The Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-11-16, Page 27cb
A new monoymaksr'
Farmers can open homes
to others 011 voctions
The following is a copy of the • mers are like. I've driven
speech delivered at the Dungan- through your countryside' and
non Women's Institute recently seen Your --farms and even
• by Mrs. Phyllis 'Durst talked with some of your farm
if, after reading the context of people, but .1 can't really .-learn_
Mrs, Durst's lecture there are to know thein or understand
Signal -Star readers who would them that way. Isn't there some
care to look more closely at this means by which I could actually
line of endeavour, they may get live with an American farm
additional,' information by family for a few weeks?"
writing to Ontario Federation of "Mr. Wolfe was also acutely
• Agriculture, 387 $Ivor Street aware of the deplorable lack of
East, Toronto 285, Ont. understanding between farm
It is understood the govern- and city people on this con-
ment is encouraging this type of tinent, having lived on both
activity and offers grants to sides of, it, and he had always,
assist rural dwellers to update lurking in the back of his mind,
their premises where necessary, an active desire to figure out
such asadditional wiring, plum- some, means of bringing farm
b'tng, re -decorating etc. and city people_ together, as well
"I believe that the ideals and as have his dream realized that
purpose of the Women's In- every child should know the•joy
stitutes are in so many ways of spending a "umnier on the
those of the Farm Vacation farm.
• idea of
program that it would be good Thus the ids
time jumping on the'huge old
` � SPORT$ R41�NPMEf#7°
by Dilt SMILEY
I was- aiSQ arry to see Paul
'Hellyer 'elected. He is a
tractor tube, or rolling down the ° politician whose - ego seems
hill inside of it. One woman's No* that we've all settled down qualled only - 'by his ambition.
favourite reading spot is in a after that abortion of an elect- The record; Ran for Liberal
high canner of the hay near a tion, we can get back to the'im- leadership. Beaten. Liberal
Nile in the barn where she can , portant things of life: what' for , cabinet minister. Quit Founded
see for ' miles, :This is just an dinner; our bursitis; rakin�tshe• ' ' Action Canada - a flop: Joined
example of how people get a last of the blasted leave;,. ,'; the Conservatives. He may have
thrill out of simple thing . dusting off the curling boots;
„great. abilities, but I'll never
"A :far#h vacation is a real and worrying about our kids. forgive him for unifying the ar-
.fholiday for wives who like Just before we bury�the whole n-ied forces,
having absolutely nothing to do unpleasant melts, however, niay You see how little our vote
with getting meals, and for I promise that I will make no depends on reason. I mentioned
mothers who are delighted to more election predictions? Oh, 1 those three to suggest what a
find that the children are was right. I warned that the fickle creature the average
always busy, and never peed en- Canadian `people are among the Canadian voter is. I'd have
mostvolatile in the world when - voted for Whither, Liberal, for
"For small children, the at- it comes to politics.,They proved old times' sake. For Ryan, Con-
traction is the animals and -the it. - ' servative, because he's a'' good
pets, and, the ,freedom For And I prophesied that tl#e' man. And' against Hellyer, Con-
schophage children, it's the Tories and NDP would gain,. servative, because of'his many-
• barn, or trees to', climb or and that iti �. would be the coloured coat
fishing For teenagers, it's horses Liberals again with a minority ,
that Canadians are a reserved,
conrvative people, because we
Oh, it did the heart good, 1.,.
can tell yo3,, to see the Canadian"
character as it really. is. None of
this ""good losers" nonsense. of
other northern races. Our hearts
were in every cross-check, and
every one, of us was there, at
/least in spirit, as our boys, at the
winning goal kissed. each other
and hugged each other and slob-
bered over each other.
Shov me another nation that
• can boo its "boys" in defeat and
Cheer them, in victory, as we did,
and I'll show you another
nation with real heart.
And that's what we're like in
election's. A11. heart. No brains.
Give us a brilliant, .colourful
prime minister and we cheer
'him to the rafters. As long as
he's winning. We're a funny lot.
The Argyle Syndicate
There's an old-fashioned de Nursing
u�,$) n g Sch00l
find a delightful have to take me so seriou
n mean _
_ . ., :C �,:... +..w-:,. Y � . , n .,.+,b .Y d.r: � f",1.�,'i,.�Ak'sNlar'.'d ;t�:.Wr�&���e�- �'� r PI1' Q.r: ai�-.�.v: - �'.. Y . II 7
4k al �tJ,w.•sa... Vi raa•u... ,.� -,. �. • x .x...MF,""E+.A., �:.. .�". ...F�. -a.. � MA7 •
s share our "coininon"infec t °"` meetingns waw arm r -After- n-,.,,•
Writers. and vets like the away- minora l;`rom now' on, i`'"shall "
said Mrs. Durst. meetings with farmers and p �' alk
climate, and aren'•t given much .�
from-it-allpeace and quietness desist from making forecasts, as 1 — _
"Harvesting vacationers is a agricultural representatives, a to either dancing or rioting in
relatively new business for unique organization was for- , of the countryside. For nature it seems to put the hex on things'', Mr. O.L En elstad, fid-
I take back none 'of the streets. g
Canadian farmers, but it is now '' meed. enthusiasts, it's, a paradise, with However, The idea is completely `un- ministrator of Clinton Public
recognized and considered by "Here's how it works; Farm acres to roam, lots of birds and what I said. Mr. Trudeau never founded. True, we don't do Hospital, wel"corned the mein -
our farm organizations and folks who have spare bedrooms other ' wildlife, and often in- did have the common touch, the much of anything in the streets hers of the Board of Trustees of.
Department of Agriculture as and want, to earn a little extra teresting rocks' and fossils. , politician's instinct. Mr. Stan -
for six months a year, except the Perth -Huron Regional.
"The low cost of a farm. field still sounds as though he'd scuttle along, cursing, noses School of Nursing at their
another farm crop - one par- Hing t while meeting and leas-dripping.meeting held in Clinton
holidayappeals to most both feet into one leg of his
titularly promising for marginal Hing to know city people list pp p p Hospital farmers, as it thrives on their farm in a publication that However, a majority of the farm long -johns. And Mr. Lewis was But behind those steady, grey p tal last week.
wasteland, which often provides 'contains all the farms. When the vacationers have turned out to never more smarmy than when' facades that others see live the Chairman, Dr. A.R. Rowe,
the best vacationland, and in city family becomes interested in • be professional people, many of the returns were coming in. real Canadians: pulsing, welcomed • Dr. J.M. Watts of
many cases it requires very little one of the farms described, they whom could afford more expen= Despite my disenchantment, ` passionate; not grey but purple. Goderich as a new member to
• sive vacations. Thus it seems at the last moment I decided to . In fact some times that purple the ''Board, During the
idea •..
to ride,an'a'''swimming. goernment. But they didn't
k seriously.J
b' tud ,d t that size of
• capital outlay. introduce themselves aby mail
"Some of you may be asking The families exchange that the .lure of a farm vacation vote Liberal, chiefly because of peeps through, usually in those discussion on Finances, it was
tion "J t what 'is a • correspondence and,.informatibn isn't so much economic, as an fear that what did hstappee imight same noses. announced that, Expenditures
theme, question, , .. .,..honest desire to sample life as.. ' happen;' A ship - of •
farm vacation?" � find ouf ii' they are tom P`erhaps the most obvious---are—well under bud of to --date,.
two wheelsmeh fighting g
"Well, it's simply a holiday eatable.' ' the country- people live it - , rudder, example to illustrate the wild, The budget of $513',5655.00 was
-guests, an "Thus, when theyfinally get "We have discovered that for the wheel, andathe winds of emotional, inner Canadian is
on a farm for-payingevel•g y city eagerchangeg l the Canada -Russia hockey
most folk are to un- • b�lowin u � into a
idea that developed back in together, it's almost as old derstaild the problems of rural
.• *k .. Bill
friends. By introducing farmers people, and we gain an insight
and city dwellers to each other
on this basis of friendliness, the into their problems ' in the
Farm Vacation program is process.
reaping a plentiful harvest of "In fact, our guests have
taught us so many things.
better 'understanding between Perhaps the most important of
the two groups. these is an appreciation for
"You probably wonder, why
city folk would want to spend what we have around us ...'"an
their •vacation on a farm and appreciation for our way of life,
in. a communitywhere the
paywell for the privilege! people -go out of their way to be
For some it's nostalgia.
Either they grew up on a farm helpful in any way they can,
or spent childhood holidays with where people are so alive com-
pared cousins. pared. to the blank, dead faces
_� �L .-..L.rr�..rr..•
1949 when an ex -farmer,
Wolfe, then owner of a public
relations business for hotels and
resorts across the Vnited States,
began getting requests such as
the following one from a Near
Eastern delegate to the United
Nations: "Since I''ve*been in this
country," he said,' "I've seen lit-
tle else but New York City. My ,
country . is agricultural; my
people are' mostly farmers. I'd
like to know what American1'ar-
going deaf?
`.s+a - •+ - 1
Some riding results were of
particular interest to me. I was
g141 to see that my old friend,
shared a couple of campaigns-.
when we wen. mere boys, was,
series of recent fame.
, one of tile Lucky Liberals to'
squeak in.
I was sorry to see another 00
friend, Perry Ryan, who
represented Toronto Spadind
for years, get the'axe. He made,
the political mistake of standing
by his principles, and quit the
"Most 15e -Ole -feel they _peed Liberals for the Tories wfien
tryside in this area,' and the
crowds and'pollutiort.
campers are finding the crowded gorgeous sunsets
camping 'grounds like going , ... and a sky full of stars that
from the frying pan into the fire. fairly jump out at you
... for the relatively clean water,
"Many are looking for an en-
tirely different kind of vacation, and uncrowded beaches
and the idea of being on a real ... for wholesome home-grpwn
honest -to -goodness farm With
l bowlful of fresh raspberries
-- animals, and a barn and hay, ... for the sheer luxury of a big
and the whole bit. appea s to
them. ... and for4jVist plain space.
"Others are tited of "To show just how much these
restaurant and store-bought folks appreciate the opportunity
food. They long for real down- . to share in country living, I have
to -earth homecooking, with three letters frorn guests with
fresh fruits and 'vegetables right me. From talking with other
from the garden - an un- farm hos4, theY too, receive
similar letters. We are not
believable treat to them - or
unique. No farm has a
home -baked bread fresh. from
the oven. VVhere else can they monopoly on fresh air and frien-
Chicago, Ill.—A free offer of
special interest, to those who
hear but do not, understand
words has been announced by
Beltone. A non-operating model
of the smallest Beltone aid ever
made will be given absolutely
free to anyone answering this
Try it to see how it is worn
in the privaey..of,...youi: own
home without cost or obligation
of any kind. It's yours to keep,
free. It weighs less than a third
of an mince, and it's all at ear
level, in one unit. No wireslead
from- body to head.
These models are free, so we
suggest you write for yours
now. Again, we repeat, tliere Is -
no cost, and certainly no obli-
gation. Write to Dept. 9128,
Beltone Electronics Corp., 4201
W. Victoria, Chicago, Ill. 60646.
find these things? dly hospitality.
"The first letter is in the form
of a poem:
Dear Dursts:
Of all the vacations
have had
continued on page 4B
"bnplanned entertainment is'
an attraction for many, who are
tired of resorts where their time
is all organized. They like the'
idea 9f doing as they please,
helping if they feel ambitious or
just being completely lazy. Our
visitors, adults and children
alike, have a ball on the rope
hanging • above the hay mow,
swinging from, One end of the
barn to the other.
"The children spend a lot of
Kentucky Style Chicken
Franchips open for this area
Reply io-Reddi-Chef Foods, 2 ingrany0rive, Toronto 15, giving
address, phone, number, age, marital and iinaheial itatTuf,
present occupation and past experience. Location desirable
but not essential. FrEfhthise can be added to existing business.
In person' interviews conducted in approximately two weeks.
Township of Colborne
Thursday, November 23
8:30 p.m.
Township Hall
The Reave and Council will report for 1971-73
Wilmer Hardy
we ever
When our team was getting
clobbered, most of. us went
around in a surly, cynical,
almost viyious mood, snarling at
wives and children, scoffing at
our players, denigrating that
vast, philanthropic institution,
the NHL. You see„we were suf-
fering. Our pride was hurt in the
way that the pride of no mere
Latin could be hurt •
But when our team began to
win, we showed our true selves,
exuberant, friendly, joyous, ac-
t put loud,
accepted for, 1973.
The budget for 1973 is based
on a recommended increase in
student enrolment in September
of 1973, of 90 students. 'This ig '
an increase of 20 ,students over
the 1972 enrolment
Mrs. W. 'Carr, Public
Relations Chairman, recommen-
ded that the 1973 Graduation •
Ekercises be held on June 29,
Miss M. Philpott, Principal of
the Sc,•hool stated the results of
1972 R.N. Examinations have'
been received. The School
Faculty are presently ,analyzing
report, 'will .be brought't te-the7
Adding three
to four
equals seven
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