HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-11-2, Page 8SPEGIAL GLEARINu SALE To mako room for New Goods we will offer all School Books at 20 per cont discount. 200 page Scribbler for 3 cents, 300 pages for 4 cents, 100 peps for 2 Gents and 72 pages for 1 Bent. Slate pencils 11 cents per 100. Inks 2 £or 5 cents. Slates for 4, 6, and 7 cents. Note paper. from 4 to 7 cents per qr. Envelopes 3, 4 and. 5 cents per package. Tablet note 7 cents per 100 selects. 10 cent Music, 3 pieees for 10 cents. 100 5 -cent Stories at 3 cents each, S.S Libraries at 35 per cent. discount Albums away Gown and all other goods at from. 20 to 50 per cent. discount—Bibles excepted. Sale. to commence Saturday at noon and close Tuesday evening, Sept. 26, at 10 oleicck. It will pay every visitor to the Fair to call.. John. Grigg FIVE YOU? Heard of t li e. Great 60 Days Appreciation Sale, now going on at . . • • Tft E 3I O 131:114.1SRUP1 STORE. It is a Daisy. J. 1 STEWART, LOCAL JO T/NGS. ,- Get your tweed suits for winter at Exeter Woollen Mills. J, W. Browderick's cheap sale will • continue for ten clays. Books and sta- tionary at half price. You can buy choice new Dress Goods cheap at the Big Bankrupt Store. Try. "The Laughing Kings are coming The inimitable Guy Bros., DrewsOpera Hall, Nov. 3th. Fine black cashmere 42 in. wide for 22ic, at Richard Pickard &Sons. The funeral of the late Mrs. W. G. Smyth, of 'Clinton, passed through here on Tuesday enroute to the Kirkton Cemetery. Fine black worsted suit to order lat Richard Pickard & Sons for $15. The Guy Bros. Minstrel Co. will ap- pear here on i'Vednesday next. This company is first class and need no comments. R. Pickard & Sons' sales are increas- ing daily. Low prices are telling. Constable Creech is on his rounds this week collecting taxes and has re-' lieved a large number of their "toad skins." Men's. Boys and youths overcoats at _Pickard & Sons, at very low prices, Mr. Ed. Bissett intends making For- est his home and moved his furniture: there this week. Mrs. Bissett and fam- ily will follow shortly. The Exeter Woollen Mills are selling their first-class all wool tweod at cost beveral of the young men of town enjoyed themselves Hallow'en night, cnnsequeutly a number of gates and out -houses were deranged, A big lot of black military braids just to hand at R. Pickard & Sons—all widths. His Honor Judge t'om, of Goderich, held court of revision here on Tuesday last, when considerable work was done in ;sog;ard to rectifying` the voters' list. Extra fine 2 ply Black stocking yarn - only. 10e, per ,.skein at the Exeter Weedien,Milis. , 'R,; t`Bialvn ;and:•family ;Qf Ches ley, have become residents of oar town, Navies, -moved into. the premises re` eeetiy vacated by Wm, Daw, on0- Anni Ail. wool French diagonal dress goods, r i ce„m uls.k�'��'17c,:�fur-'43c. at R. P ekad & Sons eiiriirg the:great'sale. Mr,.Itich.;Mattson •1.has disposed of ltis Bidciulph•property, lot No. 1. in the teth'eoncession, to his nephew,, Ilarrisoi',r.. 7.liC oiisidcrhtion we end'- rstaptlWho': 6,175..' Special yalnc in all kinds of Crock; alar sit flie'Big' Bankrupt Store.. Dinner !i'etb, Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, ran air Creek- , foyi roek-..pry, all going, cheap. See the yelucs. Maimles2o Lo below any other house at R, Pickard & Sons. «�5 Cents will pay for the ADvoo/en l from now until Jan 1st 1894, Subscribe iloW. Don't forget the cheap sale at Brod erick's Store. ' 90e gets a pair of horse blankets at the Exeter Woollen Mills. The GuyeBros Drews Opera Hall Nov. 8th, Do not miss their rivers of wit aild oceans oftmirth. A social gathering of young,' people assembled at the residence of Mr. John Stanlake, Stephen, on Friday nigb last and spent a very pleasant evening in dancing, etc. For Jackets and Mantles at half price at Broderick's Bankrupt Store. The Guy Bros will present "Robin Hood" as dratnatized by W. H, and G. R Guy, with original songs and chorus- es. The Guys are the best. See them in Drews Opera Hall, Nov. 3th. Buy your Wool Blankets, Wool Hose and Underwear at the. Big Bank- rupt Store Now's your chance for a Bargain. A Montreal cable says:—The Scotch market is overstocked' with Hereford, Devon and Welsh cattle, partly owing to the exclusion of Canadian. Scottish prices for cattle and sheep are, how- ever, materially better than they were at this time last year. The biggest stock of Mantles/al town at the Big Bankrupt Store, and the biggest Bargains. Ladies' Mantles from $10 up. See the values. A convention of South Huron Liber- als will be held at Hensel' on 'Monday, Nov. 6th, for the purpose of organiza- tion, arranging for a convention for the selection of a candidate, and the transaction of any other business that may be deemed necessary. Gents' Overcoats, Fur Coats, Fur Robes, Wool Underwear, all at closest cut prices during the great 60 day sale now on at the Big Bankrupt Store. Mr. Rich Coates and newly -wedded bride arrived home from Douglass, Man, on Saturday evening last. A Grand reception of about fifty people —young and old—assembled at his father's residenceto do honor to the new arrivals and a very pleasant ev- ening was spent. The old mill dam, which was badly damaged by the recent burning of the mill, is now undergoing repairs. The proprietor, M�. James Howard, signifies his intention of utilizing the water power in connection thereto shortly and will establish a mill for chopping grain or for some other purpose. The trial of Louis F. Arno for the betrayal of Pearl Butler, of Ailsa Craig, was begun and ended Thurs- day morning in the Recorder's Court, Detroit. It only took three nours and was attended by a large crowd of spec- tators, among them 'beteg fifteen or twenty women: Arno ;,was convicted and sentenced to imprisonment for` life: Exeter Bankrupt Store,—J.W. Brod- erick's great cheap sale of drygoods, groceries, Boots and shoes is now going on. Everybody is pleased with the bar- gains and this week we will •offers lot of underwear in men's shirts and drainers and ladies 'vests at a great sacrifice: A nice line of these moods only 20c, each. Don't miss. this cheap sale. "The other day as Nis. G. Bissett and daughter and Mrs: James Howard, Qf Exeter, were returning home from St. Marys the vehicle which they were riding collided with a cow, cans ing the whiffietree to break. All the occupants were•thrown from the rig and sustained slight injuries but a bad fright. The horse bolted but was brought to a halt befgre doing any damage."—St. 'Marys Journal. All the creameries id .this country operated by Mr. Hannah - have been 'closed for thin season. Mr. Hannah says this has been a very discouragiLg year in the creamery business on ac- count of cream being so scarce. This was due partly to dry- weather and short grass and .partly, to the scarcity and high price of dairy • butter, many making butter themselves, who inless fayorable seasons send their cream to the creameries. The Chicago British -American says: "Mr R. S. Hodgins, who is an extens- ive dealer in all kinds of farm produce in.Lucan, Ont:, is the superintendent of the Dominion Agricultural Exhibit at the World's Fair, and no one could have labored harder for the welfare of the exhibitors and the glory of his nat- ive country than that gentleman There is not an exhibitor inany sect- ion of his department who has not a pleasant word to' say of the popular superintendent, atld'he may, return to his native country with the assurance that he has performed his exacting duties wih credit to himself and his country and the exhibitors." The Kingston News of Oct. 4th has the < following,, flattering notice:—"It was ai'faprly large arid'' Medi ',,Pleased auc fie"rico whiath attended the, ;pekrform- c gf,a Guy Brothers minstrels at a,rKeer Opcira, llpuse lase. .vening. T1ie performance was good ---,:funny, in tensely funny in .parts—and• One good 'feature.of, iGvitas that the jokes did not heed are agedoder, morel of 'thitniOeing fresh'.nd original ,In the. Specfaeillar part of the show the .performance of McDenald:thc'-tiexible statute,'' and Everest, the club swinger, were espec• ia;lly,tneritorious..The ,1 Robin Hood" scene and••seeeral of the s eeialities in- " in it were ttite l Yasin L r'bd'iiced a as 4 p .w ;1so the Stich drill b;y,,the• Guy Brother's r•lbi;•cosiiurnes were, hand• ssam.e;;, •• `i•Pfe tl'aVeres ,' "' ^ `0, 4. .JOHNSTON, Saturday Bargain Day. J. A. STEWART,--lave you? . ROBT. N. RQW, rob Pandit noise. , Mother earth, was mantled on Satur- day pight'•Itt'SE"'en£ti"l'east•' of snow ebout,thr,ee inyhes'aleeP., The Big`Banitel pttStore beats any and every houso in town on Boots and Shoes, Q' ershees'4ibd 1tUbbers, The Guy Bros, ;were, here just a year ago, and were lronsidered by eycry- body the best treepe'thatlever visited Exeter. They wilt perform in Drew's Opera Hall,. Noy, Sth. The London Advertiser says that Samuel Grigg, manager of the Hotel Manitoba, at Chicago, has,'lbeen offered the inituagement of a leading Chicago hotel at a salery of $500 a:month. A number of horses, cattle and house bold;furnit tire under chat tle mortgage, the property of Daniel Hawkey, near Farquhar, were disposed of by Auction at the Commercial House stables by Chief Gill yesterday. The. stock being in verypoor conditiion brought low prices. We made mention in our last issue of Mr. Greg. Tom's recent appointment in Vancouver B, C. ' The Vancouver Daily Netvs-Advertiser and the Daily World thus refers to it:—"After a little discussion as to whether itwasueeessa ry to appoint a teacher by ballot, Mr. Col- lins moved seconded by Macgowan. that Mr Tom be appointed principal of the East End school. The motion was carried without a dissenting voice," (World), "Matters in the public school have resumed their normal condition. Everything is working satisfactorily and pleasantly under the principalship of Mr. Tom." From what we learn rom.the School Board minutes it has been the usual custom of the trustees to ballot on all applicants for, principal ship; but in Mr. Tom's case the balloting• was dispensed with and Mr. Tom ap- pointed by a motion, and was carried without a dissenting vote,which speaks. much for Mr. Tom's efficiency and,: abilities as a teacher. The school whieh Mr. Tom undertakes to control con- tains twelve : departments, with two male and nine female assistants and, is the largest public school in the city, thus Mr. Tom undertakes a big re-' � sponshility but he has had a very' successful experience and is fie every way qualified for the duties which now devolve upon him. Perhaps some of the wise (?) people of Exeter may won- der at the Vancouver School Board in appointing a young man who is not vet married to such a responsible posi- tion Hoy Wanted A good smart boy: wanted to learn printing. Apply at this office. To Farmers. Farmers who have horses for sale; would do well to bring them to town I on Saturday next, Nov. 4th, as Mr: B. Aubry, of Montreal, will be here te' purchase horses. Heed the Warning. The Middlesex assizes contain a: couple of lessons, which ought to prove of much value to the township councils. who are in the matter of roads rather prone to be"ipeunywise andpound fool- ish." A hole in the Blackfriars gravel' road cost London township $3,500, while in the neighboring townshipof Euphemia a little rut cost the 'hand some sum of $5,500. Wedding. Last (Wed) evening theresidence of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sanders, Stephen, was the scene of a most pleasing and. interesting event,, it being themar.. riage of their daughter Grace to Mr. James Hill, of redit n. The ceremony was performed by the Ravi,- Mr. Baker, in the presence of a number of the con• tracting parties immediate . relatives. Afterthe happy couple .had received the customary congratulations, all sat down to a sumptuous repast provided by the host and hostess; after which a few hours of pleasant pastime were spent. The bride was the recipient of. many costly and useful presents. Will Provide Stationary. It is understood that the Ontario Government haye resolved for the pur- pose of securing uniformity, to issue stationary for forms, etc.; to be used in taking the vote in the prohibition plebiscite on 1st January next. Ballot papers and poll books Must, in compli- ance with the act, be procured by the clerk of each municipality. but the ordi- nary poll book will be used, with the addition of a ruled col arnn, headed, "Prohibition." 'The yariens forms will be supplied, without clielee'-,''andwill be forwarded, with copies of the plebiscite act, for use by the deputy returning officers, in ample time for the coming municipal ele;tions. Literary Note. The leading feature of the Review of Reviews for November is its presenta• tion of the-"Pcssibilities of the G eat Northwest," in an article by Mr. S. A. Thompson, and in;. a supplementary article by Dr. R Johnson, upon "Inland Water -ways for the Northwest!' Mr. Thompson, as secretary of the DuUtth Chamber of Commerce, has for several a a• years been actively en„a„ed in search- ing out and applying effective means for bringing the great states northwest of the Upper Mississippi; and the great Canadian provinces belonging gen• graphically to the sanie region, into closer communications with therest of the North American' continent. He is therefore able; to write with an enthtts• iasm born of intimate knowledge of the subject and supported' by very import- ant and surprising statistics, Dr. John- son is lecturer on •y I'ra.nsportatiotl in the Wharton School of Finance and Economics, University, of Pennsylvania` and has recently pudlished a mono- graph upon "Indian Waterways.' Dr, Johnson particularly emphasizes the importance Of canal and Aver trans- portation as a tn'eans''of'ibefeting rail - Way rates, and he; finds a ,every, lerge social as well as deeeomic ;influence re- salting from the extensieti of faculties for shipping and for personal „travel. These two articles suggest a futare`of almost unimaginable' growth for the great Northwest.' Each article is fit- tingly illustrated. TURD AA Fall and Winter Dress Goods. 1We are i.la and doing. In fact we have been busily engaged for some time with the multifarious details involved in the choice and selection of a complete line of S Joliilston'i rcryday araa!ns —AND-- SBl�CdBy'S Specials 1 5 pieces Blue Serge . Dress Goods, all wool 75 cts. for (job)25cts 30 -cent Wool Hose, La- dies' (10doz.) at.... 15cts All Wool G-rey Flannel, 15cts Yard Wide Gingham 10cts Good Fur coats for men $18 Overcoats $3.50, $4.00, ' $5, $6.00, $10.00. They beat the World. 4.* xt�r 9sy�C SftTtIfiDT'S SECIiS, k,X 3 pieces 25 -cent all wool Dress Goods........10cts 2 pieces Hop Sack Dress Goods 75 cts, for.. . 50cts 75 -cent Tapestry Car– pet, (bargain day) ....55cts 60 -cent do. ....40cts Canned. Salmon.. • • •lictsi 3 Cakes Toilet Soap : in Box . 4cts 4 P'k'gs Corn Starch . 25cts 20 -cent Tea 15cts 12 Cakes . Glycerine Soap in box (bar- gain day).. .....25cts 10 per Cent. Cash discount off Mantles and Tweeds. Come along and we will show you what courtesy time will allow. G. JOHNSTON • f,r MoTaVish's Old Stand, Opposite Hawkshaw's Hotel. If our competitors make any showing this Season, they wil have to do some very clever work to ..• duplicate the magnificent collection of materials that we have gathered together for our own and our customers profit, " We have secured many • ex.clvsive and Inimitable Styles,. • • We have been forced to inspect many lines of samples and to bring a great deal of experience to bear to ma e our choice properly, but we hope we have succeeded as in previous seasons and • • we promise you Positively the Latest Designs. In every class of goods we carry. To get the • • right styles at the right time and at the right ▪ prices is something that all buyers appreciate' whether in; . . . . . . Color, Pattern or Price. We know that we have the best. You can prove our statements by inspection. cArtima-. o Now is the time to buy Stoves and Furnaces. 'If you want either of these articles, why not buy from us? We compete with dealers all -xx_ through the county and defy them to x' meet our prices. We keep the largest assort- ment We guarantee every stove and furnace we sell. xtx Cobbledick Follaud. :zotIrEill1tatl IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell. a Farm iF Vf1TT WANT; TO Buy or Sell'Town Property IF YOU WANT TO Borrow Or,Lend4li1oney IF YOU WANT, Collections Make Call at 1r. ino,' Spackntan's Real, Estate Agency. Business Transactions strictly con- fidential. ;:Intending ;purchasers will receive the best advice in selecting, land or town sites:- Also ites :Also agent for Allan Line and'State,Line Steamships. Office- Main Street, Exeter. Ont. Address.=J OITN SPACKMAN, Box 44 This wonderful discovery is the best known remedy for Biliousness and rill'$totnnch and Liver Troubles, such as Constipation, I ea'tifiche, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, I n i estiont1 pere Blood', 4e, ,TheseLoren es are pleasant and harmlessand though powerful to proote a healthy action of the'bowels, do not weaken like pills. YL your tongue i8 sealed year allele tlneui, �1 'AAr, c { Air AT ALL initUt, b'l'O iES. Exter Liluber Tail. The undersigned wishes to inform the general public that he keeps constantly in stoc , all kinds of building material, dressed and un- dressed lumber . . . B. C. Red, Ontario, High Land and Pine Shingles.. . Special notice ;is drawn to B. C. Red Cedar which is acknowledged to be the most durable : timber- that grows; especially for shim • les. 36 to 40 years. . It is said by those who know, that they will last from 36 to 40 years in any climate. A. illi Japes Wits 9 LUMBER MERCHANT FtYttrlt City ICnsii !Kars Rice Shorthand Se leo!, of Landon. Does w Need .60 bold out such inducements as the payniont of Railway hare, ,.) ()1'uaraanteeillg Positions, and. in order to seoure your patronage . WE DO. Offer you the lliost Practical and Thorough Brining in' alt Uusineess Sub- •joets which it is possible to obtain. We have the largest attendance aria . the mostcomplete school in Canada. We solicit your patronage solely '' Upon tholground of our superior training Satisfaction guaranteed or money refiiindod, Board $2 50 per week. Catalouge free. 1 7'.n..0. ten •sxrale'T.eseia-rz`==.,,xia leelaateiea;1•,