HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-11-09, Page 18PAUc 0 RICR SIGN AL -STAR, THURSDAY. NOVFML3:FR 9, On Guest were welcomed to the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Johnstone, on November 4 on, the occasion of the 22nd Anniversary of. "The Helping pHands Club". A banquet had been prepared for this event. Later a business meeting was held, ,and much interest was —.8hown,tias. 11 xs. . ,Baechler -see- treas. read the report of the nniniates, and Mrs. Johnstone press, gave the highlights of the years work. Cash donations for the "adult workshop", the Scott Mission, crippled childrens Overseas Missionary Service., 900 deeds of kindness, 678 visitations. A spiritual portion of the meeting preceded the business, in .• which all took part. Mrs. Baechler gave the Scripture, Mrs. N. Fitzsimons, "The Soldiers prayer", a reading, "Not by bread alone", and sprayer, Mrs. Johnstone, "I'm in His Plan" Mrs. Charles Stokes. -wonder if -Christ had•alittle wise dog", by Mrs. Rose Hill ' and after, "salad" tips were given by Mrs. H.F. Carroll. During the year $10.0( donation was presented to the Club to assist in their work, and another surprise $6.00 donation was very gratefully received at the meeting. The theme song was sung by all. A social time. was spent with contest winners as follows;- Mrs, Carroll, Mrs. Johnstone, Mrs, Stokes; Mrs. Baechler: Mrs. Johnstone and Mrs. Hill. Those who had to leave early were given .consolation prizes. Winner of he oor-ori a waa Brian l+ itx simons. Mrs. Johnstone then demon- strated a Party , plate which later was served for lu. Five silver trophies won by this lady in her finest effort this summer, three of which she will keep permanently, were much admired. The birthday candles on the cake were blown out by Mrs. Rose Hill, and the guests sang "Happy Birthday" Mrs. Hill given the honour of cutting the cake- Before the departure of the guests, Mrs. Johnstone presen- ., led..,,the-gi;ft..:.i ':cash, ,to—Ars.. Carroll to assist in her work. With arms full of Chrysan- themums, all united in the singing of "Abide with me. - The following -day, Mrs. John- stone was pleasantly surprised with a lovely gift in remem- brance' of this special event. l'1 Nile parishoners attend A large crowd attended a get together at Dungannon United. Ctm,r•h on Sunday, evenings Re., Fry of Aubarn Jed the roll call and it was answered by, Ben - miller, Victoria St. Goderich, Auburn, Donnybrook, Trinity, St. Helens, Nile ° and 'Dungan- non. The meeting opened with,Bev. Leonard Warr leading a sing- song. Mrs. Warr played the piano. Rev. Hummel of Trinity Church led in prayer after which he read scripture from the tenth chapter, of Mark. Rev. Hummel then gave a talk and told about when he and his wife had visited England. :They went to see some _,Qatheclrals, a,nd-Churches : and.. described, how badly they were in need of repair. Some of them would be from 400 to 1000 years old. Same of the monuments were really beautiful, they stood so tall and big which showed the belief the men bad when they' built them. A musical selection by the Drennan family . "Put' Your u -_Hand _.in:-the:,.J andthe--One- You Love." Explorers' of Vic- toria St. Goderich had a little skit. Musical selection by the Errington family of Dungannon: "I've Got a Mansion" and "We are one in the Spirit". Rev. McClenaghan troduced a, panel. made .up of four people on the church sessions: Mrs. Argyle , of Goderich, Mr. Haines of Auburn, Mr. Alton of Trinity Church and Mr. K.K. Dawson of Dungannon. Mr. Haines, said the church is alive and well. He thought so many tithes the Ministers are loaded with so much to do 44 the visiting that It should be up to the session to help out. Mrs. Argyle gave an outline et' what the U.C.W. and ways they have of raising money• for the church and how they help the different organizationswith can- vassing. Auburn andDistrict By Mrs.. Wes Bradnock 4 • uron Presferiabyt Meeting held 'wfih medical • missionary .present The fall meeting of, the Huron Presbyterial Women's Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church in Canada was held last week at Carmel ° Presbyterial Church, Hensall. President Mrs. John Pollock of Goderich was in charge of the meeting and opened with Psalm 103. Prayer was offered by Mrs. Pollock. The minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read by Mrs. John Soldan, Hensall, in the absence of the secretary. The financial • statement was given by the treasurer. Mrs. Ar- nold McConnell, Goderich. Reports were received and the nominating committee will be Goderich with Mrs. A. Enwright as convener, .January 10, 1973 was set for the annual meeting which will be .held in Goderich. Social items Mrs. Gordon Taylor spent the weekend at Ailsa Craig visiting her sister, Mrs. Luther Morley and. Mr. Morley. Miss Diane. Kirkconnell. of London spent the weekend with' her parents, Mr. and Mrs. An- drew Kirkconnell. Mrs. James Jackson visited last week with- Mrs. Harold Sprung at Atwood. GeorgeMr. Walker of Bel raveMrs. v it gr relatives and friends in the village last Friday. Friends in this district are happy to hear of a promotion for Rev. Robert Meally now of Ireland but formerly rector at the parish of Auburn, Blyth and Belgrave. Rev. Mr. Meally has been made governor of the Royal school of Cavan which is a church secondary school foun- ded in 1611 and has also been ORDER Your FAMILY RINGS PENDANTS BROACHES NOWJ FROM SHORE GIFTS 58. THE SQUARE 524-9241 The devotionV period was in charge of the W.M:S: at Seaforth Mrs. R. Waddell read the scripture lesson from Phillipians, 4th chapter and gave meditation on same. Mrs. W. R. Kerslake closed with prayer. Mrs. Pollock introduced the guest speaker, Miss Ida White,. medical missionary from India. Made a member of the Diocesan Council which runs the affairs of the Diocese and also,, member of the Missionary a Council of the • Church of England. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Strong of t! Windsor spent theweekend with 6t Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arthur l and Miss Jayne Arthur. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirk- connell attended the graduation of their -granddaughter, -Miss Faye Blake of Brussels at Seaforth last Friday evening, from Grade 13. •Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Holtby of -Belmont and Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Monck of London visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Davies. • Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirk- connell visited on Sunday with thier daughter Mrs: Louis Blake, Mr. Blake and daughters.. The occasion was an 18th birthday party for Miss Mary Anne Blake. BY SUSAN BOYCE At the fifth meeting, the girls talked about Achievementifi►'Day on December' 9. The girls made Western sand- wiches and were given handout sheets to do.. GIVE... so more will live HEART FUND RED CROSS BLOOD CLINIC WED., NON% 1 5th Advrtrtixenief p`ubiYhed.By DIyNAiAR CHEMICALS LTD. Sot ititrrNw Evaporator Plant She gave an interesting account • . of her work among the Indian people. Mrs. Enwright thanked her for her inspiring message. A duet was sung by Mrs. W. Dougal and Mrs. Harold Bell of Hensall accompanied on the • piano by Mrs. Ed Munn. The of- fering was received. by Mrs. M. Dunbar and Mrs. G. Nicolson of Belgrave and dedicated.' Now you can own a Polaroid instant picture camera for less thans 14.0- !ME.- Alton spoke on their Sun - ,.day School and choirs. The -church is alive: Mr. Dawson said Stewardship means more than just money although money is definitely needed.. Stewardship has a large outreach but that the church is included. Mrs. Allan Webster, Lorraine "Chatnney and Doris Naylor led a couple of songs. Mr. Warr 'led. 2 or 3 more songs after which the group Went downstairs to see crafts and displays by C.G,I,T. girls., Explorer girls, Cubs, U.C.W. Junior Farmer Groups. Mrs. McClenaghan showed a few slides on India, Natal'and others, Also our own Canadian ladtams!-ar,Saugeen where she and Rev. McClenaghan had worked -for sometime. Socials Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dale of Owen Sound were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnston and family over the weekend. Mr. Orville Riley was taken to Goderich Hospital last week. Church Service on Sunday will be at 1:30 p.m. and Sunday School will be 12:30. Mrs. Thomas Laurence is home from the hospital but • returns next week' for, surgery. Mr. Leger.�Ca,za had sur ery in Victoria Hospital, London and is progressing quite fa'vuurably. 1 ani for Vanastra mays - aid fitness Prompted by Canada's pyr- forinance at Olympics '72 and the country's reactions to the Canada -Russia International Hockey Series, the ---Federal Government is more concerned on this subject of _ Keeping -Fit than, in the past. •Why have we fallen into this situation? Some say our en- vironment rules out year round training, while others claitn that we are a poor class of amateurs because the organizations plan- ning our destiny are very amateur 'in their approach. TRUE OR NOT? Our four seasons do Hamper efforts for year round, training in track and Goderich police at work The Goderich. Municipal Police force investigated only one accident involving any serious damage during the past week. It occurred when Allan • Charles Kerr of R.R.. 2 Harriston lost control of his vehicle on the Highway 21 over- pass at the north end of the municipality and crashed into a light standard. Mr. Kerr excaped, injury but his car suffered $800 and the light an additional $350 damage according to police. Mr. Kerr ex- plained to the police that he had been travelling around the curve at . high rate,.of „speed to .test:.. his tires. The accident occurred at about 1:40 a.m. on November 1. For Your INSURANCE neo -or qll MacEwan MacEwafl 44 North St.,-- 524-9531 Donald G. MacEwan Peter S. MacEwen i0 ZIP Now everyone can -afford the fun and excitement of pictures in seconds with,Polaroid's new Zip camera. Although low in price, Zip has many great features like a fast shutter speed to stop any action, a built-in exposure control that says "Yes" when the exposur4'is perfect, a built-in flash; and it uses fast loading black and white pack film. Come in and try the new Zip, it's the camera that makes instant photography more exciting than ever'. '13." SQUARE SHOOTER 2., Polaroid introduces a 60 second camera to bring everyone the Good Times. You get instant color pic- tures for about.the same price as those you wait days to see from the film factory. ft has an electric eye and electronic shutter for auto- matic exposure control. A triplet lens for sharp clear pictures, fast loading pack film and an easy to use distancefinder. And best of all it gives you beautiful color pictures in 60 seconds. FREE .-_D.EMONSTRATION Come in and let us show you the complete line of Polaroid Cameras, and ws'll take a picture of You— FREE "Polaroid"is the registered trademark of Polaroid Corporation, Cambridge, Mass. U.S.A. $30.." .- MODEL 420 Polaroid's most inexpensive 400 Series camera that has many of the features of the most expensive models, including the revolutionary new Focused Flash. Now you can take perfectly exposed flash -pic- tures, with soft flattering light for close-ups and full power flash for 10 foot distance shots. It uses the new Hi -Power cubes which are more than twice as powerful as standard flashcubes. ti '63." TYPE 108 $499 • TYPE 107 $2 • TYPE 88 $419 • TYPE 87 '219 • CAMi BELL'S 188 the &quay* Phone 8247532 FOR EVERYTHING YOU NEED IN PHOTOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT, SS -C -NO. 4 d sora ayacs arc x vita coat rdocsu c ac c a+c r reu! c it arc amssiV c tc 14 t field, hockey, and whatever olympic sports are played out- side in good weather. Facilities are very limited in ma Canadian communities. In the Huron -Perth com- jnun r,-_ a Teachers' -_•-Keep. Fit Program has been introduced at the • Stratford YM-YWgA in Stratford. Many teachers would be •interested but the long to and from Stratford, is a deters ent. No indoor pool exists in Huron County to cater to the needs. In Stratford, Garry Kaye, Program Director at the YM - YWCA has on the swimming staff a Debbie Bassett and Mike Kelly, who are doing wonders with the school children taking swimming lessons. For the • Facilities: skating arena, curling rink, main gyre floor, eight (8) bowling ,alleys, weightlifting y room, sport stores, swimming pool, indoor rifle range, tennis courts and sports fields. �ldditiana.l w. rf t•u-res of .. recreational, facilities are ideal for training coaches to Olympic - standards and many buildings are available• for the provisions of craft training including a theatre for drama or other cultural pursuits. When this sports' complex becomes' 'available, Huron may too look into the, possibilities of teachers using the many features. teachers, Ken Hanson has shown on two occasions his ability to organize his team of instructors with, our contribution of instructors; Miss Mary Sills; from St. Boniface School, Zurich, Andy Anderson, from , Stratford Teachers' College, and Joseph Blythe, from St. Patrick's School, Kinkora, who are all pioneer instructors in this new Teachers' Keep • Fit . . Project introduced into the system October 24 in Stratford. Wintry weather results in poor driving conditions which will affect this new venture during the coming months. Another project which was initiated last June' • became a reality when • many officials arrived from Toronto to tour the facilities at Clinton on Tuesday, dctober 24.9They are ;seriously considering' reactivating this sports complex. The Federal Government will spend fifty (50) million to prepare for Olympics '76, They realize that Clinton offers some answers to the paramount problem- of lack of facilities. t: The former Canadian Forces Base h Clinton now called Vanastra has the following Sports and Recreation Training MIMI OEM OMER "IMO S. 94Alz• 1. Leave this Handy List Where Santa can find it N Height Blouse Weight Sweater Coat Shoes Cloves Slacks Slip Bra Hose :... .. Robe Shirt Panties Dress "..teti ureas 'D usitak. Use Our FREE 'M Layaway Plan SCHAEFER'S LADIES WEAR LIMITED THE SQUARE L: i 1.74,E1: FREEZER714.0 I.Ea UPAIGH1 rn Id ifrez MADE IN CANADA y;. owl .-- y • Now a new 'apartment size' upright freezer from Gilson. This is the one many have been waiting for ... its size is perfect' for apartments, cottages or those small spaces in homes that are • ideally suited to a food freezer. And it's upright too — no stooping and you see everything right in front of you for more convenient food storage and selec- tion. And the new Gilson Upright Midifrez has that 'extra,capacity' 'Thin Wall design'. . Here are just a few of the features: • modular spacesaver • totally shelf refrigerated • Gilson's fast 'flash' freeze • 3 wide, deep shelves • loads of door -shelf storage capacity • 10.3 cubic feet interiovapacity • 360 Ib. food storage capacity and there's lots more. Noyv, there's a Gilson quality freezer for every use, upright and chest models in All sizes to meet any requirement for space, capacity or convenience. Available in con- ventional white, avocado or harvest gold, HUTCmNSO AFPLIANCESSJelLES &SERVICE 308 HUpON HD. 524.7831 • a.,, M sr 4 40 rs 0 v M