HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-11-30, Page 11Among the many floats, bands and other entries. Goderich residents will see in the annual Santa Claus Parade this Saturday will be this ' group of young ladies who call themselves the "Twirl -N -Tots". The majorette group is operated under the sponsorship of the local Recreation Board. and in the parade the girls will march to music provided for.; Visitors on the weekend with , Mr. and Mrs. Jack MacKenzie were Mr: and Mrs. George MacGregor of Copetown. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mac- Kenzie spent Tuesday in Owen Sound with Misses Edna and Eliza Cook. e Mr.'Jiin Bradley and girls vis- ited in London with Mrs. Brad- ley in Victoria Hospital. Rev. Kenneth Rooney is still unable to be the regular minis- ter at Ashfield•Church. Cecil Webster has been sell- ing Christmas cards to earn some extra cash. . a` . e err+Ca n Thanksgiving, several took 'the opportunity to visit relatives in 'this area. John Bradley of Toronto spent the weekend with his parents. Mrs. Gordon Finlayson is on a Trip south to visit Mr. and Mrs. John Finlayson who live in Mexico. Rod Finlayson of Sarnia spent a few days at his home here. Mrs. Mary Hannah Martyn who lives with Mr. and Mrs. Henry 'MacKenzie spent Tues- day with friends in Ripley. Several from this area attend- ed the annual pot luck dinner and Christmas party at Ripley Legion Hall on Tuesday spon- sored by the Ripley and District Horticultural Society. Attending ,a Christmas Party at the Hartley House in Walker- ton on Monday evening, for all executive members, past and present, of the Ontario Associa- tion of Agricultural Societies, were Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Mc - Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacTavish and Mr,- and Mrs. Cecil Hollands from this area. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Patterson and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Arnold were unable to attend. them by Mr. Stereo. ,Left to. right are, front, Lisa Varga, Frances Moyne, Sandi Jo Craig, : Kim Fritzley, - Vicki Whetstone, Caroline Moyne, and Kim Shewfelt. Back, Christine Freeman, Lisa Hill, Emmy Sansome, Betsy Bagman,. Juli t Begman, Susan Cldlsholm, Theresa Osborn and Nancy M.wYI,w.O..• „ Finc er. (staff photo) Bowling, news Junior bowlers doi.ngjweII_ High singles, 'doubles, and triples bowled at the Little Bowl in the Bantams, Junior and Senior leagues last week were: Bantams High Singles, No- vember 25. Anita Streeter, 133; Gary Johnston, 101; Garry Daer, 222; Shirley -Jo Pitre, 143; Jean- nette Little, 133; Lary John- ston2, 141; Dorie Oke, 163; Rob -.. art Little, 139; Susanne Smith, 128; Lawrie Ryan, 116. High Double: Nov. 25. Laura Mac Donald, 226; 'Shirley -Jo Pitre, 207; Dorie Oke, 289; Rob- �]rt Little 259- Susanne Smitn, .aa.rtonr:a;*sn,?z��„aaciwraa.v trc..,v-ix,E ` GGti:7 295; Raymond Moffatt,fair- rieRyan, 215:, . High Average: Anita. Streeter, 103; Randy Little, 135; Laura Mac Donald, 113; Shirley -Jo Pitre, 103; Larry Johston, 114; Dorie Oke, 144; Robert, Little, 129; Susanne Smith; 147; Patty Brindley, 123; Lynn Finlayson, 111; Raymond Moffatt, 139; Lau- -rre Ryan, 107. The Highest Single in ,the Bantam Girls, Barb Goddard, 201. The Highest Single in the Bantam Boys, Larry Daer, 236. The Highest Double in the Ban- tam Girls, Kim Rumig, 313. The Highest ,Double in the Bantam Boys, ,Larry Daer, 433. The Highest Average in the Bantam Girls, Donelda Smith, 149. The Highest Average in the Bantam Boys, Larry Daer, 192. Th'e winners of L Beat My Coach Tournament, where play- ers are given a score that anoth- er person has bowled are given a handicap, and try to beat the score that the other person bowled, if you do yo:r are given a crest. Bantam winners were, Larry Adams, Kenny Clements, Larry Daer, Lynn Finlayson, Mark Finlayson, Lynn Goddard, Lar- ry Johnston, Darrell Kloezie, John K1nA•ria-1.nhna4 T 4:1•. TO REPRESENT • • Goderich .& Colborne Townships on HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION .�w A daiti farmer in Goderich, Township since 1051. Four children, two in EilleMeritary tattoo!, one in secon* dary school and one In university. 'il , solicit your support on Dsc w 4th" Respectfully J hit Westbrook 'Randy Little, Raymond Moffatt, Doug Moffatt, Calvin Martain, Bev. Mathers, Laura Mac Don- ald, Mary Lynn Pagon, Kim Rumig, Roberta Wheeler. Junior winners, Steve Chase, Hospital, Auxiliory!: The Huron. County medical' Officer of Health, Dr. G. ":pI III1S Spoke to the Womenis Hospital` Atixitiary at the November meeting. ' Dr. Mills developed the facts on narcotics -and the abuse of drugs. His talk was termed "en- lightening and informal" and a lively question period followed. The president, Mrs. J. perry, introduced' the speaker and " apprec iation. was expressed by Mrs. J. Marlatt,. The Hospital Gift Shop can- vasser reported that new mer- chandise was in the shop ready for Christmas buyers: A few 1973 calendars are still avail- able from members and at the Gift Shop. Mrs. E. Pr-idham., gave the report of the nominations committee. Several auxiliary members attended District Conference at Clinton and Mrs. J. Hayter, Mrs. C. Worsell, Mrs. J. W. McLaren, and Mrs, J. Berry spoke on dif- ferent phases of the confer- ence. Mrs. Berry presented soine highlights of the Ontario Hospital convention in Toronto which she attended. The auxiliary historian, ,Mrs. L. Vincent, told of the organiza- tion of the. Hospital Auxiliary in 1921 and the events that had taken place in the year that fol- s- lowed. • Brad Hamilton, Scott Little, Andrea Daer, Diane Mitchel - more. Marie Huff, David ,Mc- Kenzie. .Senior winners. Terry ,Craw- ford, Allen Fisher: x ERICH SIGMA.)„, -'TAR. T IJ►1 + , '1972-1^3 Ponspiels andJitneys. December 9, Sheaffer Pen 'Men's Bonspiel, December, 26, Mixed Jitney, December 28, - Ladies' Jitney, °: • Januar ' 2, Legion •Bonspiei,. January 8.9-10, Ladies' District 3 Playdowns, for Provincial Competition, . January 20, Mc- Gee Men's Bonspiel. February 10, Ladies' Valen tine Bonspiel, February 15, Ladies' Jitney, February 24, Sif -to Men's Bonspiel. March 3. Farmers' Bonspiel, March 17. St. Patrick's Day Mixed Bonspiel, March 28-29-30, Canadian Foresters' Men's and Ladies' Curling !Championship, New Year's Eve - • Organize vrn.0 group now for a gala Now, Year's Eve at the Club — hors d'oeuvres will be served dttr-i f g, the evening with a:Scr*MptiOU buffet aftermidnight and music will be supplied by Bobbie Down's Orchestra, • Tickets priced at $20 a ‘couple (limited to 60 couples) are avail- able at Victoria Grey and Trust, Bank of Nova Scotia and at the Club. Call Fanny for reserva- tions (524.9641). . Still a few' datep open for 'Christmas parties -- cheek with Fanny! ALWAYS a READY... TO HELP BLUE'S SUPERMARKET SUPER D!SCOUNT PRICES ON THE SQUARE MAPLE - B�Iogna 16 OZ. VAC PAK 59c OPEN 8 A.M. SHARP TILL 10 i' IVB. 6 DAYS A WEEK ALL LEAN Pork Shoulder LB. 69c WITH DRESSING LB.7 c PINE FINER ,MEDIUM CHEESE 99c LB. SILVERWOODS FRESH MILK. 3 QT. BAGS 2% : HOMO 79c -85c CAMPBELL'S Tomato Soup . 10 OZ. TINS 8 • ist Orange or Lemon Lime Q 4.R c PLUS DEPOSITS BONNIE D�g Food 1{ OZ. TINS 3i29c ONTARIO NO. 1 Table Poto toes 25 LB. BAG 119 • BRUCE 100% Vegetable Margarine • 1 LB. PKG. 25c BUCKS Dill �sunRS 32 OZ. JAR 39c BL `.S...Oilif _ 'Instant Coffee" GUARANTEED DUALITY - to OZ. JAR r 4 KING SIZE Cheer Detergent, 1.79 FRESH LEAN Ground Chuck 89c LB tlo- CALIFORNIA LARGE Celery Stalks BUNCH 43c WE DFLIVER EPICURE Side Bacon LB 995c WESTO N'S Supreme BREAD 99c McNAIR'S Seeded -Raisins 12 OZ PKG. FRESH, PLUMP PKG. 4 3 ONTARIO NO. 1 CARROTS 2 LB. BAG 23c Coca-Cola GIANT*40 OZ. BOTTLES PLUS • 5 NEW FLAVOURS PLUS DEPOSITS —LADY scam FACIAL .TISSUES LGE. PKG. 3i$1 SYLVANIA light • 20-40-60,•100 WATT SUNBURY Tea Bags. FLOWERDALE QUALITY 100's 69c CORN SYRUP V'N.B. 43c WESYOt7's Wagon Wheels PKG. OF 20 ONLY 79c rt' *IWO SO Atis fte people are at caring for the law ire aro a few elkatei that should be done now' to *mire that yy■1��,.the grass condition,'s ttl � - 1 �.M. wn% condition says 13,B,:. McNeill, borticultur*l ;0 list-. Ontario Ministry ry of Agriculture and Food. r In the fall, leaves, especially the maple leaven, Zook be4u I e trees',, Bower, tl y can damage the grass if their' are not. removed. A few will not 4, but an excessive amount Wilt , n smother the grass during ' winter: Take up., leaves before the snnQw comes, They mal good compost, so save • e1n*. rather than burning or putting them in the garbage. Grass winter s. best at a height of 11/2 to 2 inches, If your gra is taller than this, it should be mowed one more time. CHRISTM ALL THROIJGH THE HOUSE Selec#i4ra--MIRRORJ— g VARIOUS SIZES, ' FROM FANCY, PLAIN, 64FRAMED OR UNFRAMED 17.95TO«0 axssx r. us=er xgxwxsmszx r.$5x s:awsm x r x x ma. xi g g g g g 1i:.. g j g g g Christmas Lamp SPECIAL g .g Just in time for Christmas comes this special on all types of tamps. Look around your home. Do the lamps need replacing? Act now and save money. TREELAMP 39.9511 g g TABLE LAMPS 8.95 • P sw� • � d+ � i s a matching suet of table lamps. 17.95& 89.95 ft, g Aaxs x»xs�rs x saxzsAx xz3s x xaA x x x xcs xsAs:zx x xsoxaxas z x g SETStwos CEDAR CHESTS T HE FAMOUS LANE CHEST Nothing is more appreciated at this time of year than a cedar chest.. Soon -to -be -brides and brides of many years cherish this gift. We carry the finest name in the industry and the largest stock in town. .Here is a much...apprecia.ted gift item and one that will be used and appreciated many times throughout the year. -See our excellent selection 1 BRIDGE' SITS � 39•95 89.951 1 g HASSOCKS All Shapes and Sizes Priced From 7.95 to 24.50 CLOTHES HAMPERS A Large and Attractive Selection In Popular Sizes and Colors I OUN , NC,, AUTHORIZED LA -Z -BOY`' DEALER 524.7741. `AIIIIiCli`:Cr"'iilii4i70Mi�"it`itiiitliriiitN10liiif 1+111