HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-11-09, Page 20E)141k GODERICH SIGNAL.STAII, THURS A K:ingsil.ridg. .opers '�ryy. yV� R }y�qr. .��y(ER a^a p ^ Q EM8 ' 4 Kingsbridge ladies attend- seminar Mrs. John Howard and Mrs, floe Courtney , attended the Gcaderieh Signal Star's, second annual seminar for correspon- dents, press. reporters and per- ' so[is rnt"erestectin creating better public . relations . held in, • the small_ dining room '.at the Bed- ford, Hdtel on Thursday, Nclvember 2, - The guest speaker, Barry Wenger, editor and publisher of the Wingham Advance Times held. his audience as he told them that correspondents per- formed 'a needed service for the community. The place you write about would- not he there imle,4,4 you keep it in the NEWS. Keep up the good work, write regtilarty. Don't let it happen to your town as what has hap- pened recently to Galt and H'• espeter!t Jim Fitzgerald of the Clinton. News Record and Mrs. Shirley Keller and Ron Shaw of the Goderich 'Signal Star spoke briefly about the newspaper business. Sandwiches and coffee were served and an interesting after- noon was brought to a close by a tour of the Signal Star led by Ron Shaw. Miss Helen Courtney. honoredhere recently St. Joseph's Parish Hall was packed on Thursday, November 2 to honour Miss Helen Court- ney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Courtney of Goderich, for- merly of Kingsbridge on her ap- proaching marriage to Max Riegling. The program was chaired by Miss Anita Hogan. Marianne ' Frayne and Kathy O'Keefe favoured, with two numbers. Scotch dancing by Sheila Sin - nett and Cheryl MacLennan was enjoyed. Mrs. Raymond Leddv, aunt of the bride -elect, read two poems, one of which she had composed herself in honour of Helen. "Helen's Courtship" which was composed by the Hogan girls was sung by the Youth. An address was read. Sharron (Mrs. "Percy McClenaghan) and Ursula Courtney helped their sister open the many lovely and useful gifts. Woman's grandchild still in shock after mishap Mrs. Gerritt Logtenberg, Sr. received, the tragic news that her sixteen year old granddaughter, JoAnne Vellenga of Mosslev, Ontario, had'both her legs taken off just below the knees. While helping to fill the pit silo with corn, JoAnne slipped and was caughtin -the power takeoff. She was rushed to Vic- toria Hospital in London where two operations were performed and fourteen pints ,of blood given to save her.life. At time of writing, JoAnne is, still in •a semi-conscious condition and is suffering from shock. Lady home again after hospital stay Mrs. Herman Lambertus was taken to the Goderich Alexan- dra and Marine Hospital on Monday by ambulance. She wat able to return to the home of her daughter, Irene, Mrs. Dennis Dalton on Thursday. Visitors with their mother •and sister on Sunday we're Mrs. Edwin (Loretta) Meyers and Edwin and Mrs. Lyal (Theresa) Lan nan of London. SPECIAL JUST IN COTTON TACE —IN TWO PATTERNS — NATURAL COLOUR — 54" WIDE — SUITABLE FOR , DRAPES - — TABLECLOTHS — BEDSPREADS This fabric is Washable AND AVAILABLE AT THE LOW PRICE OF $ 1 .2 5 per yard "ALSO" JUST IMPORTED FROM BRITAIN Rubber back Carpet FOR --BEDROOMS - RECREATION ROOMS 'AVO -TONE BROWN AND GOLD ONLY 6.95 PER EO. YD. �tARTHUR t� REILLY Wiltlit STS 524402 GOD' Mrs. Bernadine Kinney of Detroit is spending a few days at her home here. Friends who called to visit were Mr. and Mrs. Ken Schmidt (Marlene O'Reilly) of Ingersoll and Mrs. Bill Hutchins (Pat O'Reilly)' of Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Gerritt Logten- berg spent the weekend visiting relatives 'in Acton Mr. and Mrs. Jack Van Osch and Mr. and Mrs. Toni Peters- Gaggel of Goderich, visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. John VanOsch and family of Waterloo. Mr.• and Mrs. John Shear - down attended the wedding of John's sister, Penny, to Don Bricker of Goderich on Satur- day, November 4. Friends atten- ded the receiption held. at Salt - ford Valley Hall the same evening. Portable .classes dedicated Interested parents, friends and children attended the blessing and ribbon cutting ceremonies 'held in the new por-, table classroom at St. Joseph's school on Wednesday, Novem>•• her 1, Oscar" Keiffer, representative of the Huron -Perth Separate School Board cut the ribbon to declare the new porsable "Open". Teachers Miss Nancy An- derson, Mrs. Paul Eedy and Principal Clem Steffler ex- plained the "Reading" program being followed at the school. First the children .are taught to "listen" then to "read" and "write". Lunch was served. Babies. welcomed Congratulations to Mr. and ,Mrs. Dirk Logtenberg on the birth of a daughter at the Goderich Hospital on Thursday, Octofier Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. Frank Miltenburg on the birth of a daughter in Welland On October 20. , Tiger Dunlap BY CATHY MacPHEE 6 The eighth meeting of the - Tiger Dunlop Dinnerbelles was held November t3 at Carlow Hall 'The next meeting will be held November 1:3 at Carlow Hall It will bet -buffet supper. The girls are inviting the ladies from the TigerDunlop Women's In- stitute. - Marie Willis opened the meeting with the .pledge and af- ter this the minutes were read by Norrine Brindley. Members were then give num- bers and 1-6 did pizzas 7.12 did the cheese fondue and 13-18 set the table for the fondue and pizzas. After the fondue and pizzas were finished, everybody ate with a good appetite. Brenda Pollock closed the Meeting with the creed. Guide News FIRST GODERICH w"GIRL GUIDES The First Goderich Girl Guides have had a lot of help lately and we would like -to thank everyone who has con-. tributed their time and effort on our behalf. The .first people on our fist are two members of our Fire Depar- tment, Chief Bissett and Mr. S.owerby, whoa came' and spoke to us about fire prevention; how to use the different types of fire extinguishers; fiYe hazards in the home and many other very interesting and important sub- jects. The Guides listened well and were all very successful on a small written examination. Bill Coughlin, from the Sifto Alt Mine, brought real dynamite and detonators to show the Guides and had everyone's full attention as he explained just how dangerous these things can be if handled incorrectly. 'He advised anyone finding either of these items to leave them alone and call on someone trained to handle them to take: care of disposing of them. Fire Brigade badges were awarded to Sheila O'Brien, Carolyn Little, • Marlene McDougall, Marion Melick,. Paula Butler, Kim " Brady, Heather Brander, Marie Bolton and Nancy Bird. There will be more of these earned in the next week or so as more girls finish the badge requirements. Mrs. Dowds,,- a teacher ,at Robertson School, carne and tested • the Guides for their Athlete- badges. The successful girls were: Marion Melick, Sheila Vance, Carolyn Little, Heather' Brander, Kim Brady, Paula Butler, Patty McCreight, Sheila O'Brien, Patricia Scaman, Susan C.incher, Donelda Smith, &Melanie Johnston, Marlene McDougall and Nancy Bird. Any girl who had a particular difficulty and was not successful will have time to practise and will then get another chance! Mrs. Dowds has said she'll come back in three weeks to teach and test the girls for their Keep Fit badges. Susan Fincher and Patricia Scaman were the first girls in our Company to earn an Em- blem. We were very proud to award the Little House Emblem to them recently. The girls had to earn any four of the following badges to reach their goal. Childcare, Cook, Homemaker, Hostess, Laundress or 'Seam- stress. - ' Some of our Guides have ear- ned their First Aid, Emergency Helper, Home Nurse and Fire Brigade .badges and are now proudly wearing their B.P. (Be Prepared) Emblems. They are Sheila O'Brien, Marion Melick, Paula Butler, Kim Brady and Heather Brander. We would like tip welcome Tracy Nelson, Kathy Shear - down, Barbara Vandewetering, and Kathy MacDonald who recently flew up from Brownies and joined 'our Company. f' ,?1►fiEVENT FOREST FIRES treasurer would have councils reconsider decision on Erie resol ution�• • An -interesting letter was "received by Ugderieh 'Town Council last week from the of- fice of the lion. •C. MacNaughton, The Treasurer of Ontario.. The correspondence acknowledged the support Council gave for the Erie Economic Council's` °resolution requesting the 'government to continue financial support for the development councils. Mr. MacNaughton"s letter urged Council. to reconsider that decision in the light of 'new organization proposed by gover- nment. The matter was referred to the Administrative Commit; tee of Council. The letter states: "While I can 'understand your council's position, I would request its consideration of the • new org•a_nization we Y are • •developing for municipal con- sultation in the refinement of our regional planning process. "Certainly, I want to acknowledge the invaluable contribution that the regional development councils have made in analyzing the problems and opportunities for economic growth in each ' o the -ten regions. - "As your council will' know, however, we are now. .moving intct the second _.phase_ of the program which involves recommendations towards policy and priorities for each region .and the various cymmunities in it. For this process, . -we feel we must encourage more direct involvement by the elected representatives of the municipalities, rather than an advisory group of municipal. appointees and others who may not necessarily ' be directly responsible to the people of the community, • "This move towards a 'more direct relationship with municipal government fol'lows our' commitment, _to cjievelop a working relationship with our municipal partners. ''This point is emphasized in ` I psign for Development: Phase O. -Air -61r' which I quote:. "As we e it, the cities, counties and f ions of Ontario will be the mob'" " impor- tant bodies in the lr plemen- Conestoga students hope to make documentar s#4 i on lost public hanging While Huron County Council and Goderich Town Council continue to negotiate concerning the fate of the former Huron County Jail; ' the, Radio artaTelevision Arts Course .at Conestoga College of . Applied Arts and Technology, noon Centre, is showing a great deal of interest in the premises. A letter addressed to the Town Clerk of Goderich, but ob- viously intended for the Clerk Treasurer of the County of Huron, passed through council meeting last Thursday evening; here. It shows that students at Conestoga have received per- mission to produce a television documentary on the last public hanging in Canada. The letter specifically requested permission to use the actual jail location for produc- tion of the film. The students plan a "re-enactment of the execution of Nicholas Mallady Jr. an December 7, 1869". "The social and ir'litstorical significance of this i' ` ory is necessary :and perp ent to today's capital put)Yshmnet issue, the letter 'sta`..4d. "We feel that exploratio44 of the characters and event; in this Canadian and historic'ai •drama would be of considerable in- terest to Canadians." ;,l. The letter noted thf tion date is set for earl; her. produc- r Decem- ALWAYS READY TO HELP IFCCT. Ti lUJ Cc,H PCRrn * A new European discovery that changes every permanent concept._ * One 'formula for all types of hair (except ° double processed)., * Perfect hair condition every time. * Never fear of over -processing. * Totally new acid Ph. formula. * Little, or no swelling during perm damage as in high alkaline lotions. * Equal curl pattern from scalp to ends. With .the introduction of this new European Perm we are offering. or Specials on ALL Perms NOVEMBER WiGS We have a wide variety of wigs available now. For further information ¢, �..,: �;ta ` Call - 524-9337 LORI LYN BEAUTY SALON (Pleasing you -Pleases us) 74 HAMILTON 8T. GODERICH 524.9337 Cationof regional planning and development for the province. This will mean consultation in the preparation and implemen- tation of the regional -develop- ment, program with about 70 regional governments, districts, separated cities and toWns and counties, rather than the then groups now within the present regions," "As I suggest, I hope your council will give us an oppor- tunity to develop this municipal„ relationship to assist us with the refinement- of the regional plan- ning program for Ontario." The resolution which Goderich Council approved was as follows: "Whereas: The Government of Ontario will cease financial assistance to the Erie Economic Council and the nine other • " Councils that cover the entire Province of Ontario as of January lst,1973. '.`THEREFORE •BE... I`T' RESOLVED: THAT the Gover- nment of Ontario is requested by the Erie Economic Council to continue to pay the annual grant of $34,000 a year to each of the ten ,Economic Develop- ''ment Councils for the purpose of "citizen participation" on a spatial basis, iri each of the ten sub -provincial areas, provided that at least $10,000 is raised locally by each of .the ten Coun- cils., _ "And to continue to enact Bill 89 Jr the 4th Session, 27th Legislature Ontario, 1966 - An Apt -Respecting - Regional Development Councils. "Also, the Erie Economic Council expresses its deep concern: "THAT the Ontario Govern- ment, by ceasing to pay the an- nual grant '(as it has over the years =- in one case 19 years) is cutting itself off from advise and "feedback"- on a sob -provincial spatial basis that money cannot buy; from a group of concerned citizens, 'working together, on a voluntary basis for orderly growth of the Province in the ten sub -provincial areas, and representing all sectors of society of the entire- geographic area of Ontario, both private and public; rural and urban, educators and students,. "11 -IAT this new policy of the • Ontario. Government of ceasing to' pay an annual grant, as of January lst,1973 is' not in the interest` of "participatory__ democracy' . as Many citizens of Ontario will not longer have the opportunity to participate in meetings, seminars .and con- ferences on a large spatial basis, a,s organized by the ten Economic Development Coun- oils; or to receive the compiled - information on, their respective areas, that has helped to in- crease the awareness of the in- dividual, enabling . all citizens 1 regardless of their occupation, role -or location, 'to rnake,Wi`se- decisians regarding orderly growth of their respective com- munities; incancert with Provin- cial Development; realizing "mobility has changed their 'q living space". RED CROSS BLOOD CLINIC WED., NOV. 1 5th Advertisement Published By - Dearborn Steel Tubing Mfg. Company (Canada) Ltd. v. mum emsa miin This Year ATTEND THE Rotar Ball FORMAL This year, attend the Rotary Ball in the latest formal fashion: You- can IpIck - out° the style you desire and we will have you looking like it was tailored for you even though it's just rented. Or - dee Now. Inquire TODAY. FORMAL RENTALS Earl Rawson Style Shop . FROM... Corner The Square and Montreal St. Ead Rawson & Bob Swartman rNoFormal TARY BALL vsm.r 18 SHOPPE GODERICH OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9'`P.M. f h 4 4'