick home. large barn arid drive shed. Near Auburn. 2 new brick bungalows on Walker Street with gas heat. 3 bedrooms. full basement. Attractively, priced. See these now, 100 acre cash crop land near Holmesville. Ideal for beans or corn. Nearly all workable. Rea• sonable price. New 4- bedroom, 1 floor home with: finished basement, com- bined with a new steel -insulat- ed work shop in' Egmondville. Perfect for your own business. General Store with living quarters in south Hurbn. Doing a profitable business. Priced reasonable. FOOD FOR THOUGHT Alcohol is liquid good for preserving almost every- thing except secrets. CONTACT MASON BAILEY PHONE 482-9371 onlinnonnonmeniommeon A- FOR SALE r.egi.ster.od part Arabians, yearlings and suckers; :3 - year -old saddle horse. well broken quiet. Many others to pick from, 26 in all. Something for everyone in the family. Visit the TACK HOUSE and pick out your Christmas gift now. CUNNINGHAMS' TACK HOUSE, at the CD. Ranch. Walker- ton. 20 Brown Street. ---g46.49 F - PET STOCK 'Timl'I( AL fish, canaries. Complete pet supplies. Pat's Pet Shop, :350 Main Street, Exeter, Ontario. Open 10 a.m. to' 6 p.m. daily and Friday evenings, .'-glOtf 1' E - FARM SERVICES BOAi4DiNG FACILITiES a voilahle-jor Ern A,r,. ('c.rtt'‘r-1'nrrT derosa, 482-9898.--g4 I tf - LIVESTOCK. F Ulf SALE. Live • ducks $1.25 ea. Live drakes $2,50 ea. Phpne 523-9268 Alvin Wallace. Blyth.-c'g47,48p rf- POODLE GROOMING-- Appotnl- ntents for Christmas grooming should be arranged now to, avoid disappointment Glenreid Kennels. Kippen. 262-5052. .cg48,49b POODLE PUPPIES -Quality regi- treed, stock, silvers and champagne whites. Ilcalth and temperament guaranteed. Will hold for Christmas. Gleniitd Kennels, Kipper); 262.5052, cg48.491) 4 REAL. ESTATE FOR ;SALE 4. REAL ESTATE FOR 'SAFE; 4. "Al. ESTATE FO 'SALE: REALTY LIMITED .. REAL ESTATE OFFICE 524-8100 ' PRESTIGE • Gloucester Terrace . Deluxe rancher, custom built on 109' lot, view of Maitland River Valley. Spacious laving room. with. log burning fireplace, elegant dining • room with custom-built cabinets; at- ,tached garage:' Landscaped grounds with patio. More 'than a place to live. MODERN STONE WITH CEDAR ACCENT Located a few. miles from Goderich oor) 10 acres of land, custom-built with large living room, featuring fireplace, patio entranceway, six bedrooms, 3 -car garage, two 4 pc. bathrooms,, Broadloom and wood panelling with many other features. HOUSE &'HALF ACRE One storey, 2 'bedroom home, 4 pc. bathroom, modern kitchen. recreation room. COUNTRY LIVING Custom built home, situated on 10 acres of land 11/'2 miles from - -ander ieh. 3•large beddrooms,-2-baths deluxe rec •room, angel stone fireplace.' Small barn. Ideal, set-up for race horses or hobby farm. 81.2 ACRES HOME 11t;;11w,n loo 1!1,10. .Irl' i11u. ,t1111'� h111111. 2 I'i'1'I►1a1.1'"., 1 1.1r'„t' I►c1111111111,, 1,.11111, 111'11, (\' I'111'nt kilrhl'n ro 20 ACRES RANCH HOME :3 bedroom rancher. full basement. Scenic area, school • bus at door. Taxes $100'. CHERRYDALE„FARM 200 acres, :3 storey house. with Hans. n bedrnls. Limestone fireplace. • ieautiful setting with :3'1 mile of river frontage. barn and shed. .Spring WO! er' with pond. 53 ACRES MILL ROAD Outstanding opportunity for an in- vestment in an Estate sale of Town property. Changed to development, udder th'e new Toning bylaw. In - ,c) tides one and hall storey. 3 bed• room house. Act last. PRESTIGE BAYFIELD ESTATE Situated on a beautiful .double lot.' loose to Take. Featuring two fire- places. deluxe Hanover kitchens. Shown by appointment only. • ATTRACTIVE RANCHER Park like setting in this treed lot, . 110'' x 1:32'. Well maintained. :3 - bedroom • home in good location, Raised patio. full basement. WEST END 513,900 Three bedrooms. bright eheerv. kit- chen, bedrooms have built-ins. Spacious living i:p op. See this at- tractive home in choice location. - IDEAL STARTER HOME i bright spotless rooms, 2 sunrooms, ready to move into. Large lot• trees. Close to schools. West end location. Taxes $'139. HOUSE, EXTRA LOT Compact storey and one-half, brick. :1 bedrooms, new furnace. ,sunpor- rhes. • Central locat3/;n. BRAND NEW BRICK • Rancher. :1 -bedroom, exceptional value. More features in this r well planned home;, close to schol,;, West end location, broadloom deluxe kitchen. Ideal home. CHOICE LOCATION Large, well-planned, 5 -bedroom home, double living -room with fireplace. Patio and attractive swim- ming .pool. NEAR ROBERTSON- SCHOOL t1 .I httl .lr,t(-tll.ul_ ti. a t vt �l.t atlr. t,..rt_v ._ . ,,,...�. ,.• . , . 11001•, New d•-oll,llt tlrtk(w.1'. • WELL PROPORTIONED 10 principal rooms, full bath up, two 2 pc. down, broadloom. 4 -car garage, large lot 100' frontage. RED BRICK $11,500. Two storey. 4 bedrooms. central lo- --zrat ro"n,- x'relt rit--'tami+y--trrr ire. -•- Needing some repairs. 11/2 BLOCKS FROM SQUARE Two storey brick.in good condition. Presently , duplexed with' all con- veniences. Garage and sun porch, DUPLEX $17,500 Two bedroom units, each fully ren- ted. Close to schools. GENERAL -INSURANCE 38 .EAST STREET RESIDENTIAL LOTS 1/2 acre lots $3.500 • Choice lots.'66' 'x 125' & 71' x 1:12'. Regent St. 82' x 132' $1.500 Clinton. Albert St. 84' x 117'. Pt. Albert 1 acre lots Lucknow 200' x 180'. MODERNIZED 5 BEDROOMS Located, on a ,large shaded kit, double living room},. 2 baths, stone patio. taxes $215. NEARLY NEW BRICK Charming :3 -bedroom ranch home. Absolutely immaculate condition, Sparkling well-planned kitchen, spacious living room, completely broadloomed, carport, just listed. Act fast on this lovely hone. - WELL MAINTAINED HOME Excellent value, 3 bedroom, 2 storey spacious kitchen. irnrnaculate. condition. Lovely treed garden. Owner ..loving out of town. FOUR BEDROOMS pouble livingroom, pine floors, spacious kitchen, two baths, large verandah. Good' location, lot 76'1 x 104'. Close to square. CHARMING 4 BEDROOM Attractive home in choice location features living room with fireplace, dining room, bright cheery kitchen, spacious family room. on main floor. garage. HOME AND EXTRA LOT Large, 5 bedroom home. modern kitchen with built-in• stove and • fridge..hull basement.. Garage. 1 STOREY BUNGALOW Completely renovated. car port, side driveway. 2 bedrooms. 2,2 blocks tronl Square. Excellent ,l'or *retire- ment, STEPS TO SQUARE Make us an offer on this attractive, :3 -,bedroom home. • Located- 1,>n Britannia Rd., 'aluminum siding, garage, Immediate possession. • MODERN BUNGALOW $11,900 attractive :3 bedroom ranch, broadloom, spotless honie. You will want to. move right • in, see this today. Taxes $ 31111. ESTATE SALE C10:4' (11 square. Sptrci )tis 1101110 .can tx' 11113)1(x((1. iuuted ori large treed lot. Owner tvill view till offers. • JUST LISTED Britannia & McDonald. spacious duplex, well maintained. Immediate possession, Make offer. . HANDYMAN'S SPECIAL Central location, low price $1.500 OFFICE SPACE Building in desirable location to be converted to office. inquire re ren- tals.' GROSS 26 PER CENT On investment on this income property. Five self-contained apartments, all rented. ..BIRCH BEACH Attractive cedar cottage, :3 bedrooms, beamed ceiling. Well treed swith privacy. . 100 FT. LAKEFRONT Wooded and private, attractive cottage log burning fireplace. 1 t baths, beautiful setting on lot 100' x 289'. Excellent view. 167 FT. ON RIVER :3 -bedroom, furnished cottage. im mediate possession. COTTAGE CLEARANCE Rustic luxury is yours in this Halliday display model. located on ,. „y , .; ....-. i.,: ...., ,.. '• '7rl'1''t l' t 'ti ' . lid-TYe-�tttzoin. K ��7 sq. int g '' '• x 240 . ot. eaturing eame cathedral ceiling, all glass front and cedar deck providing a panoramic view of nature's beauty, Priced to sell. 'LAKEFRONT COTTAGE Furnished, lot 50' x 575'. Must sell this month. Extra lot. MAITLAND FALLS Privlacy is yours in this panoramic setting. Attractive 3 bedroom cottage on approx. 1 acre river frontage. Well furnished. Taxes $37. NEAR SUNSET PARK :3 -bedroom cottage, features Targe living room. gas hot water heat. . Shaded (3(3' x 1:32' lot. HOLST FOR RENT ' Immediate possession.: •Country liv- ..ing at its best. Large brick family home, only 10 minutes from Gode- rich. Once you (trove in, you'll want to be the proud owner -:--inquire to- day. OPTION TO PURCHASE But open to a good cash offer. Now listed at $12.900.00 is this income home which has additional revenue of $80.00 monthly. Located in west end of town. Extra large lot: Close to schools and arena. RiTA ALLEN 164 ESSEX St. - 524-8480 JOAN GIESSRECHY ,.f 127 ESSEX ST. 524.6546 DEB SHEWFELT 199' CAmerioN .TR E ET 524:9581 EBB M. ROSS 92 NEWGATE $'1'. -524-8786 CUSTOM BUILT We have just listed a new 3 bedroom family home built by a very reputa- ble contractor, using the very best of materials and craftsmen. One low conventional mortgage -104i. Phone and find gut how easy it is to own your home. YOU'LL LIKE IT • When you inspect this spotless'fami- ly home located at 240 CAMERON 'ST. Finished recreation room, laun• dry room, and workshop are some of the many features of'this 3 bedroom bungalow. tastefully decorated, 'Making it a home you'll be proud to own. S2.100:00 down: THIS WEEK'S SFECIAL Would you believe that for $5,900.00 down, you can own this successful business which is located close to Goderich. Due to wife's health and other business interests. this coun- try variety has now been greatly reduced, Living quarters included. DON'T DELAY -BE IN;DEPEND- ENT TODAY. DEVELOPMENT PROPERTY Located in the town of GODERICH. near Suncoast Estates. Suitable fol six residential Jots. Owner asking only 13 down: and will assist you by c•artying a mortgage at 6',. Full price $9.800,00. Open for offers. LESS THAN RENT Terms are offered on this attractive. newly decorated home. Reasonably priced as owner is forced to mote: Located at 60 Napier Street. Avail- abk December 1st, • EXCEPTIONAL VALUE This Mary Street home has now been reduced. and must be seen. It is 0 pleasure to show you this cozy, compact. comfortable home featur- ing new siding and situated on a country -size lot. • ., WALK TO WORK This centrally located brick bunga- low Is one you will he proud to own as it has many built-in featuy':s. Three bedrooms with big closets, cozy den or office. finished recrerl- t ion room and 1'/2 baths. All this 'lot $25.000.0,0 with $2,500.00 down. LOTS FOR A DOLLAR • We have just' listed 'SIX choice building lots. in the ,Town of Gode rich. priced from $2.000.Q0 to $2.5- 00.00. Each lot has an 81' frontage. and -if you are thinking of building, now or in the future, all you need is S700.00 down. ' • ROOM TO ROAM Ideal summer home frir the family. -situated in Bayfield. Home c(t,nsists of 4 bedrooms. living room. large kitchen and modern bath Listed at $10.500.00 but open for good cash oiler. P.S. New furnace and (nsulat ed for year-round use. LAKEFRONT HOME II you're thinking of a retirement, home. then see this haven for two.. Featuring electric heat. duality carpet. cherry wosil'4 panelling, quartz fireplace and custom-de- signed kitchen:Accessible all year round. Real value al $23.900.00. QUIET COUNTRY LIVING olid rs aritiva '' z" Ifo) eri'ez1TT' i c ; horde is located on this 31/2 acres. This property has a spring creek. close to Goderich. good barn and must he sold "tt> settle an estate. GREEN. THUMB SPECIAL Small holdings are scarce. Here is your opportunity to purchase .13 acres. with a six room h'otrse';- hart► ate garage Can he purchased be- Iow al.nraised value. Excellent mortgage -7' 1. NOW REDUCED Here is something special. Small acreage with good barn, drilled well. this 3 bedroom dome is located on the Boundary. Family -size kitch- en. dinii'h _room, living room and utility slake this the country home •suitable for you and your family. i'r•iced at $14,900.00. NOW $12,900.00, 53 West St. 524-0957 JACK CUMMINGS 524'9624 BILL CLlf Forktt 524`909 .... .. I I ,l 4« REAL ISTiAT( FSR SALE ■ atN C M NTEE 52, WEST ST.,* ' GODERICH, ,('HONE 524.6991 APARTMENTS fOR RENT Downstair bedzsitti.nl room apart- ment, private entrance. Ayai,lable December 1, Rent $80 -- ail utilities paid. Two-bedroom main floor. apartment, Near schools. Available December 1. Will redecorate to suit 'tenant, $ 120 mo. heated. HOUSES FOR RENT Four-bedroom home with kitchen, large living room, dining room. one bedroom down, three upstairs.. Red brish home on Picton Street with threF bedrooms, kitchen, living room., dining room, sun porch, and full basement. ' EXCELLENT SMALL FARM Older home which has been com- pletely remodelled' Three bed- rooms. nicidt4in kitchen and. dining room. spacious 1iw-ing ro-oul., 4 -piece bath: full basement with new oil furnace. Located 4 miles south of Goderich-on five acres of fenced -in ` oot"artlett:.a.n .-an---� ever -flowing creek. Priced very r°ea- sonably -.terms available PRICED FOR THE FAMILY BUDGET One & one -hall storey family home with three bedrooms ,has gay fur- nace and "low heating 'costs. Lot is 821 x.132'. House is in exrellent,con- clition. Call today ler an appoint- ment. • THREE-BEDROOM ` - FAMILY HOME Double living room. nicely panelled and carpeted throughout' Newly sided outside. all aluminum win- dows, and doors. Large corner lot.. • carport. Open for offers. ' BRICK.FAMILY HOME Four-bedroom horde reeept•ly remodelled interior with many new features. On extra large lot.,1)wnei very eager tci sell - all oilers wi': be presented COUNTRY LIVING Just 2 1 2 miles south of Goderich on Hwy. No. 21 is a h)vely three-bed- room home on a lot 155' x 114'. Elec- tric heating. drilled well. House is eight years old. and .in excellent condition. LOW-PRICED FAMILY HOME F'rarilc. three bedroom hone with garage. In private location. Taxes just $65 yr. Oii furnace with low hca1ing costs. Al 11111111Ulr1 doors and windows included in price, HOUSE WITH ONE ACRE Low Down Payment' Located near Clinton. l,aige lour-be(iroom home - conrpl(tety remodelled, Carpeted throughout :'iccly landscaped., Full basement. ncu plumbing. oil fur- nace LAND BARGAIN Fl acre lot",just north of Benin We' on the County Road to Carlow. Mixed birsh. Alt .excellent building sue not lar Iron" (;o lerieh. BRUCE RYAN -- Res, 524-7762 B.R. ROBINSON - Res. 524-6905 WARREN ZINN• - R.R. 2 LUCKNOW' - Res. 529-7350 r :1 WANTED-Goderich area. Good 100 'acre farm, on 351 1=d road. with buildings in good 1(11.111 Reply tick 96, Signal -Star.. -05-57 WANTED from one lot to up 'to one acre of land between Goderich and Bayfield preferably with some shade trees. Lakefront or second row. Does not have to have access to back. Write Box 1,- Signaf-Star.--•- ,g48.49x A. ACCOMMODATION TO RENT. FOR RENT -Apartment heated, one bed rot>nt 'apartment, central location, main floor. Stove, and fridge. Available Nov.1st. Mono 5223.1J312.- gd(1tf LARGE bed -sitting, roots, hot plate and fridge, suit middle-aged lady or reliable girl ,permanent proferred. Mahle Leaf Motel, 31 Victoria Nnrth,r--08tf •4.1