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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-11-09, Page 34Page S The Signal -Star. November 9, 1972 --Car Care Supplement Revolutionary Engine Welcomes. Motorists to New 'Rotary' Club Welcome to the rotary club -- the rotary club of Dr. Felix Wankel, whose revolutionary new engine made its appear- ance in Germany in 1956, .and is possibly going to be the power plant for many auto- mobiles in ten years. ° The' rotary -powered Maz- da, made by Toyo, . Kogyo Company in Hiroshima, Ja- pan, has already made its appearance in this country. with . the RX2 sedan: Experts in the automobile industry say there is a real possibility that domestic made rotary -engined oars will be in the nation's show- rooms on a limited basis by 1974 or ,1975. Sooner or later you may be driving — maybe even own- ing — one of these remark- able cars, so you'll want to know a little about what makes the engine go. It's a gasoline -burning, in- ternal-combustion engine which ° uses rotary 'motion to drive the wheels instead of the up-and-down motion of • a piston engine. If you were to take the cover off the top of the rotary and look down into it, you would see what looks like a triangle turning, inside a chamber which is shaped like a slightly flat- tened circle. Three Chambers" Each side of' the triangle •blocks off an arc of the cir- cular chamber to form -three smaller, crescent-shaped chambers. As the triangle; or rotor, turns, the positions of the three crescent-shaped chambers move around in- side the large, circular cham- ber. The Intake -compression - ignition -expansion -exhaust Sequence occurs in the three crescent-shaped chambers, causing the rotor to spin. The rotor, which turns not on its axis but in a slightly eccentric motion, is attached to a drive shaft to turn the car's wheels. The rotary motion is al- most vibrationless, and it constitutes one of the rotary engine's most significant ad- vantages over the piston en- gine. Ignition in the rotary is caused by two spark plugs. Because of the rotary's char- acteristics, the plugs have to function with a considerably reduced cooling cycle. To do the job properly an entirely new plug was developed, by Champion Spark Plug Com:- pany. It has two ground elec- trodes instead of the usual one, In addition, a copper - cored center electrode is used to permik the better heat conductivity demanded by the rotary. No Pistons Dr. Wankel's creation has no pistons, as we said before; . neither does it have a crank- shaft, camshafts or valve gear. It is remarkable in that it uses about one-third the number of parts of a piston engine, is one-half the weight of the . piston power plant, and develops the horsepower of a piston engine twice its size. Reasonable fuel economy (on unleaded, 'low -octane gasoline) and acceptable oil consumption are characteris- tic of rotary engines. What about service? If the engine is operated within the recommended, range, the life of the see,iS° and bearings should run ROTARY MODEL IIT AVAILABLE An operating, 1/5 scale model of the rotary engine has been developed for hobbyists. , Available in kit form the engine is ct nstructed of heavy plastic housing to allow, observation of the ro- tary's inner workings. Price of the kit is $7.50 which includes postage and andling. It can be obtained from The Gallery, Dept. 44'807 -Amsterdam., N.Y. 12010. 0iii`t T. 1. Chamber at minimum space volume. Intake cyclebegins. Qom' - 2. Rotor eevolves,fuel/ air mixture is drawn' ,. through carburetor (arrow). 3. Chamber nearly filled with fuel/air mixture. 4. Chamber has reached maximum volume. Carburetor intake Is almost closed and compression starts. T. 5. Start of compression cycle. (Next chamber begins Intake 'cycle). __ l 6. Fuel/air mixture -is nearly compressed. '. 011111S V/ 1, _ 7. Charge Is fully cam- pressed. The first plug fires. Slightly later, second plug fires. t4.),„1/4, , -..... 4, 8. Gas expansion and power cycle. (.:H 9. Power . cycle contln- ues. (Third Chamber begins intake cycle.) -_ . 10.xpanded gases .have reached 'maxi- mum volume and . begin exhaust. _ , 11. Burned gases dis- charge through port. . " -\im(449.: ' 12. Exhaust cycle nears end. An cycles are, then repeated on this rotor face. . between 60,000 and 100,000 miles. As the rotary state-of- the-art is perfected, that life should be* extended. After you'vejoined the ro- tary club you'll be pleasantly • '1 IT'S. COMING That is what Toyota has in store for you! A 6 CYLINDER ENGINE FULLY POWER EQUIPPED IF YOU ARE IN THE MARKET FOR AN INTERMEDIATE SIZED ,rs'CAR (BE/kUMONT—VALIANT—CHEVELLE—HORNET) !RI'CKLAND TOYOTA 334 HURON ROAD, GOD011C.i 52,4-9381' Gualyd against wiflter driving dangers f y with our complete CAR CARE SERVICES surprised to learn that for all its differences, the rotary still uses the same carburetor, wiring, tubing, alternator, ig- nition system, etc. as the pis- ton engine. The same tools are used to take it apart and put it back together again. And there's no problem of .. having to re-educate an en- tire service and supply force. Any competent mechanic should be able to service' the rotaryaftera week or two of instruction. ENGINE We'll check condition • and adjustment of • . ignition and carbure- tar systems, and tune if necessary. BATTERY We'll check for full power and see that water is at the proper level. COOLING SYSTEM We'll check antifreep,.,,,,ti.,- protection, make sure it is at proper level and that the cap, hoses and connections are tight. LIGHTS We'll make sure all lights are burning - properly and correctly aimed. WIPERS We'll check arm and blade condition and windshield washer tank fluid level. TIRES We'II check pressure, tread and general condition. BRAKES' We'll check fluid level, linings, cylinders, adjustment. LUBRICATION We'll check engine transmission and power steering oil. Lubricate ,chassis, change oil and filter if needed. POLLUTION CONTROL EXHAUST We'll check muffler, tailpipe and mans. fold for dangerous exhaust leaks. We'll check and service your car's carburetor, rings and valves, filters and - emission control devices to help reduce the pollutants it spews into our air. SYSTEM - Jim :Hayter GH'EV.-OLDS 74 KINGSTON STREET GODERICH 524-7314 M.